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S10.E01: Black

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I was bored until the last scene. I wish they hadn't jumped forward in time; I would have liked to see Sam finding out Dean was a demon from Dean himself.

The Cas plot is the worst. It doesn't even make sense. Since when is Cas anything but supportive of free will?

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Welcome back, Show!  I missed you!


I really enjoyed it!  But just a few things...


I didn't really understand the point of Ann Marie.  If they're wanting to show us how much Demon!Dean is not like Dean...well, that didn't really work.  Besides that speech to her at the end, he wasn't all that bad to her.  So, yeah.


Oh my god the Cas stuff was so boring!  I just wanted them to get on with it and get back to the Sam and Dean stuff that was way more interesting.


Cole is an interesting character.  Poor Sammy.  And yikes it hurts to hear Dean be so cold.  Cole was not expecting THAT haha


Yay my show is back!

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In all his searching for Dean, had Sam ever actually just tried calling him? On the phone? Because it seemed like he went through a lot of trouble, and then he finally gets in touch just by ringing him up. I mean, it was that kidnapper dude who called, but Dean didn't know that. He saw the caller ID, thought it was Sam, and answered.


Also, what did Dean mean he left a tab for him at the bar?

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Good episode but it dragged a little. I love Castiel but I really have no interest in the Angel storyline.

Loved everything Crowley but that's my usual.

I know they had to put all their pieces in play but the ending is what really made the episode for me. I was shocked that Dean just left Sam to die...that's cold.

In all his searching for Dean, had Sam ever actually just tried calling him? On the phone? Because it seemed like he went through a lot of trouble, and then he finally gets in touch just by ringing him up. I mean, it was that kidnapper dude who called, but Dean didn't know that. He saw the caller ID, thought it was Sam, and answered.

Sam was either convinced or living in denial about Dean. His argument with Crowley was that Dean was dead and there was a Demon in his body.

My guess is that up to that point he was hunting a Demon in Dean's body, not looking for Dean..Demon probably wouldn't answer his calls anyway.

Another thought is that Dean was ignoring and running from Sam all summer. He probably only answered because he knew Sam was on his trail and fairly close.

Also, what did Dean mean he left a tab for him at the bar?

Dean knew Sam was on his way to the bar looking for Dean/Crowley. This was a sort of FU (IMO), I'm long gone and oh by the way, pay tab. Or a I'm long gone but have a drink on me... Edited by Morrigan2575
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Here's the thing: I. Do. Not. Care. About. The. Angels. And this, sadly, includes Cas when he is with them. Bo. Ring.

Yea for Sam actually looking for his brother this time when he disappeared.

Um, okay, for Dean singing karaoke in random bars and hooking up with "skanks" instead of going on a murder spree? It seems like a good sign that he's not gung-ho about joining Crowley on the stadium tour, but....

I don't know. The premiere was fine, I guess.

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I agree jumping forward in time didn't help matters. 


Angel fight...not sure why they are so worried about getting the angels back, because the issues happened when they were united...supposedly so rather they find another story for Cas.


Not really sure how I feel about it.  I did like seeing the pants line, and Dean singing one song, but still not seeing Dean as that bad of a demon....


At least they made it make sense why Jared had his arm in a brace but would have rather seen it.  Not a great opener.

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In all his searching for Dean, had Sam ever actually just tried calling him? On the phone? Because it seemed like he went through a lot of trouble, and then he finally gets in touch just by ringing him up. I mean, it was that kidnapper dude who called, but Dean didn't know that. He saw the caller ID, thought it was Sam, and answered.

Also, what did Dean mean he left a tab for him at the bar?

I think Dean picked up the phone just then because he assumed Sam was calling from that bar he just left. It was a taunt of some sort - 'You were close, but nope."

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In all his searching for Dean, had Sam ever actually just tried calling him? On the phone? Because it seemed like he went through a lot of trouble, and then he finally gets in touch just by ringing him up. I mean, it was that kidnapper dude who called, but Dean didn't know that. He saw the caller ID, thought it was Sam, and answered.


