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Thomas Ravenel & Kathryn Dennis: Will He Put A Ring On It?

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News reports from South Carolina suggest that the Ravenel campaign is really struggling with their poll numbers. The number being bandied about now is an ice cold 8%. At an advertised event at his plantation several weeks ago, newspaper reports indicated that the turnout was poor, with about 50 supporters in attendance. Whether this number included the Bravo crew, including the production staff, it didn't say, but it did say that several cast members were there and that it was being filmed. To top it off, Thomas and his confidant/henchman Will Folks are on the outs. Folks apparently reported Thomas to the police for harassment last week but the issue was resolved without charges being filed.

That's a shame...I was hoping the show would help the guy's campaign overall. Granted, I'm sure most of us more liberal/progressive folks here wouldn't agree with many of his political beliefs, but one can't help but root for the guy after he proved to be such a likable rascal who just wants a second chance.

On the flipside, his latest family pics with Kathryn and Kensie are just adorable---they seem so insanely happy, which is nice to see.

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You know, I love Thomas as a reality show cast member but have a hard time seeing him as a legitimate politician. He appears to be articulate and well mannered, nonexistent traits among most other Bravo reality TV cast members and many politicians, but something about his campaign strikes me as insincere and contrived.

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According to the Charleston City Paper, T-Rav is quitting Southern Charm again. Apparently, he's upset that some of the Bravo film crew were at the debate Monday night. Also, he's still upset that they showed his "fanny" (his words) in season one. Fanny. Hee. IMO that Thomas is aware of just how poorly his campaign is going and is looking for scapegoats. I have no doubt that Bravo can manipulate filming and their casts - it wouldn't be Bravo if they didn't - but Thomas is coming across like a petulant child who wants to quit playing because his team is loosing.

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It really looks like Thomas is unravelling. The latest from the Charleston City Paper reports that a woman filed an assault charge against Thomas. The woman, supposedly Katherine's friend and stylist, describes in her police report a very unpleasant drunken confrontation with T-Rav. What's most disturbing, she reported that he fell into a pool with baby Kennsington. I'm so hoping this isn't true - no family, whether Bravo fame whores or not, deserves any type of drunken violence. If this is proved to be true, then at the very least Thomas should be immediately fired from Southern Charm. Any Charlestonians know the details on this?

You're very welcome. And thank you, too. Hopefully you can get some good scuttlebutt.

Wonder how Bravo will edit T-Rav's campaign? I m expecting that with his I'm quitting-no I'm not -yes I am flip flopping and his latest shenanigans that T-Rav might have worn out his welcome with Bravo and will get the crap edit this season. I fully anticipate record scratches and cricket chirps during his political gatherings, with the camera lingering over empty chairs and people playing their iPhones.


The woman, supposedly Katherine's friend and stylist, describes in her police report a very unpleasant drunken confrontation with T-Rav.

I suspect Thomas is an entitled, mean drunk. I remember the scene outside a restaurant where he seemed enraged and physically threatened Whitney over a disagreement.

Thomas is 52, right? I've noticed that men who have been drinking heavily as long as Thomas probably has (since the teenage years) often develop very unpleasant personalities when they're drunk. Add to that his general sense of entitlement and you have a recipe for a man I wouldn't want to spend time with, much less marry, even if he was the father of my child. He's got Southern charm, that's for sure, but I have a feeling that underneath there's some ugly stuff. Kathryn may be fortunate NOT to have married him. She can walk away now without the stress of a divorce and still get child support, while perhaps painting a case against him getting custody or a lot of visitation due to his behavior. He may have more money but likely she has the upper hand.

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Southern states typically have the laws rigged to protect the old moneyed.  It's a vestige of the old plantation system.  I'd be very surprised if Kathryn gets anything besides a decent child support decree.   If TR decides to be a dick and not pay it, good luck to her collecting.  It'll cost her a ton in legal fees.  The rich know what they are about, y'all.


Unless TR's heart really has grown à la the Grinch, it would go against everything we've seen for him to not fight for what he believes is his, let alone be generous long term.

