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S05.E03: Four Walls And A Roof

Tara Ariano

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Same here! I don't remember who Martinez was. 


Martinez made the fatal mistake of turning his back on the governor, while they were playing golf on top of the Winnebago.  He was competition for the governor, so the governor hit him in the head with a golf club, followed by dragging him (alive and screaming) to the walker pit, then held him head down so the walkers could eat him alive.


Sometimes I worry I'm losing what's left of my vision. This episode seemed so dark. I watched it on a somewhat old TV so maybe that doesn't help. 


I watch with all the lights off, and the CC on.  It seems to help.


Father Gabriel's story was malarkey (bad writing). The windows were easily accessible and if someone could carve warnings into the woodwork, they could pry open the shutters and enter the church.


Yeah, I don't get how they were able to legibly carve a curse into the wood, yet not use that sharp object to pry open a window.  Plus, if that carnage happened while the were standing and screaming to get in, I imagine it would have been a bloodbath.  Gabriel implied they were picked to the bone, but all they did was knock on the door, and carve out words.  I agree it's sloppy writing.  I've found over and over again that what we think up here, is ten times more creative with what the writers come up with.  For example, the notches on the trees were not hobo code, or communications to Morgan.  No, they're just a trail of bread crumbs so the termites didn't get lost.

  • Love 6

Damn, Cutty just killed D'Angelo Barksdale in Detective Carver's church.  Wait, sorry, wrong universe...




Now, this is how you send-off a villain.  Have him be around for a few episodes, just enough for him to cause some damage (Bob), and show how horrible he is.  And, then have the gang brutally finish him and his crew off.  Yep, I enjoyed Gareth way more then The Governor.  Loved that Rick's machete came into play,  And, of course, Michonne was reunited with her katana.  All is right with the world!


Did notice that Tyreese, Tara, Glenn, and Maggie, were disturbed over how brutal Rick and the rest where, but since they didn't say anything during the good-byes, I'm just going to assume it was unnerving, but they know it had to be done.  I hope so, at least.


Not a fan of them splitting up again.  I won't miss Abraham's crew, but I don't see anything good over Glenn and Maggie (oh, and Tara), going with them.  I just have to think this is going to end up being a fake-out, and the cure is a non-starter.


Not surprised Bob was bitten after-all, but it was still sad.  His and Sasha's good-bye actually worked, despite the limited screen time.  Still can't believe Sonequa Martin Green was so boring on Once Upon A Time, but so good here.  Hope Lawrence Gillard gets another gig soon; he's way too talented. Father Gabriel can stay; his story was obvious, but Seth Gilliam is making him compelling.


Daryl pops back up at the end.  What's his big secret?!


Good episode, but already concern with next week.  A Beth-centric episode?  Maybe Emily Kinney improved over the hiatus, but I'm not betting on it.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 10

Please tell me Morgan is with Daryl. Please.



Just occurred to me, Daryl wouldn't recognize Morgan if they met in the woods, right? Rick was the only one who knew him.



What got me was the way Daryl did it. As they said on TTD, if it was Carol she'd just come out.

I think if he found Beth he would be either triumphant or if she were injured he'd be running like he did with Carol in the Tombs...help she's hurt.

But if it was Morgan, why would Daryl look more uncomfortable than anything else? He'd either have someone he trusted was an old friend of Rick's, or he'd be suspicious and make the guy go first--in front of him--to keep an eye on him.

Daryl looked like he brought someone, but he was not feeling good about what the reaction would be, yet he said come on out...like it was Quasimodo or something.

I agree, as much as I'd like it to be Morgan, I don't think it is. Both Carol & Beth would just come on out.  Some I'm thinking it's either an entirely new character or  (hopefully not) another Termite.


I'm also not upset with Maggie & Glenn going with Abraham. Back at the prison they had been talking about starting a family. It makes sense that they would want to hold onto hope that they could find a cure instead of just surviving.

Edited by Milaxx
  • Love 3

I knew Bob had been bitten!  Although so did most of you!  I really thought he went outside in last week's episode to kill himself, and I still believe that was his thinking.


Oh, Abraham.. "extract his ass"?  Puh-lease. 


Poor Tyrese. Big strong guy physically, but seriously not cut out for this world.  I think that Sascha's decision to go with the group was partly motivated by her realizing how much Tyrese was struggling.  Or maybe I just want to think that.  But he was clearly not up for it while the group was discussing the plan.


Please tell me Morgan is with Daryl. Please.


