Tara Ariano December 1, 2014 Share December 1, 2014 Lisa Rinna is given a private birthday dinner at PUMP. Elsewhere, Brandi settles into her new home while dealing with ex-husband dramas; Kim goes dress shopping with her daughter; and Lisa Rinna visits an old friend, actress Eileen Davidson. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/
motorcitymom65 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 When Harry looked at Lisa and winked at her I died. That man oozes charisma and sex appeal. 24 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617543
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Kathy really is icky. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617611
WireWrap December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Kathy gives fashion advice yet wears a blouse too small for her, she is popping out of it! LOL 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617613
ihartcoffee December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Holy cow that's the way to fly!! 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617631
meeeeech December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I don't know their past work too well but so far I'm digging Lisa R. and Eileen. Fingers crossed that their introduction is Kim and Brandi's swan song. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617719
Deputy Deputy CoS December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) I don't know their past work too well but so far I'm digging Lisa R. and Eileen. Fingers crossed that their introduction is Kim and Brandi's swan song. Not for nothing but I thoroughly enjoyed everything they weren't involved in. Well Brandi because I love when the Richard sisters' meetup. Kathy should not be giving any advice except for how to land a mega rich husband, yet here she comes policing fashion. With ruffles coming out of her too tight shirt. Priceless. I liked Yolanda and her family. And that private jet. Yeeeeeesh. Yup, Kyle is not deliberately shining the beacon on her youngest. I'll believe that like Brandi it is a Brandi truth telling. Speaking of, Brandi is waste of space. She never belonged on this show, her place was cemented when Kyle and Kim bought her some viewer sympathy in her first season. She is sticking out like a sore thumb now that t Lisa' washed her hands off her. And oh Brandi, keep up with the insults, Lisa would welcome you back into her bosom faster. That chick is brainless. Edited December 3, 2014 by Deputy Deputy CoS 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617808
Maire December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Big boobs are the great leveler! Kathy Hilton's blouses gap just like mine. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617821
Petunia13 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I think Eileen and Lisa are refreshing. 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617823
Deputy Deputy CoS December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Kathy really is icky. True that. I guess I don't mind because I don't expect anything less from her. And I only have to deal with her every so often. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617829
car54 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Oh, that Harry Hamlin's still got it. I'll lay odds we won't see Harry on some reunion bickering with the housewives. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617839
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) Is Brandi ever gonna stop with the "I'm not perfect" shit? Don't little kids use that crap as an excuse? It doesn't excuse anything, Brandi. Stop sayin' this crapola already, would ya? So tired of hearing her nonsense & we're only 3 eps into the season. Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617851
WireWrap December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Big boobs are the great leveler! Kathy Hilton's blouses gap just like mine. I am very large busted as well and I use double stick tape with blouses a bit snug but that top was about 2 sizes too small for her! She can afford to have her shirts tailored to fit her properly and at the very least, use tape! lol Of course, it could have been tight because of the mic, they tend to attach them to the women's bra, but she would know that they do that! Is Brandi ever gonna stop with the "I'm not perfect shit"? Don't little kids use that crap as an excuse? It doesn't excuse anything, Brandi. Stop sayin' this crapola already, would ya? So tired of hearing her nonsense & we're only 3 eps into the season. It is becoming her excuse too talk nasty about the others, especially Lisa. "I'm not perfect so I can be as nasty as I want" attitude/excuse. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617852
Chrissytd December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I really liked Kyle's outfits this episode. Brandi continues to put me sleep. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617883
