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S03.E03: Corto Maltese


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The sociologists call it "idiosyncrasy credits", that if you're that good, you get allowances that aren't made for other people.


I appreciate that the hot wax scene looked painful but hey, I've had my legs waxed, it's not that bad. It's not like hot oil would be.


Oliver telling Diggle he didn't know how to behave on a holiday seemed strange since I bet the old Oliver Queen knew how to holiday with the best of them.


What I did see was Laurel trading in one addiction for another. Rage. I don't consider that as character development. Laurel made a rash decision going after that guy when she could've easily used her powers as the DA to lock him up for good. What was she planning on doing after beating him up? Leaving him there? Laurel was irredeemably stupid. She actually didn't acknowledge she had any issues. She acknowledged that she was a crap fighter and wanted to fuel that 'fire' inside of her.

When doing something calms down the fire inside of you, that's addiction, not redemption.  And while it might be interesting to see Laurel addicted to vengeance and the power that comes with it, I don't think that's where this show is going.


The whole scene just emphasized how weak and manipulative the scenario was in the first place, as It clearly only happened to set up Laurel's journey, and in no way meant to endanger her beyond a few bruises.

I have the feeling that KC was very happy that now she could have some make-up bruises too.



I missed Team Arrow last night mainly because usually Felicity is around to inject some humour into their situation.  I would have loved to see her witness Oliver's DIY arrows and remind him that they would be dinged for them on check out.

And to tell them to tear up just one towel instead of halves of two because they'd only be charged for one then.  She knows from the Las Vegas hotels where she worked as a chambermaid.


Here in s3, it's easy to forget that Felicity was first put on the show regularly because she brought the funny.  Diggle is great deadpan but the lair was a pretty hujmorless place till Felicity joined.


Frequent Flyer Miles.

Do they pay for the hotel room and meals too?

More than the seating in the airplane, I want to know the sleeping arrangements in the hotel room.

  • Love 4

Loved Felicity's index finger joke; didn't love that Oliver basically rolled his eyes and walked away from her.  Last 2 seasons, that's the sort of line that would have at least got a reluctant smile which is one of the things that lightens the show.  It just seemed a bit OOC especially when he was laughing with Digg and Roy a few minutes later.  


I just don't like the angst.  You made a decision, Oliver, now accept it and treat Felicity the way you've always treated her.  If you're disgruntled or rude because of a decision you made, you're not very likeable. 


I agree, and I hope his douchey bitchface towards Felicity isn't going to last much longer. I get that Oliver is mad at himself and SA is doing a really good job of playing that regret and resignation, but I'd actually like to like the protagonist of this show. I didn't like Oliver much during 2B and I don't want to watch asshole Oliver for 20 more episodes. 


ETA: To be clear, Oliver seems to be focusing his jerk behavior only towards Felicity (I don't count Laurel because...I don't count Laurel.) Oliver seems downright happy and chipper with Roy and Diggle, and that's my objection.

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 18

The EPs talked a lot about how the it was a mutual decision between Oliver and Felicity to put a halt to their romantic relationship. I took that to mean there would be some awkwardness, some longing, but that they would slide back into the safety of friendship during the majority of the season. And maybe that is still the plan (I can't believe we only finished E3), but Oliver's behavior is uncalled for. He was so cold and short with her when he was the one that ended things after the date. He pulled back. Felicity just grabbed onto the life preserver like any smart self respecting woman would do; she does not deserve to be treated this way by him. 


I can romanticize his actions and talk about his tortured soul (which I do believe actually have merit), but it doesn't excuse his responses to her in this episode. And then to watch him pal around with Diggle and Roy? I get this character compartmentalizes, but I feel it also alienates Felicity from the Team.


I hope we get a break thru in E5 (or at the end of E4) because I really hate watching this.

