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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Meddling Naggie you're so thoughtful, fake ass flowers in a vase. Don't strain yourself Naggie. What's with this show and fake ass flowers? Naggie is always stirring up shit, she's so irritating. Boy did Victor get over to Dingy Hippie's apartment rather fast, does he have a teleportation device?


Mel word of advice, put that money bag somewhere, always carrying it around and opening it in public just makes her look like a dumbass. Why she puts her phone in the money bag is a mystery to me. We know what's in the bag writers, you don't have to keep reminding us like we're stupid. Something about Mel's hair is just a little weird too. Goodness could she be lying through her teeth with her hysterical speaking. Mel needs to STFU, I don't like Miss Rapey, but I know that Miss Rapey would easily take her down and here's another Theresa is the devil who took advantage of coke head Brady. Also Mel your smile is so damn big I think she's trying to audition for a toothpaste ad.


Let's put the real spin on this as much as people want to believe that Theresa used and took advantage of Brady, he did the exact same thing. He used Theresa to score him some coke and get high and used her for sex. I like how Salem likes to get all lopsided and choose sides so easily. Even if Theresa said Brady used her too, they would still think she's the devil just like EJ & Sami during that AbiFail/EJ affair.


Damn Brady, telling someone that you would assist them in knocking out a woman, makes you look like a real class act. Just as bad as JJ threatening Sami with bodily harm for going after AbiFail.


AbiFail having to go back to "her office" bitch please she meant Judgy Jenn's office. Paul you could have done me a humongous favor by hurling that baseball right at Jar Jar's forehead. I LMAO when the nurse said to Jar Jar, "In your dreams" when she said BOllie was her boyfriend, that was a real highlight for me. It's really tiring to hear people praise how "beautiful" she is. Writers are beating a dead horse, just because characters are saying it to death doesn't mean we're going to believe it.


Grimace is just a big whatever, why don't her, Mr. Rapey, & Stack of Legos all pack up their shit and go back to Deliverance where they all belong. Sorry Clyde was entertaining at first but since he wants to be a rapist of underage girls, character is completely ruined. When he grabbed Grimace's head, he could have smashed her head through the door and I wouldn't care.


Shouldn't Grimace be fired? Isn't she breaking policy of sleeping with a board member, well she hasn't slept with Chad yet but if she does, she should be shown the door. Nevermind Theresa slept with Brady and she's not fired. Hospital might as well cancel the policy cause a lot of good it does when they don't even follow it.


Cher woman, no no, only Anne can pull off the gorgeous curly hair look. Hers just look rather fake.

This is a work of art.

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Looks like Sonny has been hanging around Abigail way too much -- now his mind is acting like a sex tape reel! 


I don't get why Abigail looked so offended at the nurse's suggestion that Abigail was only dating Ben in her dreams. I probably would have just laughed in amusement.

Edited by bantering
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There must be some teleportation device in Salem.  Victor leaves the Pub and then is almost immediately in Daniel's apartment.  Grimace left Clyde's apartment and was at the hospital talking to Chad in the next scene.


I see that now random dayplayers are being brought on to prop Abifail and her awesomeness.  I hope that means that she is headed for a fall from grace. 

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Imagine if Ben were a figment of Grabbigail's imagination, though?  Ollie Vinyl Chloride is a sextoy who lives in Abigail's bedroom closet, and "Ben," his human counterpart, is her fantasy of the perfect boyfriend. That would be AWESOME.

Edited by Sandman
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Ben does seem like a plastic doll a woman would be keeping her closet somewhere to take out when she needs to feel...er...satisfied.



I see that now random dayplayers are being brought on to prop Abifail and her awesomeness.  I hope that means that she is headed for a fall from grace.


Galen Gering posted a pic of Kate Mansi and Billy Flynn kissing so I'm not sure if the show is headed towards putting Abigail and Chad back together.


Speaking of Galen Gering, where did Rafe go? It seems that he's gone the way of Robo-John...

Edited by bantering
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I don't get why Abigail looked so offended at the nurse's suggestion that Abigail was only dating Ben in her dreams. I probably would have just laughed in amusement.


That was hysterical!  Abby just can not accept that there are people in Salem who do not think she is as awesome.  How dare that nurse not rea;ize that Ben is LUCKY to have her as a girlfriend??!!


And is it in KM's contract that she has to be referred to as beautiful at least once an episode?  In today's, we had both Paul and Ben heaping unwarranted praise on her and I hate--HATE--that when she's told how fabulous she is, she always has this smug little smile on her face that makes it even worse.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Galen Gering posted a pic of Kate Mansi and Billy Flynn kissing so I'm not sure if the show is headed towards putting Abigail and Chad back together.


Oh, I thought BOille was super perfect and awesome and just the right guy for her? Lying ass hosebeast.