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) I'm not down especially with da Pump these days, but I think she articulated herself pretty well in her convo w/Brandi. Brandi keeps saying she wants to move on & move forward. OK, Brandi, so just what exactly does this mean? That Lisa (& we) should merely forget all the crap you said & did. I'm not sure what world you're living in, Brandi, but it ain't the real one. She acts so unbelievably childish for a woman in her 40's. Oh & and another possible move for her & the boys. Man, those poor kids. Do they have to constantly change schools too? That's gotta really suck for 'em. Oh, so did Eds really ask her for 80 thou? Sheesh, if he did, what a slime he continues to be. How does he have any career left at all, the way she's trashing his rep? Sounds like Brandi is spending a lot of her Bravo cash on lawyers, if we're to believe her story. Not sure I believe it tho. Btw, not diggin' Girlfriends Guide at all. Anyone else? Guess I'll post in that thread. I wanna catch Kyle on WWHL only cuz her hair looks awesome. I'm prepared to hear her usual bullshit & phony baloney crapola & have my mute button at the ready. Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617892
MrsPatrickBateman December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Did Brandi let it be known Ed pays $1000 in child support per month? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617904
PhilMarlowe2 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) If Brandi truly wants to move forward with Lisa, her approach to the phone call was ridiculous and childish. That said, I kind of "respect" (if you can call it that) the fact that she, unlike Kyle and Yolanda, is not completely erasing the issues she had with Lisa last year. I feel like Lisa, Kyle and Yolanda have all pretty much agreed to pretend like last season didn't happen - Brandi at least hast the balls to stand by the fact that Lisa did some stuff to upset her and that she's not going to play some weird collusion game now that a new season has started. Still, a little contrition would go a long way. Edited December 3, 2014 by PhilMarlowe2 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617907
cooksdelight December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Brandi wants to bring up what happened last season.. now.. because she has nothing else to bring to the table. Revisiting history is her only storyline. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617925
Straycat80 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Kyle doesn't want Portia to be a spoiled brat but they spent $564.62 at the kids clothing store? Okaaaay. Oh look Yo has another daughter. Gigi gets so much attention I always felt sorry for Bella. I was glad to see Yo interacting with her. I wouldn't make up with Brandi either if I was Lisa. Brandi really threw Lisa under the bus last season. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617965
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 There should be a distinction made bout Portia. Kyle was trying to make it sound (on WWHL) like she was getting mean tweets bout Portia -- from people getting on Portia's case. No. I find it hard to believe anyone is blaming a 6 year old for acting bratty. I blame Kyle -- but not so much for spoiling her, as for letting her be featured so much on the show. She has no control once Portia is on the show. And Satan Andy will skewer the child if he chooses to. And this season he's clearly choosing to do just that. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-617991
WireWrap December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I'm not down especially with da Pump these days, but I think she articulated herself pretty well in her convo w/Brandi. Brandi keeps saying she wants to move on & move forward. OK, Brandi, so just what exactly does this mean? That Lisa (& we) should merely forget all the crap you said & did. I'm not sure what world you're living in, Brandi, but it ain't the real one. She acts so unbelievably childish for a woman in her 40's. Oh & and another possible move for her & the boys. Man, those poor kids. Do they have to constantly change schools too? That's gotta really suck for 'em. Oh, so did Eds really ask her for 80 thou? Sheesh, if he did, what a slime he continues to be. How does he have any career left at all, the way she's trashing his rep? Sounds like Brandi is spending a lot of her Bravo cash on lawyers, if we're to believe her story. Not sure I believe it tho. Btw, not diggin' Girlfriends Guide at all. Anyone else? Guess I'll post in that thread. I wanna catch Kyle on WWHL only cuz her hair looks awesome. I'm prepared to hear her usual bullshit & phony baloney crapola & have my mute button at the ready. Brandi is twisting things to suit her agenda once again. I dislike EC/LR but Brandi is lying about the $100K. EC over paid her, through some agency, ALIMONY, not Child Support. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2566779/Brandi-Glanville-claims-afford-pay-ex-Eddie-Cibrian-114K-child-support-overpayment.html 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618034
copacabana December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Wow, Yolanda -- Her conversation with Bella was so gross. Her comments about Bella in relation to Gigi ditto Where is Dan Ackroyd when you need him? "Yolanda, you ignorant slut." It's incredible to me, though it shouldn't be given Yo's trajectory in life, that she should be so dismissive of the value of a good college education. If youth is wasted on the young then surely money is wasted on this dim-witted woman. Appalling. I hope she gets two tons of flack over it. Looking at her enjoying that amazing private plane one can see what she values most in this life -- It's all about the cash with her. Lisa is made of sterner stuff than I am. I would have told Brandi to go take a flying leap and never darken my door again a long time ago. Kyle is her usual foolish self -- sitting there listening in on the Brandi inanity without letting Lisa know she was there and then, dumb ass, letting Brandi use her cell phone. Rinna and Eileen are indeed a breath of fresh air. So far, am also loving their direct and no nonsense ability to order up and eat food when out and about. Portia needs to be kept away from the cameras but that surely ain't going to be happening. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618037