  • Love 10

The EPs talked a lot about how the it was a mutual decision between Oliver and Felicity to put a halt to their romantic relationship. I took that to mean there would be some awkwardness, some longing, but that they would slide back into the safety of friendship during the majority of the season. And maybe that is still the plan (I can't believe we only finished E3), but Oliver's behavior is uncalled for. He was so cold and short with her when he was the one that ended things after the date. He pulled back. Felicity just grabbed onto the life preserver like any smart self respecting woman would do; she does not deserve to be treated this way by him. 


I can romanticize his actions and talk about his tortured soul (which I do believe actually have merit), but it doesn't excuse his responses to her in this episode. And then to watch him pal around with Diggle and Roy? I get this character compartmentalizes, but I feel it also alienates Felicity from the Team.


I hope we get a break thru in E5 (or at the end of E4) because I really hate watching this.

Felicity deserves better than to be treated this way. I swear this was the first episode where I didn't want them to get together because Oliver is such an ass. There was zero warmth in their interactions and after Sara's death it was just... so frustrating. And I hate how Oliver never once asked Felicity how she was doing... I honestly didn't see any love or longing between them at all in the last episode. And I hate it because it feels so unnatural. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 6

Felicity deserves better than to be treated this way. I swear this was the first episode where I didn't want them to get together because Oliver is such an ass. There was zero warmth in their interactions and after Sara's death it was just... so frustrating. And I hate how Oliver never once asked Felicity how she was doing... I honestly didn't see any love or longing between them at all in the last episode. And I hate it because it feels so unnatural. 

Oliver's sourface in the only minute he shared with Felicity in the episode bothered me so much. I guess we're supposed to surmise that he's bothered by her new job, but since we never actually saw her tell him about it, his crabbiness just seems dickish.

  • Love 3

I actually think the writers are purposefully doing this. Purposefully wanting Felicity to feel that way so spending more time at work seems far better. I mean who wants to spend time with a man who says he loves you, then treats you like an annoyance after he ends things? Not moi. I hated that scene because he went right back to chipper and happy when she left the room. His actions are completely uncalled for, particularly as Felicity was generally the only one to get him to crack a smile. It just makes no sense because he made all the negative decisions in their relationship. Now he's being a dick about it.

  • Love 12

Yeah, it was like "give me strength to deal with this flake".  Are we supposed to ship Felicity with Ray now since he treats her better than Oliver does?  They didn't give us Oliver and Felicity happy together long enough to have patience with this crap.

Oliver's sourface in the only minute he shared with Felicity in the episode bothered me so much. I guess we're supposed to surmise that he's bothered by her new job, but since we never actually saw her tell him about it, his crabbiness just seems dickish.

That would make sense if he did it after she mentioned she had to go to work. But he's disagreeable right from the time he first gets back.

  • Love 7

Yeah, it was like "give me strength to deal with this flake".  


I actually read it as more that it's hard to look at her because it emotionally hurts him. That's why I think SA is doing a really good job of showing that his decision is hurting him. I just don't want to watch that for an entire season because being in this position is solely on him. Go to a therapist and deal with your manpain. Because you are right about me not having the patience to deal with this.

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 13

To me its even weirder given his realization in the last episode that he didn't want to die down there. Maybe he was going to say something and then she told him the was working for Ray and he shut down again? I swear they are skipping important scenes. 


I do have a theory about why they are doing this but I think it should probably be in the Spoilers Thread.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 1

Yeah, I hadn't actually watched The Flash this week when I watched this episode so I didn't realize Felicity was reading Iris's blog at all. It totally escaped me and I think that's pretty bad tbh. You shouldn't have to watch The Flash to fill in blanks in the story on Arrow. I can already tell this crossover stuff is going to get annoying.


Also I think it's pretty bad for Felicity to be asking for time off when she just started her job so the whole thing was a bad set up from story and character perspectives.


I recently read an article about how Virgin and Netflix allow their employees to take as much leave as they want to, whenever they want to and without having to ask or keep records.  The basic premise is that if you trust your employees to do the work they need to do, then they will do it and won't let you down when you need them.  This especially applies to someone like Felicity who has extraordinary skills.  She did something that no-one else could do, so has probably already earned her salary for the year (or even forever).  She's not really there for a 9-5 job, she's there to lend her brilliance to otherwise insurmountable problems when they arise and only she can solve them.


