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Rob Has A Podcast: Survivor Edition


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The problem as I have seen it before with the "random tribes every week" or "no tribes at all" ideas is that I think both of these will result in instant annihilation for any and all big strong "challenge threats", and I don't think any of the producers want that.  But the reason they're not typically targeted before the merge is that they're wanted for challenges.  Even in the random tribes idea, there is no benefit whatever to keeping them, because tomorrow they may be on the opposite tribe.


Personally rather than one big tribe I prefer little tribes (3 works well for me; those 4-tribe openings they used in Cook Islands and Panama never quite worked)  Imagine 20 people playing individually with no tribe; there's just wayyyy too much room to hide.  I like little tribes because there's no way to avoid the target without actively making an effort to do so, and every player on the tribe is a factor.


Taking this over to Fix The Show.

(Bringing this back over from Fix the Show :) Odd that these two forums are so tied together.)


I think you guys are being a little hard on Rob.  The idea that RHAP is a PR mouthpiece for the Survivor producers is ludicrous.  Rob has access because he's a former player and knows everyone, in addition to being a friendly guy.  It's not like he has Probst's Corner every week.  (Now... is Dalton Ross a PR agent for Survivor? Hmmmmm....)  Rob keeps his access because he doesn't try to get his guests to violate their NDAs.  Not liking RHAP is one thing, but assuming it's propaganda is a little off.  (All IMHO -- if Probst babysits Rob's kids in the offseason, I'll recant.)


All that said, I think Rob does get tunnel vision about what makes a good Survivor player.  He likes the ones that play strategically, as you'd expect, but he seems to love the ones who don't play strategically but are instead "good TV."  He seemed legit shocked that people didn't flock to vote in T-Bird or Shane Powers for this season.


I think this may have led to Rob's blind spot with Dan and Will and Rodney and misogyny in Worlds Apart. I think he saw those guys as Good TV (okay, maybe not Will) because they were so over-the-top outrageous.  A lot of the rest of us were watching them with lip-curling disdain. But to Rob's credit, he did have guests on to talk more eloquently about those issues.

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Agreed.  Rob has said he does not want to play again and he is not invited to the game for pregame interviews or that type of thing. He had a rep with other Survivors that he has turned into a business that makes him money. I like listening to his point of view but I disagree with him more often then not.


He likes having the shit stirrers on the show because it makes it fun to watch. He likes the Alphas. He likes the strategic game play. I don't think he understands the quieter games and he misses the massive social problems that exist in Survivor. He failed to see why Dan was a problem last year until the shit really hit the fan. Even then, he didn't see how Dan's behavior and the less prevalent but still existent behavior from Joaquin and even Mike combined with Dan and Will made for a troubling degree of sexist behavior.


His interviews with past contestants allow them to go where they want. He is not afraid to interview Russell or Rich. His Corrine interview at the beginning of the season is flat out mean. Some choose to share past stories and behind the scenes stuff others don't. You get some insight into how other Survivors see the game as it is played.


 The one thing I have learned is that I see the game very differently then people who have played the game and I think that means I would probably suck at the game. It is clear that the edited version that we get is very different then the game is played which makes it hard to actually understand how it plays out and identify good strategies for winning the game.

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If you're going to arrange a marriage with a Boston Robaby, your only true option is Jamie Dugan's and Erik Huffman's son. You need both parents to be Survivor veterans -- otherwise the Marianette will have an advantage in challenges.

Nicole is also a Survivor veteran she was the first person voted out of Pearl Islands.

Oops not sure where I got that idea from but for some reason had it in my head thats who his wife was. Ha funny how you get these strange ideas that stick for god knows how long!


It's a running joke on RHAP that Nicole Delmar (from Pearl Islands) is Rob's Nicole. That's probably why. Josh even joke about it still on the latest KIA.

His interviews with past contestants allow them to go where they want. He is not afraid to interview Russell or Rich. His Corrine interview at the beginning of the season is flat out mean. Some choose to share past stories and behind the scenes stuff others don't. You get some insight into how other Survivors see the game as it is played.


I can't bring myself to subject myself to an hour or so of Corinne, but I'm curious about this. Mean in what way, Rob mean to Corinne, Corinne mean about other contestants or what? I love the interviews where people actually dish or make genuine comments (such as Shane Powers), but I really can't stand Corinne. 

