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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I loved today's episode.  

Jack was terrific in every scene.  His conversation with Kayla, the joy in letting JJ know he remembered him, and then the joy and pain with him integrating all of his memories, good and bad, and him letting Jennifer do that with him, everything hit the right beats IMO.  More to come, I'm sure, but this was a good start.

Lucas with Kate was both emotional and a lot of fun, leave it to those two to carry it off so well.

Gabi was large and in charge today, great with Stefan and Vivian, and she stood head to head with her blockhead brother Rafe as well.

Doug was wonderful, as was Hope, when they realized Julie's new heart fell through.

  They might want to consider freezing her head, memorializing her as an ice sculpture centerpiece for Doug's place, if the worst happens.  I'm just sentimental that way...

Good show!

Edited by boes
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I liked today’s episode.

I continue to dislike RS as Vivian.

While I agree that someone’s Julie’s age should not get an organ before a person with a longer expected lifespan, we know Julie will not die. My guess, somehow Rolf transplants the conveniently evil and now even more conveniently deceased doctor’s heart into Julie; lack of consent and the fact that he was dead before Rolf could get to him be damned. Of course, people will believe it was some miracle action until Julie starts plotting against Kayla, obsessing over Jen and trying to destroy her newly united relationship with Jack. See, this is what happens when you make matters of life and death a running joke; the most preposterous ideas seem perfectly reasonable.

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I enjoyed todays ep.  The JnJ reunion was as expected.   I don't expect much from these writers so it went as I expected.  It had some sweet moments but could have been so much more. 

I liked the Jack and Kayla scene.  Kayla is always akward with him but I think its unfair to the character of Kayla for her to be the one to have to make Jack feel better about himself.  

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I liked Jack's scenes with Kayla. He really didn't have to see her or talk to her right after he got his memory back. He remembered his ugliness toward her, the reprehensible crime he committed and he still sought to see her. Jack was not the man at that time that he is today. He made significant changes in his life to become a better man. It took years, but he still faces the scars and wounds he brought on to others.

Kate, Lucas made the best decision at the time. Kayla was not a quack. Dr. Rolf did not get a megaphone and announce to Salemites that he saved your life. Kayla has no idea how or why you recovered.

Not enjoying Norma Desmond aka Vivian. Good for Gabi for telling Rafe where she was. Didn't really care for Gabi's jumpsuit. At least someone remembers the DiMera tunnels.

Doug and Julie and Hope were nice, but I don't get the feeling that Julie will die. No weight to the scene that it is a possibility that Doug will be a widower soon.

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Jack and Jennifer were just awesome.  Jack always carries his failures in life like a heavy burden that weighs him down and as always Jennifer is there, uplifting him, loving him and supporting him. Jennifer was always stronger than Jack without emasculating him.  It is what made them so damn good.  It is not a coincidence that they were the last supercouple on the show. 

1 hour ago, SnK said:

I liked the Jack and Kayla scene.  Kayla is always akward with him but I think its unfair to the character of Kayla for her to be the one to have to make Jack feel better about himself.  

I loved Jack and Kayla today due to the Matthew and Mary Beth who have fantastic chemistry. I don't think Kayla is being forced to make Jack feel better about himself, it is about Jack still feeling bad for what he did to her all those years ago and it is why Jack is beloved. He still carries his shame as he should.  Jack has changed, Kayla has forgiven him and has made peace with the rape but she can never forget it.  

Edited by Pearson80
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On 10/1/2019 at 2:03 AM, CanaryFan98 said:

As much as I wanted to enjoy the Jack/Jennifer/JJ scenes knowing that they wasted the past 9-10 months for nothing only to have it resolved with such a pat ending(and at the HTS not even the Horton living room) felt like such a let down to me from a writing standpoint.

There were so many beats missed here.

Its like Carlivati got bored with this storyline , a StOrylinE he crafted. He then just decided to end it in this abrupt manner. 

Edited by Rafael
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16 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Wow, a Salem cop remembered that the DiMansion has tunnels!

