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Season 2 Discussion


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BradandJanet, I was referring specifically to Daya and her cz detective mission. I have no opinion on what anyone chooses to wear as a wedding ring in the general world. What I was saying is that if Daya thinks she's so smart about jewelry or even human nature she would realize that a guy trying to trick her would probably go for trying to impress her with something closer to perfect looking not something cloudy or dusty. So what she probably has is a diamond she finds inferior (in her opinion) not a fake. That is all.

Edited by red12
  • Love 1

Man oh Man, Daya is going to be one high maintenance, vain bitch. She was pissed she didn't get roses at the airport, she made a comment when she walked into the house about stuff being on the sofa, you just KNOW that what she is aiming for with the whole is this ring real is that she is actually wanting a bigger diamond, she just doesn't like the ring.

And did anybody else notice on one of the Skype conversations, she was asking him if he liked her new eyelash extensions????  She wants an American with money and Brett ain't it.  Can't wait until she meets his kid.

  • Love 5

Puffaroo: I agree with your list of what Danielle could do to approve her looks but you forgot..... 'loose 50 lbs'


I was addressing what would make her look *younger*.  There are plenty of large people who are attractive, because they work at it a little.  A different wardrobe would help her, too,

I was in the manager's corner last week because he was spitting truth but this week I thought he was a spiteful lil' bitch for what he did at that 'fan event.' I thought it was unprofessional to blindside his client like that, especially since Yamir stated that he has kept his private life private. To me it smacked of Yamir is leaving the group high and dry for a blonde, hair, blue eyed American, especially since he had Chelsea stand up.


Chelsea is probably too young and inexperienced to figure this out, but she didn't have to stand up -- turn around and wave, darlin', and get used to the idea that if you're engaged to a national pop star, you're going to be in the public eye.

Chelsea is probably too young and inexperienced to figure this out, but she didn't have to stand up -- turn around and wave, darlin', and get used to the idea that if you're engaged to a national pop star, you're going to be in the public eye.


Exactly. Plus, Yamir and Chelsea are showing their relationship on a TV show, so the pouting, sobbing and crestfallen-ness, over their manager publicly talking about their relationship and that they're moving is just rings of insincerity. 


And all the manager said was that Yamir had fallen in love with the love of his life and was moving. It wasn't a public version of the letter he wrote, calling her out on manipulation or a rant. It was thoughtful and sincere, kind of like a best man's speech or a speech you give to the groom whom you've known forever. I thought it was fine and timely. I thought their reactions were ... over the top and immature.


(Did she seriously think that she could take the hottest pop star in the country, right before (or after) their album is about to drop, and flee the country ... who knows when they'll be back ... and not address it?)

Edited by glow
  • Love 2

That scene of Danielle and Mohamed walking down the street holding hands totally disgusted me. There in no way in hell that 26 yr old very young/good looking man is interested in that 46/47 yr old FAT & FRUMPY women who looks old to be his mother.


Nice fat and frumpy people deserve love, too.  Just not this kind.  ;)


I'm willing to bet Danielle never gets the "Mrs." she wants, or at least not from this guy.  He's there, as someone said in the first episode thread, for a 90-day paid vacation and to get everything he can from her.  Then he's gone. 

  • Love 5

I kinda felt sorry for Brett in the beginning but now I just want to slap him into the middle of next week for being such a ninny. He's gonna get shit on but he seems like such a dumbass that he probably won't notice.

Sorry to be so negative. Maybe it's his lips that are getting to me.


He's a poor man's Jon Cryer.  ;)

He is the type of guy that wants the world to look at his situation and say "gosh, he is such a nice guy, why is she such a bitch to him?" and so he sets up these situations where he knows she is going to get mad, but to the outside world it just looks like she is just mean.


While I agree that there are people like that, I don't think Brett is one of them.  I suspect he's just clueless, not to mention awestruck that he's engaged to a woman he could never get in the States.  He's probably going to get his heart broken when she dumps him after getting her green card.