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This whole Clyde storyline is really starting to bother me. Maybe if the show hadn't all but come out and screamed to the audience that he's a child abuser/rapist, I could find him compelling or entertaining. But every time he's on my screen all I can think is that he's a child molester and I don't want to see him, particularly not in a love scene. This is nothing against the actor, because I think he's great; but, to me, this is just beyond the pale disgusting. And then we get to see him be physically violent with Jordan - what a treat. 

I really just wish soaps would stay away from anything hinting at these type of storylines/backstories. The writers never do them justice, and they are always treated as just another plot point. 

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i've been skipping over Clyde's scenes (even though I can tell the actor in real life must have been a very strapping young man!). I can't handle his storyline and the fact that he's being touted as a leading man of sorts, albeit an older one, given his weird history with Jordan.

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Outside of suddenly remembering the lyrics to "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" when that hair model appeared at the end of today's show, not a lot happened, which is disappointing considering Victor made an appearance today.  Not one of his usual great ones, though.  It's a day through the looking-glass in Salem when it's BRADY who is making sense to VICTOR.  Now, not MUCH sense, I admit, but a tiny bit nonetheless.  Brady, however, retains his GIANT ASSHAT since he didn't bother to tell Victor that he was responsible for his choices, that they weren't all on Theresa.  But having Brady admit to anything other than he's just a goshdurn FOOL FOR LOVE is obviously asking too much.



Imagine if Ben was a figment of Grabbigail's imagination, though?  Ollie Vinyl Chloride is a sextoy who lives in Abigail's apartment, and "Ben," his human counterpart, is her fantasy of the perfect boyfriend. That would be AWESOME.


That was hysterical!  Abby just can not accept that there are people in Salem who do not think she is as awesome.  How dare that nurse not rea;ize that Ben is LUCKY to have her as a girlfriend??!!


And is it in KM's contract that she has to be referred to as beautiful at least once an episode?  In today's, we had both Paul and Ben heaping unwarranted praise on her and I hate--HATE--that when she's told how fabulous she is, she always has this smug little smile on her face that makes it even worse.


How great was that??  I loved that nurse giving Abigail the  OH PLEEEEZZE look, since Abigail particularly looked like an escaped garden gnome today.  (BTW, the day player is Amanda Corday, daughter of Ken.  She's been on at least once before).


How great if the next expose was JJ stumbling upon his mother and sister's collection of blow-up dolls - along with their dominatrix outfits.  

I see that Grabbigail DID, however, stop wearing Grandma Alice's old outfits today.  But she still looks like an extra from the latest Hobbit film


Let's put the real spin on this as much as people want to believe that Theresa used and took advantage of Brady, he did the exact same thing. He used Theresa to score him some coke and get high and used her for sex. I like how Salem likes to get all lopsided and choose sides so easily. Even if Theresa said Brady used her too, they would still think she's the devil just like EJ & Sami during that AbiFail/EJ affair.


Perfectly said.  Brady has been a consistent bonehead for more years now than I can count, but it's never his fault.  It's only his "fault" that he "trusts too easily", "loves too much", crap like that.  Instead of labeling Theresa an ennabler, how about pinning that medal where it belongs, which is on Marlena, John, MAGGIE, Victor, Dan, Nicole, everyone in Brady's life.  The man is such a bully doofus.


I have to say I'm not minding Adrienne for the first time in forever.  She's looking a bit better and right now her buttinskiness is appropriate.  So far, anyway.  

Edited by boes
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Whew!! Thanksgiving Holiday had me hemmed up! All that cooking, cleaning & hosting. A lovely time was had by all but I am glad that is over. I hope everyone here had a great holiday as well. Black Friday and Cyber Monday had me coming out of pocket so damn much that I am ready to jack Melanie for her satchel full of money, which shouldn't be too hard since dummy is lugging it all around town and opening it wide for all to see its contents. 


Anywho, took a bit to catch up on this board and my viewing but I did it! One thing. The only thing worse than daily doses of Abby/Bollie sex scenes is marathoning them in a few days time span. My eyes, my eyes!!! No Melanie fan but even I felt sorry for her walking into a room which must of smelled like burnt cheap plastic. Kinda like walking into a Payless Shoe store after a fire.


Now where to begin?


Boes you win the internet. Bollie does look like something constructed from legos. He reminds me of that man known as the human Ken doll who is obsessed with plastic surgery and has had about 150 procedures. Here he is Justin Jedlica aka Human Ken Doll:





The resemblance here is striking. Ben just isn't sexy to me. In fact, I can't even picture Ben as a sexual being with man parts. I just picture a mound of plastic were things should be like an actual Ken doll.


