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S16.E40: Live Finale

Tara Ariano

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Rottsa-Ruck to Victoria in the future. I'm sure if you look up STUPID in the dictionary it will show a picture of her and list her (mental) age as 10......

 Just what all we women strive, beg for and want to be portrayed as.  CRIPES, what a piss-poor idiot example of a female.



Oh, I forgot.............Thank goodness Cody came into some money. Maybe he can go see either a Medical or a Psychiatric Doctor to find out what is wrong with his little pee-pee, and why he always pulling on it.

Edited by dimo

Meh.  I think that Derrick stayed loyal to Donny and TA until it came down to Donny or someone in his alliance.  Derrick also probably would have considered keeping Donny longer too if Donny didn't make it clear that he saw his game and would have gone after him.  That is just smart play IMO.  I don't see Derrick the same way you do though.  I don't think he's condescending at all.  I think he played a pretty impressive game, so I thought Donny as such a fan of the game might have voted for Derrick over Cody, but he didn't...which is his right.  

Derrick was under no obligation to be loyal to Donny and he was completely "right" to prioritize winning over being fair or loyal or nice or whatever to Donny. TA was stupid and Derrick (or any of them) would be stupid to sacrifice their chance to win $500K ($550K in Derrick's case) in order to honor TA or be loyal to the other members. With that being said, Derrick was not loyal to Donny. IMO, Derrick wasn't really loyal to anyone. He had F2 deals with multiple people, some more strongly articulated and frequently discussed than others. He is a good enough player to understand that it's best to keep your options open and I think he sincerely saw potential for long-term alliances with Cody and Victoria, but he was also open to allying with other people if that's the way the wind blew. If the time had come when he thought it was best for his game to cut Cody or Victoria, he would have done so without hesitation or remorse. He did do that to Victoria and I don't think he felt bad at all.


That was a tangent, but, getting back to Donny, Derrick was not loyal to Donny. That's fine; there's nothing wrong with that. I like Donny much better than Derrick, but I'm not remotely angry or disappointed in Derrick for not being loyal to Donny. I think he would have been a fool to be loyal to Donny because Donny was onto him and Derrick's game was based on duping everyone. I get it. The only thing that annoys me about Derrick with regard to his loyalty toward Donny is how he keeps lying to me saying that he was loyal to Donny when I SAW HIM plotting to get Donny out for most of the game. He only held back on going after Donny for as long as he did because of TA. Derrick seems to think that he can derive some benefit by seeming loyal to TA, so he keeps trying to pretend that he was/is even though he orchestrated the ousters of both other TA members. It's weird and I also find it insulting. I thought he was a little more honest than usual in his backyard interview, so I was thinking/hoping that he'd stop lying now that the game is over. The fact that he's STILL trying to sell the "Loyal to TA to the End!" bullshit is ridiculous. And the thing is, unlike many winners, Derrick pretty much had complete control of the game from very early on. He could have taken TA to the end if he wanted to. He pretty much could take anyone he wanted and he chose to take Cody and Vic. Personally, I wouldn't say he chose them out of "loyalty," but if he wants to claim he was loyal to them, that's at least a plausible story. Saying he was loyal to Donny isn't. There are literally hours and hours of footage of Derrick plotting to get Donny out. SkittlesGate was a scheme to get Donny out, hatched and executed by Derrick when he was co-HOH with Frankie. It's on tape. They showed it on TV.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 7

I have a bone to pick with Jocasta. She was unhappy, or trying to appear up in arms over Derrick doing what she calls "fake praying"

Every spiritual person that I know, and especially those who consider themselves spiritual leaders would agree that what ever the intent, getting someone to pray is beneficial whether the person knows it, or means it, or not.

So who is Jocasta, anyways, that she would put someone down for that?

  • Love 2

"I have a bone to pick with Jocasta. She was unhappy, or trying to appear up in arms over Derrick doing what she calls "fake praying"

Every spiritual person that I know, and especially those who consider themselves spiritual leaders would agree that what ever the intent, getting someone to pray is beneficial whether the person knows it, or means it, or not.

So who is Jocasta, anyways, that she would put someone down for that?"

This. Who is Jocasta to say that someone else's praying is "fake". Why is her praying any more authentic?

  • Love 1

This. Who is Jocasta to say that someone else's praying is "fake". Why is her praying any more authentic?