Plus, Ray was kind of asking for an employee who does her own thing with the whole way he "courted" her.  If you tell a girl you spent $1.2 billion to get her to work for you, you've kind of tipped your hand and thrown away all your bargaining power... Not that I think Felicity is the type to deliberately take advantage, but still, she's aware that she has leverage.


But yes, it was still very much a plot contrivance to explain to Arrow watchers who don't watch The Flash why Felicity is going to be absent from most of the next episode.


As to Oliver being an ass to Felicity - count me as one who hates this particular story/acting choice.  Poor form, Oliver, very poor form.  I'm actually glad she's going away for a few days - I'd much rather watch her have fun with Barry than be glowered at by Oliver.

  • Love 10

Ugh I SO miss this.



I agree, they didn't create a strong enough foundation for Oliver to be treating her like this and expect everyone to be okay with it. I think that they should've spent more time showing his emotions, hell I wouldn't even have minded a throwaway scene in this episode where Oliver asked Diggle how Felicity was or even look at her longingly as she left the foundry in the first 5 minutes of the episode. I want him to acknowledge that he's being a world class ass to her and I hope Digg calls him out on this. Hell I wouldn't even mind if Roy calls him out.


I feel like there's something missing between these two and this episode showed it. It's missing warmth. Even when Oliver/Felicity barely knew each other, there was a warm undertone to their interactions. And I guess Oliver's trying to shut her out and everything, but I feel like there should be a little warmth left in their interactions. Even the tiniest hint of amusement would do. I miss this dynamic so much. And to be honest, it feels like they've replaced Oliver/Felicity scenes with Oliver/Laurel. I get it. They're friends. But Oliver supposedly loves Felicity. A woman he's partners with. How can Oliver/Laurel be getting more screentime than Oliver/Felicity? It's just unnerving I suppose. 


I hope they have some interaction in the 4th episode before Felicity leaves. But if Oliver's cold to her one more time, I don't think I can really handle that. My love for Felicity far outweighs my love for Oliver/Felicity. And I adore Oliver/Felicity so that says a lot. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 10


On the bright side, I'm very glad that some fan concerns were addressed: the "are Laurel and Felicity going to be instant friends?" (apparently not), the "will Laurel just be part of Team Arrow now?" (also apparently not), "will Laurel and Oliver be working together?"  (at least not for a few more episodes.)


For what it's worth, I'm fine with Felicity and Laurel being friends; I just think they have to work up to it.


If they do it right, I for one would LOVE to see Felicity and Laurel become friends. It would make sense for them to gravitate toward one another; they both just lost Sara. But I'm weirdly fine with the whole "are we favor friends" thing... actually, I kind of loved it. Because Felicity is somewhat candid in the way she talks to people- she lacks social filters and says whatever comes into her head- at that moment, what came into her head was, "are we friends now?" and I don't think it was meant meanly, but as a genuine question.  She'd want to define terms, and affix labels- so as to categorize the relationship scientifically. Has Laurel moved from "Oliver's ex and Sara's sister" into a category defined by a relationship with Felicity herself? I don't think she has yet, and so Felicity was taken aback by the sudden phonecall and favor request. 


As for Laurel, she seems to have no friends- she's lost her boyfriend and her sister in fairly short order- her life is all askew, she's lying to her dad, and feeling disaffected at work- and here's Felicity, who is just sort of convenient. Laurel doesn't have to explain anything to her or lie to her- Felicity already knows what's really going on. The immediacy of their situation has created a false intimacy between them. I'd like to have seen Laurel realizing that, realizing the social faux pas she overstepped right into. Maybe it would give her some insight into how lonely her life is right now, and she could make some actual overtures toward genuine friendship with Felicity.


Oh, Lord. I want Arrow to pass the Bechdel test. With Laurel and Felicity. I suddenly, desperately, want to see them have a conversation about... themselves. One that never even hints at Oliver.

