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Season 05


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  On 4/2/2023 at 9:33 AM, shapeshifter said:

I suppose if they’re thinking of canceling one or two of the three, that it’s a chance to see how different actors/characters might mesh well on a different show if they wanted to keep them on.


Solid theory for the future, but CBS already renewed the entire FBI franchise for the next season as of February, per Deadline.

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  On 4/3/2023 at 7:27 PM, Netfoot said:

So, a three-part cross-over? Does anyone know which order the episodes should be watched in? I never watch "live" so I have to choose how to order the episodes for watching.

(Actually, I dislike the other two FBI's but I watch them on crossovers otherwise I will miss the thread.)


FBI: International - Imminent Threat - Part One

FBI - Imminent Threat - Part Two

FBI Most Wanted - Imminent Threat - Part Three

Edited by b4pjoe
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I’ll post all of my thoughts on the crossover here -

Overall this was well executed - it flowed well and gave each character a nice role, and despite it being 3 hours it was never too convoluted or hard to follow. I really enjoyed the interactions between all of the characters - it was nice to see the whole franchise come together and all of the agents work together.

I particularly enjoyed seeing Jubal in Italy, working with Forrester and company, it was great seeing Jubal out in the field doing work.

It was predictable that Nina would get shot as soon as she came along despite Jubal wanting her to stay back, and I was left unsure of whether she or the baby would survive, but I’m glad it all turned out okay.

I liked how they worked Remy and the MW team into the show, I know Remy is polarizing to a lot of viewers but I like him, and I liked seeing Scola work closely with the MW team, he was all over the place kind of but Remy was able to keep him in check.

Isobel had a nice role, and I liked how the episode ended with her and Remy, and how it wasn’t a purely happy ending, with both being worn out by the day’s events and the choices they had to make.

I know this may be a controversial opinion but I liked Jubal stepping in and stopping the other guy from torturing the bad guy, torture is always wrong and Jubal was right to intervene, I really like Jubal and he was absolutely right there are lines they don’t cross. And that dick who was torturing the guy was responsible for his death, if he hadn’t been using weapons on the guy he wouldn’t have had the chance to commit suicide, he was dead wrong to blame Jubal for what happened, and part of me was hoping Jubal would slug that douche.

The one part of the episode I did miss a lot was the command room at 26 Fed, we just had brief cameos from the analysts - Jubal leading that room is one of my favorite parts of the show, but we did get a lot of Jubal in the field which was good.

We got a lot of good detective work in piecing the plot together and the episode flowed well.

There were some familiar cliches such as the big bad Eastern European terrorists and the bombs, and the villains were all one note, but this was more about the plot and the action than the villains.

Overall I enjoyed the crossover and seeing all of the characters work together, it was good continuity between the 3 shows and I liked the various interactions between the characters, and the plot was pulled off pretty well. So I would say this crossover was a success.

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I don’t know which crew’s episode I was watching, but I saw what has now become standard for foot chases: the bad guy runs pell mell into traffic only to get flattened by a bus (or car). The first time I saw this—20 years ago—this was surprising and shocking. But c’mon … I’ve seen it too often, too many times. I think I even saw it on an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

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I didn’t care for this three-part show. I thought a lot of it was convoluted, I didn’t like the overt violence of it, and I’ll be quite honest, I cannot stand Dylan McDermont. I find him to be very full of himself. I think he’s a narcissistic egotist and just a general pain in the behind. And I really hated it when he kept calling Scola kid. I found a lot of what was happening on screen to be very predictable, especially when it came to Nina. But I am really glad that it turned out well for Nina and Stuart because I like both their characters. And I really like the fact that he seems so very happy with her and the fact that they’re going to have a little baby boy. And I liked Jubal’s part in it and I also like the way that he didn’t like how the one character was being tortured. Interesting how they did portray that on the screen since the US government is supposedly so very much against that.


But all in all, I think this three parter was nothing more than a big gimmick in order to promote all three shows. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s going to be a long-term harvesting of some characters because all three of the franchises seem to have far too many actors, and they’re not making that kind of money to support the salaries, and everything else with so many characters, and all three shows. Although when I look at the three Chicago’s on NBC, they also have a huge number of characters on each of the three shows. But the Chicago’s don’t do a whole lot of crossovers. I mean the paramedics might take somebody to Chicago med but it’s not a complete crossover like they did last night with FBI. 

