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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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There's my Theresa. It's about time that she spoke up about Summers Eve! She just needs to pack tater tot up and leave the living memorial of Daniel Jonas there with his poor little unfortunate friend.

Colleen and Santos 2.0......not interested.

Eric's final day got pretty heated. First we had the strung out afterglow of Jenn and the hungover Eric. Second, the strung out Jenn more or less tells everyone she sent Eric to prison with a bang. Third, we got the self righteous Marlena trying to blame Jenn for Eric drinking. Wow! I guess the only one of her children that are responsible for their own actions is Sami. And the crack about Jennifer being such a good person (in Marlena's sarcastic tone) was a convenient lapse of memory for the lovely Marlena. It wasnt Jennifer who had an affair with another man on the table of a conference room without the sense to even use birth control while a party was being held upstairs! My my how quickly we forget Marlena. On the same note, Jenn's crack about the reason that she first had to take a pain pill was kinda low. Unfortunately, Jenn was telling the truth on that one though. She wasn't on pills until the accident. Last, but not least, we had Eric on the prison bus. He's already kinda getting pushed around. It's pretty safe to assume that he will be a prison target. Great scenes by GV. I will always miss what could have been with the character of Eric. Such a waste!

Failure free day......woo hoo!

  • Love 8

I keep seeing references to Colleen & Santos. As that happened whilst I was on my LONG hiatus, I know nothing about them.  Is it worth my time Googling them?


James Scott (EJ) played Santo, Stefano's father, and Allison Sweeney (Sami) played her great-aunt Colleen, who was a nun.  In the initial story, they were John Black's parents.  But that's been retconned.

  • Love 1

Liked some of today's show and other parts made no sense.


Loved seeing Theresa re-visit her snarky side and call out Summer and not hide it in front of Brady.  Theresa knows a player when she sees one because she used to be one.  I hope she doesn't back down to Brady and keeps it up.  This is part of who Theresa is, whether he likes it or not.


The Eric stuff was interesting.  Gosh, Eric and Jen had chemistry and could have been good, but it all happened right at the end for them.  Imagine if Jen finds out she is preggers?!  How old is Jen supposed to be now, is it possible?  She would have to give up the pills and it would be a high risk pregnancy if it happened.  At least Eric would have something to come home to when he gets out.


The flashback of Victor and Helena...Err...is it supposed to be 30 years ago, is that what they are selling with this?  That would mean it was around 1986 then.  Wasn't Victor/JA on the show in 1986?  Wasn't he involved with Kim and thought he might be Andrew's father around then?  I know he came onto the Salem scene around that time anyway, and he sure as hell didn't look anything like "flashback Victor" from that scene...


But then again we are supposed to believe that Summer is the product of 17-year old Maggie and Summer looks no older than 40-ish.  Maggie/SR is not under the age of 60, hell Peter Reckell/Bo and and Stephen Nichols/Patch would be older than Maggie then. Huh?  Marie Wilson is a decent actress and pretty, but got cast in a weird character that makes little to no sense.  They could have utilized her much better as Maggie's daughters Melissa or Sarah.


Why does it seem that nobody from the Horton clan ever visits Maggie?  


Poor Eric, he's too pretty for prison.  He's going to be somebody's prison-bitch in no time at all.  Sigh..

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 4


The flashback of Victor and Helena...Err...is it supposed to be 30 years ago, is that what they are selling with this?  That would mean it was around 1986 then.  Wasn't Victor/JA on the show in 1986?  Wasn't he involved with Kim and thought he might be Andrew's father around then?  I know he came onto the Salem scene around that time anyway, and he sure as hell didn't look anything like "flashback Victor" from that scene...


Yeah, I looked him up on Wikipedia and he first arrived in 1985.

  • Love 3

Chad and Theresa would be interesting, and JL and BF can both act.  They could bond over Tate and Thomas.  If the boring twit said one word to Theresa, Theresa could just play the Sami card.


I'm still waiting for Sami to have Kate, Lucas, Theresa, and Ciara (young Ciara - LB) join her on a spin off show.

  • Love 3

I enjoyed Theresa calling out Summer. She came too easily in to Brady's life. Not checked out, not anything.


Summer being 40ish should be approaching meeting her biological mother in an adult manner.  Her mummy is unlikely to bake her cookies and put a Band-Aid over a scrape. Yes, it probably hurt to learn you were given away. The 70s were a lot different than today. Women still had few educational or career options. A handicapped farm girl wasn't really going to get anywhere, had few if any prospects for getting a job, the baby daddy ran off. Her life woes and poor life choices that led her to become a con artist/Valley Girl/whatever are hers to own. Not put some false blame on some woman who made the choice that was best for her 40 years ago. Seems silly to expect your biological mother (whom you have just met) will just pick up where she left off.