I know Rafe isn't that popular a character in these parts, but I do love his way of snarking on people. His, "Oh, gee, thanks for the tip, Gabs! I'll just mosey on down to the tunnels, though" made me laugh out loud. 

Of course I loved the Jack and Jenn scenes, and got a wee bit emotional myself when JJ realized his Dad was really back. All of the actors were great in their scenes and I, too, loved Jack assimilating his past in the moment. Their dynamic and chemistry is really perfect, even after all these years. They are gold, show, don't mess with them again, dammit. 

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

I know Rafe isn't that popular a character in these parts, but I do love his way of snarking on people. His, "Oh, gee, thanks for the tip, Gabs! I'll just mosey on down to the tunnels, though" made me laugh out loud. 

I agree. Honestly, I mostly enjoy/like Rafe.

I feel sacrilege for saying this but I fast forwarded all the Jack scenes. I don't know, I just find MA kind of embarrassing tbh. 

I continue to enjoy the hell outta Vivian.

I'm just full of unpopular opinions lately lol.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

I wish they could have shown us the homeless man and include him in the storylines.  He could be somebody important.

I love Gabi narking Vivian out.

Wow, a Salem cop remembered that the DiMansion has tunnels!

When talking about it, I was getting the feeling the homeless person would make a cameo. Or Kate was going to set out on a mission to find him and reward him.

Ironically, the last "homeless person" storyline we got was Jonsey, Vivian's deceased husband. 

Edited by JBC344
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5 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Of course I loved the Jack and Jenn scenes, and got a wee bit emotional myself when JJ realized his Dad was really back. All of the actors were great in their scenes and I, too, loved Jack assimilating his past in the moment.

It was very dusty in my house when Jack said that kissing Jennifer was … [pauses dramatically] just like he remembered.

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I love how Will made his plea to Rolf to save Kate and opted to not tell Kate, Lucas or Kayla upon Kate’s miraculous recovery. If Will stands by and allows his grandmother to go after Kayla, or allow her to think the worst of Kayla if she does not sue, it will speak volumes for his character.

I can’t with unable to have children, old enough to be 40 year-old Brady’s mother, yet miraculously pregnant Kristen.

Why is it that absent her scenes with Xander, I can’t find a way or a desire to like Sarah. Now this character is a villain in waiting, either that, or she’s the poster child for what happens when you allow perpetual, life-sucking depression to rule your existence.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Rafael said:

Its like Carlivati got bored with this storyline , a StOrylinE he crafted. He then just decided to end it in this abrupt manner. 

Exactly! Its like here's the ending we'll just ignore the fact we wasted 9-10 months where we could've written better storylines, featured other characters etc instead of this. I rather Days hire some fanfic writer off the street to write for the show I mean they can't be worse than the recycled crappy writers the remaining four soaps fight over.

  • Love 4

Geez, Kate, Kayla would have the ability to deal with her grudge against you for whatever grievances in a more creative manner. Something went on to bring you back to life, and I think maybe you got a half clue when Dr. Rolf came by with the flowers.

Are the DiMera tunnels lit well? I'd be afraid of stumbling on some roots or slipping on water/whatever.

Nicole, you will jump to the conclusion that Sarah's test results are for *her*. Kristen is a bit older than Brady and is really unlikely to be able to have a kid without medical intervention.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Exactly! Its like here's the ending we'll just ignore the fact we wasted 9-10 months where we could've written better storylines, featured other characters etc instead of this. I rather Days hire some fanfic writer off the street to write for the show I mean they can't be worse than the recycled crappy writers the remaining four soaps fight over.

At least fanfic writers are passionate about their stories and characters. 

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it is about Jack still feeling bad for what he did to her all those years ago and it is why Jack is beloved.

The show just needs to stop having Kayla make it all better for him.    I like watching them together but I hate when they use Kayla to make what he did ok for him.  The writing is currently too one sided to make Jack feel better instead of being about Kayla.   It's been a long time and they've come a long way but Ron keeps bringing the rape up  and I don't like the way he does it. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Rafael said:

Its like Carlivati got bored with this storyline , a StOrylinE he crafted. He then just decided to end it in this abrupt manner. 

