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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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  On 4/5/2015 at 10:04 PM, nc socialworker said:

I think Lisa is a little crazy and "trainwrecky" (I just invented a word!) but she can also laugh at herself which earns her a lot of goodwill from me. I don't mind a train wreck as long as there is some humanity there.

I wish she wouldn't drunk tweet because I do like her and it makes her look bad.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 11:00 PM, Almost 3000 said:

I wish she wouldn't drunk tweet because I do like her and it makes her look bad.

Pretty bad to drunk tweet after talking about other people's drinking problems all season, and telling the story of her addicted relatives and husband.

I don't tweet so haven't seen this stuff, but wtf?!

Edited by nexxie
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By next season, it will be a matter of counting down the episodes before she fully morphs into Brandi. 


She's already similar in that she's got a big foul mouth, I've seen her crotch (only more of Rinna's), she's a drunk tweeter, and just like Brandi, I liked her for exactly 2 episodes. 


For her sake, Bravo better keep Brandi around because the weight of being the resident dirt bag is going to fall squarely on Lisa's shoulders. However, I do believe she'll do a bang up job.  Rinnaville.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 11:09 PM, nexxie said:

Pretty bad to drunk tweet after talking about other people's drinking problems all season, and telling the story of her addicted relatives and husband.

I don't tweet so haven't seen this stuff, but wtf?!

To be fair I don't think its drunk tweeting but rather a big lack of impulse control. Even during the reunion you see her hopping out if her seat and commenting on issues that have nothing to do with her. It's as if she gets a thought and the part of her brain that should say "let's think about that" is turned off. She doesn't need to drink to lower her inhabitions.

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She wrote that she'd been drinking wine.  And while I'm thinking of it, you just reminded me of one more way she's like Brandi.  In the last couple episodes, the cameras did an awful lot of zooming in on Lisa R's wine glass(es).  Coincidence or setting up for next season?


And this, right after one of her tweet and delete sessions.   Sound JUST like something Brandi would write, right?



lisa rinnaVerified account
‏@lisarinna   Raise your hand if you've tweeted buzzed or drunk.


After just looking at her twitter two MORE similarities to Brandi.  Girl loves to pose in a bikini (can't say I blame either one of 'em for that, only personally, I'd feel vain and stupid) and Motherfucker is one of her go-to vocabulary words.

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"I bring this up on the blog generally when something gets under my skin. Brandi Glanville telling Lisa Rinna to “have some cake” got under my skin. You all watch The Housewives of Beverly Hills? Happens to be one of my favorite franchises, I’m a self admitted Housewife addict. And I have fallen head over heels for Lisa Rinna. She’s a hustler, and a diva, a mom, and full of Botox, and she is a hard body for sure. But what I really like about her is her confidence."





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  On 4/6/2015 at 1:58 PM, nc socialworker said:

To be fair I don't think its drunk tweeting but rather a big lack of impulse control. Even during the reunion you see her hopping out if her seat and commenting on issues that have nothing to do with her. It's as if she gets a thought and the part of her brain that should say "let's think about that" is turned off. She doesn't need to drink to lower her inhabitions.

Poor impulse control = good Bravo TV.

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  On 4/6/2015 at 3:46 PM, PreposterousISTA said:

"I bring this up on the blog generally when something gets under my skin. Brandi Glanville telling Lisa Rinna to “have some cake” got under my skin. You all watch The Housewives of Beverly Hills? Happens to be one of my favorite franchises, I’m a self admitted Housewife addict. And I have fallen head over heels for Lisa Rinna. She’s a hustler, and a diva, a mom, and full of Botox, and she is a hard body for sure. But what I really like about her is her confidence."




That blog writer is only focusing on Lisa's body confidence.  Which she absolutely has, in spades!  But imo, a truly confident woman wouldn't get so hepped up and glass throw-y if someone like Kim Richards was talking delusional smack.