Brady was right about Theresa's jealousy and insecurity.


Also enjoyed Marlena going at druggie Jennifer. A bit pot meets kettle, but it's time that Jen's halo gets a bit crooked.

  • Love 4

Another good day.  As has been said by others here, this might have been Greg Vaughn's best stuff since he started.  With the send off he got, including the bus ride to prison, I wonder if this isn't the last we've seen of him?  No spoiler, just spec.  We've had other actors/characters, some with much more of a presence in Salem disappear with much less fanfare than we saw today.

If Eric came back like this, damaged, maybe searching, with much less of the god stuff and ZERO of the pity party poopy pants and this level of sex appeal, it could be good.

But that's all probably a bunch of 'shoulda woulda' anyway.


UO again, but I think Josh Taylor did another good job today with his scenes.  As did DH.  I liked Marlena dropping the therapist cool and being the over-the-top Mom, even going off on Jen, someone she's always stood with before.  It humanized RoboMar.  

Even "Pull My Finger" DH did well today.  That leaves Belle, who as usual looked like she was sucking lemons.


Oh!  And Jennifer Rose hasn't looked so good in ages.  Addiction and bed head looks good on her.  Jen needs to fall, and hard.  She's been far too much the prissy, judgemental, know-it-all these past years.  It started the minute Dan turned up in Salem and it's time for Jen to get down in the dirt again.  


I don't like Philip, I don't care about Philip, and I heartily dislike John Paul Lumpaleer but he could have put a pillow over Victor's face and done us all a favor.  This crap isn't Philip's fault, it's Victor's, for accidentally causing Helena's death and then framing his brother for it.  HIS FAULT.

BTW, I didn't mind the flashbacks.  The guy playing Victor looked late 40ish to me, so, being kind, that fits the current timeline.  I can buy Victor, I guess, as being in his very late 70's although he looks far more to be in his 80's.  But I'll buy what I saw.


Theresa was on fire and about as spot on as she could be about Summer and that moron she married.  Her honeymoon with Brady - and my brief liking of him - looks to be over.  He's just so STUPID.  In itself, not such a big deal, but he always combines his stupidity with a self-righteousness that makes me wish someone would give him a nuclear wedgie and then a swirly.  The man is so coddled, so over-praised, and so out of touch with his own mediocrity that it baffles the mind.


Poor Theresa.  There's not another man in town worthy of her, especially with Show seemingly determined that she and Chad will never meet.

  • Love 9

Welcome back Theresa Donovan!! I have missed the attitude and the snark. And it's being directed towards Summer's Eve, YES! Brady is so dumb. I wish Theresa would leave him immediately and find someone else.

Jennifer Rose you are a mess. Showing up to the station hungover and with just sexed bed head. Marlena snatching you up is the least of your problems. At least with this other people are starting to notice her problems. I'm glad Melissa Reeves is being given something to do.

Eric's goodbye with his family was nice. Sad to see GV go. Such wasted stories with him. He's being punished for his DUI and killing the Dr. but we have other Salem residents out there covering up murder and getting away with it so I kind of hate that Eric is paying for his crimes.

  • Love 5

There's a 7-video playlist of Santo and Colleen at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF13D7AC1C543E38A


Thanks for posting the link, but I think I'll pass based on my initial assumption, and the below comment.


No, it was both painful and stupid and as noted ultimately pointless.


That's what I thought.


Another good day.  As has been said by others here, this might have been Greg Vaughn's best stuff since he started.  With the send off he got, including the bus ride to prison, I wonder if this isn't the last we've seen of him?  No spoiler, just spec


As of a few weeks ago, when he was being interviewed on AfterBuzz, he said he was not back on the show and didn't know if and when he would be (though he did say at the time that he was unemployed, and since then has been taping the online show he's on), and considering the six month lag between taping and air, if he were back since then, we still wouldn't see him for a good five months or so.

  • Love 1

It was such a mistake to get rid of a good actor with Greg Vaughn. Never mind the fact that he's amazing looking. Even, with all the scruff he looks stunning. And, who would have believed that a few short scenes with Missy Reeves would have made Jennifer Horton interesting. Of course, that doesn't mean I want her preggers but they had amazing chemistry. I don't think I've seen anyone with such good chemistry towards the end of an actors storyline. That said, we really should have had a few gratuitous shirtless shots of Greg Vaughn on his last day. Scruff, crazy hair & with just enough gray in his beard and chest. Basically perfect. LOL!!!!

