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S06.E02: Yellow Ledbetter

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Knowing she needs to come to terms with the loss of Damon, Elena turns to Alaric to help her move on with her life. Enzo convinces Caroline to join him as he tracks down a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, but Caroline is shocked when they make an unexpected detour and uncover what Stefan has been up to. Meanwhile, Matt worries about Jeremy who is spending time with Sarah (guest star Gabrielle Walsh), a mysterious girl who has recently arrived in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere, Tripp (guest star Colin Ferguson), leader of the community protection program, makes an interesting confession to Matt about his connection to the town. Lastly, with the Other Side destroyed and gone for good, Damon and Bonnie reluctantly band together to uncover the mystery of where they are and how they are going to get back home.



This was a good one for me. 

Loved all the flashbacks to the early seasons although I don't believe that 3x01 was when Elena "knew" she loved Damon.  But that's okay, I can go with it if that's what they're trying to sell me.


I love Alaric so much and I'm so happy he's back.


I felt bad for poor Caroline after she realized Stefan didn't want to hear from her.  I thought it was fun that Enzo didn't like Stefan making her cry but holy wow, I didn't think he would just kill Ivy!  I feel bad for Stefan too - he lost his damn brother and is only getting shit for not looking for him anymore.  I don't like that he's given up but I can certainly understand it.  No one is bitching about Elena not looking for witches or whatever while she's getting her memories of loving Damon erased.


Of course, my favorite parts were with Damon and Bonnie.  So cool to see the Gilbert porch again and hang out at the Salvatore house.  I have always thought Damon and Bonnie have a grudging respect for each other and it's interesting to see them only have each other.  Who the hell else is with them?  I don't even have a good guess yet.


And Damon dancing to Whatta Man and then playing Little Miss Can't Be Wrong - Awesome!!

  • Love 3

Tripp Fell! Hahahahaha!

Literally just got that.....



I missed the last half if the season last year so I have no idea who half of these people are but I highly enjoyed that guy telling Stefan he was a dick.

I don't get how Stefan's being a dick though? In his mind, his brother is dead and he wants to move on with his life. It's not his fault everyone else wants to hang on. And then Enzo [that guy] killed Stefan's [WOC] girlfriend because [pretty blonde] Caroline was crying over him? The fuck?! I totally understand why this show is pulling such low ratings now. The audacity of some of these characters...and it goes on unchecked.


Like Elena screaming "I was faithul to Stefan and I would never hurt him." Bitch! You fucked his brother while he was still in the house! Like....I can't. I tried to watch this and I am officially done. 

  • Love 15

Haven't watched one episode this season and reading the comments and recap, I can see I'm not missing much. Frankly I thought Enzo should have stayed dead last season because I didn't see any purpose that the character served, same as bringing Alaric back. And as a Stefan lover who makes no apologies for it, I damn sure have zero interest in watching Johnny come lately "Damon and I were the bestest besties even though he totally left me to burn in fire with no fucks to give" calling out Stefan because apparently he's not grieving properly for them.


Stefan who lost his damn humanity for said brother to save his life. God forbid he grieves in a way not acceptable to people. What the hell ever. And this is all to eventually start the Caroline/Enzo relationship I for one have zero interest in seeing as I don't think there is any chemistry between the two and more importantly I don't give a shit about Enzo as a character - don't care about his past, care about his feelings, care about where his story is going, nothing. So much as I like Caroline, I damn sure won't be interested in watching her in a relationship with someone I don't give a shit about. Yeah I'll check back in for the season finale where hopefully Elena and Enzo will both burn in a fire. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

I'm glad Stefan is moving on with his life he should forever disappear get away from Mystic Falls he deserves better and Elena has some nerve.

I despise Enzo and it seems like the writers are having Caroline and Enzo get together not that I care but I would love for Stefan to get some type of romance outside Elena he's stuck in that boring hell.

But that's exactly why they kept Enzo around which is what I said last season when people were screaming about not wanting Caroline/Stefan together. Enzo was kept so they could put Caroline with him all while they dangle the Caroline/Stefan carrot for the poor desperate shippers knowing it will never happen because Stefan will NEVER get to move on and get a love life that is not Elena. Of course this while Elena continues to call Damon the greatest love of her life. I knew the girlfriend they were showing in the promos wouldn't last long - two episodes, guess it's better than being offed in the premiere. And guaranteed that's the last action he'll get for the rest of the season. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

Really liked it but of course I love Enzo. Enzo has always been very much like Damon so I was completely unfazed by his actions and thought bully for him. If Stefan were dead Damon would NEVER have given up on him....oh wait he didn't! Enzo can also see as Damon always could that Stefan gets delusional when he is in a funk and Enzo is trying to shake him out of it. Stefan always tries to pretend he isn't a vampire and that delusional wagon will never last, hence the "neck people" comments.


I understand Stefan's POV on getting away, but he was willing to at least talk to Alaric and Elena, but harshly cuts Caroline completely out. He was a dick to her.


So far I've been disappointed in the use of Alaric. And I know Julie wrote this episode so I was really shocked he was kind of filler.

Tripp is a real trip. I feel bad for Matt when he discovers how gleeful he is about killing, I don't care if is just vampires. eekk!


As a Delena fan I loved the flashbacks and thought the stuff with Damon on the otherside was well done. I've always maintained that season 3 was about Elena falling in love with Damon so the timing of when she first knew really worked for me. I was though kind of surprised that Julie would actually dis the Stelena fans so much by using the necklace that was always such a show piece for Stelena in her admission of when she loved Damon.


I'm not really feeling the Bamon vibe b/c I think they are still acting too much like enemies more than frenemies. I actually think in real time they got along better than they do in 1994 and it is more from Damon's side. He seems much more angry and hateful to her than he was in real time.


Good job by SM in the scene with Bonnie's phone message. He physically looks a wreak.

Edited by Cattitude

Highlights for this episode was Enzo, Bonnie, Damon, & Tripp Fell lol.


Enzo is just devilishly bad but has charm and charisma to him. So I enjoy watching him, for me to like someone that's suppose to be a villain it's all about how the actor portrays them. I guess which is why I love Victoria Grayson on Revenge because of how Madeleine Stowe portrays her. 