Also, just because someone is cocky and crude doesn't necessarily make them confident. Usually it's just the opposite. (Holla! Brandi)  But I can't stand Lisa anymore so I might be a little biased.

Edited by ryebread
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  On 4/6/2015 at 3:57 PM, ryebread said:

That blog writer is only focusing on Lisa's body confidence.  Which she absolutely has, in spades!  But imo, a truly confident woman wouldn't get so hepped up and glass throw-y if someone like Kim Richards was talking delusional smack.


Also, just because someone is cocky and crude doesn't necessarily make them confident. Usually it's just the opposite. (Holla! Brandi)  But I can't stand Lisa anymore so I might be a little biased.

I agree with everything you stated except I am not at the "can't stand" point with Lisa R.  Also,

  Reveal spoiler


I am holding out hope that Lisa R was overall coming from a good place when she was running around talking about Kim's relapse.  Of course I don't rule out her acting in self-interest and doing the producer's bidding, but I am clinging to her motives being noble more than anything else.  However it is clear to me that once Kim rejected Lisa's overtures and then things got ugly at the Amsterdam dinner, any virtuous feelings that Lisa had towards Kim understandably dissipated, but IME Lisa R has a mean and crazy side and some of her actions towards Kim have more to do with Lisa Rinna's meanness and crazy, than Lisa R reacting to Kim's mean and crazy.

Edited by quinn
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  On 4/9/2015 at 1:30 AM, BlackMamba said:

Just seeing her hair long doesn't look right. I'm so use to her frosted tips and short 1990s do.

Billy Bush Kept Telling Her This Morning She Looked 15 Years Younger & How Much He Liked Her Hair Darker...But I, Too, Prefer The Shorter/Feathered Pixie/Flippy/Frosty Vintage Lisa Rinna One

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  On 4/9/2015 at 4:31 PM, thewhiteowl said:

She looks quite exotic with the long dark hair, Greek or Mediterranean, perhaps. Sure does take the emphasis off of her lips. I kind of dig it. Although I think her regular hair suits her personality and looks good as well.

Portuguese. I like her either way. The Playboy hair was interesting as well.

Edited by zoeysmom
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  On 4/11/2015 at 2:57 AM, AnnA said:

Someone please help me understand the significance of LisaR giving one of her reasons for the texts to Kim as "I was by myself for six hours."   Her response in tonight's First Look was so phony.  She is definitely an actress.

Shoot, I missed the first look - that is a weird response. Another weird response.

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LR's reaction to Kim showing the text messages was ridiculous. I can't stand people who cry about their past when confronted with their own behavior. This ain't about that Rinna. You're embarrassed that people are going to see you for who you really are. This is like Brandi crying about her dad dying trying to deflect from having slapped Lisa. Or like my best friend in fifth grade who when she would do something messed up would make up a dying aunt and start crying. Addicts aren't the only people who are natural-born deflectors apparently. I see right through this behavior and loathe it in anyone. "I'm only human." is not a good defense to anything.


I don't like Kim either, but this is a totally separate issue, and I'm only focusing on Rinna in the LR thread.


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  On 4/11/2015 at 2:57 AM, AnnA said:

Someone please help me understand the significance of LisaR giving one of her reasons for the texts to Kim as "I was by myself for six hours."   Her response in tonight's First Look was so phony.  She is definitely an actress.

I missed the first look, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would think her "I was alone for 6 hours" had to do with her not having anyone else to ask whether or not she should send the message. She strikes me as someone who needs to ask if it is ok to do something that might come back to bite her in the ass and if she doesn't have someone to say "It's bad for business" she will do it. 


But, I haven't seen it so I will wait to see since context is always important with these hos.

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Wish I hadn't watched the first look because I'm really annoyed by LisaR now. That reaction to Kim showing the text messages was so upsetting. Why didn't she point out that Brandi had just threatened Kyle to her face? Why apologize to Kim again when Kim refused to apologize to Eileen? Why blame her actions on her father???? Plenty of people would have flipped out on Kim and sent a text they later regretted. Own the anger and point out that any significant time with Kim would make even Mother Teresa want to strangle her. Geez, what a wimp.