  • Love 3

Well, Felicity was making the universal symbol for limp dick at that moment. I do think the moment played as intended - cold, irritable Oliver and sunny, ain't gon' let it get me down Felicity - but I also thought I saw a little bit of Emily trying to crack Stephen up.

One interesting thing is that every moment like this, as noted upthread, just makes work more attractive. Felicity is one of those young women who thrives on praise for her ability, on being useful. Every "you're remarkable" and "Pride" and look of admiration and appreciation when she pulled something off, all that contributed to her falling in love with Oliver. She felt seen and appreciated. He's shutting that off and I get it, but at the same time, there's Ray, seeing her and admiring her and appreciating her. And letting her know it.

  • Love 10

Well, Felicity was making the universal symbol for limp dick at that moment. I do think the moment played as intended - cold, irritable Oliver and sunny, ain't gon' let it get me down Felicity - but I also thought I saw a little bit of Emily trying to crack Stephen up.


What?  Felicity made an unintended sexual innuendo?  How very unlike her.  Actually, that she's now expanded her repertoire to include hand gestures as well as foot-in-mouth comments is quite funny.  What would those be called - foot-in-hand?  Also, the nature of this innuendo at this particular juncture of their relationship makes it even funnier.  So thanks for pointing that out, since I totally didn't make that connection.  And I think we can all agree that Oliver is definitely being a dick, which is, I assume, what her subconscious was trying to convey here.

  • Love 4

Oliver's sourface in the only minute he shared with Felicity in the episode bothered me so much. I guess we're supposed to surmise that he's bothered by her new job, but since we never actually saw her tell him about it, his crabbiness just seems dickish.

I only noticed one sour face and I assumed it was related to the job. I seriously didn't see anything wrong with the way Oliver interacted with felicity this episode. They barely shared scenes.

So yeah I didn't actually think Oliver was being a dick. He may not have been in a joke mood though, which is sort of an occasionally Oliver thing. I'll have to rewatch sometime and pay more attention I guess.

I don't actually care I see a laurel felicity friendship but a few awkward attempts might be funny. Laurel just seems too self absorbed for that it actually work.

Edited by Shanna
  • Love 5

I do find it refreshing that in the first episode where Oliver has extra sour face for Felicity is also the one where she chose a better job and got the great perks (exec assistant and Oliver's old office!) she deserved.  I wonder if this writing choice allowed for SA to emote more in a different way to EBR while also sending a positive message about how to move on to better things rather than hang around and beg for scraps. I would have been more bothered if the sour face hadn't been balanced out by the good stuff and upward mobility (literally - from the foundry basement to Queen Consolidated executive office) for Felicity.

She's just trying to lighten things up, and he's having none of it. Then 2 minutes later he smiles at Roy's gaffe.

I actually think that was Amell legitimately cracking.  I wouldn't be surprised if it originally called for Oliver to just shake his head, but when they saw Amell crack, they said "Let's leave that in and have Oliver smile."

  • Love 1

So i have a question was the show hinting at Manhunter for Laurel after they had Laurel attack a man because he beat up his GF. This was the episode we saw Mark Shaw they could have easily given him the name Manhunter but they didnt.


I think we were looking for alternative alter egos for Laurel in the hope that Sara would live. Since she's dead, I don't think it matters much anymore.

  • Love 3

Let me dream a bit lol. And i just feel the BC is too obvious. Maybe Manhunter role will be just an interim till she gets to the BC stage. I just find it odd that you had both KAte Spencer & Mark Shaw on the show and neither was Manhunter.

I do like this idea a lot...having it be a stage.


This show is interested in that sort of thing, right? Hood, Vigilante, Arrow, Green Arrow. It makes sense that Black Canary would have Canary, Manhunter (which is Hood-like, albeit unskilled), and eventually Black Canary.


It also means that - assuming KC is in the cast to stay - it gives them several seasons to legitimize her. She need not be Black Canary until the series finale.


