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S05.E27: Wish You Were Here


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She's heavily medicated in this scene for lack of a better word. I wonder if Miranda put her police training to use and alerted Cory and the rest of his family to signs of impairment they may not have been seeing. Things are starting to make sense, even more so because instead of having and attitude about this, Leah looks genuinely scared of losing the girls.

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Boy, what a boring clip.


Leah doesn't look scared at all to me, just pissed off. Those tears she is shedding is for the benefit of herself. She wants pity, she wants attention, simple as that.  Play the violins for Leah!! 


There was one thing said by her step-dad that is true, it's that worse things are going to come her way. I figure he means that 1) Ali's condition will get worse and, 2) she won't have any more MTV money.  In his eyes, if these two can't get their heads together to be there for their children, how the hell are they going to deal with Ali's health getting worse later on?


I so wish this show would just come to an end. I wonder if Cory is receiving more money from MTV for this current season? I wonder if that is what Leah meant when she commented on him receiving a raise.

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I think that preview was the most rational that we have seen Leah all season. I'm sure she knows exactly why Corey is coming after her for full custody and just won't say so on camera.


I also agree with her stepdad, difficult times are coming. It's inevitable. Especially with a chronically ill child, but that still may not even be totally what Lee meant. Shitty things happen in everyones' lives. 


Hopefully once this custody hearing happens we will find out exactly what Corey's reasons and accusations are.

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And MTV wanted to emphasize his absence for their storyline.

I get it, but at the same time Kail and Javi totally agreed to the arrangement and knew full well it was coming. Jo taking Isaac for his 6 weeks of summer visitation was no shock. They're gonna need to get used to it since it'll be happening for the next 14 years. It's just lame what we're getting this season as storylines. At least snarking on Adumb and his merry band of skanks is somewhat entertaining.

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While I understand so much of the show is re-created I don't think I could ever have a normal adult conversation about someone trying to take full custody of my kids.  I'm not in that situation and don't ever plan to be but that is one topic I don't think I could ever have an "adult" conversation about.  Heck, I was a crying/screaming banshee when our neighbor caught our cat, took off it's collar, and turned it into the humane society.  More power to Leah, I guess, for being able to have an actual conversation on the subject.

MTV wanted to emphasize his absence for their storyline.

Please don't take this personal, as I am not personally noting this to you, just in general. I realize on a message board it is hard for words to convey what one is saying and I am trying my best to get my point across.


Why is it Kail and Javi have MTV wanting to benefit a storyline as an excuse? Why can't it be that Kail and Javi are really being dramatic with Isaac gone for six weeks? I mean, Kail has shown herself before when things don't go her way.


 When it was revealed Scentsy didn't allow children over the age of 18 months to go on the trip, suddenly it became Kail just doing what the producers wanted her to do - producer-driven.  Couldn't it be Kail trying to over-step her boundaries with the custody agreement? Couldn't it be Kail trying to defy the Scentsy rules? Couldn't it have been Kail knowing full well she couldn't take Isaac, but she wanted to ask Jo on camera just to see what his reaction would be and to then point out what an ass she thought he was for not allowing his child to go with her? I have a hard time believing Kail followed a script set up by MTV.  Chelsea nor Leah get the benefit of having that as an excuse for their storylines and drama. Chelsea is pining for Adam and Leah is being whatever she is this week. No excuses, no producer-driven stuff.


Isaac is spending six weeks with his father, Kail will likely be shown being an over-dramatic drama queen. I think over the seasons, Kail has shown herself to be quite dramatic and angry for various reasons, a lot of what didn't seem to warrant the reactions she has shown. I am not sure why Kail gets the benefit of having an excuse that it is not her doing, but simply MTV is emphasizing a storyline, when history has shown us Kail over-reacts to any situation. Kail does not need anyone, especially MTV , to amp up the drama and emphasize Isaac being gone for six weeks by bringing up that situation. That is all on Kail IMO.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Considering Kailyn had no father in her life, you would think she would be ecstatic at the fact that Isaac has a father who really loves him and wants to spend time with him. Yeah, 6 weeks is a long time, but it's not like his father is Hitler. I have no doubt that if Kailyn called Jo up and asked if she and Javi could pick Isaac up for a couple of hours for lunch or dinner or something, Jo would have probably be on board. Heck, Jo and Vee might even welcome a couple of hours alone themselves. Jo seems perfectly reasonable, and it sounded like if that beach trip wasn't on Father's Day he would've let Isaac go.