Coming in second in the gross sex department is Kate and Cleatus. Tomsell ruined Clyde in one episode and the worst of it is that it needn't have been. It was possible to make Clyde a big baddie without making him a child rapist but I guess the show didn't meet its annual quota for rapes so they had to toss that in. 


Where did the romance go on this show? There is no seduction. Everyone is just having sex and it is not even hot sex.  Even the so-called couples like Aidan and Hope just hop into bed without much pomp and circumstances. One or two dates that involve sitting on a park bench or coffee in Horton square and cut to sex under the sheets while oddly being buffeted by Mariah Carey's wind machine in a no tell motel room 


 Melanie - She is just as toothy and pwecious as I seem to remember and yet she is still preferable to Miss Abby. I dislike all of Mel's interaction with immediate family like her dad and most particularly Granny panties. Maggie is so effusively doting and sickly sweet in her scenes with Mel that I felt like it should have come with a warning for those suffering from diabetes. Melanie's scenes with Chad and Brady were okay. If given the choice I don't think I would pair Mel with either one, especially not Brady because I think the age difference is too great and not Chad because I think he can do better. However if the alternative is Abby, it ain't much of a choice. It is like being asked would you rather be blind(Abby) or deaf(Mel). I'd choose deaf because I am a visual person and at least I could still watch tv and read close captioning. So I would go with Mel. 


I thought Brady checking Victor was marvelous! Sure there are things that are problematic about Brady but there was something so real world about that that I liked it more than I care to admit.


I feel like I am already in flashback hell with Paul and Sonny but I am slightly intrigued by this story. One aspect of the story that I don't like is that Paul is so deep in the closet. Felt like Sonny already went through that shit with Will to an extent. Don't want to see Sonny as some kind of closet whisperer, coaxing closet cases out into the light.  No ma'am.


In other news, Sneasel continues to be the worst.


Adrienne and Lucas?? As mentioned before, she is just so damn matronly. I guess if the alternative for Lucas is this or no story at all than I would begrudgingly choose this but damn, Lucas and Gladys Kravitz?  I thirst for him and Ann to be tested. I think they would really look good and be good together. 



Good LORD can Abigail get any more self-centered??  When Mel mentioned she was sympathetic to Gabi because she knew how it felt to have Nick run her life, Abigail just HAD to make herself the center of Nick's story line by casting her Jar Jar Binks eyes downward and telling Mel that Nick had gone after HER too, threatening to tell everyone she was boinking EJ.  Oh, the HORROR of it all for poor Abigail, right??  Never mind that Nick tried to RAPE Gabi, tried to keep Ari from Will, pulled a whole lot of worse crap on EVERYONE, but Abigail has to make it sound like she was the primary victim.

Now, now Boes. Don't you know that Nick saved his most diabolical, fiendish, mustache twirling plots for Abigail? This complicated Bond villain-esque course of action makes attempted rape looked like child's play. Nick was going to go around town spreading vicious truths about Abigail. Oh the Humanity!!


Adding to her many monikers is Abigail also a Hobbit? In apartment scenes with Mel and Bollie she looked practically Lilliputian. Mel never seemed practically tall or statuesque and granted she was probably wearing 4-6 inch heels but the height difference between Abby and everyone else in that scene was jarring. Also, argh, I hate when Days changes scenes for no good reason. At the end of one episode we have a rather extended scene of Mel standing in the doorway reacting to Bollie's molded plastic body. The next day, she barely gets a chance to respond and Abby pops up behind her, which WTF?!? Where did she come from? Was she hiding in an umbrella stand. Hanging upside in a corner? In the hallway, coming back from throwing up into the garbage chute from plastic poisoning? 

Edited by islandgal140
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I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over but it just has to be said.


Chad is hot and has the right presence. He gets to have some good lines without acting like a brat. He seems so grown up to me. Even when he's being devious, he's doing it smartly. 

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Okay, I finally watched the Paul and Sonny scenes in full today.  Their relationship reminds me of Ben and Abigail in that all they ever seemed to do is have sex. That's all that either of them can remember for supposedly being so lovesick over each other.  


What's supposed to translate as "passion" is actually "I'm too embarrassed to be seen with you in public so let's just get our freak on in a hotel bed cos I can't let anyone see you coming to my house/dorm/frat/off campus apartment."


And am I supposed to feel sorry for Paul being trapped by his inability to come out?  If Michael Sam can do it, you can too if you really want to.  He's supposed to be telling Sonny he wants him back. He should come out first to prove himself.


Does Paul really expect Sonny to give up his family for a closet-case? I know I keep repeating myself all the time, but this is a hot-button issue for me. I can just picture a main course of Sonny and Paul with a side-dish of Theresa the Beard.


I never thought I'd say this, but I need Will to come back to stir the pot with an expose mandated by Victor.

Edited by 271queenie
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 That's all that either of them can remember for supposedly being so lovesick over each other.