Edited by KLovestoShop
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  On 4/5/2023 at 3:28 PM, Dowel Jones said:

Will someone please explain how the two bad guys in the penthouse of a highrise building managed to escape the  6 FBI agents and 6 SWAT team members?  Does no one understand the concept of perimeter control?


Standard TV/movie nonsense.  A lot of folks have been questioning lots of things like this in any procedural and the same dumb things keep happening.  I guess it would be too hard for TPTB to craft stories if they had to employ common sense.

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Personally, I didn't see any reason for Jubal and Nina to go to Paris except they had to make this a crossover.  The FBI has agents overseas for a reason, so they don't have to keep flying agents overseas.

I was surprised to see Nina.  I thought she would have been further along in her pregnancy though.  She wasn't even showing.

And please please please ditch the earpiece for Jubal.  He looks like an idiot wearing it all the time (even when he's not working).

Edited by KeithJ
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Really usually the FBI is the one that interrupts and intervenes with local law enforcement. And that really like the FBI in a sense getting a taste of their own medicine when an State Department guy tries to take over.

Stu has been gaining some character development as they are trying to make him a bit likable with Nina and her unborn baby son with him. But still the guy could had in the endangered the public and endangered himself. 

Isabella and Jubal both had in the right to withhold the information about Nina from Stu to not get him distracted. As hard as that was. Still though understand that Nina and their baby son nearly died.

But at times, Stu can come off a self righteous jerk. He thinks that he is better than everybody. 

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Best part of the entire crossover was when "Smitty" (?) ripped a strip off Jubal's ass. She was totally correct, but Jubal, instead of showing any sign of contrition was spouting off with all the "I did what I thought was right! It needed to be done! Blah, blah, blah!"

Around here we call that "Wrong & strong". He f*ck*d up, but rather than admit it, he only sought to justify his actions in terms of his own needs, rather than consider that he was the outsider in an environment that he (apparently) knew little and cared even less about.

On a different tack, I saw something when they entered the house of the family that I've seen on US television over and over and over again. It goes like this:

  1. Cop comes to the door and notices it is open.
  2. Cop draws weapon and enters uninvited. 
  3. Cop gets his ass shot clean off by homeowner.

That last (#3) is how it would go in this country, at least!

My greatest disappointment was when the kid cut loose with the 12-gauge. It would have been tremendous if Jubal had spent the remainder of the crossover in hospital, getting birdshot picked out of his over-entitled ass.

In other news, Nina getting shot was an absolute foregone conclusion the moment she hitched a ride after Jubal told her to stay back. I considered the possibility that Nina or the baby might not make it, but I doubted this show was ready to go there.

Scola, on the other hand, was an idiot for the entire crossover, and so completely at odds with his normal character's behaviour I found it jarring indeed.

Tiffany, at least, was kind enough to barely show her untalented self, and had mercifully few lines.

As for the others from the other branches of the FBI tree... well I don't know them and don't really want to get to know them, so I have little to say about them either way.

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  On 4/5/2023 at 2:34 PM, KLovestoShop said:

I didn’t care for this three-part show. . . .
I didn’t like the overt violence of it, and . . .


Except for the crossovers, I only watch the Jeremy Sisto show. 
Question about the other FBIs that come on later: Is gratuitous torture standard operating procedures on those shows? Ew. And stupid. 

  On 4/5/2023 at 2:34 PM, KLovestoShop said:

. . . cannot stand Dylan McDermont. . . .I really hated it when he kept calling Scola kid.


Every time Remy called Scola "kid" all I could see was the white hair on John Boyd's temples.

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  On 4/5/2023 at 6:15 PM, KeithJ said:

I was surprised to see Nina.  I thought she would have been further along in her pregnancy though.  She wasn't even showing.


In one scene, she was turned sideways and was showing a lot, like midway-pregnancy-showing.  

I loathed when Remy called Scola "kid".  

Edited by MerBearHou
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Yes, I also noticed Nina showing quite a bit when in profile view.  If I were to guess, she looked 4-5 months along?  It wasn't an "ate a lot at the buffet food baby" situation.  She was noticeably pregnant.

