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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

it mattered not one bit that the entire floor plan of her house had to be re-drawn to accommodate it.

No house plans were redrawn.  We've gone over this a few times already.  The builder had one basic plan with a few variations that were already approved by the appropriate officials.  The SW had to select from the pre-approved options.  The wetbar option came with some other unnecessary things for Meri. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

@Runnergirl Yeah, it's a very pretty area. Right now, I usually drive up to Cottage Grove and catch the bus into Minneapolis. I reserve driving all the way to work for the days when I need to get home early and for Fridays during non-winter seasons. We looked at living in the Cities, but the crime is so high here. Since I'm the one with an income, then it's my responsibility to make sure we're living in a place that is safe for her to be during the day when she's running errands and keeping the house going. Home invasions (even during daylight hours!) in the Cities and Rochester are on the rise. And the Cities have a very serious gang problem, which leads into lots of gunshot incidents. So, I chose to have a long commute (75 to 90 minutes) rather than live in a place where I couldn't be certain she'd be safe (even though I could have gotten my commute down to 20 or 30 minutes by doing so).

Anyway, we like sitting down by the river on summer evenings. It's neat to watch the steamboats dock and the sun go down. Sometimes take the dog for a walk around downtown while we play Pokemon Go. Hope you're able to get back here soon!

Home invasions are common in Vegas too. Even with all my firearms and tactical training, it's draining thinking about it ALL THE TIME.  Doesn't help I have anxiety disorder and ptsd. I grew up on 200 acres in western WI and I wish I could just go back there and live off the land like we used to.

Anyways. Back on track. Since moving to Vegas, all the Browns started to look bloated and unhealthy. This town isn't doing much for them fitness-wise. 

  • Love 2

Robyn has said that "Kody has always wanted to live in Las Vegas."


LOL, and that's all that matters, folks. 

Reminds me of when my manic-depressive step-father moved us all to FL (from the midwest) on a whim. He'd just always wanted to live in Florida. It was a nightmare, and after the divorce my mother ended back up in her hometown. 

That's why I was always skeptical about how serious Utah was about investigating the Browns. I think Kody was just WAITING for the tiniest opportunity, and then it was off to Vegas! 

I agree with those who found the earlier episodes, where they all shared a house way more interesting. It's quite clear these women are not interesting in the "fambly" aspect, but JUST want the man. (Or some, more than others.)

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:



LOL, and that's all that matters, folks. 

Reminds me of when my manic-depressive step-father moved us all to FL (from the midwest) on a whim. He'd just always wanted to live in Florida. It was a nightmare, and after the divorce my mother ended back up in her hometown. 

That's why I was always skeptical about how serious Utah was about investigating the Browns. I think Kody was just WAITING for the tiniest opportunity, and then it was off to Vegas! 

I agree with those who found the earlier episodes, where they all shared a house way more interesting. It's quite clear these women are not interesting in the "fambly" aspect, but JUST want the man. (Or some, more than others.)

Seems like at their house in Utah the kids had places to play and run around. And it wasn't hot as balls 7 months out of the year. They all look like this city is taking a toll on them. 

Edited by Runnergirl
  • Love 4

Back when the houses were first purchased and the public records were researched, we could see that they all had loans through those predatory lending mortgage companies who would give loans to anyone. Christine fell under some first-time homebuyer program with one mortgage company, and Janelle's company wasn't too awful, but Kody and Meri and Robyn had loans through companies who were notorious for increasing the mortgage after 5 years and taking the homes back. With Kody being added to Robyn's mortgage, they may have refinanced by now. I didn't look at the records again. Someone here or on Cynical Jinx' site said that the property had increased in value, so they may have all refinanced by now.

The builder financing them was something that someone suggested that took on a life of its own, because it made sense with their bankruptcies and lack of steady employment. Also, that land had sat empty for a long time and the developer needed to unload it. But, the mortgage documents were filed, and the Browns had loans for the homes. I don't remember a conversation about TLC paying for them, but I think they wanted them to stay in the home in Utah. Them together under one roof and figuring out a way to add Robyn to the mix was the show. Them living in separate homes as separate families wasn't interesting. Of course, now we know that they were always living as separate families, but that wasn't how they sold themselves to the production company.