Didn't care at all for Elena's back history with Damon because every word that comes out of her mouth ends in "I" or "Me". Why Alaric can't compel her to possibly go somewhere and die is beyond me. How much I hate the character. Also didn't care for Jeremy and his auto theft fling girl. Yawn. I think writers are just giving Jeremy and Matt something to do since they really don't have much going on.


Elena please Bonnie's death makes her sad. I haven't seen her be sad over Bonnie, so when she said that I just rolled my eyes.


Bonnie & Damon being stuck in the 90's is awesome and Damon constantly making her pancakes and jamming to Salt-n-Pepa was hilarious. Love it.


Tripp being a vampire killer is going to be trouble for everyone but I'm intrigued. 


If Stefan were dead Damon would NEVER have given up on him....oh wait he didn't!

Stefan was dead during an episode where the wall was crumbling, ghosts were crossing over and could move stuff, and they were trying all kinds of witchy mojo to keep it up/save them/etc. So there seemed to be a way to bring him back.


Damon now is dead and gone, as far as Stefan is concerned, because the Other Side is dust. These people and their never accepting death - why wouldn't they think Damon and Bonnie had moved on to the light or wherever Lexi, Anna/Pearl and Jenna went? And also, if they try so hard (and eventually succeed) in getting Damon and Bonnie back, doesn't that make them assholes for every other person that dies around them/because of them - we've brought back like nine people from the dead so far, but not this chick/dude. Sorry, we only save the people we really care about.


Stefan never gave up on Damon when there was a chance of saving him, meanwhile Damon had quite a few "Well, I guess he's lost to us then, let's go make another move on Elena" moments in S3 during the ripper storyline. Not to mention he didn't even notice he wasn't around for an entire summer. So I don't see how this storyline supposedly reflects so badly on Stefan.


Enzo killing Stefan's girlfriend was awful and the show is so nonchalant about it - oh whatever, another POC dead and killed by a white dude. Moving on, nothing to see.


I can't even watch Elena anymore without yelling SHUT UP at her every two seconds.

  • Love 10

First, WTF was Elena wearing?


Second, Elena therapy sessions are sooo boring, did they really bring Alaric back for this crap? We already lived through her life once, I don’t want to hear her whining about it again.


Third, are they setting up a Stefan & Damon cooking show?


Fourth, Not sorry to see Stefan’s needy, clingy girlfriend gone, she was annoying. Now if they would just do the same with Jeremy, I would be happy.


And fifth, ex Sheriff Carter is just what I hoped he wasn’t, a kill-all-the-vampires guy.

Caroline needs to move the hell on with her life.  There are thousands of other quaint towns where her gang can bring misery and death to the town's inhabitants.  Let Stefan move on with his life.  The Other Side is completely gone and he's already exhausted every lead possible.  What is he supposed to do, ruminate over every memory or wallow in his grief like Elena?  Jump when Caroline snaps her fingers?  Let the man move on.

  • Love 1

I need Damon back to contain Elena just her saying Stefan's name makes me see different shades of red I hate this selfish idiot. I need Damon to keep her in their boring bubble of boringness to protect Stefan from her.

I can't stand Damon so I really can't enjoy anything he does with Bonnie she deserves better.

And the ratings make me happy I'm bitter that the writers keep sticking Stefan in Elelna hell.

For as many ridiculous and outrageous Elena moments this show has begotten, today's episode was the first one that finally made my eyes roll. When she said that Damon killed Jeremy right in front of her and actually had a reaction a normal person should have, I finally gave in and rolled my eyes and said "bitch, finally you came to your senses. All it took was a supernatural lobotomy to drill some sense into you."

Overall I'm intrigued by the storyline because it's missing the dreaded love triangle and the super, duper, uberest, baddest bad, and we're back to good ole vampire exterminator dude story line. I'm also curious to see what in the heck is going on with the Bonnie hell. This can't be what her grandmother wished for Bonnie.

But some things are the same, such as Stefan not being able to really move on. And of course, he gets crucified for trying, figures. Yawn... Damon being boring, Elena and Damon being boring, Elena being a douche, Damon being a douche. Wait, what? Is there a pattern here I'm noticing?

As much as I understand Stefan's desire to move on, I don't like the way he treated Caroline. I was always against them romantically but really appreciated their friendship. I thought that he should have at least given her a courtesy of a conversation to explain that he needs space and distance and then, after she inevitably starts to talk him out of it, to commence the ignoring until she's able to respect his way of dealing with losing his brother.

So, after a mere couple of months, Elena has decided she is above grief, and thinks it is better to wipe all memories of the so called love of her life from her selfish little brain. Nice slap in the face to Damon, Elena. The rest of the world has to experience grief, but of course you are above that, and no good memories about love are worth keeping if they might hurt. After only a FEW MONTHS, Elena would rather Damon never existed than to remember him with love. Bloody hell, this show continues to prove that her becoming a vampire was the end of her good character. When she lost her parents, she grieved them and cherished her memories of them. This narcissistic little b*tch does not know what love is anymore. And if you need proof that becoming a vampire does not have to make you a raging a**hole, look at poor Caroline. Girl gets crapped on all the time and carries the entire group in her arms and she has been a blood sucker even longer than our little heroine.


Stefan is in pain, I get that he exhausted all efforts to bring everyone back from the dead for the hundredth time, and maybe would like to move on with his life, I guess.... But NO EXCUSE for telling Caroline he is over HER. Their friendship is too precious to be treated that way. I see some groveling in his future. At least I hope I will, because she is all he has left!


As usual, Matt is bearing his pain alone because everyone in his life self-destructs every single time something bad happens and he is the only one who is basically functional like Caroline. He seems so so lonely dealing with stupid Jeremy. I find the show depressing when more than half of the characters need a swift kick in the fangs at the SAME TIME. Just too many people screwing up at once. 


I was so happy to see Alaric back, and now look at him. All he gets to do is orbit around Elena and showcase recycled clips of her playing off both brothers. Alaric and Damon TOGETHER are the gold so bring Damon back to Alaric! And when he finds out how little the memories of him meant to Elena, he can push her back in the river.