I knew instantly that Remy was going to be a douche bag to Scola from their very first interaction and Remy's poor attempts at cool-guy humor.

Btw, in a different episode of Most Wanted recently, Remy called his team, "little homies."  At least that was ridiculously stupid.  Calling Scola "kid" was just pompous.

In the FBI franchise, it's a rule that if your character gets a main storyline, you will 100% be written as an idiot or jerk.  To see that in this episode was not surprising.  But it wasn't as bad as what they wrote for OA during his ritzy condo - oh nos! - his crypto crashed! episode.

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  On 4/5/2023 at 3:57 AM, Xeliou66 said:

I liked Jubal stepping in and stopping the other guy from torturing the bad guy, torture is always wrong and Jubal was right to intervene, I really like Jubal and he was absolutely right there are lines they don’t cross. And that dick who was torturing the guy was responsible for his death, if he hadn’t been using weapons on the guy he wouldn’t have had the chance to commit suicide, he was dead wrong to blame Jubal for what happened, and part of me was hoping Jubal would slug that douche.


Me too.  Since when do we condone torture here?  

I like Isobel less and less.  Her ‘the end justifies the means’ mentality is not what I want from police or the FBI.  
I’ve only made it through episode 2 so far.  I liked Scola showing some emotion towards Jubal and Isobel.   He’s never gotten over his brother’s death on 911 and now Isobel just shrugs off the possible loss of Nina and his child. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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  On 4/2/2023 at 9:33 AM, shapeshifter said:

I wonder what percentage of viewers of one FBI show watch either of the others…. 
Hrmmm….  tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/cbs-2022-23-tv-season-ratings

Original flavor FBI is ahead of the others…🤔   
Or is there some other reason for these “crossover events” (L&O on NBC does them too) than trying to rope in viewers to stay tuned?

I suppose if they’re thinking of canceling one or two of the three, that it’s a chance to see how different actors/characters might mesh well on a different show if they wanted to keep them on.


I watch OG and  Most Wanted on a semi regular basis.  IE I don’t DVR either of them but if I happen to catch either of them I will watch.  I actually liked Most Wanted better until it started swapping out cast members including the lead.   One or two makes sense and Covid did weird things to several members of the cast but I really liked Julian McMahon in this and am not a fan of Dylan McDermit (characters not actors). The rest of the cast run hot and cold with me.  The OG FBI just runs cold and I don’t think I act “like” any of the cast which is an issue but I Watch because….. I don’t know. 

  On 4/9/2023 at 8:37 PM, Chaos Theory said:

I watch OG and  Most Wanted on a semi regular basis.  IE I don’t DVR either of them but if I happen to catch either of them I will watch.


So, have you (or anyone else here) seen the FBI teams on Most Wanted or International act as if they expect torture to be an effective way to get information??? 
I thought it was now common knowledge that it's not effective.
I've heard characters on other network shows point this out (including on OG FBI). 

I regretted watching the crossover event for this reason.

Edited by shapeshifter
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  On 4/9/2023 at 9:31 PM, shapeshifter said:

So, have you (or anyone else here) seen the FBI teams on Most Wanted or International act as if they expect torture to be an effective way to get information??? 
I thought it was now common knowledge that it's not effective.
I've heard characters on other network shows point this out (including on OG FBI). 

I regretted watching the crossover event for this reason.


Torture isn’t used often on any of the FBI shows - I don’t recall any of the 3 shows ever acting like torture is a good way to get information, it’s been said it’s not on all of the shows. On International, Forrester is a bit of a renegade who doesn’t always play by the rules but I don’t remember him ever torturing anyone, and on MW nobody uses brutality/torture, Jess and Crosby both got rough with people early on a couple of times but nothing since then. I despise torture and brutality from law enforcement and I don’t like shows that glorify it, but the FBI shows are not among the shows that glorify it. I very much liked Jubal being vehemently against torture, it was a refreshing change of pace from how some shows portray rogue behavior by law enforcement as a good thing. I’m not sure what specifically you are referring to with the other shows but torture isn’t used on the FBI shows. 

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Tonight, April 11, 2023 — 
"Obligation" Season 5, Episode 18:
"When the deputy commander of an Air National Guard Base is kidnapped and forced to give over access codes, the team has to work quickly to find the suspect along with stolen ammunition."