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Did Brandi let it be known Ed pays $1000 in child support per month? Seriously? That's all? OK, Judge Judy does this kinda thing all the time to point out a particularly useless father standing in front of her, so please bear with me. That comes to less than 20 bucks a day per kid. WTF??? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618051
cooksdelight December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I think Eddie and LeeAnn have the kids half the month (2 weeks) and Brandi the other two. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618065
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) It's all about the cash with her. Well, the woman did let Mo & that hair come at her for years & years, so I think it's safe to make that assumption. Hey, I always have bout her anyway. Oh my goodness, that private jet was dreamy. Take dat, Kyle & Mauricio & shove it up your phony baloney arses. I think Eddie and LeeAnn have the kids half the month (2 weeks) and Brandi the other two. OK, so less than 40 bucks per day per kid. Still ain't gonna buy much. Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618066
LotusFlower December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I'm not down especially with da Pump these days, but I think she articulated herself pretty well in her convo w/Brandi. Brandi keeps saying she wants to move on & move forward. OK, Brandi, so just what exactly does this mean? That Lisa (& we) should merely forget all the crap you said & did. I'm not sure what world you're living in, Brandi, but it ain't the real one. She acts so unbelievably childish for a woman in her 40's. She also uses the "it goes both ways" excuse too much. She did the same with Adrienne: well yea, I might have been a jerk to you, but you were a jerk to me, too, so let's just call it a wash and move on! That is such a classic way of deflecting responsibility and refusing to be accountable, let alone apologize, for any bad behavior. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618078
izabella December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Wow, Yolanda -- Her conversation with Bella was so gross. Her comments about Bella in relation to Gigi ditto Where is Dan Ackroyd when you need him? "Yolanda, you ignorant slut." It's incredible to me, though it shouldn't be given Yo's trajectory in life, that she should be so dismissive of the value of a good college education. If youth is wasted on the young then surely money is wasted on this dim-witted woman. Appalling. I hope she gets two tons of flack over it. Looking at her enjoying that amazing private plane one can see what she values most in this life -- It's all about the cash with her. I completely agree. Nowhere in Yolanda's head lies the possibility that Bella might actually not want to be photographed wearing as little clothing as her sister. It would never occur to Yolanda that Bella might want to do something else with her life, like become a doctor or writer or run her own business. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618079
breezy424 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Kyle doesn't want Portia to be a spoiled brat but they spent $564.62 at the kids clothing store? Okaaaay. Oh look Yo has another daughter. Gigi gets so much attention I always felt sorry for Bella. I was glad to see Yo interacting with her. I wouldn't make up with Brandi either if I was Lisa. Brandi really threw Lisa under the bus last season. Mauricio spent $564 on Portia. And if you are in their income range, that's really not that much money. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618092
Rhetorica December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Regarding Brandi talking to Lisa while Kyle was there: I thought it was common courtesy that if others are listening when you're on speaker, you tell the caller. Remember when Jill didn't tell Betheny that LuAnn was there when she told Betheny she was done? I think I have that right. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618116
breezy424 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 There should be a distinction made bout Portia. Kyle was trying to make it sound (on WWHL) like she was getting mean tweets bout Portia -- from people getting on Portia's case. No. I find it hard to believe anyone is blaming a 6 year old for acting bratty. I blame Kyle -- but not so much for spoiling her, as for letting her be featured so much on the show. She has no control once Portia is on the show. And Satan Andy will skewer the child if he chooses to. And this season he's clearly choosing to do just that. Why Kyle? She has a father who was in both those scenes and he was the one indulging her. I still don't think Portia is a brat. Nothing in the scene she was in (with the whole family last episode) was bratty and this week in the store, it was her father who was picking out clothes for her. The Bravo edit monkeys were also at work again. When Mauricio said do you like 'these', there was another response from Portia alone saying, 'Buy it." That was a disconnect. It would have been buy 'them'. How is a child supposed to react when her father is obviously enjoying himself making his daughter happy. In the end, she didn't get everything she wanted. She didn't throw a fit or tantrum. She just got a little sad like any child would do. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618123
