Popular Post Katesus7 February 28, 2015 Popular Post Share February 28, 2015 Here are my theories about what's going on with Harry. Something ain't right with him, imo. He's aged remarkably fast in the past couple years. Watch any interview he's done lately and he seems depressed. Almost robotic. Maybe he's on some medication for something. Seriously. He's not the same guy he was. And I don't think it has to do with him not drinking. Maybe the secret is that he's gay? I didn't hear Kim's comment about Lisa not getting any, but it's plausible. He did a movie back in the 80s where he played a gay man and he says that it killed his movie career. I believe he said he's never done another major film since. Maybe the near wreckage of his career and doing that movie stirred up something....emotional?...I dunno. Last theory....his narcotics convictions. Seems to me he admitted to what happened as a pre-emptive strike. I think there's more to the story. When you listen to him tell it, it sounds like he's leaving out big details. It happened so long ago and before he got famous, information is scarce. But what I really think Kim knows is that there's something going on with him emotionally/mentally. Whether it's an addiction or a depression or both. He's a Yale grad and highly intelligent people are sometimes wired different. He could be the type of person who is a big worrier. An over thinker. The light has gone out of his eyes, imo. Watch an interview and see if you agree. Lots of theories and unless someone spills the beans, we'll never know. Here's my thing. He is not really on this show. Lisa is. I just find it distasteful that he gets raked through whatever mud Kim wants to rake because she has a problem with his wife who is on this show. I don't know what his deal is, I don't care what his deal is, I really don't want to learn what his deal is just because Kim has a bug up her addict butt. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875128
MsTree February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Besides Kim being a mean, disgusting, loser, addicted bitch with rage issues, she's also the type that can't stand to see anyone around her be happy and successful. In Kim's sick, evil mind, it's her job to take anyone down who isn't as miserable as she is. The saying "misery loves company" is so applicable here. Kudos to Eileen for not getting sucked into Kim's vortex. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875141
glowbug February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I think Kim was threatening to say something really bad and truthful about Harry based on Lisa R.'s reaction. Not only did Lisa R. go batshit crazy, she seemed to know what Kim was referring to. If Kim didn't actually have anything on Harry then Lisa R. was really out of line by getting physical and throwing that wine glass. Personally, I don't think physical violence is ever justified outside of self defense (or defending someone else against a physical attack), but it's certainly understandable if Kim was threatening to reveal something awful about Lisa R.'s husband. I also wonder how much of that scene was edited out because Lisa R. screaming "don't touch my husband" didn't really make much sense based on what was shown. Maybe she just misspoke and meant don't talk about my husband. It was an odd choice of words if nothing important was left on the cutting room floor. I'm torn between wanting to know what Kim was going to say and wanting Harry to maintain his privacy. As others have pointed out he really isn't part of this show so he should be off limits the way Kim's son is off limits, but I am really curious. And while part of me wishes Lisa R. had threatened to out Kim's son as payback and a warning, I feel like it wouldn't be fair to Chad to punish him for his mother's vile behavior. Kim is a nasty piece of work. There is definitely more going on with her than just addiction. Addiction may explain some of her awful behavior (the lying, deflecting, etc.) but it in no way explains everything. I think she's got a personality disorder or a combination of several. She's showing some real antisocial tendencies and narcissism. She is a horrible human being. No wonder she and Brandi are friends. Those two are cut from the same cloth. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875178
zoeysmom February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I could be wrong but I don't believe either Brandi or Kim have ever met Harry. For Kim to bring up some Harry rumor is wrong on every level. Last year-before filming began HH was on WWHL, he was fine, fine, fine. He talked about his role as Jim Cutler and the hate mail he got and his career in Hollywood-as Lisa said it was their audition. During filming I believe he was spending some time filming both "Mad Men" and "Rush". What is true whether Harry had an affair or Harry hasn't been servicing Lisa it is rally none of Kim Richards' business. As to bringing up the topic-way to go Yolanda. I realize Yolanda was hurt because Brandi made it sound as if this group had claimed Bella was an alcoholic-hopefully, Yolanda can see the damage to the drunkians Brandi and Kim have created. Where do Kim and Kyle go from here? I am thinking Kathy Hilton is probably getting a massive headache for the weekend in the form of Kim hanging around. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875185
zoeysmom February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Kyle's twitter is all blown up with comments: https://twitter.com/KyleRichards/status/571527115222327296 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875202
jjbjjbh February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Some thoughts on the First Look for the upcoming episode: Kim: First of all, yes, she is sick. Possibly evil and full of hatred. Some of her bahavior could be the effects of her illness itself. Whatever the reason, She should NOT be on this show. She should be under treatment away from cameras. Having said that, sobriety/addiction/alcoholism is such a private personal issue, no one has the right to discuss it unless asked to. Lisa Rinna: Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately. She wants to be asked back next season to ensure her income. She, on her own, has no storyline per say. Her husband wants no part of the show. There is only so much they can show about her daughters. She can't have charity functions every week. What does Lisar have to contribute to the show? For the last few episodes I am seeing Lisar worming her way into Kim and Kyle's storylines. That is her only relevancy at this point. She needs to make herself relevant in SOME way by becoming at least a part of the Kim/Kyle story. Why has Lisar made it HER business to "help" Kim as she claims? Yes, as her friend/coworker she has empathy for Kim, having seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. Yes, understandable she might want to give Kim some insight and help her out. But Lisar has gone aboveboard being a buttinski. Yes, she can/should try to help if she wants to, but once SOMEONE TELLS YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN WORDS to mind your own business, She should leave Kim alone. To my knowledge Kim herself has NEVER sought Lisar's help or advice. This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? If KIm herself wants to discuss her illness, that's her prerogative. But This is a personal/medical issue. Where is Kim's right to privacy? Why does Lisar think she can discuss Kim's addiction whenever she wants? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Lisar. I understand why Kim would be sick of her addiction being the topic of conversation as often as it is. I would be too. Ladies, you are in Amsterdam, for heaven's sakes. Talk about the sites, points of interest, history, people,weather, culture.......... You ladies are in a nice restaurant having drinks and dinner....... Why bring these depressing and controversial topics at the dinner table? If it was me(thank Goodness it isn't), I would be FURIOUS if my friends/coworkers decided to make my addiction topic of their conversation. 7 women at the table, some of them intelligent ....... not one of them thought to say...."hey, nothing good is going to come out of this line of conversation"? Notice how quickly Lisar coiled and struck back when the topic turned to her and her husband? She didn't like it one bit! Enough to make her almost grab Kim's throat, smash glasses, throw drinks ...... Hey, Lisar, don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? Hypocrite. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875239
