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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Anyway...I missed Lani's backstory. Can someone please fill me in? Thanks!


There wasn't much of one.  She showed up looking up Abe, got a job at Salem PD, when she got caught investigating him, she told Abe her mother is a woman he used to date, and he just immediately accepted her as his daughter.  The End.

  • Love 4

Someone please clue-in the lighting team: Shootouts happen in dark, dank settings.  Other "normal" scenes, such as town squares, living rooms, and most others, occur in wonderfully lit areas.  Unless the perpetual dark has  invaded every aspect of the show - plot, characters, scenes.

It was a great shootout, as far as soap shootouts go, but why did that one end up being the only scene we could actually see in the past many months?

  • Love 2

I'm a sucker for the soap wedding staple of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" so I enjoyed those scenes, especially when Adrienne gave Abigail the locket she got from her mother with Jack's picture in it.  What I really liked is that at least Jo was mentioned.  


See?  I can say something nice about a scene that has Abigail in it!  I can...I really can......


BUT seriously, didn't she look like Tattoo from Fantasy Island when she was wandering around the house in the white suit?  Either that or I was waiting for her to strike a John Travolta "Staying Alive" pose.  And there's our sweet girl, chiding her mother for the lucky penny and telling Doug not to trip.  (Although Doug tripping would have made it much more memorably day for me.  I really cannot stand that man - the "cute" old man schtick is something I'm completely immune to, especially in his case).  And why, with Lucas there - if Show had to go with that tradition - did they go with Doug, the husband of a first cousin 1st removed?  One who should be removed?


Julie isn't exactly subtle, is she?  When she was warning them all not to mention Ben, and before when she was predicting Abigail's wedding would be ruined, I really couldn't tell if she was apprehensive about it or looking forward to it all.  What a couple she and Doug are.  No wonder her son and grandson are AWOL and have been for decades.


I know the budget isn't there anymore for things like this, but it sure would have been nice if Abigail's other grandmother, Jen's mother, could have been there.  Or how about her Uncle Mike or her grandfather, even?  I know, I know, no money, but I can wish.


JJ is just made for that cop uniform, isn't he?   I'm glad Show went that route with the character.  


So we finally met this year's version of Jawn's Dad and instead of Tywin Lannister it turns out to be Homer's dad, Grampa Simpson.


Theo was the best thing in today's show for me.  I love the actor and his playfulness an attentiveness to Ciara were pretty adorable.  I did see a cloud across his face at the thought that Chase might get off and I'm hoping we're not getting a sense of Theo going off the rails to avenge Ciara.  We don't need one more teen ruined.  

As for the Chase storyline I'm just pretending it's not on.  Show messed him and the character up beyond any point where I find it even watchable.  I hate what was done to the character, hate that Ciara has been raped, hate all of it.  So I'm just going to tune it out as much as I can.

Edited by boes
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Abby seems like such a spoiled princess whenever she is on, that everyone has to carefully word things to keep her happy so she won't go off and be all upset or bitchy. 


She's emotionally manipulative and no one ever calls her on it.  JJ came close that one day but didn't go far enough.  The casting department and KM's interpretation of this character is so very different than what I see on my screen.



Any video online for this?  Sorry to be so ignorant but just came back to Days from about a 30-year layoff after OLTL canceled. 


I couldn't find it on YT but it was a November 2015 sweeps episode, if that helps.  Maybe someone else here has a link?

  • Love 6


I know the budget isn't there anymore for things like this, but it sure would have been nice if Abigail's other grandmother, Jen's mother, could have been there.  Or how about her Uncle Mike or her grandfather, even?  I know, I know, no money, but I can wish.


Yeah, Bill Horton is still alive, unless they've just forgotten he doesn't exist.  He didn't show up for Will's funeral, either, but then, nobody did.

  • Love 1

She's emotionally manipulative and no one ever calls her on it.  JJ came close that one day but didn't go far enough.  The casting department and KM's interpretation of this character is so very different than what I see on my screen.




I couldn't find it on YT but it was a November 2015 sweeps episode, if that helps.  Maybe someone else here has a link?

Thanks for looking.

  • Love 1

Yep, yesterday and the day before took things up a notch for sure. I also found it ironic that the warehouse was brighter than any home or workplace in Salem : ) The shootout was exciting and I still enjoyed John and Eduardo, but I had to remind myself that they drank the koolaid and that's why they were acting so wonky. SO glad they didn't drag Marlena and Ari being held hostage out for any longer.I couldn't watch Gabby disintegrate with worry another minute. 


