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Long Island Medium - General Discussion

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"Did your loved one die tragically or unexpectedly; or you knew they were dying but didn't think it would be that day?"

Could you cast your net a little wider, Theresa?

Ha, I remember this post on the other site. I said it before and I'll say it again, she just throws everything she's got up against the wall to see if it sticks! lol!

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I've never seen the show before, but managed to catch bits of this episode.  Is she really that clueless about Chinese New Year?  I would have thought that people would know more than what she did from media.  It's not like she's in the middle of nowhere, far, far from a large urban area.  I hope she was told to play up her cluelessness.

First, I'd like to say to Jellybeans how sorry I am for your loss.  I have a son the age Nicole would be now, and even though there are times I want to (as my granny would say) "slap him upside his head,"  I can't imagine the raw pain you must feel.  I agree with you, if our loved ones want to speak to us, they know where to find us!  

Secondly, I've tried several times to start this program but I can never finish it.  I just have such a hard time believing it is not some sort of scam.  My younger son and his wife were eating recently at an outdoor restaurant that had a palm reader/fortune teller next door.  My DIL noticed a little dog wondering around who looked lost, so she picked him up and was asking people around her if they knew where he came from.  A few minutes later, the palm reader/fortune teller came running outside screaming, "my dog, I don't know where my dog is!!!"  My son just looked at her and said, "Seriously?  You're not very good at your job!"  She grabbed the dog and stormed back inside.  lol  

And last but not least, I agree her hair is something else--but I am in awe of the nails!  How can she function with those things?

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This is a show I have a hard time watching. I lost my 34 year old daughter in 2009 and stuff like this makes me crazy. I feel my daughter would speak to me directly instead of through a medium.

Of course it has not happened yet.

I too am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my Mom last year and honestly would love to hear what, if anything, Teresa would say. I do think my Mom did let me know she was ok, on the day she passed my brothers and I were all together at my Parents house with my Dad making arrangements; I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and the screensaver on my phone had changed by itself, I had a photo of Cape May beach as a screensaver and there was nothing at all in my phone, no sd card, no photos or screensavers that came with the phone, it was completely empty because I had just gotten another phone. Anyway I'd been making phone calls all morning on the phone, everything was the same, but as soon as we were all together in my Mom's kitchen I pulled out my phone and there was a different screensaver of something I never saw before, was not in my phone, it was completely out of nowhere, and it was a picture of what looked like a galaxy of stars with a swirling tunnel of stars as if it was a path to Heaven.

She and I always talked about letting the other know if there was anything on the other side, it was just a few hours after she passed that the picture appeared. I believe with all my heart it was my Mom letting me know she was ok.

I don't know if Teresa is real, but I do believe if we pay attention, our loved ones can somehow let us know.

At the very least, it gave me a sense of peace. Although I don't use the phone anymore I did keep it, and always will. Whether it was some weird coincidence or not, I choose to believe it was her.



Edited by tveyeonyou
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My Aunt used to see a medium in Lilydale NY, the communitity comprised of them. She saw a guy who had a waiting list of a couple of years and appointments were 15min. We're talking 30-35 yrs ago. She was not the type of person to go to a medium, the internet was not in play.I do think that there are people who have the gift, I don't think this woman is one of them. She came to town last year, the info she shared was all stuff you could glean from a facebook page; her cold readings were disastrous. "Is there a Michael here?", "Did he just go through a life changing event?"; at least five  Mikes raised their hand. The people who come to her with guilt or grief over the loss of a loved one, see your pastor or a therapist, this woman is a charlatan who will be exposed sooner than later.

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I mentioned it on the other site, but I just don't get her. How in the world does she have one person telling her, "tell my sister I'm the better looking sister, I have better hair, blah, blah", yet at times she's like, "he's pointing at his chest, that's usually a sign he died from a heart attack".  Well, which is it Teresa? Do these people give you signs because they can't tell you, or are these people still yakking away about stupid shit like they do on earth?