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I can't bring myself to subject myself to an hour or so of Corinne, but I'm curious about this. Mean in what way, Rob mean to Corinne, Corinne mean about other contestants or what? I love the interviews where people actually dish or make genuine comments (such as Shane Powers), but I really can't stand Corinne. 


They go over the new cast before every season and Corrine gives her opinions on the players based on their pre-show interviews, etc. She usually has quite a few players that she absolutely trashes (though I do think it is mainly done just for fun).

It is very mean girl, bullying crap. She comments on appearence,i telligence and the like without knowing the people. Itis pretty brutal. She didn't do one this year because she knew the players and didn't feel comfortable. Essentially, she is fine making mostly rude comments about people she doesn't know.


Welcome to high school.

It is very mean girl, bullying crap. She comments on appearence,i telligence and the like without knowing the people. Itis pretty brutal. She didn't do one this year because she knew the players and didn't feel comfortable. Essentially, she is fine making mostly rude comments about people she doesn't know.

Ugh, I caved and I'm listening to some of her podcast for Worlds Apart. 


This CONCEPT is actually a good idea and I would love to hear someone else making these assessments but Corinne just tries too damn hard to be vicious. She stretches to find something awful to say about each person and it just doesn't sound genuine. 


I'm sure there are plenty of people with biting wit who have better personalities and a greater ability to critique honestly. 


One interesting thing that came out of this podcast: Dan friended Corinne on FB before she did this podcast and sent her a nasty message when she didn't accept his request. Lol. 

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Ugh, I caved and I'm listening to some of her podcast for Worlds Apart. 


This CONCEPT is actually a good idea and I would love to hear someone else making these assessments but Corinne just tries too damn hard to be vicious. She stretches to find something awful to say about each person and it just doesn't sound genuine. 


I'm sure there are plenty of people with biting wit who have better personalities and a greater ability to critique honestly. 


One interesting thing that came out of this podcast: Dan friended Corinne on FB before she did this podcast and sent her a nasty message when she didn't accept his request. Lol. 


Because it is not genuine. As Na'Onka would say she is faker than faux fur. She is playing a role.  She trashes the worlds apart crew in that podcast than a couple weeks later she is partying up with them in LA.


EDIT: Oh my heck, Neleh is going to be on the podcast this week.  Rob is doing a good job getting these old schoolers to come in this season.

Edited by LanceM

Anyone else think that Rob and Josh are too positive on Stephen? They didn't think keeping Spencer over Monica was a bad move. (Which, would Monica have gone with the girls?is she had would it matter? It's obvious to everyone that Spencer is more dangerous than Monica.) They don't seem to give the possible negative side of Stephens actions.

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Anyone else think that Rob and Josh are too positive on Stephen? They didn't think keeping Spencer over Monica was a bad move. (Which, would Monica have gone with the girls?is she had would it matter? It's obvious to everyone that Spencer is more dangerous than Monica.) They don't seem to give the possible negative side of Stephens actions.


Hell yes! In fact I haven't been able to bring myself to listen to this weeks podcast and that's the first time its ever happened because I am worried it will be a whole hour of Wigler "fluffing" Steven's game play. He's been so biased its sickening...and now that Steven and Probst are subtly pimping "the evolution of strategy" he's going to be sucking up to Steven even more. Rob has been a little more impartial but they are both in the tank for Steven and its ruining the podcast with no objectivity.

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I don't find their talk about Stephen to be sickening.  They're somewhat biased, but I'm picking up on their being embarrassed by some things he says/does too.  Like when he frequently cries or when he performs poorly in challenges.  They are really good friends, especially Rob so I'm okay with it.  I find Stephen somewhat unappealing and think he takes the game way too seriously, but he's not my friend.  If he were, I'd probably make excuses for his behavior.  I may be biased because I love Rob!

Listening to RHAP with Brice answering letters.


They are discussing Jeremy/Stephen crying and how people don't bitch about Jeremy crying. Rob claimed Stephen was being bullied over the crying. Here is my thought. Jeremy cries over missing his wife and kids and wanting to win for his wife and kids. Stephen cries because people are not doing what he wants to do and won't think about voting out Joe. One is crying because of the depth of his love, the other is throwing a tantrum.


And Brice never needs to return to the game of Survivor.

Edited by ProfCrash
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Listening to RHAP with Brice answering letters.