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) That is such a classic way of deflecting responsibility and refusing to be accountable, let alone apologize, for any bad behavior. Lisa expressed herself perfectly. She said exactly what was bothering her & it really was all justified. Yet Brandi acknowledged none of it. She accepted no responsibility for doing anything wrong & never apologized for anything. Instead she just went on with the "I'm not perfect" garbage that she endlessly repeats & the "moving forward & on" crap. Sheesh, I've vowed to mute her if she starts in with any of that shit again. Is it a prerequisite to be on these stupid Housewives shows, that you have you be a stubborn mule bout refusing to ever ever ever apologize bout anything? Oh and to defend your shitty behavior by saying "I'm not perfect." Wtf is with that anyway? The Moaner on NYC does the same shit. I don't get it. Middle-aged women acting like they're little kids. Regarding Brandi talking to Lisa while Kyle was there: I thought it was common courtesy that if others are listening when you're on speaker, you tell the caller. Remember when Jill didn't tell Betheny that LuAnn was there when she told Betheny she was done? I think I have that right. You do have it right. And this kinda crap kills me too. Isn't this the kinda stuff you did when you were maybe 12? Why Kyle? Both parents are responsible. I think Portia is acting like a typical kid. She's being made to look poorly, but I'm not especially thrilled with the way Kyle seemed so unbothered by it on WWHL. This reminds me so much of Alex's & Simon's kids on NYC Housewives. Those kids seemed like something was seriously wrong with them, but it was just nasty Bravo editing. Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618127
twilightzone December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I am going to point out the obvious - I don't see Yolanda's daughter, Bella as model material. Not the point where she will have any real success. She isn't that photogenic to begin with. And unlike Gigi, she inherited more of Mohammed's plain physical attributes. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618158
copacabana December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Portia is all of six years old. Both her parents should be concerned about her being in front of those cameras as much as she is. Kyle may pretend otherwise and seems to be making a lot of noise about keeping it real while she pushes the little girl on the viewers, but both Umanskys seem intent on letting the world know that Mauricio is now making tons of dough. Close to 600 dollars in kiddie clothes, private planes, Kyle's The Agency baseball cap, off to Lake Tahoe and Majorca. And, of course, the quadrupling of The White Party. Message received. Only three episodes in and my Kyle disdain is up and running full throttle -- LOL. Given how horrid her sister Kathy is, and how she and Kyle don't seem to get along much, all this money flaunting must feel pretty good But do leave the child out of it. I have no interest in seeing these young kids on these shows anyway -- don't care how adorable they are. I get that others may enjoy it but none of these little people are the reason I tune in. So, yeah, go ahead and treat us to all that money can buy but spare me the nonsense about wanting your grade-schooler to appreciate all that she has. Pick a lane and let the little girl do her thing off-camera. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618190
Popular Post charming December 3, 2014 Popular Post Share December 3, 2014 I am going to point out the obvious - I don't see Yolanda's daughter, Bella as model material. Not the point where she will have any real success. She isn't that photogenic to begin with. And unlike Gigi, she inherited more of Mohammed's plain physical attributes. I think Bella's modeling shots are striking. She's a beautiful girl. Yolanda so clearly favors Gigi. I have so much sympathy for Bella.The housekeeper cared more about Bella's well being than Yolanda did. She treats her like a second class citizen. No wonder she acted out. I hope Mohammad is able to provide her emotional support and love. I don't understand Yo's obsession with modeling. Yo and Mo were able to provide the girls with the very best education money could buy. They've had opportunities that most people can only dream of. They could do anything and be anything in life. Somehow, out of all these possibilities, being objectified and having your picture in a magazine is the only thing their Mother cares about. What a twisted sense of values. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618199
