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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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Would it be wrong if I said I wouldn't be outraged if a man hit Abby? I'm not saying I want that to happen...but I wouldn't feel bad for her if it did. I don't condone men hitting women but I also don't condone women (or men) walking into someone's home and slapping them unprovoked or slapping someone because they threw a couple of tame (and accurate) insults your way. 


This is disgusting.

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This is disgusting.



See, my feeling on this is; if you're going to do it to others, be prepared for others to do it to you.  Man or woman, whatever.  I don't want anyone hitting anyone but if Abs is going to keep slapping people (Theresa, Nicole?, Eve, Sami, Chad), I wouldn't blame them for slapping her right back.  She's the one who's disgusting, thinking she can call people names, harass them, barge into their homes, and physically assault them.  So, if in that scene, Chad had slapped her back, I think it's pretty much tit for tat.  Woman can't just beat on men willy nilly and not expect them to defend or retaliate, because "men should never hit a woman".  Women shouldn't be hitting anyone either.  But that's Abby for you, the Slapping Saint. 



I also wanted to add, that in that scene with Chad, Abby didn't slap him to defend herself against him.  She was the aggressor.  They were having a heated conversation and Chad was angry, but in no way, was he threatening her.  She assaulted him, like she does everyone else.  Some day someone's going to fight back.  I had hoped Sami would, but she's even taking a higher road with that, than Abby is. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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It seems like Abigail might want Chad back, but I don't know if that's actually in the script or maybe KM (probably rightly) sees more potential in being paired with a Dimera (any Dimera, even it is Chad, who is not as good in bed as EJ) than with Ben. She had a certain brittleness or snippines to her  (I hate when she gets like that because it always seems so jarring and sudden) when she realized Jordan had talked to him. It was kind of funny. 

Edited by bantering
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It seems like Abigail might want Chad back, but I don't know if that's actually in the script or maybe KM (probably rightly) sees more potential in being paired with a Dimera (any Dimera, even it is Chad, who is not as good in bed as EJ) than with Ben. She had a certain brittleness or snippines to her when she realized Jordan had talked to him. It was kind of funny. 


Haven't seen today's show, but from yesterday, I thought she and Chad (the actors) had some interesting chemistry and I liked them in their scenes together. 

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Would it be wrong if I said I wouldn't be outraged if a man hit Abby? I'm not saying I want that to happen...but I wouldn't feel bad for her if it did. I don't condone men hitting women but I also don't condone women (or men) walking into someone's home and slapping them unprovoked or slapping someone because they threw a couple of tame (and accurate) insults your way. 


If Abby was an interesting person played by a sympathetic actress who was able to convey complex emotions it might be a good story line to see how she deals with being on the other side of abuse, but as it stands, it would be yet another poor Abby story line and I can't deal with this chick getting even more fawned over.  And I think the total of people she's slapped is 4:  Theresa, Nick, Eve, Sami, Chad--did I miss any?


Now on today's episode we had Abby talk about how self-righteous she was in dealing with Chad which was kind of awesomely self-aware but then she ruined it by talking about her guilt at having sex with two brothers and not her guilt at helping to ruin a committed relationship or helping to destroy a family.  Jenn really did a good job of raising this girl :)


I also enjoyed the Sami/Roman talk especially where they revisited the Marlena/John affair and that kind of helps explain why Sami's taking EJ back.  She wants her kids to have the stable childhood that she didn't have and she also wants to have a marriage--Sami wants the happy family she didn't.  I hope Sami doesn't live to regret this.


Chad tried his best with Jordan, he was being charming and smooth but Jordan seemed pretty blank to the whole thing but I did enjoy Abby's surprise that Jordan knows Chad and that they've already talked.  Chad's only supposed to talk to HER!

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Now on today's episode we had Abby talk about how self-righteous she was in dealing with Chad which was kind of awesomely self-aware but then she ruined it by talking about her guilt at having sex with two brothers and not her guilt at helping to ruin a committed relationship or helping to destroy a family.  Jenn really did a good job of raising this girl :)


Yeah, it was weird watching the conversation. 


I think Jen also said that Abigail was free to date whoever she wanted. But that's not exactly true. It's recommended not to date people in committed relationships.

