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Alyssa Milano: Host With The Most Weird Outfits

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There is an interview with her here:  http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/30/project-runway-all-stars-alyssa-milano/


This quote gave me pause:  "I think we have the most talented group of designers that any season of Project Runway has ever had."   Sound familiar?

 Jedi mind tricks brought to you by the Project Runway family.  The talent potential is there, but I can already feel them fucking it up with one day challenges.

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Alyssa seems nice enough but also not particularly quick on the uptake - she's marble-mouthed in such a strange way for a 40+ year old grown woman.  But I'm here to share my dismay about the way she's styled!  I think she had a pretty young child in her first PRAS season, and now is pregnant with her second in this one, but damn!  There was no reason for anyone to put Alyssa in that formless silver shiny expand-o-dress for the runway presentation, none at all, including being 8 months pregnant; she's pretty and the producers/stylists can certainly put her in better clothes, hair and makeup for sure.  I mean, Asos.com would be a better place to start than the nonsense you can see Alyssa will be in throughout the season!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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I was so happy during the previews to see that Cat Deeley is going to be a guest judge this season! I am hoping that it is in fact a try-out for her to be the hostess of this show next season. I suspect she would be a major improvement.

(Sorry Alyssa, I actually think you seem like you would be fun to hang out with. I just don't agree with your fashion judgement!)

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I was so happy during the previews to see that Cat Deeley is going to be a guest judge this season! I am hoping that it is in fact a try-out for her to be the hostess of this show next season. I suspect she would be a major improvement.

(Sorry Alyssa, I actually think you seem like you would be fun to hang out with. I just don't agree with your fashion judgement!)

I'd vote for that. I love Cat Deeley and she seems to have the most enthusiasm of any hostess, and she has a real fashion flair....maybe Alyssa could borrow her stylist (well, I do realize, Alyssa is slightly shorter but the stylist could adapt).

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I actually thought she was really pretty in her initial appearance at Grand Central. She has a face which looks lush with a little extra weight on it.


That outfit she wore at judging, though? Just, really not.


Although I've noticed that sometimes people who are well-known for their physical appearance (my for instance is Brittany Spears) gain weight after they've had children and have no idea how to dress when their outfits don't depend on their bodies being perfect.

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Although I've noticed that sometimes people who are well-known for their physical appearance (my for instance is Brittany Spears) gain weight after they've had children and have no idea how to dress when their outfits don't depend on their bodies being perfect.

I know what you mean, but how come her stylists don't know any better?  Her hair and makeup are just consistently terrible and I have no idea why.  She's such a pretty woman.

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I don't mind her as host.  She's no Heidi and she's pretty stiff at the beginning of the season but I still like her OK. 


And one of my favorite PR judging moments was during the last PRAS when someone made that dress out of construction paper (like, literally just stapled the construction paper together for the skirt) and Isaac said it was "really kind of great" and Alyssa screamed "Oh, come ON!" 

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She is a horrible host in my opinion.  However where else can you tune in and see a woman so determinedly carry out what has to be an art installation entitled "Wearing My Grandmother's Tea Cozys on a Dare".  If a sitcom was able to channel the sheer absurdity in written form as displayed the last time Milano walked out for the runway?  Damn I have no laughed so hard in a long long time.  I actually could not breathe as the ridiculous image she presented.  And seeing what she shows up as next is the sole reason I'm going to tune in (though Jay is a handsome man so he might prompt some interest as well).

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There was no reason for anyone to put Alyssa in that formless silver shiny expand-o-dress for the runway presentation, none at all, including being 8 months pregnant; she's pretty and the producers/stylists can certainly put her in better clothes, hair and makeup for sure.


The back view of that hideosity was priceless. We actually paused the DVR and gazed in amazement. And shock. This is a design show for god's sake!


Is is possible she is very, very unpopular on set and the stylists are getting their revenge?

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There is an interview with her here: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/30/project-runway-all-stars-alyssa-milano/

This quote gave me pause: "I think we have the most talented group of designers that any season of Project Runway has ever had." Sound familiar?

They should just trademark that phrase, cause Tim Funn is always saying that about, 300 times per individual season, as if to remind not only us but the designers they're not as bad as they think they are...

Her runway outfit this last show was the best she's looked on this show in forever. Really pretty. Soft hair, pretty makeup.

She'll screw it up next week. I predict with my Third Eye that her entry look will be something big, in a horrible shade - like puke green or hospital lilac - and her hair will be an incomprehensible mess. She'll completely go downhill come runway.

