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S05.E04: Livin' La Vida Housewife

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Brandi's producers told her to keep her Podcast family friendly so she goes after Kyle and her relationship with her family: http://www.allabouttrh.com/brandi-glanville-bashes-kyle-richards-podcast/  Kyle seems very devoted to her husband and children, nieces and nephews and for the most part she and Kim seem to get along. 


This is what Brandi does when she is not getting enough attention in the press she goes after another cast member.  She has pretty much warn out her war with LeAnn and Eddie. She did it last year to Lisa.  I do think it is funny that Brandi accuses Kyle of being all about money and fame-did she watch last night's episode?  Seems to me Brandi spent a significant amount of time talking about her quest for wealth and fame. 


This is what Kyle had to say about Brandi prior to Brandi's blast:  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kyle-richards-on-castmate-brandi-glanville-i-dont-ever-see-us-being-2014312  I don't see anything terribly defamatory in Kyle's comments.


I so wish the producers would allow Brandi to move on.  Let her go on Andy's how all she wants bur keep her off RHOBH.

I think the upcoming fight between Kyle and Kim is the catalyst of Brandi saying shit about how Kyle treats her family. I wonder how long Kim will stand by Brandi's side, the Richardson blood is far thicker than Brandi's friendship/support to Kim. Brandi is rapidly approaching the fatale "no one to film with" kiss of death on the show.


Thank you.  Thought I saw it as such.  Although Fifi on Rodeo fits better, unless it's NOT on Rodeo.


I'm a dog lover like nobody's business, but I seriously HATE the way Lisa and Ken treat Giggy.   Yeah, he has the posh life, yada yada yada.  But they never just let him BE A DOG.   I fast forwarded them putting outfits on him.   Just annoying as all hell.  I don't understand those with small dogs treating them like human children.


On the other hand I loved watching Kyle's dogs while they were packing.   Did I see the Golden Retriever take Portia's neck rest thingy and proceed to make it his/her toy rolling on the floor with it ?  LOL  That was super cute.    Guess I'm just of a large dog owner mentality.   (See avatar.)


Brandi is the dumbest woman on the planet.


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OFGOD, no more "going away to college" sob stories.   GAH!

Giggy suffers from Alopecia and must wear clothes to cover his mostly hairless body. In the sun, he will get a bad/dangerous sunburn and inside, an air conditioned home is too cold for him. That said, more sedate clothes would be better looking for him but I think they play it up for the show and the Alopecia Foundation, which they are big supporters of. There have been many scenes showing Giggy walking around on his own but when they take him out in public, he is always held.  


We have 2 dogs, 1 is a 150 lb. Newf, the other is a 9 lb. Malt that lost all his hair as a puppy and we had to keep him dressed at all times. His clothes were T-shirt style but he had to be kept covered, thankfully, all of his hair did grow back.

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I love reading recaps of this show, and one of the sites that I love to check out - mainly because they are usually done the same night as the show and are hilariously mean are the ones on a site called Trash Talk Television. This one was great if only because it reminded me of a sitcom that Kyle worked on as a teenager. I totally forgot about Down to Earth and the recap brought it roaring back into my mind. Anyway, if you like recaps of the episodes, check them out. Here is the latest one.

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Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!

Yolanda has done her work in maintaining her amazing body, but her calves are starting to look like old lady calves. (heh)

Although I think Kyle has healthy, shiny hair, I never gave a single thought to it's aroma. (just sayin) At one time I thought I liked her, then thought again 'nah, I don't'.

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Yolanda does look amazing in the near buff.  And thank you, Umanskys, for taking us to Majorca and onto that beautiful yacht.  Watching Kyle drinking her morning coffee, waiting for her children to wake up, made me green with envy.  A very nice life indeed. 

Edited by copacabana
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but her calves are starting to look like old lady calves.



Can lipo be done on cankles?  Well, if it can, Yo will be lookin' for it.  Me thinks da king is gettin' itchy & ready to trade in for a younger wifey.


Anyway, if you like recaps of the episodes, check them out. Here is the latest one.



That's a good one, but my fav is Brian Moylan-



Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!

It's interesting, I don't really see Kyle as a phony. I can't really describe how I feel about her. Like I said in an earlier post, I get a "Slums of Beverly Hills" vibe from that whole family. So, I think the talking about material things in that "I truly hope this comes across as humble" is her actually being herself based on the way I imagine she grew up - I haven't read House of Hilton yet, this is just based on  what I have read about her and Kim and what I see on the show. 


I think that Kyle and Kim grew up on the outskirts of wealth and so they were always aware of how important money is, but were also aware of how important it was that the pretended they didn't notice. They weren't going to snag wealthy husbands by appearing to be infatuated with wealth, so pretending that it was just something that was most likely became second nature to them.


