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S03.E02: Sunny-Side Up

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Dan Gill as John
Antwayn Hopper as Rafael Wexford 
Matthew Sean Blumm as Captain Norton Cromwell


Kyrie McAlpin as Sunny

That was one huge phone at the safe house.

Sunny made a big mistake not holding on to the phone when she jumped out of the trunk. It would have saved a lot of time when the police was running around the mall trying to find her.

I am surprised that the corrupt cop didn't feel the giant phone when he picked up Sunny and put her in the truck. I am surprised that the corrupt cop didn't hear Rafael Wexford screaming on the phone as he was fighting with Sunny.

Ormwood palmed the corrupt cop's face and slam dunked him.

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Well I liked this episode. I liked Faith and Will making up. I laughed at Ormwood and his terrible DMV photo, and cheered when he slammed the corrupt cop into the floor. Amanda with a teenager should be interesting. Loved the consistency of Will warning Rafael at the end that Will won't turn a blind eye to Rafael's criminal activity, and Rafael warning Will that he hasn't and won't change his spots either. I liked the assistant DA and was glad she was so willing to be helpful. I thought the mayor would be around as an adversary for longer than this.

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Angie looking the other way fo rher coworker.... isn't that exactly the kind of thing that started her down the wrong path with the kid she covered up for? Her lack of taking seriously her apology was also concerning, but she did seem to make a little progress when the review board didn't cut her any slack. It's troubling, though, that she didn't even manage to fake sincerity until they showed her that her BS wasn't going to work.


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Ok, I can get down with a goblin energy, face-palming-into-the-floor Ormewood. This version can stay, just yeet the rest of the family, please. 

I really enjoyed this episode.

Agreed about Angie and her lack of remorse. It reminds me of when she was injured and slept with her doctor and then blackmailed him into signing her return to work papers. She has to use an app to write her own statement of remorse? Good grief, gurl. She's still all about Angie and is oblivious to her own patterns of behavior. She looks the other way for a guy she doesn't even know? Another reason for me to only ship Angie and intensive therapy because her judgment is severely compromised. I'm honestly not getting any sense from her that she truly understands she fucked up badly, or that this will change her for the better. She's saying the words but her actions ain't syncing up. 

Amanda and a teenager. That should be fun. I really like Rafael, he knows who he is, but I really hope Wilbur is able to get him out of that life and not have to kill him. If we aren't getting MPG back, it would be nice to have Rafael as a recurring friend who's known Will a really long time. And bonus, more Marla Gibbs as grandma! I'm imagining Rafael making friends with Betty, and for some reason I feel like that would be amazing. I feel like he'd have Bad Bitch Betty custom fitted in all the designer labels and a diamond encrusted collar. Betty deserves some shine in her golden years. 😄

Glad Faith and Will made up. Them trying to decide if they should hug it out was hilarious. 

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I like that things aren’t automatically returning back to normal for Angie.   Yes we all know she will eventually get her badge back but this version of her sitting inside her guilt (and I do think she is accepting responsibility but also is saying that she did what she thought was right at the time) but not being overwhelmed by it is a good look for her.  

If the story is going with Amanda and Sunny as roommates it’s going to be an interesting story.   A woman used to being alone suddenly with a teenager living in the home is going to be all the right kinds of awkward.  

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Unpopular opinion maybe, but I did not enjoy this episode as much as the first half. It was cut together rather weirdly, and it seems some of the action ended up on the cutting room floor.

Still like Ormwood's character and his demon energy. Ha! That was great.

As for Angie using the app, I don't find that too concerning. AI is being used everywhere by EVERYONE, so the show was bringing itself into the 21st century. If I had to start a letter for a situation like that, it would be with a suggestion from AI. I didn't hear her use any of that version in her interview. And to show her flashing back to Crystal's death during the interview shows how she's carrying the guilt and remorse for her mistake. But then I do not know the book Angie and therefore do not hate her as much as some.

Guy on ladder was somewhat creepy. I thought he might be a plant from the police department review board checking up on her.


(Turns out he might be worse.)

