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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Cherry, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been sitting here quite a few minutes since reading your post, thinking which way would be harder? To lose my mom who was the QUEEN of all things family until she lost her grip and became my baby - or harder to lose a mom without ever having that bond? Because, liKe someone mentioned - if it were me, I'd be forever trying to figure out what could have made that different. I hope you have perfect peace because after all, we can only do what we can only do. I struggled with the suffering at the end. I personally didn't bank on that (maybe you did, since she was dealing with cancer). I didn't expect it to pretty, pink and fluffy - but I also didn't expect to secretly desire to wish I had the guts to put a pillow over her face. The suffering buckled my knees in a way I still haven't fully recovered from. My mom was 86. It just seems fair to me (but I'm not in charge) that at some predetermined point, there needs to be a get-out-of-jail-free card. I refuse to see the point in harmless little old lady suffering. My daughter, trying to be helpful, said, "the minute they enter the other side, they completely forget they suffered so much to get there". What??? Thank you, Obi Wan. That makes it all better.

Sorry, I'm still a little pissed off about all that.

That was a really beautiful tribute and I loved all of it. Thank you for taking the time to post it. You'll find it sort of healing to post other things as you remember gem. It helped me, anyway.

On a completely different note, were on our maiden voyage in our new camper and our new truck. We brought all 3 dogs (because we're stupid and they're our babies). The baby of the babies is my cocker (Ollie) who brings me such joy and companionship, I just adore this whiz bang. The other two are a boxer and a boxer mix (pit) and both at a maturity that makes them calm road warriors. Ollie: not so much. Two hours in he puked all OVER the backseat. My husband nearly had a stroke. It was not pretty in any sense of the word. Disaster!!! Fortunately, we're pulling a trailer with cleaning supplies and we (I) cleaned up and we got on the road again. An hour later, Ollie startles awake with that trembling, OMG! panic that enclosed dogs get when their stomach is about to BLOW. We are in the middle of a stretch that isnt even mapped (I swear, GOD doesn't even know about it). There's nowhere to pull over, and if there were, it's RAINING like a mutha. I'm thinking, hold on...hold on...please hold on... The hubs is searching for somewhere, ANYWHERE to stop, and now I'M having a panic because I know he's about to put my baby out in the middle of this road and keep going. FINALLY, we found a sketchy paved road and turned on. I clicked the leash and that dog took off like a bullet for 25 feet, squirting all the way. I forgot his Dramamine, it's my fault. Later we had to stop because now I have to pee. The Wimmins at the Circle K in Euphala is out of order. Hadda use the Men's. I'm not making this up. The whole 20 lb roll of industrial strength toilet paper is laying on the corner of the sink. IN the sink is the plastic bag of liquid soap that belongs in the dispenser with the squirt nozzle on top. There is no cut off for the tap, it free spins. I had to just turn until the waters trickled down to a stop. But the Men's flushes, so that's a plus.

still, this campground is by far one of the nicest I've ever seen in my life. Highly recommend it if you RV. There are cottages here too.

My husband is tapping his foot and looking like he's at the end of his meter time, so more later!!

Oh, and let me say that I never watch the Duggs either, never, but I loved snarking about them and I'm glad to know there are lurkers out there reading our daily notes and thinking we're a good group to hang with for no particular reason. We most certainly are!

ETA: that was one screwed up post. Sorry...the toe tapping continues!

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 6

On to dog talk now.  Thanks HFC, and never travel without a bunch of towels you are willing to toss out.  With luck you can get the towel under the mouth at the right time.

We've had 2 smallish dogs as foster dogs in the last month.  They come here before they go to the rescue group.  We also had a pit bull to babysit for a few days.  We get this because Mikey is a very nice dog and doesn't give a damn when other dogs come over.  I kind of don't like the found dogs staying here prior to the rescue group because who knows what they might have.  The second one we had peed all over the house (ok, easy to clean, no rugs) and then it stopped peeing inside so I thought it learned but then noticed it was peeing much at all, but trying to pee all the time.  Took to the vet, he had bladder stones and full of pee and a huge stone in the uretha.  Surgery, $2000. and rescue agreed to pay but asked for special financial help from a few of us, which I gave.  And the others did too.  The $2000 does not include the upcoming neutering and shots and teeth clean.  Still glad it came to me to notice the problem and glad the rescue agreed to fund the fix for the most part.  Otherwise it would have had an awful death.  He had to be so uncomfortable.