lasandi February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I love that picture of Yo, above. It looks like she's wondering what the hell she's doing there with those crazy vimmen. What IS she doing there? I'm not her number one fan but I feel bad that her excitement to show the Hos (and us) her country turned into a shitstorm. I hope she doesn't come back next season. She needs to take care of herself and change her phone number so none of these lunatics can call her again. Who needs 'em. I wonder what My Love will say after he sees this episode. I feel Yo started it when she brought up that bloody DUI again. anybody got anything they want to know about? I mean she didn't exactly say that but it was implied. Who waits until they go on a wonderful vacation to iron out stuff. Do that when you are back in Beverly Hills. Holland was for fun. Although it was fun for me lol, 2 people who were unafraid to say to Kim what they felt after Kim went into verbal attack mode. Waiting for the day that Kyle stops letting her sister guilt her into a crying, fleeing mess. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875246
bagger February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Now, her motivation for remaining silent is up for speculation, and, of course, there's no telling what might happen in the rest of this episode. Isn't this Brandi's MO? When some of the shit being slung by another may land on her doesn't she stay quiet? I may not remember accurately but I thought she was on the quiet side at the dinner table in Puerto Rico when the shit storm started there too. Someone please help me remember. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875247
Diane Mars February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) @jjbjjbh : So everyone should STFU and act and pretend everything is OK ? Everybody should act as if everything was "normal" ? Everybody should take Kims insults and meanness as a normal thing, because, you know, this poor Kim ? Not in my rulebook ! Never ! ETA : and, according to Fi( r )st look, that's YOLANDA who started this conversation. Edited February 28, 2015 by Diane Mars 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875248
talula February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) Some thoughts on the First Look for the upcoming episode: Kim: First of all, yes, she is sick. Possibly evil and full of hatred. Some of her bahavior could be the effects of her illness itself. Whatever the reason, She should NOT be on this show. She should be under treatment away from cameras. Having said that, sobriety/addiction/alcoholism is such a private personal issue, no one has the right to discuss it unless asked to. Lisa Rinna: Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately. She wants to be asked back next season to ensure her income. She, on her own, has no storyline per say. Her husband wants no part of the show. There is only so much they can show about her daughters. She can't have charity functions every week. What does Lisar have to contribute to the show? For the last few episodes I am seeing Lisar worming her way into Kim and Kyle's storylines. That is her only relevancy at this point. She needs to make herself relevant in SOME way by becoming at least a part of the Kim/Kyle story. Why has Lisar made it HER business to "help" Kim as she claims? Yes, as her friend/coworker she has empathy for Kim, having seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. Yes, understandable she might want to give Kim some insight and help her out. But Lisar has gone aboveboard being a buttinski. Yes, she can/should try to help if she wants to, but once SOMEONE TELLS YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN WORDS to mind your own business, She should leave Kim alone. To my knowledge Kim herself has NEVER sought Lisar's help or advice. This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? If KIm herself wants to discuss her illness, that's her prerogative. But This is a personal/medical issue. Where is Kim's right to privacy? Why does Lisar think she can discuss Kim's addiction whenever she wants? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Lisar. I understand why Kim would be sick of her addiction being the topic of conversation as often as it is. I would be too. Ladies, you are in Amsterdam, for heaven's sakes. Talk about the sites, points of interest, history, people,weather, culture.......... You ladies are in a nice restaurant having drinks and dinner....... Why bring these depressing and controversial topics at the dinner table? If it was me(thank Goodness it isn't), I would be FURIOUS if my friends/coworkers decided to make my addiction topic of their conversation. 7 women at the table, some of them intelligent ....... not one of them thought to say...."hey, nothing good is going to come out of this line of conversation"? Notice how quickly Lisar coiled and struck back when the topic turned to her and her husband? She didn't like it one bit! Enough to make her almost grab Kim's throat, smash glasses, throw drinks ...... Hey, Lisar, don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? Hypocrite. You said it a whole lot better than me...thank you for your post...only your second post at that! SMH at the same questions you've brought up. The whole table game Yolanda brought up seemed contrived to bring out the worst in cast members. What happened to LisaR? Edited February 28, 2015 by RealityTVSmack1 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875257
bagger February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) @jjbjjbh : So everyone should STFU and act and pretend everything is OK ? Everybody should act as if everything was "normal" ? Everybody should take Kims insults and meanness as a normal thing, because, you know, this poor Kim ? Not in my rulebook ! Never ! ETA : and, according to Fi( r )st look, that's YOLANDA who started this conversation. So long as Kim has her full on crazy on display in front of the cameras she's fair game. Any and all behavior she exhibits is up for commentary, speculation and/or criticism. Why should she get to dictate what the other ladies can talk about? Oh Kim Richards says the subject should not be broached again so everyone needs to never bring it up? No, I"m sorry get your drunk ass off my tv then I'll stop talking about your inebriated mean spirited attacks. Edited February 28, 2015 by bagger 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875258
jjbjjbh February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 From the First Look clips that I saw, Lisar was talking about her sister overdosing and looking at kim, bringing up the fact(again) that she was only trying to help Kim. Why not just say her piece about her sister and hush up? Why AGAIN bring it up vis a vis Kim? Especially since they had already had a discussion about her meddling on the plane en route to Amsterdam? Lisar is/was looking for camera time/prominence. Lisar, there are other ways to do it besides talking about Kim's addiction. As for Kim's "attacking" others........ I fail to understand why everyone takes Kim so seriously. Whether she is sober or not on any given day, realize this is a sick person and don't take their words to heart. Just like you would ignore a child. Liken her words to the gibberish of a lunatic! The woman is rarely lucid; what's the point in giving her words any weight? Kyle is in a different situation being her family. But Lisar, Eileen et al should just deal with her as minimally as possible. Aren't they supposed to be the sane ones? Why engage Kim at all? Say Hi, hello, how are you, perfunctory talk, keep interaction to a minimum, go home. Hopefully, the upcoming episode will make Lisar back off. Funny how she didn't like the taste of her own medicine. Again, hypocrite. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875267