I'm glad Will apologized to Faith for not asking for help when he was wrestling with the decision to turn Angie in.  Awkward hug/shoulder pat was rather funny.

Hope Amanda loosens up a bit. She's been on her own too much, jeezus. I'd run away as soon as I could. Ha ha.

And also, HOW OBVIOUS was it that the mayor was corrupt? I mean, she needed a mustache to twirl, she was so obviously crooked. Show can do better than that.




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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

If the story is going with Amanda and Sunny as roommates it’s going to be an interesting story.   A woman used to being alone suddenly with a teenager living in the home is going to be all the right kinds of awkward.  

Yeah. They did a fantastic job showing that Amanda is absolutely, totally, and completely clueless when it comes to dealing with teenagers. Sunny is not going to want to go all the way upstairs to hang up her backpack first thing when she gets home from school. Amanda is going to need to let her place it on the floor by her shoes or install a hook downstairs for it. 

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I think Will would have been better at dealing with "a 14 year old who gets her period" than what we saw of Amanda in that scene. But Amanda has been shown to be very good with a lot of really messy stuff, so I didn't really find her completely clueless, uptight, ridiculous behavior with Sunny at home to be very credible. 

I do think it's kind of cool that Will's "uptight scrupulous" personality seems to match Amanda's, though, in ways previously not suspected.

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Betty has never looked better as she heads into her golden years, look at that smile! Glad that Will has his groove back, although I'm not going to lie, I will miss scruffy Will. I am really glad that he apologized to Faith for leaving instead of talking to her and I loved their awkward but very sincere reconciliation. 

Ormwood is so much better now that he has a personality outside of being a shitty husband, mid father, and whining about Will. I love his goblin era and I hope it continues, I loved his stupid goblin license and him slamming the shit out of the corrupt cop, you really felt that slam. 

I know that Angie is going to get her badge again eventually, but I think its good for her that she isn't getting back right away. I don't know if she really gets why what she did was wrong besides that it ended with Crystal's death and got her off the force, she hasn't really made the connection to how wrong what she did was. I don't know if she really regrets what she did quite yet. 

I would be happy to see Rafael again, hopefully it wont end with Will having to arrest him or anything. Looking forward to seeing Amanda with a teen, its sort of a second chance for motherhood after she was unable to adopt Will way back in the day. 

I should have known that the mayor was the villain behind it all, I just thought she would be a typical "the mayors on my ass about this" kind of cop show antagonist. 

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When Will said Betty is in her golden years, I got scared the dog was aging out of her job, or the show was thinking of retiring the character. 

I realize animals do age and retire, but I think it would be very hard to re-cast that dog!

I suppose there are other dogs with enough charisma, but I am not really sure I've seen a TV dog that did as good a job. It would be hard to replace her and a big loss to eliminate her role.

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I liked this episode and thankfully  Gina Rodriguez wasn't on it enough to really annoy me. It was a nice balance of procedural story, long term story and humor. Actually the one scene with her and Will talking about their pets with Will showing adorable pictures of Betty while the not-bright criminal was sitting there was great.

They've done a good job rehabbing Ormewood as a character from last season.  Not in an obvious overhanded way, but in an incremental way. I also liked his terrible DMV photo, and his Goblin energy.

At first I was wondering why Sunny wasn't screaming her head off in the mall. But then I remembered, she's black, he's a cop, it's Atlanta. He might have persuaded people  that she was the problem, a thief or something,  and they would have gotten her to him much faster.

I love that the board was not impressed with Angie. While on the one hand, I have come to hate AI generated words (you guys should see some of the crap that students submit that you KNOW is AI) and it did read as if she was trying to shortcut her way through the process. But, otoh, some people really can't write a good written statement and need help.  I don't ding her too much on that.

I know the last scene with Amanda and Sunny was largely to show what a culture shock it will be for never-had-a-child Amanda to be with a teenager. But I don't think a girl like Sunny would have been that disrespectful to an adult. Unless Rafael was super permissive and she had no interaction with Grandma, then Sunny would have been more receptive to Amanda's rules of her house. They practically had her sucking her teeth.  It didn't feel realistic for that dynamic, imo. And of course Amanda's house is as fab as her wardrobe.  Looking forward to see how this all gels.