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The worst part about it all is how the Pavlovian designers gasp and ooh and aah whenever Alyssa clunks down the runway in her hideous monstrosity of the week.


Maybe this would have been a better season for Kate to bust out her "pregnant fairy" dress from the Glamping challenge.


Does anybody else's skin crawl when Alyssa does that creepy, low-pitched "hehehehehe" type laugh? It drives me bonkers.

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The worst part about it all is how the Pavlovian designers gasp and ooh and aah whenever Alyssa clunks down the runway in her hideous monstrosity of the week.






Maybe they keep hoping a production assistant will hand them all a stick and if they hit her hard enough all kinds of good things will fall out? 


I do the one time, two weeks ago? when she came out on the runway to announce what the challenge was, the gasps were shocked embarrassment for Milano which was followed by stuttering "awws" to try and unsuccessfully sell how adorable she looked all pregnant.  Not buying it.

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The dress color looked soft, her hair was nice, but her baby bump looked like a butt under the fabric. My daughter and I were dying.  Alyssa is such a beautiful woman and I can't believe how horrible she looks pregnant on this show. 

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Does anybody else's skin crawl when Alyssa does that creepy, low-pitched "hehehehehe" type laugh? It drives me bonkers.

I thought I was the only one that hated that, ha ha! She sounds like a demon smoking helium at a dive bar on Route 66. Or a drunk squirrel. I just wish she would never do it again.

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I thought I was the only one that hated that, ha ha! She sounds like a demon smoking helium at a dive bar on Route 66. Or a drunk squirrel. I just wish she would never do it again.


You're on the right track, but I tend to find demons smoking helium at Route 66 dive bars and drunk squirrels sort of endearing.


She's done it two weeks in a row - I know because it reverberates against my skull like a small child falling down a well. So I won't hold my breath it's going anywhere anytime soon.

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You're on the right track, but I tend to find demons smoking helium at Route 66 dive bars and drunk squirrels sort of endearing.

She's done it two weeks in a row - I know because it reverberates against my skull like a small child falling down a well. So I won't hold my breath it's going anywhere anytime soon.

It's reverberating in my skull as well - sounds like that get stuck vividly inside my brain, and then they grow like a miasma of horror, amplifying in sound and texture. It's like that stupid nomnom sound people do when they're eating french fries...ugh.

You know, squirrels and demons are a little tame for that cackle. I guess the other best comparison would be the snigger that Hans, our poltergeist, gives out whenever you walk past the downstairs bathroom. I chased him from up under the living room couch so now he's stuck in the toilet tank.

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How hard is it to make a pretty woman look pretty?


Exactly, well said!  I think she looks really pretty pregnant, personally (as many women do). But can they possibly make her look worse with their outfit/hair/makeup choices?  More than once I've been ticked off at whoever picked her outfits wondering how they possibly chose something so unflattering. She's naturally pretty, it shouldn't be that difficult to make her look good!

Edited by NikSac
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I think she's doing the cackle on purpose...she is trying to sound slightly wicked.

I know, but she's so guttural it just comes off as hilariously bad. If you close your eyes and listen, she sounds like an overweight puff ball propped up with a stick watching SNL...

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Good Lawd, Alyssa looks beyond miserable IMO.

Can't they give her some canola oil or take her to Jiffy Lube and pop that baby out? I know she finally did give birth a month or so ago, but dang. For a while there it looked like she had a four year old child in her belly.

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But I'm glad they gave her a chair with a place to put her feet. Those tall chairs (so fashionable, so trendy, so uncomfortable) are not the best things for short women to sit on....bad for the circulation if you can't do anything but dangle your feet.  After a most unpleasant dining experience, I've learned to ask for alternative seating rather than allow myself to be talked into hoisting myself up on a seat that is higher than my waist.


They're particularly bad when you're that pregnant. It's hard to lift yourself up, and letting your legs dangle is just asking your feet to swell up.

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Perhaps the bee hive on her head was wound too tight. It had a weird plastic look...no way was that hair going to move.

But I'm glad they gave her a chair with a place to put her feet. Those tall chairs (so fashionable, so trendy, so uncomfortable) are not the best things for short women to sit on....bad for the circulation if you can't do anything but dangle your feet. After a most unpleasant dining experience, I've learned to ask for alternative seating rather than allow myself to be talked into hoisting myself up on a seat that is higher than my waist.

