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Season 04


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1 minute ago, DaveL723 said:

At the end of last night's scheduled foot pursuit, Tiffany (maybe 120 lb dripping wet) manages to knock down and instantly subdue a 250 lb ex con by jumping on his back.  Not gonna happen.

Didn't you see that coming? With all those down-filled trash-bags for her to fall on?

3 minutes ago, DaveL723 said:

Rather than be rendered passive by the touch of an FBI agent, just for once I'd like to see someone shake them off and get away.

Or the agent call out "Stop, or I fire!" and then shoot the guy in the hip, or something.


By the way, is it just me? Or is it a little contrived that the baddies are named Park & Ride?

2 hours ago, DaveL723 said:

Yeah, I know it's to heighten the dramatic tension for the audience but we all know it's not going  to go off.

Reminds me of the scene in Galaxy Quest where Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver are huddled by the bomb trigger, laughing at the fact that it stopped at 1 second remaining.  "It always stopped at 1 second on the show."

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On 2/2/2022 at 2:30 PM, Netfoot said:

By the way, is it just me? Or is it a little contrived that the baddies are named Park & Ride?

Hah! Missed that. Good catch.

So hang dog Maggie is left feeling "no good deed goes unpunished."
A news search says Missy Peregrym is expecting another baby. 
An IMDb search shows she doesn't have anything else on the agenda.
Maybe Maggie will "need a break" so Missy Peregrym can work 12+ hours per day taking care of her babies?

Edited by shapeshifter

Not a bad episode, but I felt like at times it became more about OA and his conflicted personal feelings between his job and his faith/heritage than about the case. The case was fine, but I would’ve liked more investigation and less OA personal stuff.

Scola/Tiffany were barely in this episode and there wasn’t enough of Jubal and the agents in the control room either. And the chase/shootout scene between Maggie/OA and one of the perps took way too long.

I felt Bashar went out of his way to be an asshole at times and I was kind of hoping OA wouldn’t back him up, I was kind of surprised at the end that he did, while I didn’t think Bashar assaulted the imam I did think Bashar went out of his way to antagonize him and OA should’ve said as much to Isobel. I guess that will end OA’s relationship with the imam.

James the janitor was such a blatant red herring. 

Overall this just wasn’t my favorite episode, the case was fine but they didn’t focus on the investigation nearly enough, they focused too much on Bashar/OA/the imam. And it wasn’t enough of a team episode, I prefer when all of the characters get fairly equal screen time. 

  • Love 6

3D printed six-shot revolvers. O...kay? I guess?

They didn't need six shots to kill the visiting Russian. I mean, if security was so lax that they could get to 4 feet from the guy, standing directly behind him, they didn't need a gun at all. A cricket bat would have been sufficient. 

But the guy Maggie shot did fire six rounds at OA, so maybe the design was chosen with that scene particularly in mind?

Anti-Terrorist FBI-guy was obviously a bad egg. The argument he used was faulty: The Imam might give good info without bullying, but he might not, so bring on the waterboard doctored photo! (The picture of the brother meeting with terrorists was obviously faked. The plot demanded it.) Using the argument that it might produce better results would justify any sort of unscrupulous activity! I'm surprised that he got a pass, especially from straight-arrow OA. I wonder if he will get his comeuppance in a future episode?

I'm perfectly happy with an episode that doesn't have the sun shining out of Scola/Tiffany's assholes, and (as I've said many times in the past) Jubal is the greatest waste of payroll on the part of any TV series, anywhere, ever. Props to the tech-wizzards that pulled up a full dossier on Russian Guy within a fraction of a second of discovering his name. Very believable!

Was beginning to give up hope, but then at about the ⅔ point we got the obligatory "FBI! Stand right there at maximum range while we dick around, giving you a chance to flee!" scene. Faith restored.

And when Maggie drilled the guy, wouldn't she have had to surrender her weapon to the lab, go through a lengthy process of investigation and analysis of the situation leading up to the kill-shot, wait for the findings of a review board, and (possibly) undergo psychiatric counselling before being allowed anywhere near a firearm or the streets? Or does she just get a slap on the back, a shot of rye whiskey, and a new notch carved into the grips of her pistol before being sent back out and aimed at another suspect?

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An ok enough episode I guess.  These Dick Wolf shows are the modern day equivalent of watching some moral hand-wringer back in the 30s.  In last night's episode it was OA and his wrestling with personal right and wrong.   Frankly, I think that OA and the older agent should have been interviewed at different times for obvious reasons.  Maybe OA would have been more forthcoming about what really happened if he didn't have the other guy in the same room with him.

