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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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It wouldn't have to be all of Storybrooke if Granny's Diner is acting as Dorothy's house in the Wizard of Oz. Given the mound of dirt in front of it, it looks more like it came via twister or magical movement.

That is exactly what I was thinking but Geekalogian is leaning more to the Stonehenge like structure being the cause of Granny's relocation.

If this isn't a dream, looks like the search for Emma lasted 5 minutes.


Sigh. But why should we expect anything different from the show at this point?


And I still think Arthur looks very similar to Hook. I doubt the show is going to make them related, but if the writers don't at least write a scene where Team Storybrooke has to storm his castle and use Hook as a decoy "Arthur" to draw the guards away, it'll be a huge missed opportunity.

Edited by Curio
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And I still think Arthur looks very similar to Hook. I doubt the show is going to make them related, but if the writers don't at least write a scene where Team Storybrooke has to storm his castle and use Hook as a decoy "Arthur" to draw the guards away, it'll be a huge missed opportunity.

Yeah, if that's Arthur in that picture, then he looks almost exactly like Hook in his "knight" getup when they were robbing the coach. He might be a little broader across the shoulders, but that might be the armor. Even if they're not related, someone has to notice the similarity and they should use it. It's not as though they'd have the Internet and tabloid journalism in Camelot, so most people wouldn't have seen good images of the king and wouldn't have seen him up close. Put Hook in the right outfit and let him ride through town, and he could pass as Arthur to much of the kingdom. There's potential for Prisoner of Zenda shenanigans, either working in cooperation with Arthur or against him.

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Even if they're not related, someone has to notice the similarity and they should use it. It's not as though they'd have the Internet and tabloid journalism in Camelot, so most people wouldn't have seen good images of the king and wouldn't have seen him up close. Put Hook in the right outfit and let him ride through town, and he could pass as Arthur to much of the kingdom.


Exactly. Most likely, the peasants of Camelot only get to see Arthur's face on their money, and even that's probably not a very accurate depiction. (Unless you're King Louis XIV. Then you get caught trying to escape France.) If this quest to find Merlin requires sneaking into some top secret places, it would be great to see Hook and Charming team up and pretend to be Arthur and Percival (whose actor also kind of looks like Josh) and we can finally have a fun bro adventure.


(This is why I don't like speculating about the show too much, because I fall in love with certain theories and get really disappointed when I don't see it on screen.)

Unpopular opinion, but this looks fun. I like that everyone is there (well, I could do without Regina, but whatever). I don't mind that they found Emma immediately... the real issue will be helping Emma emotionally, not reaching her physically.


This also means there'll be less SB filming if they remain in Camelot for a bit. While I'll miss the spoilers LIKE CRAZY, I wonder if we won't enjoy the episodes more if we are less spoiled?

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I just had one of those lightbulb moments.

I think they're staying in Camelot for 5 episodes. Remember how A&E said, "we want to get to Lily's dad, but it won't be for the first 5 episodes?". I thought that was a random number to use, but what if it's because Lily won't be on the show for those episodes because everyone's in Camelot?

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Unpopular opinion, but this looks fun. I like that everyone is there (well, I could do without Regina, but whatever). I don't mind that they found Emma immediately... the real issue will be helping Emma emotionally, not reaching her physically.


We can be unpopular together then, which I don't have a problem with.  I got really excited when I saw the Camelot bridge with the red flags and how elaborate things seem to be.  


One thing I really hope they don't do first episode is too much flashbacks like they did with Anna and Elsa and the wedding dress and all of that last season.  If the flashbacks have to do with the Dark One mythology, Emma and the core characters, then fine.  Camelot and only Camelot?  Then no.  

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Roland and the baby can take care of themselves.


Roland and Neal are there with them.


Zelena is still wearing that cuff on her arm in the photos, so I don't think so.


They could always just slap it back on after Zelena Airways lands.


I know it probably won't happen because TS; TW but there have actually been a lot of clues pointing to Hook and Liam being from Camelot. The fact that they specifically looked for actors with British accents, like Hook's


I think that's more because of the British nature of the Arthurian myth than Hook!

Unpopular opinion, but this looks fun.


I hereby decree that no one can say their opinion is unpopular. All opinions are valid. :)


No, but I totally agree. I'm just super stoked that the main characters are finally freaking leaving Storybrooke! Hallelujah! I've been waiting seasons for this! I also went back and read some wishes I wanted for Season 5 from the wishes thread, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see two of mine being checked off right away with the spoilers we know about: 1) Seeing the immediate aftermath of everyone reacting to Emma disappearing and the whole dagger situation, and 2) Emma disappearing to a different realm like Camelot. I'm basically holding onto those things to keep me excited and hopefully help me forget about the stupid New Savior plot.


Also, I had to chuckle because I wrote this in another thread:

So, all those in favor of Hook keeping his alternate universe hairdo where half of his bangs fall over his forehead say, "Aye!"

And I'm really excited to see that he kind of kept that hairstyle in all these behind the scenes Camelot photos. (Yes, I'm shallow.)

