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S19.E20: For Everything There Is a Season

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Yeah, I like when the OG3 talk about their lives past and present and future. Kody and Robyn have no credibility whatsoever. -  their own fault for all the douchebaggery and gaslighting and selfishness we have witnessed for years.

I completely related to Janelle's first time ordering in a bar or even sitting at a bar. I still to this day have never done that. I have had an occasional beer at home and wine once in a blue moon and a margarita at a Mexican restaurant. But never the bar experience or hard liquor or shots or anything. Drugs yes, alcohol no. A bar seems like a foreign land to me, I can't imagine crossing the threshold. So I get her excited confusion over taking that step. It really is a thing.

Aurora's baptism with Kody 'helping' the pastor is very odd. I get having him witness it and be present - there are likely a lot of people who are going to be there - family, friends, outsiders and congregants alike. No reason Kody and Robyn can't be among them. But to have Kody be a participant is not something I could ever see being permitted. I think this is a nondenominational church or perhaps an interdenominational church. Maybe interdenominational churches are more loose about that kind of thing. I don't know, it just struck me as odd but I am not the ruler of all churches so whatever is approved by the pastor is on him not me. I do hope they don't film it for the show. Let something be sacred and not broadcast for entertainment.  I think the Browns would film anything but I hope the pastor of the church sets some limits.

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The church I attend now is a non-denominational church and does full immersion baptisms.  From time to time a person close to the one being baptised will get in the tub and help the pastor "dunk" them.  I was raised in the Catholic church and of course, babies will often be held by one of their godparents when being baptised.  Adults who get baptised at the Easter Vigil will stand on the altar with their sponsors while being baptised.  It will be interesting to see how Kody showboats and makes it about HIM. 

I did enjoy watching the three in the bar having a shot, but was nervous about Truely being alone in a hotel room.  I remember being ignored by a bartender and having to ask a male patron to order a drink for me.  I was not aware there is some special "technique" for being served.  Like being male.  😠

I loved learning about that "pod" thing in the middle of the desert!  Very cool!  I wonder if Kody will track it down and take his necklace back.

And another thought/observation:  Jenelle seemed tired of Christine's non-stop chatting in the truck on the way to find the storage pod. 

Edited by suzeecat
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Aurora didn’t seem to understand the basics about the baptism.  She asked Kody TO baptize her, not to stand next to her or to physically help with immersing her.  

I mentioned the following on the live chat:  the cross country trek for Janelle, David, Christine and Truely happened before Garrison’s death. Janelle mentions at the storage facility that Garrison, Gabe, and Savannah would still be in Flagstaff.  She mentioned them by name. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I can't imagine Kody will participate if he finds out that he's just to "be" there.  He'll try to make it all about himself and he'll make sure that he's the first one Aurora hugs when she comes up out of the water.

I used to go to a non-denominational church.  There was often a "sponsor" there in addition to the pastor, because it's not easy to haul an adult up from being completely immersed.  But the sponsor was usually someone who led the baptized person on their spiritual journey.

ETA:  I looked up the church's website.  They meet in a strip mall between a Classy Closets and some other business.  They have 14 people on their website who are either pastors or directors - not counting their governing board.  Their baptisms appear to be done in a grave-sized container of water, so the pastor and whoever else is helping (Kody?) aren't even in the water with the person being baptized.

It all looks pretty odd to me.

Edited by AZChristian
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At my Southern Baptist church it is not uncommon for a family member who is a person of regard in the church (a deacon or the person who led the person to Christ) to stand in the waters with the person being baptized, and sometimes even do the baptizing (a father to their child, a youth pastor to a teen, the children's pastor for a child, etc.), and sometimes they are people who might not attend our church but they are always of our denomination, but never a person with no relationship to the denomination or the church.  Especially with someone of such notoriety as Kody.  He would be welcomed to sit in the congregation but if our pastor let him participate in the baptism I'm pretty sure they would be an unroar.

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“And another thought/observation:  Jenelle seemed tired of Christine's non-stop chatting in the truck on the way to find the storage pod.”
(Sorry “Suzecat”. I haven’t quite figured out how to properly quote.)