Bah... Get it together, show. 

  • Love 2

Well, I actually enjoyed that. I'm not saying the show is back to S1/2 levels of awesome yet, but it is a marked improvement on everything in the last two and a half years. 


Alaric/Elena stuff. The worst part of the episode. It does make me wonder why compelling other people takes a second or two, but with Elena they need a full-on therapy session. It's just some shipper pandering that we could really have done without. Show, be brave. You used to be brave. Right now your couple can't be together, so KEEP THEM APART! That would be brave. Don't look for any old excuse, that doesn't really make sense, to have the heroine spend the entire episode flashbacking to scenes we've already seen but this time with a running commentary. If your actors are decent and your writing is to the point, you don't have to have your characters point out when they felt a certain way, because it will be implied. You want Elena to forget Damon/have a change of heart while he's gone? Then move her on yourselves! This compelling stuff is the same kind of cheating you used to do with Bonnie's magic that turned the show into shit in the first place.


With Stefan, I get where he's at. And yeah. Enzo and Caroline were kinda dickheads forcing their way into his new life and basically taking over. But on the other hand, I have no interest in watching Stefan live his little Joe-American life. I want to see him back with the rest of them, so I fully support Enzo's ludicrously unfair revenge-on-Stefan plan.


The Caroline/Stefan scene was nice. They have a nice energy between them that actually makes me want to watch Caroline scenes. Which is quite a feat as I've found her voice grating since about the pilot. He makes her watchable for me.


Jeremy/Matt. Never cared before, don't care now, find it difficult to imagine caring in the future.


Ex-Sheriff-sadistic-farmer-type-guy. Eh. At least he's less annoying than Klaus and Silas. Currently, that is.


And my favourite part... Damon and Bonnie. I've always loved the dynamic between these two. I don't believe it's in any way romantic - thank god - but I've always thought there was a healthy respect mixed in with their bickering and hatred. So this is fun. I also think there's a little creepiness in their scenes with a possible intruder sneaking around. The show hasn't had that feel for a while and I liked it.


Plus, I thought Bonnie's tie-die dress and flannel shirt looked awesome. I don't care if I'm stuck in the past, that shit still looked good! Let's just hope they get the rights to some good 90s songs soon - Skunk Anansie please! - and save us from Salt n Peppa hell.

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First of all, I wanted to tell the director to quit zooming in on Alaric and Elena's eyes and mouths. I GET IT. Secondly, if you're going to do that many close ups of her eyes, maybe consider putting some more natural looking fake eyelashes on her.


And that's before we even get into what a stupid idea it was to have Alaric compel her to forget about Damon. Hasn't Elena been a vampire for a while now so that whole "I'm a new vampire so I have heightened emotions" thing be over? I don't mean to sound heartless because losing loved ones is horrible and painful, but girl, come on. Last season she had to turn off her humanity because she was in so much pain and this season she has to be compelled to forget Damon's entire existence because she is in so much pain. How about just grieving like a normal person and learning to live with the loss? And then Elena can't even go through with Alaric compelling her because it's TOO HARD. She always wants the easy way out and even when the easy way isn't easy enough, she still can't be bothered.


If she really wanted to use Alaric's powers of compulsion to help her, why didn't she have him compel her to feel calm, hopeful, and at peace with Damon's death? I also didn't see the need to change all her memories so much. For example, Alaric could have told her that when Damon took Stefan's place at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, she was grateful for his help and nothing more. Same thing when he gave her Stefan's necklace on her birthday. That seems less extreme than changing her memories (like having a miserable birthday).


Damon, I know you're supernatural and all, but you are not supposed to look at the sun during an eclipse!


It never ceases to amaze me how much the underage characters on this show drink Elena tells Alaric she wants to go get a beer with him. It's one thing to say that to your friends who are the same age, but someone who is your parental figure? She just started her second year of college so she's 19 or 20 at the most.


Suddenly there is so much cooking on this show. Last week Damon was making vamp pancakes (and more pancakes this week!) and tonight Stefan made dinner (after Ivy made breakfast).


Damon dancing around to "Whatta Man" like a total dork was awesome.


What's this crap that Caroline was spouting about how Stefan was always the one who cared? I thought it was Elena who cared too much and had too much humanity? Argggh.


Ugh, I hated the "All Through the Night" cover. Please do not go the Grey's Anatomy route and start using a million angsty emo covers of perfectly good 80s and 90s songs.


If no one else is in Mystic Falls, where are Bonnie and Damon getting their clothes? Are they just wandering into people's houses and stealing random grungetastic outfits?


So should I assume that Sarah the car thief is Tripp Fell's daughter and she is going to become a vampire killing fanatic too?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

It's sad that a show that I used to enjoy, would watch every scene, even pause or rewind to catch something or look for something that one of you may have pointed out, has sunk into a meh show that I have on as background as I open mail, pay bills and clean up.


Shut up, Elena. Alaric deserves better.


I was going to say Enzo had no reason to kill Stefan's GF but this is VD we're talking about here. (eyeroll) I'm actually with Stefan on his trying to build a new life for himself after so much pain filled years but honestly, he did not have to treat Caroline like he did. Sure, she's pushy and borderline annoying at times but their friendship was one of the few positive things I can honestly recall liking.


I can't even imagine who else is trapped with Damon and Bonnie but I hope they like pancakes and the '90s. As for who Jeremy and Matt's houseguest's father is, I'm drawing a blank there too.


Tripp Fell is my new fave character. Killing vampires while nonchalantly driving and turning the radio up was the funniest scene. lol

Not to mention he didn't even notice he wasn't around for an entire summer.



Ah yes, thanks for bringing that up. Yes the summer where Damon and Elena, per her repeatedly, "had the summer of their lives" banging each other on all corners except for the times Damon took a break to go kill some innocent people. And Caroline, who I like, for all their BFF-ness and bond, also didn't seem to blink an eye and wonder about that fact that she didn't hear from Stefan once for a whole damn summer. It took crazy ass Tessa manipulating dreams in Elena and Katherine's heads for them to figure out something was wrong.


