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Season 2 Discussion


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It will be interesting to see if Daya does another amazing personality transformation now that the kid is out of the picture. Daya will be the center of Brett's attention again, and like the other foreign fiances, will have absolutely nothing to do all day. I wonder what Brett's housemates think of all this. Brett doesn't seem to be in any hurry to move out of there. Although you'd think an engaged/married couple would want their privacy.

  • Love 1

After reading through today's pages, I am a bit lost.  When did they say or show Jason & Cassia living at a retirement community with his Dad? I must not have returned in time, one episode. The house does not look like a mobile home to me. IF you know the answer, Episode I can look it up myself, would be grateful.  If it was just a guess based on his antics, I can see that too. ;-)

I don't think they live in a retirement community but posters mean the area of FL they live in is more of a retirement area than a young demographic.  Springhill the city they live in is mostly older retired people compared to Tampa an hour away.  


When I saw the beach they went to I wondered why he choose the worst beach he could find.  I live an hour north of them and drive to Anna Maria Island when I go to the beach, it's beautiful and certainly a better representation of FL beaches than where ever that nasty place was.

  • Love 1

I used to live in the Naples/Ft. Meyers area and agree there are a plethora of amazing beaches on the gulf coast.  I think they just did it to make the story line funny.

And I'm from Philadelphia, and while the middle of PA is definitely Pennsyltucky, where Danny lives is not.  Perhaps that is where the father and the family lived growing up, in a way more rural area, but it doesn't excuse his behavior.  I agree with the posters who have said that Danny and his family have probably attempted to address his father's racism in the past, but were completely shut down.  The way I see it is he exposed and embarrassed himself on national television, so at this point the family doesn't need to fight him on it anymore.. he shot himself in the foot on that one. 

  • Love 3

And let's not forget there may be a huge element of TLC setting it up to seem worse than it is to create a storyline and drama.  Because without it, what really is interesting about watching the two of them?


I agree.  Each couple has a storyline.  Justin and Evelin's storyline seems to be that she is family oriented and he is not.   

  • Love 1

I don't think they live in a retirement community but posters mean the area of FL they live in is more of a retirement area than a young demographic.  Springhill the city they live in is mostly older retired people compared to Tampa an hour away.  


When I saw the beach they went to I wondered why he choose the worst beach he could find.  I live an hour north of them and drive to Anna Maria Island when I go to the beach, it's beautiful and certainly a better representation of FL beaches than where ever that nasty place was.


"People in America don't wear bikinis."


Ummmmm...What rock has he had been hiding under for a few decades?


I got the distinct impression he took her to a shitty bitch with few people so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing her and hitting on her, much less where she might meet some hot American men on the beach and give her ideas that she could maybe (snort) do better than Casper Milquetoast.  


And that dinner at Cafe la Greasy Spoon?


Ye gads.  


Well, at least it wasn't an all-you-can-eat bargain buffet where she was instructed to smuggle mashed potatoes or sliced roast beef out in her purse.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 7

Did I miss something explaining that Justin was abused, or are you simply speculating that based on his reluctance to be close to his family?  He very well may have been, but I think asserting it as a fact is a little bit of a reach without anything to corroborate it.  

And yet people still discuss Danny's sexuality without any proof either......


Sorry - hit enter too soon.  I know I quoted this before, but I'm just picking it as a generalized reponse that one thing seems to be fine and dandy, but the other does not?

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 2

You'd be surprised. My sister recently came to live with me (we're both in our early 60's) and she still calls Asian people "oriental" which I have been told is offensive. I worked in a pharmacy as a tech with a Korean-American pharmacist, and that's who told me (I had no clue before.) She (gently) told me "oriental is a rug, I am Asian."  No matter how many times I mention it, my sister still says it (probably to get my goat.) Probably Sue never had anyone tell her not to say that (or just doesn't give a damn, like my sister.)

My parents do the same thing.  No matter how many times they are corrected.  My dad sometimes thinks saying outrageous things and thinks its funny.

  • Love 1

well, they now have giant purses and the reusable ziploc containers.  Can you even imagine?


Aw, holy hell, a light just went off inside my addled brain.


I'll bet the real reason he wants to truck off in his El Camino to Las Vegas isn't strippers or hookers at all.




Okay, Cassia, let him go.  Never mind the ladies of questionable character, it's all about the free eats with this guy.  

  • Love 5

<<<"Because" should be good enough for someone just coming on the scene who is supposed to trust her fiancé explicitly.  Support your man, Evelin!>>>


(My quote function isn't working right now for some reason.)