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  On 4/11/2015 at 5:48 AM, MatildaMoody said:

I missed the first look, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would think her "I was alone for 6 hours" had to do with her not having anyone else to ask whether or not she should send the message. She strikes me as someone who needs to ask if it is ok to do something that might come back to bite her in the ass and if she doesn't have someone to say "It's bad for business" she will do it.


But, I haven't seen it so I will wait to see since context is always important with these hos.

I agree, MM, I've said it before that Rinna is impulsive.

I haven't watched First Look either, but I did see a clip of it a few days ago and the one thing I saw that bothered me was when LisaR talked about the verbal abuse (I'm not sure that she used that term) she took from her dad growing up. It bothered me that she would out him on national television. A reality show, no less. He's a 92 year old man. I wouldn't waste that information to put anything in context for the likes of Kim Richards for anything. Again, I haven't seen the whole thing, but I can't think her mother is really happy that she spilled that.

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I wasn't fond of how Rinna played the text reveal. When Kim first spoke about it, that solemn, yet unconcerned "I know exactly what she's talking about" is how she should have stayed.


She should have pulled Brandi into it, if she wanted to find an excuse for herself. You know, use "Mama Bear" and "threatened my family" and then be really petty and say how Brandi still hasn't apologized to Kyle for the many beat down threats.



I, however, would have just said, "I said it in the moment because you're horrible.  I didn't mean it, but imagining smacking you after all the shit you've pulled made me happy. I'm sorry you're so terrible".

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  On 4/11/2015 at 2:37 PM, Watermelon said:

I wasn't fond of how Rinna played the text reveal. When Kim first spoke about it, that solemn, yet unconcerned "I know exactly what she's talking about" is how she should have stayed.


She should have pulled Brandi into it, if she wanted to find an excuse for herself. You know, use "Mama Bear" and "threatened my family" and then be really petty and say how Brandi still hasn't apologized to Kyle for the many beat down threats.



I, however, would have just said, "I said it in the moment because you're horrible.  I didn't mean it, but imagining smacking you after all the shit you've pulled made me happy. I'm sorry you're so terrible".

Her reaction was ridiculous. It was clear to me by the looks on Lisa V and Kyle's face, that the air in that room changed dramatically. Kyle looked horrified. I think that more than anything Lisar wants to be liked (Lisa V said it best) and she knew that this might not go over well. I've said it before that Kyle and Lisa V will drop her quickly if they think she is a nutter. Lisa V in particular won't want to be associated with another Brandi situation. If the reaction of the fans over this incident is overwhelmingly negative towards Lisar, she won't hear much from Lisa V again and I think that she knows this. She opted for sympathy instead of being honest. 

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Rinna isn't from Beverly Hills.  In "the real world", you continue to be nasty to people and threaten to harm their loved ones, you might just find that the person you threatened will respond by threatening to fuck you up.  That's how it goes out here in the Land of Chub-Chubs.  You should probably stick to threatening your sister, Kim.  

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  On 4/11/2015 at 2:06 PM, slade3 said:

Wish I hadn't watched the first look because I'm really annoyed by LisaR now. That reaction to Kim showing the text messages was so upsetting. Why didn't she point out that Brandi had just threatened Kyle to her face? Why apologize to Kim again when Kim refused to apologize to Eileen? Why blame her actions on her father???? Plenty of people would have flipped out on Kim and sent a text they later regretted. Own the anger and point out that any significant time with Kim would make even Mother Teresa want to strangle her. Geez, what a wimp.

LR has consistently shown herself to have a spine of wet noodles this season. She'll never be a favored HW at this rate and if she comes back next season its a pretty good bet she'll have a bad one. That's my prediction for next season.