A bay unicorn was walking in the hood, just chillin', gettin' him some apple drank when he was drugged and woke up behind Santa Anita Park missing his mane and tail. Now we know where it ended up...

My grandfather bought a bunch of those freaking swimming pool bar chairs - I hate them. I really do. The seats are too small and they SWIVEL. So not only do my feet prickle from lack of circulation, I have to make sure not to move suddenly to the left or the chair will eject me to the right. They are like bar stools from Hell.

Edited by BathKol
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Fear not, fashion friends, I have pondered the mystery that is Alyssa's pregnant stylin' self, and why we hate her looks. Bottom line (get the pun?) .... She is just trying too freakin much to be "fashionable". That's it. She's trying too damn hard, and we wince at the effort. Fashion is supposed to look like you're not trying too hard...really, you just jumped out of bed and grabbed whatever...somehow looking great. With Alyssa, one gets the impression of great effort, plotting even, with an entire team on call to make her look great. But the viewers can see the machinery behind the curtain, as it were, and it just hurts our eyes. The woman is aching for a pair of sweatpants and fuzzy sippers. For sure she'd look more at ease.

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There are 3 things that annoy the f$@! out of me about this woman.

1. Her horrible laugh.

2. Her spastic "Jazz hands" wave to the designers when she comes onto the runway each episode.

3. Her ridiculous kiss blow a la Tim Gunn that she started doing this year.

There. I feel better.

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OMG. THat photo. That dress. That horrible, horrible, "fit": the boobs. The stomach bulge. Those nasty sleeves. Please, just frigging wear a maternity gown. Everybody knows you are pregnant. Stop dressing like you aren't. flowing can be pretty, and is more comfy.

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OMG. THat photo. That dress. That horrible, horrible, "fit": the boobs. The stomach bulge. Those nasty sleeves. Please, just frigging wear a maternity gown. Everybody knows you are pregnant. Stop dressing like you aren't. flowing can be pretty, and is more comfy.

I believe she had given birth by this point.

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I believe she had given birth by this point.


I will say that as awful as that dress looks on her, it is nice to see an actress who looks like she had a baby and didn't immediately start spending 8-10 hours a day working out so that no one would be able to tell a baby was recently inside her.

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I've not had time to read all of the comments here, so please forgive if I'm repeating what someone has already said.

The first outfit that Alyssa wore this week was beyond horrible, not to mention that it looked like it was bought at the five and dime. This is a fashion show, for Pete's sake! Either her stylist needs to be fired, or if Alyssa is picking out her own wardrobe, she needs to hire a stylist ASAP! The second outfit she had on was the most attractive thing she's worn all season. And I must add that she looks like she's ready to POP! She must be absolutely miserable.

Edited by farmgal4
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I've only caught the last 4 episodes via on demand. (Totally forgot PRAS was on!) I'm astounded and extremely pleased that Alyssa Milano isn't doing that weird over-enunciated, stilted affectation thing this season. She talks like a normal person, and I like her so much better because of that! Heck, I can even forgive her stylists' (does she have more than one?) sins since I can at least listen to her without cringing this year.


I never did understand why she talked like that. Wonder what changed? Maybe they got a new teleprompter. ;-)

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She had given birth by the time she went to that premiere in that green dress. It was way too tight, but I guess big ups to her for being confident enough to wear it...? I went to her website recently because I was bored, and she's very quickly lost weight in her face. (Wish I could put down the office Christmas treats and maybe I could lose some lbs. too.) She looks very cute in casual clothes in pics w/her family, when she's not trying so hard.

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Her hair styling this season has pretty much been bad.  Those updos early in the season were just awful.  I'd also like to know who started this whole fashion of pregnant women wearing super tight dresses?  I'm sorry, but on most women, especially those like Alyssa who carried that baby all in front, those tight outfits are just ugly.  It's OK to be proud of being pregnant, but why not more flowy, feminine clothes as opposed to those contraptions that look like you need the jaws of life to get out of.  Plus, I don't really like seeing that huge bulging belly button that most women have during pregnancy.

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I guess they have a bad fashion rep. but I loved wearing mumus during my pregnancies. I grew up in Hawaii and now live in San Diego so weather isn't an issue. And I sewed them myself so they fit just the way I wanted. Long, short, sleeves or not, whatever I wanted. And there are gorgeous tropical print fabrics available. And for me, so much cooler and more comfortable than sleeveless tops and shorts. I was 8 months pregnant, out for dinner, and a total stranger came up to me at my table and told me his wife sent him over to tell me how pretty my dress was! That's never happened to me before. And because we are so relentlessly casual here, I never felt over or underdressed.

