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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Do we have a bitterness thread? Because methinks I cannot abide  my hate for all these demented apes without one. Salem must be the only town where people are actually going backwards and reverting to their troglodyte forms.  The only people I actually like on the show are Nicole, Sami and Kate. That's 3 people out of the entire fucking cast? How is this possible? I tried to watch yesterday's episode but Eric blaming Nicole for his feelings reminds me of one thing only, rape culture. "Men" who tell women that they "make them feel this way" right before forcing themselves on them, oh "what are you doing to me?" Really show? It's absolutely disgusting.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

Yep, the Eric stuff is gross, and like I said a few weeks back, it's making him look mentally challenged or at least mentally ill. Are we supposed to root for that couple again, at any point? Are we supposed to be on Eric's side against the evil Nicole, who is doing nothing to him aside from trying to make up for her mistakes?

  • Love 3

Yeah, I’m fine with Eric being angry with Nicole for shredding the evidence that cleared him, but blaming Nicole for his wanting to have sex with her is just despicable.  These writers try to blame the women for everything the men do/say/etc., and I’m tired of it.


It’s not Sami’s fault EJ cheated.


It’s not Kate’s fault Rafe cheated.


It’s not Theresa’s fault Brady drinks and does drugs.


And so on and so forth.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 11

I like Parker too.  You can tell that Daniel spends time with him before the scene and they have some fun.  He seems like a normal kid who's been rev'd up playing.  And yes, I know they have real names but I never remember them.


I may have mentioned a time or a hundred on TWOP that when Parker first came on he was a lump who didn't do anything, but these little boys have really grown into adorable kids who actually interact with the grownups around them.  Parker is played by twins Evan and Luke Kruntchev.  They actually have quite the resume, having been regulars on both "Dexter" and "Last Man Standing".

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Of course let Jenn win everything because she's so holy and virtuous. Now I know I will have to stop watching after Sami leaves. Another one of Jenn's hypocritical behavior, she can stay in someone's house and act all smug because she gets her way but whenever someone is confronting her in her house and saying things she doesn't want to hear that person has to shut their mouth and get out. Eve's over the top acting was doing those scenes no favors either.


How many times is Paige gonna tell Mary Beth to shut up before she either stops being friends with her or smacks her? Sorry but if I had a friend that keeps on bashing who I'm with, we can't talk anymore. Like I already know how you feel when you told me the first three times, I don't need to keep hearing it. So either Paige needs to put her foot down and tell Mary Beth to STFU or get away from JJ cause I know I'm tired of hearing Mary Beth open her mouth. Just another character the writers don't plan in expanding, just like Rory just there for JJ/Paige fodder. 


Now Abby wants to cry cause the affair is online and been found out, that's what she gets for getting all up in Sami's face and telling her that what she and EJ had was special. Let's see if everyone else in Salem agrees that it was so special. Seeing how most of them hate EJ, they won't view it as being special. Sami really needs to release the video and photos so it doesn't look like EJ forced her since that's what people want to believe, especially the Holy Hortons.

  • Love 2

Who was the actor playing that judge?  I've seen him in a million things.  But that is the strangest grand jury hearing I've ever seen, since when does a judge preside over a grand jury?  The DA asks questions, and grand jury members also ask questions, as far as I know, there is no judge present at the time.  And the accused doesn't enter a plea right there and then.  And hey, crazy Melinda the DA is back!


Jesus, Mary Beth, just stfu!

  • Love 1

With the very blonde hair and tight pants Abigail starting to look like a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills. Maybe they need to change her wardrobe. I know Sami had compliments about Abigail's thighs, but I don't like the way her pants look on her physique.

Not to sound cruel, but I think Abby's thighs are, shall we say, more muscular for someone so tiny?  I also think her hair is starting to look fried--too much blonde dye?  To be clear, I am not calling anyone over-weight but if you were to listen to the writers, one would think that Abby was a skinny mini stick figure, and she's not while Sami was huge, which she isn't it.