  • Love 5

I think Brett is one of those guys who will wake up 10 years from now (or whenever Daya leaves him, whichever comes first), realize he's miserable, and say "I don't understand what went wrong."  Maybe he will have matured by then and have some insight to the fact that he made a poor choice in Daya. It's sad that he's so desperate to have someone, he will settle for a woman who doesn't respect, admire, and adore him.

OK, not to sound mean or anything, but could Brett have any hope of finding a woman to respect, admire and adore him?

I believe that if Honey Boo-Boo's mom has been able to find multiple men to father her many children, there is someone for everyone. I also believe that people generally wind up with partners who are on their same page as far as overall attractiveness goes. (And by attractiveness, I mean the total package in terms of looks, education, mental and physical health, future prospects, professional success, income, and so forth.) My guess is that the women who would be willing to date him aren't the ones he wants. And the ones he wants, aren't interested in him. He's an average looking guy, over 30, can't afford to live on his own, and has no game. He could probably get someone like Danielle. But he wants someone who looks like Daya.

  • Love 13

I'd say calling Brett "average-looking" is being generous.  I am actually physically repulsed by him - especially his mouth.  His lips are like giant, poofy, slimy worms.  I also have a sneaking suspicion he has bad breath.  Every time he starts with that goofy laugh, I cringe.  I find him all-around cringeworthy and gross.


It's hard for me to watch Danielle and Mohammed because the second-hand embarrassment is SO STRONG.  I almost feel bad for Mohammed because he was probably expecting to be living someplace a lot more grand than the little po-dunk, shitty town where she resides.   That bar where her son worked looked like SUCH a dump.  I live in Columbus and I'm familiar with the type of town in which Daneille lives.  When Mohammed asked the question regarding how much a semi would cost and her brother gave him an answer, that started me on a new train of thought regarding all the questions Mohammed was going to have about America and that this family is his only source of information.  I can only imagine some of the things they are going to tell him.  They're not exactly the brightest bulbs in the marquis.  I have no doubt that Mohammed is a scammer, but on the other hand, he must be so disillusioned about America now.

Edited by TheGirlses
  • Love 7


I think Danielle and Brett might be a good match.  She is clingy, clueless and just wants a man by her side for appearances and he likes older women.  Probably no (or not much) sex but neither would get ripped off/heartbroken either.  Just a good friendly companiable marriage.

Except that, as SleepyJean noted above, they don't WANT people at their level.  They have both used their leverage as American citizens to find mates that are physically and intellectually out of their leagues. 


I feel for most of these foreigners.  They think of America and immediately associate NYC, LA, Miami, etc - yet they're all moving to butt fuck no where.  Yamir is a "star" and lives in a city.  Mohammed lived in what looked to be a city/tourist area.  Daya's command of the English language lets me know that she is also from a metropolitan area.  They're going to be sorely disappointed.


I also don't know why Chelsea needs to bring Yamir to the US.  Her Spanish is actually VERY good (I'm a native speaker) she has no detectable accent, like say Yamir's English.   Why can't they marry and move to Latin America ?


Brett's mouth looks as though he has a raging clue:   http://youtu.be/lcHy8xEt2QI

  • Love 3

I'd say calling Brett "average-looking" is being generous.  I am actually physically repulsed by him - especially his mouth.  His lips are like giant, poofy, slimy worms.  I also have a sneaking suspicion he has bad breath.  Every time he starts with that goofy laugh, I cringe.  I find him all-around cringeworthy and gross.