So, it seems very workable to me. If my mortgage and ability to put my child through college depended upon finding something to do with Laurel on Arrow for three more years, that's what I'd do.

Ooh, I saw Sara skewered again and hit that dumpster again. Fun! How many times is that now?


FF'd all Laurel scenes and quite a bit of the rest of the ep too. Seems like I made a good choice. When she's fully integrated, I won't bother wasting my download data. If she stays a side salad, I can ignore her.


Was surprisingly uninspired by the rest. Everyone looked pretty in the sunlight I suppose. Diggle looks nice when he smiles and so does Oliver.  Roy was sort of OK;  I've always liked the Queen Consolidated set and suits and stuff; Oh look -  there's Malcolm and Nyssa.   Not sure even that can generate enthusiasm in me for this show.


I wanted to 'ship Felicity and Ray. How can a young pretty woman be endlessly celibate? However, now he's her boss I'm turned off the idea. It's a power thing.


Willa is a good actress, but they have no idea what to do with her character. I would like a meaty sibling relationship, but this is not one. She's looks so slight, that I'm worried she'll break in this new phase. It's an odd direction to take her character in.




They're really fucking up this season. Maybe worse than last year.  I can't understand why they're making these choices.  Isn't there some big wig upstairs who says 'no'?  Oh and we need Susana Thompson back.

Edited by insubordination
  • Love 2

So, I forced myself to sit down and watch the episode.  It's actually much better for your blood pressure if you take a day to read comments before viewing.  Here's my thoughts:


I agree with whomever said that the guy playing Ted Grant is a worse actor than KC.  He was so stiff in his first scene that it sounded like he was just reciting his lines.  As I said in another thread, they should have hired someone who oozes charm and charisma.  I'm not expecting some great epic romance between the two if that's the route the writers decide to take.  In fact, your days are probably numbered, Ted.


Corto Maltese scenes: SA did look really good in that shirt he was wearing this episode.  I liked the Thea/Roy conversation, and it was consistent with the fact that Roy has always been a pretty good boyfriend.  Diggle running all Terminator-styles to catch Shaw and rip him out of the Jeep was awesome!


I thought that Laurel was completely fine in the AA meeting, but every tolerable Laurel moment is counteracted with a scene where she's either unlikable or an idiot (or both simultaneously).  I didn't laugh at her getting her ass beat, but god that was dumb.  Because you are a lawyer who is duty-bound to uphold the law, it would make sense for you to find some loophole to take this guy down within the parameters of the law.  Be clever and use your brains.  Or a baseball bat.  You know, whichever. 


I agree that the hospital scene would have been the perfect moment for Laurel to tell her father about Sara's death.  But I imagine that she's saving that little tidbit of info for later, so she can finish him off.


While watching this episode, I actually had the same thought as others that it feels like they are getting Felicity out of the way for Laurel.  I don't actually believe that the EPs are going to try out O/L at this point, but it does feel like Oliver is distancing himself from Felicity while working on his friendship with Laurel.  I don't like it and it doesn't feel right.  Despite the EPs proclamations that Laurel and Oliver are friends, the sister swapping, lying, impregnating another woman, etc. tell me otherwise.   

  • Love 12

While watching this episode, I actually had the same thought as others that it feels like they are getting Felicity out of the way for Laurel.  I don't actually believe that the EPs are going to try out O/L at this point, but it does feel like Oliver is distancing himself from Felicity while working on his friendship with Laurel.  I don't like it and it doesn't feel right.  Despite the EPs proclamations that Laurel and Oliver are friends, the sister swapping, lying, impregnating another woman, etc. tell me otherwise.

Taking response to Relationships thread.

I liked everything about this episode except for two things:  1) Laurel Lance and 2) Ray Palmer.


I don't care at all about Laurel's journey, about how she's going to fight crime blah blah blah with the training of toolish shirtless dude who had "sweat" sprayed on him with a windex bottle.  I cackled when she got beat up in the alley.  Then I cackled 10 more times when I rewound and watched it 10 more times.