They are discussing Jeremy/Stephen crying and how people don't bitch about Jeremy crying. Rob claimed Stephen was being bullied over the crying. Here is my thought. Jeremy cries over missing his wife and kids and wanting to win for his wife and kids. Stephen cries because people are not doing what he wants to do and won't think about voting out Joe. One is crying because of the depth of his love, the other is throwing a tantrum.


And Brice never needs to return to the game of Survivor.

Agree with the bolded part. Otherwise, who's Brice? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I just have no recollection of any Brice on Survivor.

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I just don't find Brice all that entertaining but I know others like him a good amount.


Yeah, the campaigning is getting out of hand. I do not want to see Randy or Brice back on my TV set. Neleh and John would be fine. John would have been back long ago except that he challenged Survivor legal over the use of the Survivor copyright.

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I suspect we'll have another season where the fans vote in. I don't even think Jeff knew how well it would be received. It was a great twist for a returnee season & a lot of them have been campaigning when talking with Rob. They are already doing another BB&B so I assume another 2nd Chance or a 3rd Times the Charm is around the corner. There are do many to choose from. I don't think there is anyone I totally would not want back since they haven't been on 3 or 4 times before.

I agree about the Jeremy vs Stephen crying. I think Jeremy was more sincere and about family. Whereas Stephen was strictly about the game. Either way, men crying on Survivor is wrong. There's no crying in Survivor. LOL!!!!!

I have no real problem with anyone crying but some people do look better crying then others. Kind of like some people have grating laughs and others don't or petite sneezes versus massive sneezes.


I also appreciate the folks who are crying because they miss their family. I know it bugs some folks because they choose to be there and it is not that long a time and all that stuff. I cried when I went to over night camp. I was having a great time but at night I missed my parents. I cried when I was studying abroad. I missed my family, didn't speak the language, and had massive culture shock. I worked through it and had the time of my life but it was still hard and there were tears.


Jeremy is away from his wife and kids and his wife is pregnant. My husband left for a weekend when I was 8 months pregnant and was totally stressed. I am talking worked out emergency contacts and checked in every few hours stressed. I can't imagine how hard it is for Jeremy knowing that Val is pregnant and taking care of their two other kids. Yes, she is a strong woman, but that is tough.


I am far more sympathetic to Stephen for crying over the crappy weather. He has no control over the weather, it is cold, wet and totally awful. He is hungry and tired and wet and cold. Got it. Cry away. Don't care. I am far less sympathetic over the break down because he couldn't convince people to vote out Joe. That felt more tantrumy then anything. It wasn't the Lisa/Dawn breakdown because they are trying to win a game that requires them act totally differently then they would in their real life to win and they feel pulled. It was they won't vote out Joe and I want them to vote out Joe because he is too much like JT and I don't want to lose to JT again. I understand that he is obsessed with the game and why he lost the first time and that is why he was so frustrated but it came off poorly.

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I would love a Fan-Voted season with Oldschool/Middleschool/Newschool tribes of 6. Yeah, we would be subjected to Probst's constant exposition about it, but at least we would be guaranteed a balanced season. The Oldschool players I've always wanted to see back (Goldsmith, T-Bird, Tammy, John Carroll) would have a much better chance with this format.

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And there were 20 year olds from their first season, like Neleh, who would want to play so the Old School tribe doesn't have to be all 50 year olds. Toss in a balance of middle age folks who played in the new school seasons and some of the younger folks from the old school season and you could have a good balance.

Absolutely. Gimme T-Bird, Goldsmith, Neleh, Carroll, Ryno, and Ian for Oldschool, Erinn, Shambo, Tracy, Corridan, Cardona and Jean Robert for Middleschool and Jenn, Trish, Sabrina, Misch, Marty and Albert and we've got 3 tribes that are fairly even and mostly tolerable. They could even do 3 tribes of 7 and give Oldschool more men if they're concerned about age.