I actually have a random speculation that the night Sonny and Paul both flashed back to is going to end up being the night they broke up, the last time they saw each other, etc.  Maybe Paul's manager walked in on them or something and it lead to Paul calling the whole thing off.


I am hoping Paul being in the closet is less about him being self-loathing about being gay and more to do with being fearful of the career ramifications.  That's both topical and a fresh take on this trope.

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If Victor is going to continue crapping on Chad and saying nice things about Melanie, I may have to reevaluate my affection for the old bastard.


I put the nice things he says about Melanie down to being under the thumb of that elderly Vanna White he's married to.  Going after Chad might be a back-handed compliment, if he's doing it because he senses Chad might just have the smarts to to outplay him at some point.  Or it may just be plain jealousy that Stefano finally got a kid with brain cells while Victor is still stuck with Brady, the idiot grandson.

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Paul seems like he's kind of jerk, not caring who he hurts.  I know that Sonny misses Will but man he'd have to be a fool to get involved with Paul again.  Sonny's already married to a high maintenance Sneasel, he doesn't need a closet case as well.


And how much did I love Nicole's walking away from Eric?  It's none of his business what is going on between Nicole and Daniel and I liked that Nicole didn't start begging Eric to understand.

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Sonny is so going to regret not telling Will about Paul. So Paul is the selfish ex that Sonny spoke about when he first came to town like I guessed.

There has to be more to why Adrienne doesn't like Paul besides the obvious.

Cue the violin, Paul is probably going to blame not coming out on choosing baseball for his mom or family. That's who Sonny was probably alluding to when he said he's not keeping Paul's secret for Paul's benefit. Maybe it's for Will's benefit cos Sonny sure knows how insecure Will gets.

If I was Will I'd be thinking Sonny got together with me to forget about Paul and that's why he made me his project. And how they'd still be together if it wasn't for me.

Sure Paul is all sympathetic now, but I'm sure he's a master manipulator if he got Sonny to stick it out for a year.

So Paul loved Sonny and that wasn't the main issue between them. Well Sonny he may have loved you but it obviously wasn't enough. My Parents come from two different religions and fought to be with each other so I have no sympathy for Paul. It's sad that pro-athletes are forced into this life, but look how miserable he is.

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Sure Paul is all sympathetic now, but I'm sure he's a master manipulator if he got Sonny to stick it out for a year.


Why can't it just be that Sonny was young and in love and thought he could handle it, but came to realize he couldn't?

Edited by TeeVee329
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JJ & Lima Bean continue to be blah, I was enjoying my break from them. I really like JJ but OMG he's in one of the worst more boring storyline going on right now and always around shrewish bitches. I can't even enjoy JJ anymore, he was much better when he was rebelling against Judgy Jenn. Don't get me wrong I like the fact that JJ has turned his life around but still could have given him a bad boy edge, but no he's been dragged into dullsville who got the most sulky girlfriend ever and got all up in Eve's murkiness.


Now JJ practically needs therapy and possibly has to go to RoboMar who's been clawing and scratching for clients and actually doing work now. Too bad people really don't want to speak to her because Mr. Rapey is just using her and Paul wants nothing to do with her.


Just as Eve was interacting with Eric and takes a dip in the ocean she opts to dip her rusty toes back in the kiddie pool. IDK why she likes interacting with little children or could be that JJ's dick is just floating up in there that she must touch it one more time. If she wants JJ and Lima Bean away then say you inhaled JJ's sausage like it was the last meal you were gonna get and call it a day. After that she can grow her immature ass up.


Oh Naggie, she's such a gossip, wasn't she not suppose to tell anybody that Mel is back, but this is Naggie we're talking about. Girl can't keep her mouth shut.


Theresa should really just let Brady go and stop worrying about him. He's so not worth it girlfriend.


Sonny, sorry saying Sneasel is a good person is so off the mark, even Paul doesn't believe it and he never met Sneasel. I think Paul has the opinion of Sneasel like the majority of us has about him. 


If Mel don't stop looking in that fucking bag, I don't know what I'll do. Hell have Cher and her henchman take the damn bag so I'm spared.

Good thing was there was barely no Judgy Jenn.

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Melanie strikes me as a combo of a stoner and a valley girl - hence, annoying as hell - lousy actress.  Does she need to count the money every 2 minutes - this is gonna be stupid, I can tell.


What would soaps be without people intruding into conversations and spaces willy  nilly (today: Nicole drifting over and standing in front of Eric wordlessly - I would have walked past her and been on my way.  But, then they all need to overhear and be the buttinskies. 


The fact that Brady would even consider apologizing to Theresa just emphasizes his dimness.  Poor soul.  

