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S08.E03: Final Approach

Snazzy Daisy

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Great end to the disaster plane crash epic.  I know some people don't like them and sometimes they don't work but when they do they are fun to watch.  I thought this one worked really well especially part 2 but part 3 also was really fun.    I loved the kid and actor guy.   Plus I love how the old couple continued to be helpful.  

Athena and Bobby are a mood.   Really thought the scene where the plane stopped right in front of Bobby standing on the stolen fire truck was really well done.  

I actually forgot there was a story going on with the guy who killed Athena's old cop boyfriend but I liked that it was quickly ended.  It was really just a way to get Athena on the plane so she could save the day.   Yeah I get people who don't like Athena might get annoyed with Athena the hero but this is that kind of show.  Athena IS A HERO and Bobby will always be there to save her.   That is kinda the point.  

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Somebody's gotta be the hero in this kind of story. Tom Cruise doesn't do it for me like Angela Bassett does, so I'm happy to see her get to be the one.

Thinking about Athena forgiving the guy who killed her first husband, I thought about how her relationship with Bobby primed her to be able to do it. People can't take back what they did, but they can try to do as much good as they can, and not repeat their past mistakes. Carrying around toxic stagnant misery about it doesn't heal anyone. But it's easier said than done, so I like that it took her this much time to get there.


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2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

 Yeah I get people who don't like Athena might get annoyed with Athena the hero but this is that kind of show.  Athena IS A HERO and Bobby will always be there to save her.   That is kinda the point. 

When they had the kid pilot freeze just before touching down I was in that camp, thinking bad things about the actor having can't lose Dwayne Johnson type of contract. I'm glad he snapped out of it and took over.

The fire not spreading, after watching the many episodes of Air Disasters  and the slide detaching was a step too far. Still an A episode, for a show a rarely watch. I'm glad I went live and will catch up on Law & Order later.

On the nit pick side, have shows gotten cheaper are their not police cars on the studio lot and tan police uniforms to simulate the CHP eventually showing up?

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I didn't love the denouement of the three-parter.  I truly do love Bathena, but I prefer when season opening arcs are a little more spread out, which is why Bee-nado was fun, last week was tense, and this was too much.

I was also expecting a bigger twist in the black book case. 

The British actor interacting with Oliver Stark's Buck was kind of fun, though.  Expectedly meta.

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2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I actually forgot there was a story going on with the guy who killed Athena's old cop boyfriend but I liked that it was quickly ended. 

When they came to the car in a long term parking lot I knew someone else remembered 48 Hrs. I was expecting one of my go to movie  quotes "I've been busy"

Edited by Raja
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This show really knows how to do great big moments. I love Bobby and Athena so much. Peter Krause is just a rock star. Bobby standing on a fire truck in front of that plane is so ridiculous and yet I cannot tell you how much I LOVED it! One of those perfect TV moments for me.

I loved everything about this episode. This show is everything wonderful when we have Bobby in charge of his crew and they're all doing their thing. It just proves to me how much we don't need the season villains — at all — for the show to be completely satisfying.

Speaking of, the looks on everyone's faces when Gerrard was hugging Buck and telling him he was taking him under his wing were hilarious. Don't know that I'm looking forward to seeing that story play out (Gerrard can't leave fast enough for my tastes), but that moment was funny.

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10 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Athena and Bobby are a mood.   Really thought the scene where the plane stopped right in front of Bobby standing on the stolen fire truck was really well done.  

Shortly before this scene my cat walked up onto my lap and I booped him on the nose, so in my head, when the plane came to rest just feet/inches away from Bobby, I couldn't help but say out loud "BOOP!".

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OK, I've been enjoying the over-the-top crazy shit this show does, even defending it to people who think it's too much. But the plane landing two inches from Bobby was ridiculously absurd. I can buy a lot but that was just a bridge too far. It was plenty enough just to have Athena crash land the plane on the freeway, but the very idea that Bobby isn't dead right now is way too much even for me.

The show wants to maintain some semblance of reality, or else the entire arc with Athena and Jenkins has zero emotional heft, or the scenes between Athena and her kid co-pilot. I'm used to all the crazy and even silly rescues and disasters. But this was like a cartoon. 

Side note, I noticed that Gavin McHugh (Christopher) is still in the opening credits. I wish I knew what his deal is with the show.

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I so badly wanted the episode to end with the news anchor announcing that "we have Kareem Abdul-Jabbar here for his thoughts on this current plane crash situation..." Or we at least could have gotten a giant truck of beer tearing down the freeway. 