My only real issue with Kyle was the reason she outed Kim's alcoholism - I brought this up in the Kyle thread. You don't do something like that out of anger or to win an argument - unless you are Brandi. It was a really low blow and it has tainted my perception of her ever since. But, I for one can't imagine the show without her and Lisa on it. Even if they lie to me and pretend to be the bestest besties who ever bested, I will lap it up because I don't want to watch this franchise without them. Plus, Kyle is a really easy snark target. I can make fun of her without ever going to a dark or nasty place the way I have been tempted to with Brandi.


I hate going to the dark places in snark because it always makes me feel too invested and that maybe I need to take a hiatus from the show if only for my own sanity.




That's a good one, but my fav is Brian Moylan-




I read all of the Vulture recaps religiously. But, I've seen them linked here multiple times so I wanted to share another one that I enjoy. I usually start the day after the episode reading through recaps from both sites. I like that their tones and styles are so different but still just as enjoyable.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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I am not a car person at all, so forgive my ignorance...but what's so great about Brandi's new wheels? What is the make and why six figures? It looks like a plain SUV with fancy rims.

I'm a car person, have been ever since I learned how to drive at 14. That's a $100,000 Land Rover which of course any well-heeled person needs in the wilds of Africa. You never know when you'll have to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

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It's interesting, I don't really see Kyle as a phony.



I kinda see your point.  It's similar to how Holly Golightly's agent described her in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  If she really believes all the phony crap she babbles about, does it in fact make her a phony baloney -- or not?  Well, yeah, I think it still does, when it comes to Kyle.  She's just so used to being immersed in da land of phony baloneys since she was a child she doesn't know how to be any other way.  Does that make it wrong?  Not necessarily.  Dat's just who she is.  


Majorca, Majorca, Majorca, bragging, bragging, bragging -- she's not doing anything differently than what her neighbors probably do -- or even what Yo & da Pump regularly do.  And yet when Kyle does it she still seems like a big ole phony to me.  Maybe cuz she has to mention being "poor" & having struggled, with the bragging she always seems to throw at us now.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I also like her husband Vince Van Patten.



I'm not sure what to make of Vince.  Haven't seen enough of him.  Got a douchey vibe tho.  Sheesh, he's really not caring much bout his looks these days, eh?  Guess he's given up on haircuts, working out & decent clothes -- or even shoes?  OK, so Vince looks kinda shitty now, but it makes me wonder why.  Hmmm, give him a haircut, a few months with a trainer & some nice clothes, I bet he'd look great.  So why'd Vince let himself go & is Eileen steppin' out on him cuz he ain't the looker she married?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Did anyone else think it was weird when Yolanda lay down on top of Mauricio's back in her bikini saying 'sandwich' over and over? I mean, in her bikini?? I would not appreciate a friend doing this to my husband, nor would I do this to a friend's husband. It just looked so inappropriate to me, kind of like when she was holding Brandi's dad's hand and quite flirty and physical with him in front of his gf/wife. Does she know there are other ways to relate to men?

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I kinda see your point.  It's similar to how Holly Golightly's agent described her in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  If she really believes all the phony crap she babbles about, does it in fact make her a phony baloney -- or not?  Well, yeah, I think it still does, when it comes to Kyle.  She's just so used to being immersed in da land of phony baloneys since she was a child she doesn't know how to be any other way.  Does that make it wrong?  Not necessarily.  Dat's just who she is.  


Majorca, Majorca, Majorca, bragging, bragging, bragging -- she's not doing anything differently than what her neighbors probably do -- or even what Yo & da Pump regularly do.  And yet when Kyle does it she still seems like a big ole phony to me.  Maybe cuz she has to mention being "poor" & having struggled, with the bragging she always seems to throw at us now.

I was just about to edit my post to reference Holly Golightly! How funny!

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Regarding Eileen Davidson - I know she's only had a few scenes so far, so hard for me to judge how I feel about her yet. She seemed down to earth with the family bbq or whatever they were having. Time will tell. :) But I'm very familiar with her on soaps since my mom watched Y&R from day one, and until she died - over 35 years. The only thing I knew about her personal life was that she's married to Vince Van Patten. So when she said she'd been married 3 times, I was surprised and googled - all of her husbands were actors. First husband was Christopher Mayer who was on the Dukes of Hazzard one year when Tom Wopat and John Schneider sat out for more money. - Mayer passed away in 2011 at only 57. Second husband was Jon Lindstrom, another soap actor who was on General Hospital, As the World Turns and Port Charles. Interesting.