Sheesh. Is somebody going to get tortured by somebody every week on this show? 

Anyway, I floved Tiff's line more than Scola did, to the guy who said he wasn't going to spill information to save lives because he had to keep his family safe.
Tiff replies: 

  • "So you're God? You have some sort of magic wand you can wave around to make sure that nothing bad ever happens? It doesn't work that way."
Edited by shapeshifter
got exact quote
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Decent episode - pretty good case and investigation. I liked how they figured out who the target was and what was going on. I liked that Scola and Tiffany were featured more, I like all of the agents but I tend to enjoy the Scola/Tiffany centric episodes usually. 
Jubal was missing for large parts of the episode and was barely in it until the end, I guess cause the actor was filming in Italy around this time for the crossover. I did enjoy seeing the room of agents get more lines after being mostly absent last week. 
No unnecessary foot chases in this one! 
So a decent outing for the show this week - I did think it was a bit odd that there wasn’t more backup with Tiffany/Scola when they were outside when the wife was meeting with the villain. 

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I just caught the rerun of the episode where they caught Vargas which I hadn't seen before. I had initially liked Rina and hated that they killed her off but that episode changed my mind with regards to liking Rina; she tells Jubal that they offered her the Acting position instead of Isobel because of Isobel's handling of the Vargas case then Rina makes the exact same decision, gets saved by Isobel from following through and when she gets offered the job permanently, she accepts instead of telling the higher-ups that credit for Vargas' arrest goes to Isobel and her team and them alone? Yeah, I really dislike people who take credit for things other people did.

And if that wasn't enough, she tries to exploit her personal relationship with Jubal and wants him to spy on his boss for the benefit of her career. I really wanted Jubal to dump her at the end of the episode and I wish he would have gotten the chance.

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Finally watched the crossover eps today. I enjoyed them. At least they were true crossovers, unlike Rookie/Rookie Feds, Station 19/Greys, One Chicago. I always feel like I’ve been duped into watching shows I don’t care about with those crossovers. 

Remy calling Scola “son” struck me as a little odd, but he is 20 years older than him IRL, so 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Nothing else was on tonight so I stumbled upon season 1 of FBI on ION.  It seems so long ago that Sela Ward was in the lead role in the JOC (maybe SAIC?).  Seems so strange.  Also wow, in just the 3 episodes I’ve watched tonight, it was the Maggie-can-do-it-all show and she took the lead in every single story.  I’d forgotten how much that bugged me in the early years — I strongly prefer the later seasons and the way the writers spread around the focus and utilize the cast strengths and personalities so, so much better.  I don’t dislike Maggie or Missy at all, but Missy’s pregnancies and time away had the added silver lining of toning down the all-Maggie focus.  I have the same problem with Olivia Benson and the L&O:SVU writing so at least I’m consistent.  You have this great cast of actors — use them!  😜

Edited by MerBearHou
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5.19 "Sins of the Past" aired Apr 18, 2023:


When a trucker is gunned down after a routine trip from Canada, all signs point the team to a criminal on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list.


I had to look up Jubal's old friend NYPD Detective Jack Lombardo because I did not recognize Billy Campbell. He hasn't changed, but he is older. 

I get that the main bomber became violently mentally disturbed as a result of seeing his father murdered (and probably a lot of other stuff) but it didn't make sense that he would threaten his childhood friend's family to get him to help with the bomb plot. And how many bombs had he already succeeded in setting off? 
It seemed like when they fleshed out the back story of the main bomber, the writers forgot to go back and clean up the stuff that didn't fit anymore.


Has Jubal's backstory on FBI always been that he used to work for the NYPD? 

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This was decent - while the bomb plots are not original, I wish they would do something else for a little bit we’ve had so many “terrorists threatening to blow something up” plots this year - the episode was pulled off well enough and I always love a good Jubal centric episode so it was nice seeing him take center stage again. And while it was also predictable that Jubal’s old friend would turn out to be no good, it was still an interesting enough plot, and the look of sick horror on Jubal’s face when he realized his friend was guilty was very well acted by Sisto. Jubal’s my favorite character and so I enjoyed seeing him take on the main role in this one, I liked his scenes with Isobel and of course his scenes with the analysts in the JOC. OA was good as well. Maggie, Tiffany and especially Scola had very little in this one.