And finally, one thing (among many) this show excels at is it's guest star writing and casting.  They've had so many memorable people who have very short stints but the writing for them is great and the actors really rise to the material and work the hell out of it.  We've had that black lady asthmatic wedding guest on during that wedding episode last season. And of course we can't forget Bon Bon and Josiah from the episode with the Drag queens. With this episode I'd add Delores the DMV lady and especially Rafael who slides effortlessly between Ghetto Fabulous friend of Will to Concerned Dad to Ruthless gangbanger.



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5 hours ago, cardigirl said:

As for Angie using the app, I don't find that too concerning. AI is being used everywhere by EVERYONE, so the show was bringing itself into the 21st century. If I had to start a letter for a situation like that, it would be with a suggestion from AI. I didn't hear her use any of that version in her interview.

I didn't think it pointed to Angie not being genuinely remorseful either. However, AI is really, really bad and evil but a lot of people don't understand just how damaging it is so I'll try not to be mad at her for that lol.

34 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I know the last scene with Amanda and Sunny was largely to show what a culture shock it will be for never-had-a-child Amanda to be with a teenager. But I don't think a girl like Sunny would have been that disrespectful to an adult. Unless Rafael was super permissive and she had no interaction with Grandma, then Sunny would have been more receptive to Amanda's rules of her house. They practically had her sucking her teeth.  It didn't feel realistic for that dynamic, imo.

Yea, that scene fell pretty flat for me. It didn't make sense to me from the Sunny side of it. Amanda's part made sense but Sunny wouldn't have reacted that way based on what we'd seen from her prior.

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27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I didn't think it pointed to Angie not being genuinely remorseful either. However, AI is really, really bad and evil but a lot of people don't understand just how damaging it is so I'll try not to be mad at her for that lol.

Well, I see it as a tool, so as a society, we'll have to figure out the best use of AI. We've done such a magnificent job of that with social media. *laughs hysterically* 

I think AI will change how we live as much as personal computing and the internet has. It's coming, so we better get ready.

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I don't understand why she would need AI help. All she has to do is apologize and tell them why she now understands how wrong it was what she did and how much she regrets it and why it will never happen again. If she has never done that in her life, she has not been working those 12 steps she allegedly has been working. And if she cna't put those thoughts together after months of reflection on the precipitiating events, then she really isn't ready to  be back on the job.

I think it's interesting that they put Will right back in the same situation he was in with Amanda and Angie, now with Raphael. He is grateful to them, he cares about them, he understands where they are coming from, he doesn't think they are all bad... but he's not okay with looking the other way if he can prove someone did something wrong or illegal, and he put Raphael on notice that he does not approve of and will arrest him for his illegal activities, if he can. 

The way this played out with Angie is different than how it played out with Amanda. I don't know what will happen with Raphael, but this show is good enough that I'm not anticipating it just being a boring retread, and I also have no idea what to expect it will turn out to be.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, that scene fell pretty flat for me. It didn't make sense to me from the Sunny side of it. Amanda's part made sense but Sunny wouldn't have reacted that way based on what we'd seen from her prior.

I'm cutting Sunny a lot of slack. Her caregiver was murdered, she was kidnapped, terrorized, and thought she was gonna die. She was stuffed in a trunk and being taken to be killed, managed to escape the trunk, and then had to hide from and fight off her attacker, a cop. Rafael also mentioned that she has emotional issues - there was medication for her at the house - and she had some kind of puzzle box to help calm her so she may be on the spectrum. And on top of all that, she's a 14 year old kid, sleeping in a strange house with a woman she just met, after enduring all of the above. Now if this continues, I will reevaluate but for now, Imma let it slide and give her some grace. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


Yea, that scene fell pretty flat for me. It didn't make sense to me from the Sunny side of it. Amanda's part made sense but Sunny wouldn't have reacted that way based on what we'd seen from her prior.

I agree.  They were in the office, heads together, bonding, the kid in awe of the woman that helped save her, and then in the apt, the kid becomes a petulant brat.  Well, maybe not that bad, but it just seemed too quick a change.

