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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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15 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Canon makes a great scanner...the Canoscan 9000...you can get it for like $179 at B&H...plug and play and makes great quality scans. I scan my B/W after I develop it to make sure I really want to commit to printing it. Handy when several shots of the same thing so you can pick this very best one...

Ah, the Canoscan. I have the Canoscan 8800, obviously a prior model to the 9000, and it's still going strong after 8 years. I've scanned photos, slides, and film with it. I've looked at the newer 9000. But it just hasn't seemed worth it to buy the new one and figure out what to do with the old one. 

Sending good wishes for that procedure and your recovery, @Arwen Evenstar.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 2

OMG!!! I just open the door to let Sassy in the house. She was acting strange and went under the step to bring something out. It was a mouse. I let out a scream and close the door before she had a chance to come in with it. Ewwww... I am glad she is catching mice before they get in the house, but I do not need to see her play with it before killing and/or eating it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Best. Internets. Family. EVER! I am SO grateful and touched by everyone's well-wishes! It was very soothing to log on this morning and find them. It didn't go terribly but it wasn't awesome either.  

While Mamma was polite and amiable to Girlfriend, and bought us both lunch on Saturday and Sunday (AND invited Girlfriend to hang out with us on Sunday, which was not in the original plan), and went out of her way to demonstrate how TOTALLY FINE she is with the gays, there was a strained undercurrent and she said a few things when we were alone that made my heart sink a little. I'm a bit of a stereotype in that I'm super girly and the women I date tend to be on the androgynous/masculine side, current Girlfriend included, which my mom felt compelled to harp on one evening after Girlfriend left. "She's PRETTY but you don't even realize she's a GIRL until you start TALKING to her..." and I explained that that's how she's comfortable, she's aware of how she looks and she doesn't care if people honestly mistake her for a boy as long as nobody is hostile or nasty to her over it. And MOM SAID "Well, if she's going to look that way, she has to expect that it's going to come with the territory." 


But she's trying, I repeat to myself. She's trying.

The slightly worse thing is that my father doesn't know I'm gay. The last he heard, I was married to a dude for 20 years. Daddy is a high-functioning autistic with zero filter who spent 35 years as an officer in the military and the 15 years since his retirement watching Fox News, so he has very specific and very strong views on gays and his health is fragile and in the interest of not literally killing him, I told the family to hold off on telling him. But now my mother is pressuring me about it, and apparently she told my brother about Girlfriend because he called me and said "If the kids [my niece and nephew] ever meet your girlfriend, we can't exactly tell them 'Oh, but don't tell Grandpa anything about this person.' So you're going to have to tell Dad." 


But Girlfriend is a saint. SAINT. Through all of this, she has been unfailingly good-spirited and supportive and willing to throw herself in the line of fire with my mother, not the least bit intimidated, 100% open-hearted. Mom couldn't help but like her. It's almost impossible not to. :) So although my happiness is tainted by a lot of weird disapproval that makes me feel weird, I'm also 41 years old and can see the logic (though feeling it is slightly trickier) in my happiness not being contingent on the approval of anyone. So I must focus on big-girl thinking.

Again--EVERYONE'S well-wishes were felt and deeply, deeply appreciated. Thank you all, beautiful Duggar-forum people! 

@ARWEN EVENSTAR, I know it's hard to be easy-going about stuff when it's your body and your health. But I can tell you that my grandmother and mother both had/have severe cases of what you are describing and the procedure you're getting done is extremely effective. Just make sure you're taking time for yourself, breathing, allowing your mind time to relax away from the stress every day, even if it's just for a few minutes, so that you don't start feeling overwhelmed. Yes?

  • Love 20
33 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

OMG!!! I just open the door to let Sassy in the house. She was acting strange and went under the step to bring something out. It was a mouse. I let out a scream and close the door before she had a chance to come in with it. Ewwww... I am glad she is catching mice before they get in the house, but I do not need to see her play with it before killing and/or eating it.

Watch where you step next time you use that door. lol

Some cats love to proudly display eviscerated remains. Kind of, Just for you, mom! 


@Aja  (missed your post as we posted at about the same time.)