talula February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) From the First Look clips that I saw, Lisar was talking about her sister overdosing and looking at kim, bringing up the fact(again) that she was only trying to help Kim. Why not just say her piece about her sister and hush up? Why AGAIN bring it up vis a vis Kim? Especially since they had already had a discussion about her meddling on the plane en route to Amsterdam? Lisar is/was looking for camera time/prominence. Lisar, there are other ways to do it besides talking about Kim's addiction. As for Kim's "attacking" others........ I fail to understand why everyone takes Kim so seriously. Whether she is sober or not on any given day, realize this is a sick person and don't take their words to heart. Just like you would ignore a child. Liken her words to the gibberish of a lunatic! The woman is rarely lucid; what's the point in giving her words any weight? Kyle is in a different situation being her family. But Lisar, Eileen et al should just deal with her as minimally as possible. Aren't they supposed to be the sane ones? Why engage Kim at all? Say Hi, hello, how are you, perfunctory talk, keep interaction to a minimum, go home. Hopefully, the upcoming episode will make Lisar back off. Funny how she didn't like the taste of her own medicine. Again, hypocrite. Soooo true...Kim has never been a rocket scientist... Edited February 28, 2015 by RealityTVSmack1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875270
jjbjjbh February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Any and all behavior she exhibits is up for commentary, speculation and/or criticism. Why should she get to dictate what the other ladies can talk about? Agree, one can comment/speculate/criticize all one wants. But if you do it in her presence, don't expect her to just roll over and die. Why are people surprised that Kim stood up for herself? Wouldn't anyone? Is Kim supposed to pretend she isn't right there, listening to them? Is she not supposed to defend herself? Of course it doesn't mean that Kim or anyone "gets to dictate what the other ladies can talk about" ...... but hey, if you bring up my skeletons in an open forum being viewed by millions of people without my permission, after SPECIFICALLY being asked not to, don't be surprised if your skeletons are hung out to dry as well. Good for the goose, gander etc. I am not condoning Kim or Lisar behaviors. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875283
slade3 February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) I just watched the First Look. Wow. I'm also not one for violence, but the only reason I didn't want LisaR to choke Kim (when her fingers came dangerously close to that neck) was because I didn't want LisaR to go to jail. Seriously. I felt very strongly that Kim needed to be hit, choked or kicked. She is a vicious, nasty devil. I found this clip shocking. And it really explains why Kyle keeps her distance and often looks at Kim with distaste. I've said it before but have to say it again: I would understand completely if Kyle cut Kim loose totally. It is not an easy thing to do, but it must be done. I'm now surprised LisaR was so calm when she made her appearance on Watch What Happens Live. I wonder how things are between them. We know Harry Hamlin said he didn't want to be filmed and I think he was smart to stay out of it. Seems a toxic environment that is not good for marriages that may be facing trouble. ETA: I didn't understand why Kyle ran out of the restaurant. It was so weird. While I think Kyle should cut ties with Kim, I wish she would have turned to Kim and told her to get out of the restaurant and stop harassing people with her sad, miserable personality. No one needs that shit. Just go away. Edited February 28, 2015 by slade3 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875310
Avaleigh February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I have never been so blown away by a first look. Holy fucking crap! Kim totally went there and thinks she has the right. My jaw was on the floor when Kim threw Kathy in Kyle's face by saying that Kathy is a better sister to her. What the hell did Brandi do to defend Kim on the plane? Of course Kim singles out Kyle because she can't burn her last HW bridge. Kim claiming that she apologized for being an asshole at Eileen's when she knows perfectly well that she didn't? Ugh, my dislike for this woman knows no bounds. She's horrible. Thank you Kim, finally some life in the show. Am I watching? Yes, yes, I am and I'm slightly ashamed of myself for sometimes feeling emotionally invested in a show like this. Obviously it entertains me or I wouldn't be watching it. That being said I can't for even a second feel thankful about what Kim is bringing to the show. I know I would have enjoyed Amsterdam without Kim. I understand that Lisar was wrong for going for Kim's throat but I'm not going to pretend that I haven't wanted to reach through my screen to throttle Kim myself. I wouldn't obviously even if I magically could but I understand the anger and frustration behind the gesture. I also think that Kim's anger is bullshit. Crazy that Kim doesn't remember the times that Kyle has defended her. So then of course Kim sees that she has to amend the statement to say that Brandi supports her more. Kim can't even accept an apology. She can't give one or take one. She's almost brought rudeness to an art form. Kim seems like an angry and miserable person who wants everyone else to be miserable too. Kim doesn't like Eileen and thinks she's a beast after Eileen has been so relaxed and understanding and even sympathetic. I love that Eileen had the nerve to tell Kim to her face that she can't find anything to like about her right now--I agree 100%. Brandi was loving watching this shit. Very interesting that she had the least to say at the table. At least the restaurant was mostly empty! 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875312
Diane Mars February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I understand what you mean, @jjbjjbh, but, in my books, you can't act as an asshole (poker night, flight from LA to Calgary) and don't have to, AT LEAST apologize ! own your crazyness ! "You" (not you, Kim !) can tell me I'm an asshole, that I'm stupid, whatever you want, no problem with that -at all- but, OWN IT and stop always blaming it on the other, FFS ! You've got to reap what you sow ! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875321
suomi February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 < Stepping in to whisper > I like Pinky's blouse with the ruffles and the bow. I couldn't wear it, but it suits her. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875328
Avaleigh February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I just watched the First Look. Wow. I'm also not one for violence, but the only reason I didn't want LisaR to choke Kim (when her fingers came dangerously close to that neck) was because I didn't want LisaR to go to jail. Seriously. I felt very strongly that Kim needed to be hit, choked or kicked. She is a vicious, nasty devil. I found this clip shocking. And it really explains why Kyle keeps her distance and often looks at Kim with distaste. I've said it before but have to say it again: I would understand completely if Kyle cut Kim loose totally. It is not an easy thing to do, but it must be done. I'm now surprised LisaR was so calm when she made her appearance on Watch What Happens Live. I wonder how things are between them. We know Harry Hamlin said he didn't want to be filmed and I think he was smart to stay out of it. Seems a toxic environment that is not good for marriages that may be facing trouble. It speaks to how vile Kim is that I can only with the greatest reluctance criticize LisaR for the throat gesture. Kim makes me feel that way just sitting here watching her I can only imagine how awful it must be to deal with her in person. I think it sucks that these women are forced to interact with Kim if they want to participate on the show. I'm on the fence as to whether or not Kim was sober in this scene. I can see both arguments. She can go away any time though with her claims of three years of sobriety because we've seen the proof. Pill popping out in the open at the airport and admitting to having had at least one drink (probably more since she'd been red flagged), Paris, Puerto Rico--insane that she thinks people don't remember. Kim will not let go of the finger pointing. She did it to Kyle, LisaR, and Eileen. This is the second trip that Kim has completely ruined in addition to Hawaii. Somehow she's even worse here "sober" in Amsterdam than she was when she was high in Hawaii. I thought she sucked in Puerto Rico and Ojai too. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875337