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Friends fear Leah isn’t coping well with the extreme stress of parenting a disabled child and fighting with her former husband— and could be turning to prescription drugs to escape the pain.  "We think Leah could be taking powerful painkillers including Lortab and Percocet,” an insider told Radar in July. “They are very easy to get on the streets in her hometown.”




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Percocet and Lortabs are pretty powerful pain killers. Morphine and Dilaudid are generally only used in a hospital setting or hospice. Some people do use dilaudid to manage chronic pain but it's not standard protocol.


Percocet is oxycodone and acetominophen. Lortab is hydrocodone and acetominophen. They are both the real deal in addictive pain killers. 

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I wouldn't put it past Leah to come out with the defense that she has prescription meds and it is to help her with the anxiety and depression she is going through, all the while blaming Cory for her problems.


How can this girl claim she is under so much pressure and stress when every other scene we see someone else tending to her girlses? Will this be something Cory and lawyer will bring up? How Leah dumps the kids on someone else to watch and therefore, why can't he or his family have the girlses for that time instead?

  • Love 4

Percocet and Lortabs are pretty powerful pain killers. Morphine and Dilaudid are generally only used in a hospital setting or hospice. Some people do use dilaudid to manage chronic pain but it's not standard protocol.


Percocet is oxycodone and acetominophen. Lortab is hydrocodone and acetominophen. They are both the real deal in addictive pain killers. 

I just had a major abdominal surgery, and they gave me Percoset. It is some truly strong stuff! 


They call oxycodone, Percoset, Vicodin - "hillbilly heroin" around here in the Midwest. There have been increasing deaths in the area due to these drugs.

Edited by DangerousMinds


Friends fear Leah isn’t coping well with the extreme stress of parenting a disabled child and fighting with her former husband— and could be turning to prescription drugs to escape the pain.  "We think Leah could be taking powerful painkillers including Lortab and Percocet,” an insider told Radar in July. “They are very easy to get on the streets in her hometown.”





I'm more inclined to believe that Cory is seeking custody due at least in part to Leah's drug use than that Cory's court actions lead to drug abuse by Leah. But that's just because I'm a mean, cynical hater.

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I've just had spinal surgery and am currently on morphine and vicodin. I see where Flip Top Box was coming from with her comment about percocet and lortab not being powerful.

They are strong and extremely addictive but there are much more powerful pain medicines out there. Methadone being the absolute worst in terms of addiction and withdrawals/recovery.

Edited by Maharincess
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It could also be Leah's tolerance for those drugs are low. Drugs affect everyone differently. I think she's abusing drugs because she possibly had a high from a low dose and might have enjoyed it. I've never taken those drugs before, but benadryl can knock me out lol.

That's a great point. I'm the same way, can't hold my liquor either.

It could also be Leah's tolerance for those drugs are low. Drugs affect everyone differently. I think she's abusing drugs because she possibly had a high from a low dose and might have enjoyed it. I've never taken those drugs before, but benadryl can knock me out lol.

It's possible. Another poster said her psychiatrist could still be adjusting her meds, which is also possible. Personally I think she's messing around with painkillers. They may be a legit script, but I think she's abusing them. I can say from personal experience with psych meds that if they're affecting you that bad and it's that obvious you'll stop taking them. Immediately. Painkillers not so much cos it's a fun high. Very mellow and enjoyable, and while you may not think it's obvious you're high as a kite it is to everyone else. I've taken my fair share of post-op pain meds, and working in the medical field I've seen my fair share of people who take pain meds.

I am with you on that Zenme.


Leah, like too many other people I have met in my life, aren't facing their problems because they are hiding behind taking medication and thinking meds is the answer. I am with those who also believe it gives her a reason to have people feel sorry for her. Let me add, it doesn't help when the guy she is married to, won't allow her to cry!! If there is one thing that sometimes makes me feel better, is the ability to cry, and cry, and cry. It doesn't change anything, but the feeling afterwards of letting out any pain and anger via tears, is a welcome one.


