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Season 01

North of Eden
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I fully expect this to get deleted as understandably it does not belong in the SURVIVOR forum but since it is the most active CBS reality show board there is no better or busier place for it. If there is someone around still that has the power to delete this then you likely have the power to add a official THE SUMMIT forum to the site. Please do us that kindness so we will have a place to discuss.



That was actually excellent.

Probably the best new reality show to come along in over a decade.

The reason why it is so good it strips away all the fluff. To wit:

The host isn’t there to coddle you or praise you on how you are a roll model, representing etc. Manu is stone cold steely (borrowing from Crixus I suppose) laying down the hard truth. You are going to fail if you keep this up.

Next we have NO protection from the vote. There is no anonymity. You have to own your vote. And props to the boot for saying what I halve always said -why would you ever hug the people that have cost you your dreams after everything involved in traveling to the far side of the world. Good on Rose. She was badass military pilot much respect.

The instead of fake (edited)ery like made up A.I. or crap there felt like there was real danger of Tony being in serious jeopardy.  Which reminds me that’s another plus….casting real damn people! When’s the last time that’s happened.

Members perfectly willing to leave Bo behind was an awesome throwback to how things used to go in real life back in the olden days. I’ve read a lot of shipwreck, doomed expedition stories and stuff like that happened all the time. It was a nice peak into human nature before the conditioning of 20/21st century life.

And the final thing that makes it great is that the producers are evil genious coming up with the idea t hat if someone quits or can’t make it the jackpot gets lower…the stakes that in the end you could wind up with a small to nothing jackpot is delicious.

Now a few quick takes on the players I can remember:

Every reality show needs a villain and Shweta is doing her level best to step into that role.

Please let the New YAWK accent woman go next. Can’t hack that voice.

Theron and Rob are so beta….don’t care for either of them.

Dusty-lantern jawed leading man material right there. I expect him to go far.


Anyway to sum up-a very promising start…enough for me to forgive this delaying TAR until spring.


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It was fascinating to watch Rose unknowingly earn her eviction over the player they almost left at the rope bridge and had to carry the backpack for to even try to get him to finish the route.  Amazing!  And, she thought she was out strategizing everyone else.  The real start of her end was when she was arguing with Becky about which players should be prioritized coming over the rope bridge (and she openly told Becky that Amy and Bo were her priorities).  With all of the other options for voting out, it was quite telling how over Rose they were that they sent her packing over Bo (and others).  However, someone did raise a valid point that they would lose the money should Bo quit, so maybe they should vote him out in order to split his money rather than lose it.  

It will be interesting to watch the long term decision making: keep the weak because we 'feel' for them and their dreams while risking our own money?  Save our alliances even at our own personal cost?  This could be a really interesting show...

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Is Amy the one who's constantly crying?

I would've liked to hear how the guy who collapsed and was medically eliminated is doing. I feared it was cardiac related. 

I do like that there forced to publicly cast their vote but I don't really care for the rule that they must eliminate someone at each checkpoint. The trek seem daunting enough cause a lot of attrition.

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23 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

It was fascinating to watch Rose unknowingly earn her eviction over the player they almost left at the rope bridge and had to carry the backpack for to even try to get him to finish the route.  Amazing!  And, she thought she was out strategizing everyone else.  The real start of her end was when she was arguing with Becky about which players should be prioritized coming over the rope bridge (and she openly told Becky that Amy and Bo were her priorities).  With all of the other options for voting out, it was quite telling how over Rose they were that they sent her packing over Bo (and others).  However, someone did raise a valid point that they would lose the money should Bo quit, so maybe they should vote him out in order to split his money rather than lose it. 

I think that Rose believed it was 2024 and not 1954, and women are allowed to have opinions and voice them.  "She doesn't want what I, big manly-man (right, Denis!) want.  She's so bossy!  What do you mean -- "girl boss" is a good thing?  That makes no sense!" When a man calls a woman bossy, he's just showing his own insecurity.

Bunch of stupid-ass jerks haven't figured that it will take ALL of them working together, as another drops at each checkpoint, to reach the top.  "Alliances" at this point are self-defeating.

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14 minutes ago, snarts said:

Is Amy the one who's constantly crying?

I would've liked to hear how the guy who collapsed and was medically eliminated is doing. I feared it was cardiac related. 

I do like that there forced to publicly cast their vote but I don't really care for the rule that they must eliminate someone at each checkpoint. The trek seem daunting enough cause a lot of attrition.

I agree that there will be a lot of 'natural' attrition, but then they lose that money.  They only get to add money when they vote someone out.  So, we may see a LOT of helping others through the trek just to vote them out at the next elimination to keep the money.

I'm surprised there wasn't talk of voting out Amy as she really slowed them down initially and, yes, was crying throughout.

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2 minutes ago, JH Lipton said:

I think that Rose believed it was 2024 and not 1954, and women are allowed to have opinions and voice them.  "She doesn't want what I, big manly-man (right, Denis!) want.  She's so bossy!  What do you mean -- "girl boss" is a good thing?  That makes no sense!" When a man calls a woman bossy, he's just showing his own insecurity.

