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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Does Longmire (what is this show, when is it on, why does it require A to have this appalling facial hair) not have a budget where they could spirit glue this thatch to his chin while filming and allow him to be clean-shaven IRL?



Longmire is a modern day Western.  It's on one of the cable networks, I can't remember which one.

I'm on the fence with nuCiera. I can't decide if it's because of her voice or she doesn't smile enough?! Granted, her father just died but even before that she bugged me. Actually, all the nukids bug me. Except, for Joey. He has potential.


She hasn't had a lot to smile about.

  • Love 3


I'm on the fence with nuCiera. I can't decide if it's because of her voice or she doesn't smile enough?! Granted, her father just died but even before that she bugged me. Actually, all the nukids bug me. Except, for Joey. He has potential.


They just feel like they have memorized their lines and spit them out,  There is not a lot of emotion in anything they do or say, and lines are delivered like someone who is just learning to read - there is no comprehension of what they are trying to convey.  I'm hoping they will be able to ramp it up when they are more comfortable onscreen, and actually speak with some inflection.   

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Abifail Trollop was more upset when Chad told her he didn't want her than she was when she found out her fiance was a serial killer who murdered her cousin or when she went into labor at gunpoint or when Wendy was forced to spend her last moments looking at her bloody vagina then be put down like a dog when Ben had no more use for her. She's more concerned about Chad than she is with taking care of her Plot Point Baby (shout out to boes).

It's not necessarily concern about Chad. Because she has had no problem screwing Chad over before. It was the rejection and denial. Abby can't tolerate that, as she's proven time & again.

  • Love 11

How was she even shown more upset? Her entire scene with Gabi played like confusion, that he was acting like a different person and she didn't understand. Not sure how that is shown more upset than all the crying/flashbacks/nightmares she showed with the kidnapping/fire aftermath scenes just the days prior.

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Artsda, I think you and I need to set up camp in the Unpopular thread when it comes to Abigail : ) I don't understand the vitriol about her -- sure, she's no Olivier (who's the female counterpart? Redgrave, maybe?) and can annoy, but the EJ cheating storyline was not written by Kate Mansi. She played what she had to. I love Chabby together, although I'd probably buy anything Billy Flynn tried to sell me. 

  • Love 3

Have Belle and Carrie ever been on the show at the same time?

We've seen Sami's dynamic with both sisters, but I don't know what Belle and Carrie's dynamic is with each other. It'd be funny if Carrie came back and Belle's frowny expression became even frownier.

You know I love your idea.

Marlena has always loved throwing Carrie and Belle around as her beloved, "perfect" children as if they could do no wrong when it comes to Sami especially. I like Marlena but if that is one thing I've hated she does that is play favorites with her daughters. And even though Carrie isn't her blood daughter she raised her as her own most her life (or when she wasn't presumed dead

  • Love 2

Carrie is Roman and Anna (oh, I really miss Anna, she and Tony were my first DOOL jam), Sami is Roman and Marlena, and Belle is Marlena and John, do I have it right? So Carrie and Belle are not related except they share a sister.

I found it hilarious earlier in the week when it was posted that AS is 39 and MM is 38; didn't teenage or early 20s Sami kidnap baby Belle?

I think my tv would combust if saint Carrie, saint Belle, and princess Abifail were on my screen at the same time.

Thats true. Can't have three sanctimonious characters on in the same day. Just no. But Belle, to me, isn't as a goodie good anymore since she's been an adult. If anything she's been wanting to be Sami by doing bad things she won't be viewed as perfect.

If only Andre had video of that, he could have used with his brainwashing streaming. 


Okay, a sidebar here. I'm slowly re-engaging with the show, but I have a question for those more knowledgeable: Why does the Andre character [and I don't mind the actor, never did] have the Golden Baste skin tone, and more importantly, why the clothes-choices? That blue thing--did the show inherit Paul Revere and the Raiders' closet? And Andre's a tad thick through the middle--so, go for drape, sir, drape. Tailoring and extra fabric are your friends.