I’d get out and push that U-Haul all the way to NC before subjecting myself to Christine’s incessant yammering. (Although it was very kind of her and David to assist with the move.)

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That pendant light in the kitchen has been burned out for several seasons (in Robyn's kitchen.)  Don't they notice that kind of thing?

It looks like Aurora is replacing Maddie as the favorite daughter, asking Kody to baptize her.  He'll probably officiate at her wedding, too, and make it all about him, once again.  He's exhausting.


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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Aurora didn’t seem to understand the basics about the baptism.  She asked Kody TO baptize her, not to stand next to her or to physically help with immersing her.


What Aurora said was, "I would like to ask you, would you baptize me with my pastor?" I think, as asked, Aurora's request could play out a lot of ways. 

Watching it, I mostly felt in the moment like Aurora learned how to manage Kody from watching the master — Robyn.

I don't say that to be mean about her. I think she's a sweet kid. I just think Aurora gets that Kody likes things to be about Kody. It's possible she just worded her request that way, because she has been raised to center Kody — it's second nature to her.

And with her request, his "suspicions," which he mentioned a minute or so before melted away, and he was all, "She's following the right path."

I do wonder if they'll film the baptism. Unlike LDS and AUB Temple proceedings, mainstream Christian baptisms are usually done during services which are open to the public. You don't need some equivalent of a "Temple recommend" to attend one.

The church might allow production in, or they might let the Browns record it (like on a phone) and share the video with the show, or it may stay unfilmed. If we do see it on the show though, I will be interested to see what Kody's level of participation turns out to be.


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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I can't imagine Kody will participate if he finds out that he's just to "be" there.  He'll try to make it all about himself and he'll make sure that he's the first one Aurora hugs when she comes up out of the water.

I used to go to a non-denominational church.  There was often a "sponsor" there in addition to the pastor, because it's not easy to haul an adult up from being completely immersed.  But the sponsor was usually someone who led the baptized person on their spiritual journey.

ETA:  I looked up the church's website.  They meet in a strip mall between a Classy Closets and some other business.  They have 14 people on their website who are either pastors or directors - not counting their governing board.  Their baptisms appear to be done in a grave-sized container of water, so the pastor and whoever else is helping (Kody?) aren't even in the water with the person being baptized.

It all looks pretty odd to me.

DId anyone else laugh out loud at the bolded?  

1 hour ago, General Days said:



What Aurora said was, "I would like to ask you, would you baptize me with my pastor?" I think, as asked, Aurora's request could play out a lot of ways. 

Watching it, I mostly felt in the moment like Aurora learned how to manage Kody from watching the master — Robyn.

I don't say that to be mean about her. I think she's a sweet kid. I just think Aurora gets that Kody likes things to be about Kody. It's possible she just worded her request that way, because she has been raised to center Kody — it's second nature to her.

And with her request, his "suspicions," which he mentioned a minute or so before melted away, and he was all, "She's following the right path."

I do wonder if they'll film the baptism. Unlike LDS and AUB Temple proceedings, mainstream Christian baptisms are usually done during services which are open to the public. You don't need some equivalent of a "Temple recommend" to attend one.

The church might allow production in, or they might let the Browns record it (like on a phone) and share the video with the show, or it may stay unfilmed. If we do see it on the show though, I will be interested to see what Kody's level of participation turns out to be.


Robyn has taught all those kids to all bow to Kody and massage his giant ego.  It is creepy and reminds me of shows on ID about abusive households.  I caught an interesting look Aurora made at the very beginning of the scene. A WTF/quizzical look.  I would rather have bamboo shoots jammed in my fingernails that spend 20 minutes in that household.

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I've only just started watching and the scene re Aurora asking about baptism.  I've read a lot of snark (on other sites) about this, Kody in tears, parents asking too much, her being nervous.  But as a person of faith I get this.  Sometimes when I talk about God I will tear up.  Faith can be very moving.  I understand Aurora being kinda nervous because she's basically telling them that she is rejecting their faith.  I understand them not quite understanding that it is a baptism into Christian faith and not the church since their baptisms were into the church (which is typical for the LDS church I believe).  I actually LIKED when Robyn or Kody said it was the right answer.  