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Slapping and cat fights are a part of soaps but when it crosses gender it's no longer on an even field. That isn't to say that domestic abuse can't be female on male because it can be and has but I find it gets very hazy on soaps when they cross gender. Perhaps it's hypocritical of me to say that on soaps it's okay for ladies to hit guys but not the other way around but here's the thing...


Soaps tend to have a great deal of violence inflicted on women for sake of a story. Even on a show like Days where men have been drugged and raped the majority of such stories do rest on the female as the victim so in a lot of ways, for me, a woman striking a man evens that playing field (for lack of a better term.)


I would not be all right with a man striking Abby even though I quite dislike her. For one thing, that's the end of it right there... the second a man lays hands on her in anger she is the victim because what we see here is a lot of women who are clearly physically weaker than the men. None of these ladies are Black Widow flipping around, breaking knees, smacking dudes with pipes and what not... these are ultra-feminine women who would need actual weapons to do damage to their male counterparts.


Now, Abby going around smacking women? Sure! She needs to be smacked back... even if the response would be [Person] is so low class to strike Abby! (and no mention made of Abby's actions because... they don't go much for ambiguity in Salem, these writers.) All that being said, KDP is often so much taller than any of the ladies (and some guys) that she often comes across as a bully if she hits back. (Same issue arose with Blair on OLTL -- the tall, Amazon striking people who often appeared a foot shorter than her made her look bad to some. Not to me, most of those people deserved it but still.) I still think it's kind of funny that Abby had to jump to slap Eve.


Also, domestic abuse is an on-going problem (look at the NFL right now) and I simply do not trust soap operas -- any soap opera-- to treat it with the seriousness it deserves.


So I would be a big NO for a man striking Abigail... or any woman for that matter. I am, however, totally on board for any number of men to wrestle amongst themselves.


I'm not made of stone, people.

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nd I think the total of people she's slapped is 4:  Theresa, Nick, Eve, Sami, Chad--did I miss any?

I thought she might have tried to slap Chloe. 


I'm not sure if something happened between Nicole and her.


I think Carrie slapped Abigail, and it made her cry. 


I don't think a man should strike Abigail (or any woman).

Edited by bantering
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Slapping and cat fights are a part of soaps but when it crosses gender it's no longer on an even field. That isn't to say that domestic abuse can't be female on male because it can be and has but I find it gets very hazy on soaps when they cross gender. Perhaps it's hypocritical of me to say that on soaps it's okay for ladies to hit guys but not the other way around but here's the thing...


Soaps tend to have a great deal of violence inflicted on women for sake of a story. Even on a show like Days where men have been drugged and raped the majority of such stories do rest on the female as the victim so in a lot of ways, for me, a woman striking a man evens that playing field (for lack of a better term.)


I would not be all right with a man striking Abby even though I quite dislike her. For one thing, that's the end of it right there... the second a man lays hands on her in anger she is the victim because what we see here is a lot of women who are clearly physically weaker than the men. None of these ladies are Black Widow flipping around, breaking knees, smacking dudes with pipes and what not... these are ultra-feminine women who would need actual weapons to do damage to their male counterparts.


Now, Abby going around smacking women? Sure! She needs to be smacked back... even if the response would be [Person] is so low class to strike Abby! (and no mention made of Abby's actions because... they don't go much for ambiguity in Salem, these writers.) All that being said, KDP is often so much taller than any of the ladies (and some guys) that she often comes across as a bully if she hits back. (Same issue arose with Blair on OLTL -- the tall, Amazon striking people who often appeared a foot shorter than her made her look bad to some. Not to me, most of those people deserved it but still.) I still think it's kind of funny that Abby had to jump to slap Eve.


Also, domestic abuse is an on-going problem (look at the NFL right now) and I simply do not trust soap operas -- any soap opera-- to treat it with the seriousness it deserves.


So I would be a big NO for a man striking Abigail... or any woman for that matter. I am, however, totally on board for any number of men to wrestle amongst themselves.


I'm not made of stone, people.


I'm not really that into women slapping women either.  At least not all the time and not now -- those old school cat fights could be awesome, but it seems like it was a different soap climate back then. The few brawls they've had women engage in recently have been rather pathetic, imo.  I think cat fights have gone the way of big hair and shoulder pads. 


I'm more a fan of the verbal smack-down.


