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Super(girl) Media

Meredith Quill

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A new video posted on their YT channel an hour ago, but I'm pretty sure I've seen all of this before (it's mostly interviews, but I think even those are recycled):


I will say (although again I think this stuff is actually months old at this point) that Melissa's hair is SO much better now. The coloration was kind of lame and unnatural looking when the pilot was shot, but they have it looking pretty natural now.

(Okay, on second look, of COURSE you can see dark roots, so maybe "natural" is the wrong word... but it's nice and shiny and lovely now, whereas the color looked so FLAT in the pilot)

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You know full well why it did that. Because male dominated geekdom turned on the show almost as one when the First Look had even a hint of "chick" about it. Because they are terrified their balls will shrink up back into their bodies if they accidentally see a scene with a girl talking about a relationship or something like that.


So yeah. They need to fool those folks.  Get them to put down their Xbox controllers for 45 minutes and pretend they don't see any of the scenes with Calista Flockhart or any of the romantic angst with the two male "helpers" and only see some punching and FX.


I would say the reason why the previews for the show were received somewhat poorly was because the show looked cheesy as hell.  I saw the first episode and it's got really good potential but some of the lines are cringeworthy, especially the voiceover parts.  A large reason why people watch comic book shows is for the action, so of course more action is going to draw more people in.

Deadline reviews the pilot.  No spoilers in the text but I haven't watched the video.


Unless you’ve been living in the Phantom Zone the past few months, it has been almost impossible not to know that Supergirl is coming. Well, the leaked, Comic-Con previewed, hyped and heavily promoted Warner Bros Television-produced series is almost here – and, as my video review above says, Supergirl is a bounding, deceptively breezy and eminently watchable addition to both the superhero universe and primetime. You really should check out the strong and smart series that finally put a woman in the lead in this latest age of superheroes.
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I know this sounds like it's about ratings, but I put it here because I think the important take away is about the show marketing. All the nerd rage against the show has been aimed at a perceived "chick flick" aspect. But meanwhile the show itself has been clearly and purposefully aiming at girls in their promotion.


Well the ratings reveal that both worked AND failed at the same time.





The gender split was interesting, with less than half of the 18-49, 25-54 and teen 12-17 audience comprised of females. But among the youngest of adults, those 18-34, femmes comprised 58% of the viewership.

The success is that the strong 18-34 female viewership is that usually untapped market for Superhero shows that's likely held back other shows. Young professional women basically. One would have hoped the ENTIRE 18-49 female demo would have been better, but the 18-34 female one being so high is still good news.

The (smaller) failure is that a decent part of the show's marketing has been to actual (not figurative) girls, and while they don't especially spend money themselves, you'd think the 12-17 female viewership would be better than it is.


I don't know if under 12 stats are compiled or not. That may have had a good female skew too (and the girl power message in viral marketing for the show was aimed even MORE at them than at teen girls).  But that COULD also be manifesting itself in these 18-34 females. Young moms could be in that group, watching the show with their daughters.


Anyway, again this is very ratings oriented, but also about the show branding/marketing (in other words the stuff we see in this thread often). I think the show is likely to market even harder to the 18-34 women after they see this. It will show in the show direction too.

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Episode 3 ("Fight or Flight") preview from Canada's Global TV shows something markedly different from CBS's (could be considered spoilery):


I think we actually need to see the CBS one to comment.


Really the differences are fascinating less for any spoilery stuff and more in terms of marketing. I think everyone has concluded from the ratings (especially the demos) that women are actually watching the show (and have suspicions that pre-teen girls are too, although the teenaged girls I'm not as sure about). The CBS commercial is buying hard into this idea.


I'm sure the wimmins-hating angry geeks (if they haven't tuned out by now) are venting and furious about this.


 Meanwhile in Canada, they're showing all the action scenes.  Innnnnteresting....

I wonder which side the UK ads come down on (note those will always follow about 3 days later though, due to the UK showing the series on Thursdays).  Actually... does Sky1 (the UK broadcaster) even SHOW ads?

Edited by Kromm
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'Why Does Supergirl's Kara Danvers Really Wear Glasses?'

Kriesberg adds that the teen Kara exposition scene was cut not because of quality, but because it delayed the pilot's introduction of the show's star. "There were some really great scenes from the pilot that all worked, but we had to lose them because we wanted to get to Melissa as fast as possible."

