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First Looks: The Locked One

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Kim, nearly verbatim, threw out how Kathy has been a better sister to her over Kyle -- Brandi planted all that in her head just a couple episodes prior, and at the time Kim kinda hummed and hawed in quiet agreement. Now she's raking Kyle over the coals for not giving her the support that Kathy and even Brandi have.



Yes, what's so frustrating about Kyle is she could have more control if she could actually walk away. She's shown signs of getting that a little bit, but a big part of her obviously still doesn't really want to give up being the long-suffering sister who cares for Kim. I don't think that's completely about her ego--she does probably really love Kim and get upset seeing her go into yet another self-destructive spiral. And I can actually relate to somebody not wanting to give up the credit they've earned by dealing with this person so long. It's got to be frustrating knowing that you can support her for years and the minute you stop you can have anyone telling you you just don't care. Plus it seems like it has been drilled into her that to be a good sister she has to do this stuff.


But still, that's what she needs to do. As long as she's conflicted about not wanting to be left out of the family coddling of Kim it's going to be just this easy for Kim to press her buttons. She needs to just accept that people like Brandi are going to tell her she's a bad sister, that Kim's going to say Kathy's better. As long as she lets her own ego get involved in wanting to be seen as the good person or the one who cares the most Kim can just use that against her. She's making herself miserable. Granted, her family obviously also pressures her to feel this way, but she needs to stop needing to compete in the enabler Olympics entirely.

  • Love 8

Dealing with addicts, one thing I see over and over again, is they become the nastiest/meanest when they are actually temporarily not using, but desperately wanting their substance of choice.  In other words, their sobriety is unfortunately precarious at best.  While using, they often appear happy as clams.  And when they finally become more stable in their not-using, the nasty/mean/irritable personality traits begin to fade, as does their defensiveness and victimhood....

This is why I said earlier that I'm on the fence as to whether or not Kim is high at this particular dinner. Kim is always on pills, no question about that IMO, but I'm not sure if she's taken any extras. By extras I mean extra pills, drugs, and/or alcohol. 


OTOH when I think back to other times where Kim has been loaded she has a tendency to be so combative that it makes me think she was indeed under the influence. 


I have to think that Kim is weighing her options right now and wondering what will gain her the most sympathy. The fact that she's back to not writing her blog tells me that she knows she was out of line. Kim tends to go MIA when her behavior is indefensible. 

  • Love 8

Kathy has always been a force in Kyle's life and once Mauricio went off on his own there was a strain on the sisters' relationship. 


I agree about the marriage situation-I think both sisters are probably scratching their heads how 44 year old Mauricio, became such a powerhouse in the real estate world.  Rick Hilton for a number of years failed on his promise to make Mauricio a partner and it seems Mauricio seems to be able to grow a business beyond all even optimistic expectations.    

This struck a cord with me because the Ho's art is imitating my life and I didn't realize how in this respect until I just read that. 


How do we know that Mauricio leaving Hilton and Hyland was a strain?  My BIL left our family business and it was a huge relief to everyone.  For my husband and me, my parents, all the cousins, him and my sister.  He wasn't made a partner for a reason.  That said, he's gone off and done well in his new job (not Mauricio good dammit!) but my sister and I get along MUCH better and even our kids don't feel the underlying tension that was happening near the end.  There are no hard feelings at all and we all laugh now about why this didn't happen years ago.  Which is probably the case with Mauricio.  (Unless Rick Hilton and partners are now kicking themselves. LOL)


It's been speculated that Kathy and Kyle weren't/aren't particularly close and maybe Mo working for Rick was one of the reasons why. FWIW, my BIL wasn't made a partner NOT because he wasn't cutting the mustard.  There were other board members who had votes in the matter.  It was political. Which even my husband couldn't override.  That might've been the case at H & H, too.  I doubt Mauricio wasn't made a partner for lack of performance.  You don't get to where he is without being talented and driven.  He's one bad mofo in the real estate world.  That's the only thing we know for sure in this situation.

  • Love 5

I wish Kim were forced to watch footage of herself, under the influence, Clockwork Orange style -- Ability to close her eyes to it gone. 


She doesn't seem to get that it's not only fact that she's using that makes her colleagues uncomfortable.  It's that she turns into a vicious attack dog when she's high beyond a certain point.  I for one don't think she was without some kind of substance in her system at that table in Amsterdam either.  She's got the huge, black eyes of the benzoid freak going on.  Super aggressive with the low blows and the finger pointing.  And clueless in her assumption that the rest of the gang are all on her supposed side against Rinna.  


She'd been given ample opportunity to back down and accept the face-saving offers made to her by that point but, NO, much more fun to play the martyr and keep it raging.  


I'd bet that anyone one of us, if we had to deal with this kind of thing in a real-life work scenario, would have the HR staff jumping through hoops.  And if the offender and instigator, the Kim in all this, were to flip it into whatever was going on in our personal lives, it would be totally on. 


This isn't a happy, mellow, out of it user -- She turns into a thug and then expects, what?, everyone to pretend to not see that 1) she's clearly messed up and, 2) that she's hostile and hyper to an alarming degree.  Screw that -- your privacy issues go flying out the door, honey, when you take it to that next level. 


This kind of extreme personality change only gets worse with age too.  The longer she continues to use, the older she gets, the crazier it's going to become.  It's a progressive ailment.  Being fucked up at 20, 30 and 40 isn't the same as being cranked at 50 and 60. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 14

Forgot to add, we learn that Lisa R had a sister who died of an overdose. Wow. It gives an even better insight into Lisa's response to Kim in all this. My best friend had two sisters and two brothers. . One of her sisters died at 47 from a drug Overdose after a. Lifetime of drug use.Not one of the other 4 siblings has any type of addiction issues nor do any of their kids.

I know that there are going to be posters who are going to say that's even more of a reason why Lisa shouldn't drink at all. However, I believe that something doesn't have to be your 'destiny'. Many behaviors that are believed to be somewhat genetic doesn't always have to be negative. If you are aware of them and understand them, you can turn them into a positive. You can use 'addictive' traits into something positive just as easily as something negative. It's not easy to explain but I, myself, have done this as well as other people I have known.

Yes, what's so frustrating about Kyle is she could have more control if she could actually walk away. She's shown signs of getting that a little bit, but a big part of her obviously still doesn't really want to give up being the long-suffering sister who cares for Kim. I don't think that's completely about her ego--she does probably really love Kim and get upset seeing her go into yet another self-destructive spiral. And I can actually relate to somebody not wanting to give up the credit they've earned by dealing with this person so long. It's got to be frustrating knowing that you can support her for years and the minute you stop you can have anyone telling you you just don't care. Plus it seems like it has been drilled into her that to be a good sister she has to do this stuff.


But still, that's what she needs to do. As long as she's conflicted about not wanting to be left out of the family coddling of Kim it's going to be just this easy for Kim to press her buttons. She needs to just accept that people like Brandi are going to tell her she's a bad sister, that Kim's going to say Kathy's better. As long as she lets her own ego get involved in wanting to be seen as the good person or the one who cares the most Kim can just use that against her. She's making herself miserable. Granted, her family obviously also pressures her to feel this way, but she needs to stop needing to compete in the enabler Olympics entirely.