Edited by ub40fan
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Her hair styling this season has pretty much been bad.  Those updos early in the season were just awful.  I'd also like to know who started this whole fashion of pregnant women wearing super tight dresses?  I'm sorry, but on most women, especially those like Alyssa who carried that baby all in front, those tight outfits are just ugly.  It's OK to be proud of being pregnant, but why not more flowy, feminine clothes as opposed to those contraptions that look like you need the jaws of life to get out of.  Plus, I don't really like seeing that huge bulging belly button that most women have during pregnancy.


At least she's not wearing those tops that looked like spandex cropped tops that didn't actually cover the whole belly that seemed to be so popular for a while. (Really, I don't think most -- if not all -- women should be wearing tops like that unless they are in the pool. I don't really want to see anyone's belly button, although if you're swimming, I'll allow it.)


But yeah, I don't get the supertight, look-at-me-I'm-pregnant-and-not-ashamed clothes. I certainly wasn't ashamed when I was pregnant, but I was huge and, frankly, felt huge and lumbering and fat. And tight-fitting clothes were just not comfortable. If there's one time in life you can go for comfort in clothes (and I do all the time), it ought to be when you're pregnant.

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Snappy said: I don't see any connection between Alyssa and fashion, other than a lack of.

According to Alyssa's Wikipedia page, her maternal grandmother was a hat designer & her mother, Lin, who's also her manager, was a women's wear designer.

Also, Alyssa created a collection called Touch, which is team--& presumably league--logo apparel & accessories aimed at female fans of sports normally thought of as male-oriented (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, etc.). She designed it because she's a big sports fan--particularly baseball--& the only "female"-oriented apparel she could find for her favorite team(s) was in pink (which she said she hates... and it's stereotypically "female" besides--this is my comment, not Alyssa's). Here's a link to her touch website.


So it would appear there is a legitimate link between Alyssa & fashion. I've actually known about her "female sports fan" apparel/accessories line for years, but I Googled it again to be sure she still had it & to get the name of it, which I'd forgotten.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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^^that is certainly a connection, and she has had that line for awhile now.  I think its a great idea, but it wasn't all that fashion forward.  I mean, cute tee shirts for women already existed, she just had the idea to slap a team logo on them and sell them. Which was a good idea, but nothing that would particularly make her qualified for this show, IMO.  One could argue, neither is Heidi, and I would tend to agree, except she did spend a lot of time as a model exposed to fashion.....and its her show so.....

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I don't dislike Alyssa, but I don't think she has the background to be judging others on their talents as a designer since she hasn't been "in their shoes". While it's great that she has a sportswear line, that doesn't really say a lot since many celebrities have lines but others have done the work. At least models have seen and worn a variety of designers clothes to see what works and doesn't.

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My grandfather and father (and brother and nephew) were electricians. That doesn't mean you want me anywhere near an electrical outlet with a screwdriver. :)


ETA: Kidding aside, I might be able to overcome the appalling fashion choices she makes (hey, she leaves the dressing room looking like that) if she didn't come off as stilted as she does in hosting. I don't think that spot *necessarily* requires the same level of fashion expertise as the rest of the judging panel. But it does require someone who can speak and interact naturally. Resumes and personal fashion choices aside, Heidi's presentation as *host* works better for me. Mix Alyssa's trying-hard-but-not-quite-there-yet verbal presentation with the nightmares she wore the other night, and she falls short.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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My grandfather and father (and brother and nephew) were electricians. That doesn't mean you want me anywhere near an electrical outlet with a screwdriver. :)

ETA: Kidding aside, I might be able to overcome the appalling fashion choices she makes (hey, she leaves the dressing room looking like that) if she didn't come off as stilted as she does in hosting. I don't think that spot *necessarily* requires the same level of fashion expertise as the rest of the judging panel. But it does require someone who can speak and interact naturally. Resumes and personal fashion choices aside, Heidi's presentation as *host* works better for me. Mix Alyssa's trying-hard-but-not-quite-there-yet verbal presentation with the nightmares she wore the other night, and she falls short.

Her verbal presentation issues may have to do with the fact she's dyslexic. I read that on her Wikipedia page when I looked up the info on her clothing line.

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I've been watching her for decades, and she started out as a pleasant, natural young actress. She only seems to get stilted when she tries to be Serious and Dignified.


Maybe her vocal coach and her stylist are related.

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