CatMomma February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I'm also not one for violence, but the only reason I didn't want LisaR to choke Kim (when her fingers came dangerously close to that neck) was because I didn't want LisaR to go to jail. Seriously. I felt very strongly that Kim needed to be hit, choked or kicked. She is a vicious, nasty devil. I've always thought that the Richard's sisters tendency to point their fingers two inches from someone's face would get them hit one day. It almost happened. Kim got in Lisa's face and was, once again, pointing that finger and screaming. I'm not condoning what Lisa did, but I can understand it. She had just spoken about her sister and was all ready pretty emotional. Then, there's Kim, showing absolutely no empathy and instead, making threats towards Lisa's husband. She can fuck off. Lisa did not bring up her addiction. She apologized for bringing it up. And rather than simply accept the apology, Kim went off the rails. Eileen handled Kim like a boss. Lisa looked a bit freaked out, but I did appreciate that she came to Kyle's defense. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I will take Brandi returning over Kim. I just want her gone. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875338
Satchels of gold February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 wow! That's all I've got, just wow! I hope Kyle steps away from Kim and just lets her do her Kim addict thing. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875375
bichonblitz February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Oh, Lisa, Lisa. Harry told you not to do this show and now you have proved him right. Why wouldn't you listen. Does the Hamlin household need the money that badly? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875384
zoeysmom February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Agree, one can comment/speculate/criticize all one wants. But if you do it in her presence, don't expect her to just roll over and die. Why are people surprised that Kim stood up for herself? Wouldn't anyone? Is Kim supposed to pretend she isn't right there, listening to them? Is she not supposed to defend herself? Of course it doesn't mean that Kim or anyone "gets to dictate what the other ladies can talk about" ...... but hey, if you bring up my skeletons in an open forum being viewed by millions of people without my permission, after SPECIFICALLY being asked not to, don't be surprised if your skeletons are hung out to dry as well. Good for the goose, gander etc. I am not condoning Kim or Lisar behaviors. Maybe if Kim would stop saying how hard she has worked at her sobriety for the past three years people would not ask what tools she was currently using. Maybe when Kim relapses and insults people she should offer on or off camera apologies instead of dismissing others feelings. Kim went on a reality show and has made her sobriety her major storyline so she should not complain when others question her commitment or behavior. Kim sure is there to take the bows and compliments when others congratulate her on her quitting drinking. I do think it unwise to go on a show if there are skeletons but say someone's husband had an affair ten years ago - that really isn't fodder unless the couple talks about it. Because someone else's husband having an affair has zero impact in another RH life. Someone claiming to be sober and being so proud of her three years of sobriety continually showing up under the influence of something does have an impact on the others. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875413
HumblePi February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) What IS she doing there? I'm not her number one fan but I feel bad that her excitement to show the Hos (and us) her country turned into a shitstorm. I hope she doesn't come back next season. She needs to take care of herself and change her phone number so none of these lunatics can call her again. Who needs 'em. I wonder what My Love will say after he sees this episode. @Ryebread I think she's silently praying a portion of Psalm 23 in Dutch, Heer, u nodigt mij uit aan uw tafel, (Thou preparest a table before me) mijn tegenstanders moeten het aanzien; (in the presence of mine enemies) Edited February 28, 2015 by HumblePi 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875416
motorcitymom65 February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Isn't this Brandi's MO? When some of the shit being slung by another may land on her doesn't she stay quiet? I may not remember accurately but I thought she was on the quiet side at the dinner table in Puerto Rico when the shit storm started there too. Someone please help me remember. Yes, exactly. It was not surprising to see Brandi behave this way at all. She did the same thing at the dinner in Hawaii when everyone was arguing, and the same thing in PR. Generally, Brandi sits back and says very little when there is confrontation among the girls, unless it is something that she actually started at the table (the deal with Joyce, the deal with Mauricio at the restaurant that night). If an argument or a debate begins with other people, Brandi will usually sit back and watch. The funny thing here is that all of this started because of Brandi. She told Lisar that if anyone were to question Kim's sobriety that Kim would go batshit crazy. She made it sound like things would get very ugly if Kim were questioned. Then, a couple of days before they leave, Brandi tells Kim that Lisar has been questioning this. Of course she fails to include the parts that she contributed to the conversation. She knew that Kim would go crazy on Lisar which I think is exactly what Brandi wants. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875435
AttackTurtle February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) I do not condone violence; however I've always said that if someone wants to attack me personally, fine whatever, but go after my husband...that's a whole other story. Other than the sobriety issue and the time they did the scene together for the dude from Penn and Teller, she really doesn't mention him that much. I don't see her waxing on about having a fairytale marriage. The scenes we did see between the two of them, I have to say I've really liked. I swooned when he winked at her at her birthday party. She shouldn't have thrown the wine glass (I'm mostly pissed that this ugly crap took place in a foreign country), but if someone was just being out and out nasty and decided to drag my husband into it, I don't know that I wouldn't have stabbed the bitch. I can't fault Kyle for getting the hell out of there. I love that Kim is accusing Kyle of not "having her back", when we watched Kim do the same thing all of Season 1 in the Kyle/Camille mess, and again at Poker night and then at Kyle's matchmaker party. Kim knows she has power over Kyle emotionally and she abuses it every chance she gets. Run Kyle run! Just have to add that I really really hope that Kim is called to task for all of her shit at the reunion. Yes, Brandi stirs shit up, but Kim is a grown ass woman. She is treated with kid gloves \ and coddled like the cute little child actress she once was at every reunion... That's got to stop. Edited February 28, 2015 by AttackTurtle 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875459
imjagain February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) I know LisaR's reaction was way over the top. I can honestly say though if I heard someone like Kim start to spit out my husband's name because she had a problem with me. I might go a little nuts too. I would hope not violent, I'm not a violent person. HH has nothing to do with Kim and LisaR's issues, and Kim should not have brought him up. And IMO I don't think there is a secret. Kim is a disgusting women who is trying to shame LisaR. So she is saying vague shit, to get people talking, just like Brandi does to Kyle. I'm not saying that HH is perfect, just that Kim would have said what ever she knew about HH. She thinks she has a right to. After all she has been sober for 3 years! Lisa has dared to question that. Any sympathy I have had for Kim in the past, is gone. Have to add that Eileen is awsome! She does not take Kim's shit and stays calm. Edited February 28, 2015 by imjagain 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875486