I don't care much for Brandon Routh and Ray Palmer, regardless of whether they are going to turn him into the Atom or not.  Just don't like Brandon Routh.  He's a terrible actor and he has crazy eyes.

I have a question regarding Felicity getting Oliver's old office.  Wouldn't giving a former IT employee/CEO's EA/Tech World tech the CEO's office raise just as many eyebrows as Oliver making Felicity his EA presumably did?  Are we just supposed to see Ray as super eccentric?  Wouldn't employees be gossiping just the same?  I mean, the Real World Reason is probably just they wanted to reuse the set and this way Ray can just visit her in her office, the boardroom, maybe a repurposed set made to look like a lab should they need it, and outside QC, so he won't need an office set.  I think the writers thought they were being cute, but it comes across as too much, to me.  They probably should have just redressed it to be an really nice, but different, office.

  • Love 1

I actually thought Oliver's exasperation had more to do with him not being in the mood for jokes when the lead didn't pan out in trying to find Sara's killer.  Diggle told a joke a second later, and he had pretty much the same reaction. 

I can see that could be it. But this is where the plan of separating Felicity from Oliver becomes a problem for the show.  It seemed like he had the same 'don't mock me, I'm mad' reaction to both Felicity and Diggle. But later in the episode, there was smiling and camaraderie with Diggle so we know they're okay whereas nothing with Felicity, even to the extent that Diggle was the one to phone her for information this time, which made sense since it was Diggle's case but still, the separation from Oliver.


Oh, Lord. I want Arrow to pass the Bechdel test. With Laurel and Felicity. I suddenly, desperately, want to see them have a conversation about... themselves. One that never even hints at Oliver.

I want Arrow to pass the Bechdel test too. They did it with Laurel and Joanna when they talked about Laurel losing her job and Joanna's firm not being willing to hire her.  They almost did it with Laurel and Thea except Laurel helped Thea because Oliver asked her to, and then they were about Roy.


I'd like it with Felicity and Lyla, and I wish they had not cut the scene between Felicity and Sara.  But I can't see Laurel and Felicity being friends, they're just too different in terms of the type of people they are and when the writers try, as they did in that scene, it feels forced.


On a rewatch:

Ray gave Felicity a BLUE pen.

Hey, it's a blue pill! And with Oliver, it was a red pill.



Wouldn't giving a former IT employee/CEO's EA/Tech World tech the CEO's office raise just as many eyebrows as Oliver making Felicity his EA presumably did?

It may raise a few but her EA would be telling people that she just pulled off a computing coup that no one else managed.


There are probably a number of great offices in the building (I'm sure Isabel claimed one) and since Ray's primary office would be out of town, the old CEO office would be free.  There may be gossip, probably will be since there was about her before, but I think the writers wanted to show how much Ray values her as an employee.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

Even if he is primarily going to be at QC/in Starling for the time being, as @statsgirl mentioned, clearly Isabel had an acceptable office somewhere else in the building while she was there, so I think we just need to assume that's where Ray will station himself and that it's equally fancy and denotes his status to other QC employees. I mean, heck, he's already doing construction/remodels on this level, so it's safe to say he would construct an office to his standards if necessary.


And I would like to get Felicity's actual title, but given the office, the assistant, and the lengths he was willing to go to get her, I would assume she's a high level executive with a C- or a VP in her title. I suspect her fellow employees would expect someone at that level to get an office like that.

  • Love 1

I was thinking Head of a Research Division, maybe VP for Special Projects.  If her title has a C- in it, she'd be doing too much administration to pull off the technical miracles Ray wants from her.


But why would Ray's primary office be out of town?  Wouldn't he want to settle in to the company/city he says he so wants to rehab? 

Doesn't he have his own company somewhere in another city?  He's got a proven business track record so he must have run another company somewhere else.

Edited by statsgirl

There was a easter egg billboard in the Flash pilot for Palmer Technologies. So he/ his family does have it's own company.



