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S11.E01: I Must Have Lost It On The Wind

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What I can't believe is that neither of the families of the cancer patient and his girlfriend are suing the crap out of this hospital for negligence. What the hell? Is there a big sign out in the parking lot that says "Management is not responsible for gurneys falling off the roof?" Like shopping carts in grocery store parking lots?


I also can't believe they booked a big guest star like Geena Davis and you'd have missed her if you blinked. What a crappy introduction for a new character played by a prominent actress. 


Maybe with Cristina gone Alex will finally get a decent storyline. God knows Justin Chambers hasn't had any decent material in years. If anyone should have left the show it's him.


The new sister plot just doesn't interest me. I'd have preferred they spent more time introducing the Geena Davis character.

Edited by iMonrey

Lexie was skipping grades because of her photographic memory.  


Lexie skipped one grade, so she should have been 2 years behind Meredith despite being so much younger. The general point is that Meredith quite a bit of time out before she started. 


Also if I could believe that Charlotte King was Chief of St Ambrose at her age, then I can believe Maggie being head of cardio at her age.

What I can't believe is that neither of the families of the cancer patient and his girlfriend are suing the crap out of this hospital for negligence. What the hell? Is there a big sign out in the parking lot that says "Management is not responsible for gurneys falling off the roof?" Like shopping carts in grocery store parking lots?

Maybe they're suing the helicopter company instead. Those were some crappy pilots. You're not supposed to land with people and objects on the platform. Which is the thing that really bothered me. As windy as it was + rotor wash should have equaled Owen, Meredith and Maggie as chunky salsa stains in the parking lot.

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My theory is that Seattle Grace is such a terrible hospital they have a really hard time finding anyone new who is willing to work there.  After all, they have bombings, shootings, stabbings, gurneys falling off roofs, doctors having sex with ghosts, all kinds of inappropriate behavior, a staff that often mirrors the typical kindergarten in behavior, . . . .  The death toll at this place mounts every episode.  Any smart doctors would not want to be chief of anything at this place.  

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I'm just going to get this off my chest... Margaret Pierce does nothing for me. If I'm supposed to be sympathizing with her, I don't. When she went off on Meredith I was puzzled because he was Meredith and Owen's patient and even when the Chief of Surgery is helping to rush the patient to an OR, you kinda know it's not the time to start picking because you needed an echo (was that it? anyways...). The vending machine scene was awkward. And nothing against the actress, but she just doesn't have that certain "pizzaz" that draws me in. Richard's reaction during that scene is what I felt the most. As of right now, I couldn't care less about her, nor am I jumping for joy for next week's Maggie-centric episode.


Loved Meredith and Alex. They are the last two from their little "MAGIC" family standing.


Interesting reaction out of Meredith when Derek chose the family over DC. I know she doesn't want him to resent her/them down the line, because she does realize how big of an opportunity this is for him. And just because it's so huge, doesn't mean she should want to change what she's got going, either. It really is a grey area. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this.


I loved how Geena Davis' character (Dr. Herman?) was just there, being all kickass and just hidden from us all this time. And that's quite a new development for Arizona professionally, should she choose to ultimately go forward with the fellowship.

Her and Callie seemed a bit out of sync last night. I realize they are still trying to get their footing, and they are still fresh off of learning that Callie can no longer carry and the possibility of surrogacy. I look forward to see how they navigate through their differences/disagreements/etc, and hopefully they can get back their spark of magic that, sadly (in my opinion), has been slowly fizzling out since the plane crash (for one reason or another).

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I think the guys' family was searching for him, what time it passed when they rescued him and the family found him at the hospital? I think less than 24 hours.. not bad I say..

But Meredith said he must have been searching for one to two months. He had no understanding that much time had passed. So he must have had no contact with the world. That means he was out there for up to two months but no one found him. It's odd.

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I think they lost their sparkle when Arizona cheated and they never got it back.  


I've been rewatching on Lifetime and just saw season 4.  Meredith remembered with great detail her mother cutting her wrists. She was in the room at the time, and her mother told her what she was doing and Meredith understood that if she called 911 she'd be in big trouble so she had to calmly wait until her mother passed out.  It was chilling to hear, and even more so seeing how tiny Meredith was.  I also find it a bit unbelievable that she had such a clear picture of the event so many years later, BUT no memory of her mother being heavily pregnant?  If you have the presence of mind to strategize about how to get medical help for a suicide victim and patiently wait for the opportunity to act, you are old enough to understand why Mommy's tummy gets big.  Surely Anatomy Jane's anatomy introduced such a concept. No mention ever of what happened to Mere while Mommy was in the hospital either time?  For the first time, the normal think would have been to call Thatcher.

