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Meredith Quill
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'Prepare for silliness on ‘The Flash’ & ‘Supergirl’s’ musical crossover'


“Supergirl” fans especially should not miss this episode. The Arrow-verse crossovers typically do a good job of suspending the preexisting plots on both shows to allow for an “event episode” that won’t leave fans confused if they miss it. This crossover, however, has some pretty important development for certain “Supergirl” characters, so be sure to tune in.

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Yay! This piece of news makes me very, very happy. I was worried about them deciding to send Lena off next season and only have her make occasional appearances. Lena/Kara's friendship/flirtmance is my favourite part of season 2 by far, so I am thrilled to get more of it.

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That occurred to me. I would say it was Mehcad Brooks but supposedly he is doing a Supergirl fan event in September which makes it seem less likely. I don't see Chris Wood leaving either. Maybe its a woman since they are adding another to the cast. Obviously its not Melissa so in that case it would have to be Chyler or Floriana. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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It's hard to imagine Chyler Leigh leaving given that she moved her whole family to Vancouver for the show over the summer. I also don't think it has to be a woman leaving just because it's a woman coming in. If someone's departing, my guesses would be Mehcad Brooks or Chris Wood; I also think it's possible that they move some regulars down to recurring (Floriana Lima, David Harewood? They've basically treated him as recurring this season. I think it's possible they could do the same to Brooks if James isn't going to be written off entirely).

I guess they could roll with 8 regulars, but I just can't help but feel like that would be a bad idea. Ugh, more and more I see this show going the way of OUAT, which also has had significant cast bloat problems--fantastic cast with great chemistry that elevate the material, a great premise, generally great characters that generally have compelling relationships, a S1 that was uneven but showed promise, all sunk by terrible writing/showrunning.

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An article about Chris Wood strongly implied he was returning for Season 3 so I think he is staying. 

I think Legends of Tomorrow might have eight regulars so its possible no one is leaving but its seems like a big cast to balance if no one is leaving or being knocked down to re-occurring. I guess we won't know for a couple of months. 

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Interesting. It IS tingling my spidey sense that 


apparently 2x20 is going to be very James-focused, per regular set stalkers. I can't lie, the first thing I thought when I read that was "write-off episode." I guess we'll see!

Edited by stealinghome
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1 hour ago, kalamac said:

Supposedly everyone has been officially (as in by the CW) confirmed for season 3 except Floriana and Chris at this point.

I'll miss Floriana if she's not back. I will pop a bottle of champagne if we get rid of Chris. Nothing against him as a person, but the character is just dragging down Kara/Supergirl and making me resent the show.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yay! This piece of news makes me very, very happy. I was worried about them deciding to send Lena off next season and only have her make occasional appearances.

I was worried they were going to kill her off! (There were rumors that she died in episode 18 of this season; the source was sketchy but I was still worried.) I'm so relieved by this news.

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So glad they made Katie a regular next season but I just hope this means a better story line and plot for her, other than good girl goes bad. I think a lot will depend on the season finale and if Cadmus comes back. I still think they are going to have Supergirl inadvertently off Lillian Luthor and that will make Lena mad for destroying a link to the Luthor family, regardless of how Lillian treated her. Thus she becomes the female Maxwell Lord for next season.

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David Harewood? They've basically treated him as recurring this season.

He was included at Paleyfest and the crossover which makes it seem less likely he is going to leave or be reduced but I can understand if he wants to leave. From what I understand he has been getting some good roles outside of Supergirl and he hasn't had much to do this season. 

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Series regular may just be a way to keep the actor locked up while still having them as a de facto recurring character.  It's happened to James this season and over on Arrow it's happened to Thea, Quentin, and Malcom.  We'll probably see a bit more of Lena but it's pretty clear that the two most important supporting characters this season are Alex and Mon-El.  Unless the actor leaves I can't see them downgrading him (romantic male lead!) and unless they pull another James Olsen they can't push Alex to the side given the importance of her relationship to Kara.  That leaves everyone else fighting for limited time unless they're content to stand there and occasionally spout technobabble (Winn) or throw some punches (J'onn).