I think I read somewhere that she said that she was specifically referring to Derrick's impersonation (during which he prayed) of her in the ill-advised TAFY play.


As far as what some have been seeing as Donny's "mean streak," sure he came up with some zingers (I saw the shows, feeds and updates), but IMHO it was nothing harsher than what I'd expect from an adult with a quick wit and a somewhat subversive sense of humor.  When I worked in a male dominated industry, those kinds of back and forth jabs were appreciated and even affectionate; I knew I was accepted when I was included in the teasing.  Heck, even holiday dinners in my family can be (affectionately) rougher than what he doled out.  

  • Love 5

Thank you! Derrick was dismissive and insulting to Donny the entire season, yet expected his vote?  And Donny was "bitter" not to give it to someone who didn't manage his vote better?  Especially, when Donny is telling the truth about telling Cody that he would have his vote if he made F2 (I saw it on the feeds)? 


Exactly.  Last night on that dreadful livestream, Donny reiterated that he'd promised Cody his vote if Cody made it to F2.  Surprisingly, Cody never told Derrick!

  • Love 1

I'm not religious, but I think it's legit to be angry/hurt/offended/put off by someone pretending to pray with you as strategy in a game. Especially for someone who takes their faith very seriously, that is a supreme insult. Jocasta and her brand of religiousness bug me to no end, but I believe that she is serious about her faith and I can see how she wouldn't like feeling that someone is using it to mock/manipulate her.

  • Love 3

Given how much and how often the show had been pumping Derrick's tires, saying how brilliant Derrick's game play was, it wouldn't look good if he finished third. I take Derrick's win with a massive grain of salt. Going through all of that and then having Cody go up against Victoria for the finalee wouldn't look good at all. I am highly skeptical of the legitimacy of the results. It just does not seem reasonable that Cody would take Derrick to the finalee. Alliances get broken all of the time.

The show wanted Frankie to get to the end. The show had no interest in someone so low key, who caused absolutely no drama, and who tried to make sure no drama ever happened in this game. Derrick was bad for the show. They had to start pumping him up only once it pretty much was a given that he wasn't going to lose. Cody picking Derrick was all on Cody, and was typical of the Cody I've watched all season long, especially the last week.

Cody thought he could beat Derrick. Hell, even I thought there was a possibility that Cody could beat Derrick and I knew a hell of a lot more than Cody did. What's funny is the two votes I was most unsure about for Cody - Donny and Jacosta - voted for Cody. I thought for sure he'd have Caleb and Christine's votes, with Frankie being the tie breaker. I was wrong, and I watched the feeds.

I've always found it a bit presumptuous to assume that the contestants should know the votes. Why? They are there in a big part because they lied. That doesn't mean they know when someone is lying to them. They don't know even a hundredth of what we know. Cody felt that by picking Victoira, the jury would vote for her out of spite, and also felt that by taking Derrick he would show his loyalty, while also having the challenge wins, while also thinking he played a big part in all of the evictions. Which he did....with Derrick's blessing.

I don't see any kind of conspiracy in this win. Just someone who made for boring TV play the hell out of this game. Something Grodner probably wanted no part of.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 5

I have a bone to pick with Jocasta. She was unhappy, or trying to appear up in arms over Derrick doing what she calls "fake praying"

Every spiritual person that I know, and especially those who consider themselves spiritual leaders would agree that what ever the intent, getting someone to pray is beneficial whether the person knows it, or means it, or not.

So who is Jocasta, anyways, that she would put someone down for that?


I think I read somewhere that she said that she was specifically referring to Derrick's impersonation (during which he prayed) of her in the ill-advised TAFY play.


I'm not religious, but I think it's legit to be angry/hurt/offended/put off by someone pretending to pray with you as strategy in a game. Especially for someone who takes their faith very seriously, that is a supreme insult. Jocasta and her brand of religiousness bug me to no end, but I believe that she is serious about her faith and I can see how she wouldn't like feeling that someone is using it to mock/manipulate her.

I guess my original comment was intended to call Jocasta out not as a religious person, but as as religious LEADER. I just don't understand how a sincere self styled religious leader could justify putting down a specific person on national TV for praying because they thought the prayer was insincere. If it was about him making fun of her praying, well that's not "fake praying." That's simply making fun of someone praying. Still something a religious leader ought to ignore.