So glad you opened the door and however grudgingly someone walks through it, at least they're in. Wish I had some great advice re: dad but I'm sure answers will come as you weave your way through the minefield. Just sorry there's a minefield! Happy for your start.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 1

Aja, just keep reminding yourself that these are baby steps towards hopefully your mom becoming totally accepting. I'm not gay, but I have a lot of friends who are, and some of their parents are great and some are not. My own parents have their moments where I'm thinking "how can you think or say that in 2016!?!", but I have to remind myself that times are very different now than when they were raised and it's a slow process for some people to change what was ingrained in their minds since they were kids. Some adapt faster than others.

I'm an Olympic nut so I've watched approximately 9,435 hours of sports since Friday night. I don't care if I've never watched the sport before or have no idea how it works, if it's in the Olympics and on tv, I'm watching it.

  • Love 9

Aja, your girlfriend sounds like a treasure. From what you have described, the weekend went about as well as it could. It's hard to change years of prejudice. As Emma675 said, baby steps. You may have to accept your dad's sad, misguided opinions cannot be changed if he is not capable of it mentally. It looks like your girlfriend will understand. 

Emma675, I too am enjoying the Olympics, maybe not QUITE as many hours as you, LOL. But the BEST part is waking up in the morning and turning on the TV and the news is not about politics. What a wonderful respite.

  • Love 4

@Aja thanks for your good wishes and encouragement (I'm saying that in a non Duggar way)...glad your mom and grandmother had good results...and also glad your weekend was better than you though it might be...wrt to your GF meeting your mom.

Give your mom credit for at least being willing and  her trying to understand.  In her own mind, she probably thinks she's progressive by leaps and bounds compared to your dad.  It's going to take some time, but it's good that your partner handled it with aplomb.  Even though there's still some silly ideas and hate out there, most people have evolved far enough to realize that it's no big deal if someone is gay.

i think your mom is still trying to figure out your attraction to a certain look and what your type is.  I'm a girly girl, but I'm a total 100% horn dog for men, but I think if I was gay, or even curious, my girl crush would probably look like a cute boy...LOL.  

Be happy, Aja! You have found a great gal, and you deserve to be happy! 

Thanks everyone for your good wishes, vibes, energy, thoughts, and prayers.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

@Aja thanks for your good wishes and encouragement (I'm saying that in a non Duggar way)...glad your mom and grandmother had good results...and also glad your weekend was better than you though it might be...wrt to your GF meeting your mom.

Give your mom credit for at least being willing and  her trying to understand.  In her own mind, she probably thinks she's progressive by leaps and bounds compared to your dad.  It's going to take some time, but it's good that your partner handled it with aplomb.  Even though there's still some silly ideas and hate out there, most people have evolved far enough to realize that it's no big deal if someone is gay.

i think your mom is still trying to figure out your attraction to a certain look and what your type is.  I'm a girly girl, but I'm a total 100% horn dog for men, but I think if I was gay, or even curious, my girl crush would probably look like a cute boy...LOL.  

Be happy, Aja! You have found a great gal, and you deserve to be happy! 

Thanks everyone for your good wishes, vibes, energy, thoughts, and prayers.

If there's a gay/straight continuum, which I believe there is, I'd say I probably fall about 85% straight...Not gay enough to really give it much thought, but just enough to make it understandable. I've had a few girl crushes (on celebrities), and though I'm not sure I have a "type", they do, interestingly, often tend to be lesbian themselves, even when they have not been "out" yet, or not something I necessarily knew or thought about. I mean, I've had a girl crush on Jodie Foster since we were both kids! Also kd lang and Queen Latifah, among others. My guy crushes are far more intense and do involve much more fantasy, though. And I'm pretty much a girly-girl, too, with a bit of a bohemian bent.