If I left my life behind and came to the U.S. to marry and, after arriving, found out that my fiancé had a dysfunctional relationship with his family, and I was expected to be O.K. with “because” as an explanation, I’d tell the asshole to get bent and be on the next plane home.


Justin should have told Evelin about the family dynamics before she even came to the U.S., rather than avoiding it by telling her he just wanted them to spend time alone when she asked about meeting his family.  She’s going to be his wife, for crying out loud, and he doesn’t owe her any explanations?  Really? 


Since she didn’t know about the problems, she was expecting a wedding, complete with family, so I can understand her disappointment when HE DECIDED they are going to elope.  Guess she doesn’t have any say in the matter since she is supposed to trust him explicitly and go along with whatever he decides.


Of course none of this came up when she arrived because he was too busy showing her the sink full of dirty dishes and the closet holding the mop and broom so she could get to work while he plopped his ass on the couch to watch T.V.   Welcome to America, Evelin!


This relationship is NOT a partnership and Evelin would be smart to haul ass away from Justin ASAP.

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 10

I wonder if some of these people who come here feel like they would be considered a failure in their families' eyes if they cut bait and ran home? I see so many people in the cooking world who are becoming chefs to "make my parents proud of me, show them they were wrong about me" sort of thing. I believe they genuinely care about their partners (with the exception of Mo) but there may be a bigger force behind them digging in their heels and trying to make the best of a bad situation.

  • Love 2


Interesting to see the Daya redemption arc. I haven't forgotten the Daya who didn't hug Brett back, who tersely ordered him to go get her luggage, and who complained about her ring in no less than three separate conversations before she'd been off the plane for 12 hours.



Let's not forget her bitching about the flowers he gave her at the airport. They weren't roses and she was pissed. 

You'd be surprised. My sister recently came to live with me (we're both in our early 60's) and she still calls Asian people "oriental" which I have been told is offensive. I worked in a pharmacy as a tech with a Korean-American pharmacist, and that's who told me (I had no clue before.) She (gently) told me "oriental is a rug, I am Asian."  No matter how many times I mention it, my sister still says it (probably to get my goat.) Probably Sue never had anyone tell her not to say that (or just doesn't give a damn, like my sister.)

That is community dependent. When I first got online 15 years ago the British would routinely say "oriental" and Americans like me would add the oriental refers to an object and Asian refers to the people as I was taught in 1980. To which they would come back that we (Americans) were daft, Asians are Indians and Pakistanis how else do you distinguish them from Far Eastern Asians. Around that same era I was working with Cambodian immigrants who would call themselves Oriental when I immediately went into the people and object speech as I had been programmed to do

  • Love 1

<<<"Because" should be good enough for someone just coming on the scene who is supposed to trust her fiancé explicitly.  Support your man, Evelin!>>>


(My quote function isn't working right now for some reason.)


If I left my life behind and came to the U.S. to marry and, after arriving, found out that my fiancé had a dysfunctional relationship with his family, and I was expected to be O.K. with “because” as an explanation, I’d tell the asshole to get bent and be on the next plane home.


Justin should have told Evelin about the family dynamics before she even came to the U.S., rather than avoiding it by telling her he just wanted them to spend time alone when she asked about meeting his family.  She’s going to be his wife, for crying out loud, and he doesn’t owe her any explanations?  Really? 


Since she didn’t know about the problems, she was expecting a wedding, complete with family, so I can understand her disappointment when HE DECIDED they are going to elope.  Guess she doesn’t have any say in the matter since she is supposed to trust him explicitly and go along with whatever he decides.


Of course none of this came up when she arrived because he was too busy showing her the sink full of dirty dishes and the closet holding the mop and broom so she could get to work while he plopped his ass on the couch to watch T.V.   Welcome to America, Evelin!


This relationship is NOT a partnership and Evelin would be smart to haul ass away from Justin ASAP.

I wish I could thank this several times over.

  • Love 1

As a native Georgian who as lived in several different parts of the country I'd say it's a generational thing more than a regional thing.

Regardless ,Danny and his siblings apparently all live in PA. So I think it's logical to assume that mom and dad are originally from PA too. They are recent Texas transplants.

Exactly, it was only about five years ago or so  Microsoft in an effort to show that they were the trendsetters and not Apple that MS started using interracial couples, including the biggest American fear of a dark skinned Black male with a blond women, in their advertising campaigns. Since that time you started to see all mixtures among TV characters on other shows and not just a White male with an Asian woman.

