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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I wonder if the show will do something about Murderella by midseason if (when) she really tanks?  I'm sure they weren't expecting the 'Murderella' moniker for one. 

Could they really do anything with the way they've already set her and Henry up to be 'True Love'?  I guess it could turn out like Neal and Emma if the audience doesn't cotton to their 'epic' romance being shoved down its throat.  

12 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

And count me among those that doesn't care about the CS baby given that we will never get to see it and it will play no role in the show ongoing.

I'll actually be happy if it's a pregnancy announcement by Emma, since we already know we'll never see the character again anyway.  The only thing about it that makes me me sad is that I'll never get to see Hook be a father.  :(  But that's what fanfic and my imagination are for, I guess.  Considering they're a lot better than what A&E would come up with!  

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7 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I like the theory that the message Henry sent went to another version of Hook. Maybe Henry sent messages to both Emma and Hook, and the one to Hook went astray. As for Hook, if he's from the future, he ought to know Emma's condition at this time. So, why is he looking like a deer caught in the headlights? If he's from an alternate realm, what's his agenda?

Many were speculating that Emma might be killed off. Compared to that, this seems like Christmas. To me, it's okay if we never find out anything more about Emma's pregnancy, as long as the CS happy ending is preserved. Which I'm finally starting to have some hope for. We'll know soon enough if that was a false hope. Abc/A&E literally gave away the whole plot in the promos and sneak peeks hoping to induce CS fans to watch, seems like. 

I feel like they have to give us a baby reveal at the end of the episode. Cause audience will want to know did they have a boy or girl or something.

14 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I wonder if the show will do something about Murderella by midseason if (when) she really tanks?  I'm sure they weren't expecting the 'Murderella' moniker for one. 

Could they really do anything with the way they've already set her and Henry up to be 'True Love'?  I guess it could turn out like Neal and Emma if the audience doesn't cotton to their 'epic' romance being shoved down its throat.  

I don't think it matters what they do, this season is going to tank and will be cancelled and then this will go on the shelf of TV seasons that never happened. Right next to Scrubs S9, Charmed S8, Glee S4-S6, and Sleepy Hallow S4.

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1 hour ago, scenicbyway said:

just see her acting (maybe its the hair but her facial expressions seem off too) Emma used to always have a flicker of hope or determination.  There's just a sense of resignation that I see.

Did they think we would not recognize Emma with shorter hair?  Time has passed since S6 finale - they did not need the hair for continuity like they did for Dallas when he had the hair  piece at the season 4 premiere.  The hair extensions are so fake they have potential to distract from the scene.   It is almost like they wanted her to look disheveled and ineffective.  


I think the only reason for the baby is to give a reason why Emma doesn't join the others in coming to help Henry and therefore doesn't get caught up in the curse. It's hard to imagine any other circumstance that would explain Emma not rushing to her son's aid along with her husband.

That already makes her a better parent than Snow or Charming.

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For a short moment I also wondered if the Hook in sneak peek 2 was a glamoured someone else and then whomever it is got swept up in the curse stuck looking like Hook. That would have been the perfect way to keep Colin on the show and preserve the CS happy ending. 

I had hoped the last filming Jen did in the studio was maybe the birth scene to give the happy, opposing bookend to Henry's birth...you know..the one where she was cuffed to the bed in prison (thanks ArseWipeFire!!). 

I am so confused about Emma's presence in sneak peek 2. I thought she was answering      Whine-ry's call for help but with  the dialog and setting it is like she came looking for him and he wasn't expecting her. Plus they look like they're in the EF ... how did they get from SB to the EF?? 

Edited by PixiePaws1
6 minutes ago, Souris said:

My spec is that Real!Hook and Emma somehow come to Henry, then Hook goes off alone at some point and runs into Other!Hook. Other!Hook knocks him out and takes his place. Then Real!Hook shows up and we find out what's going on.

It sounds like Real!Hook went first, telling Emma she should stay home and rest. Other!Hook knocks him out (CaptainFloor 4-eva!) and takes his place. Emma decides to go see Henry anyway to tell him her news firsthand. Other!Hook tries to play along, and she initially thinks he's Real!Hook who went on ahead. Real!Hook shows up and busts Other!Hook.

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Well, I am totally on board with anything that preserve cs happy ending and we know from colin and A and E it will be so whaterver happen will be fine for me. We also know rumbelle happy ending should too be preserve by the same logic "all the happy ending are preserve" 

Now for me I do believe the only explination is some king of alt hook dont care wich it is. I understand that for some that still invest in rodgers it could be problematic. Anyway will know soon enough. Do not find anything wrong with jen acting and I think the fact emma being sidelined adding to her dream, lonelyness and problem in the negociation explique very well the climat in her exit

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11 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Has this been given a full 22 episode order? I can't see it lasting that long. I'm hoping for 12 and done.