  • Love 8

I would have much rather watched the story of Jennifer and Eric spiraling out of control together, feeding each other booze and pain killers, than anything to do with Abigail, Summer, and Philip-Belle.


None of the many writers ever had clue one what to do with the character of Eric.  I will miss Greg Vaughan and am bitter he's no longer on the show.  Stupid Days.  Blew yet another opportunity.

  • Love 11

I would have much rather watched the story of Jennifer and Eric spiraling out of control together, feeding each other booze and pain killers, than anything to do with Abigail, Summer, and Philip-Belle.


None of the many writers ever had clue one what to do with the character of Eric.  I will miss Greg Vaughan and am bitter he's no longer on the show.  Stupid Days.  Blew yet another opportunity.


I'm going to miss Eric too.  When I re-started watching Days again in 2014, almost all the characters, including Eric, were new to me.  And despite that dreadful elephant story-line, I really liked Eric and the way GV portrayed him.  


And, yes, why get him involved with Jennifer as they were writing him out of the show. Maybe to give Jennifer a story, but it could have been really good with both of them struggling with their addictions.


I do agree with you about not wanting to watch anything with Summer or Phillip/Belle.  But I have to admit I'm enjoying Abigail these days.

  • Love 1


I would have much rather watched the story of Jennifer and Eric spiraling out of control together, feeding each other booze and pain killers, than anything to do with Abigail, Summer, and Philip-Belle.


I really hate that I'm not going to see more of Jennifer and Eric together. That was all awesome - especially Jennifer's hair at the police station. I have to admit it made me laugh despite the seriousness of the scenes. Marlena grabbing Jennifer by the arm and dragging her out of the room killed me. I want more bed head Jennifer! Plus GV and MR had some chemistry.


I do not like the character of Hope. I find her insufferable under the best of circumstances and I think KA is not a good actor. That being said, I wish someone in the writing room could explain the Hope mess over the last year or so. The writers do a good job of finally moving her forward from Bo to Adrian. I'm sure even some die hard Bope fans were okay with Hope and Adrian since it seemed like Bo was never returning. And what do the writers do? Completely trash Adrian because Peter Reckell returns for about a month. Do they get Bo with Hope quickly so fans can enjoy their scenes? Nope. Most of PR's return is him moaning Hope's name in a cell, In the meantime, Adrian is turned into a would be killer. So Hope has a wedding night with Adrian, he tries to kill her, Bo arrives to save her, they have a night together and Bo dies.


So now they are moving her on to Rafe?!? Why didn't they just have Hope torn between Adrian and Bo for a while - have her choose Bo and he dies and then she has to mend things with Adrian. Why start her on yet another romance? I just don't get it. I haven't minded the Rafe/Hope stuff in general but it just seems odd. Plus the whole killing Stefano thing seems ... not well thought out.

  • Love 4

I really hate that I'm not going to see more of Jennifer and Eric together. That was all awesome - especially Jennifer's hair at the police station. I have to admit it made me laugh despite the seriousness of the scenes. Marlena grabbing Jennifer by the arm and dragging her out of the room killed me. I want more bed head Jennifer! Plus GV and MR had some chemistry.


I do not like the character of Hope. I find her insufferable under the best of circumstances and I think KA is not a good actor. That being said, I wish someone in the writing room could explain the Hope mess over the last year or so. The writers do a good job of finally moving her forward from Bo to Adrian. I'm sure even some die hard Bope fans were okay with Hope and Adrian since it seemed like Bo was never returning. And what do the writers do? Completely trash Adrian because Peter Reckell returns for about a month. Do they get Bo with Hope quickly so fans can enjoy their scenes? Nope. Most of PR's return is him moaning Hope's name in a cell, In the meantime, Adrian is turned into a would be killer. So Hope has a wedding night with Adrian, he tries to kill her, Bo arrives to save her, they have a night together and Bo dies.


So now they are moving her on to Rafe?!? Why didn't they just have Hope torn between Adrian and Bo for a while - have her choose Bo and he dies and then she has to mend things with Adrian. Why start her on yet another romance? I just don't get it. I haven't minded the Rafe/Hope stuff in general but it just seems odd. Plus the whole killing Stefano thing seems ... not well thought out.


hypnotoad: I think most of us here agree with everything you posted.


With Bo, I believe Peter Reckell only was back on set for a few days, so all his scenes were taped in a short period of time and then stretched out over the weeks. That's why we got so many of those scenes of him alone in the cell.  