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This is pure speculation on my part:

What if Lena finds out that Kara is out of work, and winds up hiring her?  Or even potentially buying Catco, merging it into L-Corp and hiring Kara back?  James can go back to being art director (and there's no reason to say he wouldn't feel more comfortable doing that, since we haven't seen him relishing the CEO role) and Lena can take over the Office of Ozymandias.

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21 hours ago, MarkHB said:

This is pure speculation on my part:

What if Lena finds out that Kara is out of work, and winds up hiring her?  Or even potentially buying Catco, merging it into L-Corp and hiring Kara back? 




According to this source the reporter side of Kara Danvers has not been forgotten. Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed that the 18th episode of Supergirl Season 2 is called “Ace Reporter” and that aspect, particularly involving the importance of journalistic ethics, will be covered in that story.


According to this Kreisberg also noted that this would be an important episode for Kara and journalism, voicing how important journalism really is and how “important it is to have the objective truth be out there now.”

Rahul Kohli, will be also guest staring this episode as Jack Spheer. He is described as a “charismatic tech genius” who has been working on eradicating major illnesses. He’s driven to create new medical innovations and try to right the unfair circumstances that those who are ill, face every day. Unfortunately, according to the comics, one of Spheer’s own inventions leads him to be mutated and transformed into the villain Biomax, who has the power to control minds. Kohli’s character will also be Lena Luthor’s ex.


I wouldn't be surprised if Kara ends up reporting about Jack Spheer and this will make Kara return to CatCo.


Edited by emarasmoak
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Oh man, I do disagree with some of that article (and some of it is disagreement with how things are worded--um, the problem isn't that Mon-El doesn't have a plot, it's that his poorly-written plot is eating the show), but they are ABSOLUTELY singing the song of my people when they say the show needs to get back to character-driven drama. imo that needs to be priority #1, #2, and #3 for next season. I actually would disagree that S1 was plot-driven--that season was anchored by Kara growing into the Supergirl role, and everything, including the overarching Astra/Fort Rozz plot, was anchored in Kara's journey--but this season has been overly plot-driven, has forgotten to give Kara an actual character arc that's not babysitting a fratboy, and to top it off, has had like 34865406 plots going and can't/won't fully commit to any of them, so they're all a half-baked mess. For next season, the writers need to begin their brainstorming by asking "okay, how do we want Kara to grow and change this season?", and let everything flow from the answer to that question. [ETA: Oh, and then they need to commit to actually answering that question. The idea that S2 was going to be all about Kara figuring out the Kara Danvers part of her life looks like an absolute joke now, given that thus far this season all we've seen Kara do professionally/ as a "human" is half-ass a job that doesn't even seem to fit her and that she doesn't actually seem to really want.]

Edited by stealinghome
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Or at least don't write them dumber or out of character just to serve a plot.


I agree with some of that article (and some of it is disagreement with how things are worded--um, the problem isn't that Mon-El doesn't have a plot, it's that his poorly-written plot is eating the show),

Yeah I don't know that Supergirl needs to take inspiration from Flashpoint seeing how that has been received. And if they keep Mon-el and Maggie than breaking the couples up is probably just going to add more relationship angst. 

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I disagree with most of these. 

1.) New costume => Why? What's that supposed to achieve? I have nightmares of the ever changing attempts on Wonderwoman's costume. By comparison, Superman's costume changes a lot more rarely. 

2.) Kara as a leader => First thing popped to my mind was both Arrow and Flash now having what feels like half an army of speedsters and shooters respectively. And of course Legends being a team show from the ground up. So I really, really, really disagree that Supergirl should down that route as well. Supergirl should stay a show with a center hero, at least for a while longer, especially since Supergirl the comic book character never really struck me as the leader type. 

3.) Allow Kara to make mistakes => Sure, but hasn't that already been the case? 

4.) Sanvers breakup => As others have noted, why? Especially since they are more of a background couple, I see no reason why they couldn't stay a happy background couple. 