I'll be shocked if this gets an eighth season. Logically, I don't think it should.

Two episodes in and while it's not awful, it feel more like a spin-off here than reboot/requel/whatever shite the showrunners are calling it.

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1 hour ago, pezgirl7 said:

Oh Rapunzel would make sense because of the tower. And the actress looks more like Colin, I think.

Sorry, I just realized he said "prison" and not "tower".  I guess my mind went there because of him saying he sneaked in and played chess, and we know Rapunzel was cast.  It could very well be Alice, I guess.  But I suspect Alice will be more involved in Rumple's story.

Isn't Colin in it for long-haul?  

After this episode, I am thinking that the only way they can "save" the show at this point is to really focus on Hook and (can't believe I'm saying this) Regina.  

I wonder if there's a contingency plan for Cinderella, Lady Tremaine and Lucy, because they are not working.  Unless people outside this forum are really enjoying them.  After all, TV Line voters gave the premiere a B- or something, and I personally think it deserved a D.

Edited by Camera One
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10 minutes ago, Camera One said:

After all, TV Line voters gave the premiere a B- or something

Really?? TV were likely paid by abc (or Adam ;-)) to "fix" the poll. 

10 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Isn't Colin in it for long-haul?  

He is really. I was just speculating becasue Rapunzel is likely a one-off character. If Wish Hook gets a TLK with his daughter, I think a part of the fandom will erupt. haha 

Edited by Rumsy4

As O’Donoghue reveals, Wish Realm Hook and Hook-Prime both have similar backgrounds, but where their experiences differ is that the Evil Queen never cast her curse in the Wish Realm. “They had the same journey up until that point, so they are similar,” O’Donoghue says. “Wish Hook has a whole different set of rules and agendas that the original Hook didn’t have. Whereas his main thing was to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin, Wish Hook has a separate thing.”

I am so glad Wish Hook isn't going to retread the whole Rumple thing, but I don't get it.  Why wouldn't he still be hung up on revenge?  What does that have to do with Regina's Curse not cast?


"That’s been a big thing for me for the season is trying to figure out how do I keep this character similar enough for him to be the same character on the show, but different enough for him to be interesting and kind of new?”

I'm glad he is finding this enjoyable to play.


TVLINE | Does this Rogers/Wish Hook twist mean that Weaver and Roni aren’t actually new personas for Rumple and Regina?
HOROWITZ | No, Rogers is the only one we’ve done with this. By Episode 4, Weaver being Rumple and all that becomes clear — Regina/Roni and Weaver/Rumple are who they are — and you’re going to find out the whole Belle and Rumple story, as well.

I wonder if they feel the pressure to keep Rumbelle's happy ending as much as CS's?

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Camera One said:

II wonder if they feel the pressure to keep Rumbelle's happy ending as much as CS's?

I doubt it.

They could have easily used WishRumple (unless I'm forgetting that he died or something).  Rumple in the same realm of WH theoretically has the same history with Milah and Bae which would be motivation to have WR the person behind whoever imprisoned Hook's daughter.

I'm leaning towards Rumple finding Belle and Gideon being some kind of quest.

23 minutes ago, Camera One said:

I guess it's different because both Belle and Gideon are game for making repeat appearances. 

I think it might also be more satisfying to have Rumple searching for Belle than sitting in a HEA in Storybrooke with her.

At least if Belle is his motivation, he's proving something about their relationship.  Rumple has a lot to make up to Belle, mostly in proving that he actually cares about her in some way.  That does more for Rumbelle than sitting HEA even if they never reunite.

That wasn't a dynamic that existed with Captain Swan.  It felt like they had already earned their HEA.

12 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

If Wish Hook gets a TLK with his daughter, I think a part of the fandom will erupt. haha 

I hate that Hook and Emma never got a TLK, when the rest of TL couples got it (we know Henry and Murderella would get one at some point). Hook is the only character who never got one (hell, even Zelena got one), which is really sad. So, I would be happy if this version of Hook, even if it is not my Killian, finds someone who loves him unconditionally enoughj to  get a TLK.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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1 hour ago, XrystalPond said:

I realize Emma and Regina thought the world was fake, but how do you leave your son in it never to worry again? Emma got this whole new download of memories that she was raising her son while being an annoying princess. So why not worry over that realm's version of her son's fate.