As for your last sentence, NuChad has been onscreen for like five minutes and they've already had him shirtless.  He and Brady need to have a shirt-off off. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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To be fair, some characters keep on doing the same annoying things most of the time they are on screen, so the viewers don't get much to work with in the way of new material.


The slapping thing, though.  When you think about what's going on in the news right now with the NFL, there's no sensitive way to discuss it.  The problem is that Abby has almost always been the provocateur and it's not a very attractive part of her character.      


Or what Dandesun said.

Edited by tessaray
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To be fair, some characters keep on doing the same annoying things most of the time they are on screen, so the viewers don't get much to work with in the way of new material.



Yep, which is pretty much every character onscreen.  The writers don't give us new stories or have their characters progress, so they just continue to rehash the same ol' nonsense.  I wish they would move on from the Eric/Kristen/Bardy/etc and the Sami/EJ/Abby stuff, but they aren't doing that anytime soon, it seems. 


So, we have not much else to discuss than the same ol' nonsense, since that is what's playing out onscreen.  Life imitates art.

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What's the point of writing an expose on Chad? He hasn't really done anything that warrants an expose.


If Zoe wants someone with integrity why is she working with Will? People who have integrity don't secretly record family and friends so they can write a clearly biased and one sided article.

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The reason why we don't want men to hit women is because in most cases the man is physically stronger than the woman and can do a lot more damage. But if a woman slaps a man and he slaps her back - and I'm talking about a slap not a blow - I don't feel the same way.  I want to be clear that I'm not talking about a slap that sends her staggering, I'm talking about a slap that stings a bit.  I think it's a stupid and childish way for adults to behave, but it's not abuse.  Abby can't go around slapping people.

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Slap-Happy Abby getting slapped back by a woman wouldn't bother me one little bit.  I hear what you're saying about a man slapping her, especially in view of how domestic violence against women still has a long way to go even being acknowledged as a problem.  The main reason I dislike Brady as much as I do is because the guy is a huge bully, always shoving someone, or punching someone, and very very often he's at his worst when threatening women.  I don't remember him actually punching or hitting one, but the intent is surely there.

But if Sami or Nicole - yep, she did haul off and slap her too - gave her one back I feel it would be on equal ground.  And if Eve had to pick her up and stand her on a chair so she could return the slap at an even level, that would be ok too.

What I really like, though, is for the show not to default to this behavior.  Or if so, very rarely.  I don't enjoy it and never did.  I might be the only person who never enjoyed watching the Dynasty cat fights.  


Abby's slap-habit is one more jarring note in this annoying character.  Here we're presented with this supposed Saint who pees holy water, yet has absolutely no problem physically hitting whoever she feels like, whenever she feels like.  It's bad enough when she does it to her contemporaries, but when she slapped Eve - a woman of her mother's generation, I thought she really crossed a line.  "Lady", my ass.  Or at least only a "lady" as defined by Jenn and Maggie.

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This is disgusting.


For the record, I didn't say I wanted a man to hit Abby, I said I'm not sure I would feel bad if it did happen. And to be clear, I'm not talking about a man beating Abby up. Obviously that would be terrible. I'm talking about hitting her back once after she hits him unprovoked. 

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The reason why we don't want men to hit women is because in most cases the man is physically stronger than the woman and can do a lot more damage. But if a woman slaps a man and he slaps her back - and I'm talking about a slap not a blow - I don't feel the same way.  I want to be clear that I'm not talking about a slap that sends her staggering, I'm talking about a slap that stings a bit.  I think it's a stupid and childish way for adults to behave, but it's not abuse.  Abby can't go around slapping people.

I couldn't agree more with this. I don't like violence of any kind but I don't like the excuse of "men are stronger" as a blanket statement.  Chad isn't Mike Tyson, if Chad and Abigail both slapped one another I doubt there is a degree of pain between either slap. 


With that said just have Abby stop slapping people.

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I agree with you guys, in that I didn't and don't want Chad to slap Abby.  But she's testing people's patience.  She's testing my patience. So, whether she gets a return slap, an assault charge brought against her, or Jen actually realizes she's a parent and talks to her; I just want Abby to get it that she can't keep doing that to other people, especially when she just doesn't like what they have to say. And people aren't just going to take it, so if she does get slapped in return, I'm not going to be upset about it, because what does she expect? 