I didn't even think about that, but I hope so!!  Daryl wouldn't know him, but they could talk and if Morgan has been following them, he could mention Rick.  Maybe Carol has Morgan restrained, until they find out if Morgan is legit?


While I will miss Bob, Father Gabriel intrigues me and I would like him to stick around for a minute.


I think Gabriel is a fascinating character, and the actor is doing a great job showing the weird layers of the characters.  I'm especially interested to see how he fits, or doesn't fit, in to our Group of Wayward Heroes (and a Baby).

I'm confused about why Glenn and Maggie left with Abraham.  Goes against what they said about staying with Rick, doing whatever he decided.  I know they spent more time with Abe, Rose, & Eugene, but still.  Glenn was weirdly loyal to Rick after knowing him for like 10 minutes, and now he just leaves?  He could have backed out of that "deal" with Abraham with no repercussions.  Someone smarter than me should explain this!


Abraham agreeing to wait because Tara, Glenn, and Maggie agreed to go with him if they did made zero sense


That I did understand, because Rick indicated he was ready for a fight over the bus if Abraham left right then, and so I figured Abe decided it was a good deal to not have to fight for the bus, and have extra manpower, if it only required 12 hours (and a little fighting). 

Bob's "I really like the middle" was so sweet, without being treacly. 


Yeah...the lord's house is gonna need a cleaning service.


Habit-ual Maids, perhaps? /groan


How did Gareth know Judith's name?  Or Tyrese's?  Did Bob tell them?


"Stupidity is also a gift of God but one mustn't misuse it" was on a placard in plain view on the altar when Gareth et al walked in. Made me laugh.


I think the congregants couldn't get in because a) they didn't have weapons, and b) were in a total panic.  I guess it happened early in the apocalypse, and folks were not prepared and didn't have any sort of plan.  I imagine a lot of slapping the door and screaming, but not a lot of rational thought or plan-making.  It sounded to me, from Gabriel's story, that it all happened somewhat quickly.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 6

When Sasha was getting ready to take care of Bob, did anyone else get the feeling that she was going to turn him into a "pet"? Just something about the way she was holding the knife by his wrist made me think that she was getting ready to cut off his hands and then go to work on his mouth.


Except he wouldn't be a very good pet unless they made him a new leg.  Walkers gonna walk...and Bob can't walk. 

  • Love 8

I love Glenn, and I love him attempting to fill Hershel's role as moral center.  He must have loved Lost, and Jack must have been his favorite character.  He was about fifteen seconds from saying, "If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone".


I need help remembering something.  Gabriel mentioned Atlanta being bombed.  Is he referring to the CDC blowing up?

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Just looked at the map in slo-mo, and the route Abraham marked is exactly the way ANYONE would travel from Atlanta to DC.  It's the quickest way, all highway.  Why would they waste a map (or even paper) on telling someone "Take the major highways northeast"?  Wouldn't the map be more valuable for Abe's group if they needed to go off the main highways at some point?  If getting Eugene to DC is so important, why waste that important resource?  Or do they have several maps?  I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.  

  • Love 7
I need help remembering something.  Gabriel mentioned Atlanta being bombed.  Is he referring to the CDC blowing up?


No, Atlanta was firebombed at the beginning of the ZA, which brought the first of the group together.  They were caught up on the highway together.  There was a flashback scene of Lori and Shane seeing it from a distance.

Edited by peach
  • Love 10

Overall I thought this was a good episode. I didn't have a strong emotional connection to it, as I would have wanted to have, possibly because they crammed so much story into one episode (this could have been a half-season or story), and perhaps a directing issue, but I liked it.


What I appreciated the most was Sasha's characterization. I thought they treated her perfectly. Her emotions (grief, disbelief, rage, acceptance) were all understated yet still easy to see. Her scene with Tyreese was important for both characters, and treated both respectfully. I'd go as far as to say other than "The Grove," it was Tyreese's best material so far. I think Sasha has likely always been pragmatic and Tyreese has been ruled more by his big heart, and they're both adjusting - Sasha let herself fall for a guy, let herself trust, while Tyreese is trying to control his emotions and do what has to be done. I was happy that the show let Sasha kill that bastard without making her into some type of bad person or acting like she was betraying Bob or her brother. Sasha has her own voice, she isn't just someone's girlfriend or sister. I'm glad we got to see that here. I'm also glad we got that goodbye with Bob, and the final scene where she let Tyreese kill him for her. I'm glad the show didn't pander to the fandom mindset that only 2-3 characters are important. 