  • Love 4

Okay, a sidebar here. I'm slowly re-engaging with the show, but I have a question for those more knowledgeable: Why does the Andre character [and I don't mind the actor, never did] have the Golden Baste skin tone, and more importantly, why the clothes-choices? That blue thing--did the show inherit Paul Revere and the Raiders' closet? And Andre's a tad thick through the middle--so, go for drape, sir, drape. Tailoring and extra fabric are your friends.

Don't know about the clothes, that's wardrobe. Thaao Penglis is Greek and has always been this complexion.

Edited by Happytobehere

The ratings for the week of December 7 - 11 were up over the previous week, so that's good news.

So they pimped "The Soap Superstar" and Thursday got a 1.73, lmaooo. Better do a better job marketing soap actors next time, Corday and Meng. Should had given that title to your Emmy winners Tamara Braun or soon to be Vincent Irizarry.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Have Belle and Carrie ever been on the show at the same time?


We've seen Sami's dynamic with both sisters, but I don't know what Belle and Carrie's dynamic is with each other. It'd be funny if Carrie came back and Belle's frowny expression became even frownier.

If Belle is jealous of Sami she would have a nervous breakdown if Carrie came back.

  • Love 4

Carrie is Roman and Anna (oh, I really miss Anna, she and Tony were my first DOOL jam), Sami is Roman and Marlena, and Belle is Marlena and John, do I have it right? So Carrie and Belle are not related except they share a sister.

I found it hilarious earlier in the week when it was posted that AS is 39 and MM is 38; didn't teenage or early 20s Sami kidnap baby Belle?

Yes, you have it right. I think they may have been on at the same time when Belle was initially SORASED.  But the canon has been that Belle and Carrie do consider themselves related even though they aren't biologically.  In the past Belle has always mentioned Carrie when talking about her siblings. 


In fact the Carrie/Belle relationship is probably much more John related than Marlena.  The dominant parent in Carrie's life overall was John. 

  • Love 1

That's because although Anna is still mentioned occasionally/rarely, Mar always advocated for saint Carrie in the teen years, and Belle is Mar's daughter after all.  Yet another way to gang up on Sami. And all of it with Sami trying to adopt Belle out.  I'm probably repeating, but Mar encouraged Carrie's emotional involvement with Rafe over the fact he was with Sami.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

To be fair, Sami has done a lot of stuff against her own family. I have never really understood her beef with John who raised her the longest. He was a good dad to her, Eric and Carrie. Belle and Sami were cool, the last time that she was on the show. I have no idea why she hates Sami. It is so contrived. This money storyline makes no sense.

  • Love 4

To be fair, Sami has done a lot of stuff against her own family. I have never really understood her beef with John who raised her the longest. He was a good dad to her, Eric and Carrie. Belle and Sami were cool, the last time that she was on the show. I have no idea why she hates Sami. It is so contrived. This money storyline makes no sense.

Yeah, I have never encouraged John, Roman, and Marlena to treat/love Carrie better, but I actually fully understand and agree with the fact that they "like" Carrie better than Sami.  That to me is an incredibly understandable human condition. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, I have never encouraged John, Roman, and Marlena to treat/love Carrie better, but I actually fully understand and agree with the fact that they "like" Carrie better than Sami. That to me is an incredibly understandable human condition.

Yep. That is real life too. Every parent has their "favorite" child even if they dont say it aloud the child knows in their own way. It's quite blatant in the case of Carrie, Sami and Belle which one is the better daughter.

  • Love 2

I've never understood why Sami was treated so badly.  Her motivating factor has always been wanting to be loved.  That's all I'll say since this is seriously off topic now.