Anyway, I took Mikey to Day Care today, and he was happy.  But, this day care now has a border collie rescue, 4 available, and I have a ton of experience with border collies.  Can I take one?  To adopt?  No and hell no.  I don't know how long I have and I have to provide for them if I'm not able to.  Mikey is provided for but finding a new potential owner for a border collie would really be a problem.  They take all kinds of special owners who understand them.  And they are probably smarter than most people, so there is that…..

  • Love 6

On to dog talk now.  We've had 2 smallish dogs as foster dogs in the last month.  They come here before they go to the rescue group.  …..

Wow, great work with the foster dogs, MICKS PICKS, especially taking them on before the rescue group. It takes a special person to do that! So glad you got the sick one into the vet on time. But that is some $$bill$$. Yikes!

  • Love 2

I'm glad people donate to the cause, MP, so you didn't have to swallow that bill. Dogs are EXPENSIVE.

The biggest one of the babies is 80 lbs or so, and has enormous TEETH. I took him once to get his toenails cut (I hate that job, and this dog loves me...). The girl comes to the front and says, "sure! I can do that. $15". I thought it would be $15 well spent. She couldn't calm him, and he's strong as a bull. Muzzle employed, add an employee. Add another employee, and another. Eventually there were FIVE of us trying to hold this DOOOOG to clip his nails. Eventually I went home with my $15, and he went home with toenails. I do them myself now, and it's gotten marginally easier over time, but he still shows me teeth. He won't bite me, but he makes his displeasure VERY plain.

Took the same boy to the vet once to have his teeth done. They put him in a holding cell until they were ready to sedate. As I'm walking in my door, they are on the phone saying come get the dog. I didn't, but I did go back over and sit with him while they snuck in behind him and shot some sedative in his butt. Turns out, putting a big dog with big teeth in a caged position is not always the best move...

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 3

My 70 pound love bug dog was at the vet's this morning because she chewed a hot spot on her butt until it was bare and oozing. Over $200 later, we're home with steroids, antibiotics and some kind of numbing powder. It's on one of her hip bones, so she lays on it and it takes forever to heal. I threatened to bring out the cone of shame if she doesn't stop licking it. 

  • Love 4
And they are probably smarter than most people, so there is that…..


Yes! I had a border collie mix and boy, was he sharp! He'd learn anything fast, and helped keep the beagle in order. Miss them both. 


Addendum: my beagle hated getting his toenails clipped. Once visiting my sister the beagle and I were comfortably watching tv, he half-asleep on me when I noticed Doofy Dog's nails were a bit long. My sister kept her clippers handy as she used to cut her dogs nails, so I took the clippers, and boy did that dog howl!  My sister came out of the kitchen to the room I was in and I had my hand straight up to show her, I wasn't hurting the dog, in fact I hadn't even touched him yet!  The border collie was a bit better. Although he did have to be muzzled if a male trimmed his nails during a vet visit. Females, fine; do anything, take my temp, trim my nails, take blood... Males: Not on your life!

Edited by Catlyn
  • Love 2

I'm glad people donate to the cause, MP, so you didn't have to swallow that bill. Dogs are EXPENSIVE.

The biggest one of the babies is 80 lbs or so, and has enormous TEETH. I took him once to get his toenails cut (I hate that job, and this dog loves me...). The girl comes to the front and says, "sure! I can do that. $15". I thought it would be $15 well spent. She couldn't calm him, and he's strong as a bull. Muzzle employed, add an employee. Add another employee, and another. Eventually there were FIVE of us trying to hold this DOOOOG to clip his nails. Eventually I went home with my $15, and he went home with toenails. I do them myself now, and it's gotten marginally easier over time, but he still shows me teeth. He won't bite me, but he makes his displeasure VERY plain.