Side note has anyone been able to figure out how Diggle could call Felicity on her work line. The conversation starts with Diggle asking where she is and Felicity says "Don't ask" then Diggle calls her on a land line when they are cut off. I'm curious because Diggle and Roy are in the Foundry when Oliver comes back and then Felicity says she has to go to work, Roy doesn't know about the new job but Diggle must? Basically I'm trying to figure out if its from a cut scene or just a plot hole or I missed something in the episode.

  • Love 2

They've been a little unclear, I think, about Ray's origins.  At first I thought he swooped in from out of town, but then later it sounded like SC was his home.  Either way, if he's making all these grand pronouncements about what he wants to do for SC, down to rebranding and changing it's name, I would think he'd be putting down permanent roots (at least for the forseeable future) and have someone else looking after his other company (or companies, subsidiaries, etc).


As for Felicity's title, I get that she'd have a fancy title and get a big office, and she's earning it by cracking the uncrackable tech, but I still think the possibility looms that the co-workers who remember her from her IT days or Oliver's EA would question the whys of it and eyebrows would be raised.   It probably won't come up in show, they barely touched on QC gossip when she was made EA, only when it was relevant/convenient to the story they wanted to tell, but it was just something that hit me.

Edited by JenMD

They've been a little unclear, I think, about Ray's origins.  At first I thought he swooped in from out of town, but then later it sounded like SC was his home.  Either way, if he's making all these grand pronouncements about what he wants to do for SC, down to rebranding and changing it's name, I would think he'd be putting down permanent roots (at least for the forseeable future) and have someone else looking after his other company (or companies, subsidiaries, etc).


As for Felicity's title, I get that she'd have a fancy title and get a big office, and she's earning it by cracking the uncrackable tech, but I still think the possibility looms that the co-workers who remember her from her IT days or Oliver's EA would question the whys of it and eyebrows would be raised.   It probably won't come up in show, they barely touched on QC gossip when she was made EA, only when it was relevant/convenient to the story they wanted to tell, but it was just something that hit me.


Corporate offices (though not only) are littered with office gossip. All. The. Time. None Stop.

Felicity is a really good looking, mid 20's, woman who has just been promoted to what is probably a department chair or VP, or at the very least a high ranking consultant. even without her EA past all she has is her IT position, so not much to show in terms of projects and jobs (even though she was probably the raising star of the IT department- which probably caused some of dislike her out of jealousy)... she would have been gossiped about either way.

  • Love 2

I totally get that, but I guess, to me, it's equally concerning that she's being gossiped about, whether it's from becoming an EA or getting the promotion to TitleSoFarUnknown.  Not a huge deal at the end of the day since it probably won't be relevant anyway.  I'm sure the writers never even thought about it past thinking it was cool to give her Oliver's office and have her work in tech with Ray.

Yeah, but it still bugs me because Ray is also making her the subject of office gossip (only Isabel's not around to be catty about it this time), so no difference there except she gets an office and EA out of the deal.  They also could be trying to mask any ulterior motives Ray has in hiring her and getting her help with the tech he's so interested in.  I just think he's still shifty, if not in a bad guy kind of way necessarily but in an untrustworthy kind of way. 

The great thing about being Felicity in that job in that office is that she literally doesn't have to give a fuck about what anybody thinks.  Isabel's dead, baby.  Isabel's dead.  And all due respect to Felicity's former co-workers, but why would she spend time noticing their tongues wagging twenty floors down?


Felicity didn't ask for the job, and furthermore, now that she has it and seemingly likes some of its responsibilities and perks, nobody can do shit to her about it except for Ray or the board of directors, and since Felicity has actually done what she's been hired to do, the board wouldn't care.  So it's really just Ray.  And Ray could take the job away from her tomorrow and she'd still a) be employable, and b) have more important things going on in her life.  


A plotline of office gossip causing any of our main characters any consternation at all would make no sense.  So yeah, hey, it could happen.  If it does, it will be stupid.  Just like office gossip.

Edited by some1105
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