*I think what I'm picturing here (with Chad and Abby) is more like how, when I was little, I could be a bratty little sister, and I'd come up to my older brother and shove him.  Well he'd shove me right back.  Not push me to the ground and beat on me -- shove me.  I shoved him first.  This is how Abby is to me; a spoiled bratty child who hits people when she doesn't get her way. 


I don't understand why they are writing Abby this way, really.  I wish I knew what the writers are thinking with this character, because with Jack's dna running through her, she should be awesome. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Sami's got a bit of nerve comparing E.J.'s cheating on her to Marlena's cheating on Roman.  At least Marlena actually loved John and had an actual history with him.  E.J. had no feelings for Abigail whatsoever (though at least Sami acknowledged that).  In both cases, the cheating parties were still equally culpable and accountable.  But at least the former case was more understandable than the latter.


Almost a pity Will can't at least be bi.  I thought he and Zoe had some chemistry, unless I was the only one who thought that.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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So yeah, I'm a Paige fan, and I won't be afraid to admit it!:)


Sitting in solidarity, Donny K : ) You hit the nail on the head, too -- these two have a much more mature relationship than most of the adults on this show. I was surprised that they were able to get past this most recent incident so quickly. Oh yeah -- by talking and listening to each other.


Wait till Eve finds out. 


ETA: And no hitting whatsoever, no matter who you are or what someone's done to you. Well, maybe to escape an assault, but not when you're just pissed at the other person, for god's sake. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
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just want Abby to get it that she can't keep doing that to other people, especially when she just doesn't like what they have to say.


That is it in a nutshell--Abby didn't like hearing what Sami and/or Chad had to say about her truly awful behavior, so she struck them in the face.  She had zero cause to slap either of them or Eve--they weren't attacking her physically or going towards her to hit her--but she did it anyway and for that, the girl needs to be taught a lesson that you can't go around laying hands on other people because you don't like how they're talking to you.


The next time she does it--and there will be a next time--I hope the person has her charged with assault.  That will make the Hortons stand up and take notice.


Also, in today's episode, Abby specifically said that she likes being with Ben because he's uncomplicated.  What a ringing endorsement for a romance :):)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Alright, y'all, I jumped the gun. NuChad is growing on me. I think my snap judgment was a tad shallow--I don't like his mouth. Plus, Abby taints everyone. It is funny how so many think he resembles Blake Berris. In fact, Mr. Copshop walked in while he was onscreen the other day and said "Is that the Fallonator?"

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I think why Abby is discussed so much, is that, at least this is my reason, she's such an odd character.  She confuses me and I don't understand the writer' intentions or characterization of her.  KM is also confusing in her interpretation of Abby, 


And we've talked about it before, but she seems to lack not only self-awareness but empathy as well.  Which leads me to this:


Also, in today's episode, Abby specifically said that she likes being with Ben because he's uncomplicated.  What a ringing endorsement for a romance :):)


I'm not sure if she's implying that he's 'simple' in this actions or emotions (towards her), but this is where I really see Abby as having no sense of other people at all.  Ben/Ollie actually is complicated when you think about his life and how he's spent most of it running, with his (probably abused) sister, from an abusive father - who apparently is a drug trafficker - having to change identities and now that their father has found them, he has to deal with him harassing and threatening them (kidnap and theft charges).  It really doesn't seem like she understands at all what Ben's life was like before she met him, or even now.  She was certainly pushing for him to forgive or at least hear his father out, even though Ben had made it clear he didn't need or want to. 


But Ben doesn't seem to mind, so oh well! I guess he is uncomplicated. lol   

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I think other things are discussed besides Abigail, but for some reason no one cares when Daniel or Jennifer are being mocked. 


Roman's "What da hell" was funny, but, yikes, his plastic surgery ....it somehow looked worse to me today. 

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Also, in today's episode, Abby specifically said that she likes being with Ben because he's uncomplicated.  What a ringing endorsement for a romance :):)



I'm not sure if she's implying that he's 'simple' in this actions or emotions (towards her), but this is where I really see Abby as having no sense of other people at all.  Ben/Ollie actually is complicated when you think about his life and how he's spent most of it running, with his (probably abused) sister, from an abusive father - who apparently is a drug trafficker - having to change identities and now that their father has found them, he has to deal with him harassing and threatening them (kidnap and theft charges).  It really doesn't seem like she understands at all what Ben's life was like before she met him, or even now.  She was certainly pushing for him to forgive or at least hear his father out, even though Ben had made it clear he didn't need or want to. 