Once again, Eve and Theresa's interactions saved the episode for me--I loved when Eve reached out to tickle Theresa in the stomach and Theresa stepped back--very believably sisterly.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 2

Nothing wrong with muscle. I actually need to get back in the habit of the gym, took a week off and have been eating my weight in junk. I actually think Kate Mansi is quite lovely and unique looking, I'm always surprised that her eyes are brown and quite like looking at her face. I thought she looked a bit underweight but if it's muscle from working out then fantastic.


I have nothing but pity for her having to act out the dumb shit they give her everyday then try to rationalize it during interviews. It's not as if there's a euphemism for shitty storylines that the producer is going to be okay with.

I remember Molly Burnett at the start (whom I loved then BTW)  was my favourite character until they turned her into a do-gooder and Nathan came along. I remember poor Molly had such a clear view of her characters motivations and how much she loved Philip and her interviews were insightful and quite fantastic but as time progressed and the storyline became more ridiculous as Melanie whom loved Phillip and no other for over a year became caught between a boy she only dated in order to "do the right thing" and Phillip, it became harder and harder for Molly to explain. I remember by the time the Kiriakis wedding rolled around that had Melanie crying and refusing to marry Phillip, Molly was simply exasperated in her interviews and basically just came short of saying...."it is what it is." Because every damn time she would come out and invest in her character and Melanie and Phillip's relationship and every time she would put that work into the scenes and infuse it with the love she had for Phillip, the writers ( whom I believe was Higley at the time) would find some stupid way to undermine it in a way that made absolutely no sense at all.


I remember being so frustrated as a Phelanie fan and as a Molly Burnett and JKJ fan because the two of them had put the work in for this antagonistic Nicole/EJ type dynamic for Philip and Melanie, and the subtext was clear in all Melanie's scenes that she was hopelessly in love with Phillip but the lines they were giving Molly were just fucking crazy. I certainly feel that's similar to how it is with Kate Mansi, I don't believe her to be nearly as good an actress as Molly Burnett but I think she has found a certain futility in trying to set her own agenda into the character now that she's been on the show enough to realize that the writers are just flying by the seat of their too-tight pants every line of every script. 


I remember a similar kickback with James Scott when Taylor was introduced and him and AZ had spent months putting the work and affection into rebuilding Ejole only to have it randomly shat on in much the same way this EJ/Abby affair is shitting on Ejami. My bottom line is that as an actress on DOOL there's only so much you can do. It's like being on Bold and the Beautiful, don't bother investing emotionally because if you don't like the storyline, much like English weather...wait five minutes.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

I was wondering today if there is any situation or any person so totally bad that would make me root for Jennifer, but NOPE, No body, NO HOW.  So, thanks to Maggie and Victor's money, Jenn was able to fashion a deal that Eve took BUT - and with Jennifer there is ALWAYS a BUT - she also decided to rub Eve's nose in it.  I get that she'd have the urge to do it.  Besides threatening to diminish Jenn's jealously guarded role as the Widder Deveraux, Eve also stole her high school boyfriend 97 years ago, and, I think, put bubble gum in her hair at the start of the first World War.  But doesn't Polly Pureheart ever think that maybe, just maybe - in her own best interest - it might not be wise to needlessly antagonize your enemy?  But I guess when your Heart is Pure and You Have Raccoon Eyes, it just doesn't matter.  Now, considering that so far Eve hasn't impressed me as being all that swift or sneaky, it might not matter.  But this is JENN we're talking about.  The only thing dumber than Jenn is her daughter Abigail.  Eve can and undoubtedly will cause her trouble.

And I can't wait to see what it is - and I hope it makes Jenn's eyes bug out even more than they already do.


It must have been windy in Salem because the Smug blew right from Jennifer and landed squarely on Dirty Dan's swollen head.  When he wasn't all "aw shucks, yeah I AM a great man" with JJ and Paige, he was threatening Theresa.  As if Theresa couldn't take Salem's version of Pig Pen with one hand tied behind her back.  And what is with Dan's jerky head and body movements lately?  The guy really needs to be checked out for body lice.  


That picture of Eric in his priestly gear in the Grand Jury Room was very odd.  Very.  I have no idea why anyone thought it was necessary, since I can't imagine that what a priest looks like is so foreign to the residents of Salem.  