Sasha means a great deal to me as a character on this show. I think she adds to the group in ways I can't quite fully explain. I know she's never going to be a main character, I know she will be lucky to get through each episode, but I'm glad she, and Sonequa Martin-Green, got that chance to shine.


I also like how simple the Tyreese/Sasha relationship is. There's no forced conflict, no forced merriment - they're two very different, yet similar people, siblings who love each other but aren't defined by that. 


I was underwhelmed by the Terminus group in this episode, as minus some well-acted monologues they were mostly smug idiots, and the brutality scene didn't quite work because of the lighting and because it's difficult for us to be shocked even as the show wanted us to be shocked. With that said, the key scenes ("tainted meat" and Rick's slaughterhouse) still worked, and I'm glad they didn't drag this out.


Some part of me was like, "Bob takes a long time to die," but I'm glad they gave him a decent showcase for his final episode, and let him go with dignity. I'm not a big fan of the whole "happy death" TV scene, it just seems cliche, but Lawrence Gilliard Jr. did a great job. Kudos to the show for treating his relationship with Sasha as something good and positive while still allowing both characters to keep their dignity and not just be about each other. Sasha wants to believe in good things, but she's never going to be happy-sappy, the way he was in his last few episodes. She's balanced, and he kept her balanced, which is one of the reasons she (and I) will miss him. We never really got to see that much of Bob with the group in a positive way, so the group goodbye scene and the scene with Rick didn't mean as much to me, but it was fine. Bob was an interesting character. Even if the writing was sometimes uneven and clumsy, Gilliard always did his best. Bob brought a unique voice to the group. He reminded me more of the Darabant period, which isn't a bad thing. I'll miss him.


I like the idea of what the show is exploring with Tyreese, and that they aren't just repeating Rick's struggle with "how far is too far," but the details are what make the story sloppy. 


I didn't have a problem with Glenn and Maggie being disturbed by the brutality. I keep seeing people say Maggie and Glenn wouldn't leave their "family," but honestly they were never really "family" to Glenn and Maggie. Maggie was in a bubble with her father and sister, and Glenn was an errand boy for the group. He didn't really find a family until he met the Greenes. I wish we got more POV on this, but I prefer them quietly leaving to endless debates over morality and losing yourself and so on. I just want more POV, especially for Maggie. I feel like I understand Maggie, but that's just me. I don't think other fans are as willing to keep cutting her slack for the odd writing choice of not mentioning Beth. 


I wanted more Michonne, as always, but at least they gave her that powerful scene with the katana, which was both amazing and heartbreaking, as she is, in a way, as chained to it as those "pets" were chained to her, and she can't move on without it. The scene with Gabriel was also good. I was worried they might try to hint at a romance between them; thankfully they didn't.


I'm wary of Gabriel because he seems somewhat superfluous and the show already has so many characters, but Seth Gilliam is doing a good job, and I'm glad they're bringing in more guys who aren't generic action heroes. 


Speaking of that...


Abraham continues to sour episodes for me. He just feels grafted onto the group and the show. Splitting him up helps resolve this for now, and helps stave off pissing contests with Rick (thank you!), but it doesn't help make him any less one-note or unpleasant. The note to Rick was a good start. Can we build on that?

  • Love 12

Martin told him.


And he also said that the termites had been watching the group at the church.  


Also have to say that I've really come to like and appreciate Sasha this season (so far).  Another bad ass female.  


Anybody else worry that Tyreese couldn't actually stab Bob in the head?  The way they didn't really show us or show him make that much of a motion with his arm/hand...  I think he just pretended and then wrapped him up and tried to bury him real quick so no one would know.  I mean, WalkerBob couldn't really get out of a grave, could he?  Just me?  Okay. I don't trust you Tyreese!!


And the actor who plays Bob was awesome too.  I really loved the "tainted meat! scene.  So. Much.  And I thought the scenes with Sasha and Rick were really touching as well.  Especially liked how he told Sasha he didn't say anything about being bit because then it would have been all about the end.  And he really liked the middle.  


Awww, Bob.  I'll miss you.  

  • Love 8

Then they are better off going with a group that thinks it's better to leave cannibals to kill other unsuspecting people. 


They would be dead on a Termite grill if it weren't for the murderous Carol and Rick.  They would have been dead in Woodbury if it weren't for Rick.  They've depended fully on each other since the very beginning, but a machete attack of the most gruesome, evil people who murder and eat children was so offensive for them, they have to leave with annoying strangers.  Good luck, Carl and Judith.  Nice knowing you, Daryl and Carol. 