As I said, I've only started watching.  I'm sure there will be much more to snark about but this topic seemed legit to me.  

7 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I was not aware there is some special "technique" for being served.  Like being male.  😠

that's strange.  I spent entirely too much time in bars in my misspent youth and never had a problem ordering by my female self.  

Edited by Granny58
clarifying my thoughts
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Does everyone remember when the family first moved to Vegas how the parents met with a Protestant pastor about sending their kids to youth group, so they could meet kids being raised with similar values?

Robyn shut it down, which made Kody shut it down (even though he'd been interested in it). I think Christine sided with them. Janelle and Meri were disappointed, because they thought the older kids needed the social outlet.

Flashforward to Flagstaff.

By the time they got to Flagstaff, Robyn had kids who had to move as teens. (Janelle and Christine did too.)

Anyhow, some of the kids started attending a youth group run by Young Life (an evangelical organization that runs social clubs for teens and young adults). 

Gwendlyn, Ysabel, Aurora, and Breanna are in a couple of photos of Young Life gatherings that Gwendlyn posted on Instagram in 2018. I remember seeing them shared before. 

I also remember watching the kids pray on the show. In early seasons, they all used to cross their arms in front of their chests, while the family prayed. Some years later, they were all praying for something, and I noticed at least Gabriel praying with folded hands.

LDS/Mormon people traditionally cross their arms as their sign of reverence, while most of Christendom folds their hands (fingers interlaced) or clasp their hands together like this: 🙏.

I think some of these kids have been exploring non-LDS Christianity for a while, and that maybe it has resonated with Aurora (and Breanna?) for some time. It's just that now she is old enough to do something about it. She would like her parents blessing, but she no longer needs their permission.


4 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I've only just started watching and the scene re Aurora asking about baptism.  I've read a lot of snark (on other sites) about this, Kody in tears, parents asking too much, her being nervous.  But as a person of faith I get this.  Sometimes when I talk about God I will tear up.  Faith can be very moving.  I understand Aurora being kinda nervous because she's basically telling them that she is rejecting their faith.  I understand them not quite understanding that it is a baptism into Christian faith and not the church since their baptisms were into the church (which is typical for the LDS church I believe).  I actually LIKED when Robyn or Kody said it was the right answer.


I strongly agree with you. That's how Aurora struck me last night, during those scenes. This means a lot to her, but she loves her parents, and quite honestly, she may hope for their conversation some day. 

And? If she told her pastor that, and told her pastor that her dad still loves Christ, but his connection to the AUB is pretty well severed, and asked if Kody could be involved in the baptism somehow, the pastor might have said yes, to make it easier for Aurora (and as a form of outreach to Kody and Robyn). 

Edited by General Days
deleted extraneous words
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10 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Adults who get baptised at the Easter Vigil will stand on the altar with their sponsors while being baptised.  It will be interesting to see how Kody showboats and makes it about HIM. 

The image in my mind reading this!?!  Adults indeed standing on the altar which in western Roman Catholicism is the actual table.  That would be rather sacrilegious.  The raised part around the table is usually called the sanctuary or chancel which is where people usually stand or more likely on the steps or immediately in front of the steps. At our parish all baptisms take place at the font which is in the back near the entrance to the nave.

10 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Aurora didn’t seem to understand the basics about the baptism.  She asked Kody TO baptize her, not to stand next to her or to physically help with immersing her.  

Aurora does seem a bit deficient in understanding about baptism.  In their old church all men are considered priesthood holders and authorized to baptize people.  She may not yet comprehend that one should be acknowledged by the denomination or church rules as an appropriate person to perform baptisms. I'm not really surprised.

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I agree that Janelle and Truely would make great road trip buddies.  I imagine David probably gave her space for quiet as well.  Christine just loves to yammer on.  Though I did appreciate both she and Janelle realizing that Meri really was treated poorly and that if she met someone who treated her kindly it may be a real game changer for her.  I also like that they respected that Truely needed some alone time because she was "peopled out".  I got the sense that it wasn't that late when they were in the bar because the place was empty.  So, she wasn't alone in a hotel room late at night and I imagine no one was more than slightly buzzed.

