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S02.E13: Reunion AKA The Crew Tells All 2


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I don't know if I'm on board the Jennice train yet. It seems like a lot of work to take screen shots of every time your ex likes an insulting comment. I think I'd have a lot more respect for her if she took the high road and just let him keep talking. The more he tried to defend himself, the worse he came off. I'm glad she finally put him behind her but I have a feeling she would have gone right back to him if he offered a half-assed apology.


And color me shocked that Andy didn't ask Adrienne to make an appearance at the reunion.


Yeah, you know, I wasn't really clear on my original comment.  Jennice posted the screen shots after Kelley went on national TV and lied repeatedly that he didn't/wasn't hitting that "like" button while posters were bullying her.  Jennice asked Kelley several times if he was going to stick to his (lie) "story" and he did, so .... all bets were off in my opinion.  If I was Jennice you'd better believe I'd be doing the same thing, calling Kelley out when he blatantly lied on TV.  How did Kelley think he'd get away with the lie?  I mean, with social media and all.  There's always an electronic trail and Kelley lying just makes him look like a complete moron.


Kelley should have taken the high road and said something to the effect like "Yeah, it was a stupid, immature, and hurtful thing to do.  I am very sorry.  It was wrong of me."  He should have owned up to it.  Also, Kelley blaming Jennice and Kate for spreading the nude pic around?  Ummmm, Kelley's ex leaked that photo and I'm sure thousands of Kelley's social media followers woke up to that dick pic just like Kate said she did so Kelley somehow blaming K & J for spreading it around reeks of desperation and deflection to me.  JMO.

Edited by beesknees
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Yeah, you know, I wasn't really clear on my original comment.  Jennice posted the screen shots after Kelley went on national TV and lied repeatedly that he didn't/wasn't hitting that "like" button while posters were bullying her.  Jennice asked Kelley several times if he was going to stick to his (lie) "story" and he did, so .... all bets were off in my opinion.  If I was Jennice you'd better believe I'd be doing the same thing, calling Kelley out when he blatantly lied on TV.  How did Kelley think he'd get away with the lie?  I mean, with social media and all.  There's always an electronic trail and Kelley lying just makes him look like a complete moron.

I agree. If there is one thing I have learned from the many Real Housewives shows is that if you are ever on a reality show is to back up and make copies of emails, texts, and pretty much everything so you can whip it out at a reunion. So I am fine with Jennice and her screen shots.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I mean, with social media and all.  There's always an electronic trail and Kelley lying just makes him look like a complete moron.


To be fair, Kelley looks like a complete moron pretty much anytime he opens his mouth.


As for Jennice, *eye roll*

I still think it's a waste of time to screen shot every time Kelley likes a mean comment on Twitter. In fact, I'm kind of curious to know how her current boyfriend feels about the situation. I know I would be weary of dating someone who was stalking an ex online and filing away evidence. That seems like a red flag to me, or at the very least indicates unresolved issues.

Well, Kate has been called anorexic all season simply because she's thin. Us thin or underweight women get shit constantly and that's just fine but if somebody says anything about an overweight person, its wrong.

I fail to see the difference.

And come on, these people were large and they ate constantly, how is calling them eaters "fat shaming"?

Of all the ways to describe a group of people, choosing their eating habits is rude, imo- either way, too much or too little. The only time I heard anyone *on the show* reference Kate like that was when Amy once said Kate never eats. Yes, that wasn't that nice either, but I don't think that entitles her to talk about "the eaters" of the season.

I am one of those thin people. I never get rude remarks. Even when I was hospitalized, I got lots of compliments. In American culture, there are many examples of thin people having more positive attributes assigned to them than overweight people. Doesn't mean it's right to bash thin people. It's not right to bash anyone or unequivocally state they must have a mental or emotional disorder based on their looks. But, Yep, there are some people of all different weights who have eating disorders. To be medically anorexic, you have to be underweight. But, it's not the only requirement, and I think most people are aware of that. Again, if these thoughts make me the village idiot, so be it. Damn.

I agree. If there is one thing I have learned from the many Real Housewives shows is that if you ever are on a reality show is to back up and make copies of emails, texts, and pretty much everything so you can whip it out at a reunion. So I am fine with Jennice and her screen shots.