I remember long ago when I was taking meds for depression. I actually had a co-worker ask me if she can "have a pill" to help with her depressed feeling that day. I declined and advised her that taking one pill does not make your feelings go away nor do the problems go away. Not to mention, it takes time for anti-depression meds to work itself through. I also have a relative who is using the whole, "I am depressed" thing because she has creditors on her ass. She went to the doctor for meds. I had no problem telling her, "Your problem is your spending habits! Not depression. Taking anti-depression meds won't curb your spending."


That is how I view Leah. She has a lot of problems going on. Why the need to have so much sympathy and attention? Having sex the first night with Cory? Drooling over all the attention she gets from the public via her social media?  She was quick to dump Jeremy, but as soon as she saw Cory was hesitant, she was quick to dump him and run back to Jeremy. Then, the two pregnancies with Jeremy, one was a miscarriage. Buying and buying, the need for material things, what is Leah trying to fulfill? What void is there in her life? Is this having to do with her daddy not being around? If so, that is what she needs therapy for because just taking meds and blaming Cory (again) is not the proper way to handling her issues.

  • Love 6

The episode description makes it sound like Isaac died.


I think Leah's chicken are coming home to roost. She's created so much drama, played so many people against each other and told so many lies that it's all slowly crumbling. She's been in class deflection mode as of late, everything is everyone else's fault. Her money problems, marriage troubles, missed appointments are all Cory's fault, he made her do all those things. She needs to get a grip.

  • Love 5

Leah's problem with Germy is that he's not making her happy.  She seems to think external things (husband, material things) will make her happy.  But none of that will work if she's a miserable person.  So since she believes these things should make her happy, and they don't, it MUST be someone else's fault!  Hence, blaming Corey.  Probably in her mind, if he'd fought harder to keep their marriage together she'd be happy.  Except, she's forgetting she wasn't happy when she WAS married to Corey.  She's looking for the magic formula, combination of people and/or things that will bring her continual happiness, but she'll never find it.  Because SHE'S the problem...not necessarily her fault, but until she's happy with herself nothing external will bring her joy.


She has a lot to be grateful for...three children (and Ali is a blessing, I refuse to see her as anything but a gift), a husband, an ex who is an active and involved parent, her extended family, money, some degree of fame...but she insists on seeing the glass as half-empty.  And IMO that's her problem right there in a nutshell.

  • Love 10

SPLAIN, your story about a coworker asking for a pill cracked me up. You wouldn't believe the sudden “horrible" pains people develop when they find out the types of pain killers I'm on. I even had a friend of a friend "trip and fall" in my kitchen, where nobody could see her and she was laying on the floor begging me for pain pills. When I refused she got up and walked out the door.

I must agree with the posters who have said Kail needs to understand that ISSAC ISN'T DEAD! He's with his father who seems to love him very much.

She's such a cry baby.

  • Love 4

Leah's problem with Germy is that he's not making her happy.  She seems to think external things (husband, material things) will make her happy.  But none of that will work if she's a miserable person.  So since she believes these things should make her happy, and they don't, it MUST be someone else's fault!  Hence, blaming Corey.  Probably in her mind, if he'd fought harder to keep their marriage together she'd be happy.  Except, she's forgetting she wasn't happy when she WAS married to Corey.  She's looking for the magic formula, combination of people and/or things that will bring her continual happiness, but she'll never find it.  Because SHE'S the problem...not necessarily her fault, but until she's happy with herself nothing external will bring her joy.


She has a lot to be grateful for...three children (and Ali is a blessing, I refuse to see her as anything but a gift), a husband, an ex who is an active and involved parent, her extended family, money, some degree of fame...but she insists on seeing the glass as half-empty.  And IMO that's her problem right there in a nutshell.

And she has been super lucky in the men who have been willing to marry/support her. Cory and Jeremy, compared to Jenelle's collection of grimy losers.

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Maharincess , pray tell what type of painkillers are you on? I'm an addict and have been on Suboxyne for years now. I would still be an absolute mess if I wasn't. I was on 18-20 of any kind of pain pill I could get my hands on. If they are prescription, if they are 'opiot' they are highly addictive and after a certain point, it's not your choice to walk away from it, and if she's been taken them long enough, she as a problem. I thought she was on xanax or something, not pain pills.

