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Season 2 Discussion


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For those who haven't been reading the spoilers thread, I was really surprised the host didn't ask Jason and Cassia about their fake wedding in Las Vegas. They'd been married days earlier in Florida, by Ron (Jason's dad) but had to do the Vegas thing just for the show.


They didn't talk about of the fakery on the show.  I'm not surprised.  It would have been a four hour show, if they did.

  • Love 4

I agree with the poster(s) who already said it was a nothing show. Nothing new, just a bunch of clips and more manufactured b.s. from The Lying Channel.

             I watch these kind of shows because I am fascinated by one thing, why on earth would anyone want to be on a show like this? Usually there is one or many character flaws involved and that's interesting too.

              One question I have is, has anyone questioned or do you know if Yamir was such a huge POP STAR  where is all his Myla bucks?

               And I hope Amy gets rid of Duggar Danny the coward and his hideous father and moves to a fabulous city and has a wonderful life.

Oh yeah......

 "Acceptable" means something different. It sure as hell does. It translates into repulsive.

  • Love 5

For those who haven't been reading the spoilers thread, I was really surprised the host didn't ask Jason and Cassia about their fake wedding in Las Vegas. They'd been married days earlier in Florida, by Ron (Jason's dad) but had to do the Vegas thing just for the show.


The entire interview was based on the premise that everything shown in the show was fact. That's why we didn't learn anything important.

  • Love 2

The body language of the couples told me all I needed to know.

I do not have unrealistic expectations for these couples , IMO they have as much chance as making it into. Long term marriage as any couple who meets at a party or a bar, some might last more than others, some might not , after all the divorce rate in this country is above 50% so their chances of being together for life is not set in stone as it is not set for any couple that meets in the traditional way.

My point in this show is mainly who married for the right reasons, and I could say looking at these couples' body language, all of them (except Mohammed and Danielle) held hands, touch each other, lean on each other at various times. It was obvious that they had a physical connection that might lead to the kind of love that last or can just go away.

Mohammed didn't even care enough to try to fake anything and Danielle was a meeky shadow of a woman. Mohammed is the kind of con artist who probably did made love to her when she traveled to Doha, just to seal the deal and get her completely smitten with him, enough to go through the process of requesting a fiance visa, he will treat her like crap probably until the night before they have to go for their INS interview, he probably will get approved and the he will treat her again like crap and do whatever to drive her crazy to the point that she is the one who requests the divorce. Danielle is utterly stupid and pathetic but IMO nobody deserves to be taken advantage this awful way. Daniele has nobody else to blame but her, her selfishness and her level of denial have made her the perfect target for someone with no scruples like Mohammed.

Mohammed, I do hope that you find a gold digger after you leave Danielle, I do hope that you find someone who will take advantage of you as much as you have taken advantage of her. Mohammed, I wish you nothing but the worst on your future "buzznees" of scamming stupid, oblivious and delusional American women.

  • Love 8
Good Lord, that wasn't an update, it was a clip show.  Seriously, if we're watching the reunion, we've probably already seen all those clips.



 My goodness, it was boring. I didn't watch the reunion from the first season, was it this bad?  



This reunion show was a sham. It stole an hour of my life, an hour I'll never get back. Not a single update. No one is pregnant, no one got a new pet, or found a new hobby. Pure disappointment


It was so dull that a puppy or a kitty would have been the highlight by a long shot.  Really it would have been nice to hear the participants talk about themselves and their lives as they settle in off camera, So many of the newly arrived spouses are limited in what they are allowed to do by their current immigration status and I would have liked to have heard how they were using their days.


The only thing I got from the clips is that bit with Daya about the ring did come off as less offensive (though still kind of unpleasant or at least maladroit)  than it did in the context of her ire over the roses and general bad attitude at the airport, which itself seems less dreadful in retrospect when we consider that Brett was quite late in picking her up after a long flight and she was facing another very long journey in a very short time.



I think TLC cut out a lot.


It was like one of those boring entertainment "news" shows, where it's all tease with no meat, mostly because they wind up cutting a lot of stuff when they can't hype it up with choppy editing and slo-mo reaction shots.