Took the same boy to the vet once to have his teeth done. They put him in a holding cell until they were ready to sedate. As I'm walking in my door, they are on the phone saying come get the dog. I didn't, but I did go back over and sit with him while they snuck in behind him and shot some sedative in his butt. Turns out, putting a big dog with big teeth in a caged position is not always the best move...

Hilarious.  We had a cat like that!  A sweet tiny thing. Until she became possessed with incredible strength, agility, and fierceness at the vet.  It took a lot of people to hold her down til they could sedate her, all the while she was growling like a tiger!!!    Our big German Shepherd dog was less of a problem.

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My sister has a mentally disturbed Bouvier de Flanders.  This dog adores Mikey and me, fortunately.  She's gone through many trainers, to no real avail.  She has sedatives before she goes to the vet.  Practically have to carry her in but she comes wildly alive when she sees where she is.  No worse than she is with everybody else, really, but there are a whole bunch of people there who actually want to touch her.  Vet has to rely on photos of her teeth.  A muzzle may prevent a bad bite for the offense of giving a shot, but she can break free and corkscrew  6 feet in the air sounding like the hounds of hell.  When she is at my house she adores the front yard so I have to stay out with her, and put a lock on the gate because so many are used to coming right in.  She'd have them on the ground ala police dog but with no recall command working.  Poor thing, she doesn't want to be that way, and after years of trainers, it looks like she'll remain that way.  It's mental.

  • Love 4

So we went on the kayaks to the mouth of the bay in Destin. We went out with the outgoing tide. Hey, NOOOOO problem. Coming back, bit of a problem. Holy cow, I've had a workout!!! I backed myself into some trees for a breather, and wouldn't you know, a big fish popped up out of the water just in front of me. So I grabbed my pile and put some stinky shrimp on the hook and while I was busy, I failed to realize I'd floated out and away from my paddle where I'd wedged in in a tree to keep steady. Ah, crap. Turns out, if you feed enough panic to a senior citizen, she can fight the tide back to her paddle, armed with nothing but a fishing pole. I thought for sure I was going to Galveston today, right NOW. I got ahold of the tip end of my paddle and pulled myself up to the tree panting like a dog. Stupid rednecks. We love Savannah and Tybee Island, I'm a marsh fishing tide watching regular. Can't even call that a rookie mistake. We had to fight the tide for about an hour, creeping up that channel. Saw a huge sea turtle, which made my day. The tide changed while we were out (thank God!) and when that's in process, it's easy. Hallelujah!

Emma, I surely sympathize with the hot spot thing. Ollie is allergic to everything but air and water, and when the Georgia pines all cut loose at the same time and our world turns yellow, this poor dog goes NUTS! I give him Benadryl twice a day, and we still end up with steroid shots every year. He gets miserable, can't take one step without pausing to scratch. Gnaws at himself like a madman. I feel so sorry for him when pine season hits. The boxer is, you know, that whole snotty nose boxer mess on a regular day. Last year on pollen day (I'm not kidding, they all let loose on the SAME DAY), I took a pic of her nose close up. I'm sure it was miserable for her, but the pic was hilarious.

They are a whole bunch a trouble, camping. More than once on this trip, I've thought: when these critters are gone, I'm going to do without for awhile. But...I know me (we've met). I'll have a dog till the day I die. I will. As I type this, I have one laying on the left (Ollie), one on the right (Rocky), and one behind (Sophie). They're all quite content and so am I!

  • Love 5

Trust me I understand dogs and allergies.  I have a golden retriever that I have to take to our local veterinary college.  He has a dermatologist.  I spend $90 per month on his allergy medicine.  So far so good as far as this allergy season goes.  He's my baby and I will do whatever it takes to make him less miserable.


I also understand bladder stones.  My mutt girl had those; complete with the emergency surgery.  I have found that cranberry capsules work wonders as a preventive (YMMV).  She gets 2 capsules with each meal.