Edited by Christina
Added sentence for clarity.
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Christina said:

The builder financing them was something that someone suggested that took on a life of its own, because it made sense with their bankruptcies and lack of steady employment.

Yeah, there was a ton of talk about it on TWoP and Sister Wives Blog. Digging deep in my muddled brain now, but didn't it take a while for us to see who was financing the loans? I think that is what led to the contractor financing talk for so long. Any way you cut it, I still don't know how they are making any sort of mortgage payment, all the utility payments, plus paying for cell phones, insurance, HOA fees, car payments, car insurance, food, tuition (if a parent is actually contributing towards that), clothing, hair products and stupid wall plaques for four homes and families. AND Meri has enough disposable income to dump thousands of dollars into LuLaCrap clothing. No way is TLC paying enough for all of that.

The next bankruptcy is going to be a doozy.  Can't wait to dig THAT up on the Interwebz.

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There have been public records showing that they weren't even paying for their trash pickup until a lien was placed on the houses, and one of the kids was stopped for speeding and a "no insurance" fine was added to the speeding fine.  

Their financial lives are built with no foundations.  As I've said before, the bankruptcies will start the month after the last TLC check is cashed.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Absolom said:

No house plans were redrawn.  We've gone over this a few times already.  The builder had one basic plan with a few variations that were already approved by the appropriate officials.  The SW had to select from the pre-approved options.  The wetbar option came with some other unnecessary things for Meri.

It looks like they all have basically the same floor plan but Meri chose expensive upgrades. Granite in the kitchen, nice tile floors, etc... and she purchased more expensive furniture on her own to fill that lonely house with. In my opinion, the other 3 wives have very cheap builder grade finishes inside their homes plus they still have kids living there making a mess.    

  • Love 2

Wet bar was for the Green Goo Scam parties. Since Meri's house is the pristine house, they use it for their base of operations (and I bet they write off a shit-ton of expenses in taxes too). But since the Batfisher infiltrated their little happy family, I'm not so sure they have had any GG parties. Now that Meri is selling Lularoe, wonder if she writes off the room where she holds up the leggings to her iPhone during her sells?

It's still mind-boggling that someone like Christine, who has no work experience, six dependents, no legal husband, a recent bankruptcy and a 1/5 slice of the temporary TLC money pie, was able to secure a mortgage even from a predatory mortgage company. I'm betting she will loose her house first, unless Annie is helping out financially. So my next guess is.....Meri. Kody will let/make Janelle loose her house before Robyn. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Absolom said:

I was trying to find mortgage info and failing and ran across the lien filed against Janelle's property for the trash service.  Memories of old times again. 

See? This is why I love you all so much and why I enjoy coming here so much. You guys dig up all the interesting dirt on these people. Your sleuthing skills are second to none! 

  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

But Kody is still listed on the deed for Meri's house as well as Robyn's, so he has a vested interest in protecting just those two houses.

I keep forgetting that. He divorced her but he didn't divorce the house. So first to go will be Christine's and Janelle's homes.

Meri and Kody also had a lien from the garbage company at one time. Looks like Robyn's hospital lien was resolved. But like @Absolom I couldn't find any mortgage info, only the original deed info from the contractor. 

  • Love 1

Kody/Meri/Mariah did an interview for abc news nightline.  I found it on the abc website after seeing someone mention it at CJs blog.

An interesting view..at first talking about Mariah's big coming out announcement, but asking questions about the catfish time and the state of their marriage.  It's funny how they said they were the first to marry in the family, but never mentioned the fact that they have gone through the "legal" divorce.  Interesting that Kody states quite plainly that he only trusts Meri on a "pragmatic" level, and at the time of the catfish he believed that Meri was having a "full blown affair".

I don't care what the show "shows" us, those two are so done with each other.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Yeah, kinda funny how that was tweeted after I mentioned here on ptv that they didn't give a crap about it now.  It's like they read here or something. *lol*

Hey Browns if you're reading this maybe you can give half a shit about your 1 customer and make your checkout page secure finally after 5 years, huh? 