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^^ Is that Jonah Jameson?


Wrong comic book publisher  (Jameson belongs to Marvel, not DC).  That's Perry White as he was originally shown all through the Silver Age and up until a few years ago..  It wasn't until the more recent movies that the role became colorblind (much as James Olsen is now).

Edited by legaleagle53
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Blake Jenner aka Mr Melissa Benoist is joining the cast.


Ugh, I'm sorry. This is not a right move. He wasn't that great an actor, having him on is too reminscent of a Glee reunion (not an association anyone wants), and if he's there for more than an episode or two people then you'll build in the potential to have to er... deal with this.. if something ever happens to their real life relationship.


Bad show, bad. Maybe this was then trying to make Melissa happy for the no doubt brutal shooting schedule (and the fact that her husband basically has to be little more than a house husband (since he's really had nothing since Glee). 

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According to IMDb he's done 5 movies since glee, same as Melissa I think.

Glee was filled with a lot of mediocre white men, Blake was a rare good actor among them.

Although I'm not sure about him as a love interest though, I'm a big believer in great off screen chemistry, none on screen, and they quite clearly adore each other, and they had no on screen chemistry in a Glee.

I thought Blake did a nice job on Glee. I thought he was one of the stronger actors. He and Melissa were horribly underused and devalued on that show. I still can't believe that they had Melissa Benoist on that show, and decided to dump her and NOT HAVE HER RETURN! What a strange, strange decision. 


Blake also is Melissa's husband and has a very close relationship with Ali Adler. She helped choose him as the winner on The Glee Project. 


This is pretty typical stunt casting in Hollywood. Spouses guest star on each others' shows all the time. 


I REALLY would love to see him turn into a bad guy so they can fight! That would be great! 

Is there a chance he could be playing Cat's son? Maybe her long lost estranged son?

Because in the comics, Cat has a son named Adam. He ends up getting killed by the Toyman. And we know they just cast the Toyman so....

We've already seen her son. Well not really. But we already were supposed to in the episode that got delayed. Cat's son is a child. It's made clear in not only the casting spoilers but also the episode synopsis'.

Count me in as not being thrilled that Blake is joining the show. It has nothing to do with him personally, and I didn't even watch Glee, so I know nothing of his acting abilities. I'm generally just not a fan of significant others infiltrating each other's projects. I think it's awkward to watch if their characters are romantically involved onscreen. And I feel like it tends to suck the air out of the room, especially in interviews where no one can resist asking "Golly gee, what's it like to get paid to kiss your spouse?", to which the actors gush about how swell it obviously is. I'm a big Jeremy fan, but I've noticed he's tweeted/retweeted several comments about wanting his wife on the show now. They're a lovely couple, but please no. He also got her a small role in his last movie. I suppose if the spouses were on for a very limited time, like a villain of the week or something, it might be ok. But really, isn't another love interest the last thing Kara (and the show) needs? Many people are already rolling eyes and getting bored over the love triangle with her and James/Winn.


Bad show, bad. Maybe this was then trying to make Melissa happy for the no doubt brutal shooting schedule (and the fact that her husband basically has to be little more than a house husband (since he's really had nothing since Glee).

He's been busy on films since Glee including writing a film. 


I think he's cute he'll appear for a couple episodes. He's probably only even doing it because of working with his wife again.

Superman will appear on Supergirl as a 13 year old.


And he's going to interact with Kara so....wtf?  When they first met on Earth he was 24 and she was 12 and on Krypton he was an infant and she was 12.

TVLine mucked this up for sure.  Unless they come up with a time travel story there's no plot hole you could possibly use to have Clark interact with Kara halfway through her travel through the Phantom Zone.  I suppose a Superboy/Legion of Superheroes story is possible, but honestly this early in the show's history it would just be lame (and too confusing).

Edited by Kromm

It's probably just flashbacks/stories that Supes told Kara and she's recalling them. Although I'd rather see flashbacks to her youth on Krypton. I thought they were trying to distance themselves from Superman.


They were, but then they got viewers who complained that it made no sense that Kal would have kept his distance from his only living blood relative once he had dropped her off with the Danverses without at least checking on her every so often.

I'm with those who think this makes no sense; under the timeline we've been given, she never interacted with Kal between his infancy and adulthood. In fact, that's the central premise of the series! Regrettably, if this is true the phrase it brings to mind is "desperate grasping at straws."

