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S10.E05: Fan Fiction

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Its a cool school, there's a club for everything you can think of (computer, tech, tv shows, comic books, anime, etc), and I kinda wish I could go there, lo. Since I was the biggest Xfiles and Star Wars nerd as a 13 year old... there were only 2 others at my school who shared the same craziness.  ;)

LOVED this episode even more on re watch (and with the hindsight of seeing the rest of what's aired for S10).  Just so much to love and yes, I got teary-eyed again with the Wayward Son rendition (and I may have it on my playlist that is labeled Muse).  And Sam and Dean's faces during it.  I won't go on and on, other than it was a great way to bridge between the Dean as a Demon story to the rest of the season.  

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LOVED this episode even more on re watch (and with the hindsight of seeing the rest of what's aired for S10).  Just so much to love and yes, I got teary-eyed again with the Wayward Son rendition (and I may have it on my playlist that is labeled Muse).  And Sam and Dean's faces during it.  I won't go on and on, other than it was a great way to bridge between the Dean as a Demon story to the rest of the season.  

Rewatched the musical segments again today, and finally am ready to admit that I always lose it when Bobby comes out and stands up from his wheelchair in Wayward Son. 

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Continuing my re-re-watch.

And what a difference an episode makes! Not only did I gobble this up right away, I watched it twice (back to back) because it was so good for me.

Bits that stood out:
- The MUSIC. It gets better and better every time I hear it. I don't give a shit if the lyrics are fan-servicing. They are AWESOME. The songs so captured the essence of the series for me AND I found myself bouncing my head along with Dean. Just kinda perfect for me.
- The dawning horror in their faces as they figure out what they are watching is their lives set to a high school musical. The facials in this episode are outstanding.
- Drama dork Sam giving Dean a hard time: Dee-stiel, Sastiel, etc.
- Dean being totally done with everything.
- Poncho dude and shocked face guy.
- Maeve's deadpan humor, culminating in 'Okay, we're through the looking glass here people'
- ALL. THE. FEELS. For the cover of 'Carry On...' and the looks on Sam and Dean's face.
- Chuck's appearance at the end


ETA: And oh yeah, the Impala-porn.  Baby was high-gloss in this episode.

Edited by SueB
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- Maeve's deadpan humor, culminating in 'Okay, we're through the looking glass here people'


My favorite Maeve moment was when Dean was talking about getting the stink of the show off and Maeve was about to throttle Dean (who seemed oblivious to his faux pas), and Sam was (paraphrase) "oookay, why don't we go take a look at the set and props while Dean talks with Marie." Hee, if only Maeve knew that was the real Dean, because she was obviously a Deangirl...


Which after seeing the cut scenes from the ep - I found out that I was totally right about that.

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I will never not laugh at Dean bobbing his head to the music of "The Road So Far" especially since it's all about what a colossal shitfest their life has really been. LOL Oh Dean. You truly are the hottest dork ever.

Edited by catrox14
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I dropped a brilliant "single man tear" reference in a group of "fans" at a recent con, and they looked at me like I was nuts.  It's OK.  I knew it was funny as shit.  I adore this episode.

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I originally liked this episode and still do, except for one minor or major issue I've had on rewatch, depending upon your perspective. Marie tells Dean she just couldn't let it go at Swan Song where Carver aka Chuck ended the books. Adam's actress appears during the Carry On My Wayward Son rendition, Sam asks who that is and Maeve informs him that it's Adam, John's other son who is still trapped in the cage with Lucifer.

Question...if the books ended at Swan Song, wouldn't Sam and Adam both be in the cage? Why would anyone think only Adam was still there after that conclusion? Maeve clearly didn't think Sam was Sam so it wasn't some kind of dig, like, oh Adam,the brother you left in hell.

Edited by trxr4kids
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Because at the end of "Swan Song" Sam* was looking in the window at Dean and Lisa.


When talking to Dean about writing her fan fiction, Marie mentions how "wrong" it was that Sam was somehow out of hell, but not with Dean. And how disappointing it was that Dean had given up hunting and was living with Lisa. And that's why she wrote her own continuation of the story. So since Maeve was also up to date with the unpublished books online, she also knew about the Sam being out of hell thing.