Interesting.  I say this as someone who is a Sami fan.  But Sami was a troubled delinquent with real psychological issues that were ignored or not properly dealt with.  Her being treated badly IMO came after and was always secondary to the horrible things she did to her family.  I think Carrie in a lot of ways is treated as the ultimate scapegoat for Sami's horrible behavior. 


It is sort of like a chicken and egg case.  What came first Sami being a terror so her parents treated her badly or her parents treated her badly so she became a terror.  I think it is more Sami never properly got the help she needed when she was younger and spiraled out of control.  But I think there is also a point where Sami has to start taking control for her own behavior and how that behavior is not concise with the way she may or may not have been treated.  Once you start kidnapping your sibling, drugging and raping people the excuse of "my parents don't treat me well sort of goes out the window." 


Back on topic.  Really liking the sassiness of Belle.  I like that the character is being influenced by her experiences and not by her past.

  • Love 3

Alot of her motivation was seeing John and Marlena screwing on the Titan board table


I  also think of that event as the catalyst into turning her "evil." Well, that AND the rape by Alan. I don't remember her being all that bad before then -- she had a  sweetness to her before those events (like when she'd dress up for dances and look humbled and shock when Marlena would compliment her on her beauty). She seemed fairly normal acting before the affair.  From what I remember she was way less snotty than KM's Abigail was when she showed up in 2010 pre-Austin and pre-EJ. Sami wasn't even making snooty comments to people then. I don't think Sami started off as a terror.  And I don't even think it was Sami's love for Austin or her rivalry with Carrie that started her off on the wacko path. In fact I don't think I even remember a rivalry with Carrie before the rape -- wasn't Sami all nicey-nice to Carrie before that event?

Edited by bantering
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I really need for JJ to have a seat. He talks about how much of a scumbag Chad is but then gets mad because said scumbag dumps Abifail. If Chad is really SO TERRIBLE AND AWFUL then he should be glad that Chad is no longer with her and tell Abifail that's she's better off. I think it's a bit much (ok, a lot much) to fault Chad for not wanting to be with Abifail right now. He's spent the last few months being framed for murder, having his head bashed in, being in a coma, and then almost being burned to death. Why is he not allowed to be single and unattached for awhile. If Abifail were a normal person she would want to be single as well and concentrate on her plot point baby. Also, it's not outrageous for Chad to realize he's not ready to play daddy to a baby, especially one spawned by a serial killer who tried to ruin his life and murder him multiple times. 


It's heartwarming to know that Jen is watching plot point baby while Abifail is out being a delinquent.


What was the point of Phillip coming to Brady and Theresa's home to harass Theresa? Shouldn't he be happy that Brady is no longer at Titan so he can be in charge and involve it in all sorts of sketchy activity?

  • Love 7

NuPhillip is just awful!  I have to keep reminding myself it's Philip because I don't remember him coming off so smarmy and underhanded in the past.


So once again Trollop begins to get a hint of a clue that maybe it really is her only to have her Horton the Horrible family rush to place the blame on the other person. If the portrayal of JJ and Jenifer today was meant to show how far up Ab's ass they really are, well then they pulled it off stunningly. I just can't get on board with them one bit. Oh the horror of Chad not wanting to raise Serial Killer and Trollop's demon spawn. He must be a terrible person for not wanting to be shackled to the town trollop for the rest of his life and support a kid that he currently believes isn't his while Abigail hunts down her next unavailable victim. 


And the irony of Jenn saying what a great mother she is only to have Abs push the baby off on grandma the first second she could.  And apparently there is no fresh air in the Horton backyard since Trollop had to go the whole way to Town Square for some--which isn't that an indoor place???


Kayla/Steve/Ava disaster: I just can't with this storyline. When she was passed out on the couch I just wanted Steve to pick her up, drop her on the front lawn, and call an ambulance for her so they could be done with that mess. 

  • Love 9

Oh, I like this Ava plot whatever it is. 


Abigail is vandalizing Horton Square now?


And Kayla is reaching Lexie levels of terrible professional behavior.