Another thought on last night's episode: I liked the dress Lisa R tried on in the boutique, and also the one she looked at that Lisa V told her was too bright or whatever. I like Lisa V but not everyone is obsessed with one color like she is for the most part. I like variety. And I really wish Lisa V would cut her hair shorter like Yolanda did, maybe not that short, but something different - I don't see that happening though!


Oh lawdy....


I kept waiting for someone else to bring it up but no one has so here's what always comes to my mind when I see Eileen Davidson:





Imagine being one of the most beautiful women in the world and having a rumor that you were once a man dog your steps for close to two decades...  


This rumor is at least 15 years old but whenever I see or hear anything about Eileen, it's the first thing that comes to my deviant mind.


I'd love to know who started that rumor.  Maybe someone who lost the part to Eileen or a jealous ex or something but, seriously, it was all the buzz a decade or so ago.


I'm waiting to see if it comes up in any way at all on this show.  


You know, like via Brandi..."So were you really born a man, Eileen?  Does Vince know?"  


It would be SO like Brandi to bring up this age-old rumor just to attempt to humiliate the newcomer.  

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Well, Brandi has most certainly not kept her mouth shut has she? Besides, I am not sure how wealthy LeeAnn is. Certainly not Julia Roberts wealthy.


LeeAnn is not a songwriter, and her career has  pretty much been in the toilet for years now. She started out as Country, then tried the switch over to pop but was never really succesful at that. Then, like many others who have turned their back on Country in favor of Pop, she discovered that when you do that, you are not welcomed back. Only a few really big stars, like Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (huge in their day) have ever pulled that off and even they suffered some in the short term.


Eddie was and is a D list actor on his own, so there was certainly no huge settlement coming there.   


Although I certainly agree with the stupid part. She has still been given opportunities far beyond what most women have, and she is too stupid to make the right financial decisions.  

No she hasn't kept her mouth shut and that was my point. I never said Eddie had any money of his own. LeeAnn had plenty of money 8 years ago or how ever long ago  Eddie left Brandi. I'm sure Brandi could have gotten a big settlement had she had a decent lawyer. 

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It would be SO like Brandi to bring up this age-old rumor just to attempt to humiliate the newcomer.



I could see her bringing it up.  But it's a ridiculous rumor.  Too stupid to even be insulting.  There was a similar rumor bout Donna Summer.  Both she & Eileen had natural born children, so it's utter nonsense.  I'm thinkin' Brandi is using Tamra as her role model.

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No she hasn't kept her mouth shut and that was my point. I never said Eddie had any money of his own. LeeAnn had plenty of money 8 years ago or how ever long ago  Eddie left Brandi. I'm sure Brandi could have gotten a big settlement had she had a decent lawyer. 

Not if it entailed keeping her mouth shut........


It's funny because I have hated LeAnn for years, since she sued her own father,  and I was one of many all too willing to accept and like Brandi. The poor deserted wife, how very sad.  I liked her at first. Convinced myself she was just naive and too honest and was being picked on. She actually played that well the first season.


Of course as time went on I saw the real Brandi. Then last year by the time LeAnn and Eddie's show started I was willing to jump to their camp. Except they are equally horrid.


Truth is the three of them truly deserve each other.  Sadly though, there are two innocent children stuck in the middle of that particular clusterfuck.  That always seems the way, unfortunately.

I could see her bringing it up.  But it's a ridiculous rumor.  Too stupid to even be insulting.  There was a similar rumor bout Donna Summer.  Both she & Eileen had natural born children, so it's utter nonsense.  I'm thinkin' Brandi is using Tamra as her role model.

I had never heard that particular rumor, but then I had to google Eileen Davidson to see what she looked like when it  was announced she was joining the show. However, according to that article, she is in her mid fifties?  

Did I read that right? Because "their" son looked pretty young and the woman does not look over 40 to me. 

Edited by chlban
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I really enjoyed the time the Lisas spent together. Their scenes made me think they'd be a lot of fun to hang out with (if I had their money). And while I don't like to compare, I thought their scenes were very different from Yolanda's and Kyle's. Maybe because Yo and Kyle aren't true friends yet and things were tentative? Yo seems so aggressive as a friend. Nothing is laid back with her. She knows everything about Europe and wants you to know it, too, and she is fearless and wants you to be fearless, too. That's okay in small doses, but you can't make everyone a different version of you. I definitely preferred the way Lisa and Lisa joked (though I thought making fun of the dress in front of the saleswoman was rude).


