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Olivia Y

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  1. Same! Their characterisation makes so much sense considering who their mother is! Also glad that JR is making an effort (without being pushy) instead of just having that relationship end. The dialogue about the poor parrot was hilarious 😂- "I set the bird free".
  2. Elly being accused of running over a Neighbour's teenage kid and having the parent furious at them seems like a rehash of the Susan-hits-Bridget storyline. I'm surprised no one mentioned that since it was such a huge deal. So much of the storyline is so stupid, Finn would have to be unbelievably lucky for everything to line up like that to frame Elly. Also, what's Finn's plan exactly? Is he trying to actually kill them? I can't imagine a scenario where he'd come off well? Is he planning on going on the run forever? Already over the Piper/Cassius/Xanthe storyline before it's even begun. But, need to give kudos to the Piper actress (sorry still can't remember her name), for the way she tears up right on cue when Terese tells her about her letter. (Hilarious contrast to the complete monotone of Tyler's voice reading out that letter, and also the wooden block that is Cassius).
  3. Okay I don't know much about addiction, but surely kleptomania is less damaging than alcoholism? Errr..."cut price IVF"? WTF? I guess the law of supply and demand doesn't apply in Erinsborough. (Actually I should just ignore all medical storylines on this show.) Are they trying to make Cassius mysterious/brooding or whatever? 'Cos all I'm getting at the moment is a really dull person. Nell is precious. Willow looks so different. Nice to see Lauren, even though that storyline is really dull. What's with people hiding TOP SECRET things in easily discoverable places (Amy's shoplifting, Piper's letter)? Do these people not have bedrooms?
  4. Gotta love how easy it is to get a job in Erinsborough (except when it's convenient to the plot for them to be unemployed). Good lord Charlie certainly grew! Has it really only being two years? It's always a bit of a shock when a child actor is suddenly taller than a parent. I still remember the episodes where Steph was pregnant with him (wow I've been watching this show for a long time...) I wonder what happened to the actor who played Max. Okay it was impressive what Xanthe did out in the bush, but it's weird they're suggesting that she become a doctor, wouldn't paramedic make more sense? Pffft, Dipi claims to be a fan of Les Mis yet she can't even pronounce Fantine. (Off-topic but sort of related: the Broadway/West End productions of Les Mis are actually really great with colour-blind casting, in recent years at least) I don't know about the Yashvi storyline. It feels like these days it'd be more realistic for racists to not be so direct in their bullying (e.g. gaslighting Yashvi into thinking she was getting special treatment, rather than directly sending overtly racist messages where there's no room for misinterpretation). The MRI plot is finally canned, but this MS drug trial plot is even more infuriating. ARGH. I've taken to just fast-forwarding through them (thanks catchupTV). The Amy-turning klepto plot is...kind of random.
  5. Considering he's a doctor, Karl is a total idiot. Nice to see that Xanthe's come such a long way since she first arrived, but good grief she and Piper have gone through some seriously traumatic crap in the past few years. Aww, David and Aaron are adorable, hope they work out. So...Steph is leaving again? I only just started to notice how pretty Yashvi's become, much like Piper a while back, these teenage actresses seem to just suddenly blossom. This racism storyline could be interesting, but I hope they don't go too heavy-handed.
  6. Okay they really need to stop these school trips out to the wilderness. Didn't they lose Zeke on one of those outings? Also Bridgette went into labour during a camping trip (who the heck authorised a pregnant teenager at near full-term out on a camping trip anyway?)
  7. Does the guy trying to blackmail Chloe and Leo even have any leverage? Chloe's mother was the only other eyewitness and they can probably get her to say she didn't see anything inappropriate (we already know she's willing to lie to protect her kids lol). Heck, they don't even have to go through with the lie but just tell the guy that's what they'll do, it's not like he's got a photo of them or any other form of proof.