Edited by yuggapukka
I feel that all these couples were exploited. They and their families were portrayed in bad light by the show.

I can't agree with this at all.They wanted to be on tv and they volunteered for this. And if they were too lazy or too stupid to do their homework before signing up for it then they have no one to blame but themselves. I have no patience or sympathy for whining about how they're being judged, or claims that the editing was bad or they were provoked/manipulated into saying or doing things they didn't mean.

  • Love 7

I can't agree with this at all.They wanted to be on tv and they volunteered for this. And if they were too lazy or too stupid to do their homework before signing up for it then they have no one to blame but themselves. I have no patience or sympathy for whining about how they're being judged, or claims that the editing was bad or they were provoked/manipulated into saying or doing things they didn't mean.

I give the first season's couples a pass. When TLC came advertising on the immigration message boards all of the veterans pointed to the first season where people talked about the"documentary"and warned board members away
  • Love 2

It was Jason who asked Mo if he loved Dani. 

I thought it was smart sitting Jason and Cassia next to Dani and Mo. They were able to both ask questions and were more understanding than say Justin and Evelin might have been. 

I thought they should have asked if anyone was pregnant or had any news. I'm seriously flummoxed by the way they pursued this interview. They managed to deal with tougher issues with both the casts of  Sister Wives and Breaking Amish. On the other hand, I think they could have done a more charming fluff piece if they had chosen to go in that direction. 

I thought Danny and Amy did okay tonight as did Cassia and Jason and Brett and Daya and Chelsea and Yamir.  Danny explaining his reaction to his father was interesting.  He said viewers expected him to be angry and his decision was to be patient and bring him around. I'm more of an angry person myself, but I can understand trying a different approach. In the clip I saw more clearly that Danny's mom looks like she could be Amy's mom. The whole situation with that family is weird. 

If I were Evelin, I would be pissed when Justin said the honeymoon's over in non-flattering tone. He's good with pda, but he seems uncomfortable about marriage or whatever. What's with this guy?

Brett and his reasonings behind marrying a woman from the Philippines still make me uncomfortable. I thought it was interesting that as the season progressed they seemed to grow as a couple to where I now kind of think they're a viable couple.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 2

I was watching this with a group of friends and they were quite impressed with how he argued the love question, he deserves the green card just for going through with this.

He was quite Bill Clinton-esque with this verbal manuevering. Extra impressive because English is not his 1st language. 


That was a whole hour of nothing that makes the Sister Wives reunion look hard hitting and probative. Half the show was clips and the other was soft ball questions. Not even softball. They were snowball questions in a 90 degree F room. WTF kind of questions are: is 90 days enough, anyone here for a green card, are your relationships real? Seriously if there is only one obvious way to answer a question than don't freaking ask the question! Answering some of the questions the wrong way could potentially land them in trouble with INS.  F's all around. 


Hate to give Danny any credit but I will say that I caught some of the 1st episode and he described Amy perfectly. She is an incredibly graceful person and that grace makes her even more beautiful. The grace wafting off her is frigging palatable. All I know is that she is a better person than me because I couldn't with that old nasty racist father-in-law. Does he really have to try so damn hard to warm to a graceful angel like Amy? Worse yet, he has been 'trying so hard' and still isn't treating her as a daughter. F him.


I legit now believe that something is clinically wrong with Danielle. She is on some kinda spectrum somewhere in the annals of medicine or in someone's medical journal. I will endeavor not to stay anything about her because I just can't pick at someone I think has a true medical/pyschological problem. The face hiding was beyond the beyond . 


I almost forgot Jason was there. 

  • Love 11

Thanks for the correction, Temperance!  I was more focused on Mohamed and Ms Acceptable's body language to notice who asked.  The rest of the cast certainly seemed uncomfortable with them.  I'm not surprised that someone asked, and I'm not surprised it was Jason.


On a positive note, Cassia and Chelsea hair and makeup looked so much better in this episode.  Amy is still beautiful, as always.