* No one knew at that time - Chuck included - that that was actually Soulless Sam and that actual Sam was still in the cage. So in the unpublished books, it seemed like it was Sam who was actually out of hell - not soulless Sam... which is one of the reasons that Dean told Marie about Sam having come back soulless.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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I can see how that makes sense but it kinda still leaves it open to the possibility of Adam being topside too. Also the lightbulb bursting leaves it open to Sam being notSam and conversely  what makes her think Sam isn't with Dean since he was at Lisa's? So that dialogue between Sam and Maeve still bugs me.


ETA: What I was trying to say is that Marie's assumptions of Sam and Dean not being together etc. as well as Maeve declaration about Adam don't make sense to me based off of just Swan Song. Without seeing or in their case reading something of season 6, those assumptions or speculations about them don't make sense to me.

Edited by trxr4kids
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Question...if the books ended at Swan Song, wouldn't Sam and Adam both be in the cage? Why would anyone think only Adam was still there after that conclusion? Maeve clearly didn't think Sam was Sam so it wasn't some kind of dig, like, oh Adam,the brother you left in hell.


Well, I think it was a meta dig at how fandom can't seem to let the issue of Adam being stuck in the cage go, but didn't Charlie find a bunch of "unpublished" works of Chuck's Becky had put online which cover things that happened after Swan Song?

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Well, I think it was a meta dig at how fandom can't seem to let the issue of Adam being stuck in the cage go, but didn't Charlie find a bunch of "unpublished" works of Chuck's Becky had put online which cover things that happened after Swan Song?

Yes she did but Marie apparently didn't otherwise she would have said Sam's soul being trapped in the cage while his body walked around was an issue or at least I'd think so.


ETA: also when Dean tells Marie what happened after Swan Song, she laughed and called it bad fanfiction.

Edited by trxr4kids
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Well, I think it was a meta dig at how fandom can't seem to let the issue of Adam being stuck in the cage go, but didn't Charlie find a bunch of "unpublished" works of Chuck's Becky had put online which cover things that happened after Swan Song?



And there in lies the rub of this episode for me.


Which parts of it are digs at fandom? I kind of hate to think any of it was actual digs at fandom vs a sloppy way of trying to acknowledge things exist in fandom...like Destiel and Wincest and the Samulet etc.  

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Oh, I don't know that any of it was a dig at fandom, exactly--perhaps that was a poor choice of words--I just think they were making a joke out of how they basically dropped the ball on something and the fans haven't let them forget about it. I'm not sure they were making fun of the fans as much as they were making fun of themselves. 


But, in general, I prefer to think people are laughing with me as opposed to at me and that may not be the same for you.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Oh, I don't know that any of it was a dig at fandom, exactly--perhaps that was a poor choice of words--I just think they were making a joke out of how they basically dropped the ball on something and the fans haven't let them forget about it. I'm not sure they were making fun of the fans as much as they were making fun of themselves. 


But, in general, I prefer to think people are laughing with me as opposed to at me and that may not be the same for you.


Oh okay. I was taking your comment literally. LOL


I guess I wouldn't know when the show is laughing at fandom or laughing with fandom. That's probably some of my struggle with this episode.

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Well, I think it was a meta dig at how fandom can't seem to let the issue of Adam being stuck in the cage go, but didn't Charlie find a bunch of "unpublished" works of Chuck's Becky had put online which cover things that happened after Swan Song?


I thought that the "unpublished works" Charlie was referring to were what happened after season 3 (when the original published books ended) through the end of season 5 when Chuck disappeared. I don't think that there could be any from season 6 or 7, because Chuck wasn't around to write them. His story was finished with "Swan Song" (and the end of that incident as I talk about below). Besides Charlie knew firsthand what happened at the end of season 7 - and some of the middle, because of reading Frank's computer - so really all that she was missing was season 6.


I guess I'll have to revisit that revelation from Charlie to see, but there being stuff from season 6 and 7 wouldn't make sense to me unless God returned Chuck from heaven to continue his work... which I guess is possible.


I can see how that makes sense but it kinda still leaves it open to the possibility of Adam being topside too. Also the lightbulb bursting leaves it open to Sam being notSam and conversely  what makes her think Sam isn't with Dean since he was at Lisa's? So that dialogue between Sam and Maeve still bugs me.


ETA: What I was trying to say is that Marie's assumptions of Sam and Dean not being together etc. as well as Maeve declaration about Adam don't make sense to me based off of just Swan Song. Without seeing or in their case reading something of season 6, those assumptions or speculations about them don't make sense to me.