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I would pay money to get KDP out of this kiddie storyline. Whatever Romeo and Juliet schtick they're going for with JJ and Paige IS NOT WORKING. They are so painfully boring. And KDP deserves more and is capable of delivering a lot more than skulking in the shrubbery spying on her boring daughter's painful interactions with her boyfriend. Please, I'm begging. 

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I don't care about Paul's pain. If he threw Sonny away because he didn't want to risk his career that's his own fault. We already had to deal with Sonny helping Will out of the closet and I have no interest in seeing him go there again. 


What does Justin see in that hateful judgmental shrew Adrienne?

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Why can't it just be that Sonny was young and in love and thought he could handle it, but came to realize he couldn't?

Yes, Sonny would have been young and in love etc, but surely Paul must have laid it on thick to get Sonny to put up with it for a year.

I'm sure it didn't go on smoothly for over a year and then Sonny just decided to put an end to it.

There must have been lots of fights along the way of broken dates and not traveling to away games and missing out on post-game parties and I'm sure Paul knew just what to say to get Sonny to come back again and again.

Adrienne probably hates Paul because she didn't like who Sonny became because of this relationship with Paul.

But I guess we're not going to see scenes of Sonny being treated like a doormat by Paul just yet, just more saucy sex scenes than WilSon themselves have been allowed to get thus far.

I don't care about Paul's pain. If he threw Sonny away because he didn't want to risk his career that's his own fault. We already had to deal with Sonny helping Will out of the closet and I have no interest in seeing him go there again. 


What does Justin see in that hateful judgmental shrew Adrienne?

On a good day, I would agree with you but if Adrienne is anti- Paul I'm ready to jump on the TeamAdrienne bandwagon.

On the other hand, if Adrienne thinks Paul and Will both are not good enough for her precious Sonny, I wonder who is?

Edited by 271queenie
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Yes, Sonny would have been young and in love etc, but surely Paul must have laid it on thick to get Sonny to put up with it for a year.

I'm sure it didn't go on smoothly for over a year and then Sonny just decided to put an end to it.

There must have been lots of fights along the way of broken dates and not traveling to away games and missing out on post-game parties and I'm sure Paul knew just what to say to get Sonny to come back again and again.


I'm sure it happened similarly to what you're suggesting, but calling Paul a master manipulator makes it sound like he was sitting back and cackling with evil laughter about how easy it was to get Sonny back in line or something.


And isn't that just soaps - people at cross-purposes, people trying to get the person they love to stick with them, etc.?

Edited by TeeVee329
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Perhaps my intense dislike of Paul is showing, but he rubbed me the wrong way on the first day when he told Sonny to come to his room later. And even today, he was all like: " I knew it was you" like he just knew Sonny would come running like a little lapdog.

In my experience, these types of relationships always have a leader and a follower and it looks to me like Paul was calling the shots up until Sonny decided to force him to choose. Even now he calls Will Sonny's "husband" like it belongs in air quotes and declares that their relationship must not be as good as his and Sonny's was.

I'm sure that Paul is not as artful as I am implying, but he had to know that to keep Sonny he had to placate him. Looks to me like Paul was happy to have Sonny have certains needs unfulfilled just so he could have his own needs met. And that's what makes him selfish.

Today, Paul put all the blame on Sonny and says "you" forced me to make a choice and we can't move forward if "you" resent me. Blah blah. Way to absolve yourself of responsibility Paul. He only wants things on his terms.

Sonny was able to let Will go to LA to pursue his career even though he isn't happy about it because that is real love. Putting the needs of your partner above your own.

And as a sidenote , Paul doesn't know Sonny's husband's name which should make things interesting when they meet.

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While I don't agree with all of your points, I do think that if Paul want Sonny back, he can't expect Sonny to return to a situation (a secret, closeted relationship to protect Paul's career) that Sonny already rejected.


And if it led to a super soapy moment where, I dunno, Paul outs himself at a press conference and declares his love for Sonny, well...that would be fine, just fine.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Boes you win the internet. Bollie does look like something constructed from legos. He reminds me of that man known as the human Ken doll who is obsessed with plastic surgery and has had about 150 procedures. Here he is Justin Jedlica aka Human Ken Doll:



Oh, gross! Scream! Nightmares tonight....now I can never look at Ben the same way again....



Adding to her many monikers is Abigail also a Hobbit? In apartment scenes with Mel and Bollie she looked practically Lilliputian. Mel never seemed practically tall or statuesque and granted she was probably wearing 4-6 inch heels but the height difference between Abby and everyone else in that scene was jarring. Also, argh, I hate when Days changes scenes for no good reason



I became curious about Mel's height when she was standing opposite Chad. I do think Chad can act and is attractive enough but EJ was so tall that when Chad was standing next to Mel I couldn't help but notice that this version of Chad really isn't as tall as the last one or EJ. And I wasn't sure if that was because he's actually much shorter than his profile says or Melanie is a lot taller than I originally thought her to be. JS really did set the standard for height among men on this show, so I guess everyone is going to look like a much shorter person next to him, but when Melanie came into the scene and I was like "what? is she really that tall or is Chad really that short??"