  8. [I should state up front that I know this is a soap opera so I shouldn't expect realism, so this is just me ranting at a TV show lol.] It's not really about MRIs in particular, but the way the whole 'programme' is being touted. It's portrayed as if the hospital is only concerned about 'saving' money, but given it's a public hospital (and Karl wants the whole thing funded through Medicare), they have to deal with budgets, so every cent going into this programme is money taken away from another area - money that, you know, could be used to be treating/curing people. Now that would be all right if there is evidence to show that doing a preventative MRI screening is highly effective in detecting health issues that could potentially be highly costly down the line (not to mention improve general health), but they have shown NO such research being done (and believe me, this is not the kind of research that can be done by one man in his spare time). Okay fine, he's got a private donor now, so the budget's no longer an issue. So this person (sorry can't remember her name) is established as fabulously wealthy, and agrees to fund the programme for 'one year'. This is...so completely arbitrary. There's no mention of how many people it can cover. It's being sold as 'one screening per year', so...do you just assume it's everyone in the area? I did a quick search and apparently it takes up to 2 hours to do a whole-body MRI, so if you have one machine working 24/7 every day of the year that's still less than 5,000 people. That's JUST the scan. MRIs are highly sophisticated diagnostic tools but you still need medical specialists to interpret results. Specialists who could be working with patients who have legitimate reasons for having MRI scans, do they plan to add to their workload or take them away from their existing patients? Does this wealthy woman plan on funding the training of a whole new batch of specialists (which would definitely take more than one year) as well? Also, full-body scan once a year is /so/ excessive. Routine checkups for women's health like mammograms and pap smears are still only 2-3 years (unless there are other risk factors). For people who are otherwise healthy there's just no reason for that kind of screening. Now, maybe MRIs /are/ that fantastic, and if there wasn't the question of limited resources then let's go for it! But again, the problem is that they've done no research to show it is effective, and resources are definitely limited.
  9. As someone who works in public health, this whole MRI storyline (with Karl is being portrayed as the one who's 'right') is pissing me off so much.
  10. LOL exactly! She knows how insecure Gary is about Paul and so she just goes and has a meeting with him in a hotel room in the middle of the night wearing a bathrobe, that's not going to be a problem at all! TBH I couldn't be less interested in their relationship but that was all brands of stupid. Does anyone remember why Jimmy's dad left last time? I recall Paul bribing him to leave but I can't remember why.
  11. I know they've only had a few scenes but I kind of love Petra's twins, their acting is spot-on mini-Petra. I also kind of love that Petra admitted she doesn't like kids (with the exception of her own), so many times women who are previously not into children turn do ta total 180 on the subject once they become mothers - it's perfectly possible (and reasonable) to love your own kids without loving kids in general! The overall mood of this episode was so happy that I knew they were setting up something bad to happen. Sigh, I guess being a telenovela they can't let everyone be too happy too long.
  12. Is that the first time we've ever seen the inside of the bathroom at the coffee shop? Wow that thing with Leo was so incredibly stupid ("let me put this blackmail material right here in this easily accessible place and turn my back to you") even the actor playing Leo looked embarrassed to be playing it. Kind of love Steph totally icing Jack out. Not feeling David/Rafael thing at all, just makes David look pathetic.
  13. Hahaha my thoughts exactly! I'm not even convinced by the initial 'attraction', it's like here's this random dude who's rude and distant and barely stops to say hello and everyone's going 'he's perfect for you David!', like wtf? With the Mark/Izzy bits earlier I thought they were setting it up so they have a baby together.
  14. Loved the intro with Paul's voiceover (especially the bits about Toadie and Sonya being like Karl and Susan in many ways) I used to think Piper was smart, but apparently she's just a moronic, selfish little brat. Never mind all the people who care about her and who she supposedly cares about. Also, how far was $10,000 going to last the two of them in MELBOURNE? Wow that was the fastest murder trial in the history of trials. LOL STU's speech. I don't know if it was intentionally but it was hilarious. I remember loving Paul and Izzy as a couple (yes I've been watching this show that long), such a pity they're not re-visiting that relationship, the two actors had fantastic chemistry.
  15. Lol so Sheila, Shane, Xanthe and Yashvi are essentially in the same year at school? Those would be some interesting study groups! Didn't they just do the 'dangerous person wants to know if his wife is cheating' plotline? With Ned - Piper's brother? How could she not remember that? So now they're doing the Paige/Jack thing again? Why do the whole Mark thing then? All these relationship merry-go-rounds are so tedious. The actor playing Rory is so bad it's painful to watch. Kirsha isn't great either but she's a kid so it's understandable. Is Piper's actress leaving the show? (Usually that's when a character gets 'an amazing opportunity' in another state LOL) Clive is tutoring year 12 classes? What the...? Is that something big-shot doctors do? How do they even get time? Ugh Paul, double standards much? Xanthe suspected of taking alcohol - fire her! Turns out it was Jimmy - ah well he won't do it again. Glad that Karl and Susan are back, they tend to be pretty reliable.
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