Popular Post ottergirl February 28, 2015 Popular Post Share February 28, 2015 Wow. My thoughts, in no particular order. 1. As others have said, RUN, KYLE, KEEP RUNNING, NEVER STOP. I hate to say Brandi is right about anything, but I do think Kim has deep-rooted antagonism towards Kyle, maybe even hatred. I can't imagine talking to anyone ever the way Kim talks to Kyle, let alone anyone I have any positive feelings for at all. For whatever reason (Big Kathy, codependency, protectiveness of the children), Kyle takes the abuse and keeps taking it. I wish she would walk away. I doubt she will. Her life would be SO MUCH BETTER if she could leave both her sisters behind, but I think she is too needy and dramatic to step away from them. 2. Kim is evil. Ditto to everyone who said that. I do think that Kim knows that her life is unraveling, she knows she is "off the wagon," she knows what happened last time she spiraled (among other things, I suspect she very nearly lost this job), and she is frantic about being exposed, and lashing out. I flash back to what that old lady reported Kim said when Kingsley bit her - that Kim begged her "don't tell anyone, they'll take away my show." I think Kim is utterly ruined and broken (and awful) and terrified of losing this job and the little fragment of limelight that I think might be her true addiction. She is absolutely full of herself for being "a star" again, she thinks no one has a right to question any of her behavior no matter how obvious, and she becomes absolutely vicious when she thinks she's attacked. (Huh. Now I'm wondering if that has anything to do with Kingsley's behavior - dogs can pick up on their owner's emotions, and I wonder if Kingsley picked up on Kim's ambient hostility and fear and acted on it.) i could write much more on Kim's pathology, but you all have covered a lot of it just so well, and I'm interested in one other thing... 3. Finally, Brandi. I also noticed that Brandi was very quietly trying to defuse Kim throughout - at first she was utterly silent, then she was whispering to her to stop, then she was trying gently to hold her back. When it's gone too far for Brandi, you know it's gone too far. I think Brandi started this season with a plan: to recruit Kim to her side, and together to take down Kyle. People have spoken about Brandi's deep rooted hatred (I think jealousy) of Kyle, and I do think that Brandi started the season intending to make Kyle her target, and used Kim to do it. But now, she has found herself in a mess she can't get out of. I think she realized sometime after poker night that Kim's problems were much, much worse than Brandi had realized; and that once she had publicly proclaimed herself Kim's only ally, and openly separated Kim from Kyle, she then found herself "stuck" with Kim, and it was much, much, MUCH different than her previous alliances with Adrienne or Lisa or Yolanda, who are intact people with intact lives, who were never emotionally dependent on Brandi, who never "needed" her in any real way. She found herself having appointed herself the caretaker of Kim, someone who is completely broken, and not only that, she found that she herself had removed the only other support system that Kim had, Kyle, and had done so with great pride and vehemence - so now Brandi's stuck with her. And what I have seen for the last several episodes is Brandi trying to figure out how to get herself out of this mess - she flat out said to Jennifer Gimenez, twice, that she was in over her head and didn't know what to do; that she wasn't "the right person" to be there for Kim. She asked Lisa Rinna to get Kyle involved again. She has said to Jennifer, in talking heads, to Lisa Rinna, over and over, that Kim's problems are more than Brandi can handle. But if she walks away, then she proves Kyle right, she proves everyone right. So she's trapped. It's almost comical - the trap she set for Kyle worked, but the one it caught was Brandi. I wish Kyle would use this opportunity to get free - I don't think anyone would blame Kyle for walking away from both of them for good at this point - and if Brandi abandons Kim at all, then Brandi looks even worse. Boy. This one backfired on Brandi, big time! You can almost see the panic in HER eyes, the wheels turning, as she is finally realizing what a mess she's walked into. (And on smaller notes: Eileen is AWESOME, including her classic soap opera delivery of "how dare you," that woman has integrated her soap opera persona in a fabulous way, she is way up there with my all time favorite housewives at this point, can she and Heather from NY hang out please? And yes, Lisa Rinna went too far, but I'm going to give her a pass, because I feel like it. She lost her temper. It happens. I also think that she started that conversation genuinely trying to connect to Kim - she shared her own personal story, in tears, and then said to Kim, "I apologize if I got into your business, it was because of my own fears." She was trying to connect and be kind, and Kim turned on her. She didn't handle it well, and I've never physically attacked anyone or thrown anything in my life, but at that table, who knows what I would have done? Kim has been ready to blow, she has been RADIATING hatred, since before Amsterdam, probably since Brandi told her the women were talking about her (in that flashback scene), and she was fuming well before Lisa Rinna started talking - just Yolanda telling the story of her daughter had Kim ready to go off; you could tell she was thinking the whole thing was a plot to "expose" Kim.) 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875489
Chit Chat February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? Lisa was apologizing when Kim went off the rails. Her reaction to Lisa was totally unnecessary, IMO. I feel bad for Kyle. I think the door is finally being opened just enough that we're getting a glimpse into what she's been dealing with for years. It's a sad situation. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875526
HumblePi February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Here's my thing. He is not really on this show. Lisa is. I just find it distasteful that he gets raked through whatever mud Kim wants to rake because she has a problem with his wife who is on this show. I don't know what his deal is, I don't care what his deal is, I really don't want to learn what his deal is just because Kim has a bug up her addict butt. I know there's a lot of baggage in Harry Hamlin's past and he fiercely objected to Lisa being on this show initially then changed his mind and encouraged her participation. Keeping that in mind, I think that there's an unwritten (maybe written) clause in their Bravo contract that specifically says that they do not bring up their spouse's old transgressions or unsavory past. Sure, Harry has some baggage but so does David Foster, Monty and Mauricio. Kim clearly crossed the line and left Harry's past in question. Once those contractual rules are broken it's fair game for any of the women to drag up dirt on each others spouses or ex's and commence a shit-storm over it. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875554
Bronzedog February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 What bothers me about this is that a lot of it seemed staged. Yolanda sets the stage by bringing up Bella's DUI. Everything that anyone contributes has to do with addiction. I don't think you can fake Kim's level of crazy, but, Lisa's over the top reaction, the let's talk about addiction non-stop, I don't know. Something didn't ring true. Lisa is an actress. I think Kim's comments were straight from her, but, the rest of it seemed like a set-up, but, the TPTB didn't expect Kim to take it were it went. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875586
zoeysmom February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I know there's a lot of baggage in Harry Hamlin's past and he fiercely objected to Lisa being on this show initially then changed his mind and encouraged her participation. Keeping that in mind, I think that there's an unwritten (maybe written) clause in their Bravo contract that specifically says that they do not bring up their spouse's old transgressions or unsavory past. Sure, Harry has some baggage but so does David Foster, Monty and Mauricio. Kim clearly crossed the line and left Harry's past in question. Once those contractual rules are broken it's fair game for any of the women to drag up dirt on each others spouses or ex's and commence a shit-storm over it. Harry's written a book about his life-he is candid. I think the whole HH objecting is overboard. Lisa R has been angling to get on the show for three years. The idea behind these shows isn't to unearth each other's secrets. That was a Brandi move because we all know that the Maloof/Nassifs using a surrogate deeply impacts the other women. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875600