Very well said, SisterMagpie, but in order for Kyle to walk away and gain control she really needs to put distance between herself and Kim and therefore stop filming with her. I don't think Kyle would walk away from the show and we already know that there's no amount of shame in Kim that would possess her to give up this gig.

I think it will just be more of the same from one season to the next with these two foolish sisters.

I guess the fame and a few hundred thousand dollars is too enticing for either one to let go of.

  • Love 5

AnnA, I totally agree with most of your post, except for the part I bolded and italicized. The only way Kim would have allowed Kyle to stop the situation from further devolving is if Kyle enabled Kim.

I read your post about having a fight or flight instinct so I understand. Everyone has their own way of coping. However, in this situation I think that if Kyle had enabled Kim during that restaurant fiasco in Amsterdam, it would have fueled Kim's anger towards LisaR and made it worse. A while back I posted that I felt Kyle could have attempted to diffuse the situation by standing up and yelling "Enough!" I never considered Taylor to be the sharpest tool in the shed but after I posted that, someone pointed out that once upon a time Taylor did exactly that. Startling people (or someone)with such an outcry can be extremely effective. It disrupts their current train of thought and snaps them back to reality. It doesn't always work but it can. Then again, since this is Bravo's version of reality, I believe that whatever happens was pre-planned.

Can you image how boring this forum would be if we all had the same point of view?

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 12

Considering the fact that Lisar had just had to deal with Kim's obnoxious bullshit on the plane I think it's only understandable that Kim would come up in conversation.


Well, but here's where that differences in personalities in women comes to play again.  One woman might handle it like LisaR - "Hey good to see you guys. Kim Kim Kim Kim KIm.  And Kim Kim Kim."   She had just had a tussle with the Snake on a Plane and felt the need to share with the ones who weren't there.  Like, immediately. Before they had their ugly hats off.  Some women are built that way.


And then there's the woman who after a long flight and a tussle with a lunatic would greet her non-BSC friends with, "Hey good to see you guys.  I'm pooped.  Let's grab some tea and Hazelnut cake."  Non BSC friend after removing said ugly hat: "How was your flight?"  "Eventful but I'm here to have a good time.  Let's party.  Maybe I'll fill you in later."  Or maybe even, "Fuck that bitch. I don't want to talk about her because..Hazelnut cake."


But see, LisaR is that woman in the first scenario, which is cool I guess, but is she that way in real life, too?  Or did she just stir the pot in this sitch because she needs a storyline?

  • Love 7

I may be mistaken but wasn't Yolanda sitting on the floor of the G550 when Kim took Lisar to task over asking about Kim being mad at her?  So shouldn't some of the addiction talk blame be placed on Yolanda for bringing it up after Kim exploded on the plane?


I am sure Yolanda was appalled but her bringing up Bella's DUI was very strange topic for dinner conversation.  Maybe she should have brought it up during the sing along at the Fosters-Babyface could have come up with a little diddy.


                     Bella likes her wine

                     But not the $2000.oo fine


I am quite certain they could have had the entire Bella discussion in song. 

Yes Yolanda was sitting in the plane...she witnessed Kim saying she never wanted to discuss it...Lisar already apologized a few times also...with a firm response from Kim.  Not only that, Yolanda heard Lisar say she was never going to bring up addiction to Kim again.  Sounds sketchy to me now that you mention it ZM.  I can hear the song now and Lisar and Eileen could have been Yolanda's back up singers...or were they.  The plot sickens...hehehe!

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 5

Note to Kim: when you are able to make Brandi appear sane and rational you need more than a simple intervention. You are a vile sociopath. Go away.

At this point if Kim overdoses BRAVO is going to take serious heat. As a former child star she will be a sympathetic figure to people that do NOT watch this show. She needs to be fired pronto.

  • Love 11

Well, but here's where that differences in personalities in women comes to play again.  One woman might handle it like LisaR - "Hey good to see you guys. Kim Kim Kim Kim KIm.  And Kim Kim Kim."   She had just had a tussle with the Snake on a Plane and felt the need to share with the ones who weren't there.  Like, immediately. Before they had their ugly hats off.  Some women are built that way.


And then there's the woman who after a long flight and a tussle with a lunatic would greet her non-BSC friends with, "Hey good to see you guys.  I'm pooped.  Let's grab some tea and Hazelnut cake."  Non BSC friend after removing said ugly hat: "How was your flight?"  "Eventful but I'm here to have a good time.  Let's party.  Maybe I'll fill you in later."  Or maybe even, "Fuck that bitch. I don't want to talk about her because..Hazelnut cake."


But see, LisaR is that woman in the first scenario, which is cool I guess, but is she that way in real life, too?  Or did she just stir the pot in this sitch because she needs a storyline?

Mystery music playing on the piano...Lisar is a actress...she knows how to stir the pot and let it boil over. LoL!

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 4

Note to Kim: when you are able to make Brandi appear sane and rational you need more than a simple intervention. You are a vile sociopath. Go away.

At this point if Kim overdoses BRAVO is going to take serious heat. As a former child star she will be a sympathetic figure to people that do NOT watch this show. She needs to be fired pronto.

With Kyle still estranged from Kim since the reunion it makes me wonder how horrible the fighting got in between them and how the other cast members jumped in to support Kyle. This is not good for Kim's already fragile health.  I know she brought it upon herself...

  • Love 4

Kim claims to be sober. LisaR feels she is not. As long as LisaR feels Kim is an addict, then she should not have conversations with her, much like what occurred in this First Look. If I felt Kim is a thief, I would not leave my purse laying around. I would treat Kim like the thief I think she is, regardless if she told me otherwise, especially if I had already been a target of her behavior.

My opinion all along has been that Kim needs to be held responsible for her nasty behavior. I just feel the way Kim has been approached, only serves to anger the beast within. She is very defensive and feels she is being attacked.

I hated Kim pointing her raggedy finger in Eileen's face, I would love to grab Kim's finger and force it back in her face and poke her eyes real hard with it. Kim and Kyle do that finger-pointing shit. It makes me wonder if their mother pointed her finger at them while telling them both to shut up. Whatever, that shit is annoying and disrespectful.


I agree with this but I also don't see a way in which Kim would be held responsible for her actions without also angering the beast.  The only way to keep Kim acting pleasant is to do what Brandi did -- tell Kim that she is perfect and how much she does for everyone and how everyone depends on her and how no one understands her pain.  That's it.  That's the only thing that won't make Kim angry. There's no talking to her otherwise.  She will not be held responsible because she refuses.  Out and out refuses.  That's why I think it's such a waste for the HW to tiptoe around her addictions and nastiness.  Don't say anything -- she's nasty.  Say something -- she's nasty.  So stop giving a fuck and just tell the bitch how it's going to be. 