Also, what did Dean mean he left a tab for him at the bar?


I'm sure he did.  Dean probably just didn't answer.  But now he knows Sam is on his trail and knows what's going on since Crowley told him he spoke to him.  So he didn't see an issue with answering his call this time.


Dean was making a joke.  He knew Sam was on his way to him at that bar he was hanging out in, so he told him he left his tab open as he was driving out of town.

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Tippi, I figured Dean meant he left the bar without settling up, so if/when Sam got there and asked after him, he'd have to pay the tab.


Oh, that.


Well, I guess it's nice he left it unpaid instead of, say, just killing everyone like most demons would.

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Someone watched Taken one too many times.


It was decent, standard pacing issues and miscues. I liked Anne Marie and Cole worked pretty well, for me. He reminded me of Jeremy Renner for some reason, though. Dean and Crowley have good chemistry, Demon Dean was entertaining but I was expecting more from the episode. His karaoke wasn't that bad, they could have gone way further with that and the reaction was stupid because of it.


If they want Demon Dean to look really evil, they're going to need to ramp it up, imo. They're fairly bad at doing things like that, but if they want him to be really evil they need to figure it out. If that's as bad as they intended him to be then, idk, I was misled, he hooked up and was a dick. Oh, and he enjoyed the violence, eh. They've tried to sell worse things as good. Maybe if the mark is sated it's better, now, which works for a hunter. I don't know.


Sam just seemed more pissed that his toy was taken in some of the scenes, Sam got kidnapped in an amusing manner, I got distracted by the lack of massive case his phone would have. It's the same old show, really. JP's arm probably put a damper on somethings, maybe... probably not that much.


The bad. The angel storyline, they just need to give up on that. The angry Sam scene in the beginning made me giggle, that might need to be worked on. They may have really misjudged Demon Dean.

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I missed a couple of Cole's lines because I couldn't understand what he said. 


Right after he knocks Sam out, right before it goes to commercial break he says something and then when he's talking to Dean, Dean asks who he is and he says something like, "I'm ____, brother" and Dean goes, "on my brother's phone?" 


Anyone know?  Closed captioning?

Edited by kimrey
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I missed a couple of Cole's lines because I couldn't understand what he said.

Right after he knocks Sam out, right before it goes to commercial break he says something and then when he's talking to Dean, Dean asks who he is and he says something like, "I'm ____, brother" and Dean goes, "on my brother's phone?"

Anyone know? Closed captioning?

"I'm karma, brother." I think. Edited by Luciano
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I must stop making mental wish lists for this show! Looking ahead at S10, I had dared hoped for a couple of specific moments to signify the brothers were okay. One was a return of the "Jerk. Bitch." exchange. I never thought I had to specify it needed to be between Sam and Dean! Damn this show for making me regret my dreams of being satisfied. (Yes, I want the amulet back, but I'm afraid of HOW much they'd make that hurt.)

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It wasn't an awful episode, but it was boring and I spaced out a lot watching it. Forums and tumblr gifs help me fill in the gaps so much after the fact.  I don't usually miss anything major and mostly miss out on angst and mythology which gets contradicted or forgotten about by the end of the season.  I'm not about to give up on the series, but it is rapidly veering into obligation-watching territory instead of something I look forward to watching.


Rewatching The French Mistake today kind of bummed me out. To me, that was the last really great episode. There have been some good ones, some with good parts, some interesting arcs, some great characters (Kevin, Charlie, Mrs Tran), but nothing I can think of that was that level. I'm hoping for just one great episode this season and/or one mostly light-hearted episode.

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"I'm karma, brother." I think.


That's it!  Just went back and watched.  Thanks!


Now if someone can tell me what he said after he knocks Sam out.  I've listened like 5 times and I can't make it out.

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I got a Jeremy Renner vibe from Cole, too.