But U can bet she will still be amazing.  At least she was not going around slapping some poor soul.

Edited by bobcat1946
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This may not be the best place for it, but since both characters' relationships with their respective families have been brought up, I wonder why Marlena, John, and the Bradys are judged poorly for their treatment of Sami, while Jennifer and JJ, and other assorted Hortons, are looked down on for their treatment of Abigail, when, it seems, the latter is exactly the kind of treatment people wanted Sami to get. (A lot of treatments, I know!)
If Marlena fawned over Sami like Jennifer does Abigail, and excused her many transgressions, would that have been okay?  I think most of you would be totally fine if Jennifer borrowed a bit from Marlena's parenting playbook, although when she tried that tough love shit with JJ, I think most of us were pretty unhappy with her. I suppose there's a happy medium between the two styles, but where's the soap in that?

  • Love 1

Looks like JPL washed his hair.


"Did you learn that in Mafia princess school?"


The Philip and Theresa conversation was gold. But it looks like Philip will sell out Caroline.


The vandalism gene runs deep in the Devereux family.


I don't know where Ava is staying, but that wallpaper is hideous.


That nurse never noticed that Ava had fake skin on her arm?  Bad nurse.

  • Love 3

This may not be the best place for it, but since both characters' relationships with their respective families have been brought up, I wonder why Marlena, John, and the Bradys are judged poorly for their treatment of Sami, while Jennifer and JJ, and other assorted Hortons, are looked down on for their treatment of Abigail, when, it seems, the latter is exactly the kind of treatment people wanted Sami to get. (A lot of treatments, I know!)

If Marlena fawned over Sami like Jennifer does Abigail, and excused her many transgressions, would that have been okay?  I think most of you would be totally fine if Jennifer borrowed a bit from Marlena's parenting playbook, although when she tried that tough love shit with JJ, I think most of us were pretty unhappy with her. I suppose there's a happy medium between the two styles, but where's the soap in that?

In Sami's case (as discussed well in another thread here) there were some deep seated issues, problems, and traumas that Sami suffered young, was not perhaps properly treated for, and possibly lead to some of her less than stellar behaviors. I think that's why Marlenda/John & family are judged (by fans) for treating Sami like the black sheep of the family.  However, when it comes to Abigail,  other than loosing her father, she's had a pretty pampered life. Their is no valid psychological explanation or excuse for her bad behaviors. But yet her family continues to make her out to be the victim in situations where she was clearly the instigator. 

Edited by Peanut6711
  • Love 6

I can't think of a single soap character who doesn't have serious trauma, though so I never could get behind that excuse for Sami. And I remember Marlena pushing Sami to go to therapy, so it's not like there was no effort to intervene. 

Someone asked earlier if Chase learned off screen that his father wasn't the Necktie Killer. Do we know that yet?  And if it's not him sending texts to Theo, who is? So far, I'm not bothered by the way Theo's autism is portrayed, so I do hope they can keep that up. I was expecting caricatures, but so far, so good.

I'm trying to be interested in Ava, but it's tough when all I want to do is wipe the smug off of her face.

Edited by shesajar
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I don't know where Ava is staying, but that wallpaper is hideous.

I know right!!

Shes a mob princess. What mob princess, even on Mob Wives, lives in such a dreadful living space

When Ava was on in 2008 her room was gorgeous!


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

This may not be the best place for it, but since both characters' relationships with their respective families have been brought up, I wonder why Marlena, John, and the Bradys are judged poorly for their treatment of Sami, while Jennifer and JJ, and other assorted Hortons, are looked down on for their treatment of Abigail, when, it seems, the latter is exactly the kind of treatment people wanted Sami to get. (A lot of treatments, I know!)