I think it's a case of, "It's now what you do it's how you do it." I don't think they're judging the others. They just didn't want to be a part of the group at that point, since they had another option. 


I also think the time they spent on their own may have emboldened them more. That was the first time Glenn had been on his own, most likely, and he probably felt like he didn't necessarily need to be with the group to survive. 

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How would Gareth have known that the grey-haired bitch aka Carol had killed his mother? I guess he assumed her culpability because Martin said she was going to Terminus and his mother ended up dead as a result? Because there's no way he could have known about Mary & Carol independently. She was due to become walker chow fast and couldn't have told anyone about Carol.

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I guess I find it hard to swallow because the entire Abraham/Eugene story is just so patently unbelievable and stupid.  Eugene is not remotely credible.  As many have already said, the new trio seem like characters who wandered in from a different show, so it's not working for me that Maggie and Glenn see Rick slaughter the worst human beings on earth, who almost slit Glenn's throat like a pig, and decide to run off with THEM.

  • Love 15

I guess I find it hard to swallow because the entire Abraham/Eugene story is just so patently unbelievable and stupid.  Eugene is not remotely credible.  As many have already said, the new trio seem like characters who wandered in from a different show, so it's not working for me that Maggie and Glenn see Rick slaughter the worst human beings on earth, who almost slit Glenn's throat like a pig, and decide to run off with THEM.


I do think it's thin motivation. I agree with you. And the whole DC story is inane.


I think it's something that was already building, as there was clear tension between Abraham and Rick and that was just going to get worse and worse with the wait over Daryl and Carol. I think that Glenn and Maggie probably saw what happened, saw the ugliness of the world they live in destroy Bob (who'd becoming something of a friend to Maggie), and everything fell into place. They can have a group more suited to them, and try to save the world.


If they had any scenes where they got to verbalize this, it would help.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 3

Yeah for the Michonne/Katana = OTP reunion! Woot!


I'm oddly bothered that they already killed off Gareth. He was creepy and menacing and yet banal in a way. Hated him but I thought the actor did a good job. I figured we'd get a little longer arc with the Termites hunting the Grimes Gang. oh well.


Oh show, you almost did it. You almost let us have 3 men of color with speaking parts in more than one episode.  Sigh. Well at least we still have two....


RIP Bob. I liked you a lot.

  • Love 3

The Good:

Carl, hatless and not speaking.

Sasha: making the most of a bad script.

Glenn: Stepping up as a voice of reason. Worth noting: he was directing his work a lot harder against Rick than against Abe, because he knows that when Rick is using the Batman voice he is not all there mentally.


The Bad:

Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Bob. And his "acting."

Watching a brand new priest character who I have no attachment to break down and cry over a backstory that could have been written by an eight year old.

Having to try to figure out why an enormous bite wound on the shoulder did not bleed noticeably.

Abraham losing weight this season, so he's not even funny any more.


The Ugly:

Rick stretching out his torture of his enemies, just as the Termites originally did. He who fights monsters, blah blah blah we get it already. But the problem is, Rick isn't a lone antihero. He's the Ricktator, and he gets pretty upset about people opting not to follow him, so... shouldn't he drop the weiner-wagging and just shoot to win the fight already?

Rick as Leader: You know why you're still alive? I didn't want to waste a bullet. Besides the one I shot you with... I'M BATMAN!

Anyone else as Leader: BANG! Headshot! Next?

I mean, this wasn't a scenerio like the Nuremburg trials, where you have to give the bad guys a visible trial so the other countries know you're in the right. This was war, between people who knew perfectly who was on which side.


The Even Uglier: 

This was a dark, hard to see episode. You want realism? Fine. Do some scenes of neighborhoods that haven't been mowed in a few years. Until then, shut up, do your job, and film some decent, visible scenes.


And the Ugliest:

Even more Bob. Tainted schmainted. The reason the Termites were all puking is that there is only so Bob a person can be expected to stomach.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 2

I'm also glad that the termites are gone, it was a satisfying ending. 


I don't like that they split up the group again, we had that all last season & I was happy when they finally got together again. Now they're going to do the same thing again. At least until they discover that Eugene is lying, I guess.


The ending was very intriguing, now I'm all anxious for next week except for Beth. It better not be an entire Beth episode.