Anyway, the show is back.  Yay!

3 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

I'm cutting Sunny a lot of slack. Her caregiver was murdered, she was kidnapped, terrorized, and thought she was gonna die. She was stuffed in a trunk and being taken to be killed, managed to escape the trunk, and then had to hide from and fight off her attacker, a cop. Rafael also mentioned that she has emotional issues - there was medication for her at the house - and she had some kind of puzzle box to help calm her so she may be on the spectrum. And on top of all that, she's a 14 year old kid, sleeping in a strange house with a woman she just met, after enduring all of the above. Now if this continues, I will reevaluate but for now, Imma let it slide and give her some grace. 🤷🏽‍♀️

See, I thought the opposite.  That she might eventually become a bit testy, she is a teenager, but initially, she would be grateful and trying to fit in.

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10 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I think AI will change how we live as much as personal computing and the internet has. It's coming, so we better get ready.

I don't like AI because I think it is going to give computerized devices the autonomy to start doing things they think that we want them to do, possibly with our permission and probably not always checking with us first, or us fully being aware of the consequences from doing those particular actions.

Our devices being smart enough to do things without our intervention will also mean that hackers will have more opportunities to trick computers into doing what they want since the computers will designed to provide more assistance.

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I wonder how much of the 'make the AI as awful as possible' was a little wink/nod from the writers.

And because I'm always waiting to see what the show will offer us as far as the title card: all during the ep I was wondering where it was.  Towards the end, when Will & Betty were in the car (& @sharifa70 ITA WRT Betty, that Queen needs to be harnesses/belted in, especially in an open-top car!!!) driving away, I thought "hmm, no title card this ep? that's odd", only to have them give it to us right at the end of the episode!!!  Which I kind of think is fitting: it was then that Will 'came back' and once again became his three-piece-suited self.  I like the way the letters were over the city.  Like they're telling Atlanta and anyone who would wish to do the city harm "Pathologically scrupulous Will Trent is back! Y'all better behave!"

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Overall, I enjoyed this episode a lot.  Unlike others, I did not see the mayor being the 'big bad' but once it was revealed I really liked it.  Will's back!  Yes, he looked great as his rugged self, but that's when he was hiding himself in plain site.  I'm with Betty-Will is at his best with his regiment and three piece suit.  I also noticed that he's back in his house and with Betty (so Nico has relented a bit).

However, what I didn't appreciate was the fact that the bad guys didn't even check Sunny for a phone or anything.  There's no way she should have been able to have that Gameboy/tablet with her in the safe house.  I also didn't appreciate that it seems like there was a chance Angie could be reinstated (after only 6 months).  IMO there's no way she should ever get back on the force.  She could be a private investigator/consultant/executive protection, etc.  But, NEVER on the force again.

Also, Gina Rodriguez never looked like she took anything seriously.  She always seemed to have a smirk/half-smile as if nothing mattered and this wasn't a serious issue.  Didn't fit the tone of the episode.  But, I did like the scene when they were talking about their pets.

Like this new version of Ormwood and never thought I would say that.  

So glad this show is back.

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4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I don't like AI because I think it is going to give computerized devices the autonomy to start doing things they think that we want them to do, possibly with our permission and probably not always checking with us first, or us fully being aware of the consequences from doing those particular actions.

Our devices being smart enough to do things without our intervention will also mean that hackers will have more opportunities to trick computers into doing what they want since the computers will designed to provide more assistance.

That is certainly a downside to AI, and as we've seen with other social media and personal computing, it is difficult to control.  But, I have to say that personal computers, mobile phones, and digital storage of information have made life easier. It is so convenient to have the ability to make a phone call from wherever I am. I suspect AI will provide similar benefits. Are there risks? Most certainly. But there will be benefits too.

