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S29.E05: Blood Is Blood

Tara Ariano

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Are we allowed to discuss the bonus clips here? I looked for a thread for them and didn't see one.



I don't see why not.  We will be told otherwise.  Listening to Kelly talk after she was voted off filled in the story. I get it now! 


Dale was disliked, they thought he had an idol and Kelly had no alliances when the new teams were chosen.  They were easy outs, either one. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I am hating the dynamic between Missy and Baylor and between the two of them and the rest of the folks.  Ugh.  They grate.


I am wondering how much of Missy's "It'll work out" attitude regarding the rice is connected to her three marriages/divorces.  I mean I hate to say this, but women who marry serially either are deep romantics at heart (she doesn't seem to be one), very unlucky, or not very self-sufficient.


That Mama-bear thing gets really old, too.  For one thing, Baylor is 20. And for another thing, marrying and divorcing repeatedly when your child is still at home is a clear pattern of putting your own emotional needs before those of your child.  One divorce could be saving your child from a bad situation, but three? 


(This said as a once-divorced woman who took the opportunity to learn and change.)

  • Love 8
Production will make sure they have enough rice.  There have not been any food rewards yet so they are coming.  I do love to see them attack food rewards with gusto because of starvation and I have been missing that!
There was a food reward where they could have eaten or gotten blankets and they chose blankets.  Frankly, I dislike seeing the food rewards, the contestants always end up looking disgusting and sometimes we are treated to too much information.  I still remember the scene of Colby frantically running around to find a place he could drop his pants before the diarrhea came.


I don't see why production has to make sure they have enough rice.  There should be a huge cost.  I'd love to see Jeff say "you have to vote someone out, right now."  I dislike everyone on the blue team except for Natalie so I'd be perfectly OK with that.

This season and these players are so boring to me. I still don't know most of their names and now that the swap has happened, I couldn't tell you who was on which tribe originally so I can't even keep track of the grudges.


Kelly didn't seem any more strategic or interesting to me than anyone else, so I don't care that she's gone, although I would have preferred that it be either Missy or Baylor, who I simply dislike. I had no opinion of Missy before tonight, but all that Mama Bear nonsense was getting on my nerves. "I married a string of men whom I now hate and who Baylor hates, BUT I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT MY DAUGHTER." Shut up. That ship has sailed.


I'm guessing that since Jeff put off the bargain for more food until after TC, he's either going to ask them to forfeit the next reward challenge or he'll show up at their camp and dismantle it, taking the things they already won in the earlier rewards. I don't think he'll demand they forfeit immunity, since that seems less related to the food issue, but who knows? Also, I don't care.



The first few seasons they were coddled?  When people were losing upwards to 40 or 50 lbs.  When there were no endless "rewards" of spas and tons of food to eat like every other day?  When people were living on rats?  And as someone else mentioned up thread, one girl had clumps of hair falling out etc.  When they had to make their own fire until they could bring back their torches from the first tribal council?   Then had to try hard to keep the fires going through rain because flint just wasn't given away to them back then.  Nay, I think old school Survivor was the tougher kind.


I wouldn't say they were coddled, but they were given more food in the early seasons. They didn't have the lavish rewards then, but their in-camp staples were far more generous. In the first two seasons, Borneo and Outback, they were given both brown and white rice, flour, and canned goods. They ran out of food in the Outback because Keith (who was a chef) was cooking way too much food, and they showed the others complaining about the huge portion sizes at least twice that I remember. In Africa, they were given even more food because the camps were in a nature reserve and no hunting or foraging was allowed. Not sure about the next couple of seasons, but it wasn't until season 7 Pearl Islands that food seemed to be a real issue and that was only for one of the tribes. That season they gave them nothing but a sack of money and made them buy their own supplies in town before heading to camp. Sandra's team made out like bandits, whereas Andrew Savage's team acted like idiots, traded their clothes, bought very little, and went to camp with money left over. After that season, the food supplies seemed far more spare; just rice and dried beans and once I remember they had to choose because they couldn't have both. The rewards got better, but day-to-day supplies were leaner.

  • Love 4

I honestly don't think he realises that is the real idol. that's what's blowing my mind. 


Where do you get that it's the real idol?  First off, as far as I know based on show history, unless they explicitly say so, there is only one idol at each camp.  John Rocker found the idol on the Coyoba side.  When John Rocker and Keith found their idols, they were in a bag and I think there was a note in the bag.  And the hashtag "#ImmunityIdol" thing is displayed on the screen.  With Dale.... nothing.  If it was an actual Idol I would assume that the show would have at least indicated to viewers that it was the Idol.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the replies to my - Does Dale have an idol.  It is Keith! 