It's hard for me to watch Danielle and Mohammed because the second-hand embarrassment is SO STRONG.  I almost feel bad for Mohammed because he was probably expecting to be living someplace a lot more grand than the little po-dunk, shitty town where she resides.   That bar where her son worked looked like SUCH a dump.  I live in Columbus and I'm familiar with the type of town in which Daneille lives.  When Mohammed asked the question regarding how much a semi would cost and her brother gave him an answer, that started me on a new train of thought regarding all the questions Mohammed was going to have about America and that this family is his only source of information.  I can only imagine some of the things they are going to tell him.  They're not exactly the brightest bulbs in the marquis.  I have no doubt that Mohammed is a scammer, but on the other hand, he must be so disillusioned about America now.

Thank you so much for this post!  Brett's lips make me puke in my mouth a little and I cringe with embarrassment every time I see Danielle touch Mohammed.  But I can't stop watching and I wish this show was on every night.

  • Love 6

I assume Mohammed and Danielle discussed where and how she lived before he arrived, so it shouldn't be a huge surprise, IMO.

I remember being struck when Mohammed said something to the effect of "I have to find a job as soon as possible"  which makes me think he is on a whole different track.  Everyone else is like "oh, I want go get to know so and so, or I want to go out with them and meet their family"  Its only Mohammed thats like "I gotta get a job" ostensibly so he can get the hell out of there as soon as possible.  I bet if he played his cards right, he could convince Danielle that he should live in a separate apartment for the benefit of her daughters or some other stupid excuse.  She is prone to believing whatever nonsense he sells her.

  • Love 5

I assume Mohammed and Danielle discussed where and how she lived before he arrived, so it shouldn't be a huge surprise, IMO.

It would not surprise me at all if Danielle perhaps fudged that a little bit, based on his reaction to her apartment.  He seemed pretty disappointed at how small it was.  IIRC, he also asked if that was her minivan parked in the driveway, and when she gave that cringeworthy (I seem to use that word a lot in connection with this show) laugh and said no, he looked disappointed then, too.  He obviously knew what he was getting into with Danielle because she'd been over there to see him, but my guess is he thought she had at least a little money, considering she paid his way to America.  I wonder how in the world she could afford even that, to be honest.

  • Love 5


He obviously knew what he was getting into with Danielle because she'd been over there to see him, but my guess is he thought she had at least a little money, considering she paid his way to America.  I wonder how in the world she could afford even that, to be honest.

Danielle stated that she pulled alot of overtime to afford to see him.  I am thinking that Mo didn't have a chance in heck coming if TLC didn't step in. I really think it was a TLC set up. I'm not even sure if Mo came on a K-1 visa or just a visitor's visa.  But i also noticed how as soon as he came the house is too small for his taste and him questioning if the car was her's, etc.  

Did anyone catch the son was also lying through his teeth for mom about her age? Yup busted.

Daya and Brett: He's pretty dumb about the whole situation but she is an idiot as well. If she was more crafty about the ring a better way to get the diamond checked out would have been: " Diamond looks dusty honey. I hope there isn't a crack or anything. Can we just get it checked out by a jeweller to make sure its ok?"

Not a baldwin his girl - can't wait to see how it plays out.

Pop star and Not Yoko Ono - I am glad that the manager put her under a bus. He had the right to announce that the lead member was leaving for the States. Not that he said anything bad about her.

Virgin and New girl - He has how many siblings? Please do not tell me that not one of them could have come and stay at his place and play chaperone.  The guy handled it all VERY badly.  


It's like a train wreck. You cannot help watching.

  • Love 5

Danielle stated that she pulled alot of overtime to afford to see him.  I am thinking that Mo didn't have a chance in heck coming if TLC didn't step in. I really think it was a TLC set up. I'm not even sure if Mo came on a K-1 visa or just a visitor's visa.  But i also noticed how as soon as he came the house is too small for his taste and him questioning if the car was her's, etc.  

Did anyone catch the son was also lying through his teeth for mom about her age? Yup busted.


I think a setup is entirely possible. I can't fathom that Mohamed will go through with this marriage. Maybe he's here on a cultural exchange. Joke.