This is why this show doesn't need villains, its so much more fun when we fight swarms of killer bees and run away airplanes, not stupid cardboard cutout villains. This was a ton of fun, I don't even care how ridiculous it is that Athena and a cute kid managed to land a whole ass plane on the highway or that Bobby  was able to stand there and bop the tip of the plane, that was a blast. Bobby and Athena must be tired of these "if this is the last time we can say we love each other" speeches, they must have given them about six times in their few years of marriage, no need to worry about vow renewals for them. 

The meta joke with Buck and the British actor was fun, as was the actor getting really into pretending to be a firefighter, only to pass out as soon as he saw the injured soccer girls leg. I laughed almost as hard as I did when the asshole captain gave Buck a giant hug at the end, Buck could not have been more baffled. 

I like how things played out with Athena and the guy who killed her fiancé, I was sure he was going to die saving Bobby, redeeming himself, but I like this better, it gives Athena a lot more closure and its a good moment of character growth. 

"Is Bobby the IC of the scene?" 

"I'm just going with it." 

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10 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

Silliness aside, I love the whole OTT sequence of Bobby waiting for Athena on the top of a fire truck on a runway.

It's very reassuring, very masculine. 💙     


Rrowr. 🔥 When I saw Bobby first standing there, I knew it was because if Athena's plane ate it on the 110, Bobby wanted to be right there to go with her. (Not that he felt suicidal, just that they were in it together, for better or worse.)

10 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:



I swear, Bobby makes this same hand signal when he's directing a fire truck into the station.

Honestly, I forgot all about the prisoner in this episode and wondered if that was Jem's dad for a sec as everyone was debarking.

Jem, kiddo, don't let this go to your head. We don't need you becoming AirJonah as an adult, faking mechanical issues as a pilot.

Athena, just drag the probably-dead copilot to the slide, throw him down and pick it back up on the ground. Gotta be better than both of you dying of smoke inhalation.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
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As a wise person once said, "Bobby and Athena: danger is their kink." 😀

I love these two so much. They're like a soap opera supercouple to me. I completely understand why some people aren't into them because they are...a lot. It's obvious that somewhere along the line the show decided to take these two from being just part of the show to basically making them an in-show Marvel series. 

That moment when Bobby realizes one of his loved ones is in danger and he makes that switch to "I'm not losing another family" mode is like a drug for me.

There's so much "this couldn't happen" it boggles the mind and I'm happy to handwave it away but one thing is starting to become a pet peeve for me....

Athena gets into these situations but her clothing never reflects it at the end. (I damn near lost my mind last season with her wearing those white pants in the cruise ship episodes.) In this one she goes through all that stuff and still her hair is laid, her clothes are fine and in no way does she smell like someone who's been through a fire. Come on.

Edited by marceline
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57 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Just watched this on Hulu.

Best LOLs for me:

  • [Athena to ATC] Change of plans. We’re taking the freeway.
  • Plane nose stopping a few feet from Bobby
  • Captain Gerard hugging Buck


Every season Angela Bassett does one line reading that makes me pump my fist.

Last season it was "He doesn't have any damn dongle!"

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As a hopeless romantic seeing Bobby as the perfect romantic hero willing to do anything and everything to get to his lady love made me swoon. Athena being a badass is in her DNA,  but she also has a soft vulnerable side that is shown only to a few. In this episode it was Jem & Bobby(and to a certain degree Dennis) as the recipients. AB & PK will always be in the forefront of this show; as the highest paid actors with numerous Emmy & Golden Globe nominations, (Golden Globe & Emmy wins for AB with an honorary Oscar to boot), and EP credits, it would be a foolish business decision to have them languish in the background and not have them do the heavy lifting. They have proven time and time again they can deliver the goods. The show runners are simply getting a return on their investment. 

*Rant As a staunch Bathena fan I was greatly disappointed in the post disaster reunion. We had grand romantic gestures throughout the episode, their chemistry jumping off the screen and when it's time for the big payoff no private moment for an I love you in person, no kisses, no hugs, just straight to the Dennis Jenkins situation. Who would have thought the person getting a hug this episode would be Buck? 

What the show does so well is now that the opening disaster arc is over, the show will shift and begin to explore the goings on of the team members both professionally and personally(with a full season to work with). We are in store for some fascinating character development, humorous sometimes gutwrenching plot lines, along with some goofy ass rescues and I'm here for it.

9-1-1 often colors outside the lines for dramatic and/or comedic effect and that's why I love this show. It doesn't take itself too seriously all the time and is not afraid to go beyond the constraints of reality to keep us entertained.

Edited by MrsDixon2U
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Fun episode although I kind of didn't buy Athena remaining anonymous. I mean I get that they had to do it. Otherwise she becomes an international celebrity (I mean look how famous Sully got, and he was an actual pilot). At the same time there were 100's of people on that scene, plus police scanners. And no one leaked that Sgt Grant landed the plane. It also kind of screws over the little kid, since that would be a story he should rightfully be able to share with everyone for the rest of his life.

Also I have never driven in LA but I have driven on some other highways that would probably qualify for busiest in North America, so I was curious would the 110 really just be a basic 3 lane highway?

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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I am fully cognizant that none of us watch the show for realism, but wouldn't a plane have a defibrillator at the very least? And maybe an autopumping CPR compression whatever that Chimney brought onto the plane?

Also, Athena calling in dispatch to get the fake agent and telling dispatch that she was in "long-term parking" at LAX made me laugh. The paddy wagon is going to be looking for them for a long time. The international airport near me has literal miles of long-term parking.

Edited by bilgistic
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3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I am fully cognizant that none of us watch the show for realism, but wouldn't a plane have a defibrillator at the very least? And maybe an autopumping CPR compression whatever that Chimney brought onto the plane?

For that matter if you are going to get some random person to land the plane, wouldn't a flight attendant make more sense that a police sergeant? I mean at least the flight attendant might have gotten some basic training (or just picked up some things on the job) or at least know how to communicate with air traffic control.

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7 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I am fully cognizant that none of us watch the show for realism, but wouldn't a plane have a defibrillator at the very least? And maybe an autopumping CPR compression whatever that Chimney brought onto the plane?

I just shut out that whole situation especially the throw away line at the end that said he will make a full recovery. Hours of chest compression with no ventilation then exposure to toxic smoke and he's going to make a full recovery? No.

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7 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I am fully cognizant that none of us watch the show for realism, but wouldn't a plane have a defibrillator at the very least? And maybe an autopumping CPR compression whatever that Chimney brought onto the plane?

Also, Athena calling in dispatch to get the fake agent and telling dispatch that she was in "long-term parking" at LAX made me laugh. The paddy wagon is going to be looking for them for a long time. The international airport near me has literal miles of long-term parking.


18 minutes ago, marceline said:

I just shut out that whole situation especially the throw away line at the end that said he will make a full recovery. Hours of chest compression with no ventilation then exposure to toxic smoke and he's going to make a full recovery? No.

It's almost as if they need a consultant on set. 😁

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Apparently, no one called 911 in Los Angeles for those few minutes, allowing all the 911 Center folks to stand around and watch the landing live on TV.  At the very least, a few dozen people would have called in to report that a plane was landing on the highway.

Would they really send the young woman with the broken leg down the chute on her own?  Or wouldn't someone at least yell down that she was injured?


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23 minutes ago, Raja said:

The plane was on fire. The passengers were about the only thig that worked.

The APU fire started after she evacuated.  But I wasn't questioning the need to leave the plane; even without a fire, that's got to happen.  But her friend who has been by her side the entire time helps her to the door, then sends her down the slide without going with her or immediately after her to be yelling out she's hurt, she's got a broken leg, maybe to make sure the people on the ground didn't pull the person with the broken leg to a standing position?  They were lucky she was able to keep her balance, especially once the actor firefighter passed out.  But she was remarkably cool.  I'm pretty sure if it was me with that leg injury I'd be yelling out that I was hurt and/or weeping with pain.  

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Just watched this ep tonight, really good! I laughed out loud when she landed the plane right in front of where Bobby was standing. Of course she did. I really wanted the kid to do it though and get over his fear. That would have been great. I know she's had it all season, but when did Jennifer Love get that nose ring? Horrible look haha.

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On 10/11/2024 at 9:42 AM, iMonrey said:

 the plane landing two inches from Bobby was ridiculously absurd. I can buy a lot but that was just a bridge too far. It was plenty enough just to have Athena crash land the plane on the freeway, but the very idea that Bobby isn't dead right now is way too much even for me.

Also, how did the tires get seared off the wheels of the plane? Wasn't landing on the freeway surface similar to landing on the runway surface? Was that just so there was a reason for the fire to start after landing?

11 minutes ago, eel2178 said:

Also, how did the tires get seared off the wheels of the plane? Wasn't landing on the freeway surface similar to landing on the runway surface? Was that just so there was a reason for the fire to start after landing?

Well yes and no runways are swept clean more for the engine intakes, freeways generally are not. Something big enough might get the CHP to run a traffic break to drag it off to the side to be dealt with at zero dark thirty. In any case I would just run with the damage to the plane from the bee-nado collision had already seen to the damaged tires

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2 hours ago, Raja said:

Well yes and no runways are swept clean more for the engine intakes, freeways generally are not. Something big enough might get the CHP to run a traffic break to drag it off to the side to be dealt with at zero dark thirty. In any case I would just run with the damage to the plane from the bee-nado collision had already seen to the damaged tires

I would assume that the standards for maintenance of a airport runway would just generally be higher than the standards for a highway. Like on a runway they probably aren't going to just ignore potholes. 

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