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25 minutes ago, EighteenTwelve said:

Quirk got a hernia after her spay surgery (before I adopted her), and has a big lump of scar tissue where they had to go back in and fix that.  It was her third major surgery after the tail amputation and the spay.  No wonder she didn't like humans very much!

Oh, poor baby. ❤️

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Boo had to go under anesthesia to get her teeth cleaned today, which I always hate but understand. She's back home and thrilled she's getting wet food for a day as a treat.

Funny aside, I told the vet her DNA results came back and she's 100% American Pit Bull Terrier. The vet did a double take and said "are you sure?" which was the exact same reaction I had. Boo has pitty cheeks and really muscular back legs (which the vet and I both said we wish we had, lol) but she has a bird dog shaped body, lots of small spots all over, and only weighs about 45 pounds. I'm thinking of doing another DNA test with another company to compare. Maybe her chomping on the qtip as I did her cheek swab screwed it up somehow?

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5 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

It's funny you use that word! When we were going through puppy training, the trainer noted more than once that for an eight month old golden, he was a very chill dog. 

Had training not shut down for almost a year when he was 11 months old, we would have completed his Canine Good Citizen test and considered going on to use him as a therapy dog. When training started back up again, he was about 2 and already a good pet so I didn't go back.

So instead I bring him anywhere that allows it, and he does his unofficial therapy dog duties. People remember him. I go places and people say to me, "Where's Norman?!"  Often I have NO IDEA when and where I met them. 

He's particularly good at being a retail store employee "therapy" dog. 


Chill just fit! What a sweet loving good boy doing what he does best! This picture is awesome!

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Just now, Moose135 said:

All dogs are therapy dogs, most are just freelancing.

I wish that were true! I find that most medium and larger dogs are wonderful, but the little yapping stupid terrier mix that occasionally moves in next door to me (the people next door dog sit him/her for their kids several times a month) makes *me* need therapy with its constant barking at everything, including the air.

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On 9/22/2022 at 6:55 AM, JTMacc99 said:

He's particularly good at being a retail store employee "therapy" dog. 


He's gorgeous!  (And maybe retail store employee "therapy" could involve the stores teaching them to put their d*mn phones away when a beautiful dog and his owner have taken time out of their own lives to offer some respite.)

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Our nextdoor neighbor lets his dog run wild to the point where he goes out to whistle to get it to come home. We live a half-mile from an extremely busy two-lane secondary road. Like, it usually takes three to five minutes to be able to turn left because of all the traffic.

He also gun trains the dog in the back yard, which is completely illegal. The dog is maybe a pointer, which is too big a dog for an 800-square-foot apartment. It whines all day long.

My neighbor is so irresponsible and doesn't deserve a dog.

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18 hours ago, Leeds said:

He's gorgeous!  (And maybe retail store employee "therapy" could involve the stores teaching them to put their d*mn phones away when a beautiful dog and his owner have taken time out of their own lives to offer some respite.)

I don’t think that’s a phone (it’s a bit too wide)- I think that’s a scanner device for the store. 

I got a photo of Cavendish and Cosmo together. 


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44 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think that’s a phone (it’s a bit too wide)- I think that’s a scanner device for the store. 

I got a photo of Cavendish and Cosmo together. 


45 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think that’s a phone (it’s a bit too wide)- I think that’s a scanner device for the store. 

I got a photo of Cavendish and Cosmo together. 


They looks like buds!

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On 9/24/2022 at 11:10 AM, bilgistic said:

Our nextdoor neighbor lets his dog run wild to the point where he goes out to whistle to get it to come home. We live a half-mile from an extremely busy two-lane secondary road. Like, it usually takes three to five minutes to be able to turn left because of all the traffic.

He also gun trains the dog in the back yard, which is completely illegal. The dog is maybe a pointer, which is too big a dog for an 800-square-foot apartment. It whines all day long.

My neighbor is so irresponsible and doesn't deserve a dog.