As for Paul, I don't care about his sob story. He's too much like Abigail in his pursuit of Sonny. When we were railing it was implied that the attitude towards Abigail was because she's a woman or because EJ and Sami were involved. Well, I can't stand Will, have no real strong feelings about their relationship, and yet I'm still giving the stink-eye to Paul, who is a man. So there! See I can have the same reaction of disdain to both genders who act run around acting like married people owe them some tender loving. 


BTW, what DOES Paul want? If he doesn't want to come out of the closet why is he still sniffing around Sonny anyway? The current situation he's in (public sports figure) means they can't be together, right? I'm as confused about Paul's logic as Abigail's logic about EJ where she was ...what was she doing again??I just remember it being really confusing. Paul is confusing too. 

Edited by bantering
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The fact that Brady would even consider apologizing to Theresa just emphasizes his dimness.  Poor soul.

Interesting. I saw that completely differently and thought it made Brady look like a better person, apologizing to Theresa for the way his family was speaking to her. I also was impressed with him during his conversation with Eric, asking him to be a friend to his cousin. Brady was so calm about Theresa's belief that she'd been pregnant, it seemed that there were some neurons firing between his ears.
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I like how Paul kissed Sonny and assumed he was single. I guess Paul assumed Sonny would wait around for years until he decided to come back. There's absolutely no need for him to walk around like his shit don't stink. He thinks what he had with Sonny was so great but he's not even willing to come out of the closet for him. Will may be an idiot but at least he's not ashamed for people to know he's married to Sonny. The writers can't bring on some newbie and expect us to care about their sob story. This is the same crap they pulled with Tamiflu and look how that turned out.

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Interesting. I saw that completely differently and thought it made Brady look like a better person, apologizing to Theresa for the way his family was speaking to her. I also was impressed with him during his conversation with Eric, asking him to be a friend to his cousin. Brady was so calm about Theresa's belief that she'd been pregnant, it seemed that there were some neurons firing between his ears.


I agree with this.  I think Brady does genuinely care for Theresa and I think he knows he treated her poorly when he was using drugs/drinking. He's not forgiving her for hitting his dad over the head but he is compassionate enough to see just how isolated Theresa is.  I was proud of him for asking Eric to look out for her.


I also liked Melanie's interactions with Theresa.  There was a good give and take between them and I hope they get to become friends--especially if it bothers Abby :)

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I also liked Melanie's interactions with Theresa.  There was a good give and take between them and I hope they get to become friends--especially if it bothers Abby :)

To be fair, it was only good because neither knew whom the other was.  I imagine once Theresa learns that Melanie is Daniel's daughter and Abigail's best friend and Melanie learns that Theresa is Brady's former "enabler," the good give-and-take will be over.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I also liked Melanie's interactions with Theresa.  There was a good give and take between them and I hope they get to become friends--especially if it bothers Abby :)

Ah, bonding over a band. That was a nice bit and I also hope they get to be friends.


To be fair, it was only good because neither knew who the other was.  I imagine once Theresa learns that Melanie is Daniel's daughter and Abigail's best friend and Melanie learns that Theresa is Brady's former "enabler," the good give-and-take will be over.

Oh, sure. Introduce logic into this. Funny how logic only operates for the writers SOMETIMES....

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Theresa was wrong for lying about Brady being the one who hit John, but I hate that the fact that John was physically pushing Theresa around was NEVER mentioned.


I never understood why Sami and Eric had hardly any interaction with Theresa at all.


James Scott and Casey Diedrick are both 6'4".  Most of the other guys on the show are 5'9" to 6'0".

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He and Melanie (in heels presumably) did seem similar in height. It was a little....not weird necessarily...but I'm so used to seeing EJ tower over everybody in the mansion that I couldn't help but notice how Chad looked next to a woman in comparison.

Did the Dimeras get a new couch for people to have sex on?

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I have to admit, Adrienne's talk with Sonny made me interested in Sonny and Paul's relationship. That's because she was insisting that Sonny had to lay out for Paul exactly where he is now, and...that just wouldn't be what I would be saying to a married person whose ex from three years ago just turned up again. It would ordinarily just be, like, a data point for me, like "Oh, so-and-so is in town?" Many, if not most, married people have exes, and those exes are usually irrelevant because, you know, married now! So it wouldn't ordinarily occur to me to be all, "You HAVE to tell your ex that you are married now!" especially on the very little tidbit of info that Adrienne had (i.e. not knowing about the kissing) - the married person has obviously moved on, I'd assume that an ex from three years ago has probably moved on too.


