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S16.E07: Chicago Crossover

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Sergeant Hank Voight (Beghe) and Detectives Erin Lindsay (Bush) and Jay Halstead (Soffer) track a child pornography victim to his last-known whereabouts in New York City, where Sergeant Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and the SVU squad get a new lead – evidence of a livestreamed pornography "club" that caters to its subscriber’s shocking requests. When Lindsay discovers someone from her past is involved, she hopes it will help lead them to the site’s ringleader, but tensions between Voight and Benson could threaten the case.


And, yes, this is the actual title; inspired, it is not.

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I'm confused - do I have to find Chicago Fire and Chicago PD and DVR them both to see the result of this SVU episode (because that's what the promo suggested, but I wasn't really paying attention)? Because that's asking a lot from this viewer. :-)

I think so. I think everything first starts with Chicago Fire on Tuesday and ends with Chicago PD on Wednesday.

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Did anyone watch last night's episode of Chicago Fire? Did they actually tie SVU into the episode or was it just the fire department handing over the discovery of child pornography to the Chicago PD to set up the Chicago PD/SVU crossover? 

The police officer from Chicago PD talks to Rollins on the phone. That is the only tie of SVU in this episode. 

Well in the beginning of last week's episode I recall someone asking Nick how his visit to California to see his daughter went. Seeing as there was no Barba in either this weeks or last weeks episodes I would have loved it if Barba had been the one pushing Noah on the swing.

Yes. please make the crossovers stop. Unless they want to do a crossover with Hannibal. Barba meets Chilton.

Edited by Dot Com
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They can try pushing crossovers until the cows come home; I won't be watching another.  I quit watching Chicago Fire early in its run because it was a crap show and I hated the psycho cop that somehow became the star of Chicago PD (another show I'll never watch again).  


I'm also sick and tired of tv shows using the tired old trope of justifiable police violence.  This show tried that for years with Stabler and it never worked for me.

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So I guess they really are rotating Carisi and Fin in and out of episodes. Wonder if we'll ever see them in an episode together. 


Nick pushing Noah on a swing is cute, but when was the last time he spent time with his own kids?


I'm a sucker for solid TV friendships and I have to admit, I kind of love these little glimpses into Nick and Olivia's friendship outside of work and it's nice to see that Nick is there for Olivia since she has no family. They haven't beaten us over the head with how close they are like they did with Elliot and Olivia, but we've seen Nick calling himself Uncle Nick to Noah, we know Olivia must have spent time with his family since she asked his mother to look after Noah at the hospital, and now we're seeing them just hanging out together at the park with the baby, which I think is sweet. That was basically the relationship I wanted to see between Elliot and Olivia way back when. I liked the idea of them as best friends who were like family to one another, but instead their relationship was all angst and tension and we never saw them simply being friends outside of work. And then Warren Leight really destroyed Elliot and Olivia's relationship for me when he had Olivia confess to being in love with Elliot to that female cop who was letting her gross partner rape women.


As for Nick's own kids, Zara is in California with his ex-wife (are they even divorced yet?) and we know he just got back from visiting her. And the boy whose name I can't remember right now, I'm actually glad we're not seeing him because I hated the drama with his mother. I'm just going to assume Nick sees him on weekends or something. And maybe that's why Nick has become so involved with Olivia and Noah...because his own kids aren't as available to him so he found himself a nice little replacement family. 


God help me, but I enjoyed Benson with Voight. I also love the way she took George down without using a gun.


I liked their relationship, too. I don't usually "ship" people on this show but they had good chemistry, and if God forbid there's another crossover down the line, I wouldn't mind seeing Benson and Voight interact more. 

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I don't normally watch this show in sequence, I usually just catch intermittent episodes or repeats. I watched last night because of the crossover as I'm a huge fan of PD. When did Amaro and Rollins become a thing? I wouldn't have guessed it from the episode alone but the side eye they gave each other when they thought Halstead was into Lindsey was enough to get me digging.


Really liked the interaction between Voight and Benson - probably my favourite element of crossover week. The violence they promote in PD can be annoying. Usually Jay is the only one to ever call Voight on his morals and he rarely listens. It was great to see him show Olivia respect and for her to point out the fact (in both episodes) that violence is not only the wrong way to handle it half the time but to hear someone actually point out the ramifications of using violence to get answers eg false confessions, loss of credibility etc.

  • Love 1

I'd like to thank the person who titled this show.


It's embarrassing how many times I've been burned watching the Law & Order re-run that concludes on Homicide: LOTS.  Every damn time, I fumble through the search function to see if Part II is going to miraculously appear somewhere, which it never does.