And speaking of OA, I like the actor but he looks as if he's taking acting lessons from the Mariska Hargitay school of bad acting.  Check out his facial expressions and his body motions when he is trying to show frustration or surprise or anger.  Then go watch L & O SVU.  

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4 hours ago, Netfoot said:

They didn't need six shots to kill the visiting Russian. I mean, if security was so lax that they could get to 4 feet from the guy, standing directly behind him, they didn't need a gun at all. A cricket bat would have been sufficient. 

  Security guy:  "Hmm, nice gun.  Very light, six shots.  Good, good.  Wait, what is this?  A cricket bat?  You bring cricket bat to Russian event?  Turn around, face wall, spread feet."

  • LOL 2


5 minutes ago, jabRI said:
24 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

If you want realism each case would take all season, be boring as hell, and most likely not even find the perp in the end.

Not if done well, think of True Detective or MindHunter, and the mini-series about the uni-bomber

Just to make it plain: The quoted words were NOT mine. Dunno how that happened.

I agree that there was not enough Lupo Jubal.

It seems they could have developed the real perps' story some more instead of that long chase scene, but I guess there are viewers who require a chase or fight scene for a drama's episode to be good enough?

What will become of the surviving brother? He was in the country illegally, and his dead brother was 3D printing guns for assassins. And how did he not bleed out before getting medical help?

8 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Anti-Terrorist FBI-guy was obviously a bad egg. The argument he used was faulty: The Imam might give good info without bullying, but he might not, so bring on the waterboard doctored photo! (The picture of the brother meeting with terrorists was obviously faked. The plot demanded it.) Using the argument that it might produce better results would justify any sort of unscrupulous activity! I'm surprised that he got a pass, especially from straight-arrow OA. I wonder if he will get his comeuppance in a future episode?

Might we see the Imam and Bashir but heads again in the future? Likely with one dying?


4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

  Security guy:  "Hmm, nice gun.  Very light, six shots.  Good, good.  Wait, what is this?  A cricket bat?  You bring cricket bat to Russian event?  Turn around, face wall, spread feet."

The 3D printed gun was plastic, so it wouldn't set off a metal detector.
But, yeah, since it was not airport security, the smaller number of people to be checked would have allowed for a more thorough personal search.
@Dowel Jones, was I supposed read your made-up Security Guy's accent with a Boris Badenov accent? Because I did. Heh. 

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8 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

 In last night's episode it was OA and his wrestling with personal right and wrong.   Frankly, I think that OA and the older agent should have been interviewed at different times for obvious reasons.  Maybe OA would have been more forthcoming about what really happened if he didn't have the other guy in the same room with him.

I can see the moral issue there. The guy at the mosque was the one who turned in a terrorist to the FBI, which in turn started surveling the place looking for more (over a couple years). During that time the FBI deported (20?) people including the Imans brother who did nothing outside of being here illegally.

While the FBI can legally lie to you all it wants (except about your rights) it gives them a bad name. They turned a guy who was friendly and helpful into an enemy for no reason. Legally OA new there was nothing done that was illegal, but in this episode and others before it , it seems the FBI likes making OA use his innocent friends or people he knows and ruin them.

Edited by UnknownK
  • Love 5

The obligatory foot chase. Check. Old-school violating civil rights with impunity. Check. Judging by L&O and The Closer, lying to witnesses and suspects, threatening and terrorizing them is OK police procedure -- Brenda Leigh Johnson would be in Agent Bashar's corner all the way. Now, Fritz Howard would simply have shot the killer and would-be assassin in the head point-blank, not waited until he got off a shot while wrestling him to the ground. Since they knew who they were looking for, couldn't they just cover the exits and secure the Russian speaker instead of waiting for the perp to make his move? Oh, right, that would leave them with 20 minutes of airtime to fill. Never mind.

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16 hours ago, Bobbin said:

Since they knew who they were looking for, couldn't they just cover the exits and secure the Russian speaker instead of waiting for the perp to make his move? Oh, right, that would leave them with 20 minutes of airtime to fill. Never mind.

They had to find him first. And it's a bit hard to look for a "Russian speaker" in a large room full of Russian speakers lol. 

  • LOL 2

I'm tired of the terrorists/bomb plots every week.  Can we get a kidnapping or a bank robbery once in a while?


On 1/26/2022 at 6:38 AM, Netfoot said:

Tiffany is a poorly conceived character shoehorned into the show. She is supposed to be an ex-cop which comes off as unrealistic. The more back-story they try to glue on to the character, the more of a chimera she seems.