sistermagpie February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I could see no good would come of LisaR bringing up Kim's problems again--though at the same time I get why she'd be unable to stop herself given Kim's passive-aggressive behavior before. Kim basically came on the trip announcing how terrible LisaR was, so LisaR was just itching to defend herself and say she was just trying to help. Which just made Kim go off again. If LisaR hadn't brought it up again Kim would have...well, she would have waited for her next opportunity to yell at her because she was clearly picking fights every chance she could get. The way she's so eager to jump on Kyle again (how many times is this since they got to Amsterdam?) is just great. And I agree it's Brandi's MO to stay quiet in these situations. She 'defended' Kim by telling her LisaR was talking about her and against her. Now she gets to play the adult in the situation by quietly telling Kim to stop--not because Kim's in the wrong at all, but because she knows that it's just stressing Kim out more to try to talk to these people who are all against her. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875710
CatMomma February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? You know what? Brandi has brought up Kim's sobriety almost as much as Lisa. The difference is that Lisa actually said something directly to Kim, while Brandi plays runtelldat without bringing up her own role in talking about it. We have seen Brandi discuss Kim's sobriety several times with her friend Jennifer, as well as with Lisar (basically to deflect Lisa's concerns about her behavior) . Brandi planted the seed, and now I think she's a bit freaked out because she didn't realize how nasty Kim could be. Well, too bad so sad. I just can't blame Lisa for talking about it. She had to sit in a car for an hour with Kim acting like a maniac. Who wouldn't talk about it? If Kim doesn't want the cast talking about her sobriety, then maybe she shouldn't show up on camera high as a fucking kite. Even when Kim is sober, she is a nasty human being, so I have zero sympathy for her at this point. 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875790
HumblePi February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Isn't this Brandi's MO? When some of the shit being slung by another may land on her doesn't she stay quiet? I may not remember accurately but I thought she was on the quiet side at the dinner table in Puerto Rico when the shit storm started there too. Someone please help me remember. I found Brandi to be unusually subdued, even the way she dressed. Everyone was dressed pretty much in dinner attire. LisaV was sitting across from her in her pink see-through designer blouse with black bow. Some have remarked they liked that blouse but when I first saw her showing Ken I thought it was way too youthful looking for a 54 year old woman. In stark contrast, Brandi was wearing shabby jeans and a very discreet top. Her hair and makeup were both subdued as well. I thought how sweet she actually looked. She was pretty silent so that added to the illusion of 'sweetness'. I think Brandi is tired of being hated on and let Kim have center stage for fan hatred and disgust for a change. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875791
ryebread February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) @Ryebread I think she's silently praying a portion of Psalm 23 in Dutch, Heer, u nodigt mij uit aan uw tafel, (Thou preparest a table before me) mijn tegenstanders moeten het aanzien; (in the presence of mine enemies) Brava! Hands HumblePi a tulip bouquet. Edited February 28, 2015 by ryebread 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875813
Betweenyouandme February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) To me, I look at it like a scared, hissing cat in the corner. (Haha, joke that Kim's the real beast). But, while certainly anyone on the show has a right to keep talking about Kim's sobriety, it reaches a point where it's like, really? You've got a scared cat in the corner. A. Leave the room B ignore it C talk sweetly but keep a distance D go up to it boldly E Attack Then, after you pick E, keep trying to scratch the cat back. Good luck. I don't think Kim was right by her viscious behavior. But, I understood her point. I think it's clear, though, that when confronted or she starts to think the subject of her sobriety is being even hinted at, she gets shaky, paranoid, and overwhelmed with emotion. I've been so upset before that I couldn't control my emotions. Luckily, I was able to leave. If I were on camera with a group of women I knew didn't like me...personally, I get how Kim feels. I don't think she's evil. I really think she gets the fight or flight panic. She fights. She puts her back up and hisses. She's not evil to me. She's going on instinct. I don't like Eileen at all and only like Lisa R at times. They presumably have more control of their emotions than Kim and yet they keep poking the cat. Grow up. Kim is clearly not able to handle that conversation. They can be angry or annoyed or think it's crazy or be offended all.day.long. But, it's not going to change anything. Either leave it alone or keep getting scratched. It totally stinks that Kim can't apologize and be friendly and be confident and just...be okay. It's unfair. But, I don't see evil. I think it's clear Kim is hurting past the usual "everyone feels sad sometimes." I think she truly thinks in these moments that the group is out to get her. Like the cat who is being the real aggressor to a human stranger who just wants to walk through a room...the cat nor Kim see that. And, if the stranger starts yelling, "don't point your finger at me! You're terrible!" at every cat hiss, what do you expect? I know Kim has a human brain, capable of reasoning, etc., but still. I see more that she's completely overwhelmed emotionally in these moments over her sitting there plotting and laughing about this. Eileen, especially, just seems so guarded and always sitting there with this stuck-up aura. If things aren't just so, she sits up straighter and looks down her nose at everyone. I find her style tacky and her heart to be difficult to find. I don't think she's heartless. I just think she rarely shows that side with any sincerity. I think she says what she thinks a proper, confident, wealthy woman would say, but there's nothing there. I think hanging out with her would be either pleasantries or cracks to her niceness when she was slightly displeased...a side-eye here, a pointed question at any inappropriate comment, a sigh and hair toss, and a bid farewell so she could go soak her feet in a 99$ foot spa she purchased at BBB while her cat blouses around, swiffering her dusty bobbles and fake ivy suffocating her bathroom. Lisa R at least can laugh. But, I'd find her to go too far to feel safe around her. I love Yolanda and Lisa V and sort of Kyle. I like Kyle unless she's around Kim. I wouldn't want to spend alone time with Brandi or Kim because I'd be nervous 24/7 about getting into trouble or having a scene. But, I'd comfort them in a group setting. Edited February 28, 2015 by Betweenyouandme 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875832
thewhiteowl February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Here's my thing. He is not really on this show. Lisa is. I just find it distasteful that he gets raked through whatever mud Kim wants to rake because she has a problem with his wife who is on this show. I don't know what his deal is, I don't care what his deal is, I really don't want to learn what his deal is just because Kim has a bug up her addict butt. I agree, I don't care about HH's past or even their marriage. It's not part of the show. So long as Kim has her full on crazy on display in front of the cameras she's fair game. Any and all behavior she exhibits is up for commentary, speculation and/or criticism. Why should she get to dictate what the other ladies can talk about? Oh Kim Richards says the subject should not be broached again so everyone needs to never bring it up? No, I"m sorry get your drunk ass off my tv then I'll stop talking about your inebriated mean spirited attacks. She is fair game. What I see here is that Lisar and Yo have little to no experience in dealing with any sort of intervention. When one confronts an addict who is not willing or ready to stop using, things get freaking ugly fast, as Kim demonstrated. If one is not willing to face the ugliness best to keep your mouth shut. Once your response is triggered, as Lisar demonstrated, the addict has won that round. This is the reason so few people and especially family members want to do an intervention. It's serious and very difficult. Either go all in or go home and bitch about the addict making your life hard. Just my two cents. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875865