Dale no mustache.  Keith mustache.  Got it.


I have to say I am enjoying this season the players are all over the map and are making moves and seem to be thinking things through.  I knew when Dale was running around telling everyone about Baylor he was a goner and was surprised it was his daughter.


You can see how I mixed up Keith (running around telling everyone that Jeremy had an idol) and Dale (running around telling everyone that Baylor sucks).


I somehow missed that Dale found a thing and thinks it's an idol.  This should be good.

Edited by jumper sage
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Rice and beans can sustain a person for a long, long time.




I'm sure the show has minimum calories/nutrition they legally have to provide, probably around 800 calories a day since below that is usually considered supposed to be medically supervised and with supplements.  So they will have to provide rice and beans to the tribe but the penalty should be very steep, to stop future tribes from just burning through their stores.  


How did the tribe with J'tia's spilled rice get by or did they never really say?  

So I'm the one who's going to say it? OK. When Josh said that his relationship with Reed gave him the strength to come out to his family and friends, I kind of chuckled, because honestly? Josh, I think that was a mere formality on your part. Maybe because he came from a conservative, Christian background some of his peeps were just in denial, but this guy's gayness is visible from outer space. And no, I really don't get the abstinence before marriage thing, either. There's some sort of mixed metaphor in there. Not judging! Just sayin'. 


I really dislike the tribe switch-ups because I've just gotten a handle on who's who and what their inter-tribal dynamics are when they throw all that out the window. It also inevitably ends up screwing someone who doesn't deserve to be screwed, and benefiting someone who doesn't deserve to be benefited. 

  • Love 6
How did the tribe with J'tia's spilled rice get by or did they never really say?
I think she spilled the rice thinking she'd be voted out.  She wasn't.  There was another tribal council (3 days later I presume) and she was voted out.  The next day, there was a tribe exchange.  The three tribes formed into two new tribes.  I believe the brains camp was abandoned.  So at worst, the Brains only had to survive for 3 days without much rice.


I would think it was obvious that TPTB chose to abandon the Brains camp in part due to lack of rice.  Am I misremembering this?

I think she spilled the rice thinking she'd be voted out.  She wasn't.  There was another tribal council (3 days later I presume) and she was voted out.  The next day, there was a tribe exchange.  The three tribes formed into two new tribes.  I believe the brains camp was abandoned.  So at worst, the Brains only had to survive for 3 days without much rice.



I can't remember whose camp was abandoned, whether it was Brains or Beauty but I do remember that in the next episode, before she was finally eliminated, she was complaining about being hungry which annoyed Tasha. But I didn't feel bad for them since they were the ones to keep her even after she threw the rice.

  • Love 1

In the second season Probst took Colby's Texas Flag (being used as a tarp for shade and rain cover) in exchange for more rice.

I miss the days of contestants having a luxury item - it allowed for us to get a better feel for who they were. I also REALLY miss the days when they had to SURVIVE. This group is a bunch of wimps who can't even stand to feel hungry.

  • Love 7

It's interesting that after a season filled with idols in camp, an idol in the riverbank, and the Tyler Perry idol on top of that, TPTB seem to have limited the number of idols they're strewing about the place.  I bet if Russell were a contestant -- and please, for the love of god, don't let him be a contestant again! -- there would be multiple idols to find, all replaced by multiple idols when the finder leaves the game.


It would be interesting if the price of getting new rice would be for the rice-eaters from before the tribal shuffle to line up, and have a tribal council where the people who only ate rice once a day get to vote one of those rice-eaters off.  Why not?  I mean, as Jeff loves to say over and over, "The game has changed forever."

  • Love 2

I also REALLY miss the days when they had to SURVIVE. This group is a bunch of wimps who can't even stand to feel hungry.

They don't even try to cast for survival skills anymore, because those skills rarely turned out to be significant in the game. And in some settings, e.g., Australia and Africa there was virtually no food gathering that could be done.


Personally, I don't like the starvation olympics aspect of the show, and I'm glad they've toned that down. That's just my opinion, I understand other people feel differently.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 3
It would be interesting if the price of getting new rice would be for the rice-eaters from before the tribal shuffle to line up, and have a tribal council where the people who only ate rice once a day get to vote one of those rice-eaters off.  Why not?  I mean, as Jeff loves to say over and over, "The game has changed forever."
Why should the new people be exempt?  Just because they were only there for three days?  I'd say no.  If someone is going to be voted off in exchange for rice then they should all be at risk.  It might not be fair, but a lot of things in this game are not fair, and a lot depends on chance.