Deputy Deputy CoS December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) If Brandi truly wants to move forward with Lisa, her approach to the phone call was ridiculous and childish. That said, I kind of "respect" (if you can call it that) the fact that she, unlike Kyle and Yolanda, is not completely erasing the issues she had with Lisa last year. I feel like Lisa, Kyle and Yolanda have all pretty much agreed to pretend like last season didn't happen - Brandi at least hast the balls to stand by the fact that Lisa did some stuff to upset her and that she's not going to play some weird collusion game now that a new season has started. Still, a little contrition would go a long way. That is what reunions are for. They aired out everything and apologies were made. I don't want another season of rehearsing of the previous season. The right thing to do after reunion was what Kyle and Lisa did. Have that one mandated meeting to discuss moving on. Which they are doing just fine, thus far. I thought Lisa was genuinely worried that Kyle might be going back on her word when she realized she was with Brandi. Edited December 3, 2014 by Deputy Deputy CoS 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618211
LotusFlower December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Lisa expressed herself perfectly. She said exactly what was bothering her & it really was all justified. Yet Brandi acknowledged none of it. She accepted no responsibility for doing anything wrong & never apologized for anything. Instead she just went on with the "I'm not perfect" garbage that she endlessly repeats & the "moving forward & on" crap. Sheesh, I've vowed to mute her if she starts in with any of that shit again. I agree. Is it a prerequisite to be on these stupid Housewives shows, that you have you be a stubborn mule bout refusing to ever ever ever apologize bout anything? Oh and to defend your shitty behavior by saying "I'm not perfect." Wtf is with that anyway? The Moaner on NYC does the same shit. I don't get it. Middle=aged women acting like they're little kids. I think a prerequisite to be on the show is an ego, and then once you're on, you get "fans" who tell you how great you are all the time, so all that creates a sort of delusional and defensive egomaniac. If you go on the show thinking you're perfect and great, and then ppl start telling you you're perfect and great, what's there to apologize for? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618227
Deputy Deputy CoS December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) Yolanda so clearly favors Gigi. I have so much sympathy for Bella.The housekeeper cared more about Bella's well being than Yolanda did. She treats her like a second class citizen. No wonder she acted out. I hope Mohammad is able to provide her emotional support and love. It is not just that she favors Gigi over Bella, there is this expectancy for Belle to feel less than Gigi. She is SHOCKED that it appears to have no effect on Bella. Sit down Yo, let me be the one fainting in shock that your pea brained thought it was okay to confess that on television. Which mother pits their children against each other like that? And clearly favor one over the other and air it for the world to see. That is aside the fact that she is trying to live viciously through those girls. I hope her family and friends would kindly bring this to her attention for the sake of her girls. I hope Gigi and Bella get along in spite of how their mother treats them. Edited December 3, 2014 by Deputy Deputy CoS 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618237
Teddybear December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) "I'm not going to raise a brat" says Kyle, but she will buy her six-year-old daughter a shirt that reads "My Louis is in the jet." Which mother pits their children against each other like that? And clearly favor one over the other and air it for the world to see. That is aside the fact that she is trying to live viciously through those girls. Kris Jenner? Edited December 3, 2014 by Teddybear 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618245
lunastartron December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) I am going to point out the obvious - I don't see Yolanda's daughter, Bella as model material. Not the point where she will have any real success. She isn't that photogenic to begin with. And unlike Gigi, she inherited more of Mohammed's plain physical attributes. I think Bella's modeling shots are striking. She's a beautiful girl. Yolanda so clearly favors Gigi. I have so much sympathy for Bella.The housekeeper cared more about Bella's well being than Yolanda did. She treats her like a second class citizen. No wonder she acted out. I hope Mohammad is able to provide her emotional support and love. I don't understand Yo's obsession with modeling. Yo and Mo were able to provide the girls with the very best education money could buy. They've had opportunities that most people can only dream of. They could do anything and be anything in life. Somehow, out of all these possibilities, being objectified and having your picture in a magazine is the only thing their Mother cares about. What a twisted sense of values. Vogue included a small feature on the Hadid sisters in either the November or December issue. While I think Gigi looks better on moving film, Bella has very patrician, almost jolie laide features that photograph better in stills. She might look even better (perhaps reminiscent of a young Raquel Zimmerman) if she didn't darken her hair. I think she has way more potential than her older sis for an editorial career; Gigi, for her part, will probably enjoy a lot of success as a Sports Illustrated/more commercial girl in the long term, although Vogue has featured her a lot in smaller items (no major