But I have no idea what's going on with John and his father. Is that the same old dude who was transacting with Diemos for the formula? And did you see the various forms of torture around that room that John woke up in? I had visions of Marathon Man...(shivers). 


And yes, why was Abby running around in a wedding suit when everyone was arriving at her wedding? Chad looked so happy for a minute that I almost had tears in my eyes. I hope they have a few sweet scenes before things start to implode again (not a spoiler, just expecting the usual soap stuff). 

  • Love 2

I have been rewatching some of the storylines that featured Kim and Shane. Those 2 were magical together..They had so much angst to overcome individually and collectively. That is a supercouple, not the pitiful versions that the show has forced down our throats in recent years with the insipid Chabby and disgusting Ejami..Whenever I hear the song friends and lovers, I always smile...That was the theme song of Kim and Shane...No other show can do romance and adventure like Days did in their heyday, they took their time to build a couple and gave them conflicts that were character-driven...It is a shame to see what the show has become....Ken Corday had ruined his parents' legacy..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 10

I have been rewatching some of the storylines that featured Kim and Shane. Those 2 were magical together..They had so much angst to overcome individually and collectively. That is a supercouple, not the pitiful versions that the show has forced down our throats in recent years with the insipid Chabby and disgusting Ejami..Whenever I hear the song friends and lovers, I always smile...That was the theme song of Kim and Shane...No other show can do romance and adventure like Days did in their heyday, they took their time to build a couple and gave them conflicts that were character-driven...It is a shame to see what the show has become....Ken Corday had ruined his parents' legacy..



Kim and Shane were my first Days supercouple and I remember loving the two of them. Kim telling Shane what Uncle Eric had done to her, then the whole England trip.  After that Steve and Kayla (and yes, 30 years later the magic between MBE and SN still fascinates me).  I remember hating Jack after he raped Kayla and then when they put him with Jenn, I slowly started thinking he deserved happiness too.   Even the more minor couples like Mike/Robin and Mike/April (I always wish Michael T Weiss would return) and Roman/Diana and Roman/Isabella (I miss DH as Roman). That's just a few, but the ones that I really remember.  There are no couples that pull me in on today's show (even though I do like Gabi and JJ).  When I started rewatching last summer I kept reading about Chabby on another board and how they are Days new Steve/Kayla, so I was looking forward to watching them.  I like Billy Flynn, but Chabby just does not do it for me (and I have tried, believe me, I tried).  Ken Corday and today's writers just don't get it.  In the 1980's there was love and adventure.  Now it seems like it's all lust and sex, no romance. Caroline's visions that let her know when everyone is in danger except for when Kayla was kidnapped by SWMNBN.  Heck, they can't even pay their light bill.  

Edited by Lisa418722
  • Love 7

I have been rewatching some of the storylines that featured Kim and Shane. Those 2 were magical together..They had so much angst to overcome individually and collectively. That is a supercouple, not the pitiful versions that the show has forced down our throats in recent years with the insipid Chabby and disgusting Ejami..Whenever I hear the song friends and lovers, I always smile...That was the theme song of Kim and Shane...No other show can do romance and adventure like Days did in their heyday, they took their time to build a couple and gave them conflicts that were character-driven...It is a shame to see what the show has become....Ken Corday had ruined his parents' legacy..


Please allow for the fact that I'm only six months back into watching the show after a 20+ years' hiatus.


So, yeah, much as I'm not the biggest fan of supercouples, I couldn't agree more. Steve and Kayla got me back watching, and both actors are still such great pros who fit their characters like second skins. I didn't love Patsy Pease, but the Shane and Kim relationship was wonderfully drawn, I agree. Mind you, most of those relationships during that era were written interestingly and had great builds to them, so viewer loyalty could grow. And yes, Michael T Weiss can come back any time--he's aged wonderfully.


The couples I'm watching now, such as they are, don't interest me in the least--there's no real sense of timing to them, and the characters aren't built or developed well. Abigail, who could even comment? The actress is vacant, or maybe vacuous, because she sucks the air out of any scene she's in--move away from your daughter, Missy Reeves, or you'll have more than a pill-addiction to deal with. And, oh dear lord, please, no more Brady and anyone--he has the acting chops of a catalogue model, and that's giving him some slack.