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He had no understanding that much time had passed. So he must have had no contact with the world. That means he was out there for up to two months but no one found him. It's odd.


They said he was found 100 miles from that spot they were originally hiking.  Is there that much wilderness in Washington that a guy could wander for 100 miles and not come across any sign of civilization?

So wait, people here keep talking about Ellis's suicide attempt. Because I was assuming that the carousel flashback of Meredith's in the beginning of the episode was Ellis in labor.

Seemed like we were supposed to think she attempted suicide while pregnant with Maggie because she wanted to get Richard's attention. Her wrists were bandaged.

Kind of glad Dr. Muffyn wasn't home for this episode.  I can here him now, "They could do the echo while the surgeons are scrubbing in!"  "Save the kidney and lose the heart - that'll work!"  "He can't go to surgery until they've cleared him."

It took me a minute to realize you weren't referring to a character. Do you realize that between your username and posting here you have created a situation where you can call him McMuffyn?



They said he was found 100 miles from that spot they were originally hiking.  Is there that much wilderness in Washington that a guy could wander for 100 miles and not come across any sign of civilization?

Largest wilderness area is 1400 square miles so I'm going to guess yes.  Although I call shenanigans on someone going in so deep that they can be lost for 100 miles when they were with their kid originally.

Edited by ParadoxLost

It took me a minute to realize you weren't referring to a character. Do you realize that between your username and posting here you have created a situation where you can call him McMuffyn?

When he gets preachy, I call him Herr Doktor.  Next time, Herr Doktor McMuffyn it is.  That'll shut him down.  <evil cackle>  

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I think Meredith is worried that by staying Derek is going to end up resenting her, just as she said to Alex that she would have ended up resenting Derek if she had gone to DC with him. 


I agree. I also think she feels like this is another example of Derek being the hero, and her being regulated to the role of doting wife! She may have gotten her way about not having her career overshadowed by Derek, but she is still in his shadow.



Maggie seems to be also very smart, won't be surprised if she also skipped some grades.


I think in the finale of last season, Maggie mentions to Christina that she was an over achiever who skipped grades!

Edited by BC Mama
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Ellis may have passed on some serious medical ability, but she also passed along some serious speech issues.  Meredith has always had a lisp, but Maggie's is so bad I can't even concentrate on her words. 


I can't suffer through another season just for the few minutes of Mer/Alex.


This show is crap.

  • Love 2

I also think she feels like this is another example of Derek being the hero, and her being regulated to the role of doting wife! She may have gotten her way about not having her career overshadowed by Derek, but she is still in his shadow.


I agree. I rolled my eyes at Meredith's constipated look at the end of the episode. What does she want? Is she leaving him? Did she want to live on opposite ends of the country? At this point it's seeming like she's really not that into McDreamy anymore.

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The Owen sideplot seemed to highlight that these characters are obsessed with romantic relationships and have barely any friends. It shouldn't be that awkward or weird to invite an acquaintance to hang out sometime, especially when there's no sexual tension. Unless that was just because it was Owen.   


There were so many callbacks to earlier episodes. I liked that the last MerDer scene was a reversal of early season 2. Wish Meredith had been a little more happy about it, but can understand her not wanting him to resent it. I also think subconsciously she has had this fear that he will leave for good like her father so she tries to emotionally distance herself so she wouldn't end up like Ellis after losing Richard. 


With the hiker's family, at first I was happy, then I thought "OH CRAP, is this supposed to be an Inception / Awake ending?" But then Meredith watching reassured me that it wasn't. 


The gurney falling was so stupid. Those things must have freaking wheel locks because otherwise it could roll while putting a fragile patient on it. And the teenagers were having sex in a car that was parked right next to the building?! 

Edited by Paracosm
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First, i just want to say i miss the overly caffeinated doctor (someone called her "chirpy") that used to be in Peds.