Plus, I don't know how many shots she took or when, but it takes 1 second to take a screenshot and maybe a minute or less to post? She could've taken the high road, but I think that would be really tough to do after being insulted and lied to on TV. Where are the CareBears to teach a lesson when you need them? :( Edited by Betweenyouandme
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I cosign on two things posters up thread said.  Smart girl for Jennice to save Kelley's "likes" on Twitter because she knew he'd be denying, denying, denying on TV.  Saving screen shots is hardly stalking. It takes one half of a second and its "point and click".  If it was me I wouldn't save screen shots in my private life but if I was on a TV Reunion show and I knew the biggest question/topic coming my was my break-up and why? you'd better believe I'd be tucking some evidence away to back myself up. I felt Jennice did take the high road.  She gracefully accepted Kelley's well-deserved apology.


Jennice's new BF better have some thick skin because there's going to be a S3.  If Kelley and Jennice are asked back their entire storyline's gonna be their unresolved relationship issues from S2.  Know that.  What else are they going to do for a story arc?  He'd better buckle up.  Kelley's current GF too (although I suspect he'll have an entirely new girlfriend by then).

Edited by beesknees
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Jennice's new BF better have some thick skin because there's going to be a S3.  If Kelley and Jennice are asked back their entire storyline's gonna be their unresolved relationship issues from S2.  Know that.  What else are they going to do for a story arc?  He'd better buckle up.  Kelley's current GF too (although I suspect he'll have an entirely new girlfriend by then).

Can't imagine why Jennice would be asked back. She is boring and if I have to listen to her mention how "small she is" for another season, then I'm out. And yeah, Kelly is a douche of major proportions but she is really weird, too. She had a boyfriend, she was not interested in Kelly. The boyfriend dumps her and all of a sudden (like immediately) she is into Kelly. Gimme a break. 

  • Love 8
I still think it's a waste of time to screen shot every time Kelley likes a mean comment on Twitter. In fact, I'm kind of curious to know how her current boyfriend feels about the situation. I know I would be weary of dating someone who was stalking an ex online and filing away evidence.



Do we know that she was doing it all along, or did she just go back into his feed and take them later because he was too stupid to delete tweets he was about to go on national television and deny?


I just assumed she was aggravated all along, then he either denied doing it to her or somebody sticking up for her, and then she decided to get backup because he played his hand that he was going to smile and lie about it.

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Well, Kate has been called anorexic all season simply because she's thin. Us thin or underweight women get shit constantly and that's just fine but if somebody says anything about an overweight person, its wrong.

I fail to see the difference.

And come on, these people were large and they ate constantly, how is calling them eaters "fat shaming"?

Agreed. All you have to do to insult fat people is point out they are fat. It's not even being mean, it's an obvious observation. Thin people are thin, fat people are fat. Most fat people like to eat. It's not exactly a new revelation. Calling them "eaters" is not insulting, and to be honest it's much nicer than what she could have said.


Coming from the thin girl who is currently on TPN so she doesn't die.. I *hate* if anyone tells me I look good right now. I do not. This whole culture of never being thin enough bugs the hell out of me.

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Calling them "eaters" is not insulting, and to be honest it's much nicer than what she could have said.

It may be nicer, but for someone effectively in customer service, it’s a bad thing to make comments about the guests.  I personally think the “eaters” as a definition of the group of guests says far more about Kate, and to me adds to the question of her own eating habits.  Yes, fat people are fat, this is the only time I’ve heard them called “eaters.”  It’s just odd, as if the concept of eating is something wrong.  I think that’s part of where some of us question whether Kate has eating issues.


I thought Kate was terrible on the show and in the reunion.  She was defensive as hell, and she refused to ever acknowledge that she did something wrong.  A good manager she is not.

I continue my obsession with Kat and Kate’s bad dye jobs.  Kat had one bunch of hair that seemed to be crayola yellow.  Very bad.



That Kat could say she didn’t remember if she gave oral sex to the guy was embarrassing, yet she didn’t seem at all embarrassed.  Very sad.


I was completely uninterested in Kelley, but agree with other posters that as long as Jenise (sp?) wasn’t saving up gigabytes of data of his comments, showing a few screen shots makes sense in this situation.


What the heck was the new guy wearing?  Is this the new hipster look??


I don’t remember if I watched last year’s reunion, but Andy asked harder questions of these guys than on any RH show.  And Andrew, since you’re now bartending and had only one subsequent yachting gig, yeah, we believe Andy that you got fired from that other yachting job.  Awesome that he even asked!