  • Love 2

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers.  I had the EVLT today and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...since everybody's body and experience is bound to be different. Most of the numbing wasn't bad but there was a couple of spots that weren't fun but lidocaine inherently stings a bit.  I learned my vein that was refluxing was also narrower where they went in with the wire and I guess they had to go thru a natural bend...that scared me and brought me to tears..maybe more scared that hurt.  Even though supposed to be numb..there's a lot of nerve endings and soft tissue around...They said they'd stop if I wanted to, but I knew not doing it wasn't  an option either...big girl panties on...they calmed me down gave me a stress ball...we were all cutting up and cracking jokes.  Wrapped my leg...in an ACE bandage...has to stay on for 48 hours...then a week of daytime compression hose after the bandage is off...ultrasound on Tuesday to check for closure.  Had to walk for 20 minutes...too hot outside...paced the halls at the office...set the timer on my phone...

Right now I don't feel too bad....I just hope I don't bruise too badly..they say that shows up later. Had the Advil and arnica pellets on board...Already experienced some relief from my calf pinching and my foot, toes, and ankle already have more range of motion. Just hope it stays on the up an up...

Thanks for all the love and support..glad it's done and glad I did it.

  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers.  I had the EVLT today and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be..

Thanks for all the love and support..glad it's done and glad I did it.

Good job, ARWEN EVENSTAR! Sounds like you are on your way feeling improvement already. Hopefully, bruising will be at minimum, but it will go away eventually, no matter what. Glad for you it is over!

Congrats, Arwen!  I hope everything continues to get better and better.

I refrained from saying anything before, because I have no fear of needles or surgery, so I wouldn't have been much help, lol. However, I cannot watch when I have blood being drawn--for some reason it makes me totally nauseous (to the point where I threw up on a nurse's shoes once). I have a weirdly high pain tolerance.

  • Love 2

Glad things went well Arwen. And speaking of needles, blood tests, etc. etc., I am in full blown hyperthyroid mode right now. Last month I was put on a medication because I was not sleeping well and the chest tightness was not getting better. I only took it once before it starting affecting my eyesight and causing hyperthyroid symptoms. I only took the blasted med three times before I finally said enough is enough, no more med. The light sensitivity has gotten worse, my vision seems off, and of course, I am hyperthyroid. GRRR!!! I am so round up right now to the point of someone could come up behind me and say BOO!!! and I would jump out of my skin. I am not sleeping well at all, shaky, and I am one grumpy person. I feel like the cute cat in the one cartoon who is sound asleep, and a cute puppy comes into the room and barks, and the poor cat hits the ceiling and plots to get even with the puppy. I see my eye doctor next Tuesday and next Wednesday I see the endocrinologist. Crossing my fingers I will make it to next week. If you hear about a woman in Montana losing it, you will know who they are talking about. Ha!!!

54 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Glad things went well Arwen. And speaking of needles, blood tests, etc. etc., I am in full blown hyperthyroid mode right now. Last month I was put on a medication because I was not sleeping well and the chest tightness was not getting better. I only took it once before it starting affecting my eyesight and causing hyperthyroid symptoms. I only took the blasted med three times before I finally said enough is enough, no more med. The light sensitivity has gotten worse, my vision seems off, and of course, I am hyperthyroid. GRRR!!! I am so round up right now to the point of someone could come up behind me and say BOO!!! and I would jump out of my skin. I am not sleeping well at all, shaky, and I am one grumpy person. I feel like the cute cat in the one cartoon who is sound asleep, and a cute puppy comes into the room and barks, and the poor cat hits the ceiling and plots to get even with the puppy. I see my eye doctor next Tuesday and next Wednesday I see the endocrinologist. Crossing my fingers I will make it to next week. If you hear about a woman in Montana losing it, you will know who they are talking about. Ha!!!

I am sorry to hear this!  No fun!  I am still fighting the battle of proper dosage for hypothyroid.  I think I may have found a doctor who cooperates.  They don't ask how you are feeling, but look at blood work and go from there.  I hate that!  I dragged myself into my last appointment feeling like crap, really, and the doctor said "good news your blood work is perfect".  I teared up because I thought oh no, she expects me to live like this.  We talked (at least this one listens) and she agreed I could up the T-4 and she wouldn't be rigid on the TSH.  So far so good.  So I'm wishing you relief soon.

