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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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Grrrrr! I hate my local affiliate this time of year. They pre-empt Jeopardy! and all the prime-time shows in favor of the ACC basketball tournament. I'm sad that I missed out on a Weird Al clue!

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Okay, I'm going to admit (anonymously, of course) to one of my worst Jeopardy blunders ever: in Litera-Sea, I completely screwed up the Horatio Hornblower clue.  To understand the magnitude of my error, you need to know the following:

A) Among my greatest interests in life are sailing ships, nautical history & fiction, and the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars, B) I've read some of each book series, have watched both the Hornblower TV series and Master & Commander more than a few times, C) I own a copy of both Thomas Cochrane's autobiography and a biography of him, and D) I actually write Hornblower-related fan fiction, for dog's sake!

But for some idiotic reason, I saw "C.S. Forrester" in the clue and my brain managed to make that into "Patrick O'Brian" thus allowing my mouth to blurt out "Jack Aubrey" when I knew very well that Forrester based Hornblower on Nelson and Cochrane.  So there you have it. my (internet) name is proserpina65, and I am a freaking moron.

Edited by proserpina65
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I don't recall ever seeing a single-person FJ before. I actually thought Alex was kind of funny, "We're going to start with you. You were in third place and in the lead." LOL.

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I've seen all three players go for broke in FJ and all be wrong, and I've seen someone become champ with $1.00. But I can't imagine someone seeing his/her two opponents going into the red and risking joining them. I'd just stand in silence knowing I couldn't lose. 


Weird game. It seemed so even at the end of the first round, too.

Edited by GreekGeek
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And I actually got FJ today.

That was very odd, but Alex was funny.

A picture of Dickens. *le sigh*

Does it bug anyone else when a contestant answers correctly and then just stands there? WTH, people, pick up the pace.

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What a horrible Double Jeopardy round. I'd rather stand there silent than keep guessing and guessing myself thousands into the hole, but maybe that's just me.

I'd be the opposite and decide to try to get the worst score ever.

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Fun* fact: The current champ is married to a 6-time champ.



I really like the current champ.  This being the case, I hope she stays at least as long as he did.  They must play jeopardy at home.   I wonder if Alex will ever mention this or not because it might jinx her.  Interesting fact.  Alex was actually funny 

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I bet they'd just have three new players the next day, but I don't know how they'd fill the FJ time. Chatter from Alex? A clip from a classic episode?

Ha! Yes, they would bring in three new players. As for any extra time, they'd probably just sell more ad space.


Today's game was just weird. It's not like Kristin was playing all that well, even. Here's to Friday the 13th being better!

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I am almost ashamed to admit that I knew it was Social Security ____ and just couldn't bring Administration to mind. 


I'd love to see some economists do game theory on how people would bet in FJs like tonight's.

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I really like the current champ.  This being the case, I hope she stays at least as long as he did.  They must play jeopardy at home.   I wonder if Alex will ever mention this or not because it might jinx her. 

We've been seeing her talk about it in a promo, but I guess it's not going to be mentioned on the show? Of if it is, that's a weird not-really-a-spoiler, because the promos have been running since her first day. 


That really felt like the worst episode ever. 

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I wish my dad were still around to have seen this.  I used to say that contestants shouldn't get credit for FJ if they hadn't used a question mark (Come on!  "Form of a question"), and he joked that they should also have to pay the producers if they wind up in the red.  

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I'm surprised that the middle guy just didn't shut up once he got out of the negative score in round 2.  There was no way to catch up and then he could have stayed for FJ.


Though, both of them might have just lost rational thought at a certain point.   I kind of did the same thing - I got really flustered and didn't think that if I just stopped I could have made it to FJ (I ended with zero at the end of round 2).

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A picture of Dickens. *le sigh*


I thought it was Lewis Carroll.  I guess I've not seen many pics of Dickens, and the clue didn't help me at all.

got FJ because my mother was one of two women who went to work in the regional Soc Sec office when Roosevelt started the program, and her 38 year career spanned the years of Health, Educ and Welare and the change to Health and Human Services.


I had no clue, but my mom got it almost immediately.  Go, Moms!  Your mom sounds like a great person, btw.

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I thought it was Lewis Carroll.  I guess I've not seen many pics of Dickens, and the clue didn't help me at all.

Me too, on Lewis Carroll. When I heard the answer, I said "oh right, that's why he looked familiar."

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we shouldn't make fun of anyone who was brave enough to audition and good enough to make the cut to appear on the show.


Yes, obviously nobody is stupid who makes it all the way to appearing on the show in the first place. But it is unfortunate, after all that to not make FJ.


I just hope neither of their moms gave Alex a hard time about it!

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So Big has been made into a movie twice, but if someone isn't into old movies or Ferber in generel the I could see why that was difficult. (Once in the thirties with Barbara Stanwyck and the fifties with Jane Wyman.)

ETA: I just looked it up and it was made in the silent era too with Colleen Moore. I hadn't seen that version so I didn't know.

Edited by HelenBaby
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I looked up Jason Sausville.  He's the one that reminded me of Terry to Toad in American Graffiti (aka Charles Martin Smith).  I do not mean that as an insult!  I liked him.

The weird thing about last night's game is that Stephanie was ahead and I figured she was a shoe-in to win.  Then she started to decline and by the end was just guessing.  I immediately said SSA for FJ then decided SSA started with LBJ (huh?) and changed my answer to the TVA.  D'OH!

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If I remember correctly, the middle guy only had $200 at one point in DJ, so even if could have doubled that he wouldn't have won.  I don't think either one of them would have done any better than getting their $1000 or $2000 at the end.  They did get that, didn't they?  (I didn't see the very end.)

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I like the champ but for the love of Mike, I wish she'd stop saying the whole category name. 

I hear ya. They didn't finish a baseball category, and that's my favorite subject. Very irritating!

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They didn't finish a baseball category, and that's my favorite subject. Very irritating!


Very disappointing that they didn't finish. I was acing that category, and was interested to see if they could stump me. 

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For me, I don't like when the clue provides enough info that a picture is extraneous (or the inverse). If the category name can be enough of a clue, the answer being "this person!l with a pic would be fine.

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I really like the current champ.  This being the case, I hope she stays at least as long as he did.  They must play jeopardy at home.   I wonder if Alex will ever mention this or not because it might jinx her. 


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I can't remember the wording, but it seemed like they forgot about Rerun.

I don't think they needed to mention Rerun; he wasn't nearly as well known as Lucy and Linus.  I loved Rerun - he always seemed to be on the back of his mother's bike while she hit all the bumps.


I thought FJ was easy although it wasn't exactly an instaget.  I wonder what border the guy in the middle thinks Arizona is on.

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I thought the FJ was pretty easy - you really just needed a basic idea of where states are located. I'm really not sure how he came up with Arizona. I mean, I guess it's a border state with Mexico, but nowhere near Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

Just like I have no idea how the guy came up with British Columbia for the clue that was asking for a state...it did throw me that the clue mentioned Ontario, because my mind automatically goes to the Canadian province rather than the city in California, but I haven't the slightest clue where BC came from.

Much better game than last night, though. And I like Kristin; I hope she continues to do well.

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