I didn't want to judge Yolanda either, but it's difficult not to comment on the brief amount of time she spent with her mother because she has started crying every time she talks about her mom. For me, the logical next question (not meanly) was why couldn't she spend more time with her mom? Was it the RH shooting schedule? Was she working on something in California or Spain? I suspect she was contractually obligated to meet Kyle in Spain, but it did Yo a disservice when she showed up, ready to sunbathe, talking about her vacation in Turkey, and then went into how unwell her mother is and how little time she has with her.


Portia is awful for a 6 year old. I hope that changes.


Brandi is awful, too. I don't see her sticking around for next season.


Eileens's definitely boring right now, but I'm looking forward to her interactions with the others.

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No she hasn't kept her mouth shut and that was my point. I never said Eddie had any money of his own. LeeAnn had plenty of money 8 years ago or how ever long ago Eddie left Brandi. I'm sure Brandi could have gotten a big settlement had she had a decent lawyer.

Why would Brandi be entitled to LeAnn's money?

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My grandma had a couch that looked like Kim's mother-of-the-bride dress.  Granny got rid of the couch 30 years ago, but Kim's still got the dress.  Is she really gonna wear dat?  Kathy, Kathy, wear are ya, hun?  We need ya here now.  Don't worry bout Paris.  She's busy cruising Beverly Hills High for a bf & getting her next Valtrex prescrip filled.

I guess I'm not seeing what others are in Kim's MOB dress. To me it looked like hand worked lace and I thought it was particularly lovely. I liked the texture of the oversized floral making it look more modern than mumsey.

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Right now I enjoy this non-shrieking, non-ugly American in an obviously lesser land show.  We'll see how long this lasts.


I understand the reason Kyle is fine with trying to make Portia a TV/movie actress.  Your opinions are based on what you know and how you've lived, and Kyle is obviously familiar with child actors.  I just don't think she is sophisticated enough to realize it's a different world now than it was 30 years ago, specifically all the media.  I wouldn't have a strong enough skin to withstand all the criticism directed towards my child.  I think part of being a good parent is shielding your child from unnecessary hurt, regardless if the child thinks she really wants it.


I know a lot of viewers are tired of all the leaving for college drama, but I do believe that these are authentic feelings.  Unfortunately only those who are experiencing it right this second can empathize with it.  If it hasn't happened to you, you just don't get it, and if you have experienced it you tend to forget the feelings pretty fast.  I think it's just bad timing that a lot of the kids are leaving for college at the same time.  But I do believe it is a big part of the ladies' lives right now and it's fair to show it.


I thought Kyle was quite gracious in regards to the Mother of the Bride dress.  She said she liked it, without real conviction.  Now that's how you do it Little Kathy.


I too didn't know that Eileen was married to Vince Van Patten.  I heard someone mention Van Patten in an earlier episode but I didn't know the reference, so like in many other areas of my life, I just glossed over it.  I love watching people I've heard about.  This is the reason I watch.  Harry Hamlin, Vince Van Patten, will Leif Garrett be showing up next?

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She did not say the following it is my guess. Sure it would be cheaper to lease a more modest car but she has a financial adviser so this decision was not made on her own.  There are reasons behind this.  Her PR person is probably helping her create a  "brand" and this may figure into that somehow.   Brand seems to be the buzz word these days for people wanting to make a mark in show bizz.

Brandi herself gave the reason for getting the Range Rover, and it had nothing to do with her "brand." Two reasons, in fact: to show off in front of her ex when she picks up her kids, and because a six-figure check deserves a six-figure car.

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So much has already been covered, but I did get a kick out of Yolanda calling her inner tube a bagel, and kept yelling how her bagel wasn't working while tubing with Kyle.

I lol when Kyle said "I think I peed in my bagel", while she laughed her head off.
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Of for fuck sake. Does Brandi sit up at night and try to think up excuses to give for why she cannot talk? Didn't she give a couple last season?

I am with the person who posted above that watching Brandi has become exhausting. I will admit this is new for me. I loved her during S2, got pissed at her in S3, and detested her in S4. During all of that I found her entirely watchable. I was always interested in what she might say or do. Those days are long gone.

I couldn't agree more. (Btw - hi!). Laser hair removal makes your face permanently numb? Um, no. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. The excuses she comes up with border on absurdity.

I also agree that watching Brandi is exhausting. My "trajectory" with her follows yours exactly. I've done a complete 180 with her. I think she really sticks out like a sore thumb with this cast, which makes me think her run might be over soon, but then again, Andy and TPTB seem to like her and think she's still popular, so....

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Haha--I remember way back when on TWOP, it seemed like everyone was posting that Brandi was a "breath of fresh air" and how "refreshing" she was on this show!


I understand when your first or your last leaves, but Kyle's daughter is not the first child to go away,  and she still has some at home.