Mohamed's eyes are interesting, and the camera people know it. They love to catch him from the side. He turns his eyes toward the camera and looks shifty-eyed. Straight on, one eye moves a little off center, making him look as if he's thinking about something else, like his next move. Of course, this interpretation is framed through the narrative he has in the program. 

  • Love 2

I agree. Danielle's clinginess and seemingly slow wittedness is what's going to cause the problems, not her looks or age.

She seems very broken. I think that I'm just put off by how much she NEEDS him especially since they have only spent a little time together!

If I were Mo I'd be miserable in that type of situation while simultaneously scared to death that if I left she'd do something exteem. If he is here just to make a better life for himself, he really screwed himself.

  • Love 2

The Girlses said:


I almost feel bad for Mohammed because he was probably expecting to be living someplace a lot more grand than the little po-dunk, shitty town where she resides.   That bar where her son worked looked like SUCH a dump.  I live in Columbus and I'm familiar with the type of town in which Daneille lives.



I'm really familiar with Ohio, I have friends both in Columbus (a beautiful city) and in small-town southern Ohio, and visit them from the UK a couple of times a year. I know Danielle lives north of Columbus, but the type of town must be very similar to where my friends live down towards the W.Virginia/Kentucky corner of the state. I can only imagine Mohammed's utter shock and disbelief that this is not the America he's seen on TV.  A Walmart with a strip mall attached, a downtown that's dead except for a couple of crappy bars, thanks to Walmart killing off the small stores, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, lots of churches, big and small, lots of ignorance about the outside world and a suspicion of foreigners.


Where my friends live in rural Ohio, social life is either church-related or vehicle-related, e.g. truck rallies (except for hunting season, when everything else stops for killing deer).  The Duck Dynasty look is big with the guys, and, er, good luck, Mohammed finding Halal meat (which is usually lamb or mutton) in the Land of Pork. Unlike the UK, where lots of fast-food places serve halal meat, I'd be amazed if that's the case in the USA. Maybe in Dearborn, MI, but definitely not in Norwalk, OH.


No-one likes the way this is going. Except the viewers ...

Edited by essexjan
  • Love 6

The Girlses said:



I'm really familiar with Ohio, I have friends both in Columbus (a beautiful city) and in small-town southern Ohio, and visit them from the UK a couple of times a year. I know Danielle lives north of Columbus, but the type of town must be very similar to where my friends live down towards the W.Virginia/Kentucky corner of the state. I can only imagine Mohammed's utter shock and disbelief that this is not the America he's seen on TV.  A Walmart with a strip mall attached, a downtown that's dead except for a couple of crappy bars, thanks to Walmart killing off the small stores, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, lots of churches, big and small, lots of ignorance about the outside world and a suspicion of foreigners.


Where my friends live in rural Ohio, social life is either church-related or vehicle-related, e.g. truck rallies (except for hunting season, when everything else stops for killing deer).  The Duck Dynasty look is big with the guys, and, er, good luck, Mohammed finding Halal meat (which is usually lamb or mutton) in the Land of Pork. Unlike the UK, where lots of fast-food places serve halal meat, I'd be amazed if that's the case in the USA. Maybe in Dearborn, MI, but definitely not in Norwalk, OH.


No-one likes the way this is going. Except the viewers ...


I grew up in small town Midwest, and this is so true. It's like going back to the 1950's. I had that old familiar feeling watching the shots of the ride to the pool place in the episode. Mo has to be suffering some major culture shock. I feel it when I go back home, and I'm still living in the US. 

  • Love 3

Mo ... I admired him in this episode. As a Muslim, he eats meat only if its Halal. They bring him to a restaurant that's not Halal; instead of making a big deal about it or refusing to go, he just becomes vegetarian for the meal. He only talks about Halal when asked and explains it in a simply, easy to understand way. 

Edited by glow
  • Love 15

Africa is not a country, you moron!   She cannot say something "African".   Ok, back to your regularly scheduled program.