I love that Janelle left that tree necklace in the Plotz Plot.  That was awesome in addition to the note that it was designed by her partner not her husband.  Good for her.  However, she seems totally clueless about what is involved with starting a farm.  When this was filmed, they hadn't even closed on the land yet and she seemed unsure if the closing would go through.  This was definitely in late January or early February 2024 because there were social media posts from Christine where she, David, and Truely were in NC with Janelle and Maddie and family.  It is heartbreaking to realize that Janelle didn't know at the time how much her life was going to change.

It's pretty much all been said about Aurora's baptism.  I think everyone walks on eggshells in that house, but in this case, she is saying that she is rejecting the AUB to become a mainstream protestant.  So, I could see some nervousness on how Kody and Robyn would react.  Of course Robyn had to make a remark about not feeling so much like an outsider because Aurora wanted them involved.  She never misses a chance to act like people are excluding her.

The previews have some interesting tidbits such as Meri and Jenn talking about the fact that Robyn was not a friend to Meri.  I suspect that the issues around the land are in litigation and can't be discussed on the show until everything is settled.  Kody once again rewrites history claiming he had said he would help Janelle get a house and she got mad at him.  All he ever proposed was that she buy Christine's house so he could screw Christine out of money.  

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3 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

How did she ever help, at any time. She brought in debt, never worked outside the home and had paid help inside the home. I don’t see how any of that helps?

Exactly.  And how are things balanced?  Esp. now, as she’s living in a $2 million home and doesn’t feel she owes Janelle and Meri any money for their loan/non-loan.

I can see Janelle letting it go (cuz she’s so passive), but Meri?  I’m surprised.

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2 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Robyn: “Talking about money is a tough conversation for me…I HELPED so much with the earlier years…for me, things are…BALANCED.”

WTF?  Am I the only one incensed about this?  She lived in a million dollar home paid for (in part) by Janelle and Meri, while Janelle and her kids lived in a small apt., and then a trailer!  This is balanced?!!

Why are Meri and Janelle letting them get away with this?

This blew my friggin mind. She is as pathological as Kotex is. Seriously deranged. All she did is: never work, soend the family money on crap tchotchkes and horrid 'art', and oh how could I forget? She also broke up a family of four wives and 18 children. Her crowning achievement. She's awful.

And 'the early years' my ass. 

Edited by surfgirl
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I thought for sure Aurora had met some fella at her new church.

But no she wants to get baptized.

Both girls seem so young and unwordly.  I worry about them.

I hope they are having great social lives apart from the show and are merely camera shy.

I thought David and Truly in the truck was interesting. I hope they got a chance to bond.  Truly has pretty much grown up fatherless.  That's a tough row to hoe for a kid!

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Aurora talked a lot about God with her baptizing, but I thought that particular ceremony is about Jesus.  She seems like a sweet girl.

I wonder why Meri never mentions her child…..hardly ever. 
It’s good she has good friends.  

I’m not a fan of shots.  Funny, those who are love to push it on others.  I’m not sure why. Lol  



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All of the discussion about baptism has never made agnosticism so perfect for me.

8 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Robyn: “Talking about money is a tough conversation for me…I HELPED so much with the earlier years…for me, things are…BALANCED.”

She needs to go live on Kody's planet ASAP.  Talk about delusional....

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40 minutes ago, smarty said:

When is the next episode airing?  I tried to find the schedule online but it doesn't say how long the break is.

I believe they said it would return in the spring.

4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder why Meri never mentions her child…..hardly ever. 
It’s good she has good friends.

Leon has chosen privacy. They haven’t been on the show in a few years. Meri is respecting that.

Edited by ginger90
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9 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

How did she ever help, at any time. She brought in debt, never worked outside the home and had paid help inside the home. I don’t see how any of that helps?

Well, Robyn did conceive the brilliant idea of My Sister Wives Closet.  It's not her fault it didn't take off like a rocket, that's on her sister wives for not dropping everything else in their lives and helping Robyn design crap jewelry 24/7.  How dare they have lives that didn't revolve around Robyn.  They could have been gazillionaires.


18 minutes ago, smarty said:

When is the next episode airing?  I tried to find the schedule online but it doesn't say how long the break is.