This was one of the many many things that made Season 6 so horrible, especially for Emma as a character. I'm actually glad JMo decided to leave, and A&E miraculously found a way to keep CS away (and happy) from Season 7. 

There is also technically an older Evil Queen in the WishVerse, isn't there? The WishVerse is a total mess. People were using string theory and whatnot to try and make sense of it on tumblr yesterday. I think it's going to be a mess when it comes to Wish!Hook's backstory episodes.

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Well, for me as cs fans I am happy killian and Emma are happy together in storybrook without regina! So what could I ask for more as one who hated the wish world I am also ok with whook being the one on s7 cause this season after trying 2 episode do not do anything for me! The acting, chemistry is just not likeit used to be and its basically a dullest redo of s1! So, my only interest is with the rating and he dosent look good for the requel or whatever they call it these days! I do not even follow the spoiler anymore. And, I find that really telling that colin who is always duiscrete and in promote mode overtly talking about being ons7 cause primery is contract was not up.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

This was one of the many many things that made Season 6 so horrible, especially for Emma as a character. I'm actually glad JMo decided to leave, and A&E miraculously found a way to keep CS away (and happy) from Season 7. 

There is also technically an older Evil Queen in the WishVerse, isn't there? The WishVerse is a total mess. People were using string theory and whatnot to try and make sense of it on tumblr yesterday. I think it's going to be a mess when it comes to Wish!Hook's backstory episodes.

I thought the Wish Verse EQ was dead? Hence them all freaking out when Regina showed up to rescue Emma? 

4 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I thought the Wish Verse EQ was dead? Hence them all freaking out when Regina showed up to rescue Emma? 

I thought she was just banished by Snow and Charming in the Wish Realm. I don't remember anything about her being dead; I just assumed they meant imprisioned or sent to another land where she lost her magic and status. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

I thought she was just banished by Snow and Charming in the Wish Realm. I don't remember anything about her being dead; I just assumed they meant imprisioned or sent to another land where she lost her magic and status. 

That is the impression I received as well, because I was surprised when she did not show up knowing the show-runners love of the character..  Also, when people saw Regina they thought she was the EQ, and I don't remember anyone saying - but you are dead.

14 minutes ago, CCTC said:

That is the impression I received as well, because I was surprised when she did not show up knowing the show-runners love of the character.. 

Ah, you see--that would've meant showing an older EQ. And that would've been unacceptable to them. OTOH it was totally okay to show an older looking Snowing getting murdered and making an older Hook the butt of several jokes.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 4
On 10/14/2017 at 11:05 PM, Camera One said:

I am so glad Wish Hook isn't going to retread the whole Rumple thing, but I don't get it.  Why wouldn't he still be hung up on revenge?  What does that have to do with Regina's Curse not cast?

Exactly.  Especially since - if they both had the same background up until the curse was cast, that meant that Rumple still killed Milah in front of Hook and chopped off his hand, in both versions.  And that was the reason for RealHook's want for revenge.  So wouldn't they both want that?  

I guess it has something to do with the daughter since RealHook didn't have a daughter.

Does this mean that Milah was the daughter's mother?

9 hours ago, maryle said:

as one who hated the wish world I am also ok with whook being the one on s7 

I love this so much better than Wish Hook!  I'm going to start using it.  :D

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Does this mean that Milah was the daughter's mother?

No. Since his history from Killian Prime different only at the point from where Regina cast the Dark Curse. I don't think we'll find much if anything about the mother, except that she died or something.

1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I guess it has something to do with the daughter since RealHook didn't have a daughter.

I think Wish Hook's priorities changed, and his goals became focused on his daughter once he had her.

17 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

No. Since his history from Killian Prime different only at the point from where Regina cast the Dark Curse. I don't think we'll find much if anything about the mother, except that she died or something.

On the other hand, something in the history had to have changed for Neal/Bae (did they specify what name he was known as in the Wishverse?) to have been Henry's father in spite of Emma staying in the Enchanted Forest and growing up as a princess, and since he was with Hook for a long time, that could mean Hook's history changed in some ways. Did Bae come back to their world from Neverland with Hook instead of staying and then going to our world? If the difference was that Regina was held captive instead of being let go, then she wouldn't have been holding Belle prisoner, and then Hook wouldn't have met Regina and been assigned to kill Cora, and possibly Hook might have gone back to Neverland for a while, returning later with Bae.