I agree about Tiffany.  Plus she has the personality of a wet noodle.  I like OA when he's not bringing his personal feelings into the case and I like Scola in that he's unemotional and we get to learn something about him every so often (used to be a stockbroker, brother killed in 9/11, etc), Isobel is okay and Jubal is so much better when he's not yelling.  I can't stand Maggie and wouldn't miss her if she was replaced.  

When an agent is approaching a suspect, can the agent once, just once, not yell, "Stop! FBI!" from 100 yards away?!  I would think that would be FBI training 101. 

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Like others have said, I’m beyond sick of bombings/domestic terror plots. I found the first part of this episode very dull as a result and couldn’t get into it. However the twist completely threw me, I never saw it coming that the supposed intended target was the mastermind all along, and that improved the episode. I was certain the head of the gun rights group would be the mastermind and so the twist really took me by surprise. Jubal got some good stuff, he got to go out into the field, plus interrogate the bomber, and his room of agents/analysts got some good screen time, and as I’ve said before Jubal is my favorite so I liked seeing him get a meatier role. Also interesting was Maggie/Scola and OA/Tiffany mainly working together instead of the usual pairings.

Bashar is a turd and I’m glad OA chose not to go along with what he wanted, I had little doubt he would but it was still satisfying that he backed Tiffany instead of doing what Bashar wanted. Now can we get Bashar off our screen now?

I thought this was going to be pretty bad at the start but it turned out decent. But can we end the bombing/domestic terror plots for a while and get something like a serial killer, a kidnapper, a robbery murder, a high profile murder case etc? They’ve gone to the well of bombs and domestic terror stuff too often. 

  • Love 11

Why was OA giving Bashar the  time of day in the first place?  Why go for a drink with him  to even hear what he had to say?   Why take behavioral advice from him?  He already proved  he is unethical.  Seems to me that OA would go out of his way to avoid him after the mosque episode. 
Speaking of that episode, OA admitted he hadn’t been to services in years.  So he’s probably not totally in line with all the observant behaviors of his religion.  
I was unimpressed with the investigators at the end, trying to steer OA toward a desired outcome before they even heard his opinion. 
Finally some  ethical  behavior from Tiffany regarding her former NYPD colleagues.  

Chesterfield and Muncie are about 20 miles apart off of I69 north of Indianapolis.  So it wasn’t just that they were both from Indiana.  They knew immediately each other’s background and it was extremely similar.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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14 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I never saw it coming that the supposed intended target was the mastermind all along, and that improved the episode.

I considered this as a possibility early on, but dismissed it because I didn't think the script would do anything to tarnish the angelic nature of the gun control lobby.

14 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Bashar is a turd...

And has been stinking up the show from the moment he first put in an appearance. Surprised OA ever even considered giving him so much as the time of day.

10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I thought OA was an observant Muslim.

Was it made plain what he was drinking? Could have been a coke... (I honestly didn't look that closely.)

15 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Why was OA giving Bashar the  time of day in the first place?  Why go for a drink with him  to even hear what he had to say?   Why take behavioral advice from him?  He already proved  he is unethical.  Seems to me that OA would go out of his way to avoid him after the mosque episode. 

Agreed. See comment above!

15 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I was unimpressed with the investigators at the end, trying to steer OA toward a desired outcome before they even heard his opinion.

So, Situation Normal, then?

  • Love 3

One thing I did like about this episode was that the first person they arrested wasn't someone who had nothing to do with the crime.

He led to the next person, who provided the essential clues.

II also like that Jubal was more involved here than just screaming at everyone. I felt he remained calm and handled it really well. I'm glad they're not just having him mope around all over the place and being crappy at his job because of it.

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"Scar Tissue," 3/22/2022,  Season 4 / Episode 15:
"A murder victim that has been bound with a distinct and sophisticated knot has ties to a cross-country serial killer with the same style that also relates to Isobel's father and his hotel, a revelation which transforms their damaged relationship."


The perp looked guilty the first time we saw him on screen. I kind of hate when they do that.


In the last scene, I was expecting Isobel to tell Daddy Dearest that his stalling cost the life of someone who was at his hotel and was in hiding because she feared for her life at the hands of another of his hotels' customers. Instead they went out to dinner. Sheesh.
I don't mean that Isobel's father didn't have legal/financial reasons to not share the hotel tapes before she proved their existence. I have no idea whether or not he was legally obligated, and they didn't make it clear whether or not he was obligated, except she did tell him lying to the FBI is a felony.
But it seems she would have lashed out at him about it regardless.