But it wasn't real to Marie and Maeve. It was a work of fiction at that point, so for them, the story likely stops with Sam outside the house and then walking away* and with Adam still in hell and Dean being inside with Lisa, living the normal life he promised Sam he would. They would have no reason to think that there was a "rest of the story," because Chuck didn't write one... so that was it. Which is why Marie said it was a weird place for the story to end. She didn't know that it was real at that point and that it actually did continue.


* Just because we didn't see Sam actually walking away in that scene until the end of season 6 doesn't mean that Chuck didn't write it. It would make sense that he would, because it happened right then. We just didn't know it happened right then until we saw Castiel's recollection of the events surrounding Sam's return. But I'm fanwanking that Chuck did write the end of the scene - minus Castiel because he was in invisible mode.


We know that Chuck's books have more detail than we see in some cases and less in others. We know that he didn't write about Sam's drinking demon blood, because Chuck told Sam that he hadn't - which is interesting, because I'm not sure how he got around that... and then later explained the blood drinking Sam had to do in "Swan Song." Maybe he added it later after all? But we also know that Chuck's books have more detail about other things that we didn't see - like the Colt ending up with Crowley that Becky told Sam about in "The Real Ghostbusters." So just because we didn't see Sam leaving at the end of "Swan Song" we know it happened at the end of the scene (through Castiel), and so Chuck might have written it that way. That's what I'm going with.

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You're welcome, trxr4kids! I like to solve dilemmas and fix things: It's what I do.


Heh, and don't feel bad about wanting to spell AwesomO incorrectly.*  I even do it sometimes when I log in, and I know the reference, so I can imagine that it's easy to go ahead and put the e in there. But apparently Cartman either can't spell or he was going for an "As seen on TV" theme, so AwesomO it is - hee. It makes for a great Con costume though (I put a link of me as AwesomO somewhere on this board) - when I'm not a lady Jayne.


*and that first one is an "O" for Awesome-Oh (pronunciation), because that's the way it's spelled and pronounced in the episode.

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You're welcome, trxr4kids! I like to solve dilemmas and fix things: It's what I do.


Heh, and don't feel bad about wanting to spell AwesomO incorrectly.*  I even do it sometimes when I log in, and I know the reference, so I can imagine that it's easy to go ahead and put the e in there. But apparently Cartman either can't spell or he was going for an "As seen on TV" theme, so AwesomO it is - hee. It makes for a great Con costume though (I put a link of me as AwesomO somewhere on this board) - when I'm not a lady Jayne.


*and that first one is an "O" for Awesome-Oh (pronunciation), because that's the way it's spelled and pronounced in the episode.

I get the reference since I'm a huge South Park fan but still I miss type it! It's either the e or the O every single damn time.

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I thought that the "unpublished works" Charlie was referring to were what happened after season 3 (when the original published books ended) through the end of season 5 when Chuck disappeared. I don't think that there could be any from season 6 or 7, because Chuck wasn't around to write them. His story was finished with "Swan Song" (and the end of that incident as I talk about below). Besides Charlie knew firsthand what happened at the end of season 7 - and some of the middle, because of reading Frank's computer - so really all that she was missing was season 6.


Well, that's if you believe Chuck was taken to Heaven and not God himself. ;)


But, yes, you're right, the "unpublished" works were for S4-S5. My bad.

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Well, I loved this episode.  I think this is going to be my "go-to" relief episode when brotherly angst gets too angsty in the future.  I laughed all the way through it.  Highlights:

  • I kinda love that Sam was a theater nerd.  :)
  • liked that neither the student nor teacher who were abducted died.  Nice to see real saves again.  And they weren't completely helpless chicks. 
  • Dean fighting the scarecrow while the show goes on.  Lol.  
  • the guy calmly putting on his poncho in the front row was gold.  As was the stunned guy in the audience after the scarecrow exploded.  
  • I might have "aw'ed" at Dean telling Marie, "Take a bow, Sammy."
  • The Bowel Movement Scene.  'nuff said.  
  • Chuck's appearance at the end.  (even being spoilered for S11, doesn't ruin it.)
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1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Chuck's appearance at the end.  (even being spoilered for S11, doesn't ruin it.)

Was there a lot of dust in the air at your house like there was at mine the first time I watched it? ;)

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43 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

If you mean because I was crying because I was laughing so hard, yeah!  Lol!

Heh, well there was this weird liquid leaking from my eyes when Chuck said "Not bad." I'm convinced it was due to dust because I'm way too old to be tearing up over a high school play. ;)

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13 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

the guy calmly putting on his poncho in the front row was gold.

This made me laugh so damn hard!  He was one of the smart ones!