11 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

I'm cutting Sunny a lot of slack. Her caregiver was murdered, she was kidnapped, terrorized, and thought she was gonna die. She was stuffed in a trunk and being taken to be killed, managed to escape the trunk, and then had to hide from and fight off her attacker, a cop. Rafael also mentioned that she has emotional issues - there was medication for her at the house - and she had some kind of puzzle box to help calm her so she may be on the spectrum. And on top of all that, she's a 14 year old kid, sleeping in a strange house with a woman she just met, after enduring all of the above. Now if this continues, I will reevaluate but for now, Imma let it slide and give her some grace. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I also think she'll remember how Amanda kept her(Sunny) cool during the ride in the trunk, told her how to get out and when to run, and praised her highly for how well she did, in escaping from the kidnapper.  That Amanda needs to come out more and hopefully will.

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I think the even bigger problem with AI, and there are so many, is the environmental impact. But again the planet has been destroyed already so I guess everyone is just like whatever.

32 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Also, Gina Rodriguez never looked like she took anything seriously.  She always seemed to have a smirk/half-smile as if nothing mattered and this wasn't a serious issue.  Didn't fit the tone of the episode.  But, I did like the scene when they were talking about their pets.

I found her easier to take in this episode than episode 1 but I agree with this. She just doesn't fit in at all imo.

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10 hours ago, fastiller said:

And because I'm always waiting to see what the show will offer us as far as the title card: all during the ep I was wondering where it was.

I'll see you that 'wondering where it was' and raise you one 'I went back to the beginning and rewatched the first ten minutes trying to find it.'  🙂  Maybe the producers are in on it and decided to make us wait until the very end, just because they could.

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15 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

I'll see you that 'wondering where it was' and raise you one 'I went back to the beginning and rewatched the first ten minutes trying to find it.'  🙂  Maybe the producers are in on it and decided to make us wait until the very end, just because they could.

Oh, I was just about to do that right when it showed up!  I may've even said "aha! o, show!" too.

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On 1/14/2025 at 10:19 PM, Stats Queen said:

I’m not encouraged about this new season. It is not engaging me.

I like Gina Rodiguez as an actress, but I feel like they are shoehorning her into the season, 

I’m disappointed as I feel like it is already going off the rails.

I like it except for Gina Rodriguez, and I hope she doesn’t ruin the season. I’ve never liked her in anything. There’s just something about her that  is offputting.

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On 1/15/2025 at 5:42 AM, Badsamaritan said:

She has to use an app to write her own statement of remorse? Good grief, gurl.

I'm sure I'll change my mind eventually, but I hate AI. I was disgusted to see Angie using it for this statement of remorse. I immediately thought of it as product placement, though maybe that doesn't make sense. Does ABC have something to do with AI? I assume all big corporations do.

Anyway, I guess I need to accept that some people just don't know how to write.

That handyman or whatever he is is a bit strange. I get the feeling he likes Angie in a non platonic way. I'm going to guess that he behaves inappropriately, maybe stalks her or something creepy and dangerous.

I actually found the scenes of Angie and the guy (when he's hammering and then when he brings her flowers) to be kind of stupid, like the writers don't know what to do with Angie or are just filling space. 


Glad Faith and Will made up. Them trying to decide if they should hug it out was hilarious. 

Nice scene, and funny.

On 1/15/2025 at 2:43 PM, DearEvette said:

They've done a good job rehabbing Ormewood as a character from last season.  Not in an obvious overhanded way, but in an incremental way. I also liked his terrible DMV photo, and his Goblin energy.

I liked him this ep. His 'goblin' DMV photo was funny, and then how he handled himself thruout the ep was enjoyable. 


At first I was wondering why Sunny wasn't screaming her head off in the mall. But then I remembered, she's black, he's a cop, it's Atlanta. He might have persuaded people  that she was the problem, a thief or something,  and they would have gotten her to him much faster.

I didn't think about that, but I was thinking that she should stay in the crowds or go to the security office. Going to the restroom was just about the worst place to go. However, I can accept that she did so because she was young and scared out of her mind.


On 1/16/2025 at 7:15 AM, seacliffsal said:

However, what I didn't appreciate was the fact that the bad guys didn't even check Sunny for a phone or anything.  There's no way she should have been able to have that Gameboy/tablet with her in the safe house.

Right. And I don't know how she would have had it. The guy shot Penelope then grabbed Sunny. Did Sunny say, "Wait! I need my game system!" I think not. Did the guy say, "Before I kidnap you, do you need anything? Like your game system?" Nope. And that thing was too big for her to hide from him.