  • Love 5

This was a strong episode - finally an episode with no bombings!! And no domestic terror stuff either!! I was glad to see them get away from that, they’ve gone to that well way too often, so it was nice to see a classic serial killer investigation instead.

Good investigation and good screen time for each character which I liked - I liked how Maggie/OA and Scola/Tiffany got even roles plus Jubal and his room of agents and some added focus on Isobel, Isobel is the character we know the least about, so it was nice to see her get some extra focus.

The investigation was good - I did call the shot that Eduardo was covering up for his brother when they found him cleaning out the car, I felt no sympathy for Eduardo, I hope he goes away for life as an accessory to serial murder. But I liked the leads they tracked down and how they zeroed in on the killer, it was good. 

I was surprised that they didn’t have someone watching Molly - she said she didn’t want anyone but I’m still surprised they didn’t have someone keeping an eye out.

I’m not sure what to make of Isobel’s father, but I liked getting a bit more insight into Isobel.

I liked seeing the medical examiner again, we’ve seen him a few times and it was nice to see Scola/Tiffany visit him, I like seeing additional recurring characters like him.

I also liked that they had Jubal and Isobel acknowledge Jess LaCroix’s death, since they both knew him well it would obviously be on their minds and I’m glad they threw in that dialogue about him.

Overall this was strong, a good case with a good role for everyone, and a much needed break from the bombings/terrorism plots the show has done too often. 

  • Love 8

One thing that I noticed in the last few episodes, is that Jubal started assigning specific tasks to specific people in the room instead of shouting a general "do your jobs people" into a room. full of people with no one dividing the work. It only takes a few seconds but managing an investigation does no happen by magic. It has been annoying me me from the start.

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S4.E16 "Protective Details" Mar 29, 2022


After an ICE agent is fatally shot at an ICE vs. DEA hockey game, the team attempts to find the shooter who they believe may also be targeting Congressman Curtis Grange, who was at the same game.

This just started airing now, but:
The murdered ICE agent's name is "Mulder." Yes. Like. You know who.
It looked like Jeremy Sisto and Alana De La Garza were both trying really hard not to smile when they were barking orders about catching the perp who shot Agent Mulder.

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This was a decent episode, even if the domestic terror plots get overdone. A lot of the episode felt like a Most Wanted episode with the team trying to chase down the killer after identifying him at the halfway mark. Still a decent episode.

I liked how they switched things up and had OA/Tiffany and Maggie/Scola working together. Not nearly enough Jubal and his room of agents though, and not much Isobel either.

I didn’t feel any sympathy for the killer, yes his story was tragic but it’s not an excuse to go on a shooting spree, he was basically a domestic terrorist. And Grange was just a moron, he would’ve still been alive had he just taken precautions instead of ignoring security protocols just to show what a tough guy he was, it was hard for me to feel sorry for him, though I did feel for his son and I liked the final scene between OA and the son. It was ironic that both the killer and Grange were angry at the immigration system.

No bombings, that was nice!!

So overall a decent episode, not the best but not bad. 

  • Love 6

Congressman - "I'm going to give a speech on a rooftop."

FBI - "We will do our best to protect you, especially if it means standing around waiting for something to happen.  But not checking out the abandoned shoe factory across the street with a hundred different spots for targeting you."

He definitely was a tough guy.  No blood after being winged on the first attempt, and no sling or restricted arm movement at the rally.

All those donors- "Whew!  We saved a ton of money today."

Only one short foot chase this week.  Always a good idea to secure that back door before detaining a prime suspect.

Maggie and her bulky clothes.  She must be hating Tiffany. 🙂

  • Love 2

Dear FBI writers: I thought you might like to know that when you show the agents thinking a body cut open is "some demonic cult thing" while the audience has already figured out that, no, it's a drug mule thing like we've seen on other shows, it doesn't make the audience feel smart; it just makes us think the TV FBI agents aren't too bright.


I realize this isn't L&O, but I'm guessing that since the guy who murdered the 2 NYU students gave the FBI a tip that saved the life of a Federal agent, that killer is going to get a lot of time off for good behavior, which the parents won't be too happy about. But, then again, NYU grads really should be smart enough to know better than to swallow balloons of drugs in Mexico. Or maybe NYU students just don't have time to watch the TV shows that would teach them not to be drug mules.

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I laughed when Stuart said to Nina “c’mon, I just saved your life — at least let me buy you a piece of fish or something”.  It was so clunky and yet sincere.  And Nina said “you are not buying me a piece of fish.  I want a steak”.  