With Stefano, it seems they had to write his character out quickly as Joseph Mascolo's health was deteriorating.  However, I think most of us think there had to be a better way than having Hope murder him in cold blood and then have Rafe fall in love with her while helping her cover up the murder.


And yes, Eric and Jennifer surprisingly showed promise of a interesting story.  So, of course, they just used it as part of poor Eric's exit story-line.

  • Love 2

Seeing Failure Lite and Phillip hump is almost as bad as any sex scene involving Failure. Or any scene involving Failure period. 


Shawn needs to get over Belle because she sure as hell isn't thinking about him. Take Lani to the nearest hotel and stop moping. 


Speaking of Belle, how dare she have an attitude with Lani. She cheated on Shawn multiple times and has already moved on with Phillip but she thinks she has a right to feel some type of way because Shawn is messing around with Lani? Go jump of a cliff you freak.


I hope Ciara is letting Theo think she has feelings for him if she really doesn't.

  • Love 3

Claire is singing. Why she always singing sad songs?

Phelle is fucking. Lani and Shawn going over the white board in the interrogation room. Rafe thinking about Hope again. Hope sick - phone rings - she thinks it's Rafe but it's Andre.

How isn't Andre not someone's bitch in prison? He's threating Hope on the prison phone. Andre is telling Hope how he manipulated Chase into raping Ciara. Hope is pissed.

Ciara has a smokey voice. She must be sick too. Theo and her talking about prom. He's asking her out. She says yes. They talking about plot point baby and Abifail. Even on days this chick isn't on she gets mentioned.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2
Welcome back Theresa Donovan!! I have missed the attitude and the snark. And it's being directed towards Summer's Eve, YES! Brady is so dumb. I wish Theresa would leave him immediately and find someone else.


Now would be the perfect time for a Chad-Theresa chem test!  Abifail is headed over the bend, and Stupid Brady is completely stuck on stupid.

  • Love 2

Theo had better listen to Abe, because Ciara is sure going to hurt him.

Now would be the perfect time for a Chad-Theresa chem test!  Abifail is headed over the bend, and Stupid Brady is completely stuck on stupid.

Chad would just hurt Theresa since the ptb will only allow him to love the horton princess do no wrong.

Now would be the perfect time for a Chad-Theresa chem test! Abifail is headed over the bend, and Stupid Brady is completely stuck on stupid.

Yeah, I doubt that chem test would go anywhere and besides if they somehow get together Chad will eventually dump Theresa the minute Abby comes back and Chabby is inevitably reunited. So not happening. Besides, Chabby is way too popular for Chad to be able to move on with anyone else. Edited by Braniac Woman

Claire should never be singing, she's not that good at it. So naturally, the show with its finger on the pulse of viewer interest will make her singing be something all the time.

I think Abe has a right to be concerned. Theo will get hurt in this whole Ciara thing if for no other reason than she is still dealing with her rape, she is no position to fully engage in a relationship.

Rafe continues to bore, but the non-stop propping of a character who in his many years has never been able to carry a single story despite being paired with damn near every leading character on the show continues. Still can't get over Higley sacrificing Aiden so her beloved GG can have yet another shot at being anything other than a plot point character.

  • Love 3

I like Claire.  I think the actress is good.  She's probably even a decent singer although I'm not a good judge since I'm not fond of the current penchant in popular music for women - and men - to sound like tuberculosis patients trying to cough out a tune with one lung.  But no matter how good she is, I don't want to hear her.  Not a fan, ever, on any soap, of musical interludes from anyone.


Damn, Lumpaleer just gets WORSE.  He's portraying Philip like he's a ventriloquist dummy come to life.  He was okay, in small bites, as the androgynous manchild on OLTL - although Show kept on trying to make him a main course - but here, he's just dreadful.  He mugs, tosses his hair like he's either possessed by the spirit of Veronica Lake, or has head lice, purses those lips to beat the band, and eeeeNUNNNNciates like he's being goosed offscreen.  Yup, a real catch.


Brandon Beemer is doing very well, IMO, with the little we get to see.  Too bad he didn't have a fire hose handy because Lani needs dousing.  We were having that "No means Yes" conversation about Dario a while back, but Lani defintiely crossed that line with Shawn today.  I don't know what the writers are going for, because she didn't come off as sexy, she came off as kinda nuts and stalkerish.

Poor Shawn, he's just gotten away from the ice princess and now he's falling into the clutches of Lani.  Guy needs to just go the sex and look up Kate.