  • Love 3

As much as I genuinely enjoy this show, I'm glad that this season is over.  I can't stand to watch Danielle's public humiliation by that asshole one more hour.  She may deserve the derision that's been thrown her way because of her deplorable decisions that have affected her daughters, but this is terrible.  I can't fathom how Danielle is allowing this.  Can her self-esteem really be so bad that she honestly believes that "acceptable" translates to "beautiful?"  She sat there, clinging to him like a barnacle on a ship, while he blatantly insulted her as a person and woman in every possible way.  Mohammed should be hogtied and shipped back to Tunisia tonight, Danielle should be forcibly enrolled in a life skills program for developmentally disabled adults, and her daughters should be given the opportunity to choose where they'd like to live out the remainder of their teen years.


Cassia!  I was so impressed with her new, more mature look.  No more cat eyes and horrible ombre hair!  She looked lovely and Jason conducted himself much more reasonably than how he was portrayed during the season.  Cassia is very, very young, but I have high hopes for her.


Amy looked lovely, as usual.  I absolutely hated the host's sex questions.  At what point can these kids look at people, smile politely, and say, "Sorry, that's really none of your effing business and it's a little creepy that you're even asking?"  I don't want to know what their first night of sex was like.  I want to know that Amy will have a good life in her new country, surrounded by that bunch of nosy nuts.  I was relieved to hear that that nasty old codger had cleaned up his act.  She seems to be a strong, levelheaded girl; I think she'll be fine regardless of what happens.


Evelin and Justin.  Great big MEH again.  Still don't care, never did.


Brett and Daya.  Again, Cassidy is the most important part of that equation.  I never warmed to Daya after her performance during the first several episodes.  Brett's mother is a fool for perpetuating the argument by keeping her distance.  Way to alienate yourself from your son and granddaughter.  


Chelsea and Yamir.  Chelsea had better have a job if she wants to get out of her parents' basement.  If they don't have their own place by now, it's officially ridiculous.  I can understand Yamir's employment challenges, but there's no reason why Chelsea shouldn't have a job.  I wonder if it's occurred to Yamir that his chances of making it in America as a "pop star" are remote, at best, and it might be time to redirect his focus.  He's still cute and I'm honestly pulling for him, but it's time to get real.


I already can't wait for the next season!  I want to see what happens when a couple decides not to get married (you know, like Danielle should have done).

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 14


I've noticed an interesting, generalized, forum phenomenon. When a principal shows up to post/explain, all bets are off. The principal might have been skewered, roasted and legitimately criticized for, say, phoniness, ridiculousness and questionable goals. But let her/him show up on said forum, and watch out! We love her, she's great, wow, I misjudged her!

In my opinion, I can go only on what I see, when I critique a show and its principals. Damage control after the fact on forums, etc, mean nothing to me.


I don't think that's universal.  Nicole Curtis popped over to the Rehab Addict thread and it wasn't a love fest.  Nor was it when some show participants posted on The Profit.  


I don't feel sorry for Danielle.  I don't see an innocent.  I see someone who has always put her needs first even though she has 4 kids.  She didn't wind up in so much debt because of Mohammed.  She's sitting there with a 'fancy' new bedroom suite while her electric gets shut off.  Zero sympathy from me.


I think Evelin made her point when she said things are different now that they are married.  Justin perhaps isn't as happy that she expects him to participate in his own life and mess.  Sucks to be an adult.


Yamir and Chelsea acted like preteens in puppy love.  Again.  Besides their sheepish grins and side glances, the way he physically interacts with her is like the boy who pulls pigtails. 


Brett admitting he sought out a Filipina and why --- sheesh.  And his mom objects to Daya?  She needs to be objecting to her son.


This needed to be a 3 parter.  No way to cover everything in an hour when it's 6 separate stories.

  • Love 4

It's true Danny doesn't seem to take the "race" card as seriously as he should. I don't believe he should start family wars or anything. But j do believe he should have talked to his father, or comfort Amy during this time. Or at least stop referring to Amy's background as "her race". It's so immature.

