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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The  reformed EQ did kind of a half-ass job of giving them information on how to break the curse if she did not even warn them about her safe guard.

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It would appear that the Evil Queen's help didn't help or work. I guess most likely Emma would be the one to save both her parents and possibly give them a TLK. That might explain some bts filming of the hospital that was once mentioned. This gives me a reminder of the incident with Henry in the finale of the first season.

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Since short-haired Regina knew exactly what long-haired Regina would use as a safeguard, it's really hard to believe she wouldn't know regally-dressed Regina would use a safeguard in the first place. You know, seeing as they're the same person and all. 

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One thing this show has not fully understood, is that people love seeing the villain get his or her comeuppance.   The sleeping curse really should have ended with the EQ seeing she failed and let Charming and Snow get the satisfaction of defeating her and the viewers get the satisfaction of seeing the EQ realize she failed.  While a well-done redemption story can be rewarding, in general when someone does horrible things again and again, people want to see them pay and face appropriate consequences.

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10 minutes ago, CCTC said:

One thing this show has not fully understood, is that people love seeing the villain get his or her comeuppance.   The sleeping curse really should have ended with the EQ seeing she failed and let Charming and Snow get the satisfaction of defeating her and the viewers get the satisfaction of seeing the EQ realize she failed.  While a well-done redemption story can be rewarding, in general when someone does horrible things again and again, people want to see them pay and face appropriate consequences.

..or at least..show true regret, apologise from the heart  (not the ones you STILL keep in your vault), atone where you can and strive to change your ways because it's the right thing to do and not because you expect to get something for it.

Love that Regina pulls the heart out of the cauldron with a chip/french fry basket!

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30 minutes ago, CCTC said:

One thing this show has not fully understood, is that people love seeing the villain get his or her comeuppance.   The sleeping curse really should have ended with the EQ seeing she failed and let Charming and Snow get the satisfaction of defeating her and the viewers get the satisfaction of seeing the EQ realize she failed.  While a well-done redemption story can be rewarding, in general when someone does horrible things again and again, people want to see them pay and face appropriate consequences.

Not to mention said redemption is rendered useless if you're brushing all that away like it's been done countless times on this show.

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So the Evil Queen told them "everything" she knew about the curse, but neglected to mention the failsafe?


One thing this show has not fully understood, is that people love seeing the villain get his or her comeuppance.   The sleeping curse really should have ended with the EQ seeing she failed and let Charming and Snow get the satisfaction of defeating her and the viewers get the satisfaction of seeing the EQ realize she failed.  While a well-done redemption story can be rewarding, in general when someone does horrible things again and again, people want to see them pay and face appropriate consequences.

The REC dictates no.

It's still not explained how they go from trying to break the Sleeping Curse to going back in time to stop Emma from being the Savior. I'm a bit confused as to why Emma can't TLK them.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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5 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

So the Evil Queen told them "everything" she knew about the curse, but neglected to mention the failsafe?

The REC dictates no.

It's still not explained how they go from trying to break the Sleeping Curse to going back in time to stop Emma from being the Savior. I'm a bit confused as to why Emma can't TLK them.

Maybe she hasn't thought about it or tried the TLK thing.

And for the record, there doesn't seem to be any time travel in the flashback. It wouldn't make sense anyway. No one has been able to cast a time travel spell before Zelena showed up. Most likely that door Snowing were in front of leads to the outside world of Storybrooke.

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Could Emma even TLK her parents?  I mean, they have a lot of issues and she hasn't even been able to TLK Hook.

I think Henry was different because she learned to love him and she knew he believed in her.  It showed a mother's love.

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Why does Snow make it sound like they're doing this behind Emma's back?

Probably because they are. Or at least Emma was not involved in the decision making going on here and thinks they are only working on breaking the curse while she is conveniently offscreen for most of the episode trying to open a portal to Hook. Emma was conspicuously absent from the press release, so it seems like she doesn't have a role in any of the main storylines this episode. I'd find it hard to believe that she'd be okay with de-Saviouring herself when it would mean not having Henry or Hook.