I actually thought we would be losing Josh.  The moment the editors insert some random fact about someone's personal life that really has no relevance to the game (honestly, does anyone really care if he and Reed are abstinent?) it usually is an indication that they are soon to be doomed.

Ah.  The old Sacrificial Goat Strategy.  Makes perfect sense!



Nah it was more like getting out a hot, athletic, well liked chick who could win the mil.  Dale is one to drag to the end, especially if they take care to hold on to Missy and Baylor for the jury. Or when you need a throw away vote.  Kind of like me keeping my garbage in the freezer between trash pick ups.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7


Baylor reminds me of Eliza Orlins --- a player that just seemed to automatically get on the nerves of everyone else out there and was always seen as a 'smart threat' despite never seeming to actually make a move that lived up to that billing.

Yes, and I'd like to add Sierra from Tocantins. I remember people on her tribe having issues with her as well, and I had a hard time understanding why. I think one difference Baylor has against them though is that she has been shown to be pretty strategic and thinking for herself and her own game as opposed to just blindly following another person.


Honestly, I don't have a problem with Baylor as some people seem to. Sure, she's a bit bratty. But I think the edit has been fairly kind to her in that regard. As in, she could easily be edited to be alot brattier than what we've seen of her so far. But instead, she's being edited as kind of an underdog right now. The only reason I'm seeing on the show as to why she keeps getting targeted is because she flipped on the first vote and because the guys had an alliance. But I don't recall hearing anyone say that they don't like her, just that Jaclyn and Dale don't trust her because of that one vote. So...it's weird. I'm not sure how the show's trying to portray her.

Edited by kelnic86

It's interesting that after a season filled with idols in camp, an idol in the riverbank, and the Tyler Perry idol on top of that, TPTB seem to have limited the number of idols they're strewing about the place.  I bet if Russell were a contestant -- and please, for the love of god, don't let him be a contestant again! -- there would be multiple idols to find, all replaced by multiple idols when the finder leaves the game.


It would be interesting if the price of getting new rice would be for the rice-eaters from before the tribal shuffle to line up, and have a tribal council where the people who only ate rice once a day get to vote one of those rice-eaters off.  Why not?  I mean, as Jeff loves to say over and over, "The game has changed forever."


Ha!  How about if they weigh them all, and the person who has lost the least weight can be traded for a new bag of rice!  The Biggest Survivor Loser. 

wings, I don't understand your correction.  I agreed that Dale is being kept as a sacrificial goat.  I'm not sure what other point you're making with "Nah...Dale is one to drag to the end, especially it they take care to hold on to Missy and Baylor for the jury. Or when you need a throw away vote."


(Somehow couldn't get the quote into the quote box.)

Edited by FineWashables

Where do you get that it's the real idol?  First off, as far as I know based on show history, unless they explicitly say so, there is only one idol at each camp.  John Rocker found the idol on the Coyoba side.  When John Rocker and Keith found their idols, they were in a bag and I think there was a note in the bag.  And the hashtag "#ImmunityIdol" thing is displayed on the screen.  With Dale.... nothing.  If it was an actual Idol I would assume that the show would have at least indicated to viewers that it was the Idol.



Oh I got them mixed up! 

I shouldn't post without fully waking up and drinking my tea. :) thanks for the clarity!

  • Love 1

wings, I don't understand your correction.  I agreed that Dale is being kept as a sacrificial goat.  I'm not sure what other point you're making with "Nah...Dale is one to drag to the end, especially it they take care to hold on to Missy and Baylor for the jury. Or when you need a throw away vote."


(Somehow couldn't get the quote into the quote box.)



Neither am I!  

  • Love 1

I, too, would have liked to have heard more about why Jon and Jaclyn aligned with Baylor and Missy instead of Dale and Kelley. Given that Jaclyn has voted against both Dale and Baylor, I'm inclined to think it came down to who Jon was more comfortable working with. He may have bought Drew's line about Kelley being a secret mastermind and needing to go. It also might be that they think Kelley is more athletic than Missy or Baylor—the merge must be coming in the next few episodes so now is the time to get rid of anyone who could beat you in an individual immunity challenge. It's also the time to get rid of anyone you may have alienated too much (that is, people who won't take you to the end and who won't vote for you on the jury). Jon was sure that he was on the outs with the old Hunahpu crowd, so maybe he felt that he had a better shot of getting Missy on his side than he did getting Kelley.


