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Unpopular Opinions: The Cheese Stands Alone

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I think Brenda was a snotty little witch to Darla and the rest of the U of Minn girls. Who wouldn't ask about movie stars and rich kids? Shut up, Brenda. And your little speech about people not liking you for being from BH or only liking you for going to WB was stupid.

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I always thought Andrea had the prettiest face by a mile. Brenda had a nice smile and great hair but the eye thing threw me off, Kelly looked like a small woodland creature and Donna had a horse-face.

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Andrea absolutely was the most attractive. It's a shame that they styled college Andrea to look so frumpy.



All of this.  I was shocked to find out how old Gabrielle was at the time the show started in a good way (I had pegged her for about 23 max, not 29.)  But once they went to college...gah.  Baby doll dresses and chokers were the rage and that look was horrible on her!

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My UO is that I liked Ray. Not the abusive aspect, obviously. But I liked the underdog, blue collar type character that he started as. Most of all I liked that he didn't give a crap whether or not the gang liked him, which we rarely saw. And even though he sang it roughly 963 times, I liked "Hold On." He had a nice voice.

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I was watching the Season 4 Christmas episode the other day, and overall it's a pretty decent one, as clip shows go, but every time I watch this episode and I get to the plane emergency scene, I can't help laughing out loud. What pilot would actually say "this is going to sound worse than it is..."?

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I didn't give a shit about the Dylan/Brenda/Kelly triangle (beyond this cementing my dislike for Kelly). Donna/David was my absolute favorite couple on this show and often my main reason for watching (so the series finale made me incredibly happy).


While Tori Spelling certainly looks tragic these days, I actually thought she looked quite pretty with red hair (and some weight on her) in the later seasons.

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I know my opinion is unpopular but I liked Brandon and Lucinda together. To me it made perfect sense that after Dylan swooped in and saved the day with Nat, Brandon needed to something to heal his bruised ego. Who better to help with that than a hot older woman?

Not that she was a good person. She and Clair both creeped me out with their fixation on Bran and Man. But I did like that Brancinda seemed happy for at least a week there.

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I didn't mind when David dropped Camille like a hot potato. I didn't mind that Donna basically fired her after she had gotten back with David. I didn't mind that Kelly urged her on. I know they were all in the wrong, wrong as can be! But I just couldn't stand Camille (for no good reason, might I add), and was otherwise past caring :-).

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My UO is that I liked Ray. Not the abusive aspect, obviously. But I liked the underdog, blue collar type character that he started as. Most of all I liked that he didn't give a crap whether or not the gang liked him, which we rarely saw. And even though he sang it roughly 963 times, I liked "Hold On." He had a nice voice.


I liked Ray, too. I also liked "Matt Durning, Attorney at Law, Networking With You!"  (I preferred him to Brandon); and I thought that drunken Noah "7, 8... 9" Hunter was one of the most entertaining things about the last couple of seasons of the show (though, admittedly, I was more entertained by Vincent Young's bad acting than by Noah himself).

Edited by kickedinthehead
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I also liked Matt and thought that he was a good match for Kelly.  But that is because I loved Daniel Cosgrove.  If they had not brought back alcoholic ,but thought he could still drink, Dylan, Matt and Kelly could have had a happy life.


I almost wish Luke Perry would not have come back.  I prefer to remember Dylan as he rode off into the sunset with Trouble after losing Toni.  I detest Gina, so I do not like to think about Dylan anywhere near her.

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I liked Matt too, and think if he had been brought in earlier he could've been a solid lead male character for the show. But as it was he was doomed to be a placeholder until Kelly and Dylan reunited, so it was hard to root for them when you knew it wasn't going anywhere. I actually feel sorry for him as he proposes to Kelly. Sure she says yes, but don't count on it, fella!

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I really, really love Steve Sanders. He eclipses Bran the man, and brooding Dylan, for me.



I always found Steve extremely corny and annoying, but upon re-watching for the (5th? 7th? I don't even know at this point) time, I'm starting to agree. He was consistent, a good friend, and not as troubled as the other guys, and Ian Ziering was actually a pretty decent actor. There were a few standout episodes, like the one with Milton Berle. Dylan was always my favorite guy on the show, but if I knew them in real life, I'd probably like Steve better. Ian is also very nice on social media, which probably helps. 

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I liked Kelly and Dylan.  (I know, I know, but I never liked Brenda).


Same here! I was honestly shocked when I started reading forums about the show (years after it aired) and discovered that not only did people like Brenda, but the majority loved her and couldn't stand Kelly! I still feel like I'm being punk'd. 

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I must admit I that am totally opportunistic about this issue. Liked Dylan with Brenda, liked that they broke up when they started to get boring, also liked that he started things up with Kelly. It was a good narrative, I think. Didn't like the back-and-forth though, it made the girls look weak and Dylan look stupid. I also didn't like that he sort of kind of went back to Brenda toward the end of season 4. Season 4 Brenda is really not likeable to me, and Dylan drifting back towards her when she is at her most smug and haughty didn't do anything for me. Also, it just seemed as if he wanted the girl who was the least trouble, and after Brenda had been so accepting of him cheating, dumping her and making kissy face with her ex-bestie right in front of her nose, she certainly was the one who "understood" him (read: gave him less grief about getting his act together).