But now Stefan is just absolutely horrible because he is grieving in his own way and couldn't handle being around all the things that reminded him of his brother and that life. Sure trying to just shut everything and everyone away is not the most healthy way to grieve but neither is Elena's shit she's on or Jeremy but only Stefan gets called a dick and made to seem like a bad person for how he's grieving. Only thing that will satisfy me this season is for him and Enzo to have another round of his ripping out Enzo's heart and maybe the fucker can stay dead this time.


Enzo is just devilishly bad but has charm and charisma to him.



Isn't that what the show supposedly has Damon for? Well I think the writers have all but admitted he's another version of Damon because one was so awesome and it's probably why I can't stand him either. Whatever, those 0.5 and possibly lower ratings look great on them. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

I think it's fairly easily understood why Enzo thinks Stefan is a dick for moving on.  I actually think he is too.  Damon wouldn't have moved on.  Damon didn't move on.  Ever.  Not when he was a ripper, not when he was forced to leave by Klaus....never.  He always tried to find a way.  For everyone thinking Elena's such a self important bitch all the time, Stefan is right behind her IMO.  After 5 seasons of there ALWAYS being a way to undo what has been done, Stefan should have learned by now.  And the "I've searched far and wide" doesn't fly with me.....searched far and wide....for four months.....*thumbs up*

And Stefan isn't moving on....he's denying.  There's a difference.


Stefan has let his brother down and I suspect that while Damon will understand that once he and Bonnie return, in future episodes Stefan will have issues with that fact.


I am enjoying the season so far.  The things they are facing (sans the Other Side dilemma) seem not to be totally supernaturally driven.  Tripp Fell (LOL) being one of them.  I'm intrigued.

  • Love 3

I think it's fairly easily understood why Enzo thinks Stefan is a dick for moving on. I actually think he is too. Damon wouldn't have moved on. Damon didn't move on. Ever. Not when he was a ripper, not when he was forced to leave by Klaus....never. He always tried to find a way. For everyone thinking Elena's such a self important bitch all the time, Stefan is right behind her IMO. After 5 seasons of there ALWAYS being a way to undo what has been done, Stefan should have learned by now. And the "I've searched far and wide" doesn't fly with me.....searched far and wide....for four months.....*thumbs up*

And Stefan isn't moving on....he's denying. There's a difference.

Stefan has let his brother down and I suspect that while Damon will understand that once he and Bonnie return, in future episodes Stefan will have issues with that fact.

I am enjoying the season so far. The things they are facing (sans the Other Side dilemma) seem not to be totally supernaturally driven. Tripp Fell (LOL) being one of them. I'm intrigued.

In all those times you mentioned, there was a chance of getting Stefan back. In all those times but one, Stefan was alive. How is the Other Side being gone in any way comparable to the situations where Damon didn't give up on Stefan? Stefan traveled the world for four months chasing any possibility. Can you imagine how distressing that must've been for him, getting his hopes up only to see them crash every time? If Caroline and Enzo are so pissed at him for giving up, why didn't they travel with him? Why didn't they put in some legwork?

  • Love 4

I think there is a significant difference between KNOWING Stefan was alive, just not mentally in his right mind at the time and trying to rescue him versus someone vanishing into complete nothing. And let's not forget Stefan's going off with Klaus wasn't just for kicks - it was in exchange for saving Damon's life. So yeah he kind of owed Stefan in trying to find him and rescue him and during his efforts, he still took time out to make moves on Elena. And as noted above, they were all so caught up in their lives last year, the man was drowning and dying over and over for a whole damn summer and NONE of them knew. Caroline, didn't think it was odd she didn't get one phone call from her super special BFF. Damon, not one call or email from his brother - nothing but he and Elena were too busy having "the summer of our life."


Stefan has always stood by Damon, supported, made excuses for his actions. Sure like any normal person he's had moments of frustration but he's always returned, always there to say "Damon has good in him", always there to eventually stand by Damon. Right up to when he lost Elena to Damon (which frankly was a good thing because her ass isn't worth shit in my opinion), he put his hurt aside to still tell Damon that he was happy for him. And now because the person is going through his grieving in his own way that some idiot asshole doesn't like because pretty, blonde Caroline started to cry, he's a bad person for it. Screw these people. Who the hell is Enzo, again some Johnny Come Lately who professes to have some great friendship with Damon even though Damon left him to die and their asses hadn't seen in each other in decades, to tell Stefan how he should be dealing with the loss of the brother he has more than 200 years of history and connection with. 

  • Love 4

Biggest biggie for me on why Stefan shouldn't just give up so soon. The whole reason Damon is "dead" was to bring Stefan back.

If ANY character should hold on to hope for an uncharacteristically long time that Damon could be found it SHOULD be Stefan. But then again Stefan ALWAYS gives up on Damon. It has always taken Lexi, Elena and now Enzo to keep mopey mcmope from giving up.


But I do also understand why it is Enzo. The man was held captive and torchered daily for almost a century and managed to get his life back. So I can see why hope would be important to him.

  • Love 1

Literally just got that.....

I don't get how Stefan's being a dick though? In his mind, his brother is dead and he wants to move on with his life. It's not his fault everyone else wants to hang on. And then Enzo [that guy] killed Stefan's [WOC] girlfriend because [pretty blonde] Caroline was crying over him? The fuck?!

I'm not saying it was rational, but I hate when characters (like Caroline this episode) tell Stefan how he has so many feels and is so wonderful and I love when characters tell him the opposite ( that guy lol). So entertaining. I'm sure he's not supposed to be a good guy especially since he killed that random girlfriend of Stefan's, but I will be happy with an entertaining bad guy.

And I just love Damon and Bonnie together.

Edited by Shanna

In all those times you mentioned, there was a chance of getting Stefan back. In all those times but one, Stefan was alive. How is the Other Side being gone in any way comparable to the situations where Damon didn't give up on Stefan? Stefan traveled the world for four months chasing any possibility. Can you imagine how distressing that must've been for him, getting his hopes up only to see them crash every time? If Caroline and Enzo are so pissed at him for giving up, why didn't they travel with him? Why didn't they put in some legwork?