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6 minutes ago, KAOS Agent said:

Probably because they are. Or at least Emma was not involved in the decision making going on here and thinks they are only working on breaking the curse while she is conveniently offscreen for most of the episode trying to open a portal to Hook. Emma was conspicuously absent from the press release, so it seems like she doesn't have a role in any of the main storylines this episode. I'd find it hard to believe that she'd be okay with de-Saviouring herself when it would mean not having Henry or Hook.

Or de-Saviouring herself when it would mean not having her parents don't forget. And there has not been anything about her opening a portal, only for Hook and Tiger Lily.

18 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Could Emma even TLK her parents?  I mean, they have a lot of issues and she hasn't even been able to TLK Hook.

I think Henry was different because she learned to love him and she knew he believed in her.  It showed a mother's love.

Regina hasn't given Robin a TLK before he died, and CS seemed more parallel to them.

Edited by Vader12
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22 minutes ago, Vader12 said:

And for the record, there doesn't seem to be any time travel in the flashback. It wouldn't make sense anyway. No one has been able to cast a time travel spell before Zelena showed up. 

I believe the thinking was that the current Snow and Charming would be doing the time travel, so that would not change your point of Zelena being the first to cast the time travel spell. Since this show uses Back to the Future style time travel (the time travelers change the past) and not fixed (whatever happened, happened) time travel, any current or future character could still go back in time to any time period and it wouldn't negate the fact that Zelena was the "first" (unless one counts Regina's hand and the cursed apple in season 1) to do it. 

I agree that there's probably no time travel, but I would love it if they were being clever with the press release and the "flashbacks" were actually "our" Snow and Charming in the past. It seems more likely we're just getting straight-up flashbacks (although it is slightly more exciting to see the rarely used pre-Emma Storybrooke), however, so the question becomes who or what allowed seemingly memory-intact Snow and Charming to be "awake" in Storybrooke talking to Rumple. I don't think it's Gold, because he always seemed to be pretty set on the "savior's 28th birthday" thing. I'm guessing it was either Black Fairy or Tiger Lily, who is also oddly credited as "Native American Woman," so I think we will see her in Cursed SB. 

August's sketchy "A little fairy told me [about Baelfire]" line from Season one could tie nicely into whatever the Black Fairy was up to during that time period, but I don't think young August is in this episode.

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2 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

Since short-haired Regina knew exactly what long-haired Regina would use as a safeguard, it's really hard to believe she wouldn't know regally-dressed Regina would use a safeguard in the first place. You know, seeing as they're the same person and all. 


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3 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

I agree that there's probably no time travel, but I would love it if they were being clever with the press release and the "flashbacks" were actually "our" Snow and Charming in the past. It seems more likely we're just getting straight-up flashbacks (although it is slightly more exciting to see the rarely used pre-Emma Storybrooke), however, so the question becomes who or what allowed seemingly memory-intact Snow and Charming to be "awake" in Storybrooke talking to Rumple.

I'm now leaning towards the "flashback" not being a flashback at all.  I don't think the writers can or would try to explain how Snowing could be awake during the curse in flashback.

I think its more likely that the "flashbacks" are really a result of both Snow and Charming being asleep at the same time due to the failsafe and entering a dream world and their dream world spins into a quest to reunite with Emma as a child and spare her the Savior's fate.

I'm going with Snowing actually reuniting with young Emma in the dream world, they learn some kind of lesson, and then a TLK from young Emma wakes them up.

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2 hours ago, Olivia Y said:

All this build-up to the 'final battle' I just hope it's better than that 'show down' between Regina and Zelena a few seasons ago, which was...underwhelming to say the least.

I'm already expecting it with these writers, given how finales have turned out for the most part, and the villains aren't that interesting.

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God I LOVE Zelena! That is how Regina should have been written all along! Maybe she can fly back to Manhattan and make friends with Karen for the new Will and Grace return next year...her snark should not be wasted in reruns.

"Love that Regina pulls the heart out of the cauldron with a chip/french fry basket!"

And this is the goofy stuff I love about this show, with a combo of real world and goofy magic.

Edited by Mitch
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Yeah, is it wrong that I'm enjoying Hook's adventure more than the main plot that's slogging along back in Storybrooke? At least it's fun and has a clear goal. The main plot is a bit of a convoluted mess. Anyway, sign me up for more sassy pirate rolling his eyes and challenging an entire throng of lost boys so he can get back home to his "someone".