As for Derek, why does it have to be all or nothing. The DC people want his expertise so-- instead of being the full time project head, why can't he be a visiting fellow, say 6 weeks at a time, twice a year, and Sype consult the rest of the time?

Callie and Arizona. Please. Don't. Let's go a season without a crisis in their relationship.

Oh, and, i really think the show went the wrong way in establishing them from the beginning. I would preferred if Callie and George could have stayed together. In any case a better candidate to try homosexuality after having serious relationship issues would have been Derek. With Sloan. But they gave us Callie and Arizona, so let them be happy.

I could do without the new sister. After all, Meredith has always treated her fellow members of Miranda's Mouseketeers as her siblings. That's why she felt comfortable usurping Alex's bed: he's her "brother".

What a boring episode!  Maggie does nothing for me  I want her to she bond with Richard and give him a storyline and then get the hell off the show. 


I loved all of the Mer/Alex but she needs to get herself together.  She is a 35-40 year old woman who should be able to handle her shit without breaking into her friend's house and kicking people out of bed.  I will give her a pass this time because all the wounds are fresh, but come on.  Hopefully Alex will be setting some boundaries soon.


I feel like we have been there done that with both MerDer and Calzona I wish we could get something new for both of them or lets just call it a day and Dempsey can go race and Callie and Az can hook up with Amelia and Stephanie to give them something to do. 


First, i just want to say i miss the overly caffeinated doctor (someone called her "chirpy") that used to be in Peds.


Do you mean Sydney?  Ugh I would trade half of the characters on the show now for her to come back!


I did love all of the Man Dates that were being foisted upon poor Owen (who also has absolutely nothing to do.)  Since Bailey is so cocky and smug, Alex will definitely get the board seat.  My bet is that she won't prepare since she is only going up against Alex and he will do great and swing the board vote.  Good, I can't wait to see that look get wiped off her face. 


Maybe with Cristina gone Alex will finally get a decent storyline. God knows Justin Chambers hasn't had any decent material in years. If anyone should have left the show it's him.


I like him and Jo together, and I loved his father arc last season (although would have loved more as always), but I am ready for him to get something juicy too.


I feel like there are so many characters who are repeating previous storylines or have nothing to do and yet they keep adding and adding.  I like both of the new showrunners as writers, so I hope that they get this mess figured out.

Edited by Deanie87
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I really disliked this episode. Too many subplots and so choppy.  To me, no storyline was very well developed, although i did like the show opening flashback (and Anatomy Jane). We had:  (1) Mer/Der (2) Mer/Alex where Alex becomes the new Cristina; (3) Mer/Maggie tension; (4) Richard/Maggie; (5) Richard/Amelia/AA; (6) Owen is lonely; (7) Calzona surrogacy; (8) Alex/Bailey board conflict; (9) Az may go back to school; (10) Richard/Jackson.  None of the three patient stories were told well, either.  Who wrote this ep?


And all that "dibs" noise.  Ugh.  I read that Camilla Luddington claims that "dibs" will become GA's new "Seriously".  No, it will not.

Sydney Herron! Gosh I miss her. I've always hoped she'd pop back in since she disappeared sometime in season 4, but instead we get forced-down-our-throat characters like the season 9-10 interns and now Maggie Pierce.


They should've given Meredith a BROTHER. Like, why another girl? I think a brother would've been more interesting and the conflict would have been a little different, not to mention it would add fresh male blood to the group (who could've been a romantic option for Stephanie/Amelia.  Not saying neither could swing to a lady, but so far we only know of them to be with men).

Maggie shows up, introduces herself to Meredith at the worst possible time during what seems to be a wind storm, and then she gets put off by Meredith when she's not all kumbaya with her. And so instead Maggie goes the complete other way and tries to be a hard ass with her "I don't need you to like me", "look at me being a hard ass doctor" shtick. Meredith was too busy getting down to business and trying to save her patient, not to mention having her personal life to deal with. Sorry the world doesn't stop for the new kid in town, but I don't see myself feeling sympathy for the put-out wunderkind spawn of Ellis. Why is she even at GSM if she's no longer interested in knowing Meredith? That hospital is no longer the place Ellis Grey built. And Maggie should maybe check her attitude while she's addressing one of the hospital owners. Man, 2 days of marinating on it and I am officially over Margaret Pierce.