It's not like Kristen stopped Eric from being a Shriner, or a Noble Grand in the Odd Fellows.

Although is certainly one odd fellow....

  • Love 4

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the past two days? We've seen plots moving forward! Eve/Jennifer, Kristen, Hope/Aiden, Will's story finally coming out. It wasn't explosions and high drama, but shit happened. Finally. I know most of you are enjoying Kate and Sami, but they've been stuck on repeat for weeks. Sami huffs and puffs, everyone hates on her, so she huffs and puffs some more.  Kate just slinks around being...Kate. I'm glad to see things actually going somewhere for a change. No Rafe and Jordan probably helps, too.



That picture of Eric in his priestly gear in the Grand Jury Room was very odd.

The picture Eric said that he needed for his testimony and got from his special treasure box all the while having that creepy Nicole sex/hate hallucination was a regular 4x6ish size. Did he go to Walgreen's and have it enlarged just for the occasion?

  • Love 2

The picture Eric said that he needed for his testimony and got from his special treasure box all the while having that creepy Nicole sex/hate hallucination was a regular 4x6ish size. Did he go to Walgreen's and have it enlarged just for the occasion?


Who knew Eric was one of those guys who thinks Bigger is Better??  Nicole HAS had an influence on him after all!

  • Love 1

Still have a half hour or so to watch, but so far I agree with Eve.  Jennifer is absolutely insufferable.  I wonder if we'd all be so smug with other people's money?


Now if the Days writers posted that article as an example of Will's talent, or as an example of fair and balanced reporting, they failed pretty miserably.  But if it was posted to make Will look like even more of an idiot, bravo!  I found this piece of hyperbole particularly amusing:

She decided to engage in all-out war, and ended up with a massacre on her hands.


Because Abby was fired.  For cause.


Sometimes this show is infuriating.  It's still better than GH, though.

  • Love 4

That article was a joke and Will needs to be fired for incompetence. He didn't even try to hide his personal bias and animosity for his mother. And honestly, if I were reading that article I would be cheering Sami on. So far she hasn't even done anything "devious" or malicious" or "sinister." I definitely wouldn't have an ounce of sympathy for Stefano, EJ, or the mistress. EJ and Abby know exactly who Sami is and yet they still chose to act like trash. Oh well. Now they get to deal with the consequences.



Abigail was shocked to learn how she had been played by Sami, strung along like a puppet.


Actually, Sami is the one who got played, you know, because she thought Abby was her friend and the whole time Abby was humping her fiance and almost getting pregnant by him.



Abigail packed up her office and performed the "walk of shame" in front of her friends and peers.


What walk of shame? Abby has no shame! What friends or peers were at the hospital when she resigned?



She decided to engage in all-out war, and ended up with a massacre on her hands.


Could he sound anymore dramatic and ridiculous?



I believe that my revealing to all of you the truth of what really happened at DiMera Enterprises will, in the end, be worthwhile. Even if it helps only one person to see that devoting oneself to revenge, to "getting even," is an exercise in futility. It is only by taking the high road, by letting go of anger, that one can move on and live life to the fullest.


STFU you lying bastard. Don't you dare act like you wrote this article because you wanted to warn your readers that getting revenge is "bad." You did this because you're a dumb, ungrateful, disloyal fool and you wanted to kick start your career while throwing your family under the bus.

  • Love 12


That article was a joke and Will needs to be fired for incompetence. He didn't even try to hide his personal bias and animosity for his mother.

I can't for the life of me understand why the NBC Days page would publish something that poorly written.  Thank dog it wasn't the 8 page article someone mentioned on the show.  They'd better be trying to ruin Will; otherwise, I don't know what sense to make out of it. And where is Lucas??

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

My bottom line is that as an actress on DOOL there's only so much you can do. It's like being on Bold and the Beautiful, don't bother investing emotionally because if you don't like the storyline, much like English weather...wait five minutes.