These are all just guesses, though. It might be as simple as having a better connection with Baylor and Missy than with Dale and Kelley.

  • Love 1

The only people I really like are Jon and Natalie.  Of the rest, I range from indifference to hatred, with varying degrees of dislike along the way.  Not sure why I'm watching if I really couldn't care less about most of these people?


I don't particularly hate Missy for her "mama bear" rant, but I don't fully understand why she thought it was so special.  Everyone out there has or had a loved one.  Is it a mother/daughter thing?  Tina and Laura had daughters with them last time, and I don't recall this level of "you bettah not touch my daughter!" vitriol.  Maybe it's because they were vets and knew that it's all part of the game.

I'm definitely puzzled by the strategy: We can't stand Dale.  Dale is horrid to live with.  So let's vote out Kelley.


Also:  I get there there's no fishing gear, but aren't there any clams, or mussels, or crabs, or other little aquatic creatures they could catch and eat?  Bananas?  I keep hearing Susan Hawke in my head saying "Tapioca."


You just explained it yourself.  "Strategy."  It's a game of strategy.  Period.  Anyone on Survivor who goes around wanting people out due to personal likes and dislikes doesn't know how to play the game.  So it would be horrible strategy to vote out Dale at this point.  Why?  Because Kelley = 3S (smart, strategic and savvy).  Dale = 3D (dumb, dim and dingbat).  If you want to win yourself you darn well want to keep the dingbat over the savvy.


And there are apparently no clams etc on the beach either because otherwise I'm sure some of these people at least would be off picking them up.  Especially the new members to this tribe.  And with their beachfront property very very limited they don't have many options.  We haven't even seen the tons of coconuts in either camp either.  Poor location scouting probably.  Or at this time in the show's franchise they just don't give a damn about stuff like that anymore.


Also:  I get there there's no fishing gear, but aren't there any clams, or mussels, or crabs, or other little aquatic creatures they could catch and eat?  Bananas?  I keep hearing Susan Hawke in my head saying "Tapioca."



Season 1 was in Borneo.  That is in the South China Sea and now they are in Nicaragua on the Pacific Ocean.  Two very different places far from each other.  


They don't have coconuts that I have seen or bananas.  We have not been seen any crabs or edible creatures on tape.  Usually they show what is there and all we have here are monkeys.  I think we will see them get more rice and perhaps a surprise reward for all to eat.  They have been on top of health issues since the Outback season. Michael killed a hog and his tribe won some chickens but the other tribe (Ogacore) suffered to the point Elizabeth was losing her hair.  

So when they were sitting there watching the birds and someone (Josh?) commented about fried chicken, and we saw some of those birds pecking at a dead fish that was lying on the beach... was that an editing trick?  Because if I saw birds pecking at a fish that they caught, I'd sure run over there, chase off all the birds and claim the fish.

Missy aggravated me almost as much as she did Dale.  "At our camp we made more than that."  Yeah, and you were just about to run out!  I really kinda wish there hadn't been a shuffle so Missy et al would have had to live with the repurcussions of their profligacy.  Grr.


I don't see why production has to make sure they have enough rice.  There should be a huge cost.  I'd love to see Jeff say "you have to vote someone out, right now."



And if that's someone who was on the tribe that was conserving rice before the shuffle?


Anyway, I think Jeff/TPTB have to give them more food, to prevent a flurry of quits.  Which might mean in game theory terms, it's the tragedy of the commons: better to just come in and eat like crazy from the start.  They should award them three days of food at a time.


Kind of like me keeping my garbage in the freezer between trash pick ups. 



I thought I was the only one who did this!  But I have two that I swap back and forth so they never get rank.

So when they were sitting there watching the birds and someone (Josh?) commented about fried chicken, and we saw some of those birds pecking at a dead fish that was lying on the beach... was that an editing trick?  Because if I saw birds pecking at a fish that they caught, I'd sure run over there, chase off all the birds and claim the fish.


My guess is that the birds were eating dead fish that had washed up, not fish they had killed themselves, and so they were too rotten for people to eat without getting sick.  (I just verified with Wikipedia that vultures can eat rotten food, and this is a quote from Wikipedia in case anyone is interested: "Vulture stomach acid is exceptionally corrosive, allowing them to safely digest putrid carcasses infected with Botulinum toxin, hog cholera, and anthrax bacteria that would be lethal to other scavengers.") 