So the fact that Adrienne went to that place immediately really underlines what a big deal Sonny and Paul's relationship was for Sonny. Which corresponds nicely with the fact that Sonny not only kissed Paul back, he had a second round of kissing with Paul. That's a really strong pull Paul has on him. No wonder Adrienne is freaking out, and Sneasel better watch out.


I agree the Paul character is a little skeevy...but Christopher Sean (whom I enjoyed on "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries")is so much more appealing of an actor than Guy Wilson. And the character of Sneasel has been a horror lately anyway. So, they're going to have to make Paul a rapist (please, no) or something equally awful to get me to root for Will over Paul. I agree Sonny could do better than closet case Paul who chose baseball over him, but as of now he's still a few rungs up the ladder from Sneasel.

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The other thing that concerns me is Theresa and Brady's convo where she spoke about being with someone who's not using her. She's totes gonna end up with egg on her face and I just get annoyed cos Abby is allowed to get whatever she wants every time. Theresa is the kind of girl who can't catch a break and she could be extremely rootable if the writers cared enough. Much like Nicole. Let Eric rot with the newbie and see how long it lasts.

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So the fact that Adrienne went to that place immediately really underlines what a big deal Sonny and Paul's relationship was for Sonny. Which corresponds nicely with the fact that Sonny not only kissed Paul back, he had a second round of kissing with Paul. That's a really strong pull Paul has on him. No wonder Adrienne is freaking out, and Sneasel better watch out.


Ordinarily, I'd agree that Adrienne's reaction should indicate something more is in play, and possibly this is even what the writers intend (so far as I am ever able to infer any intention from the writers). But it's Adrienne. She's made freaking out about other people's business her life's work.

Edited by Sandman
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Does there? I think Adrienne is pretty devoted to the obvious. The writers certainly are.


I love this comment.  We keep looking for subtlety because remember when that was an actual component of storytelling.  Wouldn't it be nice if it could be again??


As for Adrienne, it's probably foolishness on my part, but I'm hoping that this time, at least with Sonny, her worry/unwanted advice is actually coming from an informed place.  What am I thinking??  This is Adrienne we're talking about.  Oh well, there's that old "hope" thing again!


Today, Paul put all the blame on Sonny and says "you" forced me to make a choice and we can't move forward if "you" resent me. Blah blah. Way to absolve yourself of responsibility Paul. He only wants things on his terms.

Sonny was able to let Will go to LA to pursue his career even though he isn't happy about it because that is real love. Putting the needs of your partner above your own.


I don't know what to think about Paul yet.  I agree that today he seemed to be sulking about not having his own way, both in the past and in the present.    He seemed all too anxious to skip all the uncomfortable stuff and just go back to the sex and unspoken closeness if Sonny was at all willing.  So yep, you're right - there is a large element of selfishness, at least on the surface.  His sulkiness at being called out on being closeted by Sonny indicates to me that at least on some level Paul knows Sonny is right.  And he resents him for that.

I loved Sonny flashing his ring in Paul's face and telling him that he's moved on.  Sneasel may currently be in the hamster cage in my books - and it's quite possible he'll only dig himself in there deeper when he returns - but Sonny let Paul know that he's not desperate to reconnect.  I think Sonny is more conflicted about that than he lets on - and I think that's what Adrienne is afraid of - but if he'd caved to Paul right now, Paul would have him under his thumb and it would be ugly and sad very fast.  

Now if Sneasel comes back to Salem, gets into a snit, or decides to violate ethics and expose Paul, then all bets will be off and so will be Sonny's pants faster than body lice climb on Doctor Dan  or termites nest inside Abigail's wooden head.


Interesting. I saw that completely differently and thought it made Brady look like a better person, apologizing to Theresa for the way his family was speaking to her. I also was impressed with him during his conversation with Eric, asking him to be a friend to his cousin. Brady was so calm about Theresa's belief that she'd been pregnant, it seemed that there were some neurons firing between his ears.


I agree with this.  I think Brady does genuinely care for Theresa and I think he knows he treated her poorly when he was using drugs/drinking. He's not forgiving her for hitting his dad over the head but he is compassionate enough to see just how isolated Theresa is.  I was proud of him for asking Eric to look out for her.



Theresa was wrong for lying about Brady being the one who hit John, but I hate that the fact that John was physically pushing Theresa around was NEVER mentioned.


Who IS this stranger masquerading as Brady Black?  I like this guy!  I don't expect it to last more than a day - after all, Brady usually can't go a week without covering someone in angry spittle or pushing someone up against a wall, but right now, this Brady, thumbs up.  Victor's "idiot grandson"  is behaving with some unusual and unexpected thoughtfulness towards Theresa.  