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Still a bit of apprehensive about the DSwan arc, saviour Regina and if Hook as a sl intererresting.

But I am exciting after the BTS picture and happy that CS are together, that is a plus right there!

Love Brave and Camelot story too, just be careful too not have them take away too much focus from the main cast and I believe this season can easily beat season and at least 3b.

I am intrigued by these new spoilers pictures as well! At least we don't get people moping in Storybrooke. I'm excited that Emma is getting to have more adventures in the Enchanted Forest/magical realms. And that she is holding hands with Hook. Will he tell her "I love you" back this episode?

On an unrelated note, the latest spoiler summary in the Spoilers-only thread gave me a headache. Why can't people use punctuation anymore?

I wonder if we're looking at a whole season of them being out in the EF or if we're looking back at the returning to Storybrooke during episode 11.  I'm assuming whatever is going to happen will be building towards the Spring premiere.


The other thing I'm wondering about is the jar Emily is carrying and of she doesn't have coma!Rumple in it.  I don't see them carrying an unconscious body around.  I guess in those whole thing, the two things that really don't make sense are Dark One!Rumple and Merida (although Merida can be explained away with east whereas Rumple as the Dark One, not so much)

I do like the fact that they're in Camelot (if it's not a dream). Like the slightly more mussed Hook hair -- it suggests inner turmoil. And wow, the resemblance between Hook and Arthur is even more striking when they're near each other. It's not to the point where people would get them mixed up if they were near each other, and people close to either of them wouldn't be fooled, but in a world without photography, where someone is known only from drawings/paintings, descriptions, and seeing them at a distance, they could pass as each other.


Which makes my brain come up with all kinds of fun scenarios -- Hook could bluff his way into some place (probably not the palace itself, since people there would know Arthur up close) just with attitude, even without changing clothes, as long as he used the fake hand and came up with a reason he was incognito. If Arthur needed to have a secret meeting somewhere and no one could know he was there, he could dress in black leather, put a black glove on his left hand, and swagger into town as a pirate, and meanwhile Hook could ride around the kingdom in armor and be seen waving from a palace balcony to give Arthur an alibi.


Not that any of this will happen, but there's one behind-the-scenes photo where they're next to each other, and they look almost like twins, or at least brothers.

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Someone tell Hook his hair looks sexy pushed back. Heee.

You know what I find hilarious? How the fandom was fighting over who and how they were going to find Emma but then we get these film pics and basically everyone in Storybrook is in Camelot. lol The fights between the Regina and Hook fans were especially entertaining. The writers trolled us hard.

I'm guessing Dark Swan will be a whole season thing?

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And wow, the resemblance between Hook and Arthur is even more striking when they're near each other. It's not to the point where people would get them mixed up if they were near each other, and people close to either of them wouldn't be fooled, but in a world without photography, where someone is known only from drawings/paintings, descriptions, and seeing them at a distance, they could pass as each other.


My A Tale of Two Cities memory is a bit fuzzy, but wasn't a huge part of the plot how Darnay and Carton looked alike? So if Dickens can run with that trope, so can Adam & Eddy.


If Arthur needed to have a secret meeting somewhere and no one could know he was there, he could dress in black leather, put a black glove on his left hand, and swagger into town as a pirate, and meanwhile Hook could ride around the kingdom in armor and be seen waving from a palace balcony to give Arthur an alibi.


And then Blackbeard's henchmen accidentally kidnap Arthur as he's dressed as Hook for the day.


Sadly, I don't think the writers will draw upon their similarities at all (I mean, come on. They both have striking eyes, the same dark hair parted on the same exact side, have British accents, similar heights, and have scruff.) because they already plotted out the half season before Liam Garrigan was cast. But nothing is stopping them from adding in a few scenes later on during 5A where the scripts are still moldable.


It'd be fun to see David attempting to coach Hook on how to pretend to act like royalty when he poses as Arthur, and then David could fill Hook in on how he actually had to pretend to be royalty himself in the past. Just give me some Captain Charming bonding, please!

Even if they don't use the similarity between Hook and Arthur in the plot, they have to throw in at least a mention to lampshade it. I recall when Ben Browder joined Stargate: SG-1, and while he didn't look too terribly much like Michael Shanks, they were about the same height and size and had the same coloring, and they were similar enough that Shanks had a beard for a while in the early going, just to distinguish them. They had an alien character make a remark about the limited gene pool on Earth, or something to that effect, when seeing the two of them together.


So there needs to be something like "Are you sure you don't have any descendants?" or something like that because Arthur looks a lot more like Hook's brother than Hook's actual brother did. Put all three in a lineup and ask which two are most likely brothers, and Liam would be the odd man out.


Someone tell Hook his hair looks sexy pushed back. Heee.


No! Let the man keep his messy bangs. ;)


I'm guessing Dark Swan will be a whole season thing?


I'm like 99% sure it will stretch the entire season. Adam & Eddy mentioned that even though they're going with thematically different halves again (5A=Camelot, 5B=?), they said they wanted certain plot elements to stretch over the entire season, kind of like the stupid author plot last year. Dark Emma seems like the only plot that could stretch throughout the entire season.