Dogs are worth it though.

Edited by Ownedbydogs
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Happy Weekend to all. My BIL asked me this question yesterday & I thought it would be a good question to ask here. For those of you with health problems, when you dream do you have the ailment in your dream or are you the way you were before the ailment? My BIL is a 25 yr+ throat cancer survivor & has a permanent hole in his throat which he breathes thru (forgot what it's called, possibly a stoma) & his voice is almost gone but he said when he dreams, he doesn't have these things & talks like he used to. The same goes for me. Even tho my arthritis comes up in my dreams, I'm not stiff &walk fine without a limp &my fingers are normal & not somewhat deformed like they are now. So does anyone else's dreams include the old "perfect" you or can take a guess at why this happens? Is it a subconscious thing wishing we were perfect again? Something along the lines of when we die & go to Heaven we (hopefully) leave our problems behind.

Just want to add that my dear sweet SIL didn't want my BIL to ask me thinking it was too personal. Possibly thinking it would upset me thinking about when my arthritis wasn't bad. But he told her he has known me for over 40 yrs & didn't think if would upset me. It didn't & the question was one I really never thought about even tho sometimes when I tell my dreams, I'll say I walked fine or didn't need help.

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Barb, what a great question! I dream actively and vividly, and can usually tell them in great detail waking up, I love dream analysis too! I dream of my father often, but never talk to him. He's always walking away! Or just out of shouting distance. It's so strange; like he's THERE, but I can't talk to him. He's not young in my dreams, but not as old as when he passed. I haven't dreamed about Mama yet. (I'm sure she's busy - she's a bit of a people connector). I've read quite a built about dream interpretation - I have recurring dreams and was curious what my brain was trying to unlock in my sleep. I "believe", after some light research that it's connected to ADD. ((Yes, SURPRISE, I am ADD... wait, was that a squirrel?)).

I don't have any permanent or debilitating health issues, I'm just getting old and creaky in a normal way. But I'm always a little stiff when I get up (even from a chair even if I didn't sit for long). And I don't remember EVER having to stand and get all the joints lined up in a dream, and I know I've never stood up and up my hands on my knees to work my way into a standing position. And I move with ease. I think you're correct. I think the brain use cancels health problems and makes you BE what you ARE. I think your brain probably erases "issues" for you. This is very interesting to me. I hope other people contribute!

  • Love 1

Happy Weekend to all. My BIL asked me this question yesterday & I thought it would be a good question to ask here. For those of you with health problems, when you dream do you have the ailment in your dream or are you the way you were before the ailment? My BIL is a 25 yr+ throat cancer survivor & has a permanent hole in his throat which he breathes thru (forgot what it's called, possibly a stoma) & his voice is almost gone but he said when he dreams, he doesn't have these things & talks like he used to. The same goes for me. Even tho my arthritis comes up in my dreams, I'm not stiff &walk fine without a limp &my fingers are normal & not somewhat deformed like they are now. So does anyone else's dreams include the old "perfect" you or can take a guess at why this happens? Is it a subconscious thing wishing we were perfect again? Something along the lines of when we die & go to Heaven we (hopefully) leave our problems behind.

Just want to add that my dear sweet SIL didn't want my BIL to ask me thinking it was too personal. Possibly thinking it would upset me thinking about when my arthritis wasn't bad. But he told her he has known me for over 40 yrs & didn't think if would upset me. It didn't & the question was one I really never thought about even tho sometimes when I tell my dreams, I'll say I walked fine or didn't need help.

I'm still relatively healthy and don't often remember my dreams. I haven't really paid attention to my physical health in what I remember of my dreams, however my dreams do sometimes include life problems, so I guess I could say in my dreams I am sometimes emotionally imperfect.

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My health issues don't cause any visible issues, it's more of internal side effects, if that makes sense. But I have a medium sized scar on my neck from thyroid surgery that isn't there in my dreams. I tend to have a lot of dreams where I need to run or I'm trying to move, but I can't get my legs to work. It's very frustrating.