As for Amelia, do we think that the secret she mentioned that Derek doesn't know about is the baby she had on PP? I didn't really watch PP but I recall something like that happening.

  • Love 3

I read that Camilla Luddington claims that "dibs" will become GA's new "Seriously".  No, it will not.


Oh I think it will. It totally will become the new "seriously"/gladiators/my person/etc. in the sense of "annoying catchphrase repeated endlessly by the writers of this show who have no idea it is nowhere as fun/funny/moving/witty/deep they think it is."

  • Love 6

Ellis may have passed on some serious medical ability, but she also passed along some serious speech issues.  Meredith has always had a lisp, but Maggie's is so bad I can't even concentrate on her words. 


I'm sure you weren't saying so to be offensive, but as a woman with a Lisp, your comment seems pretty harsh. I don't think Maggie has a bad lisp. Personally, I think Jackson's is more noticeable, and for me, just adds to the sex appeal. If I was a teenager watching this show, I'd definitively get a confidence boost seeing attractive actors with slight speech impediments. 

I thought that there were problems with this episode, but one moment I genuinely liked in this episode was when Jackson told the Webber that he was really sorry he would not be joining their family, or something along those lines. It was a nice moment between the two character, and I thought it juxtaposed nicely with Maggie telling the Chief that she had interest in getting to know her birth family.

  • Love 4

I'm sure you weren't saying so to be offensive, but as a woman with a Lisp, your comment seems pretty harsh. I don't think Maggie has a bad lisp. Personally, I think Jackson's is more noticeable, and for me, just adds to the sex appeal. If I was a teenager watching this show, I'd definitively get a confidence boost seeing attractive actors with slight speech impediments. 

I thought that there were problems with this episode, but one moment I genuinely liked in this episode was when Jackson told the Webber that he was really sorry he would not be joining their family, or something along those lines. It was a nice moment between the two character, and I thought it juxtaposed nicely with Maggie telling the Chief that she had interest in getting to know her birth family.

I was being silly more than anything, so I hope you weren't offended. I find both Meredith and Jackson's speech very soothing and sexy. I don't like Maggie so maybe I'm reaching for stuff. Again, apologies if I crossed a humor line....

  • Love 1

I was being silly more than anything, so I hope you weren't offended. I find both Meredith and Jackson's speech very soothing and sexy. I don't like Maggie so maybe I'm reaching for stuff. Again, apologies if I crossed a humor line....


No worries!! Keep bringing on the snark! I just wanted to give out to all of us damned-sexy lisp folks out there! ;)

Yeah the dibs thing was annoying. Also, in that scene where Jo and Stephanie are racing down the corridor at the start of the episode, I couldn't help but notice that Jo/Camilla Luddington has the most awkward run ever.


I don't really love the Maggie storyline but I thought Meredith was rude and ignorant to her from the get go. I actually enjoyed the scene in the OR where Maggie bitchslapped her down and said she that she didn't have to kiss her ass.


Arizona and Callie just need to split. I just don't buy that there's any love on Arizona's side anymore.

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Callie and Arizona are painful to watch.  There is nothing there, and the worst part is that they are boring.  I don't care who they end up with, they just need to not be with each other and go though another season of angst until Callie ends up in the on call room with Owen and he comes out wearing her shirt with her wedding ring pinned to it. 


I don't like Maggie.  I was hoping that Mer would have had a brother and not a third half-sister.  It would have been more interesting for Richard to have to deal with a hot shot surgeon for a son just as his relationship with Jackson was being explored.


I am not sure that I can deal with more Mer/Der angst either.  I was never a McDreamy fan so he can go or stay and I don't care but I do want Mer to be the sun - with her kids - and not have to constantly have Derek staring at her with something alternating between sad panda and angry panda. 


It would be pretty fun though to have Derek change his mind and go to DC.  He can head over to the White House and have a conversation with Fitz about the project he is working on while Mellie walks through the room in her jammies and tells Derek he has great hair. 


Love Alex, hate Jo.  She can dive in front of a bus anytime to save someone else.  I think Alex and Amelia would be interesting.  I need Alex to get the seat on the board and Bailey to go to LA with whatever her husband's name is. 

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They said he was found 100 miles from that spot they were originally hiking.  Is there that much wilderness in Washington that a guy could wander for 100 miles and not come across any sign of civilization?