Great post, slayer2 and I absolutely agree with all your points.  I do think that the main problems with the show are the wildly inconsistent writing and the unfortunate tendency to make a certain character the "star". Nobody wants to see 24/7 Abigail. Or 24/7 Sami. Or 24/7 anybody!  I don't care how popular a character or couple is, nothing can ruin that person or couple more than overexposure.  I used to be an avid Guiding Light fan - never missed it.  When Kim Zimmer/Reva Shane started her run - oh my goodness, what a breath of fresh air! She got popular. Very popular. Next thing you knew, the whole show was about Reva or what Reva thought or did and she was everywhere, all the time. I stopped watching and so did a lot of people. You can't make a show about one or two people.  It's too much. You start hating the character and the actor!


As far as the writing goes, I agree that the actors can't keep up.  AZ was doing a masterful job of Nicole's redemption. Suddenly, we are boomeranged right back into Nicole acting like a selfish idiot.  Same with BB/Nick - he's sorry for his awful behavior towards Will, he's genuinely making an effort to change and then suddenly he's trying to rape Gabi and screw over everyone in Salem.  Huh?  It's infuriating to see these inconsistencies and makes it impossible to be invested in a character.  

Same with the do-gooder aspects to characters. Some of these people are so perfect and without fault that it makes them hugely unlikable.  I WANT to like Dan - I really do.  I find his character charming at times. But he never flubs a patient and he can foil his own kidnappers. Every woman in Salem wants him, every man wants to be him.  Give me a break.  I'm really sick of these blameless characters. Why should I care what happens to them? They always come out on top and then thumb their nose at the town losers. 


Maybe instead of looking for new actors, they could look for new writers.

  • Love 8

Nothing wrong with muscle. I actually need to get back in the habit of the gym, took a week off and have been eating my weight in junk. I actually think Kate Mansi is quite lovely and unique looking, I'm always surprised that her eyes are brown and quite like looking at her face. I thought she looked a bit underweight but if it's muscle from working out then fantastic.


I have nothing but pity for her having to act out the dumb shit they give her everyday then try to rationalize it during interviews. It's not as if there's a euphemism for shitty storylines that the producer is going to be okay with.

I remember Molly Burnett at the start (whom I loved then BTW)  was my favourite character until they turned her into a do-gooder and Nathan came along. I remember poor Molly had such a clear view of her characters motivations and how much she loved Philip and her interviews were insightful and quite fantastic but as time progressed and the storyline became more ridiculous as Melanie whom loved Phillip and no other for over a year became caught between a boy she only dated in order to "do the right thing" and Phillip, it became harder and harder for Molly to explain. I remember by the time the Kiriakis wedding rolled around that had Melanie crying and refusing to marry Phillip, Molly was simply exasperated in her interviews and basically just came short of saying...."it is what it is." Because every damn time she would come out and invest in her character and Melanie and Phillip's relationship and every time she would put that work into the scenes and infuse it with the love she had for Phillip, the writers ( whom I believe was Higley at the time) would find some stupid way to undermine it in a way that made absolutely no sense at all.


I remember being so frustrated as a Phelanie fan and as a Molly Burnett and JKJ fan because the two of them had put the work in for this antagonistic Nicole/EJ type dynamic for Philip and Melanie, and the subtext was clear in all Melanie's scenes that she was hopelessly in love with Phillip but the lines they were giving Molly were just fucking crazy. I certainly feel that's similar to how it is with Kate Mansi, I don't believe her to be nearly as good an actress as Molly Burnett but I think she has found a certain futility in trying to set her own agenda into the character now that she's been on the show enough to realize that the writers are just flying by the seat of their too-tight pants every line of every script. 


I remember a similar kickback with James Scott when Taylor was introduced and him and AZ had spent months putting the work and affection into rebuilding Ejole only to have it randomly shat on in much the same way this EJ/Abby affair is shitting on Ejami. My bottom line is that as an actress on DOOL there's only so much you can do. It's like being on Bold and the Beautiful, don't bother investing emotionally because if you don't like the storyline, much like English weather...wait five minutes.