My understanding is that SW is being temporarily replaced by a reality show about Alec Baldwin's family, and the break might be as long as 6 weeks.  

Can anyone explain to me how the very first thing we saw in the Plotz container was a scarily accurate paper mache rendition of what looked to be Kody's head?  Why was it there?  How did no one comment on it?  Was it a plant by producers?  There is no way that was coincidental.

Regarding Kody's "flirting".....sigh.  Cleaning the house does not "turn a woman on."  Unless Kody never creates any mess whatsoever, cleaning the house is part of living in a house as a grown-up.  It is not a flirting mechanism and I hate when men are all, "look at me helping!  See me washing this dish?  Now what do I get in return?"  As for walking around in a towel and flexing...that is making your partner stop whatever they are doing to praise your physique - also not flirting, IMO.  Kody's admission that he needs a lot of attention - and now he's only got Robyn to give it - makes me think that Robyn is probably fairly miserable, and good for her.  She won the prize.  I picture him bouncing around the house all day saying, "look at me!  Look what I can do!  Are you looking at me?"  What a doof.

And I wish I understood how Janelle, who previously lived in what looked like student housing, managed to buy 165 acres in North Carolina where they are going to "put up a couple of houses?"  With what money??  Unless Maddie and Caleb are wealthy, I cannot see how this is possible!  Does Janelle - the "smart" one - understand how money works?

Aurora asked Kody to "help" baptize her because she knows the game.  She's watched her mother simper to Kody's ego for years now - give Kody a starring role in anything and he's on board.  What a bummer, though, that we have to wait weeks to find out if he says yes!  How will I ever sleep not knowing? 🙄

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I was watching last night but as is my usual MO, not very diligently.

What stood out to me was that I would think MOST parents would be thrilled if their child was looking to commit themselves to a wholesome religion  and the reaction of Kody and Robyn was quite the opposite as though it were a dagger in the heart. I "get" that this is because it takes away from the total control of the parental units but it did seem interesting to me.

One other very small point but it irritated me- all the talk about the Plotz Plot - so much talking and yes it seemed like a cool idea.....but then as they are pulling up to it, David says' what's this called again" or something to that effect. It just seemed ridiculously staged. I mean it's 2 one syllable words-- that sound so similar and he has to ask after hearing them say it 57 times. Just bothered me. Otherwise, I think Christine is looking so much better, but yeah, as I used to tell my kids when we'd be in the car and I was driving ( they are now 30's and 40s) --- sometimes silence is ok and you don't need to chatter every day-ummm second!!!!!!!! Give it a rest!!!!!


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17 hours ago, Granny58 said:

that's strange.  I spent entirely too much time in bars in my misspent youth and never had a problem ordering by my female self.  

Unfortunately neither did I!

Why would anyone want to watch anything with Alec Baldwin?  To me he is one of the most unlikeable public figures (I've never forgotten his recorded conversation calling his young teenage daughter every name in the book).  

Edited by RoxiP
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16 hours ago, Absolom said:

Aurora does seem a bit deficient in understanding about baptism.  In their old church all men are considered priesthood holders and authorized to baptize people.  She may not yet comprehend that one should be acknowledged by the denomination or church rules as an appropriate person to perform baptisms. I'm not really surprised.


In the Flagstaff scene after the one in which Aurora made her request to Kody, Kody asked her if the pastor was okay with this, and Aurora said he was.

That's the main reason I wonder if Aurora isn't just fluffing Kody's ego, by asking if he'd baptize her with her pastor. That is, I think she's framing his role to sound more involved than it might be.


9 hours ago, kayak said:

@Meow Mix I tried to quote you, but I’m lame. You said “Aurora is rejecting the AUB to become a mainstream Protestant”. I don’t want to argue or disagree with anyone, but I’ve looked at the website of Aurora’s new church, and as a lifelong Episcopalian, this church is not mainstream Protestant.