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Well, that was surprising.  Not that they killed the Termites but that it was so violent and gory, although they certainly deserved it and I was yelling "Yes!" at the TV.  I'm glad they wound up the Termite story as quickly as they did.  Glen and Maggie being surprised at the brutality was surprising, too.  I mean, Glen was almost butchered by this bunch and what they did to Bob was unconscionable.  I guess it was to give them an out for leaving the group and going with the three stooges. Although, now that I think of it Glen has really been this way from the beginning.  He's said more than once "this is not who we are".


Daryl looked pretty traumatized when he came out of the woods, or I could just be misreading his expression.  I'm hoping it's not Carol getting killed when rescuing Beth.  He just looked like he might have some bad news.  It's probably as others have said that tptb just wanted to l leave us with a cliffhanger.


Plot holes aside, I did really enjoy the episode.


Rick as Leader: You know why you're still alive? I didn't want to waste a bullet. Besides the one I shot you with... I'M BATMAN!

Anyone else as Leader: BANG! Headshot! Next?


The irony is that's what Rick wanted to do after they escaped Terminus. Some of the others talked him out of it. 

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 4

The irony is that's what Rick wanted to do after they escaped Terminus. Some of the others talked him out of it. 

The city was burned, they'd never met most of its inhabitants, and had absolutely no way of knowing how many bad guys from Terminus were out there.

They talked him out of it because nobody was politely coming to the door and standing there saying "Hi, we'e the bad guys who you should be killing."

Hell, they didn't even have a door.

  • Love 2

I agree. I was just saying that Rick did at one time want to take the direct approach and just kill them all, rather than give the bloviating speeches he and Gareth had in this episode. I guess after they played games with Rick and the rest of the group, he played some of his own.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 4
How did Gareth know Judith's name?  Or Tyrese's?

Martin told him.


Thanks!  Totally forgot about Martin knowing their names.

Lawrence Gillard was great as Bob. He really turned it into a meaty role.


GROAN. :-)

The ending was very intriguing, now I'm all anxious for next week except for Beth. It better not be an entire Beth episode.


So much agree.  I wish the writers/ producers/ whoever would realize that we do not care about Beth, and it's okay if she just stays disappeared.  The cast of characters who we do care about is already so large, no need to bring Beth back in to it!

Daryl looked pretty traumatized when he came out of the woods, or I could just be misreading his expression.


I think NR always plays Daryl as traumatized.  That character has had a PTSD and WTF look about him from day one. (But I love him.)

What did Rick and Tyreese say to each other while digging graves?


Rick said something like "You never told me how it was for you, getting to Terminus."  Tyrese responded with "It killed me."  Rick: "No it didn't."  /scene


Edited because the spacing on my posts has gone seriously wonky.


Edited again because it did not hit me until re-watch that maybe the marks on the trees resemble the marks Morgan used to mark houses as cleared or not cleared.  Maybe Rick has been marking trees to indicate safe and not-safe areas, using Morgan's marks?  We haven't seen Rick doing it, but I suppose there's a lot that "happens" that we don't see.  And maybe Morgan is following the marks because he recognizes them?  I'm not going to go back and check because laziness is the defining characteristic in my life, so maybe I'm way off the mark, but it's an interesting thought.  To me, at least. 




Edited by Turtle
  • Love 6

When Gareth is naming off all the people he knows are in the church, the camera is showing each person as he says their name. And it even happens to Judith! Her expression is so funny because it looks like she's thinking, "Don't say my name, don't say my name. Oh crap, he said my name!"

How did he even know their names?

  • Love 1

I don't mind Beth. I think the show is using her to try to tap into the teen-heroine-against-an-evil-world market that hit it big a few years ago. I don't think it always works, although she does have her share of fans. She doesn't bother me depending on who she's with, or what her material is. This looks more interesting than "Still." I'm just not sure I want to see an entire episode solely about her.


Watching this episode reminded me of just how little time Rick has ever spent with Tyreese, or Sasha (or Bob - RIP), in spite of Tyreese and Sasha being on the show for nearly two full seasons now. I hope this may change. 

  • Love 1

Abraham giving Rick the map with their route to DC made me roll my eyes. How could they possibly know what route is not clogged up with cars and walkers? It is not like they could take I-95.

Regarding I-95, I am sure that the biggest freeway on the eastern seaboard was something that millions of people avoided when the zombie apocalypse began. It's just sitting idly with no traffic right at this moment waiting for Abraham's journey to DC.

Edited by Statman
  • Love 9
Edited again because it did not hit me until re-watch that maybe the marks on the trees resemble the marks Morgan used to mark houses as cleared or not cleared.  Maybe Rick has been marking trees to indicate safe and not-safe areas, using Morgan's marks?  We haven't seen Rick doing it, but I suppose there's a lot that "happens" that we don't see.  And maybe Morgan is following the marks because he recognizes them?  I'm not going to go back and check because laziness is the defining characteristic in my life, so maybe I'm way off the mark, but it's an interesting thought.  To me, at least.