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9 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

Yeah, is it wrong that I'm enjoying Hook's adventure more than the main plot that's slogging along back in Storybrooke? At least it's fun and has a clear goal. The main plot is a bit of a convoluted mess. 

It's like watching a completely different show at this point. A much better show...

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Hook running through the woods may be the closest thing we've had to an actual "adventure" on this show in ages. But it's a good thing they filmed this episode before Colin broke his foot. And you've got to wonder where Tiger Lily was during 3A.

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37 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

Yeah, is it wrong that I'm enjoying Hook's adventure more than the main plot that's slogging along back in Storybrooke? At least it's fun and has a clear goal. The main plot is a bit of a convoluted mess. Anyway, sign me up for more sassy pirate rolling his eyes and challenging an entire throng of lost boys so he can get back home to his "someone".

You are not the only one, Hook's adventures are the only thing that's enjoyable this half season.

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9 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

You are not the only one, Hook's adventures are the only thing that's enjoyable this half season.

Only to you apparently, sorry to say. That adventure was hardly thing. It was more sidelined and he hardly did a thing like he hardly did a thing in agrabah. In fact like Zelena, he hardly did a thing this season. And the only things he ever did this season were like being the destroyer of families like he did to Liam 2, murdering Charming's father (which he lied about to David and never made it up to him) which was announced most foul and unredeemable, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did a similar thing to Tiger Lily if that was the case that made them enemies.

Edited by Vader12
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3 minutes ago, Vader12 said:

Only to you apparently, sorry to say. That adventure was hardly thing. It was more sidelined and he hardly did a thing like he hardly did a thing in agrabah.

Well, I can care less what others think. FOR ME everything else this half season has been a total crap, so the few minutes with him each episode are the only thing bearable.


Here’s a BONUS SCOOP about Sunday’s episode from Ginnifer Goodwin: “The backstory that we learn in that episode is also fairly heartbreaking and focuses a lot on the sacrifices that we make for the family as we discover that the Charmings may have had an opportunity to reunite with Emma long before they did.”

Yeah, they are retconning everything so Saint Regina is not the only one guilty of Emma's horrible childhood.

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13 minutes ago, KateJones said:

Are we going to have people aging a few years while Hook is in Neverland because of the wonky time differences or are we just dropping that tiny detail?

While it was a theory around the time of Season 3, I don't think that was ever actually established. The Storybrooke/Belle timeline in 3A seemed to move at the same pace as the Nevengers timeline. 

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30 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

You are not the only one, Hook's adventures are the only thing that's enjoyable this half season.

Seriously. Hell, it's freaking delightful compared to everything else that's going on. 

I love that clip. 

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I am interested in seeing Tiger Lily's stories like what Hook did to her or if she had a connection with Snowing (cause of her other title Native American Woman) like how Pan (who is really Malcom) is connected to Rumple, how Tink being connected to Regina or how Baelfire was connected to the Darling Children.

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I used to be really anxious for Hook to get back to SB and Emma, but after that Spoiler Room answer it's clear he has nothing to do with the Black Fairy, so will be relegated to the background again while Emma fights the final battle. Maybe a Hook spin-off wouldn't be such a terrible idea after all...

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I don't think A and E even intended for Hooks storyline to be as interesting as it's been. I still don't know what the point of Killian being separated from everyone other than to have him be with all these other Disney characters. 

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Actually, I am looking for Emma fighting the last Battle like I always wanted to be .

She is the female bad ass  protagonist and  will stay this way til the end of Once.

In fact, Hook this half is mostly the love interest and a little bit comic relief like he always been. And Colin really exceed in the comic relief department.

I am really looking for the snowing and Emma scene I decided I will enjoy it because it is the end for any new real emotional scene between Emma and her parents.

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1 hour ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

So according to K&H, people age in Neverland now. Interesting.

That makes sense. The magic that was keeping everyone young is gone now.

I guess Neverland was bigger than we thought. Why was Tiger Lily never mentioned?

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Here’s a BONUS SCOOP about Sunday’s episode from Ginnifer Goodwin: “The backstory that we learn in that episode is also fairly heartbreaking and focuses a lot on the sacrifices that we make for the family as we discover that the Charmings may have had an opportunity to reunite with Emma long before they did.”