But Ben doesn't seem to mind, so oh well! I guess he is uncomplicated. lol   


Poor lil' Abigail gets her words confused, methinks.  She says Ben is "uncomplicated" when what she means is Ben is DUMB.  She always looked puzzled when she was with EJ, and when I think back, she did with Cameron also, some of the time.  Even though she graduated Summa Cum Laundry from Salem U., first in a class of 2 - the other graduate was an adorable collie named Pickles, the girl herself is an idiot.  She might had done better if she hadn't majored in Hair Buns with a minor in Face Slapping.  And she was a legacy student, so even less was asked of her.

So of course to OUR HEROINE, Ben would seem uncomplicated.  Especially since she NEVER listens to him, just sort of zones out until he stops talking and she can start droning on about herself again.  That's the only explanation for her not seeming to understand that Ollie thinks his dad is one really bad man.  But when Ollie says things like that, all Abigail hears is the distant drone of boredom.   She perks up, though, when he's telling her what a supercalfragilisticexpealadocious peachykeenorooney girl she is!


I bet she was really sweating it when Chad was talking, hoping he wasn't going to be using any of those "big" words she's heard her momma warn her about.

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That was so cool of them to defrost Roman so he could mumble some lines to Sami. I'm not clear why they did his hair as an homage to Bruno Gehard, though.


PS: I'm fine with anyone on the show slapping Abby. Men, women, children, plants, whatever it takes. 

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Then why is she having anything to do with him?  Wait, let's see ... is EJ the only married man on the show right now?


Holy crap... I think that's right. Brady was married for a hot minute but that was annulled. Oh wait! Sonny and Will are married as well.


That's so weird... to have only one married hetero guy on the show! (Distinctions are necessary.) Then again, how many of the women are married? Sami? Hope (and whatever that means now that she's made a decision about Bo she's still technically married, right?)

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Abby just sounds ridiculous but what else is new. We can see she doesn't like Grimace Sue talking positively about one her leftovers because Slappy wants him to be single just in case things with BOllie don't work out. Then again she might want it to happen so that if Grimace and Chad get together she can obsess over Chad and want him more than BOllie.


Another reason why Sonny needs to fire BOllie is because how he treats customers. When BOllie doesn't like a customer he's rather rude to them just like he was with Clyde, EJ, and now Chad. Now unless Sonny specifically told him to be rude to certain people BOllie needs to bottle it up and act professional. He's not the owner of the bar and glad Chad told him he's his boss. Now what is BOllie going to do?

Edited by ShadowSixx
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The bunny is mine, all mine.


The difference between Roman/Marlena/John and Sami/EJ was the WRITING.  Whatever else that is the number one thing that made all the difference.  A close second is the SL was about Roman/Marlena/John and their children, and this exit SL for Sami has not been about Sami.  Instead everyone in Salem has been telling Sami how horrible she is for being angry about being cheated on.


I thought maybe Chad would be the one to find a video of the boring twit begging to be EJ's mistress saying she didn't care about Sami or his children, and Chad would post it all over the internet.  However, I guess that will never happen.  EJ will get all the blame (and it is his fault, but it's the boring twit's fault to), and Sami will be the bad guy for telling the truth.  {face palm}


I still want to know how EJ could tell Will with a straight face that he always puts his family first.  Being angry about Will writing the article, and making a bad situation worse, I understand, but EJ stabbed Sami, Chad, and all of his children in the back so how the hell can he claim he always puts his family first?


Do Roman and Sami know that Kristen is blackmailing Eric with John's life?


I still think Kate/Sami are the best couple on the show, and I agree with Roman their portrait is awesome.

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Wasn't it a treat to get to listen in on the Gruesome Twosome, Abigail and Jenn, as they discussed the horrible Chad?  Once again Abigail says all the right things, just to the wrong person.  She told Jenn that she had been so self-righteous with Chad when she found out about his lie.  Just think what a difference it would make if she ever said these things to the people she betrays?  

Of course, Jenn denies her baby slug did anything wrong, as usual.  And I don't believe Abigail has any real regret.  She just says what she thinks bolsters her image when talking to Mommy or any of the other Horton elders.  If Abigail had really meant it, she wouldn't have pulled the "woe is me, Chad was HORRIBLE" when she was talking to Tammy Flue.  Lying little strumpet, as Phoebe Wallingford would have called her.