I appreciate Lisa for apologizing and trying to find common ground.  But Lisa make a huge miscalculation when she tried to speak to Kim like she's someone capable of reason.  I can understand though, because it's so tempting to want to "clear the air" and try to resolve animosity, even though you don't think the other person wants to hear it.  And what's worse is that people like Kim drive others to levels of insanity that in turn make Kim seem like the victim.  I hate that Lisa ended up becoming physical.  I hate it for Lisa's sake, not Kim's.  It's about time someone told Kim that she can't speak to people that way.  Kim is not going to get me to fall for her bullshit of victimhood and I ain't mad at Lisa. 


AnnA, I actually have a very strong "fight or flight" response when things get too intense for me, and yes embarrassingly enough, I do run away like that!  It's kind of like feeling flooded and needing to get away.  Fortunately, my friends and family don't think I look ridiculous because we all have our quirks/flaws; no one's perfect as they say! :-)


I think a lot of us do, and there's nothing wrong with that!  It's funny how Kyle can't ever do right. When she "fights" (Season 1 limo, double birding Kim at the gay mixer, etc) she's vilified.  When she runs, she's mocked.  What's a girl supposed to do?  lol 


JJBJJBH, while I do agree with some of what you've written, here's what I can't get past: I have a lot of history with addicts (including dual diagnosis addicts) and not one of them minded talking about it when they were truly ready to change, or had changed.  To me, it's a huge red flag that Kim not only won't discuss it, but becomes enraged and spiteful when asked about it.  This almost always means: "I'm not open to being helped.  I've already gotten enough help.  I'm perfectly fine the way I am, and don't need anymore help."

If Kim were actually completely clean and healthy, she would absolutely be capable of having civil discussions about her addiction (either past, possible present, or potential future) without anger and vindictiveness.  Now I'm not saying Kim wasn't sober at the Amsterdam restaurant in the First Look scene, because it was the most clear-headed (albeit despicable) I've ever seen her.  But her behavior proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that she's not getting ongoing help with her mental illness and/or substance abuse.  If she were, she'd say, "Lisar, thanks for your concern but I'm fine.  I apologize to you for my behavior in the limo, and I'd appreciate it if you'd take my word that I'm doing well and stop bringing this up."  At which point I'd have to side-eye Lisar if she didn't stop (though I do think she would).


I love this post.  It's so true from my experience.  People who are sober and in recovery generally do not mind speaking about their addictions or recovery status, if someone politely asks.  Also being concerned about them doesn't usually result in belligerence and threats.  Kim doesn't want to be confronted or asked because she's not in recovery.  She's lying to herself and she doesn't want to have to think about it.   Also I've never heard of anyone in recovery stating that it's not a relapse unless they feel like calling it a relapse.  That's not just a red flag -- that's "I'm using again" being spelled out in Morris Code. 


I think it's Kim's fault that her addictions are being talked about this season and Kim's fault alone.


Exactly.  I'm blown away at how many times Kyle and now Lisa R are getting the blame for this.  If Kim wasn't putting her life on TV, then her addictions wouldn't be talked about.  If Kim weren't USING while putting her life on camera, then her addictions wouldn't be talked about.  Kim has done this to herself. 


And I've said this before, but if I bitch is going to act crazy around me, esp. more than once, you bet I'm going to talk about it all I want.  "Can you believe what this crazy bitch has done now?", I'd say.  Kim tries to control everything and everyone in her life but that's not how it works.  She can't stop people from sharing the experiences they have with her and she isn't owed anything by these HW or by the world.  That's Narcissism at its best, right there.


Dealing with addicts, one thing I see over and over again, is they become the nastiest/meanest when they are actually temporarily not using, but desperately wanting their substance of choice.  In other words, their sobriety is unfortunately precarious at best.  While using, they often appear happy as clams.  And when they finally become more stable in their not-using, the nasty/mean/irritable personality traits begin to fade, as does their defensiveness and victimhood....


Yep, you're so right about that.  I said in the episode thread that Kim is a mean sober.  She's no longer avoiding her demons by drinking/drugging so she's filled to the brim with self-loathing which she turns outward and accosts other people with it.  She refuses to self-reflect and deal with it by taking responsibility.  Lashing out at others has the same effect as drugging to her fragile ego.    

  • Love 20


Kim is claiming that Lisar is lying about her when there isn't anything to indicate that Lisa is lying and everything to indicate that Kim is the one who is lying about her issues as usual.


Yes Absolutely. All this talk of Kim fighting back and so forth is hilarious to me. Again what is she fighting back about? What lies has Lisa R told about Kim? Kim was acting unstable in the limo is not a lie. Kim not being sober is not a lie. Kim possibly needing help is not a lie.


Naturally all she wants is people to enable her. But guess what? That would be a lie.



So shouldn't some of the addiction talk blame be placed on Yolanda for bringing it up after Kim exploded on the plane?


True. Kim should be mad at Yo too for bringing up the topic. Instead she screams at the person apologizing.


Kim cannot see or hear anything beyond herself. She is an addict and I get that on one level. But on the other hand, she is allegedly human. One would think as such she might hear Lisa R's story about her sister and feel something. If I showed up to a party and acted like Kim did at the poker party, I would be apologizing. Not Kim. Nope she thinks Lisa R's story is all about lies being told about her. She thinks she didn't do a gosh darn thing wrong at Eileen's,


The bottom line is, Kim wanted a fight and she got one. She isn't clever enough to defeat the likes of Eileen and so she had to go low brow with Lisa R. Does she actually know anything about HH? I doubt it. It's probably something from one of those lame gossip rags that Brandi uses to research her 'facts.'


I think Lisa R was angry about Kim mentioning HH, but I don't think she was actually raging for real like that clip shows. I think the raging stuff was an act. I also don't think that was a real glass. Or if it was, she made sure to shatter it out range of the others at the table.

  • Love 7

Kim told them to drop it.


They were obviously not dropping it.  So she decided to fight back (with WORDS) and make someone else uncomfortable for a while.


Lipsa was the one who got physical.  She could have seriously hurt someone.  How is that OK?  I mean, even if a 3 year old threw that kind of tantrum, provoked or not, what happened to "use your words?"


The only thing that would make me EVER stoop to getting violently physical with someone is if my life, or someone else's life or bodily harm was on the line.  Other than that?  I grew up a hell of a long time before I hit 51 years old.  Perhaps it's time for Lipsa to grow the fuck up.  Were she someone's child?  She'd be grounded.  There is no excuse for a grown woman to behave that way.

That's true, Umbelina, but consider this, LisaR is from Medford <gasp>. What do you expect?

  • Love 6

With Kyle still estranged from Kim since the reunion it makes me wonder how horrible the fighting got in between them and how the other cast members jumped in to support Kyle. This is not good for Kim's already fragile health.  I know she brought it upon herself...

The dog bite really hurt their already fragile relationship, especially since Kim decided to blame the victim, Alexia, for getting bit in the first place. Then add on that she still kept that dog at home with her and only sent him to a trainer, 3 in fact, after KR filed a lawsuit. Last word has it that Kim is still planning to bring Kingsley home and has him at a trainer under a different name so his bite history will not follow him and cause him to be put down.

  • Love 5

I wish Kim were forced to watch footage of herself, under the influence, Clockwork Orange style -- Ability to close her eyes to it gone. 