I think my main disappointment with the episode was that the scene previewed at Comic-Con was Dean and Sam playing cat and mouse in the bunker, and I was waiting for it to come, but it never did. We never got to see them interact. Cas was off with the TV character version of Valium. We barely got to see the chemistry between the actors and characters that usually gives the show so much energy.

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His karaoke wasn't that bad, they could have gone way further with that and the reaction was stupid because of it.


I figured that Crowley and Dean had been there for a while - the first woman (Anne Marie?) seemed to know Crowley well - so the bar regulars were likely quite familiar with Dean's bad karaoke. It maybe seemed like the reaction was over the top for us only having seen 2 performances, but that might have been the poor bar regulars dozenth rendition of "I'm too Sexy" and/or "Imaginary Lover." I still would've loved to have seen Dean do some Air Supply like "All Out of Love."


I enjoyed the episode, but am not at all invested in the angel storyline. Boo hoo, Hannah. Disregard an order some time and get it over with. It'll sting less after that first time. And as someone mentioned above, Castiel is usually somewhat of a freewill guy. His failing grace must really be affecting him, because he's being way too patient with Hannah in my opinion. Cas is usually much more blunt than that. I expected him to be giving Hannah more incredulous looks and losing his patience with her naivety and one-track record attitude.


I figured Dean meant he left the bar without settling up, so if/when Sam got there and asked after him, he'd have to pay the tab.


Heh. The Demon Dean taunt equivalent of Bella's leaving her wigs behind and sicking the cops on Sam and Dean.

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That's it! Just went back and watched. Thanks!

Now if someone can tell me what he said after he knocks Sam out. I've listened like 5 times and I can't make it out.

"A kill switch"? That's the only thing I remember him saying during that scene, but I was distracted.

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I think my main disappointment with the episode was that the scene previewed at Comic-Con was Dean and Sam playing cat and mouse in the bunker, and I was waiting for it to come, but it never did. 


That will be in

the third episode

.  I can't wait to see it!

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I guess I've just been starved for some new episodes because I liked this one. 


Dean is just a sea of awesome!  Every scene with Dean in it was magic for me. 


Loved Crowley's line to Sam about "hitting another dog".  Loved the store clerk guy, he was hilarious with his descriptions of "Porn Guy".


I really love Cas but I will agree with the other posters here, the angel storyline is so boring!  Get Cas his damn grace back and send him after Dean.  I wish they would just stop with the separate angel storylines and give us Cas back.


It was really weird to see the non-reaction from Dean about Sam being in danger. 

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Well, I sure as hell can say this was not worth the 4 month wait.

I dozed off during a couple of scenes.

I can understand TPTB cannot make Dean a full on asshole, murderer. But awful karaoke? That's as bad as its gonna get?

I hate to say this but, being overly skinny is NOT a good look for Jared. He needs some weight.

Forgot to say, I did LOVE the Pat Benetar opening!! That was awesome. Especially since I don't think they've ever used a song sung by a female.

It made me think the episode was gonna rock.

Edited by Ferniesfreckles
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That was ok, I guess.


I kept thinking who the hell is this Cole guy? Why should I care? Why do we need him? To tie Sam up to a chair again?


Overall, not bad, not terribly exciting either.


I think the best part was when Dean didn't care that Cole was going to kill Sam. No reaction. That was good. That finally brought home that there was something significantly different.


Everything else was, well, I don't know, a punchier, sleazy version of Dean?


Oh, really Cas, now you're stabbing the angel who wants to be free instead of stupid, dense Hannah? I did not approve of that move. Not at all. I liked that angel.


I think Crowley is in love with Squirrel, pardon, NotMoose.

Edited by supposebly
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Well I liked it. I do agree that the angel story line didn't spark but Crowley and Dean were GOLD. As was Crowley taunting Sam.  Damn, I think Mark Sheppard may have made a cross-roads deal 'cause he clearly got the best lines of the night.