I've had similar dreams since childhood, and ones where I need to scream and my voice doesn't work.

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I used to have quite vivid dreams of driving off a cliff but having the plummet stopped by landing on a branch in a tree.

I remember an old superstition (?) that declares you always wake before you "land" because the shock of seeing yourself die would kill you!

The running through gravy and the unable to scream ones have also moved out of my head.

Thank goodness.

Paging Doctor Freud...

  • Love 2

Interesting question and discussion about dreams. My life's always been kind of split into "before" and "after" since I got a very rare muscle disease at age 10. I spent ages 10-16 in a wheelchair, and although I am (*ahem* much) older now and can walk and such, I have limited mobility and extremely weak muscles compared to most people. It boggles my mind when I see what people can do seemingly effortlessly when I have to plan everything - finding ramps/curb cuts in parking lots (I can't step up the curbs), carrying extra bags in my trunk so that when the grocery store packs my bags too heavy I can repack them, making sure anywhere I go with stairs has railings or someone to help me, etc.


I really am getting to the dream part, promise. I seem to go back and forth. Sometimes in my dreams I'm back in the wheelchair with almost no use of my legs. I often wake from those in a near panic attack. Other times it's more realistically how things are today. Usually those are nightmares too where, for example, someone's coming after me and I can't run away, or my dog gets hurt and needs me but I can't pick him up off the floor. Those suck because they are way too real and potentially true. Then every so often I have these awesome dreams where I've got what I perceive to be normal strength. It's been so long I don't really remember what "normal" felt like, so I think these dreams are based on what I see other people doing. In those I sometimes run, take the dog for jogs, ride horses, play in the ocean, dance, etc. Or sometimes, it's just a completely normal day to day activity but I can do it without all the pain and difficulty.  And come to think of it, I never realized it before but in those dreams I don't have any of the many scars I've accumulated over the years.  Then of course there are the usual crazy flying dreams and stuff too that are just pure fantasty. I have discovered I fly really well in my sleep lol.

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I haven't dreamt that I could fly since I was probably 8-9 years old. I used to love those dreams even though the flying didn't do me a whole lot of good when monsters were after me and I had to watch out so as not to fall through any holes in the clouds (often, once I flew up there, I had to rely on running on the clouds to get anywhere).


My most common nightmare over the years has been where I am being chased through an old, multi-story house with lots of random staircases, dead ends and secret rooms, and if i ever do get out of the house, I can't run at all except like trying to move through molasses.


I also get the one about being back in school and realizing I never went to the class I have the final exam in, or even know whether my books are in my locker because I haven't remembered the combination since around the first day.


Occasionally I get the one where I am naked, but usually it's more a matter of someone telling me that other people don't appreciate that rather than being personally uncomfortable. Which is kind of weird since, although I don't really have any particular issues with nudity on the whole, I don't even let my husband see me naked with the lights on anymore.

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I'm so glad we're talking dreams! I truly find this subject fascinating.

I've never dreamt I was flying in my whole life, and apparently this makes me the oddball. Now I have to wonder why.

It seems like we talked about this a long time ago, I think I remember talking about my 2 dreams that haunt me. They are never, ever identical, but the same theme.

1) I dream that I'm going somewhere familiar and can't FIND it. For example, I would dream I was in my own neighborhood, could almost SEE my house, but couldn't get there. I'm driving down familiar streets, but every time I turn, I'm on another familiar street but not quite on the home stretch (so to speak). I just keep turning and turning. All the streets are familiar and within reach of my home (I know I could get out and WALK there) but I can't seem to get to my driveway. This is the dream I researched for interpretation. Paraphrasing, it meant that I felt bombarded constantly by familiar things or people's expectations, and was frustrated that there was no ending. [think caring for an Alzheimer's patient that I know and love, but can't accept the ultimate resolution. Come to think of it, I haven't had that dream for a little while].