Maybe she's angling for a sassy dissing reverend persona reality character tv show. Or maybe she's just got nuthin else to talk about.

  • Love 3
Maybe she's angling for a sassy dissing reverend persona reality character tv show. Or maybe she's just got nuthin else to talk about.



Hallelujah and praise, Seawolff.  I'd bet every contestant this season (and all previous and future seasons) looks at reality shows as the way to get into a life of wealth and celebrity.  I don't enjoy Jocasta...but I'd watch a sassy dissing reverend persona once or twice.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 1
My fave pic of last nights show that's been circulating was of the very end and you see Derrick and family hugging and,off to the side and very much The Cheese Stands Alone, the legend in his own mind, sniveling, F. J. Grande! Perfect last shot!



And what a slap in my face--in the face of most fans--for Mrs. Les Moonves to have Frankie J. Grande on the "Big Brother" segment on today's "The Talk." along with the winner--oh, what's his name? Apparently it doesn't matter.  Did Cody (second place), Victoria (third place), Caleb (fourth place), DONNY??? (America's Favorite) or any of the America's Favorite runners-up get invited?  NOooooooo!  The Irritating brother of Ariana Grande graced the Talk table!

  • Love 11

And since I never played the game with Dan, I have no reason not to trust him. Dan has been a Derrick fan from the beginning.


Sure, Dan's absolutely correct. But "one of the best winners that we have seen in a while" is not saying a whole lot. I mean, Andy won last year and he was a shitty winner. I think Derrick's clearly at the top of the second tier of BB winners, which is impressive. He just isn't one of the top tier winners (like, say, Dan). 

  • Love 3

I just think that there are so many things that Jocasta could have talked about but she chose to focus on "fake praying", which according to her, she was referring to his imitation (Why so serious? Honestly, a sense of humor about oneself goes a long way in my eyes) and later on, in interviews, on talking shit about Victoria. I was hoping for something positive from her. I thought it was funny that she got offended when an interviewer said she got saved every time she was sick, and she said something like, every time I was sick? I was only sick once, I only got saved one time. How many times did she expect to be saved? Zach, Donny and Jocasta didn't seem too happy that Victoria outlasted them, in fact Zach pretty much admitted that bothered him a lot because he felt she didn't do anything and TBH, he's right, but that's part of the game and her one ally got her far. I liked Donny when he showed self-awareness and said something like he shouldn't have left his game at home because I felt that for once he wasn't just pointing fingers but admitting he could have done more.

  • Love 2

I think I read somewhere that she said that she was specifically referring to Derrick's impersonation (during which he prayed) of her in the ill-advised TAFY play.


As far as what some have been seeing as Donny's "mean streak," sure he came up with some zingers (I saw the shows, feeds and updates), but IMHO it was nothing harsher than what I'd expect from an adult with a quick wit and a somewhat subversive sense of humor.  When I worked in a male dominated industry, those kinds of back and forth jabs were appreciated and even affectionate; I knew I was accepted when I was included in the teasing.  Heck, even holiday dinners in my family can be (affectionately) rougher than what he doled out.  

The only reason his "mean streak" has been mentioned is because he said the houseguests were mean to him so it shows to me, that he can dish it but can't take it. He's very gleeful when he gets to make fun of others which is very understandable, cries when he feels left out, which is fine but the big difference to me is that when he made his zingers the other person wasn't joking with him. I like to joke around, too but that doesn't mean I go up to people I don't really try to get to know and roast them for kicks and if I did, I'd expect some "mean" comments my way and wouldn't cry.


I honestly view Derrick and Donny as two sides of the same coin. They're both stubborn, smart, didn't trust each other, I saw them both as being emotionally manipulative (Derrick with his family, Donny with his crying), they both claim loyalty to TA yet they were both trying to get each other out, they would both approach the people they knew were about to get evicted and play the vote management game in my eyes. The main difference I saw is one chose to blend in with the crowd while the other chose to stand out. I still wish they would have worked together, that would have been my dream F2 for this season.

Edited by willpwr
  • Love 4

I'm not religious, but I think it's legit to be angry/hurt/offended/put off by someone pretending to pray with you as strategy in a game. Especially for someone who takes their faith very seriously, that is a supreme insult. Jocasta and her brand of religiousness bug me to no end, but I believe that she is serious about her faith and I can see how she wouldn't like feeling that someone is using it to mock/manipulate her.