I didn't see the episode, but saw the commercial a hundred times, the one about 2 weeks ago.  A wife grieving and Teresa says, "was he silly? Because he's doing a sexy dance!"  And the lady smile politely but you can tell she knew Teresa was just making shit up trying to be funny.  Because people do sexy dances in heaven. I'm actually embarrassed for her.


And Jellybeans, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Hugs to you and your family.

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Hi guys!


I happened to catch the show last night. Theresa is annoying as ever, with her "shocked" faces and bland cold readings.  But after her show there was a new one called "Angels Among Us" (or something like that). I don't know why it pretends to be about angels when it's basically just another medium talking to dead relatives. Point is, I find this medium, Rosie Cepero, so much more of a sympathetic character. She actually gives off the vibes of someone who senses things for real, rather than those of an opportunistic grifter. I didn't see a thread for this new show, so posting here.


P.S. I'm a refugee from TWoP. Weird not to have that place anymore!

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 She came to town last year, the info she shared was all stuff you could glean from a facebook page;

Yesterday, Theresa asked a grieving mother if her son liked to dance. The mother gasped and said, "OMG!! I just posted a picture (or video) on facebook  of my son dancing before he passed!!!"


Well, duh. Why do you think Theresa asked that question?


I'm sorry for the families who buy into her outrageous nonsense.

Edited by deedee2
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There was a rerun on today of this episode and I only saw a few minutes.  But I see her meet someone at the craps table and asks her:


Teresa: "Did you keep something of your grandma's that had no monetary value?"

Lady: "Oh my God, YES! I kept her funeral program!"

T: "Ok read that when you're thinking of her, that was her way of saying she liked her funeral.  Also, did it have a symbol of Jesus Christ or something similar on the front? I'm sensing something religious" DUH

L: "Yes!"...."How could she have known there were praying hands with rosary beads on the front?"


It kills me this woman has a TV show.

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Like her "Knock and Shock" shit? As if this woman's ego wasn't already big enough. Don't tell me that girl had no idea TLC was coming. She was dressed to the 9's in a red dress, her house and perfectly clean and completely illuminated outside. And she's got Little Laaaahry as her "social media correspondent". Famewhoreism runs deep.

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She's back. Blech. And even blechier than ever. The first commercial of the new season she's saying, "I can't believe I'm married for 25 years!" It's worded all wrong but what a self centered sentence. It takes 2 in a marriage Theresa. Should be "we've been married for 25 years"  To which Laaahhhry says, "her destiny has become my destiny". Larry, you meant to say, "her money she's cashing in has become my money I'm cashing in too".


But the previews next week have me really uneasy. She's telling the mother of a murdered victim "she's showing me police reports, autopsy records and saying, 'bottom line...he did it'"!  Do they deal with police reports from earth in heaven?  Can Theresa just say someone did it? It strikes me as all kinds of wrong and a way for Theresa to sound like the hero here. 

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On 2/18/2017 at 4:13 AM, maxmac97 said:

Didn't Harry Houdini prove people like Theresa Caputo were fake. It amazes me that people still believe mediums are real.

Harry disproved the mediums of his time, who operated very differently than the way Theresa and other modern mediums do. What we've learned since Houdini died is that at the deepest level we're all made of energy. Knowing that, is there such a leap to the idea that part of that energy survives when we die? And adding on, that certain people have the ability to tap into those frequencies and be able to translate those energetic impressions?

In the end, why do you care? Nobody's forcing you to watch the show or see a medium. Other people have found healing in this way. So does it really matter? What is real, anyway?  

Edited by marina to
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Except that there's many documented instances where she does readings spontaneously for free or group readings for charity. And as has already been said, she's providing comfort to people. She's not affecting your life in any way and she's providing a service for people who are grieving that helps them through the process. That seems to me much more important than some dude on the internet who wants to tear people down.