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Lisa Rinna is scary because she's crazy, which is not a unique trait when it comes to Real Housewives, but she's easily triggered.  The thing about her is that she is not going to win vis a vis Kim, or even Brandi, because she lacks their cunning and controlled cold-bloodedness.  My prediction is that if she and Kim are on the show, Kim is going to keep poking at her, intentionally and unintentionally, causing Lisa to lose it and embarrass herself.  For image purposes, Lisa's best bet is that wisdom trumps desperation and impulsiveness and she leaves Kim alone. 

Edited by quinn
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  On 4/11/2015 at 2:10 PM, zoeysmom said:
Thank-you so much!

Wow, this is what happens when you take on a narcissist - they are masters at finding your weak spot and getting you to react emotionally. Zero empathy - they greedily suck up every bit of emotional energy they can. Then, after they've gotten off watching their tortured victim, they offer a hug. Pure evil.

  On 4/11/2015 at 4:14 PM, quinn said:

Lisa Rinna is scary because she's crazy, which is not a unique trait when it comes to Real Housewives, but she's easily triggered.  The thing about her is that she is not going to win vis a vis Kim, or even Brandi, because she lacks their cunning and controlled cold-bloodedness.  My prediction is that if she and Kim are on the show, Kim is going to keep poking at her, intentionally and unintentionally, causing Lisa to lose it and embarrass herself.  For image purposes, Lisa's best bet is that wisdom trumps desperation and impulsiveness and she leaves Kim alone.

Yep - Kim will keep poking; she's found the weak spot.

imo LisaR needs a good therapist - she has anger management issues (at least).

Edited by nexxie
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When LisaR won for using the F word the most, I'd love to see a breakdown of how/when she used it.  My bet most of the time it was directed either to Brandi or Kim - and most likely in response to something they did. 


I don't think she handled the texts in the best way possible.  But, I can sure understand why she send them.   All season Kim wasn't hearing her.  It's like trying to reason with a pineapple.  She tried and tried, but just wasn't getting through, and no apology was ever good enough for Kim.   Up until this season, it seemed to be the unwritten rule that NOBODY brings up Kim's drug/alcohol use.   Remember LisaV getting blasted for even suggesting Kim took a sleeping pill.   So, when LisaR & Eileen had the nerve to break the rule, and not only speak about it, but ask Kim about it, Kim went nuts.  The upside was we all got to see the real Kim as a result.  The never ending "stop talking about me".    After the finale, LisaR goes home, still pissed, still trying to be heard, and although not a great idea, I'm sure she felt better after getting that anger towards Kim off her chest.     The "I'll fuck you up" seemed to be more of a warning not to go after her husband & her family anymore.

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Lisa should have said "I'll knock your teeth out" (whatever insult bg said) instead of "I'll fuck you up". All the other texts were honest and needed to be said. Fuck! Andy should have said what those texts said. Now I need to re-watch it since I don't remember the specific words used in the texts. I just remember thinking "YES! YES! YES! you tell em girl…why didn't Andy call Kim out on her relapse and call out Brandi on her talking about Kim's addictions" and then worried about how people would hone in on the "I'll fuck you up" text (while ignoring all of the threats made by bg).

edit: texts not tweets

Edited by Vicky8675309
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  On 4/11/2015 at 5:43 AM, Granimal said:

LR's reaction to Kim showing the text messages was ridiculous. I can't stand people who cry about their past when confronted with their own behavior. This ain't about that Rinna. You're embarrassed that people are going to see you for who you really are. This is like Brandi crying about her dad dying trying to deflect from having slapped Lisa. Or like my best friend in fifth grade who when she would do something messed up would make up a dying aunt and start crying. Addicts aren't the only people who are natural-born deflectors apparently. I see right through this behavior and loathe it in anyone. "I'm only human." is not a good defense to anything.


I don't like Kim either, but this is a totally separate issue, and I'm only focusing on Rinna in the LR thread.