I will give them a break about their ignorance because brother and sister-in-law were gracious and welcoming to Amy. I wasn't too crazy about bro's stupid cap (even at the dinner table) or bro knocking on Amy's door, then walking in before she said "come in." Not cool. But still 1000x better than...

...Justin's family!! Holy in-laws from Hell! Why is his BROTHER'S WIFE so hateful and judgmental, with serious bitchface? Is SHE in love with Justin? What business is it of hers who her brother in law chooses to marry?. Even his mother, though shocked, at least tried to understand the situation. What's ironic is that Justin and Evelin actually met traditionally rather than online or as a mail-order bride. Maybe Dad isn't the family's sole bigot? Evelin seems sensitive and genuine to me.

I absolutely REFUSE to believe that weird Brett ever had a real, true marital relationship with attractive, fit, pleasant "Chanel." They didn't even look at each other when they met up to exchange custody of Cassidy. Maybe their past friendship was a sperm donor with parental rights deal?

And what kind of moron is Brett, making his and Daya's bed the communal sleeping place for his ENTIRE family!? Without even asking Daya, yet! That's a big house. I'm sure the granny roommates would have had ideas for sleeping arrangements. God, Brett is a dolt.

I don't understand what Amy sees in Danny. He's just not cool or understanding at all. And immature and dorky too.

Jason is a VERY old looking and mannered 38 year old. Cassia isn't a good match for him. She's a youngish dynamo and he's an old fart. Hope she doesn't show up next week!

  • Love 5

I don't know if I would call it welcoming.  She didn't just drive over from Cleveland.  She flew across the Atlantic and was probably jet-lagged out of her mind to have someone she has never met ask her to speak African to him.  She nicely said it's too early to speak African now and he asked her to say something again.  I get that she seems like a strange new toy, but still.  Then he asks her at dinner to say something in African and she said something under her breath about that not being a language.  I know he wasn't talking about Afrikaans.  Danny needs to grow up a bit.  Poor Amy was so overwhelmed.  You could see the fright in her eyes. 

  • Love 4

It's official, I'm officially rooting for Evelin and NotBaldwin to succeed if only to spite Sister-In-Law Darth Vader.  Now I know why he postponed notifying his family of his engagement, and wants to elope.  They are obnoxious dicks, all of them.  The facial contortions Darth Vader was making were rude beyond belief.  I don't understand why he's in contact with these passive aggressive, or straight up aggressive fools.  If Evelin and NotBaldwin have children, they'd be wise to never introduce them to this pack of hyenas.  Elope!!!


So many things wrong with Daya and Brett.  Did he need to pick up the daughter for a months-long visit requiring a 10 hour drive the day after Daya arrived from the Philippines?  Did his mother need to come to live with them and the two adorable elderly lesbians right away?  Immediately Daya is sharing a house with the future mother-in-law, the lesbians, and her bed with a stepchild?  And she has to spend her second day in America babysitting with a sour-faced mother-in-law. No fucking shit she'd better make sure the diamond isn't fake. Would anyone be surprised if it were?  Daya is a really good sport putting up with this garbage with a smile.  The little girl was cute but she didn't seem that much into daddy, so Daya shouldn't worry too hard.


Jason and Cassia, LOL.  Jason is married to his daddy.  These two have been married for some time and I don't think there is room for a third wheel of the female kind.  The local womenfolk of Swampview, FL, know this and are keeping Jason out of their vajayjays.  Cassia is psycho and has zero interest in Jason.  She has made this very clear, and Jason gets it - however she is really hot and he's willing to risk it, especially since after she rejects him, he'll still be married to daddy. 

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 11

Is TLC punking us? Because this level of ignorance and lack of consideration for a "loved one" cannot be for real.


Aside from "Speak African!" and walking into the bedroom room unannounced, I cringed the most when Nic said "wow, you're really tan!" That's not a tan, you moron. She's biracial.