I liked the scene of Jubal and OA at the restaurant undercover, that was well done.

I bought that the bomber would threaten his friend’s family in order to pull off his plan - he had been involved in so many bombings I don’t think he cared about hurting innocent people anymore.

I’m kind of surprised given the circumstances that Isobel didn’t call in Remy and the MW team, since there was a fugitive on the loose and an all hands on deck situation. I get the actors weren’t available for another crossover but a mention would’ve been nice. Maybe they were out of town on another case.

And to the above poster’s question - yes it was established early on in the show that Jubal worked with the NYPD before joining the FBI.

So this episode was nothing new but was executed fine and I always enjoy a feature for Jubal. 

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Jubal and Tiffany seem to be NY PD before they join the FBI. And really wonder how many years the former NY PD Detective Jack will now get. Ex-cops are at the bottom of the prison food chain for an understatement.

I kind of understand Jack's predicament over in his wife getting cancer but showed he was a racist and treating O.A. like he was someone that got in his way. Jack would had gotten away with it had it not been for both Jubal and O.A.

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S05•E19 - Sins of the Past

What a quick turn - from drug smuggling to a terrorist attack, an overused trope.

There’s a moment of sadness in the scene where OA managed to establish a connection with Ahmed Khan (the restaurant owner) as a fellow Muslim and their love for America.

Dangled someone by their ankles and dropped him off the rooftop, that’s f-king evil.

When they revealed 1PP as the target, all I can think of is Frank Reagan. Silly me! 😆


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  On 4/18/2023 at 4:14 AM, MerBearHou said:

Nothing else was on tonight so I stumbled upon season 1 of FBI on ION.  It seems so long ago that Sela Ward was in the lead role in the JOC (maybe SAIC?).  Seems so strange.  Also wow, in just the 3 episodes I’ve watched tonight, it was the Maggie-can-do-it-all show and she took the lead in every single story.


Didn't they mention that she was the senior field agent in one of the early/earliest episodes? It would make sense that she takes the lead in that case. (That doesn't mean that they couldn't have written more balanced stories).

What bothers me most about these kind of things is that they establish something and then they forget about it or change it out of convenience and things like chains of commands get muddled. Often times, it creates situations that don't really make sense anymore because it changes the dynamic and/or the character etc.

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Pretty good episode - I liked the case and how it played out, no bomb plot this week, just a regular drug murder, good case. The personal stuff was worked in fine - I didn’t see an issue with them using Erin as an informant, they routinely use people involved in cases as informants and she wanted to do it. It was predictable she would show up at the end but I wasn’t sure how it would play out, glad it went okay. I liked that their was a heavy role for each of the main characters tonight, it was Maggie centric but there was good stuff for everyone.

I thought Maggie was a bit harsh with Erin at the end and seemed to care more about her professional reputation than about Erin - Erin didn’t do anything wrong here and helped them out. 

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Maggie’s sister is a better undercover agent than Maggie! She did a great job of getting the guy to trust her and knew how far to push him about her friend.  Maggie looked so obvious hovering at the coin machine I knew the bad guy was going to spot her. How was she ever going to step in at that point anyway. Can’t believe she didn’t at least wait for the drug test to prove her well, wrong about her sister not being clean. She was so annoying this episode. 

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As a woman with three sisters I can attest that relationships with sisters are complicated.  It freaking never ends.

I too really am tired of law enforcement using innocent people to further their own ends no matter what. Danger? What danger? You'll be fine. It's like there's this one goal, and if it kills you then oh well. We won.  That's all that matters. It's a strong theme on all of these kinds of shows, although it's usually prosecutors who strong arm the innocent bystanders into doing whatever it takes at great risk to themselves in order to win.  The whole scheme just really really bothers me. It's so ruthless.

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5.20 “Sisterhood,” aired April 25, 2023: 


A drug dealer is shot in a federal park and the team sets out to look for his killer; Maggie's sister returns to New York and complicates the case.