spreads) over the past year. I appreciate that Bella seems to eschew her mother's bullshit for the most part. Yolanda is such a self-involved idiot that she seemed unable to identify that Bella is likely rebelling against her expectations while Gigi conforms to them; her "insights" into their sibling dynamic seemed to position the disparity as occurring naturally or in a vacuum. "I can't wait to see what trouble you get into." Bella is a rock star simply for calling the bluff on this smug bullshit. Okay, mom, wait and see! From her reactionary gender politics to her general insincerity, Yo turns my stomach, but the talking head wisdom and self-appointed maven of manners act are becoming too much. I don't knock any of these ladies for leveraging whatever skills they may boast to obtain financial security, but it's so ridiculous that Yolanda pretends that she didn't effectively make her money on her back. Is Brandi ever gonna stop with the "I'm not perfect" shit? Don't little kids use that crap as an excuse? It doesn't excuse anything, Brandi. Stop sayin' this crapola already, would ya? So tired of hearing her nonsense & we're only 3 eps into the season. Hey, the "I'm not perfect" shit has worked moderately well for Kyle! I guess Brandi has been spending too much time around the Richards sisters. Edited December 3, 2014 by lunastartron 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618259
charming December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) I really liked Lisa Rinna's birthday party. I thought the setting looked gorgeous and they all seemed at ease with each other. I really liked LR this show. The first 2 episodes she seemed to be trying too hard but I guess that's just her peppy personality. Loved her Michael Bolton story. Also got a kick out of her Mom cursing her phone. Edited December 3, 2014 by charming 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618311
breezy424 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Vogue included a small feature on the Hadid sisters in either the November or December issue. While I think Gigi looks better on moving film, Bella has very patrician, almost jolie laide features that photograph better in stills. She might look even better (perhaps reminiscent of a young Raquel Zimmerman) if she didn't darken her hair. I think she has way more potential than her older sis for an editorial career; Gigi, for her part, will probably enjoy a lot of success as a Sports Illustrated/more commercial girl in the long term, although Vogue has featured her a lot in smaller items (no major spreads) over the past year. I appreciate that Bella seems to eschew her mother's bullshit for the most part. Yolanda is such a self-involved idiot that she seemed unable to identify that Bella is likely rebelling against her expectations while Gigi conforms to them; her "insights" into their sibling dynamic seemed to position the disparity as occurring naturally or in a vacuum. "I can't wait to see what trouble you get into." Bella is a rock star simply for calling the bluff on this smug bullshit. Okay, mom, wait and see! From her reactionary gender politics to her general insincerity, Yo turns my stomach, but the talking head wisdom and self-appointed maven of manners act are becoming too much. I don't knock any of these ladies for leveraging whatever skills they may boast to obtain financial security, but it's so ridiculous that Yolanda pretends that she didn't effectively make her money on her back. Hey, the "I'm not perfect" shit has worked moderately well for Kyle! I guess Brandi has been spending too much time around the Richards sisters. Funny thought, Lisa said the same exact thing on this episode. And Lisa is the one Brandi has spent the most time with. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618324
Persnickety1 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 Well, what a refreshing change to see a group of grown-assed adults sitting down for a celebratory dinner and not one single petty fight breaking out. I'm really enjoying the break from the high drama at every single gathering on these franchises. And my love for Lisa Rinna has remained intact (so far). Now if only they would edit out any and all Kim and Brandi scenes for the rest of the season, this show might actually return to being enjoyable again. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618345
breezy424 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 BTW, I thought Kyle looked amazing on WWHL. As for this episode: I really enjoyed it. But please, production company, do you really think that we believe it when Brandi says she wants to catch Lisa off guard and so she calls her, there 'happens' to be a film crew at Lisa's house when Lisa gets the call? Lisa was quite prepared for the Brandi call. I like Lisa R. but the lunch with Eileen was a bit awkward. These two aren't as chummy as they would like us to believe. Lisa, please don't try to BS about you not liking hosting a party at one of your restaurants. You love it. You love the exposure. And speaking of the birthday party, it was fun hearing the stories of how some of the couples met, especially since the players are 'celebrities'. Kathy Hilton, you are embarrassing. You may have been right about the dress, but look in the mirror first before you make criticisms. Yolanda, OMG, I can only shake my head at your advice and feelings about success. You are no role model for your daughters. Brandi, your days are numbered. You're out of your league. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618361