First impressions:

Dean - As expected, it's all in his eyes.  Dude is NOT good.  I'm a little surprised he could actually get drunk. He must have drunk a ton.  That conversation with Ann Marie was not just cold but pretty layered.  I'll rewatch that one a few times. Also, the look in Dean's eyes as Crowley was making his pitch was interesting. 

Sam - Oh honey.  I'm going to chalk up your capture to a combination of distress over Dean and your bad shoulder. Clear headed, uninjured Sam would have wiped the floor with Cole.  And Crowley has his number -- Sam never likes to admit it but he's got a jealous streak. He must be so confused at this point.

Castiel -   Dude. Dump Hannah. She's still drinking the Kool-Aid. Also, your place is next to Sam. Go to the bunker and camp out til they show back up.

Crowley - Supernatural would like it's show back, you seemed to have stolen it.  Seriously. I completely agree - he's in LOVE with his bromance with Dean.  He's living in a pit and using his skills of manipulation to keep Dean in shape.  I kinda love him. I know it's wrong.


Ann Marie - I liked her. And she IS just the kind of damaged person Dean would go for.

Cole - Not feeling any love here. And he left his family to pursue revenge.  Shades of John Winchester -- and he was better looking.

Gas Station Dude - Wins at life. I love how from time to time they let these little parts be so intriguing.  Nicely done Bob Singer.


I'm going to watch again. I have to agree that some parts dragged but others were INTENSE IMO. Dean is f*cked up and I think Jensen did a good job of showing it.  He's a train-wreck. I understand the desire for him to be more of a BadAss but I think Jensen made the right acting choice. Demon!Dean is not a good thing. Dean himself was already a BadAss. Having a twisted soul is not supposed to be pretty. 

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Let's get Hannah drunk.  That might help.


I kind of liked Dean's karaoke; I've sure heard plenty worse.


Crowley stole the show, as usual.  But I really want Sam and Dean back together.


This episode was a bit of a letdown after all these weeks of anticipation.  Still, the season has just begun.  I'll bet there's good stuff to come.

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I liked it by the end because of the last scene with Dean and Ann-Marie. I thought Jensen was amazing with showing that IMO there is some scary shit lurking in demon!Dean. really

wonderful layered work from Jensen showing just how fucked up Dean is.

Edited by catrox14
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Well, I sure as hell can say this was not worth the 4 month wait.

I dozed off during a couple of scenes.

I can understand TPTB cannot make Dean a full on asshole, murderer. But awful karaoke? That's as bad as its gonna get?

I hate to say this but, being overly skinny is NOT a good look for Jared. He needs some weight.

Forgot to say, I did LOVE the Pat Benetar opening!! That was awesome. Especially since I don't think they've ever used a song sung by a female.

It made me think the episode was gonna rock.

I think they are building Dean to doing something really awful. I don't think they wanted to shoot their wad yet, so to speak.

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I was especially amused by Dean's bad karaoke considering the numerous YouTube videos of Jensen Ackles that demonstrate that he really has a pretty nice set of pipes.


Crowley taunting Sam about the Great Bromance of Crowley and Squirrel was fantastic.

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I liked the episode. They did a good job of setting up the next couple of episodes but I do agree enough with the boring angel story.

Crowley had so much fun gloating to Sam. Also Crowley why are you playing Foosball? You're the King of Hell. Show some dignity.

Yeah I got the impression Dean and Crowley had been there long enough for the regulars to hate Dean's karaoke songs too.

That ending was kind of brutal- go ahead. Kill Sam. I don't care.

I see the oopsie was over making Ann-Marie late for her shift.

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Awful.  Just awful.  Boring as hell.  "Jerk."  "Bitch."  "We thought you had hit another dog."  Are they actively trying to make me hate a show that I've loved for years?  The retrospective was all about the show being powered by the brotherly bond, then they piss all over it by reminding us of better times and, arguably, the worst time.  


I thought I was going to hate Demon Dean because he was actually going to be a demon.  Pathetic.


And, after everything Sam has been through, I'm supposed to believe that he's afraid of this moron?