What are the odds that a long-term, drug-addicted sibling from Indianapolis is going to show up in NYC, claiming to be sober, asking for access to FBI resources because their sibling works for the FBI, and the addict sibling really is sober? I guess about zero percent chances the addict sibling is sober and should be trusted.  
The addict sibling knows this and, if sober, would acknowledge that the FBI sibling has no reason to trust her. But Erin never acknowledges that Maggie has no reason to trust her. 
So Maggie looks bad no matter what.

Edited by shapeshifter
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  On 4/19/2023 at 2:32 AM, Xeliou66 said:

This was decent - while the bomb plots are not original, I wish they would do something else for a little bit we’ve had so many “terrorists threatening to blow something up” plots this year -


Yes, when it turned out that the truck was smuggling bomb parts instead of drugs I thought that it would have been nice had it actually been drugs. But I guess, DEA would have taken over in that case?

I think it was still a good episode. While it was the primary crime and they were chasing a bomber, it still felt kind of secondary. As in, the suspense came from many other aspects of the episode and not necessarily the bomb itself.

  On 4/19/2023 at 2:32 AM, Xeliou66 said:

the episode was pulled off well enough and I always love a good Jubal centric episode so it was nice seeing him take center stage again.


I'm usually not a fan of centric episodes and even less so when OA has a prominent role as he tends to be a character who does the opposite of what he's told and gets away with it but this was actually a good episode. Great dynamic between all the major players, whether it was Jubal and OA or OA and Isobel or Jubal and Isobel, they were all good scenes.

  On 4/19/2023 at 2:32 AM, Xeliou66 said:

And while it was also predictable that Jubal’s old friend would turn out to be no good, it was still an interesting enough plot, and the look of sick horror on Jubal’s face when he realized his friend was guilty was very well acted by Sisto.


I agree, from the time that the bomber accused his former partner until the very end, we got some A+ facial acting by Sisto. His facial expressions said it all.

I loved the very end when Isobel realized that Jubal was staring at the liquor and steered him away from it. I hope the two of them get more scenes together like they did in this episode.

  On 4/19/2023 at 2:32 AM, Xeliou66 said:

I’m kind of surprised given the circumstances that Isobel didn’t call in Remy and the MW team, since there was a fugitive on the loose and an all hands on deck situation. I get the actors weren’t available for another crossover but a mention would’ve been nice. Maybe they were out of town on another case.


That's why I don't like those crossovers. More often than not the agents or detectives worked a similar plot the week before and didn't need the help of the other characters from the other shows, so it makes no sense to have them there. I get that it's difficult but I'd prefer if they tried to arrange crossovers when they fit naturally, like it would have done here.

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  On 4/26/2023 at 1:58 PM, KLovestoShop said:

Her sister pulled their bacon out of the fire, but Maggie pulls the crap that she did.


Exactly! Maggie (to sister): "You nearly ruined the whole operation!" Me: "No, actually that was you, who butted into an operation you had no business in! Do you not trust Tiffany & Scola, who were your sister's back-up? If you hadn't been hanging around the soda machine obviously staring at the two of them, nothing would have gone wrong."

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No train stations where I come from, so I really don't know for sure. But I'd have thought that pulling out a pistol and pumping two rounds into a guy would have attracted a bit of attention from the public. Not to mention SOCO, IA, and the entire dog & pony show from the authorities to determine whether the shooting was justified, plus the lawyers to deal with the hundreds of citizens who will file a class-action against Maggie & the bureau for their physical & emotional pain due to PTSD. And Maggie's obligatory visit to a shrink to prove that doing her job hasn't driven her doolally....

Edited by Netfoot
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See, you can't really judge the conversations Maggie and her sister had at face value. There's a lifetime of history going into every word spoken in that relationship. They're all grown now, but the dynamic remains the same. Just replace all the dialogue from Maggie to her sister with:

"I'm the good one! You're the screw up! Stay in your lane!"

In all of these cop shows, I can never understand why the undercover onlookers don't get spotted immediately. All the weird covert looks for no reason, sitting silently on benches, side by side, looking intently in one direction. No one even pretends to have a conversation with their fellow undercover, they just stare silently and intently toward whoever they are supposed to be observing. Maggie at the soda machine was so typical. No subtlety at all.

Shoot out inside a train station. I'm sure no one had a problem with that. Sigh.


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