  • Love 2

We thought we had the right med dosage last year. In April, I started having hyperthyroid symptoms again. so med dosage was changed again. My eye doctor is a sweetheart. She is also hypothyroid and sees the same specialist I do. She definitely understands what I have been through the last three years. The endocrinologist is also a sweetie and is a major improvement over the out of town quack who shall remain nameless.

I did get some good news when I went in for my teeth cleaning earlier. The hygienist said I was doing a great job flossing and brushing, and I should be proud of myself. I was only in for about fifteen minutes during the whole appointment.

10 hours ago, emma675 said:

Congrats, Arwen!  I hope everything continues to get better and better.

I refrained from saying anything before, because I have no fear of needles or surgery, so I wouldn't have been much help, lol. However, I cannot watch when I have blood being drawn--for some reason it makes me totally nauseous (to the point where I threw up on a nurse's shoes once). I have a weirdly high pain tolerance.

Oddly , Emma, what you say doesn't sound weird at all to me... I can have blood drawn, acupuncture, and IV...have no fear of going under ...would rather be knocked out than have local...unless it's like getting a mole removed..it's local anesthetic that I don't like...and I'm afraid of pain...you'd think I'd have a high tolerance for pain with a history of chronic migraines and endometriosis.

Being an engineer, I've got a nerdy fascination with medicine...what grosses me out is walking into a stall and seeing an unflushed toilet...I almost throw up...boogers...dirty q tips.same reaction..my cats can give me the filthiest litter box known to man...and I won't bat an eye...go figure.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 4

Reporting back from my utlrasound for what we thought might be gallstones. Bloodwork: normal. Hell, my glucose AFTER breakfast was 96! Ultrasound: clear. Not a gallstone to be found. Doctor suspects it's intestinal, so we're going to try probiotics and eliminating certain foods for a week or two to see if there's improvement. First up: dairy (ouch, I love cheese!). If nothing works here, we go to the dreaded colonoscopy. NOOOO! 

I have a feeling I will have to cut back on dairy a bit. My lattes will have to be soy or almond milk (whatever is offered at whatever cafe I go to). My morning protein shake contains lactose-free milk, so I'm not going to eliminate that. But cheese? NOOOO! 

  • Love 3

Good luck! I remembered what it was like when I found out I had Acid Reflux Disease. I hated giving up caffeine and chocolate. I admit I cheat by having three Chocolate M-M's candy pieces a day. I have cut way back on my caffeine which is probably a good idea since my hyperthyroid symptoms have been kicking into overdrive this week (caffeine and hyperthyroidism is not a pretty combination.) I know whole milk is not good for Acid Reflux, so I buy 2% or fat free milk. I just wish the blasted chest pressure would go away. I am on an over counter allergy med and an allergy prescription med for Asthma type symptoms and grass allergies. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact Acid Reflux can cause chest tightness/pressure/pain and Asthma type symptoms. I also need to make an appointment for a colonoscopy, but I keep putting it off. Right now I am more concern about the blasted hyperthyroid symptoms and possible eye damage/light sensitivity flare up due to taking the one blasted med three times last month. Unbelievable one medication can cause problems in three days to the point of affecting your health a month later. GRRR!!!  UGH!!!

1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Reporting back from my utlrasound for what we thought might be gallstones. Bloodwork: normal. Hell, my glucose AFTER breakfast was 96! Ultrasound: clear. Not a gallstone to be found. Doctor suspects it's intestinal, so we're going to try probiotics and eliminating certain foods for a week or two to see if there's improvement. First up: dairy (ouch, I love cheese!). If nothing works here, we go to the dreaded colonoscopy. NOOOO! 

I have a feeling I will have to cut back on dairy a bit. My lattes will have to be soy or almond milk (whatever is offered at whatever cafe I go to). My morning protein shake contains lactose-free milk, so I'm not going to eliminate that. But cheese? NOOOO! 

I hope you can find the solution easily.  One thing I'm afraid I should point out is that the ultrasound reading is not infallible.  Mr. Absolom had two ultrasounds showing no gallstones and yet he did have them. His problem was one of the gallstones was as big as the gallbladder so everyone missed it. 