Brett should have told the old bag to mind her own business and not talk to Daya in the first place.

What is it with these "men" who just stand by and watch the women they supposedly love get dragged through the coals? I don't know any real men who would allow that to happen without saying something.

Even though I wish Brett would have set clear boundaries with Sue, he did look uncomfortable when Sue and Daya went to speak privately. All things considered, Daya handled the situation better than I would have.

  • Love 1

So much to say, but I'll try to stay organized. Obviously it would make a suckier show, but why do these people all need to get married right this second? I understand the constraints of the K-1 Visa, but what about just a normal vacation first? See what you're getting into. Know someone for more than a few months.

Cassia and Jason: She is nuts. What would she do if he had a normal 9-5 job? I get putting away the phone when you eat, but that's the risk you take when you eat dinner at 3pm to get the cheap price. I loved when she found the Playboy and his response was, "She needs to respect my past." Plenty of men have bachelor parties without strippers and prostitutes.

Danielle and Mohamed: Slow motion train wreck that keeps getting better and better. I'd like it more if there weren't kids involved, but at least they're all nearing the age of majority.

Brett and Daya: She is a cow. All the bitching about the ring would have made me just walk away and leave her. He's far from a prize himself. They might just work.

Chelsea and Yamir: She might be the worst. She keeps saying she wanted him to come to the states so he has more opportunities than he would in Nicaragua. Yet she's not willing to move a few hours to help him take advantage? And her excuse that she wants to be settled before she moves is ludicrous. Being settled only makes moving more difficult. And shouldn't he have some money? I know he's not Bieber, but being "one of the biggest pop stars in Nicaragua" should have some wealth attached to it.

Amy and Danny: It pains me to see how immature he is. He has no clue how to be an adult in an adult relationship. He needs to get with the program quickly, or she'll be miserable. I'm glad Amy is smart enough to know that his Dad is just an ass and doesn't speak for the majority of Americans. She handled herself beautifully.

Justin and Evelin: This is 100% on Justin. He's sending mixed messages. If his family has really been so horrible, or abusive, to him, then he shouldn't be in touch with them. It's that simple. But playing the game of giving a little information then telling them they're not invited to the wedding is just petty. If he hasn't given Evelin any legitimate reasons for needing distance, of course she's going to reach out since her family isn't around.

  • Love 3

So much to say, but I'll try to stay organized. Obviously it would make a suckier show, but why do these people all need to get married right this second? I understand the constraints of the K-1 Visa, but what about just a normal vacation first? See what you're getting into. Know someone for more than a few months.


Most did have a normal vacation first for some nationals like Filipinos it is hard to get a visa for a normal vacation in America because of the prejudice that they will overstay their visa and become an illegal alien. Sure some visit in a foreign land for two weeks get engaged and wait out the 8 months for the K-1 to be approved and then have 90 days to marry, but in a case like Danny and Amy they had the time that they studied together in Australia to be more like any other couple who meet as students and married upon graduation. But for most international travel is just to expensive to make multiple visits and other countries have their own immigration laws that will not allow someone to stay in a trial live together situation before deciding to marry for real.

Edited by Raja
  • Love 3

Justin and Evelin: This is 100% on Justin. He's sending mixed messages. If his family has really been so horrible, or abusive, to him, then he shouldn't be in touch with them. It's that simple. But playing the game of giving a little information then telling them they're not invited to the wedding is just petty. If he hasn't given Evelin any legitimate reasons for needing distance, of course she's going to reach out since her family isn't around.

I get Justin. I come from a crazy family and if I had to explain.... I do not know what I would do. It is very hard and difficult to explain estrangement to a loved one when it is crazily complicated. And most times, one simply recoils at thinking about it. In theory it should be shared with a s/o but sometimes the past is best kept there. That is how I see Justin.

I do understand why that would not go over well with viewers since he put himself out there on TV, etc...


Well look at that smile. LOL.

  • Love 1
Even though I wish Brett would have set clear boundaries with Sue, he did look uncomfortable when Sue and Daya went to speak privately.

He may have looked uncomfortable, but he did not look surprised. I think he knew good and well Sue was going to do exactly what she did. It's probably why they had the BBQ in the first place, since she was the only guest.


Cassia and Jason: She is nuts. What would she do if he had a normal 9-5 job?