Gareth said they made the marks so they could find their way back.

  • Love 2

"Gareth tells Rick that he saw them burying a bag. "What's in it?" asks Gareth while holding a knife to Bob's eye. Rick explains the bag holds guns -- lots of guns -- plus a machete with a red handle. "That's what I'm going to kill you with," Rick says."




And, Rick kept that promise, spectacularly.   

  • Love 5

Dammit, mulit-quote is still not working for me!  Ends up just a blank post.  So annoying.  

Regarding I-95, I am sure that the biggest freeway on the eastern seaboard was something that millions of people avoided when the zombie apocalypse began. It's just sitting idly with no traffic right as this moment waiting for Abraham's journey to DC.


I figured that the highways provided the best way to get north, riddled as they may be with abandoned vehicles.  In a bus, and with a few strong people, they probably have a better chance of getting through on a wide highway than on a back roads.  They can move some obstacles, drive on the shoulder/ medians .. and most of all, they can see any walkers coming their way because highways tend not to have a lot of blind spots (especially when you're going 20-35 miles an hour).


Gareth said they made the marks so they could find their way back.


I thought that was in reference to the marks like the slash on the tree where Bob was taken, but not the circle with an X marks.  Although I could be wrong.  And if my earlier theory about the marks resembling Morgan's, that opens up a whole new can of worms!

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 3

Tainted Meat is now not only my rally cry but the name of my band that I'm going to start

Rock on! We can tour together - Tainted Meat and The Flaming Zombies live at the Fillmore!


I don't mind Beth. I think the show is using her to try to tap into the teen-heroine-against-an-evil-world market that hit it big a few years ago.

Yes, but I'm a grown up and I have no interest in Veronica Mars: The Apocalypse Years or Pretty Little Walkers. If that's what they want, give her her own spin-off where she stumbles on a boarding school in the woods and they can have all the teen angst-love triangles-talent shows-zombies they want and I never have to endure EK on my screen again.

Edited by PunkyMouse
  • Love 16

I want them to give them ONE episode of this Washington thing, then be done. Either get there and find out and find that it's all gone, or find out that Eugene is lying, or it's true or whatever. I don't care. But repeating the same scene over and over, about WashingtonWashingtonWashington is getting old. I feel like Abe has repeated the same scene a few times by now.

I wonder if this Washington storyline is the spinoff series AMC's been talking about. It would make sense to include two long-standing characters in Glenn and Maggie, as opposed to basing the entire series around Abraham and Eugene, whom we barely know and who are not particularly sympathetic.

Also, Glenn and Maggie leaving makes sense. Abraham seems like a competent guy and has a clear goal in mind (even if he is putting all of his faith in a cipher like Eugene); Rick doesn't really seem to have an idea about where to go or what to do.

I like AMC dispatching Gareth this quickly. He and his group were one-dimensional bad guys; the show got everything they could out of them and moved on.

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I think the spinoff is supposed to be set earlier, with brand new characters.


I've seen so many comments about how hot Gareth was and that he shouldn't have been killed off because he was so hot, I'm kind of glad the show got rid of him this early. I thought the character was interesting and compelling in the time we knew him, but I wouldn't really want to see people defending a character who eats children. Of course it's not just about him being hot - some fans found him compelling or sympathetic. I feel like they got some things right with him that they didn't get right with The Governor, but I'm glad they didn't let him overstay his welcome.

  • Love 6

Rock on! We can tour together - Tainted Meat and The Flaming Zombies live at the Fillmore!


Yes, but I'm a grown up and I have no interest in Veronica Mars: The Apocalypse Years or Pretty Little Walkers. If that's what they want, give her her own spin-off where she stumbles on a boarding school in the woods and they can have all the teen angst-love triangles-talent shows-zombies they want and I never have to endure EK on my screen again.


I think the idea of the story is interesting, I just wish more characters were involved. Beth has been such an isolated character. I get the logic behind the Carol/Daryl/Beth "triangle" (if we call it that) being put into this, but I think having people like Glenn, Maggie, maybe Michonne or Carl (who aren't doing much at the moment) involved would have added more.

  • Love 1


I wish they had a more compelling story for Father Gabriel. If he was locked in all that time where did he get water? Where did he go to the bathroom? It just does't compute for me.