I generally liked this ep. I'm curious what's going to happen with Sunny and Amanda. I hope to see Raphael again. I liked him and the actor. I don't mind Gina Rodriguez. I don't like Angie. I love Betty!

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5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I'm sure I'll change my mind eventually, but I hate AI. I was disgusted to see Angie using it for this statement of remorse. I immediately thought of it as product placement, though maybe that doesn't make sense. Does ABC have something to do with AI? I assume all big corporations do.

I think it is the script writers that have a problem with AI which is why they showed it as a form of writing without emotion, soul or humanity. 

12 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I think it is the script writers that have a problem with AI which is why they showed it as a form of writing without emotion, soul or humanity. 

But that's basically what AI writing is.  On short things, it's fine but the longer it goes on, the more obviously bland it becomes.  It can get better with great prompts but that in itself is a skill and sometimes it's almost easier to just write.

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Content produced by AI is garbage because it's simply a content scraper and regurgitator without the ability to reason. Here's a question and answer from Google AI.


Another infamous example was, "how do you keep pizza toppings from sliding off?" and one of the solutions suggested by AI was to use glue.

As @peachmangosteen mentioned above, it's an environmental disaster because the data centers that house AI servers use a tremendous amount of electricity, need massive amounts of water for cooling, and produce excessive greenhouse gases. Also, the whole model depends on stealing copyrighted material and producing derivative work, which is often if not usually just a direct parroting of protected work belonging to someone else. AI is being forced on us by the tech companies. It's in operating systems and software including Word, meaning content that you write can be scraped. At this point, you can still turn it off (it's a good idea to occasionally drill down through the Privacy menu of anything you use that has one to find a way to turn off all data sharing), but if the techbros can ever figure out a way to make AI profitable, that will cease being an option. So the fewer people that use it now, the better off we'll be in the future.

I should probably say something on topic now so: this episode contained less than optimal Betty screentime. I demand more Betty. Oh, and although I did appreciate the hotness of scruffy Will, it was sort of a relief to see him back in suit and handkerchief mode.

Edited by fishcakes
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On 1/17/2025 at 11:11 AM, chediavolo said:

I like it except for Gina Rodriguez, and I hope she doesn’t ruin the season. I’ve never liked her in anything. There’s just something about her that  is offputting.

I like Gina, and have since "Ugly Betty" (didn't realize the Betty connection when I wrote that 😄). 

I'm not quite sure what her character is doing on the show, but I'm willing to wait and see.

Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I like Gina, and have since "Ugly Betty" (didn't realize the Betty connection when I wrote that 😄). 

Gina Rodriguez wasn't on Ugly Betty

So you're either thinking of American Ferrera, who was in Ugly Betty, Superstore and Barbie.  (And who I also like). 

Or you're thinking of Jane The Virgin, a different telenovela remake, which is the show Gina starred in a few years ago.

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On 1/17/2025 at 6:57 PM, peeayebee said:

And I don't know how she would have had it. The guy shot Penelope then grabbed Sunny. Did Sunny say, "Wait! I need my game system!" I think not. Did the guy say, "Before I kidnap you, do you need anything? Like your game system?" Nope. And that thing was too big for her to hide from him.

Letting Sunny have her game was one thing that I could possibly overlook.

More glaringly, though, the game would have to have had an Internet connection in order to be used for communication.

They obviously edited out the scene where Sunny asked the bad guy for the Wi-Fi password! 😄

Also, points for Ormewood’s DMV photo. Don’t all of our driver’s license pictures look like that? Say “Goblin!”

Edited by tkc
  • LOL 1
On 1/20/2025 at 8:54 AM, Irlandesa said:

Gina Rodriguez wasn't on Ugly Betty

So you're either thinking of American Ferrera, who was in Ugly Betty, Superstore and Barbie.  (And who I also like). 

Or you're thinking of Jane The Virgin, a different telenovela remake, which is the show Gina starred in a few years ago.

Oops, you're right. I like both of them (and yes, Jane the Virgin is where I know her from).

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