I think KM might have misinterpreted the EJabby thing as a love story,  which I think was a mistake, because it obviously wasn't one. Maybe she was hoping it would turn into a love story over time (and it probably could have been after the super-trashy part was over),  but at the start of it it obviously wasn't a love story. When Melanie was with Phillip, I don't recall it  being done so ....trashy? I think they  may have cheated with each other, but I think there may have been some weird misunderstanding that preceded the cheating. I don't remember any of their scenes being quite as weird as the conference room proposition from Abigail or the supply closet half-sex where Abigail goes "I think you know what it would take." And then there was the shower sex with the weird faces and then Sami walking in..... This kind of story tends to make it obvious where the sympathies would lie - and, uh, it probably wouldn't be with the "other woman." I think the writing was there for another kind of story for Abigail, where KM could have displayed her chops, but she seemed to think the Ejabby thing was some kind of fairy-tale, even though neither participant was acting that way. Even if Abigail loved EJ, the desperate propositioning wasn't helping the audience to view the story in the way she wanted.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 3

Was away on family vacation and finally caught up on the 5 episodes I missed (thank you FF button).


I just LOVED Sami and Kate traipsing around the Dimera parlor in their swishy robes, a la Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. My favorite characters on the show at the moment, no doubt. 


Will is a dope not to expect explosive blowback from everyone. And supporting our spouse doesn't require 100% agreement of their decisions. 

  • Love 4

There was movement in the Eve and Jennifer storyline, but I was shocked at how much Jennifer was rubbing things in. It didn't make sense to be gloating about it. Normally you just walk out with your lawyer and leave things like that -- although I guess Jennifer had to remind Eve about the gag order. Still, when Eve was getting irritated with Jennifer's condescension, I could see why. I'm sure the lawyer would tell Eve what she's allowed and not allowed to do. It just seemed awfully strange for Jennifer to insult Eve in her house after telling Sami such a thing wouldn't be tolerated in her home. Maybe the writers should have spaced out the scenes so I wouldn't remember the hypocrisy so vividly.

  • Love 2

It just seemed awfully strange for Jennifer to insult Eve in her house after telling Sami such a thing wouldn't be tolerated in her home. 


How is that strange?  Jennifer is a hypocrite and routinely does things that she tells others not to do.  Seems par for the course.


Everything about this EJ cheated on Sami storyline sucks.  Who gives a shit if Abby is named?  Half the town already knows who it is anyway.  Why am I supposed to think Abby's going to be shunned by the townfolk when 90% of the town has ALSO cheated or been a mistress at one time in their lives?


It would be nice if these writers would stop trying to make stupid insignificant things seem like they are HUGE deal when characters have lived through and done MUCH worse in the past.  

I think different shows are written by different writers on different days. To keep the continuity going, the writer probably has to look at previous episodes to keep everything on track. Except sometimes the episodes are so boring on certain days, I suspect the writers don't watch the previous episode to make the dialogue in the next episodes make sense.

I'm pretty sure Eric said they wanted a picture of him in all of his priestly accouterments to drive home the point that he was a man of God, not just some regular Joe.. You know, to make the rape seem *that* much worse. Sort of like the real world media always refers to a woman victim who happens to have kids as a mother, because it's far worse to rape a mom instead of just some woman. But, I digress...

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I’m so looking forward to this show once more trivializing rape when Kristen gets a free pass for what she did to Eric – NOT.  Days should never ever do another rape SL.


Are Sonny and Will really stupid enough to believe that if the boring twit’s name wasn’t in the article that no other reporter would have gone looking, and found it out?  Yes, I think they are that stupid.  Brady, Eric, EJ – two more idiots want to join your club of morons.


As much as I am loving Sami and Kate’s revenge SL, there is also part of me that wishes Sami and Kate could have done it all in one day.  Then afterwards, Sami went to the jail to clue EJ in that she knew.  When EJ finally got out, and returned to the mansion, Sami had taken the children, left Salem, Kate greeted EJ with the news the mansion was hers, and slammed the door in his face.