He wasn't locked in the whole time.  There was initially a good supply of food because they'd just had a food drive at the church and the food had not been delivered to the food bank yet.  After that supply ran out, Father Gabriel went out and raided various places.  He told Rick that he'd cleaned out all the safe places in the area.

  • Love 1


Oh, Bob, I loved you from the beginning.  I wish you didn't have to die but I'm pleased you got some measure of schadenfreude courtesy of the Termites.  


Rock on! We can tour together - Tainted Meat and The Flaming Zombies live at the Fillmore!


I can't wait for a duet of "Die Beth Die!"



Yes, but I'm a grown up and I have no interest in Veronica Mars: The Apocalypse Years. If that's what they want, give her a spin-off where she stumbles on a boarding school in the woods and they can have all the teen angst-love triangles-talent shows-zombies they want and I never have to endure EK on my screen again.


Same.  I like the idea of Beth - a sheltered teenage girl trying to navigate the ZA but EK does it so badly I'd be happy to never see her again.  Maggie had the right idea to leave without even sparing a second thought about her.


I love that Jim was namechecked.


Gareth (well, Andrew West) is a hottie but I'm glad he's gone.  He was a great villain and I wish he had gotten the longer arc instead of the Governor, but ultimately he had to be put down.  Even more than Lizzie he couldn't be around other people, he's far to dangerous.  I don't mind that Rick hacked him to bits, he deserved it.


Congrats to Michonne for being reunited with her katana.  Just a few nitpicks:  I always crack up when she draws and sheathes her sword because the sound monkeys have added that metallic *SCHWING* sound.  If you have a wood or leather scabbard it doesn't sound like that at all and a metal scabbard would be useless the moment it got its first dent.   Also, while it looks cool to sling it across her back, if the sword is longer than your arm, you can't unsheathe it.  Notice they always cut away just after Michonne reaches for her sword and begins to pull it.   Plus, you don't want to draw out a blade that close to your neck, especially in a panic situation.  Realistically she'd carry it on her hip so she could actually draw it out in one motion without taking the whole apparatus off, and without the risk of slicing her own neck.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 6

Martinez and his family were in season one. When Rick and Co decide to go to the CDC they decide to go elsewhere. I don't remember where. A military base, maybe?



I just realized it must have been Tara's idea to have most of the group leave and then circle back. She said, "I have an idea," then Abraham argued with Rick, then Maggie and Glen agreed to go to DC if they would stay and help.


Morales and his family were from season 1; they went to Birmingham AL (or tried to) because they had family there and Mrs. M said " We want to be with our people". Also, at that point in the story, they and a couple other people were visibly unnerved by the beginning power struggle between Rick and Shane.


No, when Tara said "I have an idea" she offered up the plan to agree to go to DC with Abe/Rosita/Eugene "no matter what" as long as they gave Rick's group some time to wait for Daryl and Carol to get back. It's kind to think Tara could think up the double-back double-cross idea...but I think you "misoverestimate" her.

  • Love 4

Way to get rid of so many characters quickly. (Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Bob, and Gareth.


At least. Beth and Carol are still in limbo.)


So if I'm getting this correctly, we have Rick, Carl, Judith, Sasha, Tyreese, Michonne, Daryl, Father Gabriel? May or may not have Morgan? (How funny would it be if that's his only appearance for the Season 5.) Am I missing anyone? Tara is where? (I keep blotting her out of my mind every time I'm done viewing this episode.)

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 1

Way to get rid of so many characters quickly. (Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Bob, and Gareth.

At least. Beth and Carol are still in limbo.)

So if I'm getting this correctly, we have Rick, Carl, Judith, Sasha, Tyreese, Michonne, Daryl, Father Gabriel? May or may not have Morgan? (How funny would it be if that's his only appearance for the Season 5.) Am I missing anyone? Tara is where? (I keep blotting her out of my mind every time I'm done viewing this episode.)

Tara is with Abe, just like you said she said she'd be in your post two above. Edited by lulee
  • Love 1

Since everyone is infected, I wondered if the cannibals became addicted to the meat like the walkers do....that they couldn't stop even if they wanted to. Loved to hate Gareth...loved more that they knew just how long to keep him. When the scene opened up, I groaned thinking we would have another Governor-esque season of LONG self righteous speeches.

Eugene looks terrified...and not of the walkers. When he said he didn't want to leave and then said ok to Abe, I was thinking he knows he is going to be fed piece by piece to walkers when he doesn't deliver. And I cannot look at him. He looks like the love child of Johnny Cash and Elvis. And not in a good way..