2) I dream that I'm looking at property (as in to purchase, or sometimes just out of curiosity), and the house turns out to be never ending. Every room opens into another room. If there were a house like the one I dreamed of, it would be the size of Nebraska. And the ROOMS! Pantries the size of my house, laundry rooms to DIE for, luxury no-purpose rooms except to be beautiful with fantasy buttons that make poofy chairs appear out of the floor, or sci-fi lights appear from the ceilings. (I love those dreams, but I'm not sure what I'm suppose to "get" out of them. Except that I have a feeling it means I'm never quite satisfied with anything... There MUST be greener grass somewhere.). Beautiful colors and lighting in these rooms, too. Colors you couldn't really reproduce in real life - or I couldn't. The rooms aren't always strictly indoors, either. The pantry one, for instance, was like a huge outside screened porch and had big deep country sinks along one wall and stations where you would prepare and can vegetables.

How bizarre. Reading back over that, it sounds like I either need to avoid spicy foods before bedtime or close down the meth lab in the basement.

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Talking about dreams,I remember my mom saying that only "crazy" people dreamt (dreamed?) in color.

Anyone else ever hear something like this? (And what a thing to tell a little kid!) What if I DID dream in color??

For the record, I can't ever remember noticing if a dream was in black and white or color. (I've never dreamt I could fly either)

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I don't think I ever flew, and have only one dream that recurred from childhood and I finally taught myself to wake up before it ended.  No matter, it had a scary part and a "no voice" part.  Wont go into details because it was, after  all a dream.  Last night I had one of people from the shoulders up, several of them, mostly faces, yelling at me.  Thanks.  I have had dreams where I thought somebody did something to me and I was mad when I awoke.  They're only dreams.  I'd rather see my lost family of people and dogs.

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I've never had flying dreams so to speak, but I have had dreams of jumping on a trampoline and going way to high, of jumping off a swing and going way to high as well. I do always wake before I land.

I had a weird dream when I was 10ish years old. I dreamed I found a hundred dollars in a creepy abandoned lot. Within days my friend and I were riding our bikes to smoosh pennies on the railroad tracks. Afterward we kept riding around and I found a 10 dollar bill at the bottom of an un-mowed grassy hill below a house that was for sale.

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Lately I have been having very colorful busy dreams. Sometimes with people I know and sometimes just a lot of people I am familiar with but couldn't identify. Usually a lot of activity. None of it disturbing or even exciting. Just busy. Usually no purpose I can think of. Sometimes it involves a trip. With the usual commotion of finding the airport, boarding passes, etc. with a lot of people to corral (which doesn't point to anything in my current life which is relatively peaceful at the moment but we did make a

Big move to another state) So if anyone has any ideas on what this means - please share.

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All my dreams are about loss. I am a really upbeat person, possibly genetically blessed never to feel depressed. I feel sad, feel regret, feel sorry ... but I'm never depressed. So it seems odd to me that my dreams are so downbeat ... I have always lost my pocketbook, lost my car, lost my keys ... and the search is fruitless, unending, woeful. Once in a while I am lost myself, in one of those never-ending houses. I am always relieved to wake up and find out it was just a dream.

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My husband might be going to Las Vegas in July. A part of me is a little jealous, but a major part of me says I will have a few days of having the house to myself. I also do not want to travel with my one sister-in-law and her two kids on a plane or driving. A few hours of traveling with them might cause me to do something bad to the point where I end up in the Montana State Women's Prison or the Montana State Mental Hospital. The one joy of having multiple medical issues is it gives a person a good excuse not to be around the in-laws

I haven't looked back thoroughly but what happened to Wonder Woman? Her child was in the NICU around the same time as my daughter and I was wondering how everyone was. Are you out there?

Mods- delete if this is completely inappropriate, because, well, it probably is!

Her child was made up along with the rest of her story. The profile pic was borrowed from the Internet somewhere.

But speaking of how people are doing, I hope your daughter is doing much much better now.