Ahahhahaaa--"some." They're people she loves, not like…stamps or a carton of eggs or something. I agree that it's boring but I don't doubt that the moms are legitimately sad about it.


Please, dat's expensive as fuck to lease, so I ain't listening to your shit anymore, hun.


But wait… I can't stand Brandi and do not get het spending choices (or her other choices either) but didn't you express in the last episode thread that any slob could charter a private plane (illustrating that Kyle was silly to brag about it)? But a lease payment for a car is "expensive as fuck"? I don't know about either of those things, I'll admit. And did I read that Brandi only put down $3,000? Is that weird? It seems like a low number for such a high-end car. I put down more on my year-old preowned Hyundai Santa Fe (and unlike the ladies on these shows, I look at it and wonder if I actually need something so nice. Oh, I sound like a rube!).

Guess he's given up on haircuts, working out & decent clothes -- or even shoes?


But why would he wear shoes splashing around with his kids in his yard?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I didn't want to judge Yolanda either, but it's difficult not to comment on the brief amount of time she spent with her mother because she has started crying every time she talks about her mom. For me, the logical next question (not meanly) was why couldn't she spend more time with her mom? Was it the RH shooting schedule? Was she working on something in California or Spain? I suspect she was contractually obligated to meet Kyle in Spain, but it did Yo a disservice when she showed up, ready to sunbathe, talking about her vacation in Turkey, and then went into how unwell her mother is and how little time she has with her.


Maybe the amount of time she spends with her mother isn't entirely her choice.  


When my dad had major surgery a few years back he didn't want me to come home from school.  For him, me pressing pause on my life added seriousness to what was going on, and while it was upsetting to me it's what he wanted/needed so I did it.  And I saw the same thing in my family when my grandmother got sicker and passed away a few weeks ago. My dad didn't go back and sit by her side because she didn't want that from him.  It's a kind of protection, though I also think there's an element of denial (if people reorient their lives, it's undeniably real and serious- easier to just have a regular visit, maybe slightly longer).


I'm probably not articulating it well but bottom line is (or maybe I should say "at the end of the day") I try to cut Yolanda a lot of slack because of my experiences.  It's hard, though, because there's such a contrast between her moments of regrets and what she's doing instead, which seems like a ton of fun.  

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I guess I'm not seeing what others are in Kim's MOB dress. To me it looked like hand worked lace and I thought it was particularly lovely. I liked the texture of the oversized floral making it look more modern than mumsey.



The material is kinda pretty, if antique-y, musty & kinda stale (to me at least).  Still reminds me of my grandma's very old couch, but I didn't really see the style of it.  Is floral considered modern now?  I seem to remember Kim Kardashian recently wearing some floral monstrosity dress that she was universally mocked for.  Anyhoo, Granny shouldn't have thrown away her floral couch.  She'd be tickled silly to be thought of as modern.  Sweet.


Gotta say tho, the Richards sisters just don't have a natural born way with good taste or dressing well.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Maybe the amount of time she spends with her mother isn't entirely her choice.  


When my dad had major surgery a few years back he didn't want me to come home from school.  For him, me pressing pause on my life added seriousness to what was going on, and while it was upsetting to me it's what he wanted/needed so I did it.  And I saw the same thing in my family when my grandmother got sicker and passed away a few weeks ago. My dad didn't go back and sit by her side because she didn't want that from him.  It's a kind of protection, though I also think there's an element of denial (if people reorient their lives, it's undeniably real and serious- easier to just have a regular visit, maybe slightly longer).


I'm probably not articulating it well but bottom line is (or maybe I should say "at the end of the day") I try to cut Yolanda a lot of slack because of my experiences.  It's hard, though, because there's such a contrast between her moments of regrets and what she's doing instead, which seems like a ton of fun.  


I had the same experience.  My mother was infirm (her bones broke constantly, but her mind was sharp to the end) but basically healthy during her final years; when I'd visit from 1,000 miles away, she'd be happy to see me but ready for me to go after about 15-20 minutes.  She just didn't want or need anyone hanging around, she had books to read and Magnum PI reruns to watch.  In contrast, one of my sisters would sit with her for hours, and it kind of drove Mom nuts.  So in my book, Yolanda's spending limited time with her mother doesn't necessarily mean she loves her any less, it may just be how their relationship is.


(And for what it's worth, my mom was Dutch, not that I think it's necessarily a contributing factor to her not wanting anyone hovering over her.)

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Haha--I remember way back when on TWOP, it seemed like everyone was posting that Brandi was a "breath of fresh air" and how "refreshing" she was on this show!


I remember, too! Even way back then, I couldn't stand Brandi, especially given that she was a self-described "truth cannon" who'd crumble at the sign of conflict. I felt like Mugatu in Zoolander, all, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" because I couldn't comprehend the fawning in the slightest.