Yes I am aware he said he took the patience route and waited for time to heal blah blah. He is lucky his father warmed up because I don't believe Danny put any effort into this problem they faced. The situation worked itself out, but I feel terrible Amy had to "wait for it to work out"

This might be why some tension is noticed with them. It could be possible that Amy has been nudging at Danny to be more of a man and stand up for them. I can see Amy dojng that, even in a graceful manner, as she has expressed during her series interviews what she disliked and what she wished Danny would do before. Their "lack of marriage" was a good excuse but I think Danny should step it up before she tired of his cowardice manner.

  • Love 5

The host included Danielle and Mohamed with Danny and Amy as "before marriage virgins".  That was awkward.  Mo wants nothing to do with sex!


Anyone want to chip in with me to send Dani a dildo?

Naw,  cause I think TLC is planning a new show.  The Adventures (and "acceptable" and mandatory sex life) of Mo, Dani and Mama June.  A threesome to end all threesomes !     

        Sugar Bear will be the towel boy.

Naw,  cause I think TLC is planning a new show.  The Adventures (and "acceptable" and mandatory sex life) of Mo, Dani and Mama June.  A threesome to end all threesomes !     

        Sugar Bear will be the towel boy.


Or, they could all be contestants on "Redneck Island". 


Yes, that's a real show. On CMT.

Didn't Amy say in the interview that Danny's father hasn't yet accepted her as "a daughter" or something to that effect? I'm not sure the old guy has warmed up all that much. 


Danny is emotionally much younger than Amy. He'd better start growing up and acting like a responsible husband if he wants this marriage to be a happy one.

  • Love 3

I can't agree with this at all.They wanted to be on tv and they volunteered for this. And if they were too lazy or too stupid to do their homework before signing up for it then they have no one to blame but themselves. I have no patience or sympathy for whining about how they're being judged, or claims that the editing was bad or they were provoked/manipulated into saying or doing things they didn't mean.

I'm talking about my impression, not based on what they claim. The racist father, the hateful mother, the weird two old lady roommates and the junk shop duo co dependency was exploitative. I don't agree that just because you sign up for a show you deserve to be at the mercy of production. I doubt these people had advice, they have no money and, wrongly, they expected not to be made to look like lower class idiots.

The show is not even truthful about the scripted stories. They created every situation to make every couple look bad, except maybe Amy, though everyone knows her husband is likely gay. Even Chelsea looks selfish and lazy and spoiled, while her parents look poor.

Just my opinion, but the show put them at their worst. And I don't think they agreed or understood. Most of the fiances weren't even in the U.S.. I feel they were mislead

I find them naive, not lazy or stupid. And I feel that is a harsh judgement on people who are under great stress.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 4

Chelsea looked nothing but embarrassed when Yamir was rapping or whatever. He is going to end up resenting her when his music career fails. Yamir's English has not improved and it won't as long as he stays in the middle of nowhere with Chelsea's family.

Whoever said Ramadan would suddenly be 365 days long was right. I don't feel sorry for Danielle or Mo. They both got what they deserve: each other.

Out of all the couples, Jason and Cassia seem most likely to make it. Whodathunk it?

  • Love 3

I didn't care what Danny and Amy's wedding night was like (that's been done to death). I wanted to know what Danielle and Mo's wedding night was like.. or if there was one. 


Mo seemed pretty full of himself in that reunion, the MoHos from his FB page seem to have increased his ego to unhealthy proportions. I like how his latest FB entry has him going to Exodus: the flight of an enslaved people... Wonder if any part of that resonated for him? <g>


In the Brett/Daya drama before the wedding, Daya seemed to give Brett an ultimatum of "your mother or me". So I'm wondering if the mother was even invited to the wedding? Maybe not. Brett seems to have an annoying "it's out of my control" attitude when it comes to resolving conflicts. 

  • Love 3

Huh. Well, that was not so exciting.

I have totally changed my opinions on everyone. Well almost.

Jason and Cassia are my favorite.

I think Daya is probably a very sweet soul who is easily hurt. I feel like Brett is probably a sweetheart too.

Ok so I changed my opinions on the two couples I listed. :). It's a shame that production did them no favors in the beginning.

ETA that Daya's fingernails? Love!!!!!

Edited by Moooeymoo

Hopefully the U.S. government has him deported within 3 years.