My daughter was also told after the ultrasound that she did not have gallstones.  After Mr. Absolom's experience I toddled into the hospital and requested a second look see.  And lo instruction ensued on looking for gallstones.  They were there.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 1

Well, I've been testing by eating some fats and had absolutely no symptoms of any kind. With no issues on the labs, I tend to believe that I have probably just become  somewhat lactose intolerant. It would also fit in with other...ahem...issues I've had of late. And of the three groups of foods she asked me to try to eliminate (not all at once, of course), it's dairy that is most prevalent in my diet. I don't eat nearly enough veggies (oops), and my glutens are on the low side, a remanent of my days as a pre-diabetic when I was on a dose of statin that I really didn't need. I've halved it and had great blood sugar numbers since. Actually, other than the cholesterol issues (which I've had since my 20's), I'm ridiculously healthy. 

BigSkyGirl, reflux is awful. I hope you can get that under control <3

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

After my doctor prodded my midsection today, she really thinks my problems are intestinal, not stomach-related. Thank goodness.  However, I do have Tums on hand for the times that my dinner doesn't agree with me. :)

Probiotics can be wonderful things. Great for the intestines. They're basically yogurt on steroids. Well, that didn't come out exactly right but they can be quite effective. I especially recommend for people on antibiotics but they're always pretty much helpful.

  • Love 2

Probiotics are good things--I'm on one called VSL#3 that is really high powered, but other goods ones are Udo's Choice and PrescriptAssist. Don't trust the usual ones at Walgreens or grocery stores, look for ones that have a wide range of bacteria and in the billions.

Sew Sumi, if it is dairy, maybe you could try Lactaid to see if that helps? Too much milk can make my intestines cramp up, but I've never eaten a ton of dairy on a regular basis.

2 hours ago, emma675 said:

Probiotics are good things--I'm on one called VSL#3 that is really high powered, but other goods ones are Udo's Choice and PrescriptAssist. Don't trust the usual ones at Walgreens or grocery stores, look for ones that have a wide range of bacteria and in the billions.

Sew Sumi, if it is dairy, maybe you could try Lactaid to see if that helps? Too much milk can make my intestines cramp up, but I've never eaten a ton of dairy on a regular basis.

I use Lactaid for my morning protein shake, but am wont to order a nonfat latte roughly every other day. Then there's cheese. Once upon a time, I was a cheesemonger. I can't imagine giving that up! I've tested different fats, and that doesn't seem to be the root cause. I just hope it's not gluten. I can NOT go G-free. I'm a picky eater already, and I love me some carbs! I'm actually hoping it's IBS at this juncture. I'd rather undergo the colonoscopy rather than food deprivation. 

  • Love 1

hi everyone, we have internet again!!! the move was/has been arduous for me but we are all in, still a bit of a mess but i nonetheless. got over with the vomiting just in time for the truck move on saturday last. not gonna go back and read since its been a week without you but if there is any big dugger news that i missed, fill me in. i saw on my phone that jill got home and that jinger is having a more private wedding of sorts. that about all i know.

i love our new place -- have slept great, no troubles with breathing and walk around with a smile on my face.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I use Lactaid for my morning protein shake, but am wont to order a nonfat latte roughly every other day. Then there's cheese. Once upon a time, I was a cheesemonger. I can't imagine giving that up! I've tested different fats, and that doesn't seem to be the root cause. I just hope it's not gluten. I can NOT go G-free. I'm a picky eater already, and I love me some carbs! I'm actually hoping it's IBS at this juncture. I'd rather undergo the colonoscopy rather than food deprivation. 

I think I must have been a cheesemonger in a past life, too. I'm such a total cheese fiend that it cannot be exaggerated.  I tested positive for an allergy to casein, but not whey. I'm from a Brit family...we love full cream milk, fresh heavy cream, and cheese....and sandwiches... Though I've moderated my consumption somewhat, I'm loath to give either up. Cheese is one of many pleasures that makes my life worth living. I definitely understand your not wanting to have to give up any of the few foods you like to eat.