Answered in the order asked.

1.  Moot point.  Damon would've never given up on Stefan.  Period.  As clearly stated, regardless of being told the Other Side was the end of it they are all well versed in knowing that sometimes things aren't always how they seem.  Four whole months....wow....good job Stefan.

2.  How many times did Damon try to get Stefan to come back only to be insulted or told to go fuck himself (in so many words)?  Damon still didn't give up.

3.  It's been well established that Stefan was dodging Caroline.  He was communicating with Alaric and making it seem as if he was chasing the leads Alaric was giving him and he wasn't.  I don't think it's been established at all what Enzo was doing, but since it was clear to all of them that Stefan was handling it maybe they all were trying to do other things.  I would hope those will come out in later episodes.

The point here is that Stefan is getting a pass for what he's done when others wouldn't be so fortunate.  If it was reversed and Damon was the one who had given up people would be calling for his head on a platter and insulting him left and right.  Maybe that's because Stefan is seen as the better brother with more of a moral compass....and pffffft to that.  Please.  Neither brother has any more of a moral compass than the other.  Both have been vicious killers in the past, both have manipulated and controlled Elena and others around them into doing what they want.....so Stefan gets no pass from where I sit.  

Even Caroline...CAROLINE...who has consistently shown contempt for Damon understands the importance of getting him back.  Granted she wants Bonnie but Caroline at least understands that Damon was important to the people she loves.  In my perfect return scenario Damon will return and see all the people who were supposed to love and support him (Elena, Stefan, Alaric) have given up on him rather easily and tell them all to go fuck themselves.  Again, when any of these fucktards were in trouble Damon was always trying to help.  Begrudgingly maybe....but no one can accuse him of giving up.


Stefan should be trying to figure out what to do for his brother.  Because as pointed out....Damon is gone because of Stefan.  That's my opinion.....

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 1
The point here is that Stefan is getting a pass for what he's done when others wouldn't be so fortunate.  If it was reversed and Damon was the one who had given up people would be calling for his head on a platter and insulting him left and right.



I refuse to play this tired hypothetical Stefan vs. Damon crap because in the words of Anthony Anderson this week on Black-ish "ain't nobody got time for that." That being said, as someone who has never cared for Damon, no I wouldn't judge him if Stefan had vanished into thin air and he thought he'd lost him forever and he basically shut down because he didn't want to deal with the grief and the memories. I would see it as that was his way of dealing with the loss of his brother, healthy or not. And I would be just as annoyed if say Elena or someone else showed up and basically yelled at him for how he was choosing to move on and some random asshole just murdered an innocent girl who did nothing to him.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

I refuse to play this tired hypothetical Stefan vs. Damon crap because in the words of Anthony Anderson this week on Black-ish "ain't nobody got time for that." That being said, as someone who has never cared for Damon, no I wouldn't judge him if Stefan had vanished into thin air and he thought he'd lost him forever and he basically shut down because he didn't want to deal with the grief and the memories. I would see it as that was his way of dealing with the loss of his brother, healthy or not. And I would be just as annoyed if say Elena or someone else showed up and basically yelled at him for how he was choosing to move on and some random asshole just murdered an innocent girl who did nothing to him.


Great because I refuse to play this tired back and forth about how Damon killed someone 4 seasons ago and hasn't atoned for it yet crap.  So we're even.

Well I'm pretty sure I never mentioned anything about Damon killing someone 4 years ago so have no idea how that's even but good to know. My only mentions of Damon has been in response to the fact that he kept looking for Stefan when he was a Ripper and off with Klaus and as I noted, that's different in that they all knew for a fact Stefan was alive, he just wasn't in his right mind. A little different to Damon and Bonnie vanishing into somewhere no one knows since the Other Side that was originally the place people went to after death, no longer exists.


The point is, all of these people are grieving in their own way. Elena is prepared to wipe out all memories of Damon because it just hurts too much, Jeremy is acting out, etc. This is Stefan's way of dealing. Again it may not be the healthiest but it's the fact that he's being made out to be a bad person for how he's dealing and grieving is what makes no sense to me. And that Enzo gets applauded for killing an innocent girl because "it puts that dick Stefan in his place" who once again is grieving the brother he has had for more than 200 years. Like the hell?

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 5
He was communicating with Alaric and making it seem as if he was chasing the leads Alaric was giving him and he wasn't.


But he was. Enzo's lead about the Gemini coven was an area Stefan had already tried. Along with numerous others. 

How many times did Damon try to get Stefan to come back only to be insulted or told to go fuck himself (in so many words)?  Damon still didn't give up.


Stefan said that to him once (albeit after killing Damon's...play thing Andie) and Damon gave up. He restarted after Stefan saved his life the next ep. But Stefan was alive and left big clues as to where he was


What of all the times Stefan never gave up on Damon? Including last season. 

For the life of me I can`t understand how this compulsion thing worked in this episode. Sure, they pin-pointed the moment she said she loved him first (in whatever capacity) and Alaric took out a few other moments but Damon and Elena had plenty interaction, including positive one before and after 


By the time the Season 3 Premiere rolled around, she had apparently long since forgiven him for snapping Jeremy`s neck. She was very kind to him in the Season 2 Finale already when he was "dying". Heck, they had friendly interaction as far back as the last half of Season 1. So how come erasing that one freaking memory from 3.01 spirals back and forth in her head and rearranges her entire feelings and memories? And what in the everloving fuck does Elena now believe happened at various times? Why does she think she broke up with Stefan for example? Alaric even compelled one of the memories away with "it was the sire bond" so does she still remember the sire bond happened? If so why? You could drive battlecruisers through the holes in that entire spiel.


I`ve always rolled with compulsion but this was ludicrous. I also found it annoying because for better or worse the writers seem committed to Delena as a love story and you just know this will just be used as a obstacle in the lurve story. If it was a "real life"-based show, it would be an accident, hitting of the head and amnesia, preferably back to a time where character A "hated" character B. Here, we have this. Urgh.