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I always liked Brenda and Dylan.  I thought they were at their best together.  I liked Kelly best with Brandon (exception being her baby voice, ugh). 


I watched the show live during its original run and remember when there was an I Hate Brenda newsletter and club.  Never understood it.  She could be annoying and judgy at times but NOTHING like Brandon.


I also liked Stuart and I hated what the show did to him to break him and Brenda up.

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 She could be annoying and judgy at times but NOTHING like Brandon.


I also liked Stuart and I hated what the show did to him to break him and Brenda up.


True, I don't know why I didn't notice it during the original run, but Brandon was the most huffy, bossy priss-pot of the whole series. I credit Sarah and Tara for showing me the light.


Stuart was probably Brenda's best match. She seemed happiest with him. It was stupid to rush into marriage and I'm glad that was shut down, but I think they should've stayed together anyway and married eventually.

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I liked her with Dean Cain.

I did, too, although I audibly snort every time he says "kismet". In fact I snort as I type this :-).

I stopped liking them together when he became Jim 2.0, but of course by then he was nothing but a narrative Brenda-and-Dylan break-up device.

Edited by Marie Claudine
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I always thought Dylan was a horrible boyfriend! Horrible, bordering on emotionally abusive. And this is not a retcon. I thought this when I watched the show as a teenager. I totally lost my 15 year old (I think? Maybe 14? Close to that anyway) shit over what a dick he was about the Mexico trip that set off the Summer of Love chain reaction. He's so fucking huffy when Brenda says she can't go. What? You are surprised that underage Brenda isn't allowed to take off with her underage boyfriend a trip by themselves to Mexico? Really? It's a god damn foreign country for fucks sake! Jesus that was taking the "Kids in BH are just like slutty adults" thing way to far. There is no way either of them had a reasonable expectation of this happening! Even in the Babylon that is BH 90210 two 16 year olds going to Mexico would be a thing. I'm not even sure they could have. Yeah, border patrol was lax before 9/11, but come on! I grew up in CA and they checked your damn id at the border to make sure you were 18! This was so stupid. And then when Brenda asks and is told no with much more sensitivity than my parents would have used had I asked them such a ridicoulse question (there would have been laughing and a lot of "are you out of your mind?" involved) he gives Brenda a guilt trip blaming her for not going and basically tells her to just go anyway if she loves him and then acts all surprised when the whole plan goes to hell. What did you think happened Dylan? That Jim and Cindy gave her the go ahead, but you had to pick her up a Kelly's because of what now? Oh such an asshole. I hated him then and I hate him now.

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I grew up in CA and they checked your damn id at the border to make sure you were 18!


Most of my trips to Mexico were in college, but I know we snuck off to Mexico once during senior year (when we were 17).  And, yeah, snuck off, because no HS student's parents were condoning trips to Mexico, especially co-ed trips to Mexico.  Anyway, I don't remember having a fake ID until college, but maybe I did.


Anyway, yeah - it was ridiculous to ask, and bordering on insane to get pissy that the answer was no.

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I always thought Dylan was a horrible boyfriend! Horrible, bordering on emotionally abusive. And this is not a retcon. I thought this when I watched the show as a teenager. I totally lost my 15 year old (I think? Maybe 14? Close to that anyway) shit over what a dick he was about the Mexico trip that set off the Summer of Love chain reaction. He's so fucking huffy when Brenda says she can't go. What? You are surprised that underage Brenda isn't allowed to take off with her underage boyfriend a trip by themselves to Mexico? Really? It's a god damn foreign country for fucks sake! Jesus that was taking the "Kids in BH are just like slutty adults" thing way to far. There is no way either of them had a reasonable expectation of this happening! Even in the Babylon that is BH 90210 two 16 year olds going to Mexico would be a thing. I'm not even sure they could have. Yeah, border patrol was lax before 9/11, but come on! I grew up in CA and they checked your damn id at the border to make sure you were 18! This was so stupid. And then when Brenda asks and is told no with much more sensitivity than my parents would have used had I asked them such a ridicoulse question (there would have been laughing and a lot of "are you out of your mind?" involved) he gives Brenda a guilt trip blaming her for not going and basically tells her to just go anyway if she loves him and then acts all surprised when the whole plan goes to hell. What did you think happened Dylan? That Jim and Cindy gave her the go ahead, but you had to pick her up a Kelly's because of what now? Oh such an asshole. I hated him then and I hate him now.


So much this. I remember going to Mexico with my brothers when I was 17 and they were in their 20s and I had to use a passport to get across the boarder while they could just use their drivers licenses. And that was to get to Mexico, not back. Dylan was such a whiny baby! I still liked him with Brenda better than Kelly though. 

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I'm pretty sure she said "allors" more in those episodes than the entire population of France says it in a year.


"Ree-eeeck!"  I have no idea how Shannen Doherty made it through those scenes without constantly cracking up. 