What would she do if SHE had a normal 9-5 job?  It's odd to me that someone who is such a skinflint is taking on a young woman with zero earning potential. I'm making all sorts of assumptions here, but the vibe I get is that Cassia has zero intention of contributing to the family income.

And shouldn't he have some money? I know he's not Bieber, but being "one of the biggest pop stars in Nicaragua" should have some wealth attached to it.

Shouldn't any of these people have some money? It seems like all of these people came to the US with nothing, expecting to be supported by their fiance. Presumably all of them had to work at home, right?


If he hasn't given Evelin any legitimate reasons for needing distance, of course she's going to reach out since her family isn't around.

Here's what I don't get: Justin's family is a bunch of strangers to her. The few interactions she's had with the brother and sister-in-law have not been positive. She's only seen his mom a couple of times. How can it be SO important for her to be involved with them? It's like she wants his family involved purely for the principle of the thing. Which, to me, is stupid. If my fiance is cautious about some people he knows very well, for damn sure I, who knows them not at all, would be cautious too.


But for most international travel is just to expensive to make multiple visits and other countries have their own immigration laws that will not allow someone to stay in a trial live together situation before deciding to marry for real.

This is what gnaws at me about this show. It's expensive and difficult to visit and spend time to really get to know each other. But in the end, isn't it more expensive to gamble your future by marrying someone you don't know very well and taking on a long term financial burden?  I guess I just don't see how that's better.


I get Justin. I come from a crazy family and if I had to explain.... I do not know what I would do. It is very hard and difficult to explain estrangement to a loved one when it is crazily complicated.

This is the sort of thing that normally comes to light gradually, after knowing your partner for a while. It takes time for people to build enough comfort and trust in each other to be totally honest about their background and expose all of their warts. But they're not taking the time to really know each other, so she's trying to pry things out of him he's just not comfortable revealing yet.  Danielle/Mo and Jason/Cassia have the same issue. They haven't spent enough time together to really know the person they are marrying. And they will all pay for it in the end.

  • Love 3

I don't think they live in a retirement community but posters mean the area of FL they live in is more of a retirement area than a young demographic.  Springhill the city they live in is mostly older retired people compared to Tampa an hour away.  


When I saw the beach they went to I wondered why he choose the worst beach he could find.  I live an hour north of them and drive to Anna Maria Island when I go to the beach, it's beautiful and certainly a better representation of FL beaches than where ever that nasty place was.



Retirement communities aren't all mobile homes. My parents lived in a 55-and-over community in the Ft. Meyers area that had really nice condos and single family homes. But they did not sell to people under 55 (I think that was the age....)


Oooh, okay. thank you both ;)

Poor man's Raisin Bran is getting all soggy.  Mo must be very committed to his goal, whatever it is, to endure this romantic version of waterboarding.  Talk about a martyr for the cause!


I'm really hoping for a spin-of from TLC:


"Mo and Dani:  The First 2 Years."


C'mon, TLC, make it happen.  We know they could use the money.   

  • Love 8

That photo just makes me think his life in Tunis must've been really miserable, and/or he has absolutely no way of getting back there.


It also makes me think back to the first episode when Danielle spoke about how important it is to have someone to share physical affection with. Only she's not sharing it with him, she's imposing it on him. She has tried to brush off the fact that he is not affectionate, but if I could ask her one question, I would ask why a woman who clearly needs so much physical contact is with someone who never instigates it and does not reciprocate it.


I guess I know the answer to that. She's desperate for some love and romance and will go to any lengths to get whatever crumbs she can. Her only prospect is Mohamed, so if she has to wrestle the affection out of him, that's what she'll do. But I have to wonder how she rationalizes all of this to herself in the privacy of her own thoughts.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 4

That photo just makes me think his life in Tunis must've been really miserable, and/or  he as absolutely no way of getting back there.


It also makes me think back to the first episode when Danielle spoke about how important it is to have someone to share physical affection with. Only she's not sharing it with him, she's imposing it on him. She has tried to brush off the fact that he is not affectionate, but if I could ask her one question, I would ask why a woman who clearly needs so much physical contact is with someone who never instigates it and does not reciprocate it.


I guess I know the answer to that. She's desperate for some love and romance and will go to any lengths to get whatever crumbs she can. Her only prospect is Mohamed, so if she has to wrestle the affection out of him, that's what she'll do. But I have to wonder how he rationalizes all of this to herself in the privacy of her own thoughts.