Sorry you're having tummy troubles, Sew.  Probiotics are fantastic. 5-Lac is something we order regularly. Natural Bulgarian style yogurt and Icelandic Skyr are also reputed to be loaded with probiotics.  Don't know if you can get either where you are.  Wheat and dairy have made me as gassy as an English bulldog

Big Sky Girl, sorry about your hyperthyroidism. One of our cats has it. She goes from angel to one of Satans minions at the vet now.  I feel so sorry for her because she just doesn't feel good, so I can only imagine you must feel miserable as well . She's 17 and given her advanced age as well as our finances being dicey...I would have had her thyroid irradiated. She gets meds via transdermal gel on her ears, but she still throws up frequently.  The meds and testing will likely cost the same in the long run, though she'd feel better and I wouldn't have to medicate her. She's a brown torbie with green eyes and she's been my constant companion whenever I'm on the bed. She's mostly docile but she lets our Tuxedo know he annoys her and she lets me know her displeasure when I trim her nails... I have to do it on her terms...then she lets me.

As far as my progress.. I've got some bruising...but it's not as bad as I imagined it was going to be. I was actually somewhat surprised since I bruise rather easily. Stocking is my new best friend...I'm keeping it on my upper thigh (even though it's not required to be effective) since my legs look like turkey drumsticks until later in the day they look like French bread..

I'm allowed to take it  off at night but my leg didn't like it much this morning...so I'll see how it feels with it tomorrow morning. I think my leg feels happier like it's getting a nice warm hug.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, zoomama said:

i love our new place -- have slept great, no troubles with breathing and walk around with a smile on my face.

ZOOMAMA, that is great news. What a wonderful change. Enjoy!?

@Arwen Evenstar, I too am a serious butter and cheese lover. Hoping my statin will help make up for it. Sigh. Sounds like pretty good healing so far for your legs. ?

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Love2dance said:

ZOOMAMA, that is great news. What a wonderful change. Enjoy!?

@Arwen Evenstar, I too am a serious butter and cheese lover. Hoping my statin will help make up for it. Sigh. Sounds like pretty good healing so far for your legs. ?

Yay! Zoomama, I'm sure you find the change of scenery and the energy of the new place refreshing. I want to move so bad I can't stand it, but with things being dicey.

Love2Dance, butter and cheese have protein and so do eggs. Eggs are very protein dense. All this crap doctors tell us not to eat leave us hungry so we fill our tummies up with extra carbs and junk food to feel full. Protein helps us achieve satiety.  It's actually too many carbs and sugars and foods that covert to sugar that will raise your triglycerides and cholesterol. Of course too much protein can be detrimental to the kidneys, so an egg every other day is no big deal. Stick to lean meats, eggs, fish, veggies,whole fruit,brown rice/couscous/quinoa. If you are going to have fruit or veggie juice, use a blender or juicer that retains the pulp and fiber otherwise it's a sugar shot. For us cheese fiends, we can still rejoice as many brands have come out with the thin slices and small wrapped snacks like the Babybel or the thin cheddar slices. Whipped cream cheese and butter.

Stay away from any processed food containing partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup, also artificial sweeteners spike the blood sugar too.

Your cholesterol may not drop regardless of what you do...docs have patients who became vegans and can't get it to drop. Statins have side effects and make some people feel bad.  I'm not a doctor, nurse, or even in the medical profession, but my doctor's nurse told me to keep it simple: to lose weight, no carbs or sugar at dinner, everything lean, moderation and walking or swimming.

Just taking off a few pounds (if you've been told to lose weight) can dramatically improve the numbers.  Then my mom is a wraith and has high cholesterol and she doesn't eat a lot of rubbish either...go figure...

I had venous insufficiency in the mix, impacting my overall well being.  I'm glad I kept complaining and I got to the bottom of it.  I'm looking forward to better cholesterol numbers myself once I get my wellness back.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yay! Zoomama, I'm sure you find the change of scenery and the energy of the new place refreshing. I want to move so bad I can't stand it, but with things being dicey.

Love2Dance, butter and cheese have protein and so do eggs. Eggs are very protein dense. All this crap doctors tell us not to eat leave us hungry so we fill our tummies up with extra carbs and junk food to feel full. Protein helps us achieve satiety.  It's actually too many carbs and sugars and foods that covert to sugar that will raise your triglycerides and cholesterol.