Still can't get over the fact that Danny clearly had not spent five minutes thinking about how to ease Amy into the situation and make her comfortable. Nice kid, but he is so naively thoughtless, it's maddening.


And Brett, good grief.  Let's start with the fact that his daugter clearly wanted nothing to do with him. Or Daya. That much was obvious. Equally obvious is that he must not spend much time parenting. Telling Cassidy he is marrying a stranger and he's sure she and Daya will be best friends is the kind of idiocy you'd expect from an adult who doesn't know much about children. Even a six year old knows that's bull. Poor Cassidy. It's a testament to Chanel that though Cassidy clearly did not want any part of this, she behaved quite well. I would not have blamed her for a full on kicking and screaming tantrum. I suspect (and hope) that Chanel did not know that Daya, a total stranger who knows nothing about kids, would be the primary caretaker for the month.


Meanwhile, the roommates are ok with two extra people living there for a month? I would not be ok with that. And was grandma staying there too? And it never occurred to Brett that the sleeping arrangements would make both Daya and Cassidy uncomfortable? And what the hell was Daya chewing on? I can't wrap my head around any of it.


There is one thing I do have a better understanding of now that I've seen Chanel, and she is quite attractive. I understand why Brett is unwilling to settle for someone less attractive. Although I can't imagine how he and Chanel ever got together in the first place. Not unless there were extenuating circumstances, like they met in rehab or something.


Speaking of guys engaged to bitchy women. Jason. Another man who knows his fiance is a horror, but figures she'll undergo a massive personality change once they're under the same roof. Seriously, if a woman can't even bother to pretend to be sweet long enough to get the ring on her finger, then you know she reeeallllly doesn't care about you even a little. Why is a 38 year old man putting up with this? Is the sex that great?


Jason should maybe ask his friend why he broke up with Cassia. I get the feeling that she's done this many times before. Hopefully Jason won't be the one schmuck who goes through with it. That is, assuming she doesn't ditch him when she finds out how tight he is with his money. Meanwhile, Jason's dad isn't going to be able to bite his tongue for three whole months. I wonder if Cassia knows she's going to be living with dear old dad. It's got to be hard to watch your son screw up his life.


And why the hell was Jason taking a 5 hour bus ride to Miami? Could the Miami layover possibly be that bad?


Danielle was her usually clingy self this episode. She does not give Mohammed any personal space to speak of. Her neediness repulses me on a visceral level. His body language is so telling, although how he manages not to cringe away from her is a mystery.


And as for Justin, he knows his family is horribly judgmental and they'd be angry and hurt that he didn't tell them about Evelin. He could've spared her some of that by speaking with everyone ahead of time. But he's been far more wrapped up with his own feelings and wishes than with hers. Evelin should be so pissed off that he completely brushed off her concerns and put her in that situation.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 12

I could probably fund a Kickstarter campaign to send Amy back to South Africa in about 45 seconds. With first class accommodations.

I feel like Danny has no idea who Amy is. What did they talk about during their time together in S. Africa? Bible versus? Run far away Amy.

Not only are the Americans stupid, it seems as though their families are stupid. Honestly, they should all get green cards just for sitting through those dinners. And Daya should get one for sleeping with a kid she just met. Gah! This show. Lol

  • Love 15

14 minutes in......and let me just say, no one needs to explain to anyone why they do or don't eat meat.  And, yes, you dumb asshole bacon is meat, so no, he can't eat it.  Just because you fat asses are stuffing fatty foods in with a shovel doesn't mean thats what everyone else does, and who the hell are you to judge.  He doesn't have to explain a damn thing to that guy, who is giving all rednecks a bad name.


ETA: oh, redneck doesn't think they are in love because they don't hold hands, well sweetpea, we can't all have the same handholding intimate relationship you and your sister have.  This whole family is the pits.

Edited by RealityGal
  • LOL 1
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