Jocosta would have been wise to keep her "profession" a secret.  Of course HGs are going to do what they must to gain your trust and "friendship."  That includes fake praying should that situation present itself.  It is a game!  And if she truly is a leader, which I doubt, part of that package is to see the good in others and let the rest go.  Not everyone is Christian, Jocosta.  Only 33% of the world population, to be exact.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I just think that there are so many things that Jocasta could have talked about but she chose to focus on "fake praying", which according to her, she was referring to his imitation (Why so serious? Honestly, a sense of humor about oneself goes a long way in my eyes) and later on, in interviews, on talking shit about Victoria. I was hoping for something positive from her. I thought it was funny that she got offended when an interviewer said she got saved every time she was sick, and she said something like, every time I was sick? I was only sick once, I only got saved one time. How many times did she expect to be saved? Zach, Donny and Jocasta didn't seem too happy that Victoria outlasted them, in fact Zach pretty much admitted that bothered him a lot because he felt she didn't do anything and TBH, he's right, but that's part of the game and her one ally got her far. I liked Donny when he showed self-awareness and said something like he shouldn't have left his game at home because I felt that for once he wasn't just pointing fingers but admitting he could have done more.

I think when the interviewer asked about her getting saved when she was sick, she was confused because he is one of those people who say "whenever" when they are supposed to say "when." It bothered me that he kept doing that. So he asked her something like "you got saved whenever you were sick" and she was like whenever? I was only sick once. Or whatever.

I don't understand why an interviewer can't use proper terminology.

  • Love 2

It was done last season, too.


Ah, I wasn't sure, but I wondered the same thing myself. It seemed like I remembered them creating some suspense by naming three finalists last time, but my memory isn't what it once was. (Which wasn't much to begin with!)


That makes more sense than my hope that they announced the top three just so Frankie would know for a fact he wasn't in it. ;-)


Asshole to the end, eh, Zach?  God, he was insufferable, from outing who he voted to win to being his usual mean self to Victoria, I can't believe anyone would consider voting for him to win AFP.

Zach's DR meltdown may have helped as it came off as a rare real moment in the season, but he probably made AFP top three because Arianna told her Twitter followers to vote for him, pointing out that Donny and Frankie were both getting TA money. I suspect she didn't want to risk catching any flack for Frankie's behavior by supporting him instead. I would have liked to see Frankie's reaction when he found out.

  • Love 1
And what a slap in my face--in the face of most fans--for Mrs. Les Moonves to have Frankie J. Grande on the "Big Brother" segment on today's "The Talk."



I’m guessing Frankie had a Very Special Contract, one which guaranteed that in return for lil sis appearing on two episodes, he would be the focus of the Big Season Twist (celeb sibling hides relationship!), but also have a central role in another Big Season Twist (TA) AND appear on The Talk.  It also will not surprise me if he is appointed some kind of special correspondent for the Talk, at least until they can get out of it.  All prearranged, and why Julie has to pretend she likes him.  

  • Love 5

I’m guessing Frankie had a Very Special Contract, one which guaranteed that in return for lil sis appearing on two episodes, he would be the focus of the Big Season Twist (celeb sibling hides relationship!), but also have a central role in another Big Season Twist (TA) AND appear on The Talk. It also will not surprise me if he is appointed some kind of special correspondent for the Talk, at least until they can get out of it. All prearranged, and why Julie has to pretend she likes him.

With you on this one. I'm pretty sure they were trying to rig it (as much as possible) for a Frankie win. Once Grodner realized that Frankie winning was not going to happen, then Derrick became production's darling.

This season for me will always be remembered the Grande show. And boring.

  • Love 2

Derrick has expressed that he's surprised he didn't get Donny's vote because they were on TA together and he [Derrick] was loyal to TA. Derrick, why are you still lying to the audience?! Man, give it up! We can see! How condescending that he thinks 'America' is as dumb as these HGs were.

He stated in an interview that Donny was the one person he couldn't manipulate and that's why he wanted him out.

  • Love 1

Zach's DR meltdown may have helped as it came off as a rare real moment in the season, but he probably made AFP top three because Arianna told her Twitter followers to vote for him, pointing out that Donny and Frankie were both getting TA money. I suspect she didn't want to risk catching any flack for Frankie's behavior by supporting him instead. I would have liked to see Frankie's reaction when he found out.