ETA  I had completely forgotten about Cas.  Goes to show how interested I am in that story line.  And I used to love Cas.  Now he's boring if he's not with Sam and Dean.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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That was the best opening video to a season this show has ever done.


I love the Crowley and Dean bromance, not a big fan of the rest though.  So, if the show focused more on the Crowley Dean bromance, I wouldn't complain.

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Crowley had so much fun gloating to Sam. Also Crowley why are you playing Foosball? You're the King of Hell. Show some dignity.


I wonder if it was a nod to the Foosball episode of Community. "They're not evil people that are good at foosball. They're good at foosball because they are evil!"

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When I saw the note at the beginning - "SAMMY LET ME GO" - all I could think about was this.


Why was Misha lying coughing in some damp looking shit hole rather than tucked up in a nice clean bed at the bunker with Sam?


Whoever wrote this episode had some strange fascination with guys being caught with no pants on.


"You don't care that he's a demon. Heck, you've been a demon, we've all been demons..." "Dean Winchester completes me." "I will treasure our Flickr albums forever." LOL My Crowley/Mark Sheppard love is pretty indecent, tbqh.


Who in heaven is giving the orders? I thought the angels wanting to be leaders had all been killed.


Did JP hurt his arm IRL and they had to write it in? What did he do?

Edited by Big Bad Wolf
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Did anyone pick out David Nykl, from Stargate: Atlantis? He apparently played a character named Lester who's recurring in the third episode.


So, everyone's self-ruling up in heaven, but the two rogue angels have to go back to heaven and they have to be punished because there have to be rules or else angels like Naomi pop up. According to Hannah, who has (once again) appointed herself the enforcer of the rules she's chosen to follow in the absence of rules and is handing out punishments. I swear, it's like Charlie Brown and the football with Cas and the freaking powertripping angels. 

Edited by Julia
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I guess they're living by the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mantra because I saw nothing new here. Sam's tied up--again. Dean's drinking--again. Crowley's lying--again. Cas is weak--again. The angels are stupid--again. 


The opening scene with the demon made no sense, considering Sam's arm. I know Jared hamstrung the writers by getting injured, but they couldn't have come up with something more plausible than Sam hanging a woman (yes, a woman, again) from a complicated looking contraption? I do wish that when Cas had mentioned Sam's arm getting broken in a demon fight Sam would have said "I shouldn't have been wrestling with it." 


Eh, once again, I'm here for Jensen and Jared. How they manage to drum up any kind of enthusiasm for this stuff is beyond me. 

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So yet again, we start off a season with the brothers at odds. When I consider that this has been the pattern since season four, it's pretty depressing.


Am seeing a lot of parallels between how DemonDean is going to play out with SoullessSam. Neither can be allowed to run loose for too long given their body of knowledge and what harm they both can do with that knowledge so it's going to fall on the other sibling to fix the problem and then leave the other with huge guilt over what they did while not entirely themselves. In the end, just as it was Dean's responsibility to get Soulless Sam fixed, it's going to fall on Sam to get Dean back on track. And unlike Dean, he's got absolutely no one to help him here.  And considering that Dean's default setting has always been "protect the younger sibling", having him totally blow off Sam being threatened is a pretty startling departure. I'm sure that for those who want to see Dean working with anyone else that was refreshing, but for me it was just a sign of how far gone Dean is at the moment.


The angel storyline is a total bore and it really shows that a lot of Cas's appeal hinges on his interactions with the Winchesters. When he's acting in his own storyline, he's a lot less interesting and effective. Really hope that if the show insists on dragging the angel thing out that it's slotted in the C-storyline for the episodes. Otherwise I'll have something to help with my insomnia.

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Did JP hurt his arm IRL and they had to write it in? What did he do?


Yup.  He was wrestling with Osric at JIB con over the summer, fell wrong and broke his shoulder.  There are a couple videos of them talking about it on youtube at the con.  It apparently didn't heal right and he had to have surgery on.  He'll be wearing the cast through episode 4.