I thought it was ridiculous too. I've got my eye on you, Rinna. I just know you're going to be getting on my nerves next year. 

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Oh yea, she got big train wreck potential but I'll take it. I liked when she " won" the f word prize she just said I'll take the crown and put it on my 20 year old hairdo and then flashed a huge smile. She can dish it, take it and not take it all so seriously. I am so so so disappointed that she broke down in tears over the text thing. I hate even more that she blamed her up bringing. I'm going to chock it up to a rookie mistake and the stress of the reunion but don't let it happen again. Lol

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  On 4/13/2015 at 1:57 AM, stewedsquash said:

I love the utter shock and dismay on Brandi and Kim's faces when their evil plan to destroy LisaR backfired.

Yep, Rinna just played it exactly like BG and Kim have been playing it all season. Kim recognized the game, that's why she kept making fun of Rinna's tears. Don't get me wrong, I do think there was some genuine emotion behind Rinna's sniffling but I also think she played it up for sympathy and to beat the toxic twins at their own game, though cringeworthy to watch, it worked. The look on RumRaisin's face when she returned to her seat was priceless. You know she was thinking, "What just happened here?"

She really did play that masterfully.

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To me Kimmy owned Lisa R. It is established that Brandi and Kim are horrible people, but Lisa R is undermining her baseline goodwill with her need to be in the mix but inability to handle the slings and arrows that are thrown her way often as a result of her putting herself in the mix.


 I am putting the rest in spoiler brackets since the episode has not aired.

  Reveal spoiler

I did not subscribe to the theory that the show hired a couple soap actresses for RHoBH to come in and "act" dramatically for the show, but to me Lisa seems to fit that bill, either that or she's a Hollywood phony, or maybe just a plain, ol' phony.

Edited by quinn
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  On 4/11/2015 at 10:59 PM, notnowimbusy said:

When LisaR won for using the F word the most, I'd love to see a breakdown of how/when she used it.  My bet most of the time it was directed either to Brandi or Kim - and most likely in response to something they did. 


I don't think she handled the texts in the best way possible.  But, I can sure understand why she send them.   All season Kim wasn't hearing her.  It's like trying to reason with a pineapple.  She tried and tried, but just wasn't getting through, and no apology was ever good enough for Kim.   Up until this season, it seemed to be the unwritten rule that NOBODY brings up Kim's drug/alcohol use.   Remember LisaV getting blasted for even suggesting Kim took a sleeping pill.   So, when LisaR & Eileen had the nerve to break the rule, and not only speak about it, but ask Kim about it, Kim went nuts.  The upside was we all got to see the real Kim as a result.  The never ending "stop talking about me".    After the finale, LisaR goes home, still pissed, still trying to be heard, and although not a great idea, I'm sure she felt better after getting that anger towards Kim off her chest.     The "I'll fuck you up" seemed to be more of a warning not to go after her husband & her family anymore.

I am kind of surprised that Rinna sent Kim those texts.  She, Brandi and Kim seemed really fine when they had their little sit down on the couch on the finale.  From what Bravo showed us, they all seemed ok.  So what didn't they show us at the finale?  What really went down at Adrienne's party?  We all heard about Lisa R acting crazy and having to be separated from Kim at the finale.  Did I miss this?

Edited by jinjer
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  On 4/13/2015 at 7:18 PM, jinjer said:

I am kind of surprised that Rinna sent Kim those texts.  She, Brandi and Kim seemed really fine when they had their little sit down on the couch on the finale.  From what Bravo showed us, they all seemed ok.  So what didn't they show us at the finale?  What really went down at Adrienne's party?  We all heard about Lisa R acting crazy and having to be separated from Kim at the finale.  Did I miss this?

I think the separation was Kim telling Rinna to beat feet and Rinna saying she didn't like the way Kim was talking to her.  I think what Rinna discovered is that given the opportunity to spill on the conversation with Brandi at lunch she balked and by doing so made herself look untruthful.  Apparently, it has not registered with Kim there is audio and visual of what goes on between these women.