As a WA state native I can tell you that YES there is and also much of it so dense with pine trees and brush that finding him would have been VERY hard.

  • Love 1

The Mer/Der drama is silly.  It's just like the whole not having a nanny thing.  They are both surgeons earning good incomes.  Derek could take the Washington job and work out a deal where he was often remote.  He could also simply travel back and forth and Mer could occasionally go to DC.  Heck, bring the kids for a family vacation.  It can be a bit difficult to work out but people do it all the time. Dr. Muffyn and I have never lived in the same town.  With their incomes and professions, they should be able to make reasonable arrangements.  It's not like James heading to Alaska and leaving Florida and the kids on Good Times.  

  • Love 4

Well, he was in eastern WA, so there wouldn't have been pine trees, but there certainly would've been plenty of wilderness and dry heat.

True. Eastern WA is mainly brush but there are quite a bit of pines as well, just not so much. I come from Eastern WA where there's mainly brush.  The western side, especially is covered in pines.  The Nine Mile Falls area is in Spokane County, in the western portion and near the Canadian border.  WHY they'd fly him to Seattle Grace is a mystery considering all the wonderful trauma centers so much closer and the bad weather.  Someone didn't do their homework on WA state geography.

Edited by Shugardrawers
  • Love 1

True. Eastern WA is mainly brush but there are quite a bit of pines as well, just not so much. I come from Eastern WA where there's mainly brush.  The western side, especially is covered in pines.  The Nine Mile Falls area is in Spokane County, in the western portion and near the Canadian border.  WHY they'd fly him to Seattle Grace is a mystery considering all the wonderful trauma centers so much closer and the bad weather.  Someone didn't do their homework on WA state geography.

I grew up in eastern WA, but I live in Seattle now. I've found that the writers don't put much effort into finding out what it's really like here.

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I don't like Maggie.  I was hoping that Mer would have had a brother and not a third half-sister.  It would have been more interesting for Richard to have to deal with a hot shot surgeon for a son just as his relationship with Jackson was being explored.


Am I the only one who remembers a rumor going around that Jackson was going to be Richard and Ellis' long-lost son? I had forgotten about that until Maggie was cast. I wonder what made them change the gender of the character? I agree that it would have been way more interesting for Meredith to have a brother for a change.

  • Love 4

Maybe they're suing the helicopter company instead. Those were some crappy pilots. You're not supposed to land with people and objects on the platform. Which is the thing that really bothered me. As windy as it was + rotor wash should have equaled Owen, Meredith and Maggie as chunky salsa stains in the parking lot.


Is it wrong that I find the idea of this extremely appealing?


Am I the only one who remembers a rumor going around that Jackson was going to be Richard and Ellis' long-lost son? I had forgotten about that until Maggie was cast. I wonder what made them change the gender of the character? I agree that it would have been way more interesting for Meredith to have a brother for a change.

I do!! Jackson and Meredith have pretty good chemistry as friends so it could have worked

I don't get why people automatically jump to "Arizona doesn't love Callie" because Arizona wants something more out of her career.

Callie's had the cartilage, TED talk, the prosthetics lab with Derek, yet no one's complained she's too career focused. Yet Callie jumps to "oh it means you don't want another baby" when Arizona wants to do something more.

Double standards out the wazoo.


Am I the only one who remembers a rumor going around that Jackson was going to be Richard and Ellis' long-lost son? I had forgotten about that until Maggie was cast. I wonder what made them change the gender of the character? I agree that it would have been way more interesting for Meredith to have a brother for a change.

If they had to give her another half sister, I wish it just would've been Stephanie. It would've justified her staying more.

Edited by CED9
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I don't get why people automatically jump to "Arizona doesn't love Callie" because Arizona wants something more out of her career.

Callie's had the cartilage, TED talk, the prosthetics lab with Derek, yet no one's complained she's too career focused. Yet Callie jumps to "oh it means you don't want another baby" when Arizona wants to do something more.

Double standards out the wazoo.

I agree, but after the way Arizona handled getting her leg amputated everything she does is wrong in the viewers eye.


Which, as an amputee myself, will always be another double standard. People cheered Callie treating her like crap. But that's over and done with.

I completely agree Callie is one my least favorite while Arizona is one my favorite. It has always bothered me about how Callie "cant do anything wrong". While Arizona is always in the wrong.

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