5,.) Evil organization with teeth => When it didn't work well this season, why would they do a better job next season? I approve of Brainiac as a villain though. 

6.) Lena needs a plot. => I think Lena is pretty boring so far. So I don't see why she would need a plot unless it is to lead an evil organization. 

7.) No more Catco => Hasn't this already mostly been done this season? I also don't see what Kara simply working for another newspaper would add that CatCo didn't add. It would make more sense for Kara do something related that is not a newspaper. (like run her own blog network or something, or create a newpaper FOR aliens)

8.) Kara as a real reporter => I'm not the biggest fan of Kara as a stereotypical reporter, because again the writers didn't know what to do with it this season, why would that change in the next. Not to mention that it always threatens to feel like a ripoff of Clark. 

9.) Pick a central conflict => Errr, the reason why the show has hostile visitors because some people do watch for the fight scenes and those are needed to provide interesting fight scenes for a character of the strength level of Supergirl. And as others noted, I really disagree that there wasn't a central conflict in season 1 and one could argue even season 2 has some fairly central themes (aliens on earth, people versus their backgrounds). 

10.) Give Winn a Win => Errr, he has a girlfriend and a cool job and a cool best friend. What else does he need? What's wrong with being a supporting character? Do we really need every damn person to also try and be a superhero? 

11.) In need of space => I actually do agree that I would like to see more of Supergirl maybe on other planets, but I disagree that Supergirl shouldn't at the end of the day be tied to her city. 

12.) M'gann => I think the reason she was removed is because it's already pretty hard for the show to come up with villains who are a physical challenge for Kara. The more high powered superpeople Kara is surrounded with (since J'onn and Mon-El are there already) the harder it gets to construct anything that feels only remotely threatening. I liked her, I liked her a lot, but I think it makes total sense why the writers might think it would be hard to fit her into the show more permanently.

13.) James => I agree he needs to get a good plot. But  as I said before, I really disagree that it would be interesting to see Kara as the lead of an entire team of superheroes. I would rather see James get an actual business storyline or maybe even something like a romance (like let's say a villain that flirts with him => he doesn't actually have to go for it, so it doesn't have to end in a relationship). I would even support bringing some element of James/Kara back as a contrast to Kara/Mon-El

14.) Give Mon-El A Story => Again, what crack is the writer smoking. Mon-El comes with an entire rat's tail of story, including high profile supporting characters. If the writer just means, give him a storyline far away from Kara that is one thing. But shouldn't most people be on the train of Mon-El maybe getting less screentime. 

15.) Kara/Mon-El Breakup => As others have said, there is jackshit evidence that Kara and Mon-El breaking up would lead to less screentime for him or them as a pair. In fact, a breakup with a potential getting back together in the cards would give the writers even more reason to devote screentime to him than if he was the faithful background boyfriend. 


In short, I really disagree with most of these, PARTICULARLY with the idea that Kara should get her own Team Flash/Team Arrow, which seems to inform a lot of additional points (like James, M'Gann etc). Or that femminism would be served better by giving James and Mon-El other storylines and Kara having to share the hero-limelight with even more people. 

I think an interesting conflict for a future season would be Kara trying to exist independently of the DEO since they provide so much of her backup. Now that would truly be a huge change and would force Kara to stand on her own way more than any reporter storyline would provide. 

Edited by tofutan
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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Partly funny April Fools joke, but it also goes to show that people are noticing the influx on Mon-El over other characters.

I wonder how many people's heads exploded when they read this.

But I also wonder whether that's really the suit that Chris Wood said is coming down the road for Mon-El and that he also said would be very close to Mon-El's iconic comic-book look.  If it is, I think the design leaves something to be desired.

3 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Not April Fools: Chyler Leigh and Floriana Lima are attending the GLAAD Awards tonight. I believe the show is nominated; I have no idea what their odds are, but am crossing my fingers for them!

I really have to give Chyler and Floriana credit for the way they've enthusiastically embraced the Sanvers relationship and have given their all to delivering such realistic performances (given that neither one of them is gay in real life).  Chyler also said in another tweet that she was proud to be representing with Floriana at the GLAAD Awards.  I can only imagine what they'll say if the show wins.