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) Anyone catch the horrified looks on the plastic-surgeried faces of the designers of the dress Kathy so rudely dismissed as being something a cocktail waitress would wear? Btw, that was a totally beautiful dress & Kim's daughter looked beautiful in it, but I hate to admit it -- Kathy was right bout it. It just didn't really look like a wedding dress (to me). Wowza, Kim's daughters are both beauties -- and way better looking than either Paris or Nicky. Oh my, I was struck by how horribly old-looking Monty looked. Isn't he bout the same age as Kim? Is it the illness or had he just aged quite terribly? Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618367
phoenix780 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) Brandi keeps saying she wants to move on & move forward. OK, Brandi, so just what exactly does this mean? That Lisa (& we) should merely forget all the crap you said & did. I'm not sure what world you're living in, Brandi, but it ain't the real one. It's not the real world but it is Lisa's. When she and Kyle sit down to talk about moving forward Lisa says she doesn't want to rehash, she doesn't want to listen to what Kyle has to say, she just wants to get past it. I don't agree with Brandi's approach to the conversation at all, but it doesn't seem that far out for this show. I don't fault her for not mentioning that Kyle was on the line. Lisa didn't say that Ken was listening. Again, not what I'd do to someone, but Lisa and Brandi seem too similar for me to criticize one for doing it, if that makes any sense. I can see now why they'd have become friends, beyond reality show alliances, and why it was destined to fall apart. I don't understand why Brandi is complaining about getting that much child support if she shares custody fairly equally, and she's got best-selling books and a hit tv show. That aside, someone last week asked what people wanted from a HW show- for me this was it. It had humor at the beginning with Rinna's daughters and birthday dinner. There was a sly transition from Rinna saying she'd be a narcissist without her kids to Yolanda again explaining that what she loves about her daughters is that they're like her but better. There was some serious drama from Yolanda (surprisingly- I feel like that was her first authentic moment when she was talking about her mother) and Kim. The lunch between Eileen and Rinna was refreshing, as others have noted. And then there was a bit of drama at the end, but thankfully it has its roots in things we know about from the show and not just random Twitter/tabloid nonsense. I think what made it all work was that Bravo is again letting them film in pairs or individually instead of cutting costs by forcing them to host a series of events dragging them all together. Everything that happened felt very natural, or was at least believable, imho, and that made it enjoyable for me. Oh, and the biggest douche wasn't a cast member- I give it to Kathy on that one- or some random wannabe "friend of." That was nice. Edited December 3, 2014 by phoenix780 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618373
zoeysmom December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 BTW, I thought Kyle looked amazing on WWHL. As for this episode: I really enjoyed it. But please, production company, do you really think that we believe it when Brandi says she wants to catch Lisa off guard and so she calls her, there 'happens' to be a film crew at Lisa's house when Lisa gets the call? Lisa was quite prepared for the Brandi call. I like Lisa R. but the lunch with Eileen was a bit awkward. These two aren't as chummy as they would like us to believe. Lisa, please don't try to BS about you not liking hosting a party at one of your restaurants. You love it. You love the exposure. And speaking of the birthday party, it was fun hearing the stories of how some of the couples met, especially since the players are 'celebrities'. Kathy Hilton, you are embarrassing. You may have been right about the dress, but look in the mirror first before you make criticisms. Yolanda, OMG, I can only shake my head at your advice and feelings about success. You are no role model for your daughters. Brandi, your days are numbered. You're out of your league. I am quite certain that Ken hadn't planted nine rose bushes or had worked up the sweat he was wearing for the scene. I agree just admit it-they know Brandi is calling and they have seen the production schedule BRANDI CALLS LISA WHILE HIKING WITH KYLE. I could not believe the conversation Brandi was having with Lisa and Lisa seemed to take away from it she needed to be careful around Kyle??? Well, the woman did let Mo & that hair come at her for years & years, so I think it's safe to make that assumption. Hey, I always have bout her anyway. Oh my goodness, that private jet was dreamy. Take dat, Kyle & Mauricio & shove it up your phony baloney arses. OK, so less than 40 bucks per day per kid. Still ain't gonna buy much. I think they all lease or charter their jets-no one on the show lays claim to owning one. David and Yolandas jet for trip was very nice. Something tells me the Umanskys flew commercial to Europe. What irked me about Brandi and her attorney is he claimed they were going to continue to ignore it-if they were ignoring Eddie's demand-why was Brandi paying several thousand a month in attorney's fees? It was a very simple matter of Brandi being overpaid and the overpayment was being offset by one of Eddie's retirement accounts. So why Brandi acts like she is writing a check is beyond me-oh mostly she lies and exaggerates things. To me Brandi has the kids half the time, Eddie pays the dental, schooling and medical-why is he paying Brandi anything? According to Brandi he is an out of work actor. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618415