  • Love 1

I just assume when Kate called the Jersey group "the eaters" it was just meant as a memorable descriptor. Maybe they had descriptor nicknames for all the charters. Maybe the penny stock charter became known as "the traders" (or more accurately "the cons {artists}").


I work in a retail pharmacy and we give people descriptors - Cialis guy, amoxicillin girl, insulin lady. It's not meant to be a judgment on you, your medications, or your condition. It's just easier when we're busy, it relays relevant information, it triggers a connection (we might not remember right away that Mrs. Jones is taking Lipitor), and it's a privacy measure, especially when we're busy and/or a lot of patients are around (we're not calling out about Mr. Smith's Viagra). It's not the exact same, obviously, but I can see how a charter crew would do the same thing.


My favorite part of the whole episode was everyone else's reactions to Kelley's foot-in-mouth about Jennice being not pretty enough for him. The sheer horror on their faces was great. I especially liked Ben's "on my God, he did not say that. ... dude, stop talking ... seriously, you're making it worse" look.

  • Love 4

Kate definitely meant to disparage the people from Jersey as fat Snookie types from Jersey. She is convicted out of her own mouth.


The guests who gave the biggest tip were not up to her standards and not worthy of her service. She should have been fired out of hand for her attitude and for the way she instigated her subordinates to treat her guests with disdain.

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I just think it's the right thing to do to not try to make fun of people and to be sensitive and respectful if you find out something hurts someone's feelings (of course within reason).

I also do not consign the thought that because people who are "A" are mean to me who is "B," then that makes it okay for me or others to make fun of others that are "A." It creates a hurtful, constant revenge type attitude, imo. It would be like saying, I got picked on for being white by people who are black, so I'm going to now rag on black people. No. No. No.

And I don't think what Kate said is the same as a situation like:

Who's Daryl?

Oh, he's the rounder man

Because A. Was in addition to all the comments on the actual episode and B. It was on TV

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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for someone effectively in customer service, it’s a bad thing to make comments about the guests


They said horrible things about *all* the guests, so it didn't stand out to me too much at the time. I'm not sure if a discounted yacht charter would be enough for me to be humiliated on national TV. They treat the guests like crap.

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Kelley should have taken the high road and said something to the effect like "Yeah, it was a stupid, immature, and hurtful thing to do.  I am very sorry.  It was wrong of me."  He should have owned up to itKelley should have taken the high road and said something to the effect like "Yeah, it was a stupid, immature, and hurtful thing to do.  I am very sorry.  It was wrong of me."  He should have owned up to it



        Perpetual "victims" like Kelley never own up to everything. It's always everybody else's fault. Having lived with that, it's pretty damn difficult, and I'm not surprised that Kelley can't hold a relationship.


       I thought he was just whiny and immature, but wow, he went into full-on asshole mode there.


      Logan was such a non-entity. He literally brought nothing except muscle, and I can't even enjoy that because his arm was totally covered in tats.


     Did anyone else think Andy Cohen seemed much more into season 2's Below Deck crew as opposed to season 1? It seemed like other than the "Let's bash Adrienne" moment, that season's reunion was much more lower-key and probably "boring" to Andy.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I don't connect Kate's comments with other people in society bashing thin people, and I don't think she focused on the Jersey eaters because she is thin herself and suffers because of it. I don't think she's anorexic; I think her body looks good in a bikini.


However, Kate is a snob, and she clearly looked down on the Jersey gang, reacting specifically to their physical appearance and geography. Most of them were overweight, some of the women had the Snooki look going, and they loved to eat. Kate made several comments about them eating during the charter that clearly conveyed a superior snobby attitude. Her reunion comment about the eaters was an extension of that.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I work with the public and in my office we make fun of our clients often. It's a coping mechanism and a way to have a laugh and blow off steam because you have to put up with their shit and be nice to their face.  People can really be such assholes. Who ever said upthread that the crew treated the guests like crap I don't agree with at all. 

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I agree, I have worked enough retail over the years to know everyone talks shit about the customers. Not all of them, but definitely the memorable ones. I used to work the front store in a big pharmacy chain and there were certain people who had nicknames. My personal favorite was the milkman. There was an old man who would come in and buy 3 gallons of milk every day, usually around 8pm. I found it weird because he only bought milk, and the pharmacy was located right next to a large grocery store that sells milk significantly cheaper. I also reeeeeeeeally hated the extreme couponers. There was also grape Phillies girl, the Marlboro man who insisted on taking his smokes and paying for them at the pharmacy counter (which I was surprised was allowed cos they were easy to pocket)....and the list goes on. You just have to do stuff like that to keep your sanity. People in retail get treated like shit quite often, and usually for reasons that are totally out of our control.