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Some questions I'm not sure we got answers to:


-Why was Abby's dress different at the wedding from the one she tried on a few weeks ago?


-Why wasn't JJ at his own sister's wedding? (They explained that Rafe was wrapped up "in a case" and Chad kept details about Gabbi's absence to himself, but was there any real reason why JJ couldn't take a day off of work for his sister's wedding?)


-What is Laura Horton supposed to be up to these days? I know she cameoed at Alice Horton's funeral, but was that the last we saw of her? Has grown-up Abby even shared a scene with her?


-Where do things stand with Eric and Jennifer after their kiss? Unless I missed it, we never got a post-kiss "What did this mean" scene. I was a bit confused by Eric's attitude towards her at the wedding.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Some questions I'm not sure we got answers to:


-Why was Abby's dress different at the wedding from the one she tried on a few weeks ago?


-Why wasn't JJ at his own sister's wedding? (They explained that Rafe was wrapped up "in a case" and Chad kept details about Gabbi's absence to himself, but was there any real reason why JJ couldn't take a day off of work for his sister's wedding?)


Failure's wedding dress was different because she's a loser.


If I were JJ I wouldn't want to go to that piece of trash wedding either. 

  • Love 3

Kim and Shane were my first Days supercouple and I remember loving the two of them. Kim telling Shane what Uncle Eric had done to her, then the whole England trip.  After that Steve and Kayla (and yes, 30 years later the magic between MBE and SN still fascinates me).  I remember hating Jack after he raped Kayla and then when they put him with Jenn, I slowly started thinking he deserved happiness too.   Even the more minor couples like Mike/Robin and Mike/April (I always wish Michael T Weiss would return) and Roman/Diana and Roman/Isabella (I miss DH as Roman). That's just a few, but the ones that I really remember.  There are no couples that pull me in on today's show (even though I do like Gabi and JJ).  When I started rewatching last summer I kept reading about Chabby on another board and how they are Days new Steve/Kayla, so I was looking forward to watching them.  I like Billy Flynn, but Chabby just does not do it for me (and I have tried, believe me, I tried).  Ken Corday and today's writers just don't get it.  In the 1980's there was love and adventure.  Now it seems like it's all lust and sex, no romance. Caroline's visions that let her know when everyone is in danger except for when Kayla was kidnapped by SWMNBN.  Heck, they can't even pay their light bill.  

I love your post.. Michael T Weiss is the only Mike Horton and I loved him with his little sister Jennifer..You are so right about the minor couples being just as well written and interesting as the supercouples. I loved the minor couples that you listed in your post. I also loved Peter/Melissa, Neil/Anjelica, Bo/Carly, Bo/Billie, Eugene/Calliope, Drew/Calliope, Liz/Neil, Don/Marlena, Frankie/Jennifer, Peter/Jennifer, Shawn/Caroline,Austin/Carrie, Lucas/Sami, Eric/Nicole, Tony/Anna, Brady/Chloe, Philip/Chloe, Maggie/Mickey,Kate/Victor, Philip/Kim and Eve/Nick, The Eve/Nick coupling was a coupling that was so unique,dark, fascinating and creepy. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5
-Why wasn't JJ at his own sister's wedding? (They explained that Rafe was wrapped up "in a case" and Chad kept details about Gabbi's absence to himself, but was there any real reason why JJ couldn't take a day off of work for his sister's wedding?)



JJ and Lani were with Rafe at the Eduardo/Jawn family reunion shoot-out so he's tied up with the same case Rafe is,

  • Love 3

I'm watching in real time today, and all I can think is why oh why didn't they make John actually Roman again after Wayne Northrop called it quits.

And also...I'm getting a really weird feeling about the girl in the park talking with Joey. This may sound out there, but I'm trying to think like these "writers" who really can't write, and I'm thinking that the actress resembles Tamara Braun. With all the Sorasing and wonky timelines, I'm not sure how old her dead child would have been, but a maybe? Like if you were a horrible writer without ideas, would that be something you would write? Maybe, no?

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 6

I'm watching in real time today, and all I can think is why oh why didn't they make John actually Roman again after Wayne Northrop called it quits.

