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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I really don't understand what Dena was thinking or why she couldn't have just left bad enough alone. I'm assuming Stefano didn't speak much because JM wasn't well, which means even if he were still alive today he might not be in good enough shape to film more scenes. So what was her plan? Stefano would be MIA until when? If the Scooby Gang can't prove Stefano is still alive how does this help Hope? Now they're going to be forced to give Stefano some lame offscreen death because Dena is incompetent. 

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Why is Carrie wearing a burlap sack?

Chloe has no business comparing histories.

How does Deimos expect to keep his kidnapping of Chad and Gabi away from Nicole forever?

It was sad to see Joe's last scenes.  But it was really a shame they couldn't have had him in the same shots as the other actors, instead of obviously not interacting with them on the same set.

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It made me very uncomfortable to see Joe in his final scenes. It was so obvious that he wasn't *present* in his scenes. I think it hit home because I recently had an uncle die of dementia-related causes.

Chloe, shut the hell up. I wonder how she'd like it if the courts brought up her stint as an escort.

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So what is the point of having Stefano come back (sort of) for just a couple of scenes and then have him just disappear from the jail cell? How are they going to handle that when we know the actor can't possibly come back again. Is it just going to be an eternity of wondering by the Salemites if Stefano is still out there. Just let him die for heaven' sake.

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Chloe, you must have a really nice bank account/trust fund from Daniel for Parker to be able to afford not one, but two kids, when you don't exactly have a job or other meaningful source of income. Belle's services probably aren't for free. You may not like what Nicole is doing but her life choices have nothing to do with you. You have zero idea if her baby or some dude would come first. Just your projection. Surely there was some sort of signed legal document when you first tried surrogacy.

Deimos, it's probably not a good idea to design a nursery for a baby that you may or may not have any role in her life. The whole kidnapped Chad and Gabi thing may bite your tushie. And be man enough to accept that Nicole and Brady are friends.

Sonny finds an old 45 for Sparkle? Only available in Europe? Try eBay!

I did like the memoriam at the end for Mr. Mascolo. His couple of scenes? I dunno. I do hope that there is some newspaper mention that he definitely was found deceased at some point.

Deimos is offering a fully paid nursery to lure her into occupying the "master ". Never mind she has crimes to report. 

I loved watching Joe's face, it's all he needed.  The memorial made me cry.It's enough and unexpected he even made those scenes until the other day. 

I mute anything involving sparkle.  I missed most of the Anna scenes so I liked seeing her today. I hope Carrie's kid is as sstupid as Austin peck. 

Sonny probably brought his butler to be smooth.  

2 hours ago, annabel said:

I wasn't sure if those were old scenes of Stefano in jail just spliced in, since he obviously wasn't interacting with anyone. But really, where is this supposed to go from here??

I thought they were old scenes too when he was talking to Hope during a brief prison stint years ago, especially since Joe made the exact same moves over & over again. He also appeared to look "younger".

According to Jason47 over on the other site, the scenes with Joe from yesterday were filmed back in April when they filmed the Larry/Hope/Stefano episode, as well as the Orpheus/Clyde/Xander jail cell scenes.

The scenes with Anna/Marlena/Rafe talking at Stefano were filmed 4 months later in August.

You can also see indications of this by right-clicking and looking at "inspect" on the pictures here:  https://soaphub.com/days-of-our-lives/days-lives-spoilers-photos-stefano-caught/4/

Maybe originally there were going to be scenes including John, but as we know, Drake got injured during the Orpheus arc and wasn't in the final scenes of that storyline, and if Joe's scenes were filmed at the same time, Drake was probably off work for those too.

The show has certainly been jinxed with a lot of bad luck, not to mention horribly bad writers.  Here's hoping the newest new writer can turn things around.

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Look, the last 15 months of Stefano stuff weren't well done, but I'm fine with the idea of him still being loose instead of behind bars. It's not like he can be expected to live forever in his condition. I expect the characters to move on.

They'd better not keep shooting scenes with a stand-in, a la Lex in Smallville after Michael Rosenbaum left the series. THAT would be unforgivable.

Thanks for the details, Buffynut.

Edited by DisneyBoy
14 minutes ago, buffynut said:

I have officially joined the "I hate Dena Higley" crowd.   That is all.