Zach seemed to have a huge following and IMO that is why Ariana threw her support his way.  She knew that Frankie wasn't going to win and that Zach might.  A quick twitter search shows that the interwebs are pretty big fans of all things Zach (all things Donny too). 

The only reason his "mean streak" has been mentioned is because he said the houseguests were mean to him so it shows to me, that he can dish it but can't take it. He's very gleeful when he gets to make fun of others which is very understandable, cries when he feels left out, which is fine but the big difference to me is that when he made his zingers the other person wasn't joking with him. I like to joke around, too but that doesn't mean I go up to people I don't really try to get to know and roast them for kicks and if I did, I'd expect some "mean" comments my way and wouldn't cry.



Donny seemed to have targeted Victoria in his last round of Mean Girls Donny Edition.  What did Victoria ever do to pick on or be mean to Donny?  Maybe I missed it, but I don't think she picked on him like I saw the likes of Christine doing.  

I'm still pissed that  Julie had Frankie on.  She could have had Cody, the runner-up.  She could have had Victoria, and asked about her role in Derrick's win.  She could have had Donny on, and asked how he feels about being America's Favorite Player.  He could have had Zach or Nicole, and asked their reactions to being in the house and why they think America thought they were a favorite player.


No, she had to have Frankie because he kisses her ass and pumps up her ego every time he sees her.  Ugh.

Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 6

Donny seemed to have targeted Victoria in his last round of Mean Girls Donny Edition.  What did Victoria ever do to pick on or be mean to Donny?  Maybe I missed it, but I don't think she picked on him like I saw the likes of Christine doing. 

I don't think she picked on anyone, she was never in with the cool kids except for Derrick. From what I saw, her fatal error was outlasting "worthier" opponents. Now that I think about it, I consider her the true outcast of the season, she only had one person throughout the whole game, it wasn't until much later that she and Nicole got friendly with each other, before that most of them didn't really talk to her much and none of them wanted to share a bed with her. She's an easy target, unfortunately.

I never understood why Donny considered TA an alliance. It was an artificial grouping and a good way to earn cash, that's it. Since it was obvious that Frankie and Derrick had their own friends in the house, I would not have ever expected any loyalty from them.

It was an alliance - the focus of which was financial, not strategic. :)

That being said ™ - all three TA members did attribute special significance to membership in TA beyond the purely fiscal.


Because America selected these three specific people for TA.

We know the truth; the TA selection vote was largely a popularity contest between strangers we'd only known for a week or two. The HG selectees didn't know that, though; to each of them, there must be specific reasons why the all-seeing, all-knowing (more than them, anyway) American viewing public chose THESE THREE people. Frankie almost certainly chalked up his own pick to the Super Secret Sister Selection Syndrome, Derrick probably figured folks were rooting for the Undercover Big Brother, and god only knows what the hell Donny thought of it - Duck Dynasty fans coming out of the woodwork, maybe.

My point (and I do have one) being this: each selected HG could probably think of some reason why HE was selected - but what about these other two guys? What special something does America know about them which would prompt a vote for reward? Better keep them close until I can figure this out....

Donny seemed to have targeted Victoria in his last round of Mean Girls Donny Edition.  What did Victoria ever do to pick on or be mean to Donny?  Maybe I missed it, but I don't think she picked on him like I saw the likes of Christine doing.

Just a random thought here - would Donny have any reason to cover for some else - like, specifically, Christine? Donny's "confession" startled me - not because I thought he was St. Donny (hell, Mother Teresa would've taken a wrecking bar to half these jamokes after being locked up in a House with them for two months), but because it doesn't jibe with something I recall seeing with my own eyes....

It was an alliance - the focus of which was financial, not strategic. :)

That being said ™ - all three TA members did attribute special significance to membership in TA beyond the purely fiscal.


Because America selected these three specific people for TA.

We know the truth; the TA selection vote was largely a popularity contest between strangers we'd only known for a week or two. The HG selectees didn't know that, though; to each of them, there must be specific reasons why the all-seeing, all-knowing (more than them, anyway) American viewing public chose THESE THREE people. Frankie almost certainly chalked up his own pick to the Super Secret Sister Selection Syndrome, Derrick probably figured folks were rooting for the Undercover Big Brother, and god only knows what the hell Donny thought of it - Duck Dynasty fans coming out of the woodwork, maybe.