Exactly! so many problems would have been avoided today on the show..Shawn/Belle and Brady/Theresa would not exist as couples...I am watching the Kim/Shane story all over on youtube and Drake fits in so well with the Brady family as Roman....I am at the point where Carrie is kidnapped by Stefano via Drew in exhange for Benji....The show was written so well back then....Christie Clark was an engaging actress as a little girl and her father/daughter chemistry with Drake's Roman is so awesome..The show completely obliterated their bond after he was revealed to not be Roman...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

Exactly! so many problems would have been avoided today on the show..Shawn/Belle and Brady/Theresa would not exist as couples...I am watching the Kim/Shane story all over on youtube and Drake fits in so well with the Brady family as Roman....I am at the point where Carrie is kidnapped by Stefano via Drew in exhange for Benji....The show was written so well back then....

He was fantastic as Roman. He had chemistry with all the Bradys. (I'm going to spare you all another Josh Taylor rant right now.)

When I think about how wonderful the show used to be, it is so depressing. I always think, nah..it couldn't have been as good as I remember. And then I watch old clips and it was, it really was!

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 6

When I think about how wonderful the show used to be, it is so depressing. I always think, nah..it couldn't have been as good as I remember. And then I watch old clips and it was, it really was!


I must watch some of those clips to prove to myself how good the show used to be, because I've kept wondering if I'm only remembering the good stuff and have forgotten the bad.   I have such fond memories of all the "good old days".  The family dynamics - with grandparents, parents, children, siblings, cousins, etc. That's what I LOVED about those Days. Tom and Alice loved their grandkids.  Now poor Claire's grandmother doesn't even acknowledge that they're related!  There was just such a warmth from the show back then, which is sorely missing these days.


They really need to have more than 1 kid of each couple in Salem at the same time.  And the kids need to like each other, not be rivals.  Course Shawn and Ciara are both on the show at the same time and are barely ever scenes together, so I guess bringing more siblings to town isn't the answer if the writers won't write good stories for them.


And onto today, I know it was foolish of me, but when Rafe said he was calling Shane, I got excited thinking just maybe we'd hear Shane's voice.  Course we didn't, so all that line did was make me miss the old days even more.


John and his father is boring me.  I know it's supposed to be riveting, but I can't seem to care.  And if his father has the same disease as Caroline, why is he having no problem keeping things straight in his mind.  Wasn't that Caroline's problem?


Back to the wedding tomorrow, I presume?

  • Love 3

I must watch some of those clips to prove to myself how good the show used to be, because I've kept wondering if I'm only remembering the good stuff and have forgotten the bad.   I have such fond memories of all the "good old days".  The family dynamics - with grandparents, parents, children, siblings, cousins, etc. That's what I LOVED about those Days. Tom and Alice loved their grandkids.  Now poor Claire's grandmother doesn't even acknowledge that they're related!  There was just such a warmth from the show back then, which is sorely missing these days.


They really need to have more than 1 kid of each couple in Salem at the same time.  And the kids need to like each other, not be rivals.  Course Shawn and Ciara are both on the show at the same time and are barely ever scenes together, so I guess bringing more siblings to town isn't the answer if the writers won't write good stories for them.


And onto today, I know it was foolish of me, but when Rafe said he was calling Shane, I got excited thinking just maybe we'd hear Shane's voice.  Course we didn't, so all that line did was make me miss the old days even more.


John and his father is boring me.  I know it's supposed to be riveting, but I can't seem to care.  And if his father has the same disease as Caroline, why is he having no problem keeping things straight in his mind.  Wasn't that Caroline's problem?


Back to the wedding tomorrow, I presume?

I love your post and it is so true..It pisses me off that Steve and Adrienne have not interacted and talked about Jack's grandson and what Jack meant to them..It is things like that, that makes Daytime special....The characters interacting and dealing with each other with their rich histories...Kayla and Theresa act like strangers....Kayla was so attached to her when she was a baby..I can give alot of examples about the disconnection between members of the same family...It is infuriating....The show cut alot of scenes between Bo and  different members of his family during his brief comeback last fall...Bo's relationships in Salem was not just with Hope....Bo had alot of connections in Salem, but you would not know it with the way that it is written by these incompetent writers..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
So Jigsaw from Saw is John's father. OK, whatever. What's the point of making his mother a liar who he'll probably never speak to again and his father a weirdo who is involved in Bo's death? More importantly, why did they feel it necessary to make this whole thing so convoluted and confusing?