If Marlena fawned over Sami like Jennifer does Abigail, and excused her many transgressions, would that have been okay?  I think most of you would be totally fine if Jennifer borrowed a bit from Marlena's parenting playbook, although when she tried that tough love shit with JJ, I think most of us were pretty unhappy with her. I suppose there's a happy medium between the two styles, but where's the soap in that?


I don't expect Marlena, Roman, and Jawn to make excuses for Sami's behavior but their parenting styles leaves much to be desired, particularly Marlena. The fact that Sami wasn't forced into therapy during her teen years after the trauma she suffered and behavior she exhibited was a massive failure on their parts and that needs to be acknowledged. Marlena's very clear favoritism towards Carrie and Belle is disturbing and her encouraging Carrie to get with Rafe was disgusting to me. Also, Marlena could spend more time acting like a caring parent and less time acting like a robot sent down to earth to analyze human behavior. 


As you said, there's a middle grown between how Marlena/Roman/Jawn treat Sami and how the Hortons treat Abifail. 


It's a sad day when the woman who tried to have Sami executed and spent years trying to ruin her life is more maternal to her than her own mother. 

  • Love 8

Ava's fake patch really fooled the hospital nurse? They couldn't see it was a blood patch? Steve should have been in that room because the second Ava pointed out where to take blood from it was obvious she had fake blood in that area. Glad he's not buying any of it.


Belle sure caught up on gossip fast. She's been in town for like a day (a loooong one) and already knows Chad and Abby are in a relationship (for like 4 minutes or less)


Glad Roman was sane and offered a place for his mother to be, if she needs to live with someone it should be Roman or Kayla. Family members, not Victor.


BF is doing great with brainwashed Chad, he's coming out confused and more wooded. He was right, he's more EJ like.


Is that the same window JJ destroyed? If so neither Deveraux kids should be allowed near it or in it. 


JJ can also shut up about Chad, Chad was the only one searching and caring for Abby. JJ thinks he's so bad, but is angry Abby is not with him? But who is he to throw stones after his past/Eve/Paige. Jenn is also confusing, one second she's hugging Chad. Then the next second she's giving bad looks when Abby's talking about him, now she's defending him saying it makes no sense. 

  • Love 2

In fact I don't think I even remember a rivalry with Carrie before the rape -- wasn't Sami all nicey-nice to Carrie before that event?



Sami was very close to Carrie when she first returned to Salem.  Sami was even closer to Carrie after John/Marlena's affair was revealed.  Carrie was the one who convinced Sami to press charges against Alan for raping her, and then Carrie was called to testify against Sami.  That's when Sami and Carrie's relationship began to deteriorate. 


The build up to Sami turning bad was really well written, and most importantly, even though horrible things had happened to Sami, no one was running around Salem saying what a great person Sami was, and it was okay for her to do horrible things.


However, Sami/Carrie finally really repaired their relationship in 2010, and then when Carrie/Austin returned to Salem, the writers tried to backtrack and reignite their feud.  It didn't work.  It was hilarious that in 2011 and 2012, when Sami was flip flopping between Rafe/Lucas/EJ, Austin was not even a blip on Sami's radar.


Belle was never jealous of Sami, and she never hated her.  When Belle and Shawn left Salem, Sami and Belle were on good terms.  When Belle was cheating on Phillip and Shawn, Sami's only comment was, "After seeing me screw up for years, I thought you would be a better liar, and better at covering your tracks."


I don't know if Belle is taking over from Theresa and Will in the "You are just like Sami" department, or if she will be another person blaming Sami for everything.

  • Love 5

Now you guys know that I love me some Kayla and Steve and Kayla and that TB as Ava has me ff because I just can't with her. Having said that, now let me say this about today: Kayla, you need to turn down that flashing neon sign on your forehead that reads Grade A CHUMP!

That's it for now.

Of I forgot, love how once again, Abaigail does something wrong, throwing the rock through the window and rather than accept responsibility and pay restitution, she runs, leaving the shop owner on the hook for the damage she caused. She is Ava levels of awful.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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