This way I can skip the whole mess, in perpetuity. 



  • Love 6

I mean, it was OK?  But it was pretty much the "Friending Emily" episode from a couple of seasons ago, recycled WITH CHICAGO PEOPLE!  That said, the Chicago people were a fine temporary addition. 


I thought it was VERY interesting to hear Olivia's speech to Voigt about her former partner.  She wasn't wrong, but I definitely raised an eyebrow and thought "Wow, they went there."



Nick pushing Noah on a swing is cute

That was adorable!  I found it sort of hilariously distracting from Olivia's phone call.

Are crossovers back in vogue now? I have seen three now this season, two in the last week. I wasn't even sure I would watch this as I have never seen anything from either of the Chicagos and I found myself underwhelmed by The Simpsons/Futurama crossover as I have never seen Futurama. For example, there would be things I am sure were references to Futurama, but didn't understand.

That said, I felt it was well done as a crossover. There were not a lot of things people who didn't watch the other shows would get. I did find myself wonder what "family life" Lindsay and her brother had that was hinted at, and why her Sargent would know her brother.

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I think I watched the Chicago Fire pilot and I occasionally catch Chicago PD after SVU, but otherwise, I don't watch either show. But the crossover was enough for me to check out all the shows, and I enjoyed the entire thing well enough. I'm glad they didn't overdo it with the Benson/Voight tension as I did like them together. I actually wasn't that surprised at the Stabler reference. It was mentioned in one of the other show threads, but I also didn't completely buy Olivia extracting the child's location out of the "big bad", even though I know she has that talent. On an odd note, for some reason I was surprised that Teddy had a full beard (which may be presumptuous on my part).


Was the actor who played Teddy on SVU before? He looks like the twitchy earwax guy who stumbled across child porn (which really wasn't) during a robbery several years ago. The character resurfaced in a later episode selling "Stop Snitching" T-Shirts.

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I normally don't like cross overs and when I heard it was with 3 shows I almost said no.  I watched on hulu all three and well I can say I will never watch Chicago Fire ever again (omg that was a LONG 42 minutes).  I found that show awful along with all the actors (maybe it was this episode but still won't watch again).  I did like the cross over with Chicago PD and SVU this episode or both seem to gel a lot more.  I liked that members or both sides work in teams (one SVU with one CPD).  I just may watch more of Chicago PD because of this one.  One thing that bothered me was Olivia bringing up Stabler and his temper.  Really, like she hasn't crossed the line?  Then she goes and lets the suspect think he's going to get beat?  Glad the CPD Guy called her on that.  She's working with what she has?  How convenient for her and the writing (and her producer title) that's it's swept under the rug.   One thing about SVU they sure know how to bring the Stabler flaws while promoting the Olivia is the child of a rape victim so she knows all.


Please let Barba be on the next episode or I will skip it for sure.  One was ok and two well withdrawals but three is unacceptable!

Edited by Crucial

It was cute that they gave Voight a matching NYC PD jacket for the raid so they could all match! It makes me laugh how all the Chicago PD guys wear variations on a leather jacket.


I didn't like Olivia's line talking crap about Stabler.  I hate how they can't even pretend they still have an off-cam relationship after all the time spent together. Can't they have a throwaway line, like "Elliot came over and pushed the kid in the swing too, in his own forceful way."?


At least PD and SVU crossovers were more intertwined. I had to watch all the Vegas wedding-Zumba-Too Many Cooks in the kitchen drama on Chicago Fire and then one tiny slice of episode that linked to the others. 

"I have no idea what this means, and Google's not helping. So now I'm really curious."

Someone on another thread said that all the ep titles this season have 16 letters total, because it's the 16th season. I apologize in advance for the sprain you're about to incur rolling your eyes.

Kbilly: "in his own forceful way" heeeee hee hee, now I'm picturing Noah whirring around the top pole of the swingset like a propeller blade.

  • Love 6

I have no idea what this means, and Google's not helping. So now I'm really curious. Also, the fact that I Googled [inter alia] "16 letters and pornography" had BETTER not get me fired. ;)

I believe the statement is in reference to the fact that the number of letters in the episode title corresponds to the season of SVU. I think it's been that way since Warren Leight came onboard.

I was impressed with Olivia flipping the guy over her shoulder - I guess her self defense classes came in handy.

I wish that Liv had maintained some off screen relationship with Elliot or even Kathleen and Maureen. (It doesn't matter to me that Chris Meloni quit the show, but I do feel a bit bad for the actresses that played his family that were automatically out of a job based on someone else's decision).