And of course Alaric will for some reason not be there to uncompel her or have lost his original vamp powers. You just know it. Hey, I know, let Elena date some poor human schmuck, have Damon return and be totally miserable, her be totally cold to him, then he goes off the deep end and bam, miracle memory recovery, dumping poor human schmuck, Elena chases after him but something happens. Dun dun dun. That`d be like, so new and romantic. Eyeroll.


I did enjoy the Enzo/Caroline/Stefan shenanigans. And while I felt bad for the girlfriend, she was a blank canvas as a character and mostly could do nothing but stand around be confused about what went on. That was not going to work anyway. Stefan simply moving on, I read was Paul Wesley`s choice over Plec`s idea of "of course, Stefan will search the Earth and back". So, I`m not sure if Enzo and Caroline calling him out was payback? But that would be weird because she is showrunner. Just because an actor has an idea or preference for their character doesn`t mean she had to do it. She agreed so what gives?


Admittedly, I did like that they are not telling me how it`s the most wonderful and mature thing to do ever - I`m looking at you, SPN. And at least Stefan did earnestly look, he just gave up pretty soon. Just like Elena gave up after four months. It`s not that much time. And I find Elena`s decision here far more cowardly than Stefan imploding beceause he couldn`t handle it. Caroline had a right to call him on his treatment of her, though. He can`t expect sympathy and coddles from people he himself offered none to in their own grief.


Damon and Bonnie in 1994 is the only really interesting plotline and mystery right now, though. Anything in the "real world" is just bla bla bla-ing.    

  • Love 1

They did so much re-writing with Elena's memories that I can't even, they fact she doesn't care or didn't care he killed her brother, and all the things he did to her so-called BFF"s Bonnie and Caroline. She just comes off horrible. Can we get Katherine back? At least she's fun bad and she doesn't try to act like she's a good person when she's not.


Enzo was great. Like that addition.


I'm not really feeling the Bamon vibe b/c I think they are still acting too much like enemies more than frenemies. I actually think in real time they got along better than they do in 1994 and it is more from Damon's side. He seems much more angry and hateful to her than he was in real time.

I see literally nothing different with the way they are both acting. They never liked each other. Damn treated Bonnie like shit all the time. There were times when he would have gladly let her die over Stefan and Elena. Not shocking at all.

And, on the Stefan/Caroline side of things. I feel like Stefan was just trying to push Caroline away with his words. Caroline is never going to let Stefan go. Sometimes being harsh is the only thing you feel you can do because the other party wont let you know. You can see in Stefan's eyes how much he actually cares for her.


And fuck Enzo. He's nothing but Damon 2.0 to me. I'm not saying that Stefan is/hasn't been capable of evil but he at least always tears himself apart for his terrible actions. Switch on or off, Damon and Enzo continually to destructive shit but it's just supposed to be excused because they are so tortured and dreamy. Miss me with that BS. I just can't deal with those type of characters anymore.

  • Love 1
I think it's fairly easily understood why Enzo thinks Stefan is a dick for moving on. I actually think he is too. Damon wouldn't have moved on. Damon didn't move on. Ever. Not when he was a ripper, not when he was forced to leave by Klaus....never. He always tried to find a way. For everyone thinking Elena's such a self important bitch all the time, Stefan is right behind her IMO. After 5 seasons of there ALWAYS being a way to undo what has been done, Stefan should have learned by now. And the "I've searched far and wide" doesn't fly with me.....searched far and wide....for four months.....*thumbs up*

And Stefan isn't moving on....he's denying. There's a difference.

Stefan has let his brother down and I suspect that while Damon will understand that once he and Bonnie return, in future episodes Stefan will have issues with that fact.

I don't know. Normally, I would say that it's Stefan who never gives up on Damon. At the start of S5, it never seemed to bother Damon that Stefan was in trouble - once he found out that is. It bothered him more that Elena was dreaming about him. I kept waiting for the writers to show Damon really worrying about Stefan, but it didn't really happen. The last time I can remember seeing a scene that showed Damon's real concern and love for Stefan was in S1 when Stefan was tortured by the tomb vamps. In S3, again it seemed more like he was doing it for Elena and to kill Klaus.

I always thought Stefan was there for Damon more than the other way around. But then, Stefan was more likely to badmouth Damon too, as opposed to Damon who was more likely to stick up for a decision Stefan made even if it pissed off Elena (the coffins, for example). They both have their good/bad points. I don't think what Stefan is doing now - trying to move on - is terrible, because to him there really is no hope. Why try when there's no point? Elena's given up too but she's not being called a dick. And Caroline's just using Damon as an excuse to get Stefan to help her get back into Mystic Falls - she couldn't give a crap if Damon's alive or not.

Biggest biggie for me on why Stefan shouldn't just give up so soon. The whole reason Damon is "dead" was to bring Stefan back.

If ANY character should hold on to hope for an uncharacteristically long time that Damon could be found it SHOULD be Stefan. But then again Stefan ALWAYS gives up on Damon. It has always taken Lexi, Elena and now Enzo to keep mopey mcmope from giving up.


But I do also understand why it is Enzo. The man was held captive and torchered daily for almost a century and managed to get his life back. So I can see why hope would be important to him.


Why shouldn't he give up!? The "very promising" lead Enzo was heading on a search for, Stefan had already checked out and found out it was a dead end. And please, Damon has given up on Stefan before. What was that promise to him about making sure he stayed miserable for the rest of his life? All because Katherine turned Stefan into a vampire (without his consent). Yes, people want to say Damon told Stefan that because Stefan forced him to live (because 17-year-old Stefan couldn't fathom eternity w/o his big brother), but Damon all but spells it out that he hates Stefan because of Katherine's feelings for him. A motif that continues throughout the first 3 seasons down to Damon's proclamation that "I finally got the girl." 


In fact, Damon was obligated to search for Stefan in season 3 because Stefan left with Klaus/fell off the Ripper!wagon to save Damon's life. But of course all of that is continuously forgotten. Or how about the time that Damon Killed Stefan's best friend Lexie and while Stefan was justifiably pissed at him, he never wrote him off? Or how about Stefan trying to get Elena to forgive Damon after Damon broke her brother's neck right in front of her? You say you don't want to dwell on previous crap that Damon's done, but you continuously dwell on the bad things Stefan has done. 