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14 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

Can somebody point to me to where James was confirmed for season 3? I'm kinda worried about him. 

This person https://twitter.com/search?q=lemon_buzz&src=tyah seems to have a bunch of behind the scenes info that has proven to be correct, and she said he signed the same 6 year contract the rest of the main cast are on, so I would assume that unless he or the network are actually breaking the contract, he's with the show for at least 6 years, unless it gets cancelled before that.

(I couldn't find the actual tweet that I originally saw, but it was a response to someone asking about season 3).

Edited by kalamac
because I didn't link the tweet itself.
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Supergirl: Katie McGrath Is in Love With 'Badass' Lena Luthor — Aren't You?

She is aware that a subset of the fandom ships Lena and Kara:

TVLINE | Do you remember the first time you heard the term [Supercorp], or who from?
Who did I hear it from…? I couldn’t even tell you…. I think it was Melissa, actually, who first told me. I’ve played quite a few characters that have either been gay or they’ve had, you know, some very obvious gay undertones, and to be completely honest, this was the first time I was like, “Well, this role doesn’t have any!” You’re laughing now — how naive was I? And then after the first episode… I go back and I watch and I was like, “Oh, yeah, now I can see it. That makes sense to me.”

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So I like the show's take on Superman (and TH in the role) MUCH more than I've liked Mon-El/CW, but I have to confess, I'm not excited about yet another male superhero swooping in and taking time away from the characters I actually want to see on-screen. It's so painfully obvious that the network has no interest in an actual female superhero that it's both sad and maddening.

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The show had him swooping in to save Kara even back in season 1, before he had a face. Since they set it up that way, now every time something reasonably large happens, they now have to set up a reason why he can't be there or, like here, have him show up. Maybe they will use him to set up how credible the threat is. Ie the badguys take even Superman out, but Kara is the one who defeats them. 

If the end of the season is likely gonna be a big action piece and not a character piece, I think having Superman there will be an asset, to make the action feel bigger. 

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10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Finally! Some news I can be happy about! Maybe his Supes can kick Mon's ass.

My speculation is that Superman will be giving Mon-El the Legion Flight Ring that is in the Fortress of Solitude. In the last episode they filmed the ring (2x17) and then focused on Mon-El. It seemed to be foreshadowing to me, particularly when Mon-El in comics is one of the Legion members who owns a ring.


And we know for interviews that there is a supersuit for Mon-El, so the finale seems to be an appropriate moment for him to start his comic-y superhero path (we know for interviews that his development as a hero will continue in season 3).

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Give me all the Kara-Maggie tension and fun Kara-Lena interactions, show! Super excited for both dynamics. Also, I am pretty sure the clips are from the next few episodes, as I am 99.9% sure the


Kara-Maggie stuff is from 2x19.

Moderately excited for more Rhea, but I'd be a LOT more excited if it didn't mean more Mon-El.

Edited by stealinghome
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On 2017-04-06 at 11:05 PM, kalamac said:

This person https://twitter.com/search?q=lemon_buzz&src=tyah seems to have a bunch of behind the scenes info that has proven to be correct, and she said he signed the same 6 year contract the rest of the main cast are on, so I would assume that unless he or the network are actually breaking the contract, he's with the show for at least 6 years, unless it gets cancelled before that.

An actor signing a contract only commits the actor, not the show.  Colin Donnell signed a 7 year contract with Arrow and he was killed off at the end of the first season.

On 2017-04-11 at 10:03 PM, stealinghome said:

So I like the show's take on Superman (and TH in the role) MUCH more than I've liked Mon-El/CW, but I have to confess, I'm not excited about yet another male superhero swooping in and taking time away from the characters I actually want to see on-screen. It's so painfully obvious that the network has no interest in an actual female superhero that it's both sad and maddening.

I agree with all of this.  It also seems like they have no interest in showing Alex kicking ass either since this season she's been more about her relationships with Maggie and her father than her job at the DEO.

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