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There was a Washington Post article a little while ago that talked about fundraising for mid-term elections campaigns. It stated that Lindsey Graham has a gigantic war chest and that Thomas was barely registering on anybody's radar. Also, the thrust of the article is that South Carolinians are so uninterested in challengers that incumbents are not worried.


Katherine probably played Thomas, planning to stay with him only if his political fortunes improved. On the other hand, I think he regularly abuses multiple substances, and things may not have been pretty behind the scenes. He may be unraveling.


I'm pretty sure the courts would award Katherine primary physical custody of a baby, unless she's proven unfit. But I wouldn't be surprised of these parents share joint custody.

You read my mind!! I thought the same thing, and she looked horrible as well. I thought they had broken up. Can't he find a cultured, classy woman closer to his own age? I did catch him glancing over at MJ's boobs now and then. Who could miss them?

He's not in love with Kathryn, that is apparent from his answers to Andy's questions. I think he's still in the "consideration" stage of marriage because he knows it would never last, and she'd have him over a barrel for both child support and alimony. This way, he's only obligated to pay child support and he'd never deny that baby anything.

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How wasted was T-Rav on WWHL tonight?! He's just so darned likable, despite everything - I just can't help it.


It was SUCH a bad decision to have Kathryn tag along for the show, because otherwise, I think he and MJ would've got on like a house on fire.

He is definitely a charming guy. I found his chemistry with MJ really cute. I wouldn't mind having a couple of drinks with them. Kathryn had such a sour expression when the camera panned to her.

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TRav is a drunk and a playboy.  Who'd have him, other than a dumb bunny like Kathryn?



A drunk, a playboy, and a felon! Trifecta! He has plenty of Southern charm, manners, and of course money, but ultimately is so immature. I don't see him changing much. He may wise up and sober up enough to catch a decent woman nearer his age (38-45) and maybe even have another baby. If he wants to do it he'd better start now, before the age really starts to show on him.

Edited by RedHawk
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Nice to know I'm not the only one immune to his alleged charm.

i do see the charm but for me his sleaziness overwhelms it: the boozing, hooking up with his too young, shopworn (so to speak) baby mama, the inappropriate remarks to women (cf. Danni) last season and this season too it seems, from the previews.  He's the "old guy at the club" who's long past his sell-by date.


He's unintentionally hilarious, though, as when he hosted that "wisdom of TRav" dinner last season.  Reality TV gold.  Keep it comin'.

Edited by DeepRed
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TRav leaves me torn.  I've known guys like him IRL and hate to spend any more time around them than minimally necessary for work.  OTOH, watching him and his cohorts for an hour a week from the safety of my couch where I can laugh at his pomposity and not risk getting fired...well, I love it and find it oddly satisfying.

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In short, Thomas is far more worldly than Kathryn and bears at least as much responsibility for their relationship, pregnancy and child as she does.



Brought this over from the "Return to Neverland" episode thread.


Oh, yes, I agree. For all that Whitney seem to be trying to sell us on his "she trapped him" version, I think the others see it pretty plainly as a silly young girl and a foolish older man and both equally to "blame". My take is that they happened to enter each other's orbits at the exact right time. Both were at loose ends and needed a sort of grounding. The thing that really threw it off was the revelation that she had slept with "three men at this table". Until that point Thomas would have married her had she been pregnant when they had the first "scare". After that, he doubted her, um, morality is I guess the word he would have used. (Whatever you say about sexual freedom, it's part of the friendship -- or maybe just decency? -- code that you don't so quickly have serial sex with several members in a group of guys or gals who are friends.) 


After that came out he clearly felt somewhat foolish, yet not foolish enough to stay away from her. He could have moved along to someone else and he chose not to. The result is a beautiful little girl who's now been christened twice and has some really iffy, fame-whorish parents who are probably destined to hate each other by the time she's 3.

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I wouldn't have a baby with him, but if he wanted to practice I wouldn't object.....is that wrong? LOL

If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.  My head raises all the proper objections to him and his character, but damn.  There is just something about him that I find irresistible.  Lord help me (us)!


Of course, I also wouldn't kick Shep out of bed for eating crackers.

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