Edited by kimrey
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Did JP hurt his arm IRL and they had to write it in? What did he do?


He wrestled with Osric during a con in Rome and dislocated his shoulder. 


I didn't see David Nykl, I'll have to skim through and look for him. 

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but they couldn't have come up with something more plausible than Sam hanging a woman (yes, a woman, again) from a complicated looking contraption?



I think there was a different incident.  Sam was working alone at that moment.  Cas wasn't there.  From Cas/Sam conversation SOMETHING else happened. And it's kinda a big something I think.  Evidence:

- Sam is already in a sling when he's torturing.  And her taunting about hearing how a Winchester had become"one of them" was about SAM.  It was played as a reveal but clearly there were rumors about Sam prior to this event.

- Not only is he alone at this moment but this suggests she is not the first demon he's gone Guantanamo on.

- Cas said: "Sam, you can't blame what that demon did to your shoulder on -- on me. You were out of...."  Sure the next word was "control".  Then Sam says "I'm not blaming you. What happened ...happened."

- After this suggestive dialog, Sam ... who CALLED Cas excited about a lead ... tries to withdraw with 'nevermind'.  It could be read as Sam is just reacting to sick Cas. But the reaction wasn't after Cas coughed. It was after Cas brought up some off-screen incident

- Now add timeline hints: Dean said he learned something "six weeks ago".  From shoulder-sling Sam to calling Cas is 4 weeks.  So we've got at least two weeks from Dean's turning to Sam in a sling torturing. PLUS Sam said this was the first hint in weeks.  Like demon possession was suddenly SCARCE.  


Theory: I think Sam did something much worse than the standard torturing. I think the demons are in HIDING from Winchester-the-younger because he was on the warpath looking for Dean.  I think he and Cas agreed to go their own separate ways because there was some huge conflict at the off-screen incident where Sam was injured and Cas was clearly present. 


There's more to what we saw last night than what we saw.


I do wish that when Cas had mentioned Sam's arm getting broken in a demon fight Sam would have said "I shouldn't have been wrestling with it."


I agree. But based on my theory above... Sam got injured in a likely Sam-out-of-control moment with a demon and we'll be seeing this actual moment later.  It would likely conflict with the "wrestling" kind of comment so they could go with such a nice delicious inside joke about Osric.


So let me feed some people's worst fears (not mind): this is a version of 'something wrong with Sammy'. Sam DID something wrong.  We'll see this later.  Mark my words. 

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I loved the Pat Benatar opening.  The 'right kind of sinner' indeed!  I thought the Dean storyline was really good.  It was more of a slow build, which I appreciated more than the anvils we usually get.  It's interesting that even amoral Dean isn't physically abusive towards women.  I know he gave her a cruel shot at the end with his 'skank' line but he's saving his violent impulses for men.  And even then, he's not indiscriminantly pounding guys.  He's waiting until they do something to spark his anger.  That says a lot about Dean's level of control over the Mark.  It's definitely influencing him, but it hasn't taken over.  At least not yet.


The ending was great.  I have no idea why this Cole guy is so pissed at Dean.  And I'm not entirely sure Dean was completely blowing off the danger Sam is in.  After the phone call, Cole looked kind of defeated, like he couldn't believe his awesome plan of using Sam as a hostage didn't work.  It didn't look like he was going to kill Sam in cold blood.  I'm confused as to whether Dean is supposed to know who Cole is.  I couldn't tell from the phone conversation how long ago whatever Cole is mad about happened or if Dean recognized his name.


Of course, we got the split personality Sam.  At the beginning of the episode, he's capable of single handedly capturing a DEMON and torturing her.  At the end, he's easily captured by a human.  Writers, could you at least be consistent within the same episode?

Edited by Frost
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Wouldn't you know it.


I spend all this time writing up my 'something more is going on' spiel and then EW comes out with an article basically asking Carver about this very topic.  Waste of a good logic tree... *sigh* .  See spoilers for link.

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