Apartment next door got a husky. They are never home so guess who gets to listen to the dog cry all day? 

Edited by oliviabenson
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On 9/24/2022 at 9:35 PM, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think that’s a phone (it’s a bit too wide)- I think that’s a scanner device for the store. 

Correct. The one in the photo is a Lowes issued device that lets them contact each other (As in “Chelsea, Norman is here”), look up items to see what's in stock and where it is in the store, scan bar codes, and so on.

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Happy cone off day! Decided to wait it out the full 14 days because I just don't want complications.

On 9/16/2022 at 1:55 AM, Bastet said:

Once it's off, she's going to take the world's greatest bath and take the world's greatest nap.

Well, it took her 10 minutes to realize she could take a bath. Then after 30 minutes, it was playtime, then bath, then play, then bath me (totally unnecessary since she could and did bath me with the cone) then play some more. Still no nap.

She did adapt remarkably well to the cone (although it is well scratched on the outside and well licked on the inside) and it didn't seem to hamper playing with toys and jumping where she shouldn't. I guess the only difference now is that she can attack with both paws and mouth together!

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58 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Five years ago today, these two goofballs came into my life. I love them so very much!


House panthers!

If you ever get a chance, please read The Tiger in the House - A Cultural History of the Cat by Carl Van Vechten. Ir's a scholarly history of cats throughout the ages.

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2 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Adding to the chorus - such pretty kitties :D! I would be going all out with having some Halloween fun with cats like that, hehe. 

And I would never let them outside at this time of year. Too many bone headed dumbasses think it's a lark to chase them.

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10 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Aww -- is that always Momma holding Erin down when they cuddle, or do they take turns doing that?

That's mama Lexi with her "arm" on Erin. It's funny how many pictures I have with them like that. Lexi's definitely the alpha cat, and she lets Erin know when she gets out of line.

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2 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Lexi's definitely the alpha cat, and she lets Erin know when she gets out of line.

We had a mother/daughter duo when I was a kid -- Jackie was a (one-eyed) feral we started feeding who turned out to be pregnant with a litter of six.  We kept her and one of the kittens, Mitsie (and obviously found homes for the other five; we didn't just leave them to fend for themselves!).  Jackie would, with some regularity, just reach out and bop Mitsie on the head to remind her about those hours of labor.  Just one bop each time, no claws, no real force, just keeping her on notice. 

We knew who Mitsie's daddy was, as she was the spitting image of him, and whenever he'd come through the yard while they were out there, Mitsie would trill and wag the tip of her tail, and Jackie would run him off.  Heh.  (We never could manage to capture him to get him fixed, and then he disappeared as they tend to do in those circumstances.)

Back when Jackie was pregnant, we couldn't get anywhere near her (we never could hold her, or touch her belly, but in time she liked to be petted [and loved to play]), but from a safe distance she'd drop to the ground and roll around in happiness.  I still laugh remembering the first time she tried to roll her heavily pregnant self over and couldn't.

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Awwwww, what a cute photo.

I love when cats curl up in a little ball like that. Our cat Mitsi does that, and every time she does so I think of that scene from the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, where Alice and the Queen are playing croquet with those little critters :p. Mitsi reminds me of those little animals when she's all curled up, to where I half expect her to start rolling around the room, LOL. 

Lily tries to curl up in a ball, too, but she's a bigger cat, so she can't quite make it work as well. She looks more like a crescent roll when she tries to curl up :D. 

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Another good photo of Cosmo and Cavendish together. Cavendish is on the bin when my summer clothes in it, as I get reorganized during the change of seasons. 335DDF13-49ED-4B25-94A5-014B80268A2E.thumb.jpeg.02de27d80e7c698a25029df6e06bff58.jpeg

There is also a photo of Lady Reese hiding behind the computer monitor- she knows she’s not supposed to be there!D9F1C6C4-0309-4B28-B528-CA073CF769B9.thumb.jpeg.fce3d99a2c0fc8546662039e7d499e8d.jpeg

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