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Totally disagree! It is describing the state of someone's "resting face." "Bitchy" modifies "resting face." "Resting" doesn't modify "bitch face." (I am a former copy editor. I take these things seriously.)


That makes perfect sense. Thank you! Maybe that's why the creator of the video that went viral and popularized the term called it Bitchy Resting Face rather than resting bitch face.


The original video

An interview with the video's creator

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I think we all have those customers - I know I do at the credit card company - but the difference is that I know enough to censor myself when someone who could affect my employment might be watching. The other difference is that I don't say rude things about my customers where *they* can see it.


The Snooki group, the "eaters" who Kate was so disgusted by because they were shoveling the caviar in etc etc got to see themselves publically mocked for being "eaters" and for wearing fucked up underwear. Frankly, I don't see what the problem was - they seemed like nice, respectful guests who were easy to please and not, all things considered, all that demanding. They also weren't making ridiculous demands - "bring the food and we'll come to it" is pretty straight up easy, it's not like they were asking for condor omelats. I totally get that yes, customers can be annoying - but these people seemed like the nicest ones of the bunch and they were generally well behaved, all smiles, and pleasant and Kate, Kat, Ben etc were all assholes over really petty shit.

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I find it interesting that Kat acknowledges her bad behavior last charter, yet doesn't see how that might have effected the way Adrienne had to deal with her. Not a huge fan of Adrienne, but she had to deal with two (what was that obnoxious girl's name) disrespectful subordinates who feed off each other did everything in their power not to work. Kate had a different crew to manage. It's not fair to compare the two.

  • Love 2

I find it interesting that Kat acknowledges her bad behavior last charter, yet doesn't see how that might have effected the way Adrienne had to deal with her. Not a huge fan of Adrienne, but she had to deal with two (what was that obnoxious girl's name) disrespectful subordinates who feed off each other did everything in their power not to work. Kate had a different crew to manage. It's not fair to compare the two.

The other girls name was Sam. She was a defiant, disrespectful bitch for sure. 

Edited by demarti
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I own a retail store and of course your customers can be a pain in the ass sometimes but they are the reason you stay in business. Whatt you should never do is make fun of them or belittle them to your subordinates. Because that gives them the idea that they can treat your customers like crap. 


The Jersey people seemed like the nicest group of passengers that the Ohana had the whole season. They weren't drunken idiots jumping off the side of the ship. They only wanted some snacks. But they were treated with contempt by just about everyone except  Amy and the deck hands. How is it possibly ok for them to pick up their underwear to make of fun of them? Who the hell do Kate and Kat think they are anyway? 

Come sail with us and we will bitch about you and leave Amy to do the work because....she has big hair...and is from the South....and smiles.


How dare she act like a professional.

  • Love 7

Well, Kate has been called anorexic all season simply because she's thin. Us thin or underweight women get shit constantly and that's just fine but if somebody says anything about an overweight person, its wrong.

I fail to see the difference.

And come on, these people were large and they ate constantly, how is calling them eaters "fat shaming"?

The difference is that overweight people, especially women, are marginalized in this society, thin women aren't.

  • Love 9

Am wondering why Kate referenced "Hooters Girl" in regards to Amy.  I never got that unprofessional vibe from her.  Pageant girl, yes, Hooters girl, no.  Amy never gave off a sexy, or sexual vibe towards the charter guests IMO.  Amy came off as very warm toward the guests but never unprofessional IMHO.  Obviously the charter guests appreciate Amy's approach because many guests have commented that Amy was their fave.

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We only see a snippet of these charters and that is only what the editors want us to see.  From what I saw on the reunion, everyone works pretty darn hard, well, with the exception of Andrew.  I don't think Amy worked any harder than Kat or Kate.  I also don't think that the service provided was horrible to any of the charters.  Were there some problems?  Sure.  That's going to happen sometimes.


And are the crew going to take jabs at the charters sometimes or give them 'names'?  Sure. That's the service industry...and the office and the club,  and the PTA, and  whenever a group of people are working together.

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The other girls name was Sam. She was a defiant, disrespectful bitch for sure.

I concur. And when she talked shit and acted like a lazy asshole she'd get this smug grin on her face like she relished her behavior. She like that lowlife Kat had drunk and sleezy vibes and also like her looked like a guy in drag.

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