As for Kyle supposedly saying "Mallorca" over and over. I feel like she only said it twice. She did say "Spain" repeatedly, however.

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If it were the case, that Yo's Mother didn't want her there which I could completely understand, I can't imagine Yo would not have made that clear.  It surely wasn't clear to me, anyway.


ETA I was one of the ones who liked Brandi until like Lisa, I saw her in a different light.

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I'm a car person, have been ever since I learned how to drive at 14. That's a $100,000 Land Rover which of course any well-heeled person needs in the wilds of Africa. You never know when you'll have to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Ahhh, thanks! I am from a middle class area among people with a shared fantasy of one day being the kind of person who hauls stuff on the way to various manly endeavors, so I'm better versed in giant spotless pickups.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I kinda see your point.  It's similar to how Holly Golightly's agent described her in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  If she really believes all the phony crap she babbles about, does it in fact make her a phony baloney -- or not?  Well, yeah, I think it still does, when it comes to Kyle.  She's just so used to being immersed in da land of phony baloneys since she was a child she doesn't know how to be any other way.  Does that make it wrong?  Not necessarily.  Dat's just who she is.



Yeah, but with Holly Golightly it was clear what was fake vs. what was actually going on. What was Kyle being phony about here? She was excited about her trip. She was really on the trip. She said she'd never really traveled much out of the US. She hadn't. She made a point of noting that the boat her family rented for a week was not as fancy as the one Yolanda just got off of (last week she was being a phony by pretending her plane was the same as Yolanda's). She mentioned that she was working at 14. She was working at 14. I can't figure out who she's supposed to be vs. who she's presenting herself as, except in ways that aren't particularly unique to Kyle. (Yolanda, this ep, talked about how she and her husband liked to spend romantic time alone and made a point of saying that they went to places tourists don't go--isn't that just as much bragging? Or probably whatever Lisa was doing this episode--Recently she introduced to the woman who made all her shirts. Brandi waved around her royalties check and her new car. Oh, and Yolanda also cried about her mom while leaving her to go on vacation--I'm sure that could be read as phony.)


Maybe she's just annoying.

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Well, the I-used-to-be-po'-and-struggling crapola is pretty phony.  Let's just start with dat.


You're right, she is annoying.  And she's annoying da piss outta me (as usual), so maybe I'm making a bigger deal outta her bragging & saying Majorca 50 billion times & making it worse than it was.  She wasn't really so bad -- at least in this ep.


Btw, it really tickled me how annoyed Mauricio was with her when they were packing.  She really can be such a nervous, fidgety PITA.  But I guess dealing with Kyle is a walk in da park compared to Kim or . . . yikers -- Kathy.  Eek.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I just see Kyle as phony, I just do. No amount of the others being phony will make me see Kyle as real, it just won't. She is annoying me less this season so far. At least after throwing the biggest most desirable party on the West Coast, west of the Mississippi, west Of NYC. But I still think she's full of shit.

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It's funny, I'm an OG Kyle hater. She started annoying me instantly. However, I don't think she's phony. I think she really truly is a needy, ignorant, exhausting, nagging, insecure, immature, mean girl. But I don't think she's phony! I do think she lacks self awareness so she'll harp on ridiculous nonsense like how hard it is to be a size 4 in BH or the many struggles she and Marucio had scamming commercial airlines by lying about their kids ages(on behalf of anyone who had to sit next to her trying to hold 4 year old Portia on her lap, FU) without realizing how stupid she sounds. I think that may be where the phony stuff comes from because you expect a 45 year old woman to be smarter than that.

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I just see Kyle as phony, I just do. No amount of the others being phony will make me see Kyle as real, it just won't. She is annoying me less this season so far. At least after throwing the biggest most desirable party on the West Coast, west of the Mississippi, west Of NYC. But I still think she's full of shit.



Oh my, Amen & Hallelujah to this!


But I don't think she's phony!



Then maybe you agree with Holly Golightly's agent that she (like Holly) is a "real" phony (or actually not a phony at all) cuz she believes all the phony crap she babbles?


I liked the travel porn for about 2 seconds, but I'm mostly bored.  C'mon, bitches, start fightin' with each other already!  I wanna see da Pump get slapped, even if it is from shitty ole swollen-face Brandi.  Excuse me, but there are drinks out there waitin' to be thrown in these bitches' faces, thank you.  Get the yelling & screaming & drink-throwing started, please.  I am so over all the nicey nice bullshit.