I found the exposition pretty easy to follow today...but they didn't do enough to make it engaging. I really liked the actor playing Yo Ling and his choices in the scenes, which actually seemed choreographed for the camera (another plus!) But I think they could have given us flashbacks showing a younger Yo Ling watching over a young John at Winterthorne...something to break up all the talking.


Anyhow, I liked what we got. I think it's stupid Yo Ling is trying to keep himself alive when he seems so totally resigned to the world being a crummy place. It would have been nice if he expressed some fondness for John, though, considering he watched over him his whole life.


I'm not someone who watched DAYS for decades, so I can't see this storyline with the same frustration a lot of you do. I missed John as Roman, and missed the Colleen/Santos stuff, so this isn't my sixth time hearing about John's origins. It all feels like pretty big stuff to me, so I'm happy we're getting it. At least they took the time to write him a full origin, right?


So John's official origin is now this...


-Born to a mother whose husband was a soldier overseas and presumably died in battle (but in actuality became Yo Ling and trained in hiding)

-Adopted by a young couple of means who promised to love him, but then died suddenly in a car accident

-De-Adopted by the relatives of said couple, who didn't want him inheriting the family money

-Dumped in an adoption agency

-Adopted by the Alamains

-Bought by Yo Ling, who took him away from the Alamains and trained him as an Assassin at Winterthorne

-Sold off to Stefano


...did I get that right?


Today's episode had nice long scenes, which I really appreciated. If they had split up all the Yo Ling stuff it would have been impossible to follow.


Belle isn't much of a lawyer if she felt that random photos supplied by the accused would get him off the hook. Justin was 100% right in his arguments, even if I'm still glad Ava's gone.


Gabby really isn't a great actress. Her dialogue was decent today but she just didn't bring it. She's better suited to "fun" scenes, I think.


When are Belle and Brady and Eric going to be informed of John's kidnapping?


And if his father has the same disease as Caroline, why is he having no problem keeping things straight in his mind.  Wasn't that Caroline's problem?



Yup. That also made no sense to me. If he was in an "advanced stage" he wouldn't be remembering much, going by what we saw with Caroline.


Jennifer claims she didn't remember it.



Weak. Since when does back pain medication make you more forgetful than being rip-roaring drunk? If anyone should have forgotten, it should have been Eric...


It pisses me off that Steve and Adrienne have not interacted and talked about Jack's grandson and what Jack meant to them



Isn't Adrienne Caroline's daughter? I'd have never known if it wasn't for you guys telling me...she's never seen with anyone other than Sonny, Lucas, Justin or Victor!

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Disneyboy, Adrienne is not Caroline's daughter, you are confusing her with Kayla who is Caroline's daughter. Adrienne is Jo's daughter with Duke Johnson. Steve is her big brother and they also have a brother named Jack Devereaux...Kayla and Adrienne were always close, even before they became sisters-in-laws...Kayla and Jennifer were never close....The same goes for Jennifer and Adrienne..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I love your post and it is so true..It pisses me off that Steve and Adrienne have not interacted and talked about Jack's grandson and what Jack meant to them..It is things like that, that makes Daytime special....The characters interacting and dealing with each other with their rich histories...Kayla and Theresa act like strangers....Kayla was so attached to her when she was a baby..I can give alot of examples about the disconnection between members of the same family...It is infuriating....The show cut alot of scenes between Bo and  different members of his family during his brief comeback last fall...Bo's relationships in Salem was not just with Hope....Bo had alot of connections in Salem, but you would not know it with the way that it is written by these incompetent writers..


As much as I dislike Abigail, she is a Horton so all her relatives should be at her wedding, not the handful that were there on Friday.  It's funny, sad really, when Adrienne first walked in, I kept thinking "why is Adrienne there?"  I actually forgot she was Abigail's dead father's sister, aka Abigail's aunt.  That's how little family scenes we get these days!   And Steve, Kayla and Joey should have been there too.  Ciara was only there because Theo dragged her there.  What about Hope?   They've made such a mess of timing all the storylines, characters are missing from the big family events.


I wasn't watching when Theresa was born, so I never even think of her as being Kimberley and Shane's daughter.  Or even being related to the Bradys.

  • Love 4

John's backstory is more convoluted than Wolverine's.