ryebread February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) I think Brandi is tired of being hated on and let Kim have center stage for fan hatred and disgust for a change. I agree! I've believe that throughout Brandi and Kim's friendship, Brandi has let Kim in on the little secret that the way to secure your spot on the show is to be as outrageous as you can be. Kim took it to the nth degree and Brandi is letting her have the spotlight. Good luck with that Kimmy. Speaking of Brandi being subdued, when they spotted Naked Man on the street, LisaR, Kyle and Kim lost their shit. Lisa and Kyle were obnoxious. Their behavior was more what I'd expect from Brandi. Even Kim tried to get Brandi excited about it but Brandi quietly said, "I know, I saw". So yeah, maybe Andy whispered in Brandi's ear or vice versa that it was time to try for a redemption arc. Edited February 28, 2015 by ryebread 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875872
CatMomma February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 It totally stinks that Kim can't apologize and be friendly and be confident and just...be okay. It's unfair. But, I don't see evil. I think it's clear Kim is hurting past the usual "everyone feels sad sometimes." I think she truly thinks in these moments that the group is out to get her. Like the cat who is being the real aggressor to a human stranger who just wants to walk through a room...the cat nor Kim see that. And, if the stranger starts yelling, "don't point your finger at me! You're terrible!" at every cat hiss, what do you expect? I might agree had I not seen Kim lash out for the smallest reasons in the past. She has the ability to latch on to the smallest slight and not ever let it go. It doesn't have to be about her sobriety. She expects everyone to bow down to the alter of Kim, while she has free reign to insult and attack. Don't question why she's late, don't question why she doesn't show up, don't confront her about rude behavior, don't ask for an apology. She behaves like a toddler. Game Night and Poker Night weren't her fault. The ride in the limo with Lisa? Never happened. LVP couldn't show up at her daughter's graduation party? Go after her relentlessly. Kyle, apparently, is the worst sister in the history of all sisters because, well, I'm not sure. Eileen sucks because Kim hates her face. Kim gets along with whomever is feeding into her delusions about herself. I'm sorry. I just don't think Kim's addictions are the problem at this point. Sometimes, people just suck. And, I think Kim sucks. She could be sober for 10 years and she would still be a narcissistic asshole. I can watch this and think these women should back off and leave her alone, but I'm not living and working with her. So, I think there is a learning curve. We have watched her for 5 years, so it's easy to play Monday morning quarterback. 24 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875878
Betweenyouandme February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I think that if she'd never been an addict, none of these outbursts would have happened. Alcohol and pills can create permanent or very long-lasting changes to the brain and central nervous system. After I stopped drinking, months, a year after, I still was scared to be around people. I literally shook when moving a fork to my mouth. I'd have to have a straw to drink from my glass because I couldn't make my hand smoothly pick up my glass. I became very paranoid. This wasn't a withdrawal issue exactly because I'd have no problem using my hands or thinking okay if I were alone. It was strictly at restaurants from the fear that people were looking at me. I remember standing in line in stores absolutely convinced the people behind me were laughing at me. It took everything in me to just stand there silently and by the time I'd get into my car, I'd be crying and trying to just tell myself that all I have to do is make it home. It was awful. I mean, absolutely the worst thing I've ever dealt with. I can't speak for what is going on with Kim on authority. But, I can say that if substances mess with her at all like they do me, that paranoia feeling/thoughts can turn you defensive or nutty. It triggered something. And, I can saw with little doubt, if while feeling that way I actually had people saying things to me, I know I would have left making a scene. That's my perception of this. And, I "only" heavily drank for a year. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875906
hypnotoad February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) Who wouldn't talk about it? If Kim doesn't want the cast talking about her sobriety, then maybe she shouldn't show up on camera high as a fucking kite. I would have brought that shit up non-stop to whoever would listen. Not going to lie about that. Also? Lisa R didn't bring up the topic at this latest dinner as a way to confront Kim about her alleged sobriety. She was apologizing for getting in her business and explaining why it was hitting her personally. Just as when Eileen got the Richards sisters together in her failed attempt to have either act like an adult, it was all about Eileen's personal loss of her own sisters driving her. If Kim had the ability to think about someone other than herself or could stop trying to lie and deflect about her issues, she'd be able to see neither of these women are trying to hurt her per se. Both have personal experiences that they were drawing on. Brandi is tired of being hated on and let Kim have center stage for fan hatred and disgust for a change. I don't think that's why she was quiet. She had a glimmer in her eye when it all started to go down: she was enjoying it. Later when Kim kept going? Brandi started looking a little freaked out. This one backfired on Brandi, big time! You can almost see the panic in HER eyes, the wheels turning, as she is finally realizing what a mess she's walked into. Completely agree. Now she gets to play the adult in the situation by quietly telling Kim to stop--not because Kim's in the wrong at all, but because she knows that it's just stressing Kim out more to try to talk to these people who are all against her. In my opinion, Kim is most certainly wrong because these people aren't against her. They are concerned for her and rightfully so. No one sat at that table and said 'we don't believe you have been sober for 3 years.' No one brought up anything about her drinking/drugs etc earlier in the season - no one questioned anything because they weren't given a reason to do so. The poker night opened that up. Even with the events of that night, no one attacked Kim. No one said disparaging things about her. They were concerned. After the table reading, those women asked her about sponsors and that sort of thing. They offered help and support. How is that being against her?!? Asking after someone who took pain pills not subscribed to her isn't being against that person. It's asking a question. Should Lisa R left it alone after the plane trip? Yes but I think she got emotional talking about her sister. Kim attacked Eileen for no reason at all! Kim doesn't like Eileen's face? No wonder. Eileen is at least 10 years older than Kim and looks at least 20 years younger than Kim! but hey, if you bring up my skeletons in an open forum being viewed by millions of people without my permission, after SPECIFICALLY being asked not to, don't be surprised if your skeletons are hung out to dry as well. I'd generally agree with this, except in this case. Kim brought her own so called skeletons to an open forum being viewed by millions of people with her permission. Harry Hamlin has not. I think that if she'd never been an addict, none of these outbursts would have happened. Alcohol and pills can create permanent or very long-lasting changes to the brain and central nervous system. And if you brought up this reasonable and informative information to Kim, she would tear you a new one. Edited February 28, 2015 by hypnotoad 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875923