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I also note that Lisa V gets a new suck up friend in Lisa R. Lisa V needs a new person to fawn over her. Lisa likes it better with a sidekick who kisses her ass and doesn't confront her. New housewives are perfect. For a while. I wonder if Lisa has any real long term friends. I doubt it.


I have believed the same thing about Lisa V. from the very beginning.  I don't think she has any truly close female friends-- maybe "social" friends, but no deep, abiding relationships.  For ex., Lisa V. claims she and Lisa R have been great friends for years, but she had no idea at all how old Lisa R's daughters are-- she was actually surprised when Lisa R told her.   It is obvious their relationship, while pleasant, is casual.  There is a give and take in real friendships that I don't think Lisa V. can manage for long. Eventually, she needs every friend to become a worshipper,  a project  or both. 

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I just see Kyle as phony, I just do. No amount of the others being phony will make me see Kyle as real, it just won't. She is annoying me less this season so far. At least after throwing the biggest most desirable party on the West Coast, west of the Mississippi, west Of NYC. But I still think she's full of shit.

I go back and forth with Kyle. I liked her then really disliked her now I'm meh. I think she is very insecure. She as others have stated grew up around people with money, even though her family wasn't at the same level. I think she is always trying to impress others. Tries to make people see how great she is.

I always think back to the first season and Kim wanted to make some potato family recipe with just janky ingredients. And kyle made a big deal about Kim using them and that she should use organic top of the line ingredients. The whole exchange caught my eye because, kyle was trying to play to the camera.

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Well, the I-used-to-be-po'-and-struggling crapola is pretty phony.  Let's just start with dat.



Unfortunately, that's one of the places I don't see where she's misrepresenting herself. She's never said she was po' or particularly struggling. She's said she was less rich than she's become recently. She's talked about her father making a good living and her bringing in money as well as Kim's huge career. Yolanda's the one with the rags-to-riches story.


The whole exchange caught my eye because, kyle was trying to play to the camera.



That I remember and that's more the way I see it. That kind of fake I can see--she does have a personality that seems very deliberately chosen and performed. That's why I used to never see the whole thing of Kyle being manipulative--she seems to basically be able to do that and that's it. She's got the one way of being, and yeah, I think there's a lot of "everybody see who I am!" in it.

Edited by sistermagpie
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Unfortunately, that's one of the places I don't see where she's misrepresenting herself. She's never said she was po' or particularly struggling.



Until this thread, I've never seen any reference to Kyle as poor, or heard her describe herself that way.  As I recall, one of the knocks against her early one was that she didn't seem as sophisticated as she should have given the background that she's always described for herself, a working child actor who came from a comfortable family.

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I've never seen any reference to Kyle as poor, or heard her describe herself that way.



You're kiddin', right?  She just said in the ep where she flew in the leased jet, that she used to make the kids pretend they were younger so they could get cheaper fares cuz she supposedly couldn't afford it.  Sounds like she was implying she was po' to me.  Watch the season again cuz she's making these type of references a billion times.  "Oh I'm just a regular gal like all of you poor slobs cuz I used to have no money -- just like all of you."  Dat's Kyle now.

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Well, the I-used-to-be-po'-and-struggling crapola is pretty phony.  Let's just start with dat.


You're right, she is annoying.  And she's annoying da piss outta me (as usual), so maybe I'm making a bigger deal outta her bragging & saying Majorca 50 billion times & making it worse than it was.  She wasn't really so bad -- at least in this ep.


Btw, it really tickled me how annoyed Mauricio was with her when they were packing.  She really can be such a nervous, fidgety PITA.  But I guess dealing with Kyle is a walk in da park compared to Kim or . . . yikers -- Kathy.  Eek.

When did Kyle ever say she was po' or poor and struggling?  And when did she say Majorca 50 billion times? 

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Well, the I-used-to-be-po'-and-struggling crapola is pretty phony.  Let's just start with dat.


You're right, she is annoying.  And she's annoying da piss outta me (as usual), so maybe I'm making a bigger deal outta her bragging & saying Majorca 50 billion times & making it worse than it was.  She wasn't really so bad -- at least in this ep.


Btw, it really tickled me how annoyed Mauricio was with her when they were packing.  She really can be such a nervous, fidgety PITA.  But I guess dealing with Kyle is a walk in da park compared to Kim or . . . yikers -- Kathy.  Eek.

Kyle said Majorca twice in the episode.  The commercial where she said, "Majorca," ran endlessly but it was a rerun.