Considering how many things Theresa pulls out of thin air with people she just runs into out of nowhere, often in places far from where she lives, I think it would be even more unbelievable to think she actually arranges to run into those specific people after having a team of background investigators dig up the most obscure stuff that no one else knows about them!

Granted, the show may be only splicing together the stuff she gets right and leaving the "mistakes" on the cutting room floor, but even if they do that she still gets a lot of very specific stuff right that can't just be chalked up to being very good at assessing people without any special psychic gift.  Also, the show has presented readings where she doesn't really "connect" so well with the person's dead relatives and just gives them the broadest generalities, which IMO is more realistic because even someone with a real gift is not going to be able to receive very specific information on everyone's dead relatives every single time.  A faker would always show only the most "amazing" readings.

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"Teresa Caputo, who is the star of one of America’s most popular cable television shows, “Long Island Medium”, is under investigation for fraud, according to reports.  The show, which focuses around self-proclaimed psychic medium Teresa Caputo and her work as a medium alongside storylines involving her husband and two grown children.  

Reports claim that many are unsatisfied with her readings and are alleging she has lots of people and sources helping her make her readings seem real.  Caputo has been plagued by these accusations for years,  the US based newspaper “The Christian Post” reported on it last year"

Thanks Maxmac97 for taking time to post that article. I like to keep an open mind to all opinions and beliefs. 

Many people need to believe in something to get through life, through grief, through guilt. Whether it's Christianity, mediums or hocus pocus. I have more faith in hocus pocus than the bible....but that's just me. Getting back on the LIM subject....once she gets around to wrapping up the "reading" her final words remind me of something therapists might say to help people get past their grief. So it's a personal choice for everyone as far as what to believe. As i've said before...none of us know for certain what happens when we die.

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On 4/19/2017 at 1:35 PM, PattiP said:

Notice around jaw line how much thinner her face is.  What a difference!

Are you sure of this or only speculating?  I just thought she lost some weight.  She's looking rather thin and buff these days.  She's obviously been working out .  I think (like me) she tends to gain and lose in her face.  If she really were going for some plastic surgery she would do better to have some facial resurfacing or something like that done as her skin is not very smooth.

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On 4/23/2017 at 4:07 AM, maxmac97 said:



"Teresa Caputo, who is the star of one of America’s most popular cable television shows, “Long Island Medium”, is under investigation for fraud, according to reports.  The show, which focuses around self-proclaimed psychic medium Teresa Caputo and her work as a medium alongside storylines involving her husband and two grown children.  

Reports claim that many are unsatisfied with her readings and are alleging she has lots of people and sources helping her make her readings seem real.  Caputo has been plagued by these accusations for years,  the US based newspaper “The Christian Post” reported on it last year"

First of all, that article is years old and there has been nothing since on the subject online that I can find.  Plus it reads like a "fake news" article on a site that seems questionable at best.  There is not one fact in it nor any specific source quoted.  Reports?  Reports from who?  Allegations from who?  What substantiation is there for those allegations?  I saw a few other similar articles on other online "infotainment" sites that were almost the same as this one, word for word.  So if you want to doubt the factual nature of anything, I'd start with these articles as they seem to be nothing but smoke and mirrors.

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I watched the show yesterday and I noticed her face looked different, especially her eyes. It's obvious to me that she has had some face and eye work done in addition to working out and losing weight. When something is quite obvious like this, she should really 'fess up' and admit it. Nothing wrong with wanting to look better.

What's up with Theresa and Larry? My DVR cut out a word in the end....are they separated, divorced or what? Then the DVR cut off when Larry was speaking. Anyone know?