My point (and I do have one) being this: each selected HG could probably think of some reason why HE was selected - but what about these other two guys? What special something does America know about them which would prompt a vote for reward? Better keep them close until I can figure this out....

Just a random thought here - would Donny have any reason to cover for some else - like, specifically, Christine? Donny's "confession" startled me - not because I thought he was St. Donny (hell, Mother Teresa would've taken a wrecking bar to half these jamokes after being locked up in a House with them for two months), but because it doesn't jibe with something I recall seeing with my own eyes....

Yes, Derrick pretty much said that America chose these guys for a reason and we must know better than him so he was going to try to figure them out. That's when he approached Donny because I believe that's who he was most surprised by.


Donny's "confession" is weird to me, too... wasn't there a GIF or something confirming it was Christine? Why would Donny lie for Christine of all people, though? She was probably the most vicious towards him.


ETA: Looked it up, everyone assumed it was Christine because she left the bathroom with something hidden under her shirt so viewers thought it was the knife or marker used to scratch out Victoria's name. 

Edited by willpwr

I think when the interviewer asked about her getting saved when she was sick, she was confused because he is one of those people who say "whenever" when they are supposed to say "when." It bothered me that he kept doing that. So he asked her something like "you got saved whenever you were sick" and she was like whenever? I was only sick once. Or whatever.

I don't understand why an interviewer can't use proper terminology.


Thank you!!  His constant use of "whenever" was killing me, literally™.

  • Love 1

Donny seemed to have targeted Victoria in his last round of Mean Girls Donny Edition. What did Victoria ever do to pick on or be mean to Donny? Maybe I missed it, but I don't think she

picked on him like I saw the likes of Christine


Victoria disliked Donny and made that clear to Nicole. I doubt that it was lost on him.

His crossing out her name was kind of mean, but I thought it was sort of funny too. He's never

hidden his snarky personality. I kind of took it as him continuing the joke of her sort of being invisible in the house. I've also never seen any evidence that he dishes it but can't take it. He's always seemed upset about the others shunning him not zinging him.

Edited by Sara2009
  • Love 3

Victoria disliked Donny and made that clear to Nicole. I doubt that it was lost on him.

His crossing out her name was kind of mean, but I thought it was sort of funny too. He's never hidden his snarky personality. I've also never seen any evidence that he dishes it but can't take it. He's always seemed upset about the others shunning him not zinging him.

How can someone be shunned when that person doesn't want to hang out with the others? That's just something I never understood because everyone said they loved him and he knew they loved him per his interviews. 

  • Love 1

Because he DID try at first. He was just never able to form solid alliances.

He has said numerous times in interviews that he didn't really try to form an alliance, his goal was to be approached to join an alliance. He just wanted to sit back, be under the radar, observe and make it to the jury house  while he decided who he felt he could trust. He made an exception for Devin, though.

  • Love 1

Yes, Derrick pretty much said that America chose these guys for a reason and we must know better than him so he was going to try to figure them out. That's when he approached Donny because I believe that's who he was most surprised by.


Donny's "confession" is weird to me, too... wasn't there a GIF or something confirming it was Christine? Why would Donny lie for Christine of all people, though? She was probably the most vicious towards him.


ETA: Looked it up, everyone assumed it was Christine because she left the bathroom with something hidden under her shirt so viewers thought it was the knife or marker used to scratch out Victoria's name. 


I seriously doubt Donny was covering for anyone.  He had the biggest "shit eating" "I'm so proud of myself" grin when admitting that he did it.  


As many people in BB, Donny was a character in the house and it seems like he is more himself outside of the house and the game.  I just don't seem to like the guy very much that he is when he isn't playing a part that's all.  

  • Love 3

Donny's "confession" is weird to me, too... wasn't there a GIF or something confirming it was Christine? Why would Donny lie for Christine of all people, though? She was probably the most vicious towards him.

I can think of two possibilities:

1. Quote taken out of context and edited down - like a reporter saying, "Someone scratched Victoria's name off the WC door, but isn't fessing up. If it were you, would you own up to it? What would you say?" And Donny demonstrating for the camera, not knowing how it might be edited.... Easy enough to determine, if the footage for the entire interview is online.