Stefan deciding to let go of his brother (and everyone connected to his brother) is understandable. It's not like Damon's locked away in a cell somewhere, he's frickin dead. And not even fake dead, but dead dead. He broke down when he found out his brother wasn't coming back (and Caroline comforted him) Let the boy move on in his own way. At least he's not taking drugs, or drinking his life away. And stop judging him because he's not dwelling after trying for 4 months.


And Caroline only wants Stefan to help her get back into Mystic Falls which is selfish on her part. Her human family and friends have a safe haven from vampires, werewolves, and the like. But nah...that's bad because Caroline wants back in? Caroline's main concern is getting into MF, not finding Damon.


I'm not saying it was rational, but I hate when characters (like Caroline this episode) tell Stefan how he has so many feels and is so wonderful and I love when characters tell him the opposite ( that guy lol). So entertaining. I'm sure he's not supposed to be a good guy especially since he killed that random girlfriend of Stefan's, but I will be happy with an entertaining bad guy.



I just don't find him entertaining because he's a poor man's Damon and even poorer man's Klaus. Klaus paints with the blood of his enemies; Enzo is stuck on a jerk who left him to burn to death and then thought nothing of him [until the writers decided to do a retconning and create him] for decades. He's pathetic on a level that perpetual cry baby Klaus, who I actually like, hasn't reached in over a 1,000 years.


Answered in the order asked.

1.  Moot point.  Damon would've never given up on Stefan.  Period.  As clearly stated, regardless of being told the Other Side was the end of it they are all well versed in knowing that sometimes things aren't always how they seem.  Four whole months....wow....good job Stefan.

2.  How many times did Damon try to get Stefan to come back only to be insulted or told to go fuck himself (in so many words)?  Damon still didn't give up.

3.  It's been well established that Stefan was dodging Caroline.  He was communicating with Alaric and making it seem as if he was chasing the leads Alaric was giving him and he wasn't.  I don't think it's been established at all what Enzo was doing, but since it was clear to all of them that Stefan was handling it maybe they all were trying to do other things.  I would hope those will come out in later episodes.

The point here is that Stefan is getting a pass for what he's done when others wouldn't be so fortunate.  If it was reversed and Damon was the one who had given up people would be calling for his head on a platter and insulting him left and right.  Maybe that's because Stefan is seen as the better brother with more of a moral compass....and pffffft to that.  Please.  Neither brother has any more of a moral compass than the other.  Both have been vicious killers in the past, both have manipulated and controlled Elena and others around them into doing what they want.....so Stefan gets no pass from where I sit.  

Even Caroline...CAROLINE...who has consistently shown contempt for Damon understands the importance of getting him back.  Granted she wants Bonnie but Caroline at least understands that Damon was important to the people she loves.  In my perfect return scenario Damon will return and see all the people who were supposed to love and support him (Elena, Stefan, Alaric) have given up on him rather easily and tell them all to go fuck themselves.  Again, when any of these fucktards were in trouble Damon was always trying to help.  Begrudgingly maybe....but no one can accuse him of giving up.


Stefan should be trying to figure out what to do for his brother.  Because as pointed out....Damon is gone because of Stefan.  That's my opinion.....


1. Yes he did, after Stefan killed Andie, Damon said he was done with him. And Damon not giving up on a very much alive Stefan isn't even remotely the same thing. Lets be real and admit that Damon's number one concern here has always been Katherine/Elena's feelings for him vs their feelings for his brother.


2. He had to! Stefan went ripper to save Damon's life! He was an addict who gave into his addiction because he loved his brother more than he loved himself (and his girlfriend at the time). It's kind of hard to give up on someone when you know they risked everything that was important to them for you.


3. Yes. And it's been well established that he cares very deeply for Caroline. And Stefan did check out leads including the one Enzo thought was so promising. There's only so many times you can take someone telling you "dead is dead is dead" before you actually start believing it. The writers bit themselves in the ass by diminishing the seriousness and permanence of death.


Stefan isn't getting a pass for what he's done. He's continuously trying to atone for what he's done/do right and better in light of it. People's problem with Damon is that he does sucky things, acknowledges that they are sucky things, and then shrugs them off. And is all "forgive me, I did it because I have so many feelings and behave like a toddler who hasn't learned to accept that things can't always go my way." 


Damon was there when all of them needed to be saved? *snorts* when? When has Damon helped any of them out when he also wasn't getting something out of it in the long run. What about all of the times he legitimately tried to kill each and every one of them (and even wished death on Elena?). Please, Damon has always helped because every time he helps he gets pussy points with Elena. 

  • Love 4

Enjoyed the episode, though I did feel my eyes glazing over a little when Elena was recapping scenes which we've seen before. Anyone else think she'll still be mad at Alaric when she eventually realizes he compelled her, even though she asked for it? (and boy, couldn't you feel Ric's sudden pain and guilt when Elena turned into a Damon-hater - very nicely done.)


I've also been pretty neutral on Enzo, but killing a girl because Stefan chose to deal with his grief in a different way to everyone else... too harsh. I can see the issue from both sides; the Enzo/Caroline side must be frustrated that Stefan, who has been the one supposedly following up Alaric's info and taking action, has frittered away time in which they've been waiting for news from him on whether or not they can rescue their friends, go home, and reunite with families. But I can also see Stefan's point of view that after so many disappointments, he just wanted to make peace with Damon's death himself without crushing anyone else's hopes, and completely isolate himself. No-one is coping with the situation, or their grief, particularly well.


Great soundtrack in this episode. But even after the whole "where/when are Bamon?", my biggest mystery was how on earth Caroline thought she was driving to Oregon when she was on the way to Savannah? Does she not read road signs?

I was so pissed off that Enzo killed Ivy!  I can't wait to see Stefan kick Enzo's ass!