Edited by txhorns79
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Brenda broke up with Dylan more than once, then got huffy when he looked elsewhere.   She was totally irritating when it came to Dylan.


I did like her with Rick and Stuart though.  Stuart was a great match for her, and I wish the show had written them off as being together.

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Here's another: I am not mad at Brandon for not taking Brenda's side when Dylan and Kelly cheated on her, but staying neutral. Yes, Brenda was his twin and therefore deserved his loyalty. But Dylan was the friend who had saved his life when he dangled from that rock at their camping trip. In fact I was glad Brandon did not forget that tidbit and for once did not get all sanctimonious. It made sense to me that he remained neutral, much as that has enraged other posters in the past.

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Marie Claudine! So wonderful to see you here!

I shipped Kelly and Dylan for 2 decades, but I'm still annoyed every time that Brandon doesn't stand up for his twin. Where is your loyalty? I get that the gang is a bit immature and looking for the path of least resistance, but no Walsh should have spoken to Dylan again. Plus, if he had sided with Bren, it would have been two on two, giving the gang a bigger incentive to oust D and K. Brandon was a worse twin than Dylan was a boyfriend, and that says a lot!

That said, I knew Dylan and Kelly would end up together. I think they were two broken birds who understood each other and couldn't let each other go. The playground scene during Senior Poll always reduces me to tears.

I loved Brenda and Rick. He was somebody who could have suited her for the long haul once she reached college and got over brooding Dylan.

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Also, Reek did not have a 22-inch waist.

Yes young Dylan is cute. I think some teens might find 22 inch waists and spaghetti arms enviable. LOL

His hair first season was totally ripped off by Zach Braff as JD on Scrubs and they actually have similar physiques now that I think of it.

Why would the gang have had an incentive to oust anyone over a love triangle?

They sorta turned on Valerie for this.

Edited by Petunia13
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Marie Claudine! So wonderful to see you here!

Awww, thanks! Right back at you!


I am starting to love this thread; finally I can voice all the unpopular opinions I never admitted to myself. :-)

Here's one related to the Kelly/Dylan mess: I should have disliked Kelly for going after Brenda's boyfriend, but really, I didn't. I liked Kelly at this point, she was very cute and relatable and teenager-y, and Brenda frankly got on my nerves with the entitled way she acted around her parents at that time. So even though Kelly was, objectively, totally in the wrong, I didn't much care. However, every time I get to season 5, I start blaming her in retrospect, because she gets so sanctimonious. I don't mind that she isn't perfect and did something rotten. That makes her an interesting character. I do mind that she did something rotten, then got holier-than-thou about the slightest transgression on the part of others. But honestly, had Kelly stayed the character she was in season 3 or even 4, she would have had my blessing with Dylan, wrong as their cheating was.

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My UO is actually more about the podcasts than the show. As much as I love them, I don't like all the jokes about Luke/Dylan's weight. Maybe it's because my husband is naturally thin and has dealt with the frustration of not being able to gain weight easily. (Something that hardly anybody will sympathize about.) But I also feel like if we were constantly joking on the girls' weight it would not be acceptable, but since he's a guy all bets are off.

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Same here! I was honestly shocked when I started reading forums about the show (years after it aired) and discovered that not only did people like Brenda, but the majority loved her and couldn't stand Kelly! I still feel like I'm being punk'd.

Same. Loved Kelly & Kelly/Dylan. Matt was good, too. But I'm glad Dylan came back. Couldn't stand Toni and Dylan. Their relationship was like a flash in the pan. I didn't like Gina period.

There were a few episodes I found Kelly insufferable. I think it was right around the fire/burning incident but it's been a while so...

Dylan & Kelly had great chemistry. Dylan & Brenda, not as much.

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Jackie Taylor was my favorite parent (once she got her shit together) and was far more interesting than Cindy Walsh.  Count me in with those who think Gabrielle was the prettiest of the girls by far and Andrea was my favorite character.

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I thought Toni and Dylan was very fast but the wedding episode will still make me sad. And knowing that the scene where Dylan leaves on his bike and says goodbye to Brandon is the last time Luke and Jason share a scene together is sad in retrospect too. So, that episode makes me sad but I get why people weren't invested in the couple, speaking as someone who watches plenty of shows with ships and love triangles on people we care about when a random new character comes in with a swoop,it doesn't make sense. However, that episode will make me sad. 

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I thought Toni and Dylan was very fast but the wedding episode will still make me sad.


Me, too. The entire Toni thing, in fact, made very limited narrative sense, but I still liked them together. In particular, I liked how happy Dylan looked with her, happier then with anyone else. He hardly did any of the sighing and the crunching his forehead that were his go-to moves with both Brenda and Kelly. There is this one episode where Toni goes out for an errand in the morning, and when she comes home, Dylan says, rather cheesily: "I woke up and my baby was gone." The line is nothing to write home about, but he smiles a genuine smile when he says it, and just looks happier than Dylan ever looked. Luke Perry really did a good job selling what was one of the most improbable and least well developed love affairs on the show.

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