What took you so long? lol Dena is the worst.  She has compromised so many characters on this show, for her pet Hope.  Now she has added Steve and Shane to her list.  I should be outraged, but, I am not, it is expected with somebody as untalented and uninspiring as Dena. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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They can try to soften Andre all they want, but the man has done so many unforgivable, irredeemable things.  I have missed some of his shenanigans over the years when I took a leave from Days here and there, but the one that stands out to me in more recent history was when he encouraged Chase to help himself to Ciara, resulting in Chase raping her, and then condoned it by telling Chase he did it out of "love".  Sorry, but convincing a messed up teenage boy that it was OK to rape an innocent teenage girl is not OK and never OK.  And I won't forget his part in that...

So is Stefano out there alive or was this all a massive cover-up and fake-out all in order to free Hope?  If it is, shame on pretty much the entire cast.  She did a crime, she should do the time.  Hell, give her an early pardon like Eric and Gabi got, but don't let her off the hook.  Still not happy they did that with Joey.  Or give us something to imply that they know Stefano is out there, just that they can't seem to ever catch him!

I hated how Chad and Gabi stood back when the thug and even Deimos put them in that room, while the door was still opened only to go at it once they fully shut it.  There are two of them vs. one each time.  Useless!

I'm done with dumb. drippy Nicole.  Until she gets a brain and a backbone, I don't care what happens.  She still worships Daniel, you would think she would move heaven and earth to have her child with him, instead of clinging onto shady Deimos.  How did he become #1 over everything.  Hell, she could have played it smart and duped Chloe in the beginning, saying that Deimos is a done deal and get with him after the dust settled.  Instead, she looks so stupid and I hate how they have desecrated Chloe yet again for this story...

Oh and shut up Brady!

Edited by LadyJaney
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The plot twist at the end really wasn't cool. All the set-up, for just another fakeout and set-up to get Hope free? Shame on the show.  Unless there is yet another twist, just poor storytelling. A long con to out-con the con. Get some dumb European police involved, fake some plane information, and voila!

Chad and Gabi were boring, as was Abs and Dario.

Andre should button up his shirt.

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So.... without having watched today's episode and just going by what I've read in a recap...that ending might be the absolute worst thing this show has ever done.


Did you have no respect for Joe whatsoever Dena? He came back in to film scenes for you guys and for the show that he helped carry through three decades. He was ailing and he came back. And you reduce his final moments on camera to a stunt where another character is wearing prosthetics?


What is the matter with you?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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16 hours ago, buffynut said:

Drake got injured during the Orpheus arc and wasn't in the final scenes of that storyline, and if Joe's scenes were filmed at the same time, Drake was probably off work for those too.

Could someone tell me the nature of Drake's injury?  I must have missed the news of his accident.

I don't understand the Shane-as-Stefano twist... but I didn't understand why they went down this route for "redeeming" Hope, when it doesn't change anything about her choices... and I didn't understand why they told a big Stefano story with her killing him in the first place... and I've never understood why they never figured out a real endgame for Stefano over the last decade or so.  I wish a clever writer had been able to think of a twist to give us closure after his many fake deaths, but it never happened.  I felt like his real arc faded out a long time ago.

20 minutes ago, MsTree said:

Could someone tell me the nature of Drake's injury?  I must have missed the news of his accident.

He ran into a door during the filming of the Orpheus story, and had a head injury that kept him from filming for four or five months.

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Just wanted to thank you guys for holding down the viewing and update forts. I will be back this week because I have never missed a Steve and Kayla wedding and I'm not going to start now; especially not with this potentially being the last one.  Sadly, I don't know if I will stay beyond the wedding.

I have said and will keep saying until there is no reason to say it anymore.  The lapse time between taping to airing is killing the show.  When the stories are crap, as practically everything airing now is (I am so glad I did not bare witness to Higley's final slap in the face to JM and his legacy on the show). Firing Higlemonster and everyone around her accomplishes nothing because you won't see any appreciable change until late summer and the bleeding of viewers might be unrepairable at that point.  At the end of the day Corday remains the true source of the problem.  What he has done to the legacy handed to him is shameful.

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I totally agree with this. If you are only a few weeks out, it can be fairly easy to swerve and correct when something is going the wrong way. But this? Making changes within one story would potentially affect what was going on in some other story and since it is all months ago locked down we cannot have that.

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Chloe is probably going to lose but I'm still on her side. All this storyline is doing is making me hate Nicole. Deimos currently has Chad and Gabi locked in a room while threatening to kill them to their families but that nursery is nice! 

This is the ending for Stefano? Shane dressed up as him all to free Hope? So dumb. There were other ways to have Hope get out of jail. 