Kyle has never said she grew up poor.  She has been comparing what she and Mauricio started with to her present station in life.  My friend who grew up around the Richards said Kim had pretty free reign with the money.  She remembers a 15 year old Kim (kyle would have been 10 years old) returning from yet another day of shopping with a $250.00 belt, in the 70's. Kim was generous with her sisters buying them clothes and accessories.  The sister that benefitted the most from Kim's "stardom" was Kathy.  Kathy never liked working-be it chores at home or an outside job. I don't equate working as a child actor being the same as growing up poor.  What I have taken away from Kyle's dialogue is things were far different when Farrah, Alexia and Sophia were six years old.

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No, cuz it was so boring & we've seen this shit from them a zillion times.  So da most interesting thing goin' on between them is a hairless little dog?  Really?  Ok then.



Oh my goodness, she musta mentioned it about 10 billion times.  Yeah, I'd say she overstated it.  But that's Kyle's way.  The woman is like a mack truck.  Understatement just ain't her style -- AT ALL.

So if you keep buying things then it becomes ok?  So if we keep seeing Mauricio and Kyle buying clothes for Portia, it's ok then?  You missed my point.


Ten billion times?  I don't think you could say that repeatedly in two episodes devoted entirely to Kyle saying Majorca.  Wait.  I know you couldn't.  IMO, Kyle is the most understated of these housewives.  She's also the most unpretentious. 

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Unfortunately, that's one of the places I don't see where she's misrepresenting herself. She's never said she was po' or particularly struggling. She's said she was less rich than she's become recently. She's talked about her father making a good living and her bringing in money as well as Kim's huge career. Yolanda's the one with the rags-to-riches story.



That I remember and that's more the way I see it. That kind of fake I can see--she does have a personality that seems very deliberately chosen and performed. That's why I used to never see the whole thing of Kyle being manipulative--she seems to basically be able to do that and that's it. She's got the one way of being, and yeah, I think there's a lot of "everybody see who I am!" in it.

Speaking of Yolanda's rags to riches story-didn't Yolanda say she made a killing being a model in Europe?  I am curious why when she landed in New York she only had the 100 guilders.  Seems like maybe Yolanda was not the success story she claimed to be.  Supposedly she signed with Eileen Ford at age 16-why the big poverty story?

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Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!

I like Kyle too.  As regulars here know because I seem to always defending her.  I don't know about Lisa - I loved her the first season and it went downhill from there.  I don't blame Kyle at all for 'outing' her sister for something everyone, including the viewers, knew.  I guess it's hard for people to understand what Kyle has gone through to understand.  It's even harder when the alcoholic has children whose emotions you're always dealing with.  At some point, you just explode because there's so much you have had to keep inside.


Yep.  She is mega insecure.  That's probably one of the reasons why I like her.  I'll take that any day over a huge ego.  She's got the golden ring - a husband who seems to be a great guy who loves her and has the drive to be successful, four children who are normal, and a happy life.  It's all that baggage that she's carried - her alcoholic sister who she grew up living in the shadow of, her other domineering sister, a mom who loved her but had her own agenda, and some failed relationships.  Heck, just dealing with Kim's alcoholism could give a person major issues. 

Edited by breezy424
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Did anyone else think it was weird when Yolanda lay down on top of Mauricio's back in her bikini saying 'sandwich' over and over? I mean, in her bikini?? I would not appreciate a friend doing this to my husband, nor would I do this to a friend's husband. It just looked so inappropriate to me, kind of like when she was holding Brandi's dad's hand and quite flirty and physical with him in front of his gf/wife. Does she know there are other ways to relate to men?

Yes! When she did that I was like wtf? I would not like that.
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All things considered, if House of Hilton is to be believed, I think Kyle seems pretty down-to-earth and well-adjusted.

I do think of the 3 sisters that Kyle is the most balanced of them, the bar was set really low by their mother IMO, and that her saving grace was Mauricio's mother. I would not go so far as to describe Kyle as either "down to earth or well-adjusted" though! LOL


So if you keep buying things then it becomes ok?  So if we keep seeing Mauricio and Kyle buying clothes for Portia, it's ok then?  You missed my point.


Ten billion times?  I don't think you could say that repeatedly in two episodes devoted entirely to Kyle saying Majorca.  Wait.  I know you couldn't.  IMO, Kyle is the most understated of these housewives.  She's also the most unpretentious. 

I think Kyle is the most needy/desperate for attention of all the HWs with the exception of Brandi. She has this aura of "see me, PLEASE see me" surrounding her all the time. She needs constant reinforcement, praise and recognition IMO and those needs stem from her mother pitting her and Kim against each other for her affection, attention, time and love. Although Kyle did have success in acting as a child/teen, she did not measure up to Kim's success or child star status and was reminded of that daily by their mother. Big Kathy really messed up her daughters but at least Kyle has Mauricio's mom to help her grow, the same, sadly/unfortunately, can not be said of either Kathy or Kim.

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