13 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

As was the stunned guy in the audience after the scarecrow exploded.  

This also made me laugh so much, his expression is priceless.  He was not as fortunate as the guy in the poncho.

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So...I watched it again last night.  Because: reasons.  And I have to get my money's worth out of my Netflix account, right?  

Yeah, still just as funny the second time through.  I really appreciated the boy's facial expressions reactions even more, I think.  

One of my favorite parts - other than when they first walk in the theater and see their lives being played out on stage (Damn, I'm surprised they didn't start hyperventilating at that point!) - was when Sam finally introduced them as Sam and Dean Winchester and...pause...the girls burst out laughing.  heh.  heh.  heh...yeah, that's still funny just thinking about it.  :)

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This was a cute little one-off and good fun.  The expression on that guy in the audience when they were all covered in goop had me busting up.  Dean's indignation at the director's interpretation of their story was hilarious, loved the line about it's supposed to have classic rock and not Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Then during the play he's rocking his head to the singing, ha.  Bowel movement, lol.  Kind of how I feel every time I watch one of their drama scenes.  It really felt like watching a cheesy high school play, too.  Good times.

Edited by Dobian
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This episode is even funnier and more fun than I remembered! Absolutely loved it. Some of my favorite parts:

-- Dean teasing Sam about doing theater in school, and then being like, well, OK, Our Town was cute but Oklahoma! was tacky.

-- When Sam and Dean walk into the theater and are dumbfounded by the SPN opening act.

-- The very existence of that Burning Mary prop.

-- Agents Smith and Smith, no relation.

-- When Maeve left Sam at the tech board by himself and he couldn't resist messing with the lights.

-- Sam and Dean quieting down to watch the last scene of the play, and clearly being very moved by it. I found the looks on their faces very moving, too.

-- The inclusion of a classic Samnapping.

-- The visuals of the play were great. I especially loved the costuming and props.

-- Dean's Very Strong Artistic Opinions about everything having to do with the play, including the music, the props, the script straying from cannon, everything. I loved that he and Marie had a serious discussion about her artistic vision.

Also, even though I watched this as part of a very casual rewatch and so theoretically can go back and watch any episode at all and am not "stuck" with altered, MoC Dean if I don't want to be...it was still surprisingly fantastic to see Dean really acting like himself. Dean can just be *so* likeable and charming.

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Finally! A delightful episode, from start to finish. Even though it does get a bit schmaltzy at times, this one was a very welcome change of pace. I just can't handle all the droopiness and taking themselves so damn seriously of late. I find myself pointing and laughing, when I'm pretty sure the show wasn't making a joke. This episode reminds me of how nice it can feel to be laughing with the show rather than at it.

I especially cracked up at Sam saying, "I mean I gotta say, it's kinda charming. The-the production value, and the...," notices Dean is looking at him horrified and starts to backtrack, "No? No. No. I'm gonna check for EMF, you-you look for, uh cursed objects."

If that's not the most meta moment of the episode, I don't know what is. ;)

But, mostly just love how they threw themselves into it wholeheartedly. Their enthusiasm and glee here makes me enthusiastic and gleeful. 

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Just watched this episode again, and I love it even more than the last time.  That's the one thing that sets SPN apart from other shows, IMO.  They can make fun of themselves, and it just makes you like the show and the characters even more.  Just so many scenes to love here, and the actors were all great.  It totally worked.

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This episode happens and I'm just like, this is home. This is the Supernatural I know and love. This is the episode that drew me back in after three years of apathy about everything not named Kevin Tran, and not posting and watching Criminal Minds instead if they had a new episode and paying very little attention when I did watch.  "You ran tech, Wolverine." Maeve: Please don't touch anything. Sam: *touches everything* "That is some of the worst fanfiction I've ever heard of!" I just love that Dean has had enough this fandom. "You're just going to do that thing where you shut the hell up. Forever." I love Calliope's speech. It really resonates with the things I love about the show. Although I will argue that certain seasons are meandering genre dreck. "Take a bow, Sammy." That shot of Sam and Dean watching "Carry On My Wayward Son" is far more beautiful than it has any right to be. I would like to see Marie and Maeve again. They could show up in the spinoff.

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10 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I would like to see Marie and Maeve again. They could show up in the spinoff.

I would love to see them again too.  I don't really want them to be hunters though - that would take away too much of their wacky 'innocence', I think.  Maybe they could run tech?  Lol.  

