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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

I'm kikismom, walking dead fan and I'm partial to survival topics and doggerel verse.

(Apologies to the Mamas and the Papas)

All her sweaters are on, and her hair is gray,

What she's cooking on that grill, I really couldn't say

Terminus is scary, run the other way...


Stopped to pick a berry

I pretend to claim

Distract Joe from a wrapper

I saw along the way

Joe and the Merletones are pervy creeps

Got my crossbow poised to aim

This pursuit of Rick is trouble

Run the other way


"Sanctuary for All"--

but all have gone away?

Even the zombies are missing

What keeps them away?

Omens fall like anvils

The group should leave today

Season 4 is ending

In a very ugly way

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SpaghettiTuesdays - I'm already looking forward to the marathon AMC is sure to air before the next new episodes (yes, I am a little sick that way)!  It will be a very long summer.  I hope our intrepid spies are forthcoming with snippets of info about filming.

I am very pleased to see so many familiar names here, and to discover that this just might be a sanctuary for me.  :-)

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Hey, all! KarateKate, reporting for duty! Just... as the season is over. Whomp. Well, that's my M.O.

In fact, TWD is one of the only shows I watch in real time, after just starting in October. Netflix, On Demand and mid-season marathons meant I was caught up by mid-season break. Just in time to wait. 

And now... more waiting. This is why I usually watch shows once they're done and I can binge! I am so bad at the waiting part.

On a note about Zombie Binging, it's amazing how quickly I went from "can't watch when home alone" and "cover my eyes at the squick" to shouting out "NO!! Double tap the head, morons! Dead isn't dead!" My husband was alarmed. 

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Well, I'm here.  It was a bumpy road, what with this guy named Joe, and this other guy with a funny mustache, and don't even get me started on the gal in the hot pants.  Oh, and there were a bunch of dead people wandering about, but they weren't the worst that was out there; in fact, they seemed tame compared to some of the living folk.  I ran into this young blonde who'd start singing at the strangest of times.  And this guy with an eye-patch.  What was that all about?

Anyway, here I am.  Do I  need to "claim" a spot, or just start yakking? 

Anyone got any rabbit?

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Hi, I was Spencer over at TwOp, I read a lot and loved the funny comments, but did not post often. I found it creepy that the Termites  had the same dialogue for each group

Something like " You look like you've been on the road a long time" and "Let me fix you a plate" All very scripted....super creepy. Can Not Wait for October !!

Edited by Daryleena
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Confirmation that my job is full of losers...no one in my entire group watches the Walking Dead.  I said "claimed" when I went for my chair at the last department meeting and not one freaking person got it.  A group of IT geeks and I'm the only that watches?  Lame.


 That is a tragedy. I'm lucky enough to have a couple of people I work with to talk to about this show! I can't imagine no one "getting it".

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Since we are not supposed to use this thread to talk about the show, I thought it would be the right place to add something I remembered after my post above (at 4/5/14--9:09pm), just sharing general fun stuff. (and things).

I'm thinking maybe some of you here would enjoy this as well (and I do wish we had something like this about TWD, I don't want the location maps available, I want the show universe know what I mean?).


oooh, kikismom, those are cool. I especially loved the Golden Girls and the one from the Jeffersons. I watched the Jeffersons when I was probably to young to be doing so. And GG, well, I can watch that show anytime. I have many of the seasons on dvd.

If you are ever in the real life area of TWD, the locations map is invaluable if you go sight-seeing!

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Confirmation that my job is full of losers...no one in my entire group watches the Walking Dead.  I said "claimed" when I went for my chair at the last department meeting and not one freaking person got it.  A group of IT geeks and I'm the only that watches?  Lame.

This is awesome!

I am helloagain at TWOP also.  Nice to see familiar names (ghoulina, kikismom, former O2Sean) already!

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I am glad I am not the only former TWoP lurker to come out of the shadows and make themselves known. 

TheBitchyWife, I also work with the lame.  Granted we are in the legal profession, so already lame. It would make the day a bit more enjoyable if I could discuss/analyze/obsess with someone about TWD, but that is what I came here to do and I am looking forward to it!

Edited by Tarable
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Well, my TWD buddies might appreciate this exchange at CasaKate:

6-year-old daughter: [displaying game cards from a kids meal] Those are your food choices.

MrKate: Well, not that one. It's a cat. We don't eat cats.

Daughter: No! Not cats. The *inside* of a cat. Where the meat is.

!!! What the what?!?!

Actually laughing out loud about this :)

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And Jon Hamm is an AMC asset (?, snorts derisively ). When I read the news, I caught the faint scent of a jumped shark nearby.

It might be a threat if the rumor of major cast members demanding a raise has any truth to it; which would be crazy IMHO- these people are criminally underpaid considering the money AMC and Kirkman are raking in on this show, and the merchandising. If Jon Hamm happens as Negan, we're one step away from Beth being rescued by Justin Beiber in a Very Special Episode with Duet Single Downloadable On i-Tunes.

If Daryl dies, we riot...but if Negan is played by Don Draper we have to channel our inner Rick when they came upon Eyeglasses Guy...sometimes you just have to let it go and move on because it's too late to save now.

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