The constant blaming of Sami for EJ’s cheating, and EJ acting like Sami should be grateful he wants to work things out, is beyond tiresome and annoying.  I want Sami to douse EJ and the boring twit with gasoline and set them on fire.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 3

How much do I love that Abby is finally getting some nasty comments regarding her part in the affair?  I wish we could read them :)  Only the Abby apologist think she is blameless--in the real world, people feel sorry for the betrayed wife, not the cheaters.  And there is no way Abby could claim that the article was biased in Sami's favor because it was so obviously against Sami to strain credibility.


How much do I love that it was JJ who pointed out how horrible Will was to Sami?  Finally someone points out to the little punk that he purposely went out of his way to hurt his own mom. GO JJ!!  Yes, Will can be angry at his mom for how she's treating Abby--though I don't understand why he isn't more dismayed that Abby hurt his mom first--but he should stay out of the way of any retribution.  Abby and EJ deserve everything that's coming to them.


And I love that Sonny defended himself so easily from Will's pissy little rant.  You wrote a brutal tabloid piece on your mom jackass, you don't have any ethics and Sonny was right to question just how far you'd go.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 7

"Once in a lifetime"?? Jordan?? Whatever, Lucas.

I LOVE JJ dragging Will. And for stuff that makes sense. People would have figured out it was Abby. Duh.

And I really hope we get to see Theresa taunt Abby for this. At least once. Eve too. Hell, let's bring Chloe back for a day.

Edited by Jewlmc
  • Love 6

i can't get over how dumb Will is. It's a different kind of dumb from Brady, but the level of dumb might be the same.

It's the worst kind of dumb. He thinks he is brilliant and street-smart, but he's really completely stupid and out of his element.  Go back to playing victim, Will, it's what you do best.

  • Love 3

It's the worst kind of dumb. He thinks he is brilliant and street-smart, but he's really completely stupid and out of his element.  Go back to playing victim, Will, it's what you do best.

 Yes. Plus, he's barely out of high school -- okay, giving the show some slack, college -- and that hardly makes him worldly and able to navigate a pretty tough business (publishing). Blech. I can't see Chandler Massey doing this stuff -- I think I miss him. 

  • Love 1

Isn't Sonny Abby's cousin too?  Why isn't he all up in arms over Sami... oh wait, Sonny is one of the few normal people in Salem.


EXACTLY!  Sonny's Abby's family but he sees that she isn't an innocent victim and he also knows that Sami's been terribly hurt as well.  The man is the best of the Horton/Johnson lot and WIll doesn't deserve him.


Can not WAIT for Jenn to come stomping over to yell at Will--Horton against Horton--it will be EPIC!


Yes. Plus, he's barely out of high school -- okay, giving the show some slack, college -- and that hardly makes him worldly and able to navigate a pretty tough business (publishing).


The show has also stated that Abby graduated from college in Jan. and she certainly thinks she's sophisticated and mature enough to have an affair with EJ--what with their great love of art and literature.


These two dimwits need to stay in the kiddie pool--they're not ready for the big leagues yet.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 5

Will went so easy on her in that article, from how they act on the show you think he did a hatchet job to her and outed all she's done. How awful he grew up, the lies and DNA switching, the custody battles and more lies, yet Will actually praised her as a mom. 


JJ would take back his comments ASAP if he knew Sami made changes to the article and gave up Abby's name. Sonny and Will should have told him the truth. Instead they protected Sami.

Edited by Artsda

I thought the article printed  on the NBC site was the one the editor put in  after she went to Sami because Abigail had been named.( I thought Sami gave her side of the story when she was asked to comment, and the editor put in the edits about Sami being a good and devoted mother. )  I don't know why NBC went to the trouble of writing that article to highlight how  bad of a writer Will is though. They're not doing the character of Will any favors.


I feel Will should know better about how the publishing business works after he was taken under the wing of that Berkeley professor. I figure there must be certain basics taught in a journalism class.

Even if the editor hadn't gone to Sami, someone would have showed up at Sami's doorstep after the article was printed to ask for comment.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 3

 I can't see Chandler Massey doing this stuff -- I think I miss him. 

I know that I miss him. CM looked young enough that I could believe he could get bamboozled by the cynical world of publishing.  Even with his Howdy Doody appearance, GW looks like he is old enough to know better.  I also think CM could sell this story better than GW.

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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