Nick pushing Noah on the swing was adorable (but I would love to see how Barba would interact with baby Noah).

I'd like to thank the person who titled this show.

It's embarrassing how many times I've been burned watching the Law & Order re-run that concludes on Homicide: LOTS.  Every damn time, I fumble through the search function to see if Part II is going to miraculously appear somewhere, which it never does.

This way I can skip the whole mess, in perpetuity.



SO MANY TIMES. I'm happily watching old On Demand eps rather then working on my NaNoWriMo thing, and they have the first part of that one where the girl dies of toxic shock syndrome because her stepmom abused her, but not the second! Dammit, shows, I watch you to relax, not paw through the on offer shows trying to find if decade old Homicide eps are still floating around on there.

  • Love 1

I didn't like Olivia's line talking crap about Stabler.  I hate how they can't even pretend they still have an off-cam relationship after all the time spent together. Can't they have a throwaway line, like "Elliot came over and pushed the kid in the swing too, in his own forceful way."?

Stabler, scowling look of extreme intensity on his face, pushing Noah on a swing .  Someone suggests that maybe a baby is the connection between the shelter and the pornographers,  Suddenly Stabler yanks Noah out of the swing and pins him against the metal frame of the swing set.  Noah's tiny legs flail helplessly in mid air while Stabler gets within inches of his face "Okay baby!  Spill it!  How are you contacting them?  Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about!  You're selling young boys into slavery!"  Noah, shocked, confused and heavily jostled, spits up on Stabler's shoulder.  Liv runs over, grabbing Stabler's arm: "Elliot, the baby doesn't know!!!!!!  He doesn't know!"  Stabler drops the baby and stalks off, leaving Liv to pick up Noah and calm him.  Oh Stabler, how I miss your intensity and ability to Take! It! Personally! 

  • Love 8

I didn't like Olivia's line talking crap about Stabler. I hate how they can't even pretend they still have an off-cam relationship after all the time spent together. Can't they have a throwaway line, like "Elliot came over and pushed the kid in the swing too, in his own forceful way."?

I don't like Benson pretending she was just an innocent bystander to Stabler's loose definition of civil rights. She should have been kicked off the force just as many times. Of course Benson is only a "strong women" until it's time to own up to crap, then she's just a girl in the world.

I don't watch Chicago Fire or Chicago PD. Can anyone explain the backstory with Voight and the female dectective and her brother? Is he their stepfather?

Anyway my new judging criteria for SVU is number of scenes with Barba and/or Carasi. This episode is 0-2.

Edited by FozzyBear
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I don't watch Chicago Fire or Chicago PD. Can anyone explain the backstory with Voight and the female detective and her brother? Is he their stepfather?


He and his wife (now deceased) took Troubled Teen Lindsey in when she was 15, but not the brother, who went to foster care.

Edited by BindsTheTuna

I can handle an episode without Barba, and I can handle an episode without Carisi. But I can't handle one without both of them, especially one where there is minimal Fin. Don't do that again, show. I did like Lou Taylor Pucci, but overall I could see everything coming. The security guard at the youth center- he didn't have to even say a word for me to know he was behind the missing kids. Same with the Child Services worker. It was just kind of boring and predictable, and I thought all of the Chicago police officers were kind of interchangeable, and not very interesting, with the exception of Sophia Bush's character. 


Like other posters above, I also need a scene with Barba being adorably awesome with baby Noah.  SOON.

SO MANY TIMES. I'm happily watching old On Demand eps rather then working on my NaNoWriMo thing, and they have the first part of that one where the girl dies of toxic shock syndrome because her stepmom abused her, but not the second! Dammit, shows, I watch you to relax, not paw through the on offer shows trying to find if decade old Homicide eps are still floating around on there.

Well, if the payoff from never, ever seeing Part II of L&O/Homicide is learning about NaNoWriMo, then I'm ahead.  SO interesting!  Good luck with your novel, Snooks!



Every day I tell myself I'm going to register for nanowrimo. Every damn day. Apparently you can do it anytime in of ember so maybe tomorrow. I wouldn't mind crossovers but I watch on DVr so this will suck.

The law and order homicide crossover was an awesome one though, and the song they used at the end..l haunting.

Anyone else relieved we didn't find out the kid was acting? I've seen that scene on the show where someone says, she's not acting, then they break in... And she's acting. Bo it was a relief.

Anyone else want teddy and Jocelyn to become friends again and get married and live happily ever after?

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