2. Donny and Christine were death on each other in the House; things may be different out of the House, though. Heck, even before they got out everybody already knew Christine was, if not the most hated person in BB16, in the top two or three, and most likely on account of her relationship with Cody. Possibly as an olive branch Donny chose to take the heat off her for this one other thing...?

ETA: Looked it up, everyone assumed it was Christine because she left the bathroom with something hidden under her shirt so viewers thought it was the knife used to scratch out Victoria's name.

I looked back at every YouTube I could find of both the Luxury comp and the Jury pre-comp trashing. Donny went in the BR twice (once during the trashing with Nicole to grab an armful of towels, and once during the actual comp to go through a black bag on the BR sit/shelf). Never saw him so much as open the door to the BR.

Yes, I am a Donny fan - but above and beyond that, I'm a truth fan. More than anything else I want to know what happened, I want to know why, and I want to know NOW, dammit. :D We're running out of time!

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

I can think of two possibilities:

1. Quote taken out of context and edited down - like a reporter saying, "Someone scratched Victoria's name off the WC door, but isn't fessing up. If it were you, would you own up to it? What would you say?" And Donny demonstrating for the camera, not knowing how it might be edited.... Easy enough to determine, if the footage for the entire interview is online.

2. Donny and Christine were death on each other in the House; things may be different out of the House, though. Heck, even before they got out everybody already knew Christine was, if not the most hated person in BB16, in the top two or three, and most likely on account of her relationship with Cody. Possibly as an olive branch Donny chose to take the heat off her for this one other thing...?

I looked back at every YouTube I could find of both the Luxury comp and the Jury pre-comp trashing. Donny went in the BR twice (once during the trashing with Nicole to grab an armful of towels, and once during the actual comp to go through a black bag on the BR sit/shelf). Never saw him so much as open the door to the BR.

Yes, I am a Donny fan - but above and beyond that, I'm a truth fan. More than anything else I want to know what happened, I want to know why, and I want to know NOW, dammit. :D We're running out of time!

I'm a truth fan, too and I've been looking lol, I'm trying to find the interview, a few sites are reporting that he did it to get revenge on Victoria for tearing up her hat.

I can think of two possibilities:

1. Quote taken out of context and edited down - like a reporter saying, "Someone scratched Victoria's name off the WC door, but isn't fessing up. If it were you, would you own up to it? What would you say?" And Donny demonstrating for the camera, not knowing how it might be edited.... Easy enough to determine, if the footage for the entire interview is online.

2. Donny and Christine were death on each other in the House; things may be different out of the House, though. Heck, even before they got out everybody already knew Christine was, if not the most hated person in BB16, in the top two or three, and most likely on account of her relationship with Cody. Possibly as an olive branch Donny chose to take the heat off her for this one other thing...?

I looked back at every YouTube I could find of both the Luxury comp and the Jury pre-comp trashing. Donny went in the BR twice (once during the trashing with Nicole to grab an armful of towels, and once during the actual comp to go through a black bag on the BR sit/shelf). Never saw him so much as open the door to the BR.

Yes, I am a Donny fan - but above and beyond that, I'm a truth fan. More than anything else I want to know what happened, I want to know why, and I want to know NOW, dammit. :D We're running out of time!

They were in that house for a bit. Weren't the feeds down for like 2 hours during that comp. At one point he could of gone to the bathroom and did that.

It could of been revenge for Zachs hat. They seem to be pretty chummy now.

I'm a truth fan, too and I've been looking lol, I'm trying to find the interview, a few sites are reporting that he did it to get revenge on Victoria for tearing up her hat.

Now THAT would be a good argument in favor of Donny's doing it. I'd just like to see vid of when he could've pulled it off.

Maybe he is a Double-Naught Spy who can walk through walls.... ;>

They were in that house for a bit. Weren't the feeds down for like 2 hours during that comp. At one point he could of gone to the bathroom and did that.

It could of been revenge for Zachs hat. They seem to be pretty chummy now.

One if the Big Problems with Big Brother - even with the feeds, you still only see what they want you to see. :)

Edited by Nashville
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If that's why he did it, though, it's pretty immature IMO but oh well. That's like a grown-up sitting down at the kid's table and breaking a toy just to spite a child. Zach and Victoria both picked on each other, they had an antagonistic, elementary school kid behavior and Victoria said recently she wanted to apologize to Zach and buy him a hat.

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