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I can do without Ryno, but totally on board with Neleh, Goldsmith, Erinn, Tracey, and Brian.  I would actually like to see some more pre-mergers return whose game kind of got screwed by circumstances beyond their control (namely, the tribe swap-Silas and Aaron would be my top 2 picks from that category).  A second chance season is happening again, Probst more or less confirmed that because of how well this season went over.  My biggest hope is that more old schoolers are included next time in the overall voting, and that they don't make you vote for 10 of each gender (I know that isn't happening, though).  Also, the more seasons that fall in between it, the more I worry they won't focus as much on old school seasons as they will the newer ones.  Truthfully, I am a wee bit bored that almost everyone left has played in the last 5 seasons.  I'd rather see people who've been away from the game for many, many years.  My one worry is that, if newbies going into future seasons know that the second chance concept will happen again, we will see people unbearably playing to the fans in hopes they will not only get the nod from TPTB but also get voted on by fans.  I don't really want to see people putting another chance to get on camera over playing a good game. 


I am far more sympathetic to Stephen for crying over the crappy weather. He has no control over the weather, it is cold, wet and totally awful. He is hungry and tired and wet and cold. Got it. Cry away. Don't care. I am far less sympathetic over the break down because he couldn't convince people to vote out Joe. That felt more tantrumy then anything.



Amen.  I get crying over the weather.  I do worry about Stephen's sanity a little bit there.  However, crying over Joe was like the kid on the playground who thought he invented the greatest game ever but no one wanted to play.  So he throws a tantrum, even though they are polite in their refusal.  Jeremy and Tasha both thought taking Joe out before the merge was a bad idea.  They didn't 100% say they were against it (that we saw).  Just that it wasn't the right time.

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He was crying because he couldn't get his way.  He couldn't convince his tribe to vote Joe off and didn't seem to understand why they wouldn't immediately jump on the chance. I'm sure he isn't wanting to make the same mistake again, and obviously, from the editing anyway, we've all said Stephen needs to not worry so much about Joe as he does with Jeremy.  I think Stephen came into this with way more to prove, giving his KIA podcasts and blog.  I don't know if he anticipated being the new Cochran and having an easy run or what.  I am curious when Stephen is allowed to give interviews what he has to say about all his strategic effort being on Joe and if he really thinks this 'evolution' is something new and never done before.

I would love a Fan-Voted season with Oldschool/Middleschool/Newschool tribes of 6. Yeah, we would be subjected to Probst's constant exposition about it, but at least we would be guaranteed a balanced season. The Oldschool players I've always wanted to see back (Goldsmith, T-Bird, Tammy, John Carroll) would have a much better chance with this format.

With the Old School vs. New School narrative being pushed so heavily in this season, it's only a matter of time before Probst and Co. do that. Maybe after S32? I dunno if it will be fan-voted again, but they're not going to let that theme pass by.

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I would prefer no old/new school season.  I think it's a phony division.  The same play has been winning since season 1-- alliance building.  


Kelly Wig can say old school Survivor was about the best camper and challenge competitor but that's never been the case.  I know she didn't even watch her season but she was there.  She should remember how Richard won, at least.  

She lost by one vote so it is not like she got destroyed in the final tribal council. The idea that you took care of camp before anything else lasted for a while. Andrew commented on that difference as well. I don't know what season it was but there was some point in time when the Survivors went from hardly anything given to them at the start and at rewards to a decent increase. I would say that is the demarcation point.

I don't think it would ever work out logistically, but I always thought it would be fun to have the entire cast from a past season play together again. I think it would be really interesting to see how the dynamics between everyone would change (or not change).


There are some seasons I would love to see this happen (and I think that there wouldn't be the petty hard feelings that would make people vote for someone because they screwed them the first time).  However, in the case of other seasons, I fully believe grudges are still there.  Ultimately, I would like to see the older seasons represented better next time.

Edited by LadyChatts

I hope Rob has the guts to give Fishbarf the roasting he deserves for his play on this season.  Not just for individual bad decisions, but even moreso for coming off as so totally clueless and pathetically obsessed with the wrong things virtually the entire time.  At every turn Fishy prioritized the precise wrong things, be they specific targets, or be it his overall POV of trying to constantly prove how game smart and savvy he was, while in fact doing the exact opposite at every turn.  It shows why Superfans should rarely get cast on the show. They're so obsessed with "making marks" and proving they know the game in the abstract, that they're virtually useless at actually doing it. If it wasn't for Spencer (a similar "type" to Stephen but seemingly about ten times more self-aware and effective) I'd almost argue to weed out the Superfans all-together. 


I don't listen to that many of the RHAPs really, but will look for the interview with Fishbach... fully prepared to be disappointed. 

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