Did you all see Tammy show a sign of life, finally?  It wasn't much, but she actually raised her voice when demanding the Clyde tell why the Sasquatch from Outhouse Hollow was in town.  


I'm hoping that Show isn't faking us out, and that the scene with Lucas and Sneasel's editor is a forerunner of a storyline for Lucas.  And she might be interesting.


I don't know about Salem, but we're having a drought out here and the call is out for short showers.  Sonny and Sneasel definitely went over their water allotment.  Besides, Sonny should really keep Sneasel in his aquarium.  Otherwise the flies he feeds him will end up getting all over the apartment.


I liked Old NuRoman for the first time in ages, both in his conversation with Sami and especially in that short scene with Kate.  Any chance this might presage a Kate/Roman reunion?  (If Kate and Sami end up losing to Stefano, I WANT THAT PORTRAIT).


Oh, and Rafe was on today......pretty eyelashes.....that's all I got regarding him.  AND he wears basketball shorts very nicely.  I only hope he has velcro shoes because it would be stretching credulity to believe he can actually TIE his own shoes.


And Chad is impressing me pretty quickly.  The look on his face when Ben (loved him calling him 'Bennie') discovered Chad was his boss - priceless!

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PS: I'm fine with anyone on the show slapping Abby. Men, women, children, plants, whatever it takes. 


Considering all the time Abby spends in the park, I think the tree branches should be able to take a couple of swings as well :)


And Chad is impressing me pretty quickly.  The look on his face when Ben (loved him calling him 'Bennie') discovered Chad was his boss - priceless!



Oh yes, Ben is a presumptious little basterd isn't he?  Perfect for Abby's self-righteous routine and I really hope that Chad gives the two dimwits hell on a regular basis.  That would be rather fabulous :)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Roman and Kate were a snoozefest.  I actually liked Marlena when she was having fun with Roman.  Now she's dower with John again.  


Yes, but just think what fun it might be this time, just with him trying to keep his wig from falling off AND his teeth in his mouth during their sex scenes.


Good times, folks, good times.  Gotta take our laughs where we can get them.


And if this does come to pass, maybe Marlena and Jawn can go on a double date with Roman and Kate.  Between Jawn's gas and Roman's mumbling a laugh track will not be needed.

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Sami's got a bit of nerve comparing E.J.'s cheating on her to Marlena's cheating on Roman.  At least Marlena actually loved John and had an actual history with him.  E.J. had no feelings for Abigail whatsoever (though at least Sami acknowledged that).  In both cases, the cheating parties were still equally culpable and accountable.  But at least the former case was more understandable than the latter.




Rather than trying to compare the infidelities, I thought Sami was simply  trying to explain how sometimes you can find yourself, no matter how much you might try to resist, wanting someone even after they had cheated on you. A lot of people find themselves still in love with their cheating spouses, so I didn't think her point was off-the-wall in that regard. (I do think this "reunion" could have been written better though. The disjointedness in EJami's storyline is very odd). 


I think Marlena's situation was extremely unusual, and, truthfully,  I don't know if anybody else's infidelity on the planet could really compare to it.  Marlena's situation is probably the only situation I can think of where the two people who cheated did have really wacko but sympathetic circumstances working in their favor as far as getting people to understand how they could wind up doing that. 

Edited by bantering
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The problem with me is too much YouTube, and a decent memory. I remember Marlena leaving her husband on their wedding anniversary to go stop John from leaving Salem and having sex with him on the airplane. Then going home to her anniversary party and having sex with Roman. Same night, two guys. I'm all for cutting Mar slack on this one but that was pretty OTT. I also thought leaving out the fact that Mar had John's baby and that Roman thought Belle was his child was an important part of why they didn't get back together. Ok, that and the fact that Wayne Northup was leaving but stick with me here. How was Roman supposed to feel every time the eyebrow stopped by to see his love child? The same guy who'd literally stepped into his life for 4 years or so? Awkward doesn't quite cover it. 


The overall point that one can forgive a spouse for cheating and a show for plot point writing was valid. Ineptly written but valid. I eagerly await the scenes where Eric tells his mother that like her he has a bit of the devil in him. 