Loved the episode. They so had me when the Termites entered the church. I just hoped that Daryl and Carol would make a well timed entrance. I cheered so loudly I scared my dogs.

Can someone explain the MASH reference to me?

  • Love 3



With all that he has found out, Sidney is beginning to piece together what led to Hawkeye's breakdown. A key piece of information needs to be found to connect the story with the rest of Hawkeye's night. After he returned to the 4077th, Hawkeye accused an anesthesiologist of trying to smother a patient and then drove a jeep through a wall in the officers' club and ordered a double bourbon, which he never drank. Trying one final time, Sidney goes digging. Hawkeye remembers telling the refugee to make the chicken be quiet. However, it suddenly stops making noise and Hawkeye finds this strange. He then suddenly remembers that the only reason the noise stopped was because the chicken stopped breathing, and finally he bursts into tears. The refugee was not carrying a chicken but her infant child, and that because he told her to keep the baby quiet the refugee smothered her baby to death, something he had not intended. 


  • Useful 1
  • Love 3

Abraham continues to sour episodes for me. He just feels grafted onto the group and the show. Splitting him up helps resolve this for now, and helps stave off pissing contests with Rick (thank you!), but it doesn't help make him any less one-note or unpleasant. The note to Rick was a good start. Can we build on that?


Abraham is remarkably underwritten as a character. (All I see is orange hair and a tank top.) His alpha male persona didn't add anything to the group dynamic. His devotion to Eugene boggles the mind. Not sure that I would follow him so easily. For all of his bravado, he, too, walked into the Terminus trap. I don't see any leadership skills in Abraham; just blind devotion to Eugene.


Speaking of Eugene, he is either incredibly brilliant or incredibly stupid because I don't believe anything that he says and I keep wondering why everyone else does.



I guess I find it hard to swallow because the entire Abraham/Eugene story is just so patently unbelievable and stupid.  Eugene is not remotely credible.  As many have already said, the new trio seem like characters who wandered in from a different show, so it's not working for me that Maggie and Glenn see Rick slaughter the worst human beings on earth, who almost slit Glenn's throat like a pig, and decide to run off with THEM.


One week ago Glenn says that we don't split up. And now he runs off with Abraham on the silliest quest ever. What do they expect to find in DC? Why assume it hasn't been overrun? Yes - there are too many characters in the show. And yes, Glenn and Maggie represent "hope." I didn't enjoy the divided group last season and here we are again. Glenn's character has lost purpose but following Abraham isn't the way to revitalize it.

  • Love 5

I'm not bothered by how Gareth knows everyone's name but that he is so far gone he refuses to name the ones he has the most venom for, Carol is gray haired bitch, Daryl is the archer, but he name drops everyone else down to Judith. 


And I was under the impression that since everyone already has the virus that unless Bob's bite was fatal then he would be ok. T-Dawg they took out most of his neck, clearly he wouldn't survive, Hershel they chopped off the leg and he was ok. Bob wasn't gonna survive the leg chopping etc but the bite didn't seem fatal to me. 


And I would have liked at least Martin to start to turn, one of the termites just to see tainted meat play out. 

  • Love 2

Also, Glenn and Maggie leaving makes sense. Abraham seems like a competent guy and has a clear goal in mind (even if he is putting all of his faith in a cipher like Eugene); Rick doesn't really seem to have an idea about where to go or what to do.

Abraham is a competent guy, I suppose.  Who was going to be murdered at a trough and EATEN, after Glenn was murdered and eaten, THAT VERY DAY. Brutal Rick is a beast and saved all their lives by being going way beyond competent, with the saving grace and help of brutal Carol.   But, hey, they should bet on competence because it's gotten them so far already. 


Ugh, I apologize for beating a dead horse, but I'm still irritated by this episode, even after sleeping on it.  lol

  • Love 9

When Sasha first gave Tyrese the knife to take out Bob, did anyone else say to themselves "you have picked the wrong one" with a sassy attitude and neck roll?

No I didn't. I thought good Tyreese is going to do it for his sister.


I was expecting more from Rick's plan to get the Termites. Maybe it was his asking if they were up to it (I hope I'm remembering that correctly). But anywho, the "reveal" that part of the group were still at the chruch was an Is that it??? moment. As with Tyreese and Martin, I was irriated that Rick sat there and let Gareth talk ... just put him down already!


And Judith, bless her little head. Now there is a liability. I wonder if they will ever show her crying at an inopportune moment and calamity befalls the group.

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