Well at least the show answered for me where Ari was because I would find it highly unlikely that no one would wonder where Gabi was and why she didn't come get her. Having Kate have her and she knows she's been kidnapped  makes sense. 

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Did Kate/Failure/Andre find out Gabi and Chad were kidnapped off screen? I don't remember seeing any scenes where Deimos told them.

3 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

This is the ending for Stefano? Shane dressed up as him all to free Hope? So dumb. There were other ways to have Hope get out of jail. 


I still don't see how this is supposed to help Hope since there's no hard evidence that proves Stefano is alive. I really am just so confused on what Dena thought she was doing. Why did she go to the trouble of writing this terrible story only to keep Stefano dead and keep Hope a cold blooded murderer? And why are Steve and Shane keeping the rest of the Scooby Gang in the dark?

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2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Did Kate/Failure/Andre find out Gabi and Chad were kidnapped off screen? I don't remember seeing any scenes where Deimos told them.

I still don't see how this is supposed to help Hope since there's no hard evidence that proves Stefano is alive. I really am just so confused on what Dena thought she was doing. Why did she go to the trouble of writing this terrible story only to keep Stefano dead and keep Hope a cold blooded murderer? And why are Steve and Shane keeping the rest of the Scooby Gang in the dark?

Kate and Eduardo went to see Andre in the hospital and Deimos showed up and had that picture of Chad/Gabi and threatened them about " the key." Abby may have found out from Andre. 

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6 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I guess Deimos assumes (probably correctly) that Nicole is so pathetic that she'll stay with him after he's had two people kidnapped and Chad beaten up. I expect neutered Victor will have no problems with Deimos having Ari's mother snatched. 

Nicole doesn't know about the kidnappings yet.  That'll probably be the last straw for her when she finds out.

Edited by Michel
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LK/Kate's hair looks cute lately that inch or so shorter and more swingy than it was. Also, the woman is 63. She could pass for being in her early 40s.

Abby looks like...I finally figured it out. Jenny Lewis,  the former child actress from Troop Beverly Hills and Golden Girls, who now fronts Rilo Kiley. 

6 hours ago, Michel said:

Nicole doesn't know about the kidnappings yet.  That'll probably be the last straw for her when she finds out.

I know Nicole doesn't know yet, but Deimos isn't even trying to hide that he's behind Gabi and Chad being kidnapped, which he probably would if he were at all worried about Nicole leaving him, She won't even temporarily dump him so she can get her baby back so I have no reason to believe his latest stunt will do the trick. 

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They reminisce about dragging Stefano's corpse from his casket and trading it with another body, and transferring funds around from the DiMera account into other accounts. They haven't told anyone else. Talk turns to Steve's pride in Joey. Both men are excited to be going home and think Bo would be proud of them for all they've done to free Hope.

I just read the above in a recap and thought....Ewwww. WTH was Dena thinking!? And did these two actually happily chat about this and then pat themselves on the back for their efforts?

  • Love 3

I like Drew's shirt.

They got Stefano's fingerprints.

Ooh, looks like they are going with an Eric/Jennifer pairing.

Why is Abe just now worrying about Valerie having another man in her life?  Theo's reservations happened weeks ago. Not that I really care about Valerie or her son.

When does Dario work hard?

"Can't a mom come visit her son at work?"  No.  Not appropriate.

Man, all of the recapping between Steve and Shane was dumb.

Abigail has a Southern accent?  Why would she have a Southern accent?

Why is Hope spending her time trying to get dirt on Andre?

As crappy as they made this Stefano is really dead story, it's turned 180 degrees on Stefano may be really alive, after all.

3 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Why is Hope spending her time trying to get dirt on Andre?


To help Hattie because Hattie looked out for her while they were in prison. 


4 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

As crappy as they made this Stefano is really dead story, it's turned 180 degrees on Stefano may be really alive, after all.

And then I guess he'll be dead again in a few months. This time "for real." How ridiculous. At this point why is the audience supposed to believe anything the writers say in regards to Stefano being alive or dead. 

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3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Why is Abe just now worrying about Valerie having another man in her life?  Theo's reservations happened weeks ago. Not that I really care about Valerie or her son.

I care.  And I think it was because of his talk with Theo the week before last.  I think that started Abe on worrying about this.

3 hours ago, rcc said:

I really don't like this actress playing Val. She has no chemistry with James at all. I hope she introduces her son to the show then takes off.

Different strokes, I guess.  I think James and Vanessa have plenty of chemistry.  Not scorching, by any means, but very decent and very easy.  I think they go well together.  So I hope she stays around.  Sorry, @rcc.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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