  • Love 1

Maharincess , pray tell what type of painkillers are you on? I'm an addict and have been on Suboxyne for years now. I would still be an absolute mess if I wasn't. I was on 18-20 of any kind of pain pill I could get my hands on. If they are prescription, if they are 'opiot' they are highly addictive and after a certain point, it's not your choice to walk away from it, and if she's been taken them long enough, she as a problem. I thought she was on xanax or something, not pain pills.

I just had spinal surgery and am on a timed release morphine and on norco when I need quick relief. I was afraid of becoming addicted so I joined an online NA group and have a sponsor that keeps me in line.

The last thing I need on top of my other health issues is an addiction.

Edited by Maharincess
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Did anyone catch Kailyn's sly little remark about not knowing if the six weeks are going to work when he starts sports? First off, that's not her decision to make, and second, in what world does she think little league trumps court mandated time with another parent? She's already plotting a way to mess that up. Stupid cow.

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I think Janelle knows that Barb is more capable of raising Jace than her and Nathan, but shes scared to explain that to Nathan because..you know..he doesn't handle criticism well. It sort of breaks my heart how Nathan is strong-arming her into fighting with Barb about it. And, I'd bet anything that they just laid on the blankets after Kaiser pissed on them. I never knew it was possible for new parents to lay down so much, as they care fortheir newborn. Isn't it a no-no to microwave a bottle? God help Kaiser. :(

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Wait wait wait... so first Jenelle, in this episode, tells Nathan she doesn't want Jace back, right... and then just because Momma Barb makes her upset now she wants Jace?  Jace isn't some toy you just steal because someone else is playing with him.  **shakes head** "I don't want him unless someone else does, then I want him"


What is a dirt bike?  Is it motorized? (I'm a city girl who never paid attention to those types of things) Did Aubree fall off of something motorized? 

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I think Kail is always plotting. I've had that impression of her since her 16 & Pregnant episode. There was an argument between her and Jo in the middle of the night and I felt like she was trying to get Janet to turn on her own son. Janet calls Jo on his crap, but that's still her blood. I can't stand Kail. Even in this episode she always has to get in digs? I understand her checking up on Isaac, but it seemed obsessive with her. Isaac looked like he was having a blast with his dad, Vee, and the Riveras. Sure, it wasn't a tropical beach but he still had fun. Fuck you, Kail.

I'm a little alarmed at how much Leah's family props her up and excuses her bad behavior as if she's always the put upon victim. Leah is her own worst enemy. She makes terrible choices and then manipulates the situation so it it seems like it's the other person's fault.

Gracie reminded me of Audrey Rose crying at the storm door.

I never need to hear Nathan talk about hot wings and bowel movements again. Jenelle and Nathan both looked exhausted. How will they handle Kaiser and Jace together? Jenelle is a deadbeat but I can understand her stance on waiting to get custody of Jace (as if that will ever happen). Nathan doesn't even have custody of his first born child. He can shut the fuck up, too.

Chelsea....yawn. Adam is so negligent and reckless having a four-year old on a dirt bike without a helmet. He doesn't have a license and he's endangering. He's an ass.

Edited by RedKoolAide
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Wait wait wait... so first Jenelle, in this episode, tells Nathan she doesn't want Jace back, right... and then just because Momma Barb makes her upset now she wants Jace?  Jace isn't some toy you just steal because someone else is playing with him.  **shakes head** "I don't want him unless someone else does, then I want him"


What is a dirt bike?  Is it motorized? (I'm a city girl who never paid attention to those types of things) Did Aubree fall off of something motorized? 

A motorcycle geared more first dirt.  It has tires made more for dirt than for street.

Wait wait wait... so first Jenelle, in this episode, tells Nathan she doesn't want Jace back, right... and then just because Momma Barb makes her upset now she wants Jace?  Jace isn't some toy you just steal because someone else is playing with him.  **shakes head** "I don't want him unless someone else does, then I want him"


What is a dirt bike?  Is it motorized? (I'm a city girl who never paid attention to those types of things) Did Aubree fall off of something motorized? 

A motorcycle geared more first dirt.  It has tires made more for dirt than for street.

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