So I think Bonnie's grandmother sent both Bonnie and Damon into a sort of Purgatory.  They are both stuck, can't go anywhere, just stuck in the same day over and over again.  I haven't really seen Bonnie and Damon interact with each other for awhile so it was interesting seeing them try to be civil to each other.  Damon drinking liquor and trying to make pancakes at the same time was a hoot!  What the heck is a Yellow Ledbetter?


You know, I understand why Stefan wants to move on, but why must he abandon his friends at Mystic Falls to do so?  Couldn't he have told them candidly in the first place that he couldn't find a way to bring back Damon and Bonnie and that he wants to take off and have a life again?  He is a Dick, just like Caroline says.


I don't understand why Enzo is now so hellbent on getting back Damon considering he knows that Damon killed the only woman Enzo loved.  I thought he'd just pick himself up, dust himself off and compel the cab driver to drive him out of town.  Why does Enzo still want to help Damon?


Matt needs to kick Jeremy out of his house.  I hate that Matt is picking up after Jeremy like he used to pick up after his sister and his ungrateful bitch of a mother.



Tripp Fell is going to become an interesting character based on what I saw last night.  He's going to be either a great hero or a great villain.



  • Love 2

And of course Alaric will for some reason not be there to uncompel her or have lost his original vamp powers. You just know it. Hey, I know, let Elena date some poor human schmuck, have Damon return and be totally miserable, her be totally cold to him, then he goes off the deep end and bam, miracle memory recovery, dumping poor human schmuck, Elena chases after him but something happens. Dun dun dun. That`d be like, so new and romantic. Eyeroll.

And once Elena falls completely back in love with Damon on her own because of another selfless gesture, that will be the cue for Elijah to swoop into town and use his Original vampire compulsion skills to uncompel Elena so she can get her memories back.

So here's what I don't understand - in S1, Damon was able to compel Stefan because Stefan was still on his bunny diet. If Elena would go on bunny blood for a few days, she could have had Caroline compel her.

What did Elena say about Alaric having special vamp powers because he was made by an Original? And has that been shown to be true before? Have any of the Originals' direct victims had stronger powers than a regular old vampire? It made no sense to me when Elena said it but I was too distracted by what a dumb idea this was to focus on that detail at the time.

ETA: D'oh! I totally forgot that Esther somehow made him an Original so he could kill Klaus. Thanks, Wikipedia!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

Not a horrible episode. I found myself neutral on the scenes with Elena, at least, so that's progress. Seeing that flashback to the Mystic Falls pageant reminded me of how tolerable Delena was back in season 1, when they weren't forcing the pairing and it felt more natural. Now, Delena is all dull and all forced and it makes me want to claw my eyes out half the time. And, of course, compulsion is the go-to tool, besides magic, to fix problems in an instant.


I'm torn with the Stefan storyline. Like others, I agree that on the one hand, Caroline and even Enzo have a right to be upset with Stefan for breaking off contact with almost everyone, disappearing and not even following the leads that Alaric was sending. Of course Caroline had a right to snap at Stefan. They've known each other for three or so years now, possibly four. It's long enough that Caroline deserves at least an explanation beforehand and even though Stefan has probably run away from people he's grown close to for more times than he could probably count, it seems that he really got close with this group of characters and they deserve more than a 'see ya'.


But, on the other hand, Stefan should be allowed to grieve and do things his own way. He's fought for his brother time and time again. This is the only instant where we've seen Stefan fully give up with trying to save his brother. All the other times, he's fought hard to save him, just like Damon has done many times for Stefan as well (but even Damon has given up on Stefan). So Enzo basically judging Stefan for trying to move on, knowing/thinking that Damon is probably not coming back to life, is just as much of a dick move. Stefan's no angel, sure, but Stefan was the closest person to Damon. Not Enzo, not Elena, but Stefan. Enzo killing Ivy was over the line. Him calling out Stefan was almost crossing it too. If Enzo was calling Stefan out for leaving everyone without so much as a goodbye, then ok, but he has no right calling Stefan a dick for giving up on Damon or Bonnie, because Stefan was his brother and he thinks that there's no hope in saving Damon this time, so let him deal with things on his own. Caroline has the right to call Stefan out, but Enzo has no grounds to. He barely knows Stefan, and visa versa. 


Jeremy/Matt/Grand Theft Auto Girl? Eh. If she is telling the truth about her dad being in town though, it makes me wonder who it could be. I actually thought Bonnie's dad and she doesn't know she's dead, but I hope not. I hope she's not related to anyone in town. Just let her be a big fat vampire hunter liar or something. Speaking of vampire hunters, I hope they make more of an appearance this season. I like Tripp and I've liked the idea of exploring hunters, who are absolutely human (and no stupid Five stuff) so if new chick is a hunter, or related to a hunter or whatever, I'd be happy. Just have more humans, some vampires and that's it. No more stupid Travelers or whatever. I'm happy to sticking to vampires, humans and some werewolves/ghosts/witches. Also, have Jeremy/Elena done any of the picnics like Caroline and her mom have been doing, or are the siblings basically not talking with one another? I liked the fact that Elena finally remembers Damon snapping Jeremy's neck (can I dare to dream that Damon compelled her to forget sometime in season 2?) but I feel like the writers added that in say to us viewers 'ok, we get it! We hear your complaining about Damon killing Jeremy! We're addressing it already, so stop pestering us about it!'. 


Poor Alaric, and Matt Davis. He comes back to basically be Elena's therapist. 

  • Love 1

This is the first ep I have enjoyed in some time.  I always want to throw something at the screen when Elena is on it, however if I ignore her, I loved me some Bamon time.  also liked Caro calling Stefan a dick, although it was unreasonable of her to expect him to do what she wanted.  I didn't like Enzo before, now I hate him for killing Ivy.  I am so pleased to see Sheriff Carter on my screen I don't care what his story line is, but it looks good.  And yay for no twins and more pancakes.  There almost has to be a familiar face in the 90s with Bamon.  Who would it be?  Finn? Tyler's dad?  Seeing his mom would be cool, but it probably won't be anyone helpful.  Oh yes, I adore Alaric.  I didn't mind his half of the Elenric scenes.  I'm just glad he's back.  Enzo can leave now, though.  And Jeremy needs to be written out for good.

Edited by Goldmoon
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