It's not just this story.  This is how he is as a writer in general. A story will start kind of slowly or feel like it doesn't really have a direction in the beginning.  (Jack's return being all about Eve, the Leo and Leo/Diana stuff, the early Stabi stuff mostly being about sex.) It feels mostly like hitting bullet points or drawing stick figures.  This period could be interesting if it were more fleshed out but it's not and so it's not.

That part will go on way too long and then the story will eventually hit some interesting territory (Leo thinking he might be John's son and some complexities surrounding his relationship with his mother/Stabi marrying and her pulling the revenge/Jack leaving Eve and spending more time with Jennifer.)  The story is given more dimensions.  I want more of it.  But before I know it, it's over.

And the wrapup happens in a day or two. (Jack gets his memory back/Stabi reunite and declare their love for one another/Diana is exposed and both she and Leo are gone in a day).

So what is happening with the Jack story is pretty much what I expected all along even though it was a wasted opportunity to have Jack and Jennifer live in a space where they repeated old patterns even though Jack couldn't remember the first time they did them.

1 hour ago, SnK said:

The writing is currently too one sided to make Jack feel better instead of being about Kayla. 

Yeah.  I kind of wished she just would have said.  "I've dealt with it.  So have you and you'll find a way again.  But I almost cut out the heart of a very alive woman and gave it to Julie so, as I'm sure you'll understand, that's all I've got time to be concerned about today."

Seeing Sarah with Brady, I think the show missed a crazy opportunity to implant Sarah and Eric's embryo into Kristin only to have Sarah and Brady to have a one night stand resulting in a pregnancy that Sarah decides to keep.

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Imagine if Kate woke up on the operating table or during incision? That would have been high key gross. 

Also Show still hasn’t learned from the Belle pulling the plug on Marlena story someone who can’t breath on their own isn’t the same as being brain dead. Um does Ron realize there are people who can’t breath on their own and unconscious in millions of nursing home and hospital beds and people who need ventilators and oxygen tanks out in the world? I served one at my restaurant just Sunday night. 

Vivian making flirty sexual overtures to Rolf for help was a miss for me. I’m a party of one in that I don’t like either of them. 

Julie and Doug took the news graciously. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Are the DiMera tunnels lit well? I'd be afraid of stumbling on some roots or slipping on water/whatever.

My working assumption is that the Second Under-Parlormaid (you know, the one who has to clean up all the smashed glassware?) is in charge of tunnel tidying, also.

I went back and watched JJ and Jack's "I have my dad back" scene. Casey Moss and Matthew Ashford did a really nice job with it.

Am I the only one who heard an unspoken line of, well, fear in Hope and Doug's reluctance ("How are we gonna break the news to Julie?") "'Cause she's a total bitch."

Just me, then?

Edited by Sandman
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Way to break confidentiality Sarah!  She couldn't have just said I have a patient who needs results ASAP?  And since we ALL know Sarah isn't leaving - why not just admit she's pregnant.  Is she REALLY going to try and say she had a 9lb premie with Xander (not spoiled - just SURE where they're going to go with this)?

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Heh.  Kristen on the other side of the gun for a change.  😄

"You're not very good at murdering people, are you?" "Practice makes perfect."

It took me a while to figure out how Sarah is part of Julie's family.  These Horton ties are so convoluted.

Is Sarah learning her HIPAA regulations compliance from Kayla?

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8 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Is Sarah learning her HIPAA regulations compliance from Kayla?

I'm rolling!

I enjoyed the hell outta the Vivian/Kristen scenes. Kristen's dress is something else though. Or more like the belt and boots with it are just really bad. I love her coat though. Anyway, those scenes were fun.

Sarah acting like a teenager about her pregnancy was old minute one so the fact that it's still continuing is just really tiring. Make it stop!

I say this every time she's on but fucking hell someone in wardrobe/makeup really hates VK. It's hilarious!