ScoobieDoobs December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 (edited) OK, so Brandi says Lisa can't say she's sorry. That's not really true. First off, what's Lisa got to be sorry for? Shoving Scheana at her? But I thought she did apologize for that at the last reunion & she explained she didn't know Scheana all that well when they first met -- or even since. I believe her. Besides, Brandi said & did far worse to Lisa. On the call, she not only didn't apologize to Lisa, she sorta puts it on her that she's "happy" to meet with her, but if she doesn't want to, then it's Lisa's fault the friendship has ended. Way to turn it around, Brandi, so you justify no responsibility for any of your shitty behavior. Ugh, you are awful. Now, was Brandi not divulging Kyle's presence worse than Lisa not divulging Ken's presence? Yeah, I think it was kinda shady of Brandi. Actually it was really shady. I doubt Brandi would have cared whether Ken was listening & she would not have said anything differently. But what about Lisa? I think she cared very much that Kyle was listening in & would very much liked to have known it. Just reeks. Typical Brandi shady shit. Was thinkin' bout that beautiful dress Kim's daughter was trying on -- the one nasty Kathy snarked on. Man, that dress was gorgeous. Had such a Grace Kelly/Audrey Hepburn vibe. Looked like something they woulda worn in one of their films from the '50's. So elegant & classy-looking. Yup, no wonder icky tacky Kathy hated it. Cocktail waitress, my ass. Lookin' in a mirror when ya said that, Kathy? Edited December 3, 2014 by ScoobieDoobs 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618422
WireWrap December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 It is not just that she favors Gigi over Bella, there is this expectancy for Belle to feel less than Gigi. She is SHOCKED that it appears to have no effect on Bella. Sit down Yo, let me be the one fainting in shock that your pea brained thought it was okay to confess that on television. Which mother pits their children against each other like that? And clearly favor one over the other and air it for the world to see. That is aside the fact that she is trying to live viciously through those girls. I hope her family and friends would kindly bring this to her attention for the sake of her girls. I hope Gigi and Bella get along in spite of how their mother treats them. As someone already mentioned K Jenner likes to pit daughters against each other but there is a closer connection to the show that did it. Kim/Kyle's mom, Big Kathy, pitted Kim and Kyle against each other for her affection/time while they were growing up. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618428
SFoster21 December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I can't understand why Kathy was even present. Especially since she added nothing but stress to what should have been a happy occasion. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618434
WireWrap December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 I am quite certain that Ken hadn't planted nine rose bushes or had worked up the sweat he was wearing for the scene. I agree just admit it-they know Brandi is calling and they have seen the production schedule BRANDI CALLS LISA WHILE HIKING WITH KYLE. I could not believe the conversation Brandi was having with Lisa and Lisa seemed to take away from it she needed to be careful around Kyle??? I think they all lease or charter their jets-no one on the show lays claim to owning one. David and Yolandas jet for trip was very nice. Something tells me the Umanskys flew commercial to Europe. What irked me about Brandi and her attorney is he claimed they were going to continue to ignore it-if they were ignoring Eddie's demand-why was Brandi paying several thousand a month in attorney's fees? It was a very simple matter of Brandi being overpaid and the overpayment was being offset by one of Eddie's retirement accounts. So why Brandi acts like she is writing a check is beyond me-oh mostly she lies and exaggerates things. To me Brandi has the kids half the time, Eddie pays the dental, schooling and medical-why is he paying Brandi anything? According to Brandi he is an out of work actor. Most likely the producers told Lisa that she would be getting a call from a "cast" member but not which one. I have no doubts that Brandi AND the producers preplanned the phone call. I think Lisa is worried, rightfully so IMO, that Brandi is going to try and sabotage the progress she and Kyle have made in repairing/rebuilding their friendship. I am getting tired of Brandi saying that EC overpaid child support and is demanding that money back, it was alimony money only that was overpaid. She is desperate to keep EC/LR looking as evil as possible, she needs the sympathy that brings her to maintain whatever fan base she has. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18890-s05e03-pay-attention-to-me/#findComment-618439
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