She doesn't seem to get that it's not only fact that she's using that makes her colleagues uncomfortable.  It's that she turns into a vicious attack dog when she's high beyond a certain point.  I for one don't think she was without some kind of substance in her system at that table in Amsterdam either.  She's got the huge, black eyes of the benzoid freak going on.  Super aggressive with the low blows and the finger pointing.  And clueless in her assumption that the rest of the gang are all on her supposed side against Rinna.  


She'd been given ample opportunity to back down and accept the face-saving offers made to her by that point but, NO, much more fun to play the martyr and keep it raging.  


I'd bet that anyone one of us, if we had to deal with this kind of thing in a real-life work scenario, would have the HR staff jumping through hoops.  And if the offender and instigator, the Kim in all this, were to flip it into whatever was going on in our personal lives, it would be totally on. 


This isn't even a happy, mellow, out of it user -- She's turns into a thug and then expects, what?, everyone to pretend to see that 1) she's clearly messed up and, 2) that she's hostile and hyper to an alarming degree.  Screw that -- your privacy issues go flying out the door, honey, when you take it to that next level. 


This kind of extreme personality change only gets worse with age too.  The longer she continues to use, the older she gets, the crazier it's going to become.  It's a progressive ailment.  Being fucked up at 20, 30 and 40 isn't the same as being cranked at 50 and 60. 


Oh, Copa, I just love you for this post and for making an A Clockwork Orange reference.   And also for using the word "cranked".   



You make a good point about age and personality.  Let's face it, this is probably going to be Kim for the rest of her days.  She's not getting any of the gray matter that leaked out of her ears, back.  Unless she becomes medicated to the point of being docile, I think she'll only get more bitter and mean.

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 9

This struck a cord with me because the Ho's art is imitating my life and I didn't realize how in this respect until I just read that. 


How do we know that Mauricio leaving Hilton and Hyland was a strain?  My BIL left our family business and it was a huge relief to everyone.  For my husband and me, my parents, all the cousins, him and my sister.  He wasn't made a partner for a reason.  That said, he's gone off and done well in his new job (not Mauricio good dammit!) but my sister and I get along MUCH better and even our kids don't feel the underlying tension that was happening near the end.  There are no hard feelings at all and we all laugh now about why this didn't happen years ago.  Which is probably the case with Mauricio.  (Unless Rick Hilton and partners are now kicking themselves. LOL)


It's been speculated that Kathy and Kyle weren't/aren't particularly close and maybe Mo working for Rick was one of the reasons why. FWIW, my BIL wasn't made a partner NOT because he wasn't cutting the mustard.  There were other board members who had votes in the matter.  It was political. Which even my husband couldn't override.  That might've been the case at H & H, too.  I doubt Mauricio wasn't made a partner for lack of performance.  You don't get to where he is without being talented and driven.  He's one bad mofo in the real estate world.  That's the only thing we know for sure in this situation.

Sorry about your family business troubles.  I can see that perhaps the other name partners or the Board of Directors did not want to split the pie up.  There is a scene in the lost footage of Season 2 and Mauricio is telling Kyle in Hawaii that he is going out on his own and Kyle has a look on her face and says something like. . .Rick won't be upset it, is just business, will he?  Mauricio had a sub agency in H&H and he and his father, uncle and couple more people worked in the sub agency.  Long time promises weren't kept and Mauricio did what he had to do to best provide for his family.


During the second season of Million Dollar Listing Josh Altman is at Mauricio and Kyle's old home getting advice from Mauricio when Mauricio was still at H&H.  Then it became that Heather, Josh's girlfriend was working for the major competitor (Mauricio) and she left shortly after.  So by mere mention that Mauricio is now a major competitor I believe there is a big rub.  RHOBH has not been good for H&H as shortly after Marissa Zanuck appeared she left and went with one of the east coast agents firms from MDL. 


So now to make this relevant, we have twice heard Kathy Hilton's name come up and both times Kim was angry at Kyle.  The first was something Brandi said in a extra reel, and now just a flat out Kathy is the better sister.  I do think Kathy was good to Kim over the wedding and she has always remained friendly with Monty.  As someone with two sibs I would never want it on film that I was saying one sib was more supportive of me than the other.   I do think Kyle's flight sense kicked in when Kim threw out Kathy's name.  She knew that would not be the thing to fight over and Kim was on a roll.  I am not saying the Hiltons and the Umanskys don't have a relationship-I saw pictures of Kathy at Alexia's bed side after the dog bite-none of Kim.  I hate to say it but after watching Kim and her girl crush on Brandi, I could see Kim "siding" with the Hiltons over Mauricio jumping ship. 


What is interesting is at Halloween (this episode occurred in early October) Kim and Kyle were Instagraming photos about Halloween together.  I think it was a day or so later Kingsley bit Alexia.  So the sisters must have been able to bury their differences in real life-it might have cost Kyle her friendships with the Lisas and Eileen but I do hope they ended things on a better note.  Then came Kingsley. 

  • Love 5

Im curious to what you all think, Im looking at this picture again and seems to Kim is quite "awakened."  Even on the bike ride with the group she's very refreshed - hair combed and makeup done up.  I wonder was her whole rip on Lisa R/Kyle/Eileen due to an angry drug withdrawal.  Now Im not saying "Yes to drugs" here but Im thinking maybe Kim is more lively and bounces off the walls best on drugs.  But the minute she doesnt have her pills, shes the Kim no one wants to be around: mean, unflittered, disrespectful, provoking, and hits below the belt.  I remember how creepy Kim was when I first saw her high off pills in the Paris episodes a few seasons back, she looked happy until when Lisa V questioned if she was on a sleeping pill.  I dunno, it hit me just now. 

  • Love 5

So now to make this relevant, we have twice heard Kathy Hilton's name come up and both times Kim was angry at Kyle.  The first was something Brandi said in a extra reel, and now just a flat out Kathy is the better sister.  I do think Kathy was good to Kim over the wedding and she has always remained friendly with Monty.  As someone with two sibs I would never want it on film that I was saying one sib was more supportive of me than the other.   I do think Kyle's flight sense kicked in when Kim threw out Kathy's name.  She knew that would not be the thing to fight over and Kim was on a roll.  I am not saying the Hiltons and the Umanskys don't have a relationship-I saw pictures of Kathy at Alexia's bed side after the dog bite-none of Kim.  I hate to say it but after watching Kim and her girl crush on Brandi, I could see Kim "siding" with the Hiltons over Mauricio jumping ship. 


If feels like the Richards/Hiltons are the type of family that has that love/hate kind of loyalty where they show up when shit hits the fan, but spend much of the rest of the time either avoiding each other or sniping at each other.  Kyle's tendency to flee or hide seems more understandable to me when you look at who she's trying to escape.  Kim can be quite verbally abusive and if all of the stories are true, they were a family that physically fought each other, too.  Even with Kim's threats to Lisa about HH and her insult's to Eileen's face, what really stood out to me and disturbed me was Kim's animated reenactment of Kyle hiding behind her blankets on the plane.  That was straight up cruel, imo, and then she upped the ante by talking about Kathy being the better sister.  It's been discussed that Kim is rarely seen acting as Kyle's big sister, but I think she is and always has, just not the supportive kind of big sister.  She's the big sister that likes to push her baby sister down and take her toys.  I kind of wonder if Kyle looked up to Kim (and to Kathy) growing up and now that Kyle has the better life and doesn't hold that same kind of admiration and idolatry for Kim, her bitterness just goes into overdrive.  With just a few words, Kim is able to knock Kyle right back down into childhood again with the same kind of crying, whining, hiding and fleeing behaviors. 