Exactly! I just don't care anymore..Recasts rarely work on this show. We had faux Bo, Fauxman, Faux Kim, Faux Carrie, Faux Austin,Faux Billie and Faux Will. Drake was perfect as Roman, they should have left it alone...Julie Pinson was perfect as Billie too, I did not care for the actress that played her after Lisa Rinna left...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

You guys have pretty much said all I was thinking, so a brief recap until I get to what I can add:

1) I couldn't care less about the Hernandez Family if I tried.

2) The actress who plays Gabi is beautiful, but she is not that good of an actress as today's scenes proved.

3) Fake a** Mr. Miagi/Fumanchu makes the new John's parentage story laughable.

4) Joey confesses to random pothead chick who he has known for two minutes -- he is quickly becoming too stupid to live.

5) Joey certainly is good at guilting and trying to manipulate his mother to fall into his Mommy/Daddy must be together stupidness.

6) Kayla, Justin is right and if this case didn't involve Steve and your murdering son, you would be in full agreement with him. Joey committed premeditated murder and even if Steve were telling the truth, he would be a premeditated murderer.

  • Love 2

I only got to see 12 minutes and 37 seconds - exactly of Show today, since that's all got uploaded to the Site That Dare Not Speak Its Name.    So I missed most of it, but I did see some - let's call them worthwhile for the sake of argument - scenes.


Jawn, tied up by the animated cartoon character for Chung King was a highlight.  I expect Show to be hearing from the Center for Media Justice ASAP.  What the HELL were they thinking??  Okay, so Daddy Dearest defects to....something....but then he dresses up like that?  

It's so absurdly wrong it's laughable for all the wrong reasons.  Nobody connected to Show thought this wasn't just the slightest bit RACIST???


And if he had to kidnap somebody, why couldn't he take Belle??  Nobody wants her anyway.


Then Aussie Doctor says to Rafe, who wants to go in to see Eduardo, "Okay, but don't excite him".  I think it's safe to say that nobody EVER has been excited to see Rafe, and that definitely includes his romantic partners.  


Joey confessing to Druggie Chick that he MURDERED somebody, well, that was special.  Almost as special as Joey is turning out to be.  

By now I expect Stephanie has changed her name and falsified her DNA to make sure she's never linked up with him again.


I did enjoy Kayla relishing the chance to perform some rectal surgery on Justin, though.  


I like her when she's mad,

I like her when she's sad,

I like her when she's good but

I LOVE her when she's bad.


So saieth the gospel.


I can't wait for tomorrow's show when Chung King reveals that Jawn's REAL mother is a Leprecaun.   

Edited by boes
  • Love 12

I only got to see 12 minutes and 37 seconds - exactly of Show today, since that's all got uploaded to the Site That Dare Not Speak Its Name.    So I missed most of it, but I did see some - let's call them worthwhile for the sake of argument - scenes.



What was up with that? Why even bother putting up 12 random minutes? Gotta love the yahoo who put up another video with Days in the description and it turned out to be a General Hospital episode.  >:-(


I'm considering firing up my iPad to watch the show, but the NBC site fries my electronics.  It makes my laptop overheat and my iPad freeze.  Maybe it's not even worth it anymore with these silly storylines.  

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 2

So I'm one of the weird ones that actually enjoys the Hernandez family & still wish there was a way to bring back Adriana (big sis) - she's one of the few that's had chemistry with Brady (besides Nicole) - hopefully Dario will be back in Salem soon - interested to see him with Eduardo, Rafe & Gabi


I still adore Steve & Kayla even if I hate their storyline (and think it's hilarious that they were not at Abby's wedding- wonder what the reasoning was for them not being at Steve's niece's wedding???)


FF thru most of the John stuff but did at least see the part where Saw Daddy needs John's blood to combat one disease so he can then tackle the other (wasn't paying enough attention to know what diseases he has)


And I still love JJ & Gabi - can we just have them on every day being adorable?

  • Love 6

Except more boring. Well, they both had their "soldier of fortune" phase and "falls for a Japanese woman" phase. Maybe John's mutant power is an uncanny ability to put people to sleep.

ICAM. This storyline has been played to death! It's boring.

I love Drake but his acting has become painful to watch now.They should have kept the character dead.

Couple things:  


1.  I know timelines are crazy wonky on this show but John's paternity story is especially weird.  The Korean War, from which his newly-discovered father was presumably MIA, ended a few months before Drake was born.  If we accept that as something close to the SL of the characters, when was Drake's mother supposed to be impregnated by his father?  Did his dad knock her up and ship out to Korea a few months before the war ended?  I guess.