Unfortunately the US Government probably doesn't have a procedure for deporting people because of loveless marriages, or painfully one-way relationships with the sponsored migrant having his/her eyes on citizenship only.


I'm afraid the only way to catch people is if they can demonstrate that the citizen has received payment for the marriage.


  • Love 1

I think Cassia and Jason will make it. I also think Jason looked adorable all dressed up.


I definitely found the body language between Amy and Danny off. However, when she was hunching over, I think it was because she wanted to be able to see the host. The way everyone was seated, her and Danny couldn't really see her.


I thought the special was underwhelming, but I'm not surprised. Half of the good stuff didn't air and there's no way TLC would cop to the truth, i.e. Cassia and Jason having a second wedding.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 2

I don't agree that just because you sign up for a show you deserve to be at the mercy of production.


I find them naive, not lazy or stupid. And I feel that is a harsh judgement on people who are under great stress.


I agree that none of them deserved this. But I stand by "lazy and stupid" as it behooves you as an adult to perhaps spend a day watching TLC programming before you sign up to be on a show on their network. Or google "what is it like being on reality tv."  This is what I mean by homework. It doesn't require an attorney or advice from anyone. It just requires sense. None of them deserved what happened to them, but they absolutely had a responsibility to find out what reality tv was about - particularly on this channel - before they agreed to do it.

  • Love 3

Unfortunately the US Government probably doesn't have a procedure for deporting people because of loveless marriages, or painfully one-way relationships with the sponsored migrant having his/her eyes on citizenship only.

I'm afraid the only way to catch people is if they can demonstrate that the citizen has received payment for the marriage.

The issue isn't just payment, it's payment for a sham marriage where the couple's don't live together or have can prove they have a bona fide marriage. Getting money from your fiance can be evidence of a relationship and financial support.

You are right, there is no procedure for loveless marraiges. Not all countries require love to be a reason for marriage. The U.S. recognizes arraigned marriages, and relaxes other requirements if they are contrary to religion. They want to see the couple are living together, pay bills in both names, pay taxes, etc. If love was a requirement most of these marriages wouldn't hold up, not just Danielle.

I really doubt that any of these couples make it.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 1

I don't think Mo ever lied to Danielle. He looked closer to tears tonight than she ever did. Why was she burrowing her face into his shoulder? We can still see you, Dani

I never thought I'd be speaking up for Mo but he seemed to be making an effort to be truthful (ish). he could have easily just answered with a flat out lie "yes, I love her and that's why I'm here" but instead he tried to say something more accurate, the whole 60/40 thing. I would guess that the ratio is more 99/1 but he's not a total and complete liar, he's just not.

I'll also go out on a limb and say Danielle just *might* be the type of person who hears what she wants to hear and is not the best at facing reality or at being truthful. Whatever her mental and emotional issues are (and I waver on that, sometimes I think she plays dumber than she is as a means of manipulation, sometimes I think she needs an Appropriate Adult 24/7), I think she's pretty sketchy with the truth as well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mo and she had actually discussed this "relationship" on a more truthful and practical level: Mo wanted to come to the US; Danielle wanted a partner to help her out (with the girls'eseses); they liked each other (not loved) and would act as a couple as needed in service of the arrangement. And then Danielle got clingy and needy and lovey. It would explain why she harped on him helping the girls and letting down the girls so much.

If forced to chose, I'd have to say Team Mo.

Edited by SomethingIsMe
  • Love 5

I didn't notice any unusual body language between Danny and Amy. I distinctly remember Amy caressing Danny's delicate legs in his jeggings. Because my upper lip curled at that moment. And when Danny said something like his dad is trying very hard with Amy or something to that effect. Again, acting like he's marrying some thrice divorced, ex-con compulsive liar with a gaggle of little filthy children and his dad has to try very hard to accept her. Amy could do so much better. At times, it looked like Danny was wearing guy liner.