I've looked at it too. Aurora's church looks like an evangelical non denominational church. It's just a new one (it's a church plant), which is probably why they're renting space in a strip mall. They likely don't have funds yet to buy land and build. I know some property out on Coyote Pass they could probably get pretty cheap. 😉

I know I've used "mainstream" a lot in discussion of this episode. In my case, it's just to differentiate between LDS/AUB/Other-Mormon expressions of faith, and those Christian denominations and groups that didn't spring from the Latter-day Saints movement.

I'm not in charge of who gets to call themselves a Christian, so I have been using "mainstream" as another way to indicate not LDS/otherwise Mormon. 


3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Leon has chosen privacy. They haven’t been on the show in a few years. Meri is respecting that.


Meri has said so, too: https://people.com/sister-wives-star-meri-brown-gives-rare-update-on-her-child-leon-exclusive-8760871, @SunnyBeBe


2 hours ago, Elevate This said:

One other very small point but it irritated me- all the talk about the Plotz Plot - so much talking and yes it seemed like a cool idea.....but then as they are pulling up to it, David says' what's this called again" or something to that effect. It just seemed ridiculously staged. I mean it's 2 one syllable words-- that sound so similar and he has to ask after hearing them say it 57 times. Just bothered me. Otherwise, I think Christine is looking so much better, but yeah, as I used to tell my kids when we'd be in the car and I was driving ( they are now 30's and 40s) --- sometimes silence is ok and you don't need to chatter every day-ummm second!!!!!!!! Give it a rest!!!!!


I'm another one who is pretty sure David was just joking. Plotz Plot features a bright orange container with huge lettering. 

David is just one of those Dad Joke dads. 

Edited by General Days
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4 hours ago, RoxiP said:

Why would anyone want to watch anything with Alec Baldwin?  To me he is one of the most unlikeable public figures (I've never forgotten his recorded conversation calling his young teenage daughter every name in the book).  

I will only watch if my favorite podcaster (Kara Berry of Everyone's Business but Mine) is going to recap it.  She has stated outright that she doesn't want to but she feels compelled to give one episode a shot as a favor to her listeners.  Honestly, if this show is so bad it doesn't deserve a snarky recap, then I am not interested.  Snark and funny recaps are why I have continued to watch Sister Wives for these last 27 years.

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15 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Robyn: “Talking about money is a tough conversation for me…I HELPED so much with the earlier years…for me, things are…BALANCED.”

and WHAT EARLY YEARS?????  She was NOT a part of them, however desperately she tries to imagine she was. 

10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Aurora talked a lot about God with her baptizing, but I thought that particular ceremony is about Jesus.  

Just my 2 cents.  God and Jesus are pretty much used interchangeably, as they are 2 parts of the Trinity.  

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Exactly - Robyn WAS contributing to the family, they just didn't know it yet.  She is just that good.

And I wish I knew how to do screen grabs, but what was that crazy face she made when she blathered that "I never paid attention to whose house Kody was at!  I never knew!  The other wives, they would keep track!  But me?  I never rilly knew!" (insert weird shrug, pulls her chin down to her neck and makes her mouth go sideways).  You don't have to keep track of Mr. Pectacular when he's napping on your couch 24/7, lady.  Nice try.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I will only watch if my favorite podcaster (Kara Berry of Everyone's Business but Mine) is going to recap it.  She has stated outright that she doesn't want to but she feels compelled to give one episode a shot as a favor to her listeners.  Honestly, if this show is so bad it doesn't deserve a snarky recap, then I am not interested.  Snark and funny recaps are why I have continued to watch Sister Wives for these last 27 years.

Let me know if she snarks on Hilary from Boston (a/k/a Hilaria from Spain, Alec’s wife).  🙏 

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28 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

I hate to ask, but what is the Plotz Plot, and why would Janelle leave something there?

They explained that it was a spot leave something behind from a life of transition. Janelle left the necklace as a representation of her leaving her life with Kody behind. 


28 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:


Oops sorry.

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5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

and WHAT EARLY YEARS?????  She was NOT a part of them, however desperately she tries to imagine she was. 

Just my 2 cents.  God and Jesus are pretty much used interchangeably, as they are 2 parts of the Trinity.  

I get the part if the Trinity, I just thought that  baptism is more associated with Jesus.  Not a huge deal, I just thought avoiding Jesus seemed odd.  

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 3%3A13-17&version=NIV

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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