imjagain February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I agree! I've believe that throughout Brandi and Kim's friendship, Brandi has let Kim in on the little secret that the way to secure your spot on the show is to be as outrageous as you can be. Kim took it to the nth degree and Brandi is letting her have the spotlight. Good luck with that Kimmy. Speaking of Brandi being subdued, when they spotted Naked Man on the street, LisaR, Kyle and Kim lost their shit. Lisa and Kyle were obnoxious. Their behavior was more what I'd expect from Brandi. Even Kim tried to get Brandi excited about it but Brandi quietly said, "I know, I saw". So yeah, maybe Andy whispered in Brandi's ear or vice versa that it was time to try for a redemption arc. Or, Brandi was still feeling her xanax from flying. Didn't she say in the past she basically knocks herself out to fly? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875933
WireWrap February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Yes, exactly. It was not surprising to see Brandi behave this way at all. She did the same thing at the dinner in Hawaii when everyone was arguing, and the same thing in PR. Generally, Brandi sits back and says very little when there is confrontation among the girls, unless it is something that she actually started at the table (the deal with Joyce, the deal with Mauricio at the restaurant that night). If an argument or a debate begins with other people, Brandi will usually sit back and watch. The funny thing here is that all of this started because of Brandi. She told Lisar that if anyone were to question Kim's sobriety that Kim would go batshit crazy. She made it sound like things would get very ugly if Kim were questioned. Then, a couple of days before they leave, Brandi tells Kim that Lisar has been questioning this. Of course she fails to include the parts that she contributed to the conversation. She knew that Kim would go crazy on Lisar which I think is exactly what Brandi wants. Brandi also told Lisa R that if they did it as a "group" intervention and all the women talked about "themselves" as well, them maybe Kim would not feel singled out, Lisa was the one to say an intervention was a bad idea. I suspect she told Yolanda the same thing and that is part of the reason she brought up Bella's DUI, the other half of why is that Brandi told her "everyone" was saying Bella had a drinking problem. You know what? Brandi has brought up Kim's sobriety almost as much as Lisa. The difference is that Lisa actually said something directly to Kim, while Brandi plays runtelldat without bringing up her own role in talking about it. We have seen Brandi discuss Kim's sobriety several times with her friend Jennifer, as well as with Lisar (basically to deflect Lisa's concerns about her behavior) . Brandi planted the seed, and now I think she's a bit freaked out because she didn't realize how nasty Kim could be. Well, too bad so sad. I just can't blame Lisa for talking about it. She had to sit in a car for an hour with Kim acting like a maniac. Who wouldn't talk about it? If Kim doesn't want the cast talking about her sobriety, then maybe she shouldn't show up on camera high as a fucking kite. Even when Kim is sober, she is a nasty human being, so I have zero sympathy for her at this point. Brandi is the one that wanted a "group intervention" for Kim, not Lisa R. And it was Brandi that told Yolanda about Kim taking Monty's pill, not Lisa R. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875966
ryebread February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Everything that anyone contributes has to do with addiction. I don't think you can fake Kim's level of crazy, but, Lisa's over the top reaction, the let's talk about addiction non-stop, I don't know. Something didn't ring true. Lisa is an actress. But, while certainly anyone on the show has a right to keep talking about Kim's sobriety, it reaches a point where it's like, really? You've got a scared cat in the corner. A. Leave the room B ignore it C talk sweetly but keep a distance D go up to it boldly E Attack Nearly screamed at the TV when Lisa Rinna greeted Lisa V and Eileen in the hotel lobby, sat down and immediately started in about how she's been very open about Kim and trying to help her. I can almost see the wheels in Eileen and Lisa's head turning and borrowing a phrase from Nene thinking, "Here. We. Go." Again. Lisa needs to stawp. Eileen, especially, just seems so guarded and always sitting there with this stuck-up aura. If things aren't just so, she sits up straighter and looks down her nose at everyone. I find her style tacky and her heart to be difficult to find. I don't think she's heartless. I just think she rarely shows that side with any sincerity. I think she says what she thinks a proper, confident, wealthy woman would say, but there's nothing there. I think hanging out with her would be either pleasantries or cracks to her niceness when she was slightly displeased...a side-eye here, a pointed question at any inappropriate comment, a sigh and hair toss, and a bid farewell so she could go soak her feet in a 99$ foot spa she purchased at BBB while her cat blouses around, swiffering her dusty bobbles and fake ivy suffocating her bathroom. Rollicking good time was had by me when reading this part of your post. Plus one to all. Although I have to give Eileen props for keeping her cool while everyone else loses theirs. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875969
Chit Chat February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 (edited) Eileen, especially, just seems so guarded and always sitting there with this stuck-up aura.Eileen, especially, just seems so guarded and always sitting there with this stuck-up aura. Respectfully, I don't see her as stuck up, but rather in shock as to the level of meanness and tackiness this group of women can show! I would be guarded too. I wouldn't want these women to know a damn thing about me! I've been watching this show since day one, and I had an expectation that with wealth came a certain amount of class, but as LuAnn from RHONYC taught us, that's not true! Edited February 28, 2015 by ChitChat 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-875989
sistermagpie February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Now she gets to play the adult in the situation by quietly telling Kim to stop--not because Kim's in the wrong at all, but because she knows that it's just stressing Kim out more to try to talk to these people who are all against her. In my opinion, Kim is most certainly wrong because these people aren't against her. They are concerned for her and rightfully so. Oh, I wasn't giving my own opinion about Kim there--I think she was completely wrong. I thought that was what Brandi was trying to convey to Kim. Because she's constantly playing both sides of the fence. When she's with LisaR she's concerned about Kim and knows she's fallen off the wagon. But when she's with Kim she's always on Kim's side. So at the lunch managed to take the same position. She told Kim to stop, showing that she can see Kim's problems as much as anyone else, but she could easily later be on Kim's side and say "That's why I was telling you to stop, because these horrible women will never understand your pain." 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-876000
ryebread February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 I wouldn't want these women to know a damn thing about me! Too late. Bravo has given her 750 thousand reasons why that is bound to be impossible. I've said it before, but I hope Eileen doesn't come back. She seems too normal (although eccentric) to be subjected to this nonsense. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-876008
panthergirl13 February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 The Real Housewives: confirming the rest of the world's perception of Americans since.... well, let's just say "2015 Edition". 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-876038
Watermelon February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 On rewatch Kim is even more disgusting. Lisa fucking apologized. Just fucking say, "Game night was an outlier, if it scared you, I'll apologize, but i'm ok." But NOOOOOOOOO. From there she engages with Lisa, tells Eileen she doesn't like her face, calls Kyle a bad sister. Then when Yolanda steps in to calm heads and again get Kim to understand she can just take Lisa's words as an apology by bringing up Harry's brothers and himself, Kim goes, "yes let's talk about the husband". I promise I would have told Kim we can talk about her husband just as much as she wants to talk about her Cujo ass dog and her child. And then I would have punched her. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17390-first-looks-the-locked-one/page/4/#findComment-876039
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