If they had a chance to give Emma a loving home and didn't because of 'the greater good' of saving the cursed town....if they can see their adorable little girl, look into her eyes and walk away....*fist through wall* and they never deserved her in the first place!

I suspect leaving her in that awful situation is more about knowing grown up Emma would never ever want to risk Henry not to being born (useless 2 faced article that he is with his double standards) and given how Snowing feel about True Love (if they even know Killian is Emma's romantic True Love) and the lengths Emma went to for Killian in s5, they wouldn't want to risk her missing out on meeting him.

I couldn't hate either scenario more.....Snowing are set up to cause their daughter pain whichever way they go. My poor Emma gets screwed over...again ...!!

Hopefully none of this is what actually happens....but TW;TS...if they can kick Emma in the guts, besmirch Snowing and try to make us believe Regina casting the Dark Curse was really the best thing for everyone, we know they will and smirk condescendingly while doing it.

#hug baby Emma

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Every time I am trying to be positive because I really do believe it will be the last time Emma as a chance to have meaningful scene with her parents some  new comes to make wary again.

Zut! We know snowing  won't be there if a season 7 happen. They can't help themselves to screw things more at the last moment!

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I couldn't hate either scenario more.....Snowing are set up to cause their daughter pain whichever way they go. My poor Emma gets screwed over...again ...!!

I get that Snowing had a kingdom to save and everything. But, it really doesn't make them look much better as parents.

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I had a thought: What if Isaac's request for Hamilton tickets in the last episode was meant to be part of the setup for the musical episode -- like because he didn't get them, he does something that turns Storybrooke into a musical -- and the snippiness about the timeline police was covering for that horrible realization that the entire basis of a pivotal episode turned out to be a continuity error because they forgot their own timeline?

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11 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

I had a thought: What if Isaac's request for Hamilton tickets in the last episode was meant to be part of the setup for the musical episode -- like because he didn't get them, he does something that turns Storybrooke into a musical -- and the snippiness about the timeline police was covering for that horrible realization that the entire basis of a pivotal episode turned out to be a continuity error because they forgot their own timeline?

I love the way your mind works.. :o) 

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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

I get that Snowing had a kingdom to save and everything. But, it really doesn't make them look much better as parents.

I feel like that can't be it, because if it is, holy crap writers. I wouldn't necessarily mind if this was a sideways flash, like Snowing are both in a coma because of the sleeping curse and can go back to get Emma. In that case, they're balancing getting Emma early and not breaking the curse vs. Emma living her life as expected -- for better and worse -- knowing that she will have Henry and Hook in her life later. But if this is some flashback during David's original coma or something and they have this experience during the curse, there's going to need to be lots of extra drama created that won't make me happy. It will remind me very much of the egg-napping. And why do that when you could have a Hook in Neverland with Tiger Lily flashback instead? Because as others have said, the Neverland B-plot is miles ahead of anything else right now.

Speaking of which, did they say they were reshooting scenes near the end of the shooting schedule starting with 6x17? I really wish that would mean perhaps that they may be adding to Hook's adventures knowing Colin is going to be back? Seriously, between Blackbeard and Tiger Lily and Ariel, Hook seems to be in a much better place having more fun than if he was still stuck in that wet blanket town of Storybrooke. Perhaps he realizes that even though he loves Emma, he still wants adventure and voila! Season 7!

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Here we go again!!

New article from deadline saying that the four (Colin, Jen, Lana and Robert) veterans actors from Once are near reaching a deal for their return in season 7. 

I do believe the first tree but Robert ?? Maybe he his the one  who will come back with limited time for  FB?

I used to love Rumple as antagonist but the reality is the character run is course. The rumbelle Gideon drama is not as compelling as almost anything before (Neal/Rumple...)

Edited by maryle
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I'm really surprised Robert seems likely to re-sign. Is it because his other planned project fell through? I was expecting him to die at the end of the season, but it seems like Rumpel and Belle get their happy ending with a baby Gideon.

This Snowing/Young Emma story is going to be rage inducing, isn't it? I greatly fear that this show is going to frame this as Snowing's sacrifice and ignore its real effect in that it's Emma's sacrifice. This is especially true because Emma is going to have to "die" to save them all because of their past problems.

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