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Wow.  That was very telling.  Kody will never trust or be in a romantic relationship with Meri again.  Pretty obvious.


If I knew my "husband" felt that way about me, I think I would be peace out.  Especially this hypocritical sack of shit.  He can have four wives, but his panties are in a bunch because meri went looking for love in all the wrong places.

.I'm not stirring up this done to death catfish story, but meri must be mortified to have "lover" say what he said.  I feel sorry for her.  It's like she and kodi are locked in a battle to see who hurt each other the most.  What a great way to live.

Nancy is doing a bang up job with their therapy.  NOT.

  • Love 7

Kody had emotionally divorced Meri long before the ridiculous "divorce for adoption" plot line was dreamed up.  Actually, he pretty much emotionally abandoned all three of his "wives" when he met Robyn.  Janelle didn't care, Christine called him on it and complained.  Meri seemed to be more in denial until the divorce storyline.  Then she had to face the reality that Kody had more than moved on.  No wonder she was emotionally vulnerable to the catfishing incident.

Kody reminds me of my ex-husband.  He verbally and physically abused me, had a girlfriend on the side, and kept all the money from his infrequent paychecks.  After I moved out and filed for divorce, he cried to anyone who would listen that I walked out on him and hurt him deeply.  I was never one to discuss my domestic problems, so he got tons of sympathy from people who had no idea what had driven me to leave.

I'm sure Meri did tell Kody to stop coming to her house, but I'm also sure it was because he made it clear he was head over heels for Robyn.  Polygamy is supposed to be ADDING a wife, not REPLACING one or three.  But that's what actually has happened with the Brown's.  

I think Meri should stop lying and come clean about the catfishing, but I also think Kody and Robyn need to come clean about the real reason for divorce.  It clearly wasn't just a formality so he could adopt her children.  

  • Love 8

I do certainly hope that before or after this photo was taken that Kody gave that girl a real cuddle.  This is not a photo I would post, she looks like she needs a good, loving hug and Kody has pulled back with that "oh...what is that smell" look on his face.  Reminds me of that fake hug he gave Meri back when they were "discussing" the catfish in her living room (last season I think)


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3 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I do certainly hope that before or after this photo was taken that Kody gave that girl a real cuddle.  This is not a photo I would post, she looks like she needs a good, loving hug and Kody has pulled back with that "oh...what is that smell" look on his face.  Reminds me of that fake hug he gave Meri back when they were "discussing" the catfish in her living room (last season I think)


To me it looks like he was in the middle of a sentence (yeah I know, giving the guy benefit of the doubt).

On 1/28/2017 at 6:08 PM, MonicaM said:

Kody had emotionally divorced Meri long before the ridiculous "divorce for adoption" plot line was dreamed up.  Actually, he pretty much emotionally abandoned all three of his "wives" when he met Robyn.  Janelle didn't care, Christine called him on it and complained.  Meri seemed to be more in denial until the divorce storyline.  Then she had to face the reality that Kody had more than moved on.  No wonder she was emotionally vulnerable to the catfishing incident.

I'm sure Meri did tell Kody to stop coming to her house, but I'm also sure it was because he made it clear he was head over heels for Robyn.  Polygamy is supposed to be ADDING a wife, not REPLACING one or three.  But that's what actually has happened with the Brown's.  

I think Meri should stop lying and come clean about the catfishing, but I also think Kody and Robyn need to come clean about the real reason for divorce.  It clearly wasn't just a formality so he could adopt her children.  

I'm actually so over this show. Just like most reality show people, they were most interesting early on before they developed into bad actors (and drawn out clips/storylines). 

  • Love 1
On 1/27/2017 at 7:30 PM, MrSmith said:

See? This is why I love you all so much and why I enjoy coming here so much. You guys dig up all the interesting dirt on these people. Your sleuthing skills are second to none! 