I agree. My dad's family is Swiss and they grew up on an extremely rich diet. My dad never had weight or cholesterol problems in his life, primarily I think because he ate little to no sweets and was always super active. It's just interesting how our country is obsessed with counting calories, carbs, various fad diets etc., yet our health continues to go down the tubes. 

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. My dad's family is Swiss and they grew up on an extremely rich diet. My dad never had weight or cholesterol problems in his life, primarily I think because he ate little to no sweets and was always super active. It's just interesting how our country is obsessed with counting calories, carbs, various fad diets etc., yet our health continues to go down the tubes. 

Indeed...Europeans love dessert but they sweeten their desserts mostly with fruits and nuts rather than a load of sugar...they don't consider Crisco and powdered sugar to be icing...instead they use marzipan or a thin layer of chocolate ganache or Royale icing.  Custards are made with eggs and real cream not gloopy with cornstarch. 

Also their flour has a different gluten content and doesn't cause the inflammatory responses ours does. There's some law in the US or there was that flour has to have a certain gluten content.  GMOs are banned in most European countries, but not in the UK yet as far as I'm aware...I would have to have to verify that with Jynnan or Munich Nark. Ireland is part of the EU.  I'm sure the Brits are still using GMO ingredients because I've noticed my favorite Cadbury and Quality Street sweeties taste different and have a different texture from the way I remember them as a child.

I noticed a lot more overweight Brits than the rest of Europe.  They are likely buying their ingredients from the US?

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Hey my peeps!  I'm fine, nothing wrong at all.  Had a grands bday this week.  Her party was yesterday and I'm the family designated cake-maker.  Just so happened that her party had to be arranged on my own bday (yesterday).  She is PRE-SHUSH, this child - she has some vague sort of disability no one can quite get a handle on. She's very immature (just turned 8 but has the innocent mind flow of a 4 year old).  Sweetest kid you'd ever ever want to meet and absolutely beautiful.  The thing is, she's in 3rd grade, loves school and is able to keep up.  My heart worries over her because she's just starting to be teased and left out of things because of that wide-eyed innocence and total lack of guile and/or discretion.  There is clearly some weird issue, but...what???

Anyway, so tonight, my bro and his wife had a cookout for my bday.  Everybody brought something (except me).  I'm the official party thrower, family gathering organizer - it's really the oddest feeling (but nice!) to be the queen instead of the provider.  I honestly can't remember the last time there was a family gathering for me.  It was so so special.  I feel all warm and fuzzy.

@Sew Sumi, I too am ridiculously healthy.  When I was a kid, I heard someone say that statistically speaking, I had around a 400% chance of diabetes in my lifetime.  Everybody has diabetes in my family.  The docs watch that like a hawk, but so far, I'm good.  Everybody (including my siblings) has heart disease, but I don't have that either.  I said all that to say this:. Your problems remind me of a sort of side trip I went on several years ago.  I would have these random "attacks" that would lay me out flat, and indiscriminately.  (Oh my Lord it felt so good when they subsided).  I've had guests in my home while I was writhing on the floor in the bathroom.  I've been a guest and writhed in someone else's bathroom.  I did detect once that alcohol was "sometimes" involved, and once I ate (of all things) a banana and thought I was going to DIE.  There didn't seem to be rhyme nor reason.  The attacks got closer together, and were alarming enough (ended up in ER once, and should have gone more than once).  And I have a VERY high tolerance for pain.  It was brutal.  (To bring this train in the station)...I ended up after almost a year having the whole upper GI thing (but not before the doc Made me do the colonoscopy) where you drink the yummy (bleh!) stuff and they watch it go through your intestines.  I had an infection where the esophagus meets the stomach, and a minor something at the bottom of my stomach.  I took 2 rounds of that thing that you do for 17 days (I'll come back with the name of that).  It's OTC now, but wasn't then.  And I guess I'm on Prevacid for life.  The problem went away.  They told me not to eat things with little seeds (sesame, blackberries, strawberries).  I don't avoid them altogether, but I limit them.  (Mostly because I remember that pain...).  It's a pain in the butt (see what I did there?) to go through the testing to figure out what's wrong, but it sure is less stressful than guessing.

thank y'all for thinking of me.  I wonder what happened to Micks Picks.  Is she posting on the other threads, does anyone know?