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  On 4/13/2015 at 8:35 PM, zoeysmom said:

I think the separation was Kim telling Rinna to beat feet and Rinna saying she didn't like the way Kim was talking to her.  I think what Rinna discovered is that given the opportunity to spill on the conversation with Brandi at lunch she balked and by doing so made herself look untruthful.  Apparently, it has not registered with Kim there is audio and visual of what goes on between these women.

Is there a lost footage for this season?  Are we going to see whatever happened at the finale between Kim and Lisa R that was described in some places online that was "crazy" and that security was almost called to separate them?  Or was that a bunch of hooey?  Something like that is what would justify those tweets by Rinna.  I would love to see it.


I have to say that Lisa R acts despicably, and I don't mind it.  She's on this dumb show with all these women who are pretty much awful in their own ways.  Lisa VP used to stand above the others IMO, but she has forever tarnished her image with me not only with VPR but with her baiting of Kyle (which was kind of ham handed) and her reluctance to see that the whole Scheana thing was awkward/hurtful and that the Kyle/Mauricio allegation about selling homes was a low blow until Andy forced her hand.  I do love Lisa VP, but she got a little clumsy there and played martyr too much for my liking.  Yolanda redeemed herself IMO on the reunion.  She rose above and wouldn't let herself get dragged down into the gutter with the rest of them.


Lisa R is perfect for this show.  She's upbeat and will go there. She backstabbed Kyle basically at the finale and didn't bat and eye doing it. She's pretty trashy - admitting to liking porn, talking about the state of her "bush."  She's hot-tempered.  And I think she's got quite a few flaws in her life.  She's Brandi-lite this year.  Next year she may be actually Brandi on the Rocks. Plus she's a huge phony-baloney.  "I love you Kim - you're a great mother!!" Lol!  I think the producers will have a lot to work with.

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Lisa almost made it to the end of a whole season....I think if she'd done a couple less episodes, she'd have come off fairly well--she didn't show the crazy til almost the end, and she lost me when she didn't back people up about what had been said--she was too chicken to bring it up to Kim.   And since then, she's clearly had time to obsess about things so she's coming off very prepped for the reunion.

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  On 4/14/2015 at 12:44 AM, jinjer said:

Is there a lost footage for this season? Are we going to see whatever happened at the finale between Kim and Lisa R that was described in some places online that was "crazy" and that security was almost called to separate them? Or was that a bunch of hooey? Something like that is what would justify those tweets by Rinna. I would love to see it.

I have to say that Lisa R acts despicably, and I don't mind it. She's on this dumb show with all these women who are pretty much awful in their own ways. Lisa VP used to stand above the others IMO, but she has forever tarnished her image with me not only with VPR but with her baiting of Kyle (which was kind of ham handed) and her reluctance to see that the whole Scheana thing was awkward/hurtful and that the Kyle/Mauricio allegation about selling homes was a low blow until Andy forced her hand. I do love Lisa VP, but she got a little clumsy there and played martyr too much for my liking. Yolanda redeemed herself IMO on the reunion. She rose above and wouldn't let herself get dragged down into the gutter with the rest of them.

Lisa R is perfect for this show. She's upbeat and will go there. She backstabbed Kyle basically at the finale and didn't bat and eye doing it. She's pretty trashy - admitting to liking porn, talking about the state of her "bush." She's hot-tempered. And I think she's got quite a few flaws in her life. She's Brandi-lite this year. Next year she may be actually Brandi on the Rocks. Plus she's a huge phony-baloney. "I love you Kim - you're a great mother!!" Lol! I think the producers will have a lot to work with.

Great points. There is something about Rinna that makes me think she'd be exhausting to be around too long -- very jolly hockey sticks ( not scholastically but by way of BH's self-ordained elite) but with a rough edge that could turn ugly suddenly. "Brandi-lite" is a perfect description. Edited by steelcitysister
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