Maybe this show will serve as an intervention for Kyle, rather than for Kim, which actually might prove to be more successful and worth the effort. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 11

I remember years ago reading about Brooke getting a DUI and then I remembered how harshly she was treated in the press http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2007/07/brooke-ashley-brinson-cousin-of-paris-hilton-in-dui-bust/


Maybe Kim was afraid as the only other mother of a kid with a DUI eyes would be turned to her?  I still maintain it was a fairly tasteless dinner conversation.  At this point there has to something to take Kim from "I love my life", to what we saw in the First Look. (sigh, I am grasping at straws.)

  • Love 3

If feels like the Richards/Hiltons are the type of family that has that love/hate kind of loyalty where they show up when shit hits the fan, but spend much of the rest of the time either avoiding each other or sniping at each other.  Kyle's tendency to flee or hide seems more understandable to me when you look at who she's trying to escape.  Kim can be quite verbally abusive and if all of the stories are true, they were a family that physically fought each other, too.  Even with Kim's threats to Lisa about HH and her insult's to Eileen's face, what really stood out to me and disturbed me was Kim's animated reenactment of Kyle hiding behind her blankets on the plane.  That was straight up cruel, imo, and then she upped the ante by talking about Kathy being the better sister.  It's been discussed that Kim is rarely seen acting as Kyle's big sister, but I think she is and always has, just not the supportive kind of big sister.  She's the big sister that likes to push her baby sister down and take her toys.  I kind of wonder if Kyle looked up to Kim (and to Kathy) growing up and now that Kyle has the better life and doesn't hold that same kind of admiration and idolatry for Kim, her bitterness just goes into overdrive.  With just a few words, Kim is able to knock Kyle right back down into childhood again with the same kind of crying, whining, hiding and fleeing behaviors. 


Maybe this show will serve as an intervention for Kyle, rather than for Kim, which actually might prove to be more successful and worth the effort. 


Yes to all of this.  Especially yr last sentence.  At this point, from what we've seen, I don't think Kim is capable of, or interested in, real change.  Holding out some hope for Kyle.  Thank you for reminding me about the mean-spirited imitation of Kyle on the airplane too.  That was so nasty that I think I blocked it out. 

Kim could be on some low dose upper, Adderal perhaps, and goes bike riding. She is athletic, and quite good at it, whereas Kyle is not and pretty much sucks at every sport-related attempt on the show. I imagine the sunshine, fresh air, and physical exercise is extremely theraputic for Kim and she responds positively to it.


I do still remember Kyle accompanying Mauricio on that bike marathon thingie years ago.  She completed it,  I think, and then they both basically passed out on the hotel room floor.  For big sis -- Sunshine, fresh air, physical exercise, the endorphins that get released after a good old she-fight with her castmates (since she's got no one to shag her) -- and a hit or two of whatever puppy uppers she downed before the dinner table scene.  Life is good and she loves everyone!  And windmills.

  • Love 8

Kim could be on some low dose upper, Adderal perhaps, and goes bike riding. She is athletic, and quite good at it, whereas Kyle is not and pretty much sucks at every sport-related attempt on the show. I imagine the sunshine, fresh air, and physical exercise is extremely theraputic for Kim and she responds positively to it.

Hey what about Kim's bad knees, hernias, ruptured disc, hemorrhoids, deviated septum, and varicocele?  I would like to see some more footage of Kyle playing golf in her 4" inch wedge athletic shoes. 

  • Love 10

I wonder why Kim has zero friends (Brandi doesn't count in my book). Could it be because substance abusers isolate? Or because she's a selfish, difficult person? Or E). All of the above?

Kyle may not be my cup of tea, but she certainly has many friends; just one more reason for Kim to hate her...

That's because Kyle is people person and does better in social situations. Kyle strikes me as the black sheep of the three sisters. So maybe growing up she probably treated her friends more like family at some point. Kim always had Big Kathy and Little Kathy and she never had to apologize for anything or take accountablity. I have also realized when The Richards/Hiltons finds themselves in some media controversy Kyle acts as the Jermaine Jackson aka spokesperson in defense of them. I dont know if she promoted herself to this position or it was asked of her. She seems to handle the media well even.

At this point if Kim overdoses BRAVO is going to take serious heat. As a former child star she will be a sympathetic figure to people that do NOT watch this show. She needs to be fired pronto.

I hope youre right! Because still to this day some still want to blame Taylor for Russell's suicide. Which I find sad because IMO he had demons he couldn't handle and control. Some who strongly hate Kyle with a passion will find some sad way to blame Kyle if Kim had an overdose or if she ended up harming someone else. That's why Bravo needs to go ahead and cut bait with Kim to prevent another Russell tragedy. But notice Bravo they might want something bad to happen so they can do what they do best and get ratings!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

Yes to all of this.  Especially yr last sentence.  At this point, from what we've seen, I don't think Kim is capable of, or interested in, real change.  Holding out some hope for Kyle.  Thank you for reminding me about the mean-spirited imitation of Kyle on the airplane too.  That was so nasty that I think I blocked it out. 


I do still remember Kyle accompanying Mauricio on that bike marathon thingie years ago.  She completed it,  I think, and then they both basically passed out on the hotel room floor.  For big sis -- Sunshine, fresh air, physical exercise, the endorphins that get released after a good old she-fight with her castmates (since she's got no one to shag her) -- and a hit or two of whatever puppy uppers she downed before the dinner table scene.  Life is good and she loves everyone!  And windmills.


Turtles and windmills and uppers, oh my!


Just inhale the poppies and don't pay any attention of the addict behind the curtain.

  • Love 10

I do still remember Kyle accompanying Mauricio on that bike marathon thingie years ago. She completed it, I think, and then they both basically passed out on the hotel room floor. For big sis -- Sunshine, fresh air, physical exercise, the endorphins that get released after a good old she-fight with her castmates (since she's got no one to shag her) -- and a hit or two of whatever puppy uppers she downed before the dinner table scene. Life is good and she loves everyone! And windmills.

Excellent recall, copa, I'd forgotten that. :)

And to the rest of your post, maybe!?!!

But don't take my praise or suggestion that a little athleticism & sunshine makes any sense where Kim Richards is concerned.

But yes to turtles, windmills & puppy uppers. ;)

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 3

Im curious to what you all think, Im looking at this picture again and seems to Kim is quite "awakened."  Even on the bike ride with the group she's very refreshed - hair combed and makeup done up.  I wonder was her whole rip on Lisa R/Kyle/Eileen due to an angry drug withdrawal.  Now Im not saying "Yes to drugs" here but Im thinking maybe Kim is more lively and bounces off the walls best on drugs.  But the minute she doesnt have her pills, shes the Kim no one wants to be around: mean, unflittered, disrespectful, provoking, and hits below the belt.  I remember how creepy Kim was when I first saw her high off pills in the Paris episodes a few seasons back, she looked happy until when Lisa V questioned if she was on a sleeping pill.  I dunno, it hit me just now. 