Theo, as always, was fabulous.  Abe.....Abe, Abe, Abe......that's not the way to talk to a young man and expect him to hear you.  You don't rain on his parade and think he'll either hear you and he sure as hell won't thank you.  Theo may be autistic, but he's the smartest teen in town.  Hell, he could outthink half the adults.  Show has given Abe precious little to do other than show up at some random scene, pontificate while he looks like he's being swallowed by his suit, and even when they give him scenes with his son, he still comes off as some well-meaning, but slightly pompous and totally out of touch doofus that most people, while feeling slightly guilty about it, would cross the street to avoid.


Andre!  I'm looking forward to his return.  


Hope and Rafe?  Can't you feel the heat?  Nah, neither can I.  

  • Love 8

Brandon Beemer is doing very well, IMO, with the little we get to see.  Too bad he didn't have a fire hose handy because Lani needs dousing.  We were having that "No means Yes" conversation about Dario a while back, but Lani defintiely crossed that line with Shawn today.  I don't know what the writers are going for, because she didn't come off as sexy, she came off as kinda nuts and stalkerish.

Poor Shawn, he's just gotten away from the ice princess and now he's falling into the clutches of Lani.  Guy needs to just go the sex and look up Kate.


The only reason I didn't have a problem with Lani harassing Shawn is because I want him to horry up and get over Failure Lite. Even a stalkerish Lani is better than that freak. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, that Lani stuff with Shawn was gross. I kept reversing the roles in my head. Yuck. 


I think Claire has a nice sound -- but I agree that the affectation young singers hold onto ("kids these days!") can be very annoying. I can take this in small doses because I think Claire is quite cute and refreshing amid all the angst. I loved their take on the 80s, lol. 


But other than that, a pretty quiet episode. Hoping for more action today. 

  • Love 3

Poor Theo.  I think Abe's heart was in the right place but his delivery was a bit harsh.  Too bad the show won't spend a little more time on a father/son dynamic in which Abe always says the right thing in the wrong way.  A how about a ghostLexie?  A dreamLexie?  


Andre!  Mop the floor with Hope!

  • Love 4

JPL really is horrible.  A ventriloquist's dummy come to life is the perfect description of him, boes!  His continued employment is baffling, especially when so many talented actors that used to work on this very show are out there looking for work. 


Except for the 80s talk yesterday and the brief appearance of Abe, I don't remember anything that happened.  So how many more months before the new, new writers' work appears?  Four?  Six?


ETA:  I just checked the ratings and Days is at a low for the fourth straight week for the W18-49 demo.  Wouldn't it have been better for them to junk most of what's going on right now and reshoot some new stuff?  Bleeding viewers every week for the next four or six months can't make more financial sense, can it?

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

I do wonder why more people in dear sweet Abs' life aren't more freaked out by how easily she lies?  You think Chad would remember Abby's fakely sweet voice when she was sending him on errands all over Salem so she could torture Ben--that was the exact same tone she just used when she asked Chad to get her prescription filled.  Abs is now adding the false shy smile on Chad as well--the same one she used on Ben to convince him that she still loved him.  Why isn't Chad more concerned with how fake is dear wife is being?  DAMN!!


The Greek flashbacks are still weirdass but now it looks like Victor was jealous and that's why he set Deimos up.  Well Vic, looks like payback's a bitch :)


I liked the Maggie/Nicole conversation and I find I like being on the side of the nice and non-judgmental Maggie.  She's awesome with Theresa as well but she needs to send Summer packing :):)

  • Love 9

I will be sitting at a table for one on this subject, but, I  had no problem with Lani being aggressive with Sean-Douglas. It is refreshing to see a woman being sexually aggressive with a man..It is always the reverse..Plus, Lani is finally showing some sign of life....I do think that she gives off the stalker vibe and that is off-putting to some..She was chasing after Rafe when she got on the scene and looking at Hope sideways.  For one moment, I thought that the show was going to have her discover the truth about Hope's role in Stefano's murder and expose her...I also love the fact that she gets under Princess Belle's skin..

  • Love 5

Brady and Justin are chatting. Wanting to know why Victor lost his estate that caused his heart attack.

Deimos has a proposal for Kate. Philip shows up.

Theresa shows up seeing Nicole talking to Maggie about her therapy.

Chad tells JJ that Abigail is having convo with Marlena about her mental state.

Wait... Abigail is being diagnosed with PTSD by Marlena... but her cousin Hope lost two husbands and killed someone... how come she not in therapy getting diagnosed with PTSD neither... HUH Days...

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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