  • Love 8

I am surprised that the people in charge didn't combine all the rice the old tribes had and give half to each of the new tribes.  I am not saying that I think this would be a good or fair idea, but I would think that the show would do it that way for the increased possibility of drama - "you only get one scoop because your old tribe ate too much rice" - especially since the person who may "deserve" less rice might be your loved one.  

  • Love 1

I, too, would have liked to have heard more about why Jon and Jaclyn aligned with Baylor and Missy instead of Dale and Kelley. Given that Jaclyn has voted against both Dale and Baylor, I'm inclined to think it came down to who Jon was more comfortable working with. 

Jaclyn said something that had me scratching my head, and thinking, "Well, clearly she is just letting Jon decide who to ally with."  It was when she said they needed to go research if Baylor was a better partner for them or something.  I thought, "You've lived with her 24/7 for 11 days... what research is Jon going to do in 10 minutes that negates your opinion?"  


I would starve before I would eat rotting fish OR vultures.  I imagine the show has clear instructions to them on what they can and can't eat, both to protect their health (and CBS from liability) and due to them being visitors in a foreign land who should respect the wildlife (excluding snails and such).  

There are a lot of coconuts in Nicaragua and John Rocker caught fish before he got voted out so I think they just didn't look/don't know how to fish. On the first episode Josh and Reed found a crab and ate it. Maybe they were conserving their energy but if they really looked I'm sure they could find stuff. They were there during mango season, maybe production had them in a very small area and got rid of some of the vegetation, I haven't seen a lot of native fruit trees that are pretty abundant in the area. Even on the small islands there are fruit trees. They are in San Juan which is known for giant river shrimp that people can catch with bare hands and are the tastiest shrimp I've ever had. I just don't understand their food issues unless production severely limited where they could go/ what they could do.

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I don't understand the players' concept that the people who have their loved ones are safer than the singles.  There is nothing more dangerous than a pair who have each others' backs, no matter what.  If I were Keith I'd be making nice with Dale and gunning for Jon or Baylor hard.  (That's why I understand why Kelly was voted instead of Dale, she was definitely the stronger.)  An alliance of singles (especially if it's clandestine) can easily break up couples if they understand that it's mutually beneficial.


I wonder if they really believe this, or just saying it for gameplay.  Or maybe they're just that dumb.


.  I was so over Jon and Jacqueline with their PDA in front of other survivors-yes, let's really emphasize that our primary alliance is with each other while we pretend they don't even exist.  


Plus, there are plenty of people there who are separated from their partners.   Unlike Baylor, I wouldn't stand drooling and watching, I'd get a little resentful.


I am disappointed that we did not see more at camp so we could understand why Kelly was voted off.   I like to be kept guessing but usually we, at least, know the contenders. 


I would like to have seen more of the logic as well.  It could have been as simple as Jacklyn seeing Kelley as a version of herself, and direct competition.  We'll never know, because they thought it was more important to show Baylor and Missy drama.


I forgot to mention this last week.  I think that Wes and Baylor look very much alike.  Put a wig on Wes, and paint his fingernails - they could be twins.

  • Love 1

The editing made it seem as if Jon/Jaclyn were the tightest pair on NuCoyopa. So of course, they're in the driver's seat because Baylor and Dale mistrust each other, and thus by extension, Baylor/Missy distrust Dale/Kelly.

I too am not sure why J/J choose B/M over D/K. I'm not sure how tight Baylor really is with her old tribe mates that are now on NuHunahpu (NuPu?).

In any case, I'm a little surprised they chose to vote out Kelly rather than Dale. It may be that Dale is less likable than Kelly and thus less of a threat. But given their ages, and given that Keith is all alone on NuCoyopa, I'd think Keith and Dale would be more likely to form a new pair than Keith and Kelly. That gives both J/J and B/M the option of flipping to K/D and still controlling the tribe. I don't think that's particularly likely, but I think it's more likely than flipping to K/K.

I really dislike the tribe switch-ups because I've just gotten a handle on who's who and what their inter-tribal dynamics are when they throw all that out the window. It also inevitably ends up screwing someone who doesn't deserve to be screwed, and benefiting someone who doesn't deserve to be benefited.

That's why I generally don't like swaps. Plus, if they merge at F12, it's all sort of pointless since the new tribes only exist for a couple of tribals.

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