She was high in Paris, she claimed she brought pills she had "bad reaction" to before, sound familiar, and took them during the entire Paris trip.


If feels like the Richards/Hiltons are the type of family that has that love/hate kind of loyalty where they show up when shit hits the fan, but spend much of the rest of the time either avoiding each other or sniping at each other.  Kyle's tendency to flee or hide seems more understandable to me when you look at who she's trying to escape.  Kim can be quite verbally abusive and if all of the stories are true, they were a family that physically fought each other, too.  Even with Kim's threats to Lisa about HH and her insult's to Eileen's face, what really stood out to me and disturbed me was Kim's animated reenactment of Kyle hiding behind her blankets on the plane.  That was straight up cruel, imo, and then she upped the ante by talking about Kathy being the better sister.  It's been discussed that Kim is rarely seen acting as Kyle's big sister, but I think she is and always has, just not the supportive kind of big sister.  She's the big sister that likes to push her baby sister down and take her toys.  I kind of wonder if Kyle looked up to Kim (and to Kathy) growing up and now that Kyle has the better life and doesn't hold that same kind of admiration and idolatry for Kim, her bitterness just goes into overdrive.  With just a few words, Kim is able to knock Kyle right back down into childhood again with the same kind of crying, whining, hiding and fleeing behaviors. 


Maybe this show will serve as an intervention for Kyle, rather than for Kim, which actually might prove to be more successful and worth the effort. 

IMO, just mine, I get the feeling that Kyle is desperate to gain Kim's love and has always been that way. I don't think she feels or knows if Kim really loves her and tries to prove it time and time again and gets hurt because Kim rejects her at the drop of a pin. Kim does the "your never there for me" then switches to "you are smothering me" routine and Kyle can not get her footing. Kim is playing the same game on Kyle that their mother played on all 3 sisters. Kim enjoys being cruel to Kyle, she gets off on it.  JMO

  • Love 10

Wish I knew how to link to offer up Gilda and Lorraine doing the classic puppy uppers and doggie downers skit.  Even though it's off topic.  Very HWs -- and two real, beautiful dogs as supporting cast members. 


Am taking myself off for the habitual gone too far on HWs spanking I administer myself.  Honestly, I'm glad I'm dealing with all this over the weekend instead of having to process it on Tuesday night.  So glad for the advance warning.


In the end, for me, the matter or sisterhood becomes incidental if the levels of stress, insult, and craziness reach this point in a sister relationship.  We're really all just people -- if something just isn't working, can't ever really work in this sort of family relationship it's more than okay to kiss it goodbye and feel clear about having done one's best.  Whatever Kim expects of people on a constant basis comes at too high a price for them.  She's like a bottomless hole, really.  How do you ever hit bottom under those circumstances?  Kyle can be super annoying, but I'm hoping and praying she just really really lets it go. 


Rinna shouldn't have lost it to the extent that she did, but I know of plenty of women who would have flat out just decked her then and there.  I'd like to think I wouldn't have been one of them -- not typically my style -- but you never really know.   Hope Rinna apologizes profusely and I expect she will. 

  • Love 7

Wish I knew how to link to offer up Gilda and Lorraine doing the classic puppy uppers and doggie downers skit.  Even though it's off topic.  Very HWs -- and two real, beautiful dogs as supporting cast members. 


Am taking myself off for the habitual gone too far on HWs spanking I administer myself.  Honestly, I'm glad I'm dealing with all this over the weekend instead of having to process it on Tuesday night.  So glad for the advance warning.


In the end, for me, the matter or sisterhood becomes incidental if the levels of stress, insult, and craziness reach this point in a sister relationship.  We're really all just people -- if something just isn't working, can't ever really work in this sort of family relationship it's more than okay to kiss it goodbye and feel clear about having done one's best.  Whatever Kim expects of people on a constant basis comes at too high a price for them.  She's like a bottomless hole, really.  How do you ever hit bottom under those circumstances?  Kyle can be super annoying, but I'm hoping and praying she just really really lets it go. 


Rinna shouldn't have lost it to the extent that she did, but I know of plenty of women who would have flat out just decked her then and there.  I'd like to think I wouldn't have been one of them -- not typically my style -- but you never really know.   Hope Rinna apologizes profusely and I expect she will. 

Gilda and Lorraine?  I loved that skit.....so freaking long ago when SNL was so funny. Of course we only had 5 channels to chose from.

  • Love 5

Wish I knew how to link to offer up Gilda and Lorraine doing the classic puppy uppers and doggie downers skit.  Even though it's off topic.  Very HWs -- and two real, beautiful dogs as supporting cast members. 


Am taking myself off for the habitual gone too far on HWs spanking I administer myself.  Honestly, I'm glad I'm dealing with all this over the weekend instead of having to process it on Tuesday night.  So glad for the advance warning.


In the end, for me, the matter or sisterhood becomes incidental if the levels of stress, insult, and craziness reach this point in a sister relationship.  We're really all just people -- if something just isn't working, can't ever really work in this sort of family relationship it's more than okay to kiss it goodbye and feel clear about having done one's best.  Whatever Kim expects of people on a constant basis comes at too high a price for them.  She's like a bottomless hole, really.  How do you ever hit bottom under those circumstances?  Kyle can be super annoying, but I'm hoping and praying she just really really lets it go. 


Rinna shouldn't have lost it to the extent that she did, but I know of plenty of women who would have flat out just decked her then and there.  I'd like to think I wouldn't have been one of them -- not typically my style -- but you never really know.   Hope Rinna apologizes profusely and I expect she will. 

I agree that no matter what has happened or what Kyle wants at this point it is time for her to walk away from Kim, she will never have a true "sister" relationship with Kim because Kim is incapable of any normal relationship with anyone including Kyle.


Lisa R has to be very careful, it was apologizing that got Kim so worked up to begin with! LOL She now finds herself in a catch 22 situation IMO.

  • Love 5

I think when Kim told the table of women that she had been sober for 3 years she meant she has not been drinking.  She made a point twice of saying that she does not take drugs "that she is not supposed to" or abuse perscription drugs.  She also admitted to taking a pill before Eileen's poker party, so she admitted to that lapse but I do think she takes perscription drugs for anxiety and other psychological issues.  She doesn't seem to deny this.  Giving up drinking probably was difficult for her and I applaud her for it.


Lisar needs to get it through her thick hair extensions that Kim does not want to be her friend or be clucked over by her.  Funny how Lisav managed to get that message the first time Kim reacted badly to her butting in.  When Lisar turned her big kohl ringed eyes on Kim at the table and started expressing her "concern" for Kim based on what has happened in her Lisar's life I thought, wow woman do you not remeber what JUST happened on the plane when you tried this topic with Kim?  Was Kim too subtle for you?  Because Kim put Lisa on blast for the whole plane to see, to the point where poor delicate Kyle was shocked and horrified!