I'm glad that Theresa didn't grovel in thanks for Brady being decent, also.  No matter what she's done, she has a right to feel hurt and angry, too.  And it's very wise of her to stay wary of Brady.


Ah, bonding over a band. That was a nice bit and I also hope they get to be friends.


I'd love it if Theresa and Melanie forged some sort of friendship.  I agree the deck is stacked against them, once they discover each other's identities.  But, I also remember that Melanie stood up to Abigail when she was being such a snot about Melanie dating Chad after Grabby had dumped him (right before she stalked Austin), so she just might resist Abigail telling her what to do.  And, if Show in some way makes either Theresa, or Abigail, see each other in a favorable light due to some plot device, then maybe they will be friends.  God knows Theresa could use another one and frankly Melanie could stand to have somebody other than her usual suspects as well.


I loved how Nicole left Eric standing there with his mouth open.


Are they planning on killing Shane?  How does this advance plot?


Finally!  Finally Nicole acted as if she's done with the great Eric Apology Tour.  I know she screwed him over and she deserved to be shunned for it, but enough is enough.  Besides, if she offends him so much he can trot his disapproving behind right over to Jenn's and they can bond over Eye of Newt Tea while showing each other their holy card collections and  discussing all the unfortunate people of Salem less holy than themselves.  


I wonder what this is with Shane?  Killing him off seems unwarranted, but on the other hand, they can't have Charles Shaughnessy show up in Salem as Eve's father.  He and she look the same age.  Perhaps having Shane ill will be a way for Theresa and Eve to really bond, or maybe Shane's illness is an excuse to send one or both of them off screen for a short time?  I wonder.....


And I so agree about Paige and JJ - absence did not make the heart grow fonder.  While I love JJ and don't mind Paige much right now, I almost forgot about their storyline.  It was so nice to see Eve in that scene with Eric, as you all have mentioned, in an adult scene played with adult emotion and responses, and then to see her back in lurking mode was a little depressing.  

I did laugh when Jenn suggested JJ should see a shrink about his father.  Lord KNOWS JJ could use a shrink, but he needs to see one JUST as much about his mother and sister and their utter lack of appropriate boundaries with both him and each other as well.


Oh - Isn't Dirty Dan about 60 or so years old in Horn Dog years?  Does he really need his elderly mommy making snide comments to Nicole about using his shower?  Talk about awkward.......

Edited by boes
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Sonny probably told Adrienne about his relationship with Paul or she knew about them being together before Paul became a famous baseball player. She probably didn't like how Paul left Sonny to go play and didn't want to be out and open about his relationship which is what Sonny wanted. I'm thinking Sonny had no problem with Paul going pro but had a problem that Paul wouldn't proudly say that he and Sonny were in a relationship and possibly wouldn't take Sonny to games, press conferences, mention him being in a relationship with Sonny in interviews, red carpet events, parties, etc. etc.


I don't blame Sonny for wanting someone that's out and open, but picking between Paul and Sneasel that's like picking between shit and more shit. When really you don't want to deal with or clean up shit.

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Sonny seems to have a thing for damaged people. People have been saying for years they wonder what attracted Sonny to Will and now we know (or at least I think I know).

Sonny couldn't help Paul thru the coming out process successfully, but he was able to do that for Will. Another thing is that Will's innocence must have been a nice change from 'my way or the highway' Paul. Sonny has always had the upper hand in the WilSon relationship. Folks used to say that Sonny would forgive or put up with anything from Will, but really Will has always been the one waiting on forgiveness or acceptance from Sonny.

Not to make it sinister, but that must be a nice change from being Paul's doormat. When Will said he wasn't happy with the status quo, Sonny was definitely thrown for a loop.

Both Will and Paul are high maintenance, but if Will decides to out Paul in print and Paul turns it around and spins it into a declaration of love for Sonny, all bets are off. The playing field would be even for sure.

Paul and Sonny would be able to travel and live the good life as opposed to Sonny staying in Salem with Will and Ari. Arianna Grace is definitely the wildcard in all this. Sonny has no claim on her at all, except those guardianship documents that can be altered.

Adrienne probably knows better than anyone how stress on a relationship can lead to infidelity. Lot's have people have said (jokingly) that it's in Sonny's genes to cheat as both Justin and Adrienne have cheated on each other before. Hopefully Lucas will be Will's saving grace.

As much as I dislike Paul, I would like to see Will find out about PaulSon and dump Sonny, leaving him free to explore whatever this is with Paul. People tend to view exes with rose-tinted glasses. Then by the time Sonny has realized he's made a big mistake, Will is having a flirtation with another guy who may or may not be bad news. During this time Sonny has not been allowed to see Ari, but then something happens to her and this brings Will and Sonny back together again. Real soapy drama, that will last for the next few months.

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