It occurs to me that they could do flashbacks where the Danvers examine young Clark at the request of the Kent's, but that teaches us nothing about young Kara and doesn't strike me as a hole they need to fill. About the only thing it could do is add the potential for disruptive pubescent romantic triangles in the on-set classroom between Malina, Jordan and the new kid, but that's not a plus, either.

They were, but then they got viewers who complained that it made no sense that Kal would have kept his distance from his only living blood relative once he had dropped her off with the Danverses without at least checking on her every so often.

Yes, but that Kal would have been in his mid 20s, not in his early teens.

But we've no idea what the story is, so it could make perfect sense within the storyline.

{handing jaytee1812 a hoop like the one they'd have to have the show jump through to make a Kara we've already been told was strapped into a pod in the Phantom Zone for 24 years interact with a version of Clark who was about half the age we've been told he was when she landed on Earth}


Other than a Legion of Superheroes/Time Travel story I've only come up with one real way to do this (and the hoop IS still big)--Martha or Jonathan Kent. Whether its a mid-20s or mid-30s Clark, we're not going to see him telling stories to Kara--because I really don't think the show is going to back off not having him appear, and I really think it would be lame to have Kara interacting with some memory of Clark's without him there telling the story. The only other mechanism I can think of would be if the newly settled on Earth Kara, while being planted with the Danvers family, is allowed to visit with the Kent family and therefore is told stories about Clark at the same approximate biological age she'd be at that time. Ergo the whole "Clark at 13" angle making a bit of sense, in a roundabout kind of way.  The narrator of the stories being named Kent, just not "Clark Kent".

Edited by Kromm
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Since Alex is all intrigued that her father worked for the DEO

and wants Winn to look into the circumstances of his death

, my guess is that it's a flashback to when Papa Danvers met the young Clark Kent, and how old Clark knew to take Kara to them.  He did tell Henshaw "If you leave Kara alone, I'll tell you everything you want to know about Superman."

Edited by statsgirl

Krysten Ritter, star of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix praising Melissa on Instagram:



therealkrystenritterHad a second to get caught up on my non #jessicajones TV and wanted to give a special shout out to my girl @melissabenoist ! I've been a big fan of hers since she first landed in LA. I met her early on when I was casting a show that I was producing and it was clear even then, fresh off the boat, that she was poised to be a big star. I'm so proud and happy for her for landing a part that she totally shines in. Funny, strong, adorable, and radiant! Congrats fellow superhero lady! Much love!


Edited by VCRTracking
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Other than a Legion of Superheroes/Time Travel story I've only come up with one real way to do this (and the hoop IS still big)--Martha or Jonathan Kent. Whether its a mid-20s or mid-30s Clark, we're not going to see him telling stories to Kara--because I really don't think the show is going to back off not having him appear, and I really think it would be lame to have Kara interacting with some memory of Clark's without him there telling the story. The only other mechanism I can think of would be if the newly settled on Earth Kara, while being planted with the Danvers family, is allowed to visit with the Kent family and therefore is told stories about Clark at the same approximate biological age she'd be at that time. Ergo the whole "Clark at 13" angle making a bit of sense, in a roundabout kind of way.  The narrator of the stories being named Kent, just not "Clark Kent".


Superman could also be hypothetically de-aged through magic (I wonder if they would try to bring in Mxy...), super-science (perhaps the Kryptonians have some sort of de-aging ray that they were hoping to use to eliminate/indoctrinate Superman, or the result of an experiment gone awry) or Red Kryptonite (in the Golden/Silver Age comics, Red K had unpredictable effects on Kryptonians, as alluded to in the Jimmy Olsen cover upthread). 

Tvtropes has a number of other examples of people becoming physically or mentally younger: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FountainOfYouth


Another couple possibilities would rely on it not actually being Superman -- it could be an AI that for whatever reason has taken on the persona of teen Kal, or some sort of imposter. 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt

Melissa interview (with a promo photo I hadn't seen before):

What can you tease about Kara and Cat’s relationship going forward?

Their relationship is always going to be a rollercoaster and that’s one of my favorite things about it. It grows and there’s this kind of almost maternal mentorship about it. Tey both have insecurities and emotions that maybe guard them from each other sometimes—from themselves, I mean. So I can tell you there’s an ebb and flow to it and it’s up and down quite a bit.

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