Which brings me to Kyle's pearl clutching which I'm not buying any more than Kim is.  Sorry Kyle but I've seen every BH HW show and you are no stranger to delivering the smackdown.  You're the queen bee of bitchy so watching Kim take Lisa down a notch is not going to be cause for blinking an eyelash, again just based on past history.  IMO Kyle is putting on the horrified act to protect her family and by her family I mean Mauricio's business.   In other words, Lisav was right.

Edited by zulualpha
  • Love 5

Rinna shouldn't have lost it to the extent that she did, but I know of plenty of women who would have flat out just decked her then and there. I'd like to think I wouldn't have been one of them -- not typically my style -- but you never really know. Hope Rinna apologizes profusely and I expect she will.

Maybe since Lisa couldn't get the throat she had to release her anger someway. Kim was all in Lipsa's face until the choke gesture. Kim also was provoking Eileen with the finger. Most would had brought her hand down or slapped it. See I think when Kim gets in these moments on and off cameras she does it where Kyle is present to Kyle's friends! She thinks because she has her sister no one will ever touch. But she keep on someone will black out and forget they are Kyle's friend one day smack her a good one. Lipsa was only issuing her a warning in this. Lipsa is a spicy little Italian a la Teresa Guidice. Dont keep poking the bull Kim.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

I'm not sure where people are getting that Kyle ran out of there surely because whatever Kim heard about Harry had to have come from Kyle?

There have been rumors about Harry for years but no one has ever had the tacky gall or cruelty to bring it up to his wife. Many Hollywood relationships have open secrets, some of them painful. And you leave it alone. Kim brought it up specifically to hurt Lisa because she is embarrassed and enraged that people have her number.

I don't think anything Kim had to say about Harry would have shocked anyone at the table. Kim's intent was to humiliate Lisa on a public platform at the expense of her family- point period blank. It's her way of getting back at her, because in her alcohol and drug addled mind, we the audience have no brain and can't see that something's wrong with her. It's only because of Lisa's rumor-mongering that she's starting to get her addict reputation back, don't you know.

She has taken a page directly from the "How to Humiliate Someone" directly for her BF's, Brandi's, book! She is doing to Lisa R exactly what Brandi did to Adrienne except that Lisa was present and Adrienne was not, of course it was Kim that filled Adrienne in at a business party of Mauricios.

  • Love 1


Which brings me to Kyle's pearl clutching which I'm not buying any more than Kim is.  Sorry Kyle but I've seen every BH HW show and you are no stranger to delivering the smackdown.  You're the queen bee of bitchy so watching Kim take Lisa down a notch is not going to be cause for blinking an eyelash, again just based on past history.  IMO Kyle is putting on the horrified act to protect her family and by her family I mean Mauricio's business.   In other words, Lisav was right.


Yes!  Yes!  Yes!


I am certain that in addition to her famewhoreness, Kyle's behavior on RHOBH has a lot to do with Mauricio's business.

  • Love 3

From the First Look clips that I saw, Lisar was talking about her sister overdosing and looking at kim, bringing up the fact(again) that she was only trying to help Kim. Why not just say her piece about her sister and hush up? Why AGAIN bring it up vis a vis Kim? Especially since they had already had a discussion about her meddling on the plane en route to Amsterdam? 

Lisar is/was looking for camera time/prominence. Lisar, there are other ways to do it besides talking about Kim's addiction.

As for Kim's "attacking" others........  I fail to understand why everyone takes Kim so seriously. Whether she is sober or not on any given day, realize this is a sick person and don't  take their words to heart. Just like you would ignore a child.  Liken her words to the gibberish of a lunatic!

The woman is rarely lucid; what's the point in giving her words any weight? Kyle is in a different situation being her family. But Lisar, Eileen et al should just deal with her as minimally as possible. Aren't they supposed to be the sane ones?  Why engage Kim at all? Say Hi, hello, how are you, perfunctory talk, keep interaction to a minimum, go home. 

Hopefully, the upcoming episode will make Lisar back off. Funny how she didn't like the taste of her own medicine. Again, hypocrite.

I agree to a certain extent.  It took Lisa V a few seasons to figure Kim out and I believe Lisar and Eileen have now learned but were naive in trying to help.  Regarding Lisa R., Kim had just told her on the plane to stop talking about her.  They were still in Amsterdam, so this could have been the same day or the next day.  Lisa wasn't talking about Kim, she was talking about her herself and her 21 year old sister that died of drug and alcohol abuse in trying to enlighten them all and Kim specifically on why she was concerned and then she once again apologized to Kim for "getting in her business".  Kim could have easily just said, "I'm sorry to hear about your sister and thank you for your concern, but I'm fine and if I need your help, I'll ask for it." and left it at that.  That Lisar in some way deserves "a taste of her own medicine" (and that being secrets or rumors about her husband!) is just ridiculous.  LisaR didn't "out" any "secrets" about Kim; her addiction problems are well known. 

  • Love 13

Well, I've read all your posts and thoughts. Now for mine regarding The Restaurant Rumble. I'm so glad Kim is finally being called out on her unacceptable behavior, even if she won't accept her horrid actions. It, at least, is cathartic for her castmates. However, Lisa R's actions were also unacceptable. When is it ever suitable for someone to throw something at another or a group? I've been an inner city kid, a trailer park teen, a suburban mom, and now an uptown woman and have never seen such behavior. Not because I'm blessed. Because I have never allowed myself to be in escalating situations. I remove myself. Not in flight, like Kyle, but we'll before it comes to that point. Besides, my hair has never been as long and the effect would be lost. JMHO. 

  • Love 8

The dog bite really hurt their already fragile relationship, especially since Kim decided to blame the victim, Alexia, for getting bit in the first place. Then add on that she still kept that dog at home with her and only sent him to a trainer, 3 in fact, after KR filed a lawsuit. Last word has it that Kim is still planning to bring Kingsley home and has him at a trainer under a different name so his bite history will not follow him and cause him to be put down.

ITA those hospital photos of Alexia with both hands bandaged really tell a story.  From what I've seen of Kingsley on RHOBH he horrifies me.  I heard the production crew built a cage for him outside so they'd be safe filming in Kim's house.  Her violent dog is another symptom of her mental affliction...who the heck would keep such a dog around their house.  More to the point how did the dog get that way? 


If anything Kyle has to be very distraught over Kim having that ticking time bomb dog...yikes the dog takes after it's owner!!!

  • Love 8
Kyle - this is the part that I've watched over and over. I wish I could make it my screensaver. It's absolutely hilarious to me how she runs out of the restaurant like that. It's certainly fight or flight, but I've never seen someone employ flight quite like that. It seriously makes me laugh. Brava!


Something about the way she is running out hunched over, in her black outfit, with her dark hair billowing out behind her - she reminds me of the villain from the "Scream" franchise (in his dark flowing robes) every time. Put one of those trademark knives in her hand and she could be recreating the horror series for sure!