Edited by JaneDigby
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I remember Marlena leaving her husband on their wedding anniversary to go stop John from leaving Salem and having sex with him on the airplane. Then going home to her anniversary party and having sex with Roman. Same night, two guys. I'm all for cutting Mar slack on this one but that was pretty OTT.

Oh, I didn't know that.


I'm surprised they didn't write in a twins by two different men storyline for that. 

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Wayne Northrop was so good as Roman. They should never have replaced him let alone with Josh Taylor. That said, Taylor was great when he played Chris. Boy! That was a long time ago.

nuChad shows a lot promise. I will say I was expecting him to be tall like Casey. In fact, I think when the casting call went out they were only seeing guys with his height. I guess they couldn't find anyone & found Billy Flynn. I was just amazed they didn't make him shave his chest. He looked great & it looked like Kate was gonna jump his bones. Down, Kate!!

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Wayne Northrup had two stints as Roman* - one before his "death" and one after his return.  In between he played the chauffeur on Dynasty, but I digress.  He described the first acting experience as heaven and the second as hell.  I remember the interview as him saying he thought the story was stupid too and he left.  So we can't blame the show directly for replacing him with Josh Taylor, just indirectly for bad writing. 


*The third time he was on was as Alex North.  No idea why he agreed to that one.

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I called dibs on the bunny and the portrait first.


The circumstances with Roman/Marlena/John were unusual to say the least.  Roman died.  John came to Salem, and slowly recovered Roman’s memories which he believed were his, and then Marlena and everyone else believed John was Roman.  Then Marlena died, and returned from the dead.  Then real Roman was discovered to be alive.  They had to tell the children John wasn’t Roman that Roman was Roman.


Then they actually showed Roman/Marlena reconnecting, and John/Isabella moving forward.  Then Isabella died, etc.


When John/Marlena’s affair was revealed, not everyone reacting as strongly as Sami, but there was some anger about them hurting Roman.


There is a great scene where Marlena and Carrie are helping Sami get ready for a dance.  Roman is worried about the dress Sami is wearing being to revealing/low cut, and Marlena shows him a shawl she has for Sami to wear over it.  Lucas rings the doorbell, Sami goes running down the stairs without the shawl, and Marlena/Roman/Carrie go chasing after her.  It’s a nice family scene, but it also sets the stage for showing what is eventually lost in the years to come.


With Sami/EJ, the writers never bothered to show them reconnecting, and they also didn’t show why EJ would be so stupid as to risk losing everything he has claimed to want for years.  Then there is the fact that Sami/EJ didn’t have a foundation of years of happiness to fall back on as a reason to want to salvage their relationship.  Corday and the writers couldn’t be bothered with any details or layers for this SL.  Corday going on social media to bait and taunt the fans didn’t help the situation either.


They did the same thing with Sami/Rafe.  Sami told Rafe he made her feel bad about herself, and like she wasn’t good enough.  Rafe told her he had never realized she felt that way.  Then suddenly without dealing with anything  Sami/Rafe were back together until Chad interrupted Nick/Gabi’s first wedding.


I would have loved to see Sami/Kate/Chad scheming together that would have been fun.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I see your point, but I remember Roman's return a bit differently.  Marlena returned and she and John lived in the same house, but in separate rooms, because even though he was Roman then, he was seeing Isabella, and had moved on.  Then Roman returned and it was immediately decided that Marlena and original Roman belonged together and John belonged to Isabella, which was good because she was immediately pregnant.  Nobody did any reconnecting that I remember, and it felt forced.  It then felt forced that she then, all of a sudden, had feelings for John.  

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It was kind of comical seeing Chad playing keep away with Ben's money--Ben who is not only taller then Chad but also more muscular and with longer arms couldn't get his envelope of money away from a much shorter Chad?  I don't think so.


Abby is looking stranger by the day and did the show's hairstylist just give up on her?  Her hair hanging down does not look attractive--I'd rather see it in a bun then looking so stringy.  And who didn't love the self-satisfied look on her face at getting Rafe to run after Jordan and Clyde.  Quite the little matchmaker isn't she?  


I am having a hard time watching EJ and Sami being cute together while knowing that he is starting a drug trafficking business--there's being an amoral business man and then there's being a drug lord.  Not my kind of evil.

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