MrSmith, if you'd like to see the original convo about trashgate, it starts here:

  • Love 2
On 1/27/2017 at 9:38 AM, MrSmith said:

And with each passing season of this show, it becomes ever more glaringly obvious that polygamy really does not work. To me, they're really highlighting the fact that human psychology is far and away better suited to monogamy than to any plural arrangement (polygamy, bigamy, polyamory, etc).

I think people really have a need to be important and special to one other person and I don't think our psychological make-up is able to cope with having to share the one person that is really important and special to you.

Aw, I couldn't have said it better myself. Sure hope someone from the Brown family is reading here.

And God knows people constantly try to get around this idea - and try desperately to find some way to take the emotional connection out of sex - but that never really works for long. And this is precisely why.

Thanks for posting this.

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Here is an old interview where they talk about the move to Las Vegas.  Billy Bush asks them if they moved because of the investigation and they completely down play it and say that they always wanted to move there.  When asked about how they support so many kids, Roby jumps in about how wonderful the lifestyle is because you get to choose whether you work or not and I had to laugh when Kody says "I've also had a very successful career."  LULZ.  


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On 1/28/2017 at 8:08 PM, MonicaM said:

I'm sure Meri did tell Kody to stop coming to her house, but I'm also sure it was because he made it clear he was head over heels for Robyn.  Polygamy is supposed to be ADDING a wife, not REPLACING one or three.  But that's what actually has happened with the Brown's.  


Good point, though I don't think it's dawned on Kody yet and probably on very few polyg men. To them, it just means they get a fresh new model every few years - like trading in the old car for a nice new one, but you still get to keep the old jalopy in the garage and use it for what it's worth.

How awful to treat human beings like this. But that's exactly what they do. I still think that scene of Meri signing her own divorce papers with her husband and her replacement - Robyn - sitting right there and eagerly watching her do it was one of the saddest things I've ever seen on TV, scripted or not.


  • Love 5
8 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

Here is an old interview where they talk about the move to Las Vegas.  Billy Bush asks them if they moved because of the investigation and they completely down play it and say that they always wanted to move there.  When asked about how they support so many kids, Roby jumps in about how wonderful the lifestyle is because you get to choose whether you work or not and I had to laugh when Kody says "I've also had a very successful career."  LULZ.  


THAT'S the interview where Robyn says that "Kody has wanted to move to Vegas for YEARS"  Gee...Robyn....you have barely known him for year(S).  And YUP, then him and haw all over the whole bullshit "had to flee for our very lives" from Utah crap O LA!!  I remember in my head seeing an interview that was said...but I have never seen it since.  Thank you for posting it LettsJetts!!

Kody's successful career!!??  Figuring out how to optimize his Bleeding of the Beast and how to best rotate those Bankruptcy's to the families best advantage.

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Just found this tidbit: http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1131669/meri-brown-has-found-a-new-sisterhood-outside-of-sister-wives

Gawd those LLR clothes are awful. Mustard yellow has got to be the worst and the tights look like someone threw up a hot dog followed by mint chip ice cream. 

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Hideous.  How could anyone with eyesight ever wear them?  

Although I do have to say that I had never heard of LLR until this forum and yesterday someone posted a party invite in our little town of 3000.  Good Lord.  I'm sure I'll be able to pick out buyers since most people where wear jeans and flannel shirts.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Hideous.  How could anyone with eyesight ever wear them?  

Although I do have to say that I had never heard of LLR until this forum and yesterday someone posted a party invite in our little town of 3000.  Good Lord.  I'm sure I'll be able to pick out buyers since most people where wear jeans and flannel shirts.

LLR is almost like a large scale prank. "Let's make ugly clothes and tell people they're fashion and see how many buy into it! It'll be hilarious!" 

  • Love 16
8 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

LLR is almost like a large scale prank. "Let's make ugly clothes and tell people they're fashion and see how many buy into it! It'll be hilarious!" 


It's like an "I'll  have what she's having/I want it because she wants it & she wants it because she knows someone else wants it" epidemic.

Those LLR people must be like...dang we were just playin' They're really buying this shit. ?

Edited by Sista Snarky
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