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Wow - what a surprise to read all these glowing comments.  I absolutely LOATHED this episode.  I spent most of the time squirming with embarrassment for everyone involved, in fact I never made it all the way through.  I honestly thought the episode would be the laughing stock of the internet next day.  

Prissy  stuckup schoolgirls put on a show for their parents based on paperbacks with Fabio on the cover.  Oh yeah - like that's gonna happen.  And the dreadful wailing and Sam and Dean so OTT and so ok with it.  

But I guess we all want different things.    Everyone's entitled to their opinions.

Edited by Pondlass1
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1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

Prissy  stuckup schoolgirls put on a show for their parents based on paperbacks with Fabio on the cover.  Oh yeah - like that's gonna happen.

You know what I think is funny?  That, on a show about the Supernatural, where the two human leads kill demons, are best friends with an angel, have died and been resurrected many times and started multiple apocalypses, you have trouble believing that a bunch of private-high school girls could put on a musical based on a book series with Fabio on the cover.  LOL!  That's probably one of the most realistic thing this show has ever done!

Anyway, I still love this episode.  As you said, everyone's entitled to their opinions, but if you don't want to insult the rest of us who liked the episode (as the "...but ugh, people" heavily implies, imo) perhaps it would be best to post in the unpopular opinions thread about it.  

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2 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

You know what I think is funny?  That, on a show about the Supernatural, where the two human leads kill demons, are best friends with an angel, have died and been resurrected many times and started multiple apocalypses, you have trouble believing that a bunch of private-high school girls could put on a musical based on a book series with Fabio on the cover.  LOL!  That's probably one of the most realistic thing this show has ever done!

Anyway, I still love this episode.  As you said, everyone's entitled to their opinions, but if you don't want to insult the rest of us who liked the episode (as the "...but ugh, people" heavily implies, imo) perhaps it would be best to post in the unpopular opinions thread about it.  

I'm firmly on the fence with this one. I loved the corny-as-all-get-out music, and the high school girls (though I heartily wish they'd hadn't cut the Maeve/Deangirl scene). I even enjoyed the premise, because why not? I just resent the ever loving hell out of it after learning that this was their excuse for cutting short Dean's demon arc.

As for the bolded, I don't have any problem believing the girls came up with the musical - I'm just wondering how they knew what Dean and Sam actually looked like, given these Harlequin Romance/Fabio style covers.

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2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm just wondering how they knew what Dean and Sam actually looked like, given these Harlequin Romance/Fabio style covers.

Maybe Chuck was a better writer than what little we got read aloud by Dean at the laundromat?  ;)  Cliched romance novel covers aside, I'd think there'd still be descriptions of the guys within the text - pretty much any novel in any genre has descriptive passages about the characters at some point.  Plus, I think the covers of books are usually up to the publisher, not the author.  

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

As for the bolded, I don't have any problem believing the girls came up with the musical - I'm just wondering how they knew what Dean and Sam actually looked like, given these Harlequin Romance/Fabio style covers.

I never thought about that before. LOL.  This is a totally fair question.

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25 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Maybe Chuck was a better writer than what little we got read aloud by Dean at the laundromat?  ;)  Cliched romance novel covers aside, I'd think there'd still be descriptions of the guys within the text - pretty much any novel in any genre has descriptive passages about the characters at some point.  Plus, I think the covers of books are usually up to the publisher, not the author.  

Agreed. I've read more than a few stories where the characters looked nothing like the book covers. I do think Chuck's descriptions are probably responsible for musical!Dean's hair being full-on blonde and musical!Sam's being darker than in reality. 

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42 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

Agreed. I've read more than a few stories where the characters looked nothing like the book covers. I do think Chuck's descriptions are probably responsible for musical!Dean's hair being full-on blonde and musical!Sam's being darker than in reality. 

My headcanon is that Sam was the Fabio dude and Dean was the short haired guy but in Marie's interpretation, I think she decided that Dean would have short blond hair and gave Sam long dark hair.

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5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm firmly on the fence with this one. I loved the corny-as-all-get-out music, and the high school girls (though I heartily wish they'd hadn't cut the Maeve/Deangirl scene). I even enjoyed the premise, because why not? I just resent the ever loving hell out of it after learning that this was their excuse for cutting short Dean's demon arc.