Whook hanging around to help Henry does explain that spoiler photo of him in pirate gear. I guess he and Regina would have to change into more suitable clothes to blend in. I'm sure there's some explanation for him being dressed exactly the same as in his pirate days, like him having kept his pirate gear in his trunk and now that he has his slim young body back, he can fit into it again, but I'm amusing myself by imagining him going to Pirate Gap and being able to buy the exact same outfit. There's something of a worldbuilding fail, though, if the same clothes would be appropriate in this entirely different world.

1 hour ago, Shanna Marie said:

but I'm amusing myself by imagining him going to Pirate Gap

I would totally shop at the Pirate Gap!

All shows have some level of suspension of disbelieve but this show has taken it to a whole new level. It's like it is being written by someone who loses their memory every day. They kind of keep writing the same story over and over, with the same characters over and over, but not quite and they keep forgetting all the details of what has already happened each episode.

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28 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

The new publicity stills are still giving me creepy feelings. Why does Regina seem to stand way too close to Henry in the EF? Why does she look jealous of Murderella?

haha, because even she knows that Henry has way more sexual chemistry with his MOM than he does with Murderella. 

The sad thing is, I once had an idea for a fanfic that involved Henry aging up and falling for Regina. But I didn't want to actually see it happen. 

Honestly, at this point, I really wish they would pair Henry with ANYONE other than Muderella. I'll take WHook at this point. Hell, hook him up with whoever ends up being WHooks daughter. Have him be celibate and become a priest. And in all of those scenarios send Muderella and her annoying brat far, far FAR away and hire some actors who can act. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, CCTC said:

That is the impression I received as well, because I was surprised when she did not show up knowing the show-runners love of the character..  Also, when people saw Regina they thought she was the EQ, and I don't remember anyone saying - but you are dead.

You're correct. A&E confirmed in an interview last season that there's an old, exiled Regina somewhere in the Wish Realm.

6 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I don't think we'll find much if anything about the mother, except that she died or something.

In this interview (http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/13/once-upon-time-hook-emma-pregnant-happy-ending-colin-odonoghue/) Colin said we'd find out who she was.

I can't wait for the scene where Regina or someone else inevitably has to explain that she was once known as the Evil Queen and Cinderella and Tiana's reactions.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness

You're correct. A&E confirmed in an interview last season that there's an old, exiled Regina somewhere in the Wish Realm.

A Wish Realm spinoff just writes itself. Clone Queen must redeem Wish Queen. Princess Emma is trapped in a tower somewhere (al a 4x22), and it turns out the realm has always existed. The wish just replaced Princess Emma with our Emma. 


I can't wait for the scene where Regina or someone else inevitably has to explain that she was once known as the Evil Queen and Cinderella and Tiana's reactions.

It's sad that A&E said they wouldn't be doing counterparts to the main characters. (Though they sort of are with Hook.) I would like to see the alternate versions of Regina and Rumple that aren't played by the same actors.

Edited by KingOfHearts
2 hours ago, XrystalPond said:

The new publicity stills are still giving me creepy feelings. Why does Regina seem to stand way too close to Henry in the EF? Why does she look jealous of Murderella?

She does look like she's leaning in and staking her claim, doesn't she? In one of those shots, they seem to be trying to make it look like something's brewing between Tiana (at least, I think it's her) and WHook, but then when you see a wider angle, he's looking at something in front of her and not at her. I'm not sure I'd be entirely opposed because I like the character of Tiana from the movie and like what I've seen of her so far here. But I also love Naveen and his relationship with Tiana and the fact that he's one of the few Disney princes with a real character growth arc, and I'd hate to have him erased. I don't think you could sub WHook for Naveen because their arcs are very different. Hook's never been a lazy playboy who needed to be taught the value of hard work.

Edited by Shanna Marie
typo patrol
2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

Wouldn't it be cool if she hit him on the head with it? 


Looking at the 7x03 promo pics like this one, I was wondering... how many people does it take to fight against Lady Tremaine?   Snow White was pretty much alone and on the run, against the Queen of the land who had very powerful magic, mirrors that allowed her to see everything, and deadly Dark Knights.  Lady Tremaine isn't even the monarch, and has a single wand.  But since she's the villain, Regina will be helpless against her, even though she should have tons of work-arounds with her superior knowledge of magic.

I finally saw Adam's tweet which some people were referring to.


sara 26  ?‏ @emmascaptn  Oct 15
Hey @AdamHorowitzLA is it safe to assume that by the time we're at in HH, Emma and Killian's baby was born already?

Adam Horowitz‏ Verified account  @AdamHorowitzLA  Oct 15
don't make any assumptions about the timeline!  #nospoilers

Are we supposed to wait for another reveal on this?  I mean, Lucy is 10 years old... did Emma have a very special 20 year pregnancy?

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