  • Love 6

I feel bad for Kyle being so closely tied to Kim. When Kim acts badly, which is pretty often ,all eyes turn to Kyle for a reaction. She is somehow expected to handle Kim or know the right thing to say, but she clearly doesn't. I have to wonder if Kathy would be the bestest sister ever if she were on this show? It's enough not to show your own ass on a show like this let alone worry about your addict sister showing hers as well. I sooooooooo wish Kyle would cut Kim off and let her sink or swim on her own merit.

Boy, Kim is not fast with the comebacks, is she? " I don't like your face or your hair!" You tell em Kim!

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 9

Something about the way she is running out hunched over, in her black outfit, with her dark hair billowing out behind her - she reminds me of the villain from the "Scream" franchise (in his dark flowing robes) every time. Put one of those trademark knives in her hand and she could be recreating the horror series for sure!

She got in Kim's face at the last party. That went SO well that she was hesitant to repeat a triumph so soon after the event. Her natural humility kicked in and she fled lest she best Kim again.

Or she wanted to cry by herself.


Imo Kim is drinking. Not just abusing whatever else.

There is a real difference in Kim compared to last season. Yeah she got nasty with Ken but overall she was in better spirts. I even remember Kim and kyle joking with each other about Kim's drinking and hiding her wine in coffee to go cups. Kim was not embarrassed just talking honestly. She even said she would blow on the cup to pretend the "coffee" was hot. Kyle busted out laughing they both did.

This season she has been mean and surly to everyone, except Brandi. I think she is drinking and pissed at herself but because she is Kim she turns her anger outwards. The fact that she knows the others know she is not sober pisses her off. That and she feels she failed.

Sorry I'm bored, I'm watching "Big hero 6" again ;) son can't seem to watch it enough.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

wow, just wow to this first look clip...here's my 2 cents...


I am another regular watcher from day one and I can understand why Kyle reacted the way she did in that limo scene in season 1.  At the time, I thought Kyle went too far and wasn't sympathetic enough to her sister on national television.  Kim seemed like a broken bird, and it was really upsetting to see someone that I thought was so cool to have ended up as yet another child star gone wrong life.  Looking back, I believe Kyle, at that point, had already been traumatized to the bat sh@t Amsterdam level long before the limo scene.  Now, I cut Kyle a mountain of slack, what a huge burden it must be to be Kim Richards sister since big Kathy Richards has passed away...


I've said before, I was a HUGE Kim Richards fan.  All of her child/teen centered shows, guest spots and Disney films came at a time when there wasn't much for us in the under 15 crowd to watch besides Saturday morning cartoons!  Nanny and the Professor, James at 15, Hello Larry.  These were the days of Kristi McNichol, those Van Patton boys, Partridge Family type shows...As a result, I was so excited to see Kyle & Kim Richards were starring on the latest real housewives franchise and to see, mainly Kim's "real life."  I had no idea she had a history of alcohol and drug abuse and certainly not knowing she was still an alcoholic when the show begin airing back in 2009 or 2010...


What stood out to me in the first couple of seasons was how sad and irritable she seemed to be AND that was when bothered showing up for filming.  It appeared as if she was a part time HW or an absentee HW because she was often missing or late for many of the scenes.  The limo scene was frightening...than came the infamous game night at Dana's house which showcased her dark side.  There was no excuse for her and Kyle's behavior towards Brandi.  Than, we learned that she was going to rehab and she had her interviews with Andy Cohen.  At that point, as a viewer, I was happy to see she was progressing well, or so it appeared and she may just make a comeback to defy the odds.  Sadly, she wasn't done with tangling with Brandi.  She had already wreaked havoc with Kyle, Taylor, Camille, but I thought it was the alcohol talking and she would at some point assimilate back into the group in her own right.  I was wrong.


Remember that scene at Kyle's white party when Kim was with the bull mastiff Ken?  She had a run in with Brandi and she was mimicking Brandi?  "Are you kidding me?" with a childlike sarcastic voice?  She was quite mean to both Brandi & Jennifer in that scene.  Oh, than we have Paris.  This was where we began to see that Kim's next target was going to be Lisa VP.  We see Kim with Lisa VP & Ken Todd shopping in Paris.  All seemed fine.  Later, we see Lisa VP questioning Kim because she appeared to forget what time of the day it was and  Lisa VP correcting her.  In the shuttle to the make your own dinner/kill the duck activity, Kim had a melt down about Lisa VP questioning her.  Again, they Kim had a go at Lisa VP on the balcony, when it was clear to EVERYONE that Kim was out of it.


Next season, it was clear that Kim was trying to create a story line that Lisa VP was not a true friend and she made a mountain out of a mole hill about Ken & Lisa not attending Kimberly's grad party. (let's not forget she was AWOL from Pandoras wedding, no RSVP saying she wasn't coming, she was a rude no show)  Ken & Lisa had already told her they were going to miss the party.  She complained that Lisa VP was making fun of her while "praying" next to the trashcan while playing with squirrels, conveniently forgetting that Brandi was also questioning Kim as well.  Than, what really stood out to me about Kim going after Lisa & Ken.   Remember when they were arguing, yet again, about the tabloids?  Kim was in that storyline up to her eyeballs with Brandi.  She filled Mauricios' head with stories that she herself did not witness, she was relaying a story that was Brandis to tell.  Remember Kim had yelled at Ken being a crotchety, stubborn old man?  Kim is the one who was not satisfied with the answer about the magazines and felt Lisa was dodging direct questioning.  Kim said, "Just answer the question" and in her talking heads, she was quite dramatic about it.  She said, "just answer the **&#!! question"  Kim wanted to back Lisa & Ken into a corner.  Funny how she doesn't like to be cornered and behaves like that rabid cat...She proceeds to go for the jugular by saying to Kyle (to hurt Kyle's feelings) and tells her that Lisa only cares about Lisa, Ken, Giggy & Pandora?  Last season we saw Kim Richards go after Lisa VP with a vengeance...all because Lisa VP could see thru Kim's charade and didn't play dumb.  She hated Lisa because Lisa was trying to make her look bad.  Not realizing that Kim was doing that all by herself.  Let's not forget at the season 3 reunion she was trying to create a wedge between Lisa & Yolanda.  Lisa VP realized that the best way to handle Kim is the way she is handling Brandi.  Make polite conversation, tip toe around the elephant in the room and don't get too close.


I'm forgetting the time line, but let's not forget Kim's nose job.  Season 3 I think?  People, were questioning if this was a wise decision since she would certainly need to use pain medication.  Also, isn't that the time Kim thought she should stick her nose into Taylor's business with an intervention?  Oh, yes, let's not forget this...Kim has had every opportunity to take advantage of the resources being offered to her and to learn from her mistakes.  An opportunity to start over.  Instead, I imagine because she is a mean spirited, hateful woman, she prefers to drag everyone down with her instead of being grateful for all that is good that she has in her life.  I went from being one of her top fans back in the day, to being absolutely disgusted with her need to tear the other women down...women who would do anything to help her and be loyal & loving friends if she allowed it.  Love or hate Kyle, she doesn't deserve this and has more than paid her dues with the upkeep and care of the unhinged Kim Richards.








Edited by IKnowRight
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