If it makes you feel less resentful, I don't believe this excuse. I don't think they committed to the idea of Dean being a demon in the first place. IMO, they did it for a shocking cliff hanger, but I don't believe Dean would've been a demon any longer even if they hadn't done this episode or if this episode had fallen later in the season.  I think they wouldn't take the risk of one, keeping Sam and Dean separated for more than a couple episodes and couldn't figure out how to have them hunting together with Dean a demon; and two, they wouldn't risk taking either brother too dark. So, they danced around the idea without actually touching it and then cured him quickly to get back to the status quo, IMO.

I think this episode just provided them with a convenient excuse to not have to own up to their own non-commitment here.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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23 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

but if you don't want to insult the rest of us

Apologies.  I've edited my post so as not to insult anyone.  I know it's no excuse, but this episode (along with Bloodlines, Bitten and Sam's Purge speech) bring out the worst in me.  

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OMG this was so fun and so funny.  Between Dean and Sam's incredulous looks when they entered the theater, their actions juxtaposed to the actors' as them, the musical's writer rejecting Dean's continuation of their story as "bad fan fiction" (hahaha), "subtext," "BM scene, the "ghostfacers" (omg LOL!) and the boys' faces, Dean's fight during the musical, the explosion of the scarecrow all over the first two rows (they should have worn their tarps!), then a little bit of sadness when Sam and Dean are reminded that they have a half-brother still locked in a cage with Lucifer (and they should do something about that), and the girls singing Carry On My Wayward Son.  I loved this episode.  And then Chuck shows up at the end!  This was definitely one of my favorites.

Edited by Hanahope
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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

OMG this was so fun and so funny.  Between Dean and Sam's incredulous looks when they entered the theater, their actions juxtaposed to the actors' as them, the musical's writer rejecting Dean's continuation of their story as "bad fan fiction" (hahaha), "subtext," "BM scene, the "ghostfacers" (omg LOL!) and the boys' faces, Dean's fight during the musical, the explosion of the scarecrow all over the first two rows (they should have worn their tarps!), then a little bit of sadness when Sam and Dean are reminded that they have a half-brother still locked in a cage with Lucifer (and they should do something about that), and the girls singing Carry On My Wayward Son.  I loved this episode.  And then Chuck shows up at the end!  This was definitely one of my favorites.

I love this episode, too.  When I first heard about it, I was dreading it with the dread of big-time dread.  But, I was sooo pleasantly surprised.  There was only one part of the episode I didn't like.  When Dean was pointing behind Sam, I don't know why he thought he was giving him the thumbs' up.  It made no sense. But, I can live with that.  I also loved the "terrifying" scarecrow prop. That they had to keep in the boiler room, because it was so terrifying.  LOL.

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you know, looking back in the past and looking to now, what fans complaining about the show being trash wasn't such a big deal. yes, it's changed a lot over time, but it's not catastrophic or anything. it's just a different take on what other writers would do with the boys.

that being said, i liked this episode. i liked how dean was desperate finding sam, leaping across the stage and whatnot to kill the god. what i did not like, however, and it still affects me now, is the lyric of "[John] took away our free will..." EXCUSE ME? so he called azazel to kill their mother? he wanted to be widowed? he wanted to be a single parent? it's AZAZEL'S fault this all happened, john just reacted to an immediate situation completely out of his AND his son's control. john didn't do crap. they can take that lyrics and shove it down their piehole.

the ending scene of the amulet (saying "samulet" is just cringe) was so cheesy it was almost gay. they should have just made sam look at dean and he just drove ahead and that was that. i even felt uncomfortable looking at it. 

the cass song was the most perfect song in the whole musical, though. so adorable and true to his character. i also liked how even though dean hated every part of the musical he was still supportive of it going on fine. that's what i love best about him. at his core, he is such a good, honest man. his brother as well of course.

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On 11/12/2014 at 2:31 AM, Rammfan said:

To me, the show isn't just a show, to be picked up and put down depending on how I feel about it. It's like a family member, whom you love no matter what and your life would be less without.

OMG, this. ^^

I don't watch a ton of TV shows. The ones I do I stick with through good and bad episodes/seasons. This is my 2nd re-watch of every season in maybe a 5-year span. When I'm just not up to something new and need familiar and comfortable, SPN is here for me to come home to.

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I tend to love the meta episodes but wasn't really looking forward to a musical. Well I loved it. I loved the Single Man Tear song (I think that's what it was called) and of course Carry on Wayward Son. Yeah some of the jokes about the ship stuff were silly but it still made me laugh. I loved the boys reaction to it all. This was fun. And I am enjoying Sam and Dean's relationship this season. Thank goodness.

Edited by hypnotoad
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