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Happy Birthday, @Happyfatchick! So glad you had a lovely celebration and that you are dong well. 

My heart hurts a little for your sweet granddaughter. Kids can be so mean to innocents.

If what you had is diverticulitis, you may want to be VERY strict with the seeds and nuts. I have friends who have landed in the hospital with that disease when they went off the recommended diet, even a little. Oh, and I join you as a Prilosec/Prevacid for life girl.

Welcome back! 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Omeprozol was the med.. You take it for 17 days and then off for a month or 2 (don't remember), but I had to do 2 sets.  I haven't had an attack in over 2 years.  Woop woop!!!

Omeprozole, Prilosec, Prevacid....pretty much all the same thing...Proton-pump Inhibitors. Wikipedia: "Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of drugs whose main action is a pronounced and long-lasting reduction of gastric acid production." Used for various gastroentestinal problems, it lets me sleep at night....no heartburn from hiatial hernia. So glad it's working for you, HAPPYFATCHICK.

Edited by Love2dance
Added stuff.

Happy Birfday, HFC (although when you see this, it will be Monday or later). :)

My issues are mental. Today, I had what could only be described as a day-long panic attack. It felt like my BP was through the roof, and my head ached horribly. I have meds, took them, they worked for maybe an hour, then BAM! I finally shut off the meds and had a couple glasses of wine. I know my limits (and my liver continues to thank me). I'm calmer now, but my stomach feels like it's in shreds. Lucky me, I get to go to the dentist tomorrow to get my perma crown put in. Thankfully, I'm still on summer break (no meetings until Friday), so I can sleep this one in....IF I can sleep. I blew my anxiety meds around 4. Well, tomorrow is the husband's Saturday, so I may send him to the grocery store and hope for the best for this week. 

I just have to survive the dentist without throwing up. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Happy Birfday, HFC (although when you see this, it will be Monday or later). :)

My issues are mental. Today, I had what could only be described as a day-long panic attack. It felt like my BP was through the roof, and my head ached horribly. I have meds, took them, they worked for maybe an hour, then BAM! I finally shut off the meds and had a couple glasses of wine. I know my limits (and my liver continues to thank me). I'm calmer now, but my stomach feels like it's in shreds. Lucky me, I get to go to the dentist tomorrow to get my perma crown put in. Thankfully, I'm still on summer break (no meetings until Friday), so I can sleep this one in....IF I can sleep. I blew my anxiety meds around 4. Well, tomorrow is the husband's Saturday, so I may send him to the grocery store and hope for the best for this week. 

I just have to survive the dentist without throwing up. 

Awww. Hang in there, SEW SUMI. Sending you virtual hugs and happy thoughts from a poster who also has to go to the dentist tomorrow (chipped tooth...ugh).

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Happy belated Birthday HFC!!  Did you get a Duggar drippy sundae? Hope your vacation that you were going on (?NC) was nice too.

It's funny with the stomach meds.  When I was diagnosed with acid reflux,  the doc just said to pick an OTC med so I picked Zantac (not a PPI) which worked fine.  I later switched to Prilosec which Mr Barb takes.  Don't know what's in that stuff but wow, my stomach felt like Mount Vesuvius with gurgling, rumbling, etc. It was awful.  It seemed to cause the symptoms I was trying to get rid of but more so. I thought maybe it was a one time thing so I tried switching a couple more times with same results.  So it's back to Zantac for me. 

Happy, you sound like my brother & sister in being the healthy one in the family. I'm the youngest & sometimes feel  like I got dumped with all the maladies for our family incl our 93 year old mother.  I know most of my health problems are caused by my "wacky immune system" starting with my rheumatoid arthritis & going from there.  Love them dearly but sometimes I wish I could trade bodies with them. 

Sew Sumi - wishing you well at the dentist. BTW, I've appreciated all the time you have put in with your contributions to the forum while you've been off this summer. Thanks for being on the ball & providing us with all things Duggar.  

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