I was going to mention that I thought Danielle's bizarre way of burying her face into Mohammed's jacket when questioned was reminiscent of Brett's daughter, but someone beat me to it. But I also think Brett's daughter is more mature than Danielle. Danielle's reaction was more like my cat's after I walk in the bathroom and scream about my cabinet being open and seeing shredded cotton balls all over the floor.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 7

>>It's like he's throwing little tiny scraps of food in the cougar pit, and they're tearing at each other in a feeding frenzy.<<


Yeah, ToasterStrudel, and they really jump on the people who dare criticize their Mo...


There's a French saying that translates roughly as "old girl"... an older woman who acts like a little girl... think Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" Seems to fit Danielle too with her weird behaviour last night (hiding behind Mo's jacket like she was Cassidy's age).  And it's interesting how she perceives anyone who goes against her as a person motivated by jealousy and/or lust for Mo. All those friends trying to talk sense into her: must be like screaming into a dead phone.

Edited by canadawoman
  • Love 3

I never thought I'd be speaking up for Mo but he seemed to be making an effort to be truthful (ish). he could have easily just answered with a flat out lie "yes, I love her and that's why I'm here" but instead he tried to say something more accurate, the whole 60/40 thing. I would guess that the ratio is more 99/1 but he's not a total and complete liar, he's just not.

I'll also go out on a limb and say Danielle just *might* be the type of person who hears what she wants to hear and is not the best at facing reality or at being truthful. Whatever her mental and emotional issues are (and I waver on that, sometimes I think she plays dumber than she is as a means of manipulation, sometimes I think she needs an Appropriate Adult 24/7), I think she's pretty sketchy with the truth as well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mo and she had actually discussed this "relationship" on a more truthful and practical level: Mo wanted to come to the US; Danielle wanted a partner to help her out (with the girls'eseses); they liked each other (not loved) and would act as a couple as needed in service of the arrangement. And then Danielle got clingy and needy and lovey. It would explain why she harped on him helping the girls and letting down the girls so much.

If forced to chose, I'd have to say Team Mo.

This. I firmly believe they had an arrangement and that Mo upheld his end. I also think he is very interested in working and that sitting around the house is basically torture. I think Danielle did not uphold her end of the deal and that's why Mo is so unhappy and frustrated. Notice when the host asked if Mo thought Danielle was now being honest about the finances - he immediately shook his head no, while Danielle nodded yes. She admits that she didn't think her financial issues with her ex was relevant to her current marriage. I am sure there's a lot she is hiding, re: the money, and Mo will never get the truth.

  • Love 6

While I agree that when you sign up for a reality show, you run the risk of being portrayed in an  unflattering light, I don't agree that by virtue of signing up, you can't still be pissed about how you are portrayed. Case in point, Daya and Brett. Imagine being filmed for hours and hours, then the editors choosing your very worst moments out of context to put together an image that may not be accurate. So when Daya stepped off the plane, I doubt the ONLY convo they had was over the flowers, but TPTB showed that one moment when she commented about the flowers, which was bitchy, but she was probably tired, hungry and bitchy after a long flight. I know I would be. Next they show her commenting about the ring. If my fiance gave me a ring that had a visible flaw, I'd want to get it checked out too. Not that I thought he was trying to pull a fast one, but I would think he might have gotten ripped of, as many men know nothing of jewelry. But they edited it to make Daya seem like a demanding bitch. I think Brett is a fragile guy, who was dumped badly and wants to try to have insurance, in the form of a foreign wife to keep from being dumped again. And Daya is tying to escape poverty, as so many of the women in the Phillipines do. I just think that TPTB decided what their "storyline" was and edited to meet that storyline. 


Same for Evelin. My guess is that when Justin applied, he said on the application that  his family didn't know. How much do you want to bet that TPTB made him promise NOT to tell before they could film it? THen some members of his family like SIL, made a few bitchy comments, all caught on camera and it became the "his family doesn't approve, we are going to elope storyline". But isn't it funny how it ended up to be a well planned wedding? That's hard to pull off in 90 days. My guess is that the wedding was planned as a family event long before the cameras rolled and all the drama about elopement was strictly for the cameras. Same with Jason and Casia and her "should, I or shouldn't I" the night before the wedding when in fact they were married.


So yeah, they are at the mercy of the TLC editing monkeys, but that doesn't mean they have to be happy  with the product.

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 8

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