I actually really liked the Jordan/Ben scenes. I prefer Ben when he's being more menacing tbh. 

  • Love 6

I too have lost interest in the Julie hospital scenes. Have a visit with family, sure. Ciara's outfit was way too short.

Nicole, none of your business what sort of pregnancy test Sarah was running. It wasn't yours and could be for anyone who is Sarah's patient. She also had no business telling Nicole that it was for Kristen.

Sarah, you are probably somewhere in the 30-35 year old range. As a single woman, it is okay to have a baby on your own. At least you have a weird bedfellow in Xander.

I didn't like the whole babies are always blessings comment. Wish the show wasn't a show and showed the hard reality for a lot of women with kids - poverty, absent fathers, little to no support from anyone, poor housing, poor education opportunities or job opportunities. Boyfriends who come and go who abuse the women, beat the kids, etc. Women who are exhausted. Not like a soap opera where you see the kid for a couple of weeks and then it disappears until the rapid aging syndrome kicks in.  My rant.

Kristen's boots are too dark for her outfit. A nice light grey or taupe pair would work. Vivian, you are pointing your little gun too long at her.

Ben, stay away from Jordan. You are just playing in to her hands. She is not going to change her mind (or what counts as her mind right now) for you, Listen to Marlena and do not engage.

Was that Ciara screaming at the end?

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I actually really liked the Jordan/Ben scenes. I prefer Ben when he's being more menacing tbh. 

I thought the directing on that scene gave them somewhat of a BDSM vibe. I mean, he pulled her close, he looked at her lips and she teasingly asks if he's going to strangle her as if she's loving the idea.

It's probably inappropriate but I was digging watching those two (literally) crazy kids.

2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Was that Ciara screaming at the end?

Yes.  I think we also heard brakes squealing.

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6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I didn't like the whole babies are always blessings comment. Wish the show wasn't a show and showed the hard reality for a lot of women with kids - poverty, absent fathers, little to no support from anyone, poor housing, poor education opportunities or job opportunities. Boyfriends who come and go who abuse the women, beat the kids, etc. Women who are exhausted. Not like a soap opera where you see the kid for a couple of weeks and then it disappears until the rapid aging syndrome kicks in.  My rant.

Beautifully stated.

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Ciara looked like she just got done working the corner...

I don't care about this Doug/Julie story which is sad because I actually am a fan of theirs and Bill/Susan give it all they got but the writing etc is just all so bad to me. Plus there are no real stakes involved despite the lip service.

There's such a low energy to this show..all across the board. The bargain basement production values don't help.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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11 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I thought the directing on that scene gave them somewhat of a BDSM vibe. I mean, he pulled her close, he looked at her lips and she teasingly asks if he's going to strangle her as if she's loving the idea.

It's probably inappropriate but I was digging watching those two (literally) crazy kids.

I got the same impression. I don't know if it was intentional or if the actors just kinda went there but either way it was actually interesting and fun to watch.

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Yes, that Ben/Jordan scene was pretty intense, wasn't it? Although I kept trying to figure out exactly what kind of work CH had done -- I was too lazy to compare via youtube videos, lol. 

Yep, brakes squealing, Ciara screaming -- and in the same spot that Arianna Hernandez was run over years ago. Anyone remember that? 

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I was glad LG/Sarah wasn’t there for the Ciara almost run down at Horton Square by Brady Pub scene. LG was run over and pinned under a car a couple years ago and it shattered her legs. She was walking with her baby at the time leaving a restaurant or store. There but for the grace of God.  

I don’t like Vivian or Kristen for that matter, but can’t deny they have great chemistry and banter and it’s been entertaining. 

Stefan being shot or killed was so telegraphed they had 3 days of scenes where they talked of their plans, happiness, and bright future. 🔨 and Vivian saying over and over Stefan would do anything for her. Shame Lani had to do it. Imagine dying at the hands of the human embodiment of room temperature tap water in a bad wig. And she blew his entire damn neck out. Baby didn’t deserve to go out like that. 

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