I enjoyed tonight — everyone got to do something — it wasn’t the OA and Maggie show.  Of course, so many bullets flying with very poor aim.

Edited by MerBearHou
Called him by his real name - John. Character is Stuart
  • Love 11

This was a really good episode - one of my favorites of the season. Really good investigation and case, and I like a good Scola centric story.

Very compelling case and I liked that it wasn’t a bombing/terrorism situation, just a regular double murder/drug case. I liked the twist that Octavio was the killer after all and that the original DNA they tested wasn’t his, and the case was intense from start to the shootout at the finish. 

Isobel made the right call by having them arrest Octavio, there were too many unknown variables at play for them to go ahead with the meeting. I liked Nina but she was a bit overly aggressive.

Not quite enough Jubal or his room of agents, they are perhaps my favorite part of the show, they were good when onscreen but not much of them. Not a lot of Maggie/OA either, but I enjoyed the Scola/Tiffany focus. I like Scola, he’s something of an enigma but he’s interesting. Isobel was good in this one and got a nice role. 

I liked seeing the ME Neil again, he’s a good recurring character.

I did think it was odd they assumed Sanatic ritual at the start instead of drug mule or other theories that were much more plausible.

Overall very stellar episode, I liked the case a lot.

  • Love 12
11 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

I liked the twist that Octavio was the killer after all and that the original DNA they tested wasn’t his

I would have liked the DNA "twist" better if at least one person at the FBI had questioned the chain of custody of the cigarette butts from Octavio to the trash bin. I mean, even if he was a smoker, that wouldn't mean they were his.


14 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

Not quite enough Jubal

Yeah, if there had been more Jubal, maybe I wouldn't be so cranky about the episode. But then maybe Jubal would have caught the (lack of the) cigarette connection and questioned the Satanic cult theory over the more likely drug mule explanation.

  • Love 8

Ok! Continuity police here, NYC version. Why were Tiff and Scola walking around with their morning coffee in front of Columbia University, all the way uptown from Federal Plaza, but just a few blocks from Grant’s Tomb?  How convenient. And really, they couldn’t call it Grant’s Tomb the way normal people do, instead of General Grant Memorial Park or whatever they said. 

Also, I thought Scola had a new girlfriend at the beginning so why is he asking out Nina at the end?  Did I miss something?  I guess the new love interest ghosted him was the implication?  

I thought it was a good case, but as I often think with these undercover situations there’s too much danger involved and not enough preparation or backup, say, for all those machine guns that come out at the end.  That can’t be how they do it in real life, is it?  

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

And really, they couldn’t call it Grant’s Tomb the way normal people do, instead of General Grant Memorial Park or whatever they said. 

You're not wrong. Even the Wikipedia article is titled "Grant's Tomb" (wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant's_Tomb) and begins with:
   "Grant's Tomb, officially the General Grant National Memorial . . . "
Maybe the writers thought even though most viewers have at least heard the place name of "Grant's Tomb," it would conjure up in their minds a small structure in a cemetery rather than a "prominent architectural land feature visible from the Hudson River" as "General Grant National Memorial" would? I might have? I've heard of it, but it's not in my daughter's neighborhood.
Or, more likely, the FBI has a practice of using "official" place names when reporting a location?
But, also, you're not wrong about "or whatever they said," heh. Scola splits the difference and says: "General Grant's National Memorial." Since I've been told actors stick to the script, I'm guessing that was a writer's choice.

As it was, I did not recognize it as a place I had heard of since it was not referred to as "Grant's Tomb," which may have just been a distraction to me if I had recognized it. Heh. I'd probably be Googling "Grant's Tomb" during the show and miss the plot points. 

  • Useful 3
10 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

But, also, you're not wrong about "or whatever they said," heh. Scola splits the difference and says: "General Grant's National Memorial." Since I've been told actors stick to the script, I'm guessing that was a writer's choice.

I have an idea—they have to say National Memorial so you know it’s federal property, hence why the FBI is solving a homicide. 

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2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

They have at least one foot chase every episode.  

One of the chase scenes involved some parkour moves, like leaping across car roofs in a single bound. 
I usually find chase scenes to be a boring waste of time, so I appreciated the gymnastics of that scene.


2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I was yelling at the TV that the cig butts were probably not his.  Why did none of the agents even consider this?

I rolled my eyes so hard about the lack of knowledge of the origin of the cigarette butts that I got a headache. I mean. They could have been dumped there by anyone.
I suppose IRL the discussion back at the FBI would have gone something like: "Yeah, the butts didn't match, but it was worth a shot, even if they weren't Octavio's"?

Edited by shapeshifter
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