But to me, I don't think Mohammed is really her only prospect.  There is that saying that there is a lid for every pot, and not that someone should have to settle for someone that they aren't physically attracted to, but she seems to want the lid that is 15 years younger, shiny, and pretty.  Her pot is a little older and maybe gently used.  I think she could get a guy that would really want to be around her, but he would probably be a little older and not as attractive or relatively fit (yes, I know Mo has man boobs, but still, for what we have seen of her town, Mo is probably in the top 10%)

  • Love 6

I kind of feel sorry for Justin with his mom. My late mother-in-law was the same way. In public and when she had an audience she would put on her mother of the year act and cry about how all she ever wanted was for all 5 of her kids to be close and to be a family. Yet in private she never really cared about her kids, except for one. In the 5 tears of my son's life that she was alive, she lived less than a mile from us and saw him a total of 6 times ever. She would always say no to a visit. I just think Justin mom's puts on an act for the cameras and all she really cares about is her son Jake.


I wanted to feel sorry for Danielle about losing her job. I know how hard it is when a family loses their main income. It happened to us once when my husband lost his job. But I just can't feel sorry for her because she is not putting her kids first. She should be more worried that her children have food, electricity,heat, and a roof over their heads instead of marrying someone who clearly has no interest in her,

  • Love 7

 if I could ask her one question, I would ask why a woman who clearly needs so much physical contact is with someone who never instigates it and does not reciprocate it.


Maybe so she could say someone actually wants to marry her? Has she ever been actually married before?

  I really don't know the answer to that (maybe someone else does.)

She seems DESPERATE to get married, to anyone, just so she can say she can get a guy to marry her.

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 3

Maybe so she could say someone actually wanted to marry her? Has she ever been actually married before? I really don't know the answer to that (maybe someone else does) but she seems DESPERATE to get married, just so she can say she could.

I feel like your answer is in the spoiler and media links thread.


FWIW, I don't think she is desperate to marry just anyone.  I think she specifically wants to marry someone 15 years younger and good looking.  She wants to be Cinderella and she wants her Prince Charming.....even if it means molesting his arm and face with her breakfast sausage fingers (credit to Toaster Strudel) every time she gets a chance.  Even if it means using money to support him that could be spent on her children.  Even if it means she is going to try to have a ceremony after being let go from her job.  Doesn't matter....by any means necessary.

  • Love 4

Maybe so she could say someone actually wants to marry her? Has she ever been actually married before?

  I really don't know the answer to that (maybe someone else does.)

She seems DESPERATE to get married, to anyone, just so she can say she can get a guy to marry her.


I haven't read the media spoiler thread it a while, so while I don't know the answer to this, somehow I have a feeling the answer is no. And that is why she so wants the white dress and the ceremony and the family and friends. Actually, it is more the traditional white dress that makes me feel that way. But it makes me sad that she is putting her needs to above her kids. If she had waited a few more years, when they were 18, then whatever. Spend how you want. But those kids are dependent on her, so wasting even $50 on a dress and ring when they are going to be evicted, and no electricity, etc just seems like a waste. 

  • Love 1

Here's what I don't get: Justin's family is a bunch of strangers to her. The few interactions she's had with the brother and sister-in-law have not been positive. She's only seen his mom a couple of times. How can it be SO important for her to be involved with them? It's like she wants his family involved purely for the principle of the thing. Which, to me, is stupid. If my fiance is cautious about some people he knows very well, for damn sure I, who knows them not at all, would be cautious too.

Exactly!  Draw a line in the sand for people you've at least known for more than a week!

  • Love 3

I didn't know that interracial marriages are not acceptable in the US.  


I was annoyed by a lot of things in this episode but Danny's dad remarks were just infuriating.  Just because you're a racist, backward asshat that doesn't mean your opinions are shared by the entire nation as he implied.  I can't imagine him ever accepting Amy and if I were her I'd want to move far far away from him.  Danny's mum seemed really nice and open minded though, how on earth did she end up marrying that moron is beyond me.

  • Love 1

Agree; Danielle is the female version of the aging single man we all know who whines that he just can't find a good woman but won't consider dating anyone older than 30 who weighs more than 120 pounds... Mohamad may be a terrorist; I'm not sure...

I agree with this. She wants a "hot " guy to love on, but she's not a rich woman. I mean, she doesn't even put effort into herself and he clawing at poor Mo has got to be a turn off.

Imagine her kissing at his neck? Ugh, I have this horrible tingly sensation just thinking about it. I bet she doesn't smell like roses either.

  • Love 2

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