2.  Not spoiler but speculation:  

I have to imagine Chase's SL will be that he's Steve and Ava's long-lost child. He has the Johnson family rapist tendencies, e.g., Duke and Jack, and he'll be related to a core family, Steve and Kayla's. The latter means he'll have to sort of, in some way, despite his horrific crime, be accepted. At least a little.  And Steve and Hope are best friends, so there's conflict there.  And Steve's brother raped Steve's wife, so more conflict. They could totally have done without this rapist SL but, since they've done it, there may be some story to mine from it.

  • Love 4

Couple things:

1. I know timelines are crazy wonky on this show but John's paternity story is especially weird. The Korean War, from which his newly-discovered father was presumably MIA, ended a few months before Drake was born. If we accept that as something close to the SL of the characters, when was Drake's mother supposed to be impregnated by his father? Did his dad knock her up and ship out to Korea a few months before the war ended? I guess.

2. Not spoiler but speculation:

I have to imagine Chase's SL will be that he's Steve and Ava's long-lost child. He has the Johnson family rapist tendencies, e.g., Duke and Jack, and he'll be related to a core family, Steve and Kayla's. The latter means he'll have to sort of, in some way, despite his horrific crime, be accepted. At least a little. And Steve and Hope are best friends, so there's conflict there. And Steve's brother raped Steve's wife, so more conflict. They could totally have done without this rapist SL but, since they've done it, there may be some story to mine from it.

I tried watching the Jawn scenes 3 times and I'm still bloody confused by Ding-a-Ling’s intentions with him. Ding-a-Ling's whole get up is kind of cool. The scar and the rat tail goatee. I guess I'm over the show writing 500 backstories for Jawn's regarding his past. May this be the last this show writes about it. Please!

And I agree with you Cool. I been thinking that for months.

I can see the show doing that since that would play into the history of the Johnson family and sexual abuse. Don't forget Adrienne was raped by her dad too. Which would be extra gross since that would mean Ciara and Chase would be cousins and then we got some serious rape-incest. My only thing is how will the show explain how Aiden and his first wife got baby Chase. One could assume in typical Days fashion maybe Chase was bought via blackmarket or Ava's dad gave Chase to the Wintherhorne Academy.

I must say, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm liking the Hernandez family more. When I read the show was going to finally cement them as a staple family I was pissed. I've come around to liking Eduardo and Gabi, their scenes were great with Ari. Plus I like the fact Rafe will have a solid family structure around him. The only question I have is with Dario.

Edited by BlackMamba
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If Adrienne was at this wedding, why wasn't Steve? Why do they refuse to give Judi Evans and Stephen Nichols any scenes together?

Days has always done shit like that. I don't think Julie/Doug were at Hope's first wedding to Bo, help me out old school Days fans. Yet I do agree the show hardly has scenes with Steve/Adr wedding or no wedding. The last time they had scenes were back in December. Crazy.

Edited by BlackMamba

I tried watching the Jawn scenes 3 times and I'm still bloody confused by Ding-a-Ling’s intentions with him. Ding-a-Ling's whole get up is kind of cool. The scar and the rat tail goatee. I guess I'm over the show writing 500 backstories for Jawn's regarding his past. May this be the last this show writes about it. Please!

And I agree with you Cool. I been thinking that for months.

I can see the show doing that since that would play into the history of the Johnson family and sexual abuse. Don't forget Adrienne was raped by her dad too. Which would be extra gross since that would mean Ciara and Chase would be cousins and then we got some serious rape-incest. My only thing is how will the show explain how Aiden and his first wife got baby Chase. One could assume in typical Days fashion maybe Chase was bought via blackmarket or Ava's dad gave to the Wintherhorne Academy.

I must say, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm liking the Hernandez family more. When I read the show was going to finally cement them as a staple family I was pissed. I've come around to liking Eduardo and Gabi, their scenes were great with Ari. Plus I like the fact Rafe will have a solid family structure around him. The only question I have is with Dario.

I feel the same way as you do about Gabi and Eduardo, and until this latest return, I was not impressed by Gabi one bit. I think she's gotten much better and I love her with JJ.

I am looking forward to Dario but that's mainly because I like the actor.

Poor Rafe, though, still seems like a dullard in desperate need of a Red Bull and an attitude adjustment.

Edited by boes
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