So there needs to be something like "Are you sure you don't have any descendants?" or something like that because Arthur looks a lot more like Hook's brother than Hook's actual brother did.



Or a scene where Hook wasn't even attempting to look like Arthur, but just by wearing a knight disguise, someone makes a comment about it.

Edited by Curio
No! Let the man keep his messy bangs. ;)


In the hair department news (I guess).  I think it might just be really humid in Vancouver.  Remember the Neverland hair? 




Dark Emma seems like the only plot that could stretch throughout the entire season.

And probably in the minority, but I think it's actually great.  I don't want them to take her from 0 to 100 with by snapping their fingers, I want to see the development.


I find it interesting that baby do over is there.  Not because I think they would leave him behind, but Emma's issues manifested in part because of him last season.  So I'm assuming this will come back at some point.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I'm like 99% sure it will stretch the entire season. Adam & Eddy mentioned that even though they're going with thematically different halves again (5A=Camelot, 5B=?), they said they wanted certain plot elements to stretch over the entire season, kind of like the stupid author plot last year. Dark Emma seems like the only plot that could stretch throughout the entire season.

That's the impression I have, too. In some of the Comic Con stuff, I believe Morrison made comments about how Emma would fight the darkness for a long time before she'd succumb to it. if they're going that route, I expect Emma to be at peak evil right at the winter break.

Edited by Mari
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Someone mentioned to me that the white thing Belle is holding looks like the thing the Beast used to keep the rose alive in Beauty & the Beast. It's been so long since I've seen the movie, I have no recollection of it, but FWIW. Maybe Rumple is magically inside it.


I'm guessing that the Rumple in EF clothes is the manifestation of the Dark One curse in Emma's psyche. Kind of like the "devil on her shoulder."


Also, apparently Colin told the Hook impersonator at the Paris con that Hook may get a new costume this season that he'll have to replica.


Speaking of costumes, I find Snow's white pantsuit an odd costuming choice.

Edited by Souris
So, does Hook have the dagger? I'm not so sure... why would he be holding it like that in Camelot?


To me that's just the glare of the sun on the back of his leather pants. You can see the same glare on the back of his shoulder.


I can't find the original quote now, but I believe Colin told the impersonator that yes, in the abstract it was possible Hook might get a new costume, and tumblr twisted it as "ZOMG new Hook costume!"


Ah. Typical tumblr.

Everyone's outfits (except Emma's) is the same as what was worn in the season 4 finale, right? So they must not have wasted any time getting Granny's Tardis poofed to Camelot. I wonder why Grumpy and Happy are there? Maybe they just happened to be at Granny's when it was poofed. Happy's pretty lucky that Emma hasn't turned him into a toad. I think he's the dwarf that she hates.

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Everyone's outfits (except Emma's) is the same as what was worn in the season 4 finale, right?


I thought so at first, but they're not.  Henry was wearing a hoodie when the Apprentice told them to find Merlin and Regina had some jeggings on or leggings when she was being threatened by the darkness.  I'm guessing a day passed at the most between Emma disappearing and everyone following.


One thing I really, really want to see is the town finding out what happened to Emma and what she did to save everyone there and them banding together to help and bring her back because of what she did as a person and not because she's the Savior.


ETA - I noticed something in the BTS from yesterday.  Arthur is leading the way into citadelle on foot followed by Emma and Hook and then Snowing/Regina/the kids and basically everyone else.  I would think that as sort of sovereigns of the EF (or whatever part of the EF it is) that Snowing would be the ones following Arthur.  I thought it was a bit odd.  Obviously, things can change by the time this airs.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I thought so at first, but they're not.  Henry was wearing a hoodie when the Apprentice told them to find Merlin and Regina had some jeggings on or leggings when she was being threatened by the darkness.  I'm guessing a day passed at the most between Emma disappearing and everyone following.


I think that probably makes more sense, especially if Roland and baby Snowflake are with them (I still can't call him Neal). The writers said season 5 picks up right where 4 left off, but maybe they didn't mean right off.


I'm still the most curious about Emma's outfit and where she went off to. Also, if she has super powerful magic, why wouldn't she magic up a different outfit? :) I suppose she could like what she's wearing.

Edited by pezgirl7

Maybe Emma starts out semi-normal and slowly falls into evil insanity. Didn't A&E say it would be a slow burn? That might be why she's still walking around with heroes and going to Camelot with them to find Merlin. I thought Emma could have just disappeared to protect her loved ones, but then A&E made that comment about different dagger rules. 


As you can tell, I'm struggling to work out these spoilers. It's probably something where we think it'll all make sense once we watch the episode, but then it turns out to be just as contrived and ridiculous as when we first heard about it during filming.


The writers said season 5 picks up right where 4 left off, but maybe they didn't mean right off.


I think we'll see the right off when they film in Steveston later this week. What we're seeing right now is probably the cast filming the very end of the first episode, so a lot can happen between the 1st minute and the 40th minute.

Edited by Curio
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