I hope the notoriety and money didn't affect them in a negative way. That is a sad situation for a married couple with children and strong family ties to dissolve. I hope they keep steady and just be grateful for the financial rewards of having a TV show. They were together during more lean times than this, I'm sure. I also like Larry. He's funny without insulting Theresa when he says he thinks 'she's crazy."

i used to love this show but theresa is now rich, she is different. i hate the celebrity readings. i could have told you everything she said to "frazier" i heard it all before so what a bunch of bull shit on that one.

i couldn't even make it to the end, now i'm wondering about her and larry too. i actually like the family parts and wish  there were more interactions like those. 

the notoriety and money looks like it did effect them. it is sad. but i think it's inevitable that money and fame will do that to you. too bad it changes the whole show. 

5 hours ago, msrachelj said:

i used to love this show but theresa is now rich, she is different. i hate the celebrity readings. i could have told you everything she said to "frazier" i heard it all before so what a bunch of bull shit on that one.

i couldn't even make it to the end, now i'm wondering about her and larry too. i actually like the family parts and wish  there were more interactions like those. 

the notoriety and money looks like it did effect them. it is sad. but i think it's inevitable that money and fame will do that to you. too bad it changes the whole show. 

Yeah, ITA, sad to say.  I somehow suspect that the real reason she and Larry are having relationship problems is over an affair.  I would venture to guess that she is the one that had (or is having) the affair.  Now that she's a celeb and gets around a lot more she is exposed to more people.  Meanwhile poor Larry either sits at home or tags along like a pet and looks far less exciting by comparison.  I can't see him as having an affair.  He is far too comfortable in his retired state and knows better than to bite the hand that's feeding him.  I'm getting the feeling from the previews that they're going to gloss over the real reason for the marital trouble and that there will be no mention of an affair.

i would agree with you on that guess. it seems to me she is getting full of herself. it's not even a specific thing she did (except the celebrity readings which are b.s.) it's just something in her demeanor. 

i went to her Facebook page and was shocked at how many posts , is that what they are called, i'm not really big on social media, she has. she does say she is having marital difficulties but there were so many responses to go thru , i don't know if she elaborates . if you have the time to read thru them, check out her page. also makes me very surprised, seeing she has so many followers that no one posts here (but us!) is previously tv just not that popular and has been overcome by FB like everything else unfortunately? 

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16 hours ago, msrachelj said:

i would agree with you on that guess. it seems to me she is getting full of herself. it's not even a specific thing she did (except the celebrity readings which are b.s.) it's just something in her demeanor. 

i went to her Facebook page and was shocked at how many posts , is that what they are called, i'm not really big on social media, she has. she does say she is having marital difficulties but there were so many responses to go thru , i don't know if she elaborates . if you have the time to read thru them, check out her page. also makes me very surprised, seeing she has so many followers that no one posts here (but us!) is previously tv just not that popular and has been overcome by FB like everything else unfortunately? 

I've always wondered why some shows are so popular on this board and others aren't.  There were even shows that were very popular on the old TWOP forums but not here and vice versa.  I think it might have something to do with the population that is attracted to this board and what their average interests are more than it says anything about Theresa's show's popularity.   I'm not big on social media either, but I'll have to check out her FB page for any clues.  If I find anything I'll report back.

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On 11/10/2017 at 11:43 PM, Snarklepuss said:

I've always wondered why some shows are so popular on this board and others aren't.  There were even shows that were very popular on the old TWOP forums but not here and vice versa.  I think it might have something to do with the population that is attracted to this board and what their average interests are more than it says anything about Theresa's show's popularity.   I'm not big on social media either, but I'll have to check out her FB page for any clues.  If I find anything I'll report back.

I didn't find TWOP until it had already "folded" but someone posted that PT Forums was the place to go. I also used to post on Fans of Reality TV but the fun, snarky posters seemed to dwindle after awhile.

Anyway, I do post on this LIM thread but it is, admittedly, kind of empty in here most of the time. 

That Radar online article stated that it is Teresa's father that gave the info to the media about his daughters marriage not being so great. Why would he do that? It makes no sense to me. 

Maybe Theresa got involved with one of her "celebrity" clients or maybe it's all b.s. and the marriage is fine. 

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