  • Love 3

My husband might be going to Las Vegas in July. A part of me is a little jealous, but a major part of me says I will have a few days of having the house to myself. I also do not want to travel with my one sister-in-law and her two kids on a plane or driving. A few hours of traveling with them might cause me to do something bad to the point where I end up in the Montana State Women's Prison or the Montana State Mental Hospital. The one joy of having multiple medical issues is it gives a person a good excuse not to be around the in-laws

My husband just retired from a job that had him out of the house for two weeks and then home for two weeks.

Now he's home every. single. day. Practically every hour of every. single. day.

I think my head is going to explode. Calgon take me (or him) away.

I miss my super quiet home alone time. Enjoy yours!

  • Love 3

When I was a teenager, there was some discussion one day at lunch about people dreaming in color (or not). I couldn't think of a single time I'd noticed. That very night, I dreamed I was at the softball field. The grass was the greenest green, the trees were all shades of green. There were flowers blooming with eye popping color. And I remember a school bus coming up the road in vivid yellow. I woke up so happy that I now knew for sure I dreamed in color. Like my brain answered me fully). And I always do dream in color. Every night.

And HEY Chicricket (in the same tone of voice I use when the dogs are testy with each other...jk!) I'm not sure about color being a crazy indicator (but I wouldn't discount that either, because...me). I always heard it has something to do with imagination, or creativity.

I bet Wanderwoman dreams in color.

  • Love 4

Interestingly, my daughter and I see numbers in color. I read somewhere that people also hear music in color. It sounds weird, but when I hear a number, say 8, I see the color black. 7 is yellow. 2 is blue. Stuff like that. Days of the week are like that too. 

I do that to an extent as well...1 is red, 4 is blue, 5 is yellow...on the other hand it might have something to do with a paint-by-number set I had when I was 6 or so.


I frequently see shapes in music, though. And fluid runs on a flute make me giggle as though I was being tickled (I try to keep it down if I'm at a concert!)


As far as dreaming in color, it's never made any sense to me that anyone would dream in black and white. Dreams are reflections of things we perceive in the real world, and other than in the early days of TV and movies, I'd think very few people's minds would even conceive of life as black and white. Dreary and somber, maybe, but actual black and white is too far away from most people's perception of the world they see around them.

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The seeing numbers in color is synesthesia.  One of my kids sees numbers and letters in color.  She thought for a long time that everyone did. 


The woman behind Wander Woman has a colorful history (pun intended) and has been around on the internet under many names.  She'd be much better off if she'd turned her imagination to fiction writing I think. 

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I had a dream when I went in to be tested to be a possible kidney donor for my husband. In the dream, Garth Brooks and Harrison Ford came in the OR room before they were going to take my kidney out. They told the doctors and the rest of the medical team staff not to touch me because they were going to donate instead. Another dream I had they were fighting over who was going to take care of me after I donated my kidney.

I'll never understand how people make up things like this, but I can't say I'm all that surprised. The more I read her posts, the more I doubted her.

i didn't. I sucked it right up.

My husband (who, while a great guy, seriously) has the imagination of a mailbox post. He neither dreams in color nor has any idea (ever) what he drams about. I have personally seen him laugh until tears were oozing, while slapping the mattress in glee IN HIS SLEEP, and never remember a thing about it. I feel like I dream constantly all night. If I'm awakened at any point, I can tell you in vivid detail what was happening. AND I have dreams so vivid sometimes I remember them for years. I have dreams where I was standing RIGHT HERE, and I handed you THIS, and you said THAT... and my husband swears it never happened. IOW, my dreams are often so vivid they get blended into reality.

Or...the hubs has more random selective amnesia than I suspected.

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On the dream thing, has anyone ever had like a dream in a dream in a dream? like once I was sleeping and I woke up and went to the bathroom, but my place was just too clean to be my place, right, and there was this sense that something was coming, but then I woke up. Then I was like "okay, freaky" and I went to the bathroom, but my place was too clean to be my place again, and then I woke up, THEN I was like "okay let's not do anything, take a deep breath," but I was like paralyzed and I couldn't move. Then I woke up again.


Is that weird, or? I tend to dream vividly but not like that.

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