Bunch of stupid-ass jerks haven't figured that it will take ALL of them working together, as another drops at each checkpoint, to reach the top.  "Alliances" at this point are self-defeating.

My original comment was not about her having opinions, but rather how insistent she was-even with other women, so it wasn't a 'how dare she argue with them men...' thing. It's also about overplaying way too early in the game (for example, in The Anonymous a player named Jack just got eliminated for way overplaying too overtly, so it's not a male/female differential-it's a 'read the room' issue).  Anyway, just my opinion. 

I totally agree that they have to work with each other, but by carrying the weaker players with them, they are all exerting additional energy that may be crucial as the game goes on.  Good for those who want to challenge themselves, but wanting to challenge oneself does not mean that others have to 'carry' them or their backpacks.

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I really enjoyed this but let me start off by saying, half of the people on the show have absolutely no business being on a show trying to climb a mountain.

I like how votes are out in the open and everyone knows who you are voting for.  Personally, I think they made the right decision bringing Bo across the rope bridge.  My question to everyone saying no would have been "what if it is you next time?"

I think they said there are nine checkpoints and this is a 14 day challenge?  They can afford a few slow days but not many. They better step it up.

Which brings me to Rose.  She really wanted to vote out the person who was trying to keep the entire team on pace?  That sounds like a pretty stupid reason for a timed challenge.

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

My original comment was not about her having opinions, but rather how insistent she was-even with other women, so it wasn't a 'how dare she argue with them men...' thing. It's also about overplaying way too early in the game (for example, in The Anonymous a player named Jack just got eliminated for way overplaying too overtly, so it's not a male/female differential-it's a 'read the room' issue).  Anyway, just my opinion. 

I totally agree that they have to work with each other, but by carrying the weaker players with them, they are all exerting additional energy that may be crucial as the game goes on.  Good for those who want to challenge themselves, but wanting to challenge oneself does not mean that others have to 'carry' them or their backpacks.

I wish you had used spoilers about the Anonymous - that episode wasn't available in Canada yet....

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2 hours ago, Evenshorter said:

I wish you had used spoilers about the Anonymous - that episode wasn't available in Canada yet....

I am so sorry!  It aired here in the U.S. and I didn't realize it aired on different days elsewhere.  It won't happen again.  Please accept my apologies for this.

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8 hours ago, KeithJ said:

I really enjoyed this but let me start off by saying, half of the people on the show have absolutely no business being on a show trying to climb a mountain.

Agreed, but I think I read that they just applied to be on a reality show, and the whole 'climb a mountain' was sprung on them as a surprise. 

(I would have noped my fluffy self out of there SO fast!)


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More enjoyable than I expected. However, I found the part where they had to cross the chasm in pairs tedious and wished they had shortened or edited that section better.

Edited by tv echo
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17 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Agreed, but I think I read that they just applied to be on a reality show, and the whole 'climb a mountain' was sprung on them as a surprise. 

(I would have noped my fluffy self out of there SO fast!)

I would have climbed back in the van, too. I'm surprised nobody did. Or did they? Maybe a few quit and they brought along alternates in case that happened? They still ended up with a good portion of people who physically can't complete this task.

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5 hours ago, Tango64 said:

I would have climbed back in the van, too. I'm surprised nobody did. Or did they? Maybe a few quit and they brought along alternates in case that happened? They still ended up with a good portion of people who physically can't complete this task.

If I didn't go back in the van then, I'd have bailed at the rope bridge. "Please, just leave me behind!"

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I don't think they had any idea of the actual challenge. They must have known there was a physical component based on the backpacks, bedrolls and North Face branded clothing (presumably provided to them). But climbing the Misty Mountains...I wouldn't have volunteered for that! 

Disgusted with the alpha male nurse already. You don't go home with "absolutely nothing," you pig. You go home after a once in a lifetime experience that you will never forget, and gain an appreciation of the determination of your fellow humans. I feel very sorry for you and your future patients if that's "absolutely nothing". I am so tired of the Villain trope, I know every reality show wants one, but it's so "Dark Side of the Nineties: Reality Shows." Overdone and tired.

Otherwise, am looking forward to seeing what's next. Oh, yeah, and that rope bridge crossing. How long did it actually take? I would think the teams that fell off were hauled back to the beginning and had to start again so it must have taken hours. Then hauling the high rope back over for Bo, stringing it up and having the boys go back over again...it was edited drastically but still, as noted above by another poster, was still too long. And I would have said, "Bye, it's been good to know you all." I have an absolute terror of swaying balancing kinds of devices. I don't even like ferris wheels!


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4 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

Disgusted with the alpha male nurse already.

Yep. It seems obvious that they will eliminate sluggards who delay their climb and stop them from reaching the checkpoints. But there is good potential for an "insufferable asshole" elimination and this guy is on course to be the recipient of one of those.

It occurs to me that each time you have to make a "bivy camp" is an elimination opportunity missed, where you don't get to steal anyone's cash. So you want to drag your sluggard to the checkpoint and then eliminate him!

Back to "Alpha Male Nurse Guy"... Anyone know a website where I can go and put names to